East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 04, 1901, Image 1

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    .inn i-niTinii
. .-..it'll.
Eastern Oregon Weather
t5c A Wh.HK.
tonf uh i
Ml, I Jits
of Policy for City
Notlmiq Ri-nrdlng His
. ei, Ammintments.
mayor -ic i T. (! Hailov.
Li -nolni illlV PVPIlilllr.
L. It k., kll. ill lllillll
i ihii i 01 i in' dty. kh i c i
not In IK 1 lln' '""
L . . n iimIii Im. I l.-m.u-
lit-1 n .
hi- pli'litv nf time lifter I
H think nl t hose things "
. . . i...... ii. i-.iii.it-t mil
M 1 ' -
Mkl W " I'"' effi.ct
.a- i ft... ii.miiI.I mil 1 Uilllll
III polio KOnti Mr. Mai
m tha then will ray
lit'. I'M. tin
mould DO! BMkfl anv prom-
i- mmIm tin (it
Ml II .(.,.' t., Iklll
11 II JMIIIH "Ml"'-" V !-
nmn m ho w OttW pledge
i t .i. i .....I i.
i ) MM nu unu imi ii, uim it
.A.J I. ......I.I I... n r tr .1
II I I M ' III M Ml' 'HA' HI'
E .... adMaaesi i.. nnl tli..
m- mid llgnlflM tnr MtM
thrMr voi for nn ! wou'-l
tn Um hoa! my ability.
Ai..... ...nt ....... n r...n.
not Itu lu'irt lltiwovor.
n t . 1. 1 .. i .i..... i i
a Ilk: i ' lllill l l '.ill1 nuiFir i
I will nakfl thom.
IVlew.int lit. Ill'llli. 1111 Ml
Ul BUMI ' lr "Ml. i nil i
anil through the earnest
of friends Hint I decided
T 11.111 II I 1 1 II . .Illlll'-
ih. oAec and I fool that
should If fttOo to iOOipl a
ven tMoimh thorr Ih r.o
whin tht niaiorltv ol th'
nin i it it' 1 1 1 1 ' l ii. mi
i ii -.ri' i in. Mi1 1 i.i.i'
of 1111 lt (Hi ami Hhall
T NUVl' r II IIS 1 II' 1 I V
T1T III 1 1 1 I ' I II ' I ) I I I i I T I I I 1 1 1 I
c CT r u .i
Avnn i.- 1 1 r iAirDi-r.'
ppoieri by Marion O'Harr.i
nteit Mat Was Very
I I A lame vole wil l
r.nui .-M.'tiay 'i,u ml.
III ail' ' itv , lection he
ImmsI th
it : it'i election throe
Ml ill full force, Early
mine's ticket with if
n i ntthii- hi tin- i. .hi u m
l" " "I I II SillOllg .'i
DI III. A III I I . . I .J ..,. I
" " MIWJ.-I
"'I M A iVHoli M A
' mill- i ayli.i were I'lt'i'l
in' iiiiini. i
'i- iilniosi 1 1 1 in n i II 1 1 ill '
M rotai iisi and ooly
nataaiiiaii i u i un i
City Official..
ill Lr III. .11 u .1 J A
Wll.ul I r ..
"i VIII- inn II
lUX Vi-lir
8Jilti,u mayor s. atomv
mill. ..Ill . . a
.. 1 M'Tll I I , I .t ' 1 1
wytv.s,,., j 8(lirrI.
Cinie.s I Smith anrl
IDIT inn .. . ....
- . . ni. .ini.v.1..
uiiiuiiuk evening
,n Pindleton.
..ii UII'IH Will Dfi a
otiani .... , ;,mhl),uon al
PN laTltad to be nreattiit
'x Month. Hara.
. -.1. li-tl.l' IIM Ml I L' 11
k.n, i, . . 7- "
J i "in ii iiiiiii itri. i'
111 ml1 . Im ....
. . nn;M ll . l f-
m II.' will IH'Dliall
surliii; Ilia l.ineiii
"iibuoi una thinner,
siv months he h.it
. " ...!-' I I lit" ,111111 111
ii, i .i;(lia
San Francisco Customs Collector Wiil
Not Take Tonnage Tax on Vespi'.
Directly From the Philippines--Transport
Hancock Arrived With
Han Frani'lHPo. Dec. I. Thf eolh i
tin- ni mwtoou n-pfivi'ii I nat ructions,
an a raajttH nt tho Mpretna eeuil i
otolon that tin- fnnniiKi' is not to be
li'vii-ii liiT'-nftor on vmmUi trriYlnu
dlraet from th PhlUppliMa
Thf tnuupon Hancooh tniTaxI ill
n et from Manila rionnrBl Kohi. with
imki aoldbirs ami rccrulta bit paaH.-n
Kora. who loft Mnnlla on tha Bbarldan
ubaaqumtly bwrdatl tin TVarrei ami
aft.'iwarils Vii'ic traiiHl't'i-iod to the
American Forces Re-embarked
Captain Perry, of the Iowa.
W'liHliliiKtnn. Hit. 4 Tin- nnvy il.
partniont t ti If. tnoriiliiK locahnad tin
followina i-aliloKrani from Outtin
Ptrry, of tha batttoiklp hurt! "Pbi,-
MM flnvi- rp-finiliaikod all of QM
tofOi n th.- : I ii, ii In pi rli rl h.'ciii
Ity of tlii' trarffilt Mtag i friciually rt
How Liberals Took Colon.
New York. Dec. 4. The atMiai I
riunoa nniyi'ii this vaonlMj fran
Colon Sin- wan nt Colon when t hi'
IIIhtiiIh null Into tin- city on trnlnn
an Indlvlilnnl iiiHM"nn.rH. Wh.Mi tin';,
arrived in town tliev lieuan llrlrtK tlieh
rifii H. until til".. Intimidated tha foi
artunonl offlolali and iom had eon
Interesting Resume for the Whole Country is Given to the
Public Today.
United States Ahead nf Remainder of World as to Average Savings Banl
Deposits Tremendous Increaee in World's Banking Power Is Indicat
ed Statement Relates to fie Wst. and Its Banking Affairs Durirg
the Past Year.
Misn Stone Is Alive.
WnxhiuKton. Dec. 4. Conaul-Cii'ii
ernl DlcUinxon cnldcd the state de
partaMBl this nonUof rrooi Ooaaten
tinople that he hax Jnal had a refiie"
by special incMHcnKcv from MIbs Stone
ami Mine Tailka. who nr.' still held b)
the hrlKBiuls In the woods of OultlM
lliilua rln.
Grain Ship Lost.
Astoria, DM. I - The Ilrltlah Mill f
N'elaon, Rraln laden from Portland IB
Kurope. was lout twenty nilh off in
(iray'K Hitrhoi lust niKbt. The earno
Hhirti'il and It Im thoiiKlit tin- vchn l
ian.ileil and nil on hoard were drown
M. Shi was In ton ol n tiiK at tlM
Rains Brought It Up .ind Improved
the Prospects Greatly.
Athena I lee I Aki I' tlllttritl prim
pecth are lookliu: n.ii;lii hIihc tin n
.'in noploM niin.s in this vletnlty.
VeHrly all the wheat sown Ik MM
coin I in; up and luik an even, healthy
appe..'..in i The proenaa ol kendlni;
was in many dltfon.nl imhi '""
lields of Kialn Ini'l he'll Kii'vn lOM
before the rains cine nth aw ararc
lust OMeMMBtlf IB See l
Athena lirevitms.
Joseph HlBkelev. depu') slur:'
BTM up Inilii I'elidlelou on Moiulay
Funnel .luck, lu'othei of Marion
Mek, Ih In a Walla Walla hospital
leeeiyinit tiealuieiit for appendicitis
The roung man was taken III at the
Atheipi hotel ami lupidly grow worse.
d Hemlryv a lOfHI I'ress em
pluytt, nun well knOWB Fendl'Mnnia"
has leeeutly I i appointed poHtina-
taf at LaMrMsV
Sidewalks mi Minn .-I reel botWOOK
Fourth and Fifth an MUsI lOVOn I
10 the grail. leel ol the street
County Clerk Chamberlain was up
from Pendleton Sunday.
Matt Mongrova purohfaod u gool
bunch of work borers from a shov
outfit at Weston intnrde The ehoa
11 in winter qnnrten at Weston.
Craves Pickle the .iotoraphci
will leave for North Yakima on Janu
ary 1, where he will nBJJ)UM Mil
Atbona still waintaius her supi. m
m as a corn market. Several car
loads have already been shipped and
niuny ntben wii be
Was Born in Canada in 1847 Funeral
Athena. Dec. 4 Mis. K K. Masi
iuks died at her lioiin in this OtftT Sun
day morning of consumption. She is
the fourth in the family to die of this
dread disease in the last four yoair
a son and two daughters having BMB
claimed heretofore. The tether and
one son are the surviving members of
Hi. lumlly Mrs Hastings was born
In Canada on March 6. 1847. being
aged 54 years and nine months at the
time of death. The funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon and was large :
Wnahl igtMi Dm. i The nsnt'el
repoii of William II. Ri.'itely. Oomp
troller ol the currency, has he -n pre
imrM lor trBnsnilsslon to conaTc- .
Tha reKrt starts with n dttellsil
statenu'iit i the resources and llabil
Ifles ni tin national hanks, as shown
by the live reports ol' condition inBrt
tn r.'Hponsc to the call of the conip
troller In eommeni Inp M this state
ment. the comptroller says:
The mthoriaod capital stock of the
IJ7J im i lima! hanking associations n
existence October HI, 10I. was $U0:,
l!L'4.1liri, which Is a net incrense during
i in em n: 7L' ; nun Tin r v us an
Increase In capital stock of ltl.dT4.M0
by bnnlU organized during the year,
im biding IlL'u.iiiin of newly OfgftMMd
MnntatlOM VfhlOh increased tlielr
iiipltal stock to that MMMHfl MM)
queiit to the date of orgaiilation. The
UHsoeiatlons whlcli were In existence
on Octobi r III. 19on, increased their
capital stock .luring the year to the
extent or Hl.lllidM. There was a
dtOrMM Of caidtul stock or ItJMdJM
by voluntary liquidations. This
aiiiouiil includes the capital stock ol
links which lime not yet deposited
inttiul money to retire their clrcula
Hon and withdraw their bonds, tie1
mounts being still carried on the
hooks of this office. During the year
thiriecn associations, with capital
Slock ot $l,IMill,IStl, were placed In
charge of receivers, two ol whiili.
Inn. eM i , with combined capital Block
ol IlillU.UIMI, were proved to he solvent
and permitted to resume luiuon t.
leaving tin iiiinil. ei ami capital stock
ol Insolvent banks lie tin year eleven
and l,7tM),000, r'hpeeilely. Tliere
was a litrthct loss ol capital stink ol
S T61 WO, b the reduction ot capital
.liiei. ill active asso'iat ions. n tile
i In itv nun associations placed In voi
nnter) llqnhiitlM twnntyCw eeru
UOOewded bj or aiimlguinateii Willi
ill her untlonal hanks six w ere ah
sorhed hy state banks or trust com
panics, and eleven llQUldoted for tM
piirppea ot Tfindlni bp their affaire.
Individual Depoaita.
NuiIoihI hanks held the nulrl
amounl ol individual deposits during
the existence m tie ayntoin on July
( LBUJ BMMly, iJMl.N8T,4JB.TT.
Liabilities to deposit ' :. oil Iteeelllbei
13. I BO", aw irogBted II '!'7..ri,.'I.HK.
e tin nl dnta bui tepotl .:':i7.7r3.
IU.S8, a decteasc since Jul Id ll.nl
ot 14,014, IM It bit mi I it icase since
Septeniher I, I BOO, of l4tD.B04.dTB JO
(ioveriiineut deposits oi. September
:!u Ifml showed an lucre. im over the
nnounl held on DooeaMr i'""1 ol
ltt.4tB.Mt.tO, the aggingnl n,,'! "n
the latter date being 101 MW TT4 M
The net amount of Hnbilltlea ol M
tlonnl bnnklni aaaoelntioni on Sep
inmber to IMI on wldM mnnrvi was
I. 'nailed aggregated H I .'44 ::ll. 74.
the renerve renulred thereon iiein-'
ITBB.T4t.tTT J7 and gmonnl hi i'l IL
OF.'.. 99,102.67. or 27.I5& per en'
The eoMMOttkM nl 'his renerre was
as follows:
Specie 3fc..V...7!.tri
Legnl-tender notes HlJS18.7Bl.fld
Due from reaerveaonts 4Cd.dtl.BlT.TI
Redemption fund with
the treasurer of the
tatted States ... f,lM.MI4t
South. Weat and Coast.
In the southern -tales then wet.
orgMtead 179 bank with MBthoHned
capital ol 9.4tl5,6 lassilleil fol
lows: lir. of the smaller oUai vltl
a,0B0,B0o, ami Blkty-four ot the birgor,
class with capital of M41t.00d
The organizations in the arenti I
itntea aumberod iR7 with capital or
$6 080 000. 134 ot the numb-r with
- l Mi.000 being Of the small. '
class and twenty-three with capital
ot 1,M.000 of Ike larger class. In
number of organUations the eastern
states are fourth but third la order
of aggregate amount of capital stock
uaraely. 138 and 18 819.000 respective
h In this division aeveoty-flvo banks
with capital of 1 1 964.000 were of the
smaller Haas, and alxtv-three with
eapital of 16,866.00(1 of the larger.
In tha Pacific states including Ha
Wheat. Corn and Oats Jumped to Very
High Prices.
CklcUgO, DM i Scenes renilnls
lint nt the dsy- ii the I'hllllps corner,
were annoted 0U thn Hoard ot Trade
today when bin) heat, i urn nud oats
inliilccil In BMantlonnl jumps, due to
the Influence ut outside holdings and
indisposition to mil in the face of
an advance Wheel went to 791, the
highest since August corn to ,;7 the
highest In nine year, nsts nt 44T.
wini. limit. en banks ol the small.
class we e orgjUBlMd with BKgtetat
, capital in ItdU.OM. and iwclve of the
Inrgpr claaa with 81.8imi.ooo .-aplial.
I Tin i were but twelve banks organ
I faed In the New Engiund states, nani"
ly, three each In Haw rtempehlr
MnnMChnoetta snd Connecticut tw i
.u Mniuc a I on. m Rhode ' ian ,
I heir aggregate cnnltal l't.. i 2011
1 000, Four ol this number of hanks
w irganized with individual capita,
ul . . nun an, ,.Kit w ith capitnt il
, $50,0110 or over.
Savings Banks Dcootit.
'n. sparing the volutin of Imslucs..
Of the BBTinga banks ol the t'nltcd
States with those of the European
countries, the report sltows that in tin
BUltteT of deposits the Fllltcd Stater
as for years past, stands at the head,
with 11.868,800,000 franc. (fJlt.Mt
000), The country with the next
largest amount of savinui deposits is
OemMny, with 1 1, BOO ,000 ,000. Austria
Hnngnry foOowa, with 1.MU40,000
BTOm savings MpoottB In the banks or
France and the United Kingdom arc
IttdJtO.OOo and $829,rtJ0,dJ0lT, n BfBM
lively. The only other count lies wit'i
ssvlngs deposits of $2nn.ono.rnn ,,,
over nre Russia. Rclgl'itn and Swlt
Tin average amount to the cretin 01
depositors In savings lumks is BIQBlOBI
in the United states, nnnanly, I4M.I8
The nverage in Canada Is $340.24: In
Austria-Hungary. 122169; Denmark
twItMrlnad and Auslralla
$153 81 and $163.30 respectively .
Spain $142 13; Notwav $124 96 and
Russia. i'iiiK4. in no other touMry
does the averngc d posit oneaod 1M
The largest nverage deposit per In
habitant Is BtlOWB In Denmark, the
amounl being $77 sx in gwllaerlnnd
the average is MSJM; ',. riiianv $37
04 Notwav $37 T,: Australia $36 60;
Belninm ttl.Td; United states $31
M anatrte-Rnngnrj $27ns gwedni
ItB.SI France. tt.lti OnMM Hrltaln
World's Banking Power.
Relative to the iiauking powei of
the world, the i'omifrol"i uses as a
basis tor his estimates the figures for
IM.'i givn in the IKHS edition ol tin
at. m i: Mulballs Diet binary of Sta
list lis whbh volutin states the
amount as approximating El 97. may
The banking power of the Unit
ed Kingdom, which ntnn uited In 8!.n
to L9lh.nisi.iiiM), has Increased to L' 1
IMMdJMO as shown hy reports of
the Incorporate and grlrate banks on
01 about the close of tile year ended
June '!'i IMI, and of th. pnnteflteo ami
trustee 'savings banks of the kingdom
at the dose 01 the year ISM Thia in
dil ates an Increase durtog "'M' period
id L' 289.000,000, or 31 per cent II
was assumed In calculating tin bank
ing pow er or Cont menial Europe ami
other foreign countries that the saim
nroiiortlon of im-i-use is-ctirred then
in as in the United Kingdom Tin
hanking power ot the Fulled Stato
has 1 11 augmented since 1800 In
. l S49.IMMI.I ail increase o' 121 per
cent Aggregating the banking powc
Of the ''tilted Kiiigdoin and the Unil
ed Slates with the estimated power of
Continental Europ. and otln 1 conn
tries, an Increase sim i 1890 Is shown
of 1 : 1. 926. 60 i.er cent :.l
oilier words the world's hanking pow
Of Increased from t'S 197.000,000 In
I .! to t 6.1 23.000.000 in 1901
Grave and Reverend Upper Houm
Gets Down to Business and Ceaset
Pomp and Circumstance Petition
Relating to Anaichy.
Washington In. 4. This was dig
tinotlrnly a busy day In the senate
The pomp of the past two days is en
tircly lacking Aftei reading the mm
utes. a number of annual reports were
submitted among them those of the
secretary of the treasury and the
Isthmian canal commission recom
mending the Nlcaraguaii rout, to fh
committee 011 Isthmian canal.
Among the petitions presented were
a number on anarchy submitted 'y
Penrose, of Pennsylvania and Kali
hanks of Indiana
Reported b I. L. Ray . Co., Pendle
ton. Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers
MOB York. Dm . I W heat mad ' .1
new mail, today and losed at the
high point. The market Is getting tu
be 11 broad 011 an. as the foreigmi'
Hie the best buy. 1 . I he traders 00 th
side Iibc taken the buying side an i
with corn now BhUJng over 7o rente,
we look to sc. wheel . coBBftldernble
higher Liverpool was up cloalni
8 14. New York I.... ncd 8314 nnd
I. sn, 84i. Chicago . 1 ncd TtV ami
cloeed 79'i. Com was W higher
70. i.ri WBB ,171 ,, 6 37
Stocks higher Money 1 per rent.
Close yesterday. 83 '.
Open today 111
Range today 834T84V
Close today . 81V
Sugar. 124.
Steel 127,
Union Pacini . lOgfjj,
Wheat m San Franclaco.
san Prnnrlnoo. Dec. 4 - Whonl
1 ": ...
One of Them "Docked" Too Heavily
a Lot Purchased the Other Day.
Vthctia Dec I Several Attn na
tin tners will herearter look nut lor
hog buyers From all input Is a lesson
In hog selling has In n learned here
ami will In turned to good account Ul
the future Three carloads of hogs
were brought Into town the other day
lor sab' ami Milium nt They were in
ipected hy a buyer named Courtnoy
who "docked" them to the exfenl that
bOt two carloads were sold As blgU
as 80 pounds was docked on slllgl"
bogs In nil. so our informant stater
1000 pounds was docked mi thus l
that Brora BOtd. James II. OerfcJug and
J A. IIbiioHbI would imi i tnd the
shrinkage process l.lenellrn took hla
hogs home ami Mr Ocrklng has his
111 town waiting another buyer. in
ftltttTS hog buyers will In- asked lo
en to the farm and Inspect the atod.
before b Is delivered In town
The Pacific I'lllVelSlt' football
e n ni nnonlBsonoly chose lohg 0
Rrynnl rapteln f next year's otebnll
Also Mr. Spi Ingor Chtrgod
Mercenar) Motiu'v
Of the Grout Oleomargarine Pill by
Eminent Men.
Chicago. Dec. 4. i:S.,ietarv of
ftgrlenltun Morton and ex Congreaa-
mOB William Springer delivered the
principal nddreaoaa in today s eonten
of the National I IfeOtOflk eonventlM
Motion made a vigorous attack on the
Clout antl olconiiii varlne bill and
said the prime objoet of the hill was
to kill bUtterlne and meomargartne
Intnreote at the Instlgntfon of manu
la. tilling and I'tnmcrcl.il dalrymea
tor pureiv njereennry m t!v s rnrni
is be said, do not favi.r the mess-
Favored Mrs. Bonine.
Washington, Dee 4 Dr. Ruffln the
BXperl win. tented Mrs llnuln's sllp
pen and wrapper tut blood marks,
was recalled when the irlal was re
sumed this morning He testified that
blood wna "ii both articles, Indli afine.
theft WH a struggle. His testimony
thrOOghOUl was favorable to the de
fendant Hold Wabash Trainmen Guilty.
Vdrliiii. Mich. Dec I A verdict
holding Hie WalMsh trolnmen nf traia
HOi 4 guilty of negligence, was icturn
. .I today by the coroner's Investiga
tion nf the Seneca wreck.
Construction Gang are at Wo.k Now
Hurrying the Work.
I isv imi Wash Dm I About four
n c or rails have been laid on the
old Oregon Railway A Navigation
company's gtnde leading from thia
gRj inward Corolla n final) hamlet
In a fine grain district fen miles from
this place The Japanese workmen
who came here to remove the old
yards ami turntable proved to he .
construction gang nf ion, and after
preliminary skirmishing began lo lay
rails and th a toward OoVOilO The
work will bo completed In a vvek or
two. and It la I thai thai a new task
will then lie taken up l will roqulra
but twelve mllea more road to con
BeH this 1 Itv with Pomerov at.d open
a new route to Starbm k from thia
city. It Is expected that the line will
In Mulshed cither BOB or ss soon as
WOai 1 an be dnin- 11 the spring
loveral years ag 1 I be grade wet
.instructed to I'nvslln BM the ties
and rails wen brought to this city
Fn.br the trine 11,. work was aban
4 oned
0mhI health dcpandi mostly upon
tlic loot! WC tilt.
v c an't he healthy if WC take alum
or other poison daily in ur Uxn.
Or. ivitc-'s Baking Poyvticr i il)s.
Illtely frCC from alum. h is made from
pure 1 ream ol tari.n ami adds to the
health! illness of the food.
Pans Basing Poweta Co.
NtJTI Alum bjftkJng l'.'
dVsUBjBUn, liwei roinN.iini .oni
Lrouha Aluni may 11..1 kill In,
llllll. s tli. health, .11;.: , I 1
lift' Hill. Libit.
il l !