East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 06, 1901, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
NSfgtH n t - I r i
t5: A Wfc.KK.
National House of Rep-
ativos' Assignments.
aacrats Six Members or tne
nd Meant. increasing me rie
eg One r-iepnurn nas m did
ciraguan Canal wiucn r-oi-
IMly the Provisions or ine
kncefotc Treaty Provision.
At the Scranton Convention the Dele
gates Introduced Resolutions Mem
oriatlzing Congress Regarding the
Issue of Injunctions.
Scran ton. Dec. . At today's
MOB Of the Federation ol Labor, ton
noolntloni wan offend demanding
re insctaenl of the Chineee exelusloi
law utiil DM commending President
Roosevelt for 111 k position on the Chi
BOM question was Introduced. A
torn iimniior of resolutions, colled tor
strict trade niitonotnv Resolutions
providing for admittance of mlm n -under
the age of 1R yearn Into union,
at n reduced per capita tax. BrOtSStlni
ngalnst subsidy legislation by on n
richr. ami calling ir appointment
a ntWIBilttOO to draft u memorial to
congress, to prohibit the granting ol
Injunctions aKMttmt organized lul
alKii were introiluced.
Convention Soon Will Be Un
der Consideration.
Came Up Before the Raisers
of Meat Foods.
Reported t I. L. Ray A Co.. Pendle
ton. Chicago Board of Trade and
New York 8tock Exchange Broker
N m York Deo, The wheat mar
ket was vcrv steady today within I
I i erDOOl closed .
York opened .n
i . t - .
MOD, iim i. I lie nouso
linn eel) slghl minutes to
I .i ' ransucted De
ri; ol the new commit
i(l)om tuiKiit until Tuesday
kt ro.l'i. linn Of a viiHt flood of
M local hills. Hepburn, o!'
lured u bill providing for
Bn of tin Niiurngunn cauul
Irloaely tin provisions of the
Kahn of California,, In
bill prohibiting the comlns
ulatintr the residence with
ed Rtates of f'hlncHe.
Mriyt and Meant.
hhsdenon enounced the
Ironiinitt. i
Means Seieno I'nyne, oi
i)ai.eii ot Pennsylvania.
lliners Qroerenor, ot Ohio:
1 Osnecticul . Steele, of in
rney. of Minnesota. McOall
Ihusctis l.o'iL- oi Kansas:
Of Wisconsin Meteall'. Of
republicans hUohsuiteoa,
Nohcrtson. of Louis-
nmi o' Virginia MeO e
York: Newlnnds. of No
r. of Texas, democrats
ii ii- Cannon, ol Illinois;
Inf IViinn Ivanin II. on. i
kUins Berne) of Wlsoon
nl Mas-uidiusctta ; Van
Ohio M.CIenrv. of Mln
ittaue r. ol New Yorh .
m Tweenies, fiiminer. of
Hurk.'ti o! Nebraska, re
l.iviiiRnt r flenrele
ArkaiiHHs e. of Colo
. f Tennessee: Kenton
topi Tavlo i Alabaniii
bcoek Remains.
I1 W "I til. democrats on
nil means committee u-nu
the rtniihli
The new republican is
ill to 111, lll.s..oM)ill!llelll
AMea Smith or Michigan
ii.i i is not fr. .
'' in- his rem. it 1. 1
lb: 'i' .ft lovlsi.i.. utllt...!..
"'eCl I ion, M.mila R.o
Med a Foreoin Pnrt ...
Says Amalgamated Hammering Wi:
By Blackmailers.
Hoston. Dec. 6 Thoa. lAwaon. who
hns lost a nillllnn becaiiHi ol the ham
niorlng of Amalgamated eopper
Rtoch. has aiblrcHRed a letter to the
holders of stock In whlcli he aaya the
attempt to Induce holders to throw
their atock Into the market Is as mean
an attempt at thievery as wan ever
attempted by any burglar or thief,
All stories tending to reduce the va.-
lie ol' stoc k In dc. htl." mo till worl
of "disappointed blackmailers."
Recommending Its Adoption By the
Senate -Leaders Hope to Have It
Ratified Before Christmas Discur
sion Will Occur Next Week Ri
port Was Unanimously Signed B-
con Reserved Right to Offer Ameno
ment During the Debats.
WasliliiKlon. Do. ii The foreign
relations committee this morning o.
fered a favorable report on .he new
llay-l'auiicefote tienty. A favorabl
report was made b) unanlmoua voti .
Ilacon, nl Ocoikih reserving the rlgh
to offei umendiiii iiu to the treaty dur
ing Its consideration In the senate
It la the Intention to call it up for '
discussion early next week. The lead
era hope to have It ratified heroic!
Be Transferred From the Jurisdiction
of the Interior Department to the
Agricultural, Claiming That the In
terestf. of the Farmers and Breeders
Will Be Better Protected Thereby
A Resolution in the Chicago Con
vantion Vd Presented.
Chicago Dec Forest lauds and
their disposition were discussed h
the livestock convention this morning
A resolution was introduced reeoni
mending that their control be trans
ferretl from th interior to the agrl"iil
turn i department. It is (landed tha'
In recent years great tracts of tli.s.
lands have been unlawfully secured
by railroads and that the Interests o;
fanners and cattlemen will be bettei
conserved b) I riinslcrr'.ng tb uittol
over yesterday
lower. R . V
fv nn advance of 1
sold down to nnd closed sr.
ago opened end closed Kile t'orn
was higher Pork. Mr. The gram
mark.ts are attracting the most at
tentlon at present and considering the
Plie s of com and oats wheat Is th.
cheapest article on the list Corn ami
oats are five to ten eeMO higher than
the hlnh mark in August, while ut,..
We look for
Arrestrd in Walla Walla
Alleged Larceny.
Porte Wants btone Abduction not to
be Charged Against Unapeakables.
Constantinople. Dec The Porte
addressed note to all the lorelgn
ministers to Turkey asking that the
publication in lorelgn papers or "un
JitHt Insinuations" against Tuifcej In
He- Stone abduction mutter be refin
ed. Tin- not), says that Turkey has
nothing io do with the case, and that
Hillguila Is solely responsible
Now He Will Prefer Charges Against
His Accusers. Colonel Denny and
Major Lauchheimre.
Washington, Dee. 6 The navy de
partment read today the pro. lings
and millings of the OOOrt-OUUrtleJ In
the case of Colonel Robert Monde ol
the marine corps The conn com
pl U evoiieiated Meade. Il is be
lieved Meade will Immediate!) pretei
charges llgnllisl Colonel Demi; aid
Major l.aucbheimer his accusers
Charges against Meade were drunken
Bay tor
bis i t
I (Hie oi ska
f' I'u He result of
' insular declaloii. is
i in.'i. Iiandlae to and
limited free from
I'l'OX lll.-s 1(11
Of rai'KlleS III v..um..Iu
norts .oi m uu
sis Sii. i, . u..i..
.. i., i,,nn v. as
w 1 that wmehmJ Hi
M appeui waii tlke ,
England's Refusal to
Mion,-G,rm, p.
"J Re.olution.
Lnl ,A al ""wspap. i
S"'0" '" epemlene,.
svaai Wav I,,.,,,, th(, ad
fu"""! - Th. Hague ar
P A Oerman
"WM a itaolut ion
lecijunil i.i .V...
: " .lie
iMependeel repub
and Krench ,
o'lUlli,,,,, .,,
London Man Holds 100 at
Many Hours.
I ondoii. Dee il. -One man
the ottn heart of London for
twenty. ton: noil's , mukiii
up.- from the Pentonvllle
mountlim to the rOOl and hoi Hug ln
policemen at ba by burling pieces
of Mlute at them Dense crowds wer
around the gel 00, At noon all trafle
in the sit ts siirroiiudiug the prism
us suspended The mar liuall a
ilislodged. after lie had practically di
niided the roof of slate.
Family Burned in Carnegie.
PftUhiirg he. t; The dwelling o.
cupled g a tanill.i pJitBi I K! 'e m
Carnog'.-. was de- i . i '. r Ibis
morning Those burned to death
were: Mis Sarah Kloo, and get
daughter Mary, aged ! Seven olio
member - , the lam l won I ,', o
Ordnance Board is to Consider Its
Washington. Dec. 6. The govern
ment board oi ordnance, at Its meet
ing which began today, will be called
upon to coiihI.1i i the no uls oi a lies,
rapid lire gun. Tin gun is the Inven
Hon oi BttgOBe Berklns. a oung u
gro. whoso parents and grandparent
were slaves, ami who himself work, d
until thne room ego setting up pins
in a Chicago bowling alb H i..
without more than a eagJMgOB school
edUOOttOO. and hie siirrroiindings w, ,,
not calculated to cultivate his mind
on tin- abject of mechanics Yet in
has invented this gun. applied foi ii
pa. -Ill on II. succesHflllly delendeil his
appli. ation it mi i list the suits ol Maxim
and obtained all the delate he has
asked tor. nineteen in number. Now
be has strong hopes oi having his gun
adopted by the got , i union: Or.i
nance experts who have examlte I the
gun speak highly pj Its merits.
Princeton-Yale Debate.
Princeton. N. J., Dec. 6. Many eol
lege men and other visitors iim Ik i
lor the annual debate between Toia
and I'linceion wbhli takes place to
night Prteootog win nipojorl the gf.
Brnietlve mui YgJe tin- geagUve sob
ol the iustioli "Resolved, tn.il th
Kiteeiilh Ametlilllieut to tin- COBOtl
i lit ion ol the United States has boeg
.Instilled " Tills la the negro suffraK
The N i.l, t. tu: i.- , milpot.i .1 nl K. II.
eell of WashliiKioii J Sibley, of!
I.os Angeles, and C, D. Lot i wood, of
siuuiiord. Coon. Prtoeetoo'i rtehotere
are H W. Anthony, of VA'at. rtown. N
Y ; .1. i. 81ms. of W'aitrai. Tssgg
and .1 .1 Fonts!!, "t Chb agu.
Green Was Hanged.
nsin W ash . Dei ii .lames C
was hanged at k o'clock this
morning lor the munlei of I : O log
jatiiin last March. He went to tie
si affold liravely and ncnle a hrlei
What the Microscope Shows.
New York. Dec I, Tlo New V.ui.
.Microscopical Society purposes to in-
er. st the gen.-ial public in tie use m
the microscope in the belief that great
benefits as w.-li as pleasant h i t. -at ion
will result from an extended know I
etfjffjt id tie us. ol the instrument !'
this end a general invitation has bOOfi
extended to tlo- public to att in! tbe
twenty second annual exhibition -if
the ipnloty which 0encd toda.v Many
mi. i . -sting specimens of micron, oplc
work arc presented for inspection
Will be Hanoed at Nome for the Mui
der of Two Men at Butte. Mont.
Seattle Wash. Dee, ilvn s
Just received from Cnslaska giv. tin
as the date or the execution of Fred
iiauii, which is io take place g
Nome llnrdy, In the course of his
trial, asserted he was from fhHogOl
phia ami that he was a gephee g
John Waiiamnker Ills crime was the
ttrdef ol COO and Florence Sullivan,
brothers oj Mutt. Mopt and P. J
Roono) oi Sentth on I'liimak Island
.lime 7th. IML Hardy was tried at
a special session of court held at Dg
alaska and convicted b a strong
lialn of circumstantial evidence
stretiKthened by the testimony of Da
vld .lackson. partner of the murdered
men. who was himself shot by Hardy
and barely escaii.-d with his l'f. .
Harvey was 2tl years old and served
in Hi. Phi!! peine war as private In a
Tennessee regiment. He frequegtl)
Infringed armv discipline and served
hi tlo military prison In California
altei ins return At this prison he
was known as Diamond Dteh, so nun
(! tor his proM'ualt) lor reading dime
novels During his trial at Nome he
app. are.1 wholly Indifferent as to his
tote Joking and laughing alt. i flu
Jury brought in the verdict of guilty
Bankers Discuss Business.
Joplin. Mo.. Dec. 6. District 10 of
the Missouri State Hankers associH
Hon held an Interesting meeting In
.loplin I. ,.iny On. ,,f tt. principal sub
jects discussed was the relations oi
Ho i press companies and Hie banks
The oh n I.- have a grlevoaee again
the exptogg nnmnonlee in that the tat
ter come into direct com pet It ion In
issuing money orders, and then in
many cases the express oftli es on
wlin-h the i, i. bis are issued do not
lua. tin- moiiev on hand to pay tlo
orders and the hank is call, d upon to
cash it.
The Isthmian Status.
Washington. Dec. 6. Recretary
Long today cabled Captain Perry, of
the Iowa, directing him to insue or
ders ridievliig from duty on the Isth
inns the Itattleship . Iowa ml the gun
boat Machias
B 1 1...
v --- ' l .!. 1.' .
toed ti, rr t"'
W.'' "i' -land in t- n.
tn i.Hir...... 0""",
I I III' I l II 111 I
of Women
I., Kr
American Bishop for Manila.
Rome. Dec. ti.- It is announced tha'
the Vatican has chosen an American
bishop as archbishop oi Manila Tie
name Is kept secret. It la said he is
now bishop of a western diocese.
Many Mexican Smelters.
City ot Mexico Dei II The Amen
can Smelting and It. lining company,
which several months ago get und
control of all Hie sue Iting plant- m
Mexico, is to have strong coiupeti'im
r nee ponies having beeu fotui. ,i to
erect and op.-rate go less than sis
large and Ipdepegflegl smelters. It il
stated that many large mine in-i s
have already signed agreements to
give their ores to thege propos" d In
llip.-llllolll sllieltcls
French Wrestler's Debut
New York, Dec. e. The wrestling
match between John Pieniag the
Hutch, i Hoy. and Ronal de Cahoir
wnb li takes plait- tonight at th.
Hisud OeotfoJ Palace, iirniiiises to he
U close, interesting . outest. If will
' (be hist appearaine of the French
sr nolle i in this country The me a
an- very i-loaely matched as to heigh'
and weight, ao that science will be
tin- FeetON of the struggle Chaib-t
Whit, will officiate as referee
Dresden Bank Lost 7,500,000 Marks.
Dresden, Dec. C. Depositors ot' tlo
Dresden Savings Hank, which failed
yeaterday will loae 7 500,0011 marks
E? omn
WHIM. .1
but during
Io leave the
Cold in New York.
Hallaton. N Y.. Dec 6 -The
iiiumeter registered 26 below
here this morning.
Oregon Prohibitionists.
Portland. Or De. 5 Is, .gates
from nearly all parts of the state are j
attending the atate convention of pro
hibitlonists which opened in Uort
ignd today. The principal purpose ot
tlx meeting la to reorganize the party
and put it ou a fighting basis in read
Washington's Niece.
New Tork. Dec The proceeds oi
a musical given tbla afternoon al the
sld. nt, of Mrs Ksther Herman m
West Kilty sixth street, will be used
'n send Mrs Alice Washington Fair
child, grand nice of the first preslden
to a charitable lnatitution to spend
the remainder of her days. Some tlm.
sja e she was found living io a sgua
id tenement and on the verge of atar
A Dead Indian.
A dead body of an Indian was found
in the river three miles abov- tew:
late this afternoon. The " has
a a . I . .
n nan cent lower
higher wheat prices In
ran. Stocks are lower,
tier cent.
( -lose yesterday x t
pen toilnv kT.i4 .
Rnnae todav vff 8f4
Close today. 8R.
May corn 7i''
Sugar. 121V
Steel SJ
St Paul, lib!
rJatoM Pacific inp.
Wheat in
Chicago. Dec. 6.-
the near fu
Money 41 .
Wh. at. 7;4 fi 7
Southern Educators.
Coluinliia. s C, Dec. 6. Prepare
Hons arc alien: completed, for the an
nual seaalons of the Southern Mncg
tlonal as a- i to be held n this
city the latter part of the present
month Advl.es r. . . veil by the local
committee in charge of rrnngenieoti
Indicate that the meting will he one
of tin. largest and most notable in th
history of the association Anions
Ho- distinguished educators I.. I...
nr.- Suiicrititendeiit I nutm, it ft..,,. I Irom a
oi Augusta fia William N Sheet;,
state superintendent or public tnetruc
lion or Florida: President Charles
Dabney ol the I nlverslty or Tenio s
see, and Proressor Junius Joidan of
the rnlveislty ol Arkansas
He Says Arrest Was Caused by For
mer Partner in Sewing Machine
Business and That He Fears Not to
Return and Face His Accuser. Who
Sent Out the Officers Well Liked
by Minstrel Management.
Walla Walla Dei I The I'nlnu
-ay s
"Columbus, Neb Do.
Thomas M. I.ofn.r with
minstrel troupe. Have
his arrest at this plu.
for embezzlement and
Live Again.
1 Consul
ca'i'es the
St Ite
Mies Stone
Washington. !c
at Constantinople
department that a smm ml iis'-'it son
to Investigate the report of Miss
Stone's death has returned and re
IMirts Miss Stone well
Lord Strathcona and Mount Umal
the Canadian high couiuiisslonet who
has been confined to his house ith a
set, ,, (did for some time, is still aerl
ottsly III He can not leav. his bed
and Is unable to attend to any busl
' S. Arrest
the tins Sun
warr.iut for
Ho Is anted
bid e) He
plays cornet J c Hryties. sheriff."
That Is Hie t IcKiain which clicked
over the wiles V esti i .III) afternoon
and wbhli authorizes Chlel of Pollen
J. J Kauffiiiati to deprive ol his lib
ertj a musician and piopert) man
with the Sun minstrels l.efller. with
out a mm mui haaiged his lodulnaa
private cai to the . 1 1 tall and
Hi. minstrel . ompanv w ilt nlav tho
next city without hla aid
Letoer gave out the following state
"I know but little about the charge
upon w hich I am an .-sled, but I aup
pooe it is at tin Instillation ,,( Qhsg,
Rchnbert. a formei partner of mine.
We were In the gOWWg machine bus
Iness at Columbus and when I left
there last April we had no soitl. i it
I always supposed that bn owed ine
as much as I owed him I tisik noth
ing, and I have no fear In going back
to race th. charges whatever they
may ha.
"I Intend to go without . x 1 1 ll.l It Ion
Chit i or Police KMffgMM will bold
the prlaom-r until an offices xrrlvee
rrom Columbus
Sample line china dlahea. Nolf'a.
Stand by the
Standard !
Baking Powder is
tcknowledgcd itandard,
the liiglicst n pu tattoo,
i i
usi t ly
Price! (ream
everywhere the
the powder t
greatest strength, ami absol
It rentiers the food more
palatable, anil using il ec
are attured against alum ami
gerous chemical I from whit
gratlc powdem are made.
i is -old on
by the aiil it
lotteries, gilts, t om missions or other
sehemes. The .entire value of your
money COmei bai k io yol in baking pow
der the purest, most economical madci
h the
tw -
Dr. Prif e'l liaking Pow
merits only never
fnict bssiNo PoDca Co..
iness for the next state campaign. gone to Investigate
Noli Alum inking powflcn aie low
pncri, as they tost fail three paggg a
noona t. make. Hut alum leaves m Hi.
la. . I oi cake giauhcr salts, sulpfn.iu
Nli biineie Kit lujurtr
OUS, tin la-it I ao ,ouou,