01) CLASSIFIED ADS. COUNT 8KVN WORDS TO THE LINK, one line nr m0""' Pr t ,ne rate of IV por line, on" Hi)' u'""r'1.' nerTniIl!' 1,1 ""' r"tl' '"'r lln" TWO LINES 1 lime 15c J time H tlmmi 2Ac 10c earn i)rm tntcrtlon. ( Continued from tage J.i ITS ! fllll"""' tOVt UNKP time J .timet Je I lime aSe S, (Mb additional lnartion FIVK LINKH 1 i I ni" 10c 'J 1 1 iw- tOr 3 timed Wc r eaeh ad Itlonal Inter Hon BIX LINKS I time Ha 1 timet oe H timet 60r UK- eaeh additional Inaertlon . fHTSICIANS. ' .... i t nnn nflU u"V . - V I 0j, noin. " - , . I L' I 1 If t? It', a H TBI"1 ' '" ...... r. II) ti II HD- uiTU OKKHJK QVM THE . 1 ... ... ...in i I'ana I...,. -.. ii WiiMK PATH I . I I ..ana. li .1.1 laii. 'mil", fit-. H . lit I'HYilOtAN AND fj, KeH')' "" "" snv - v. ,,,,. BI1(I I'HK KARMKR'B BANK OF WRHTON, Wesaton, Orcni.n -iioaa t general banking htialnea. KtRlituge bought anil toM leotlona nrnmptiv attended to. Affair In mnc szaslleat oottdltlon, sad to reported upon b IntKitlKHiion nmmlttw nl tvtponatble rltltoii' Offleer: K Janieaon. president . Heo. W I'rnehat"). tIim i.itldmil : ( :. M I 'err-e eaahier I R. KMlfnre. aiwitta.ni raahler: dlrorton 0 A. Hart man M M. John. T i. I'rlee (t p fraw, I. r. Klllgor Robert Jamoron. ft. W I'roebttel KIKBT NATIONAL HAN K OK PIV0L1 ton :apiui. 70,noo; iiirpm,, ko,0ii. Trana arm a funeral banking tinalnea.. Ktrhani." anil telegraphl' tranafera anld on I'hleafn. San franrlieo, Now York and nrluelpal pnlntt Ir the Nnrtl.waat Drain Drawn ou China Japtr and Kurope Make roileettona on rnaaonahli urmt. l en Anki'iiv president; W . K Matlnta Tlrx-pretld'.'ni : :. B. Wadu, cathler : H Onernti" ai-aiaiHir "athier soelal pressure on behalf of any au dldate, so that each man may be itrlpff1 nut-ply on hla own merits PrrBtjuie for thp promotion of civil oi filial tin political reasons Is bail enough, but It In tPn folil worse wher" apl'llerl on bobalf of officer of th" army or navy Aotton Hhniilil In. lakpn in rpfpi-pnpp to thp mllltla and to the nilslnit 04 roluntMr forcM. Oar mintia law is nbsirfptp ami worthleaa. The oream ntkNI anil armampnt of the naflimii! Rtianl of tho si-voral statps. which ar tii'itti'il as mllltla In thp approprii. tlons by the l oncrcss. llOU.d M mad.' Identical with thosp provlilpil foi thp rcifiilnr forces. CIVIL SERVICE. ( n. DK8PAIN Hl.orK, ih rrru IT trotioiet. (Or P-irai m" ..... ii.ii. r I- AHHIII'U. Irlepkon i"i"T m. ni' . . l. . ii. . i m ... n.n. li.OI'l u. HIDRS, PBLTS AND JUNK. VOt CAN QiVS THK HIOHKST MA li ke! nrli-o lor your bidet, pelta and all klndf ot Junk, ttii'li ii rubber, braaa, copper, lead, lnr and tmttlct Iron oi all klndt a perlalty You ran hrlntr In oentt worth ol Hid raft or thlp In .vo wortb of lildea and will be trt ated In tile tame wny Wo hae MM bore in stay (llvn ua a cull and you will Ik aallafled L Hbank A Co , olllro and ware honao niTi to Kaatcrn Hotel, Pendleton, Ore Telephone Red U K. BtAKKHl.KK. ( liuun. atl i Ili'rilPia Ol WHBi'll . a,..ra.i.l Ualtl (.. IMHIH 1 . " . a . Il I I 1 J HU UK VI !" u 1 1 AK' MTTKt 'l & JVU HH . .... ..,-....i' mni rviiBnic ni.,-. iii i n i iv or DDimir . m nvi it' " ii ni in ur.iiiii'"' "n " mm nfi I'll miwr i M" Hum -i !( .a iml'TII II" II 1 A Ft M ,1, Ulf altaaT "tl l' tin- Kn-' II'" nnim. AfTli-r DINTISTS. HI i ' ' I in i . ai III w iiblw 1 i h i ii n n Pi ' i MBTSLXU, DBKTIfT, 8A- BaiUlai KS AND UR'IMIIS. HW, WV.W I '!! V '" p. on iidj dspotltt lieaia in w u iiuri i A.itioi, pi- Xr I I luruett i NllTICK TO M 1 1 M'K IIOLDK'IH NOTK'K IH hereby given that there will bo an annual meeting of the atoekholilera ol the Kaat Orego iilan I'ulillablng Comnaiiy on Weiluetday, i e winter I, Call, at 4 o'eloek p m., at theofflei uf aaiil eompany. In I'einllelou, Oregon, lor tbe ptirpoae of eleeiliiu oftleert for the entiling year. I It. I)I0Ks7)N, I'rctldetil; Hill. V LaMI'KIN. Secretary. Ciikaopikarc ,K V(" WAKT TO ill H OUUSLriDvlS aeribo lor magaalnoa oi nowapapora In the Pulled tostatea or Kuropo, remit by poatal note, cheek oi aeud pi the Katl Onmui Mn NMD the net puhllanera rlSPaZinCS Wlm oi me pabllnatlm 9 you detlro. and we will have It tout to you and aaauiue all rlak of the motiv balug lott In luomailt. It will aao yon Ix. tli trouble and rlak If you an' a atibaerfbei to the I- -1 OanoKiaM, In remlttlDg you can de lin t ti n per e"it from the t.ulillahert' pflrt) ddrei r.Ai 'HI KHONI A"l P"H. ' I'rKf OU "I I, . .11.11. 1. in" urp.ut. ani.it nteroti ai-ili-pwlti Kii'buiui Iwighl prl'-rlpal potpia ipi'Cia. le Kill tl ina w J, witruitr 1a. iievpreai'laul . T J $112,600 fur a Praiorlptlon The largoat auin ever paid for a preacrlpllon ehatigeil hniida In Sun Krauelaco. Aug. M. Paul. The transfer Involved In eoln ml atook III.' FjBMtMkd aa paid by n port y of bualne men lor a iioc'llle lor llrlgbt'a Vlaeaae ami lllalietei hitherto Incurable illa-jama. They commeined the terlout Inveatlgatlou id the apeelflc Nov. It, HtW They Interviewed aeoreaof the cure. I and tried It out on lit mar Ita by pulling over three doien eaaea on the trc'ttiiicn' 14 1 I uati hliif them I lic alao go phytleliilx to UHiiie ehroni' . Iiu uralile re, and aduilulalered 1( with the phytn lant foi Judge". Pp to Aug '.' . eighty teven .. r ..-i,i of the ttll eaaea were either well or prugret ting favorably. Thtro being bin thirteen per cent ol lalluret, the partlet were aatlatled and i loaed tht traua actloii The proceedliiga ol the luveatigallug otnnilttee niid the ellnlrul rcpartt of tbe lent eaaea were ptibliabvd and will la' mailed free ou application. Addrcaa John J. Kt'LTus Com pany. IJO Monlgoinerv St., Han Kramiai-o. 'a. Hi a mm QUO rARVf.ait , Mint'. t)inaDtly Puralsbed atoum MM I u rope A i HUn. Kiuck and a nli irmu depot. Sample p. mm in councctlun. ktioin katc 51k, 75c. $1.(10 zer On Ann Hnufifi. I littt., i UUger J it u Welch, IK-al MMMaflNt ONI GLORIOUS Nic.HT nesday, Decembsr 4th. "K' 1 1 ii i ,i Aiiicru it's Greatest Minstrel ( niiipaiis The Gus Sun erican Minstrels. 30-WHITE ARTISTS-30 ' in e uii Ihiacotwi, Iniiottui liig 1 -tA.NSKOKMATIO.N KIR8I I'AKT SKTTINi; 1 ' nip "in, Harr M irick. I'laiunini Hroa , Krcck .1 I'r.ii jMinct Nitten:, (ft;g HPN, In i-onjuii' lioii with U'ltl .ii Siugert, l rt aud Mttticiaiit 'lit iirehealia ' oat elaborate ' . Pciuouilralioii extant tv n.i.l. 'ric : I 5C, sue, 75c and $100. 'l Book Stur.- VJ?: tu.T .Power, Nim.-Loaa Ita. t .' 1 I U am i raft at- BdM ata aI'I nPJM.irlia 1 1 aft V . V "A - I IL.. " '"a "' l x) ill, liu.:.iic i..,uic Inn, ' .''!.'. cute lu-tmotuu. Ouiat Loat M.mhood, Im- mm a.,-..,..,..rrlioji lntomn.ii, Faint m J-iTi.T. ti.n. a SAoa. itervoj t ua 'Tali auuiom, sietiop Kie'. rimnlwxi oai. Merit Should Govern in Making Selec tion. Thp merit system of makltiK ap liolntniPtits Is In Its tMMM as demo CTmtlC and Amprlcnti ns the common school system Itself. It nlniply means (list In clerical and other positions where the duties arc entirely non-political, nil ppllcntits should have u fair field and no favor, each standing on his merits as he Is able to show them by practical tMt Written competl five examinations offer the onlv avail able means In mtjny cases for apply Iiik this system. In other cases, as where laborers are employed, a sys tem of regigtrntion undoubtedly can be widely extended. There are. of course, plnces where the written com petltlve examination cannot be ap 1 idled, aud other.-, when It offers by no means tin Ideal solution, but where under ratatlBJ politico! conditions It 'Is. thouich an Imperfect means. et the best present means of etlnK sat isfactory results Whetliii the conditions have pc' mltted the application ot the merit svstem in Its fullest and widest iiensc, tin Kliln to the government has been immense. The navy-yards and postal service illustrate. probably bettei than unv other brum Ii of the OVrti nB( the TM Kaill III eentiiiiiii Bi flclencv. and honcBty due to the eu ForMtMtll Of this principle It Is Important to him this system obtain ni honio, but It Is even Bjkgrt laportMi to have it applied rigidly la Din Inanlar possessions. Not an office mi. mid be filled in the Philip pine, or i'orti) Rien wiib any ickbuI , to the man's partisan umiiutloua or arvice, with nnv ragard to the polit leal BOOtal or personal IniillHOB Whien he Bay have at his eomniand IB short. In ed should be paid to abso lutely nothlnc aave the man'r own character aad capacity and the aaada ol the service Consular Service. Tin consular service is now organ I ml under the provisions of a law passed in issii. which Is BBtlral) laad eipillle to evistlng enudltions. THE INDIANS. He Advocate Breaking Up Tribal Relation and Separating Them. In my. liuUuicut the time has at l ived when we should definitely mal up our minds to recognise the lad Ian us an Individual and not as a BMOthei or a tribe. The general allotment act Is a mighty paWariafai engine in break up the trlbul muss. It acts d, rectly upon the famllv and the hjdl ridaal Uader its provisions boom an.ood Indians have already heeoiaa Hiens or the 1'nlted States We hIuiiiIiI now break up tbe tribal Fundi I ' in lot thaaj whnt allot atea! 'i""s roe the tribal lands: that Is Hiev should be divided into Individual hold ings Tlieie will be u transition perl id during which the Hinds will In, many cases have to be held In trust This is (lie case also with the IuiiiIk A stop should he put upon the indis criminate permission to Indian- to louse their allotments The mffori should be steadlh to make the Indian work like any other man on fail own ground The murriai;e laws of the Indians should be made the same as those of the white. .In dealing with tin aboriginal races, few things are more iiuportani tibM to pcesorvc them from the terrible phjreical and moral degradation Hulling lion: the liquor traffic We are I doing all we can to nave inn own In dlaii tribes from this evil. The Expoaitiont. I hcHpcak the most cordial support from th congress und the people for tha st 1 ouis BxpoaiUoa ' bobbbmbv orata tin- one hundredth Bnaireraary Of the Louisiana pun lias. The people of f'harlestou with grout energy and civic spirit Bra lanying 011 uii BSpoaftion which will continue throughout moHi ol the I'leseiii sion of the nnnfraaa i heartily coav 11;. Mill this exposition to the good will of the people The Pan Aiiii-i ;.-an BxpOBltiOa at llilffulo has just closed Hot 11 frotn flu- industrial and the artistic stand poiio this exposition ha been In a 1 high degree creditable and useful, no' ateraly Ui Buffalo, aul to tha Ualtad States The advaooananl ol 'he highest in teraata of national aeieaaa and leers lag and the custody oi objects of art aad "f the valuable reaulta of sclen tllle eMiedilions ducted by the United Slates hove been eomniitted la I th.- Smithsonian Institute. Public Libraries. P -ihnps the moat characteristic ed- loatioaal movement of tha 1 ' Is that which has creatid th modern public library und dei. loped ii Into broad and active Bervici Than nie ii"w qaar R.POo public !i''-: i'.i I iipni Stales tie product of this, period. In addition to aeriimnlatloel 1. 11 'e-lal. tlic are als.i slrlv'1 bv . , ,' ' . 1 ' einelll II) llieth ods. and by co-operation, to g1v greater efficiency to the tnatei lal they hold, to make It more widely useful, and by avdlriancc of unnecessary do plication in process to reduce the cost ol Its administratis! Permanent Cenau Bureau. For the sake of good administration 1 sound economy and the advene n en , of science, the census office ns n IB 1 constituted should be made a pi rata nept government bureau. Poatal Revenue. The remarkable HaTowth of the pos tal service Is shown in the fact tiiat I Its revenue have doubled and its Ba pi iiditures have nearly double I atth In twelve years. Its progressive de v.'iopmont compels comatan'i In li renslng outlay, but In this period of business energy and prosperity It receipts grow so much faster than lis i expense that the annual del. ' has j been steadllv reduced from $11,411,779 1 In 1S07. to o.!2n.7:7 in 1101. Among recpnt iMistnl advances the success . ; rural free d"llvery wherever BBtah j llshed. has been so mark' d nnd actu ,, BPBH CO has mnde Its benefits ao j plain, that the demand ror It BXtaa slon Is gencrnl and urgent. The full measure of postal afonoea which might be reallred has long beer hamfierpd and obstructed I v th I . heavy burden Imposed on the govern I meat through the Intrenched and v-c.l 1 understood utilises which have grov .i 'in in connection with second class t'uiil matter The extent of (his bur den appears when It Is stated thl while th,. second-class matter Bakes nearly three fifths of the weight of at the mail. It paid for the last fiscal year only 4,fM,d48 of the aggregair .postal revenue of 111,M1,1H The China Issue. O'ving to the rapid growth id out ; pOWer and our Interests on the P.V ,' clflc, whatever happens in China must . In of the keenest national con ern to ii. The LMMleial terms of the BSttlBWIBIl! of the qupstlons grnwlng out of tY 1 antl foreign uprisings In China of IJimi having been 'ornmlated In a lomi note addressed to China by the repp lentBtlVOB of thi In.birtMl power a Deietnbei last, were promptly v Cepted by the Chinese govertimenl PateAmei ican Cogres. We view wiib lively jatatvei anl keen hope tha i nflcial reaulti m.. i in a eedings of lie Pan Barh i 0m gress. OOBTOkad at the Invito. lop of Mexico, and now sitting at tha Mavl can capital. The dele 'ate or Cc DnltOd Slates ale undel the DV Ii II I era! Instructions to coopcra'e with their colleagues in all matters prop. Isiug advantage to the gnat fir. Ilv i American commonvM nli'.s. aa .veil ic their relations among 'hems. 'Ives it. in their domes r advaaooaaaal ' ml iti their hBtarcoaaraa with tha Btoid a) large .My predecessor eonil.ninli iB'ad U) 'ongress (he I'u-i thnt 'e Wtil ltd I .a Abra aniinli agalns Mexu o hie I n ad.ludred by the i.he nn.'i . of the country to BBVB lapea Oi talni ! through fraud and perjuri on Lie pari of tha Chilian' a, ami th in aot i i mice with the acts of t'.e c ngi' as tha inonei remi.inlng In he h md I the secretary of slate on l iesi ,itr I.-, has been ntur, ,d to M' -'co A sldeiuble portjna o the uio.'CV re eeived froan htwhtti aa ihoaa .iwaiii- hud been paid b this govcri'.'uent l" the claimants lieiore tie- decision o tha r I was rendered My Judg inept II 'hat congress should petOrn to Me. o an i'. niou nt equal to th sums thus already paid to the claim ants. Appreciate British Sympathy. The death ol Queen Victoria cause I the people ot the Hulled Stalei -.-r and heartfelt sorrow to which th government gave lull expression When President McKlnlc dud our nation in turn received troiu evert quarter of the MrltlHh empire expfa slnns ot grief and sympathy no less sun etc The death of the KtlipleSh Dowugei Frederick ol (leiinani also aroused the genuine symMtthy ot the AmeiPan people: ami this sympathy wits "ordiall.'. roclpioealed b (ierma Ii v hep the lireklllcnl was assarslliul ed. Indeed. ffOBJ every Maftaf ot tie eivllUed world we received, at tit time of the president death iisHiirail ces of Htieh grief nnd regard hi o touch the hearts of our people, In the midst of our affliction we reverently i hi: ti I I lie Almlghtv that we ui at aaaee with the aatioM of Baaakiad : und we firmly latand that our policy ball be such as to continue unbroken 'le se International relations or nm Ui. 1 1 respect and good will THBODORI hoosi:' R White House December 9 IM1 HOTEL PENDLETON ! ' VAN DRAN BROS.. Props. The Best Hotel tn Pendleton and a good as any. mm. NBSflCSaatflBaa. aV WaJ mm KllaflllE Dl Hil ORFCON Shout Line UNION PACIFIC Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 per day. Special rates b week or month. I cfllent Cul.alne, I er .lodcrn Convenience. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLD! W BOTE Corner Court ! J.ibuaou lnlt, ivmiieion, oaaaaai M F. Kelly, Proprietor. ntrtar Tims Srhidul ai ro Front r. dlston j Chicago Salt late I'.M.ver, rt. I'ortlan.l Worth, innaha. Kan spts lal taa t lit. St Uult. I'll IMi a. . ii in eSRoand Kaat via fliint in ton HE J tllantl, Isalt Labi . IVnver, Ft Ktiireta worth, Oraaha, Ran III! . ro. tMCItjr.SI Uiula. ehl j y m vis Hunt- eatto anil Kaat . infton. j SI Paul Walla Walla. lwlator, F'lat Mall e allai-e.Pull t i.t . m. man, Minin'apolla, St 1 i p aa all Paul, thtloth, Mllwau Spokaat !. Cliotafu sad Kaat Ocean and River Schedule. KHOM I'OKILANP til MlUnf 'tataatuOl"! to vhauitr I ml i in For San Kranrltro i. Sail every I dart. Ially , I ' i'i Columbia, diver taaihi tpia fO tatoilaan.l fat Kain.laT s.uimay 'jttvttnes. In in j ' Wtllstnatts Bltsr I H.at e rerttand .tallv, eteepi Simitar. (Illajs et trslsi psrmltllni (or v il'ainall and ' Vmnhlll Kivrr taiima. LSSTt Kl.arla fin a ml - 1 ., , ,.ii Mob I SntB Mivar Kiparla Is Lcalalon I S tvsl I Aaeiii. I'einllalns Ifa Lewlaltwi lam 'aallv I pi Moa Washington X Columbia River Railroad MiATHI) BY STRA.Vl. LI'lrtTiil) HV tiLKCTOtCriY, Amrrlcso Plan, rate Ii ir to I. ou a 1a Kuropean ..t .' Simelai ratat hr waak or mom f-r-e Bus Hefts ell I reins. Commercial Trade Solicited I me Sample Itooins Don't Let Them Suffsr. often oalldnan an- horturad with itchlDK and liiirnitiK e .euia ami other akin illseases lint Mm klen's Aruli a Salve heals the raw sore exiM-l In tlttmmatlon leaves the skin without a star t'lean. rntKraut h,ap, there's aa salve on earth as roimI Try It Cure Kuaranteeit Only 2fie at Tall man & f'o.'s. THE BONINE DEFENSE. Testimony as to Her Good Character Adduced H'il-OllllKton. DM I Tame lesll Mai rharatatarlaad iha ajoralMl saa alon or tha Bonlne trial IndBT VII Mam Hay a na . . rari amploye, who ed a( Keinmei was the defetu first witeess Ha hail aavaf sees th i ' ndani ahov aaHlaHty to bmm Ofhr'T iKMtrdera ti'Htifli'fl to her BOO'i . 'haraeler. Tartly Potion has n-eeiv-rl n Ma lout of s-Vwioi'S' ehewlrtf m It'Mh evrv K rant paeVai' von jj-t s Rhaaet for a nice tvateh. SjKYial attt'iitioii fifllOMltrj Traili' James A. Howard REAL ESTATE BROKER. Court St. near Flrat Nat. Bank Has Real Estate for Sale See Here. 360 acres of choice wheat land, about ten miles northeast of Pendle ton. This is one of the finest improv ed farms In th county and has good sciool advantages. Will sell for caah or trade for equal value in unimprovro land. Eight fine lots in Pendleton at $100 each, on easy terms. 160 acres of wheat Und south of Ptndlston, WOO ii acres choice fruit and garden land near Milton. One-half of tract n oearing fruit tree , 7 acres alfel fa. All under irrigation. Finely Im proved. i20 acres on McKay Creek, 20 acres el botton land under Irrigation, balance good wheet lend. well Im proved. 660 acres good whset land, In b body, four miles from Pendleton, terms Helf ceeh belenc on tirns to suit purchaser et 68 per cent in terest. have you seen them WHO? Why the New Lumbermen WHERE? ! ajptJtt w. s c. h. katt PKKDLKTON, QHHU IN, Take thfs route for IPnr rhtajfJaH fh Paul. st. Louie, Ka- hs I Mty. HI. Jiw. I linalia. ami All Quints Last and South I'ortlend and points on the Sound 1 1MB AKD. leave I'eiiitleUiti, dally eiiepl Sim la)t at ' .'! nm Intel PsedlStea Hnu.lav Wi-.tnetilaf and Krldsy II : iA am triivt rendlttoa Tussdsy, ihuradar aod lalurday I :M sat leaVS Walla A a. la dally, eaat b iund I" . pa Arrive Walla Walla dalljr watt bosnd t.Ui sal. Kor lafenaaltee rrgardiu ratea and ace, .in i. nl at ton t rail u m ad'traa Vt tU AM -i Aanl. IVadlviiei, ' iraajou S B Al liKHIIBAO. II P. A . Vtalla Walla. Waab BERKELEY WantH ifVllal siuck and Frail fit nu foi Kuhi rn buyait. J. J. Oliver II Hi! i inoi Cure A poaitive i ure You almul'l try I. Hat iturtwi eaaua w Imro Ilia I eat ahfalalaai lalladi ' aala iy Iidle & Zahner 7lm Man. aa, i'. ii. i in.. i, fiteana W J StWELL Mauaaar M adhvj CURE VOURSKFt HI aJB . .iuia! t'uAia'" ii,D4..,ii..iia4. u b in ..ttl.u. i.i in ei..u ..ii . in. , j a Iai Mint uat ratjuaaS ileal thflsV BJBI aafi, it, j r. . . a . 1 m .1 , v'i.