tver Bros Dry Goods Co's Store Closed Stock will be sold at once, commencing tdnesday, Dec. 4th, at 8 o'clock. hver Bros. Dry Goods Co. CASH STORE SUFFERED EASY PENALTY! AN XMAS STOCK OFFERED SHOWMAN WAS TINED FAIR SALE WILL BE FOR SIMPLE LARCENv VERY PLEXSANT Br IpaV. imOKMBBB I, 1HQ1. BREVITIES. Howard Farm loans ft Howard. Arc Insurance. Iitvlc-s and m i en ill Nader m I itorc ami Davis sewltiK ma Wither' shafts out PriCM. Clouver Goods Co. binn on Hi-' loo premium at nnlturs store. hulk miftaril tin- Ureal m tt. at DemoUs. noils iconi).' very Taut at Chin Dry OimhIh Co. tvennaii- MJO to I0. Tim iM'urlinint More. Jin' tuuiintuin cabbage for rant. a( Detnatt's. mil. Aleuilliier'H i. ,u,:. in, .i'k Ins ml , a. r uHoiuilili' niton at Hem- fpostta ettjf nlli mince meat, ready fn Try it DcmottV Il .illii .Ueel ,,lll . Klliy. at (i. K. Demon's. it- i ' hi nuts uacl tn lltors a' tin Standard. Ipri.i tht standard ahea jroc bit iii the KriM-i'ry line. Ihay ili'liM't'cil i.i'avi- ordern i Fats' trd Pater Vi8t. k. all kinds oi 1 1 -it I aetata D ami count r I T. Wade. ( : ' I rooms and bOl h i Allle SIi.m IA! .street W Ul V Ill diet .mill in. in nov. until Do 11 ai Koeppsn i phai BMCJ inn' wheat i Terms 1X04) I I .I.HII S .i art' not nelthi i are the pure and i mtrtoi brands of Calif or braiullet. Inuiu8 at Khm : M " Bton 1 Hurt street. your uom anil vou'l! colli" Irai itorc tu buy u i Bom avar) bod kaoa Tb Btolati i .il, beat ami cheap Hits pound i' -o half iMiun !i k I " i prseeal -a "tan He latest aaualnal tlie Prasei Oners llmnm in I'tt'ii' Iim ,. really wonderful Wll ' . 1 1 1 1 v ii in. mil liule I I in ii.. uiRanlsation. The i in Hit too lynlelii .,; one mi two KlvillK II .1111 A. I Muabtt dl) om ol the itronr uaitnly . i .i luoiitcl't Cheap Iannis. 00B lamp. Nolf'n I'l ne lliic of toilet soup JiihI in Bl llnviey's. Bwift'S premium bacon anil hums at I law i h . Wanteil. liatiiliei'tiiaiil apply it Hotel Ht (l"orne at ont " fllf BlBhBd fOOBM to rent, centrally Im ateil ; ilitptlrc (Ik office. Woman wIhIich Hltiiutlou in mini,, iiinilh Inutiirc at Ihn ullr !. Martin for tilek delivery anl .in i, i ko'kIh. LoWBSt prices In I. city The lai'KeHt stuck of groceries 'il the city at the Alexander department tore. ("Inn nlate hrandy corilirlK. Ill) centH ML "The Palm" make at Koopiien' only. Satisfaction In price.'. i,- and delivery. If you hujf foot i 'ocerl. a of Martin sinokeih delight, i-11 N : tor hull, MlllaB ai 2 for a ipiartei I 'tit ion cIkui i tore, All experienced Halcxluuh Ih wanted al Cleaver MniH.' Pry OooiIh Com pany'H store. Maw ley Hros. ere kIvIiik awm disheH with ihhIi purchaHi'M Call .tint filial out about It. Cleft VOt lltoh ' DfJI (toodH OoBipBBy will kIc employ iiieut to an expei- lelli I'll i in. il .litHt OBB to'der to tr. oiy doMvajfJ HyHteni. If you are no; satotHed I will pay the iIuiiiukc. K Ma tin. (Nenver Bros! will retire $26,000 tool of dry I : clothlnK and furn IshltiKK. Miutt be Hold at once. Picture framlnK a qpecialty. New iine of picture uiouldiiiKs Brans lnrBBta for ;i'ntni'B at C. Sharp's. LtVB and dreHsed Keeae, ducks. nhlflrftBB and turkeys can he had at the Standard, at the lowest prices. ('leaver Mioh Dry (Joods Company t. U, ntoek will be cloned out. Htore will open lor their Hale December Mrs Uoae Campbell will clime out hei entile winter stiM'k of millinery iu the ni'xt twenty days If you want a ha real n. see her. Cleaver iTBB. Dry toolh Company's store is closed and Its otck Is to be' plMOO on the niaiket a', prices never before limited Cuud) Dultoii liab recoivd a blilp nient of Newtons' chewintt num. With every 5 cent paekaite you gBt a rliuuc (or a nice watch. WEDDING THIS FORENOON. At Home of B. B. Crowner Mr. Hue and Miaa Butt. At 1 1 o'clock this forenoon, ul the home oi It II Crowner, corner ol Oak ami llallioad atrsatt, Mr. Harry Huey and MlSb Dolly Hutt were united In mairlant by Jadfl PIU (Serald. Tht i mi ih a nrosneliius yuuuK stock man of liruut county, and the brli' ih one of Pendleton's accomplished i DttBI ladies. Leo Ba'ding's Caae Diaposed of fore Judge Ellla. The case of Leo Raiding for simple larteuy (Bine up before ,liuiv-. i;;; yi s'.i'tdny i rtntMBg and Be was flned and eosts. aniountlng In all to 141.10. This Is a peculiar case in the crlt v IiihI history of Cniatilla countv. few weeks bro ,iunK HaldlnR was In the employ of one .f J. McDonald who was running an electric belt show In Milton. He nnd Mrs McDonald b come enamored of en I, other im! then It wbs that trouble began to brew beween him and his MBBloyor, The woman thought that she did aot enre to live any longer with McDonald and she and the young man decided to to go to Walll Walla, so hc went to her husband's grip nnd took $32 whl.di It contained, later giving it to llatdlng After reaching WbIIb Walla, he real! zed what he had done, went tn trf officers, gave himself up and told them his story, at the same time turn ing the money over to them He war. Drought IihcK tn Milton and bound over on the chnrge of larceny and brought to the county Jail After sum tnltiL- up thl evidence. District Attor MJI Ralley decided that he did not really Intend to steal the tminey. lot' assumed all the responsibility or the crime to shield tlM woman, so M wnr nllowed to plead guilty to simple lar eeny and titled bs before stated, whlri, he paid and was nllowed to go his Wit, All Kinds of Fancy Articles Will Be Offered Opportunity to Buy Xmas Gifts Supper Will Be Served on Thuradsy Evening. The fair and sale to be given by the ladlea of the First Presbyterian church of Pendleton, on Thursday aiteinoon and evening, nt Hendrlck's hall, will be a very pleasant affair There wilt be placed on rale all kind of fancy, home-made articles, camh also honie-mnilo. and supper will ' served at the hall.from r. to 10 o'clock. The fancy articles for sale include naintlly embroidered bits of work, dolls for the youngster for Xmas gifts; many pretty handkerchiefs; Ninas stockings rimmcd with bells, nd domestic articles, such as apron laundry hags, sofa pillows, etc. The ladbs expeel their friends to call during the afternoon and venin.. of Thursday nnd inspci t the sale. THI; ENtilM: IS "BUSTED1 PENDLETON AT NIGHT IS IN TOTAL DARKNESS. NOVEMBER WAS GLOOMY What the Voluntary Obae rver'a Repcrt Showa for the Month. November was a itnosaj month The weather report by the voluntary observer. William Hilton, shows th'f out ol the whole month there were only six chat data and the othei twenty tour were either totally cloud or nartialh so The maximum tern peraturs reached for the month wuh 71 degrees and the minimum temp' i attire wus Ji: The total preclpltatl in of rain was 1.41 Inch, and the prevail lag wind direction was west there be Ing Mi days that the wind was In this direction and ten days that It wns from the north anil the real or the time it was changing about In all H lections being otic day from the south west, one from the northwest. on-" from the northeast, one ironi the ens ami one from the southwest. Th"t was no south wind Accident at Electric Ststlon Caused Lights to Go Out. Pendleton was In total darkness again last night. About 6.4G in the eventni: the piston rod pulled out if the cross head of the large engine at the power house which furnishes Ih powci that lights the city, and conse quently every light in town tint comes from there, went out Immedi ately The piece has hern taken to Walla Walla for repair, and it is thought It will be returned snmetln.i tomorrrow and that we will again have lights Friday night and .osslblx a part of tomorrow night It pays to trade at the Peoples Warehouse "Not a questionable quality here." The Rational Center for OVERCOATS trnoixr ,'liU 0111 '"' "'',sl" I'nsmeM demanded heaviei itoch tins wc ICNPW ,ll,u ,,u' tht all populai Itytc, S. t 'inncrcd the lengths to some exlont and bought heavily ol the lonnthy styles unlike all othei stores, who h now tinil themselves swamped with onselcte l.ishtons These precautioai eaabM us in say to you thai we have The only variety of long; coats in the city. a'nd that ott mat hunt as you please tht city over, bill JrOU will invariably come hack hete. We arc ton large, too dignified ind ton progressive to even think of forcing upon on something you fain doc not favoi OVERCOATS $7.50 to $27.50 SUITS $t0.00 to $25.00 The long coat's the thing! THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. Food Changed to Poison. Put relying food In the intestines produces effects Ilk) those of arsenic but Dr King's New Ufa Plils expel the poisons from clogging the bowels gently, easily but surely curing con stlpatlOBi hllliousneaM. sb k headache levers, all liver kidney and bowel t roubles Only i at Tallman k Co 's New Furniture re For sale. &n vacant !'its. donee ptopertlea. chop ranches , Cnnias and Htnrkey v"ttlea When; lands and stock ram he. K T. Wade I have 1 1 1 t received .1 carload of the latest and most up to date styles in furniture ever shown in I'endle ton. If you want something new in the furniture line call in and inspect n. new goods and the prii s are always right JOE BASLE R Main Street, iViidleton . HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. 11 It 8111. Portland Ohaatar p. Rloa, New Havaa, Qraoa NMd P L Holland. St Paul (ieorge Harris. Portland. aadraa lander PortJaatL Mrs C A Hurrls v L Nivoi. Nam York. A s Hep iiehi Spokane. T. W. Jackson Portland. M Ii Metler. city. .1 Messinger. Dayton Mrs B Weatharford l II Lee, Hillsborough. The Golden Rule. Vrchle Mason Portland Thonias .lohuson. cielum. Wash lira w ii .in. Tompklaa, Halls, Mahlc Tompkins. Helix. C K MiKire and wife. Fklali Kd Itrlsbo. city Ohaa. Carr Wall i Walla. Miss OaahUa. Wala Walla tin I ii Bradjburj waiu walla II W Hickman. San Francisco. 1 Mi l.uchllii Seattle M. K. Itnnkle Walla Walla Miss Itnnkle Walla Walla .1 W Hulttuch Spokane K W Helm Oregon. A. 0i Sheek. Oregon. It I'! Porter Meinimui W (' lletts and famlh Meaeham Frutik Martin Meachaui. U Maudell. Salt i.nk J. Posnei San F'ranclsco. ir fJarkan Bveklaj wash C. Peterson city. A. K Patton l.a QrBBtta Fred Martin city. F H M e( 'or mac i. . BusBfl N'esta. (' I i 'handler, Huena Vesta. .1 ii 0 escort Pendleton. At Walla.. Idaho. Daniel Dauiel son. a miuei was killed in Hunter linn. Tin loBTi Vttfe I 'dg load ol rock broke down with him. nr ToTnmf tststs u tr r n r xtttttt R vis u nimTnimiiii I We are not Closing Out but we are Receiving New Goods Every Day. 4 s IS NEW ARRIVAL OF RAINY DAY SKIRTS C Spaoial line of rainy day skirts in Oxford gray Il yu lull line of others, prices ranging form $2 ;o to $ 14.00 BELTS A new line of rilihon belts in 9 different style : Special line Silk Waists at $4.19.3 We have iiioenred the Siiotlt-sti Strain Sponupr u 2 " jro'to8H that If uvea the jo Ih heautiful after baOf 2 I Hponeil. liny your DreaH (jootln from uh, ai:l have 3 c them KpoiijitMl wIh'p n wait. ; THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. The Columbia Lodin House NEWLY Fl KMHHKD KAIt IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OP Ill.tiCK MKT. ALTA A WKMH H'l'H P, X. SCHKMPI, Prop. WHY Pv " "' "' hiterest iias tiii Home Co-Operative Company Will build you a home for ...$6.5Q iter Month ass JLf ill I ii r 1 1 lah p l hr MMI to i.n off fur n.'.iifag. ut lu a fn.itii In ftny Ih llljr, aid IV yoll lb .i afs ftisd I UltJUllaJI Ul pay II bi B at th rata ol A - f awuotli. wlllioul luUHfMt Iu t u ol lib M loUJ illMblllty ft rlawr ftf1 will Ui glf4l. itrlcUH ! f .utt lourUhd. K 4. IMlll W. i i uiii 1 1. i Ore. UimmI w Wmiji! Kviry MfUtirr. Help or Situation Wanted. C. F. Cook8 Hiiipliiyiimii Agency Corner Mam ami Alta Htrtsnt. PKNDI ETON OKKOON ... ....... . . : : i) 00 4) 4) ) ka a SOME PERTINENT FjA,C3I S I" lOOtls. speoialiy selected to satisfy eer """' is now reaa) ("' axainationi and itatt positively and with a pardonable dagrac oi W- lll.ll II . . ..I. .11 . . ..II..-!, tlllc lllll . -i-t ia ail I'lL'Vlui uiiuiiB tti.'iif. iWellti, rem i rwt ...... ., a nnrQiilp, with all ..ii linn vvi. i m !,....' UI and verythi K purchased at tins store will found exactl) M il lias been represented tu you 'ooiis laid asde fur responsible parties. yJf' . T- Ni' LOUIS HUNZIKER, ; THE LEADING JEWELER, i I w i i , . . . j (D ij) g) (j