SEE OUR LINES Of Winter Goods : lothing i jvcrcoats Underwear Working Shirts Lined Gloves Hats, Caps and Shoes Our Prices are the Lo tat and the c,am to All BAER tV DALEY 0n Pride Olothirr, Furnili unl ffaftm, l'vwUeUm (Contlnaad froai poga I.) M ii ire i 1 1 v in mora and nwra In hara, It Is ol' tli' utmost lnipo: i- this position lie not Jr. iwrd- '! i spn tally -, tini. when ttl gnrfloanng nbundanca ol not own aacumi raaourcai and Um uiii. boat. Mir MM rg .iml ' ha, ileal aptitii ' r our peopli maiv foreign marhai rMi'titlal tinier such comltl ions l i i"' most linvviHi' to oranp v totrr the youthful stnimtli Of our Mint i MONOVOI It ( annoi too often pggttod 001 that to still, with Iriio at rtotnnci at th.. IntOWOta Ol on at Of men nlnnm liH'Vltahlv Ondatl r ttlt Interest- Ol all Tlx- funda j mital role In OUT national Ilia th. V' which undarllna all othon It thai on Um whole and in the long ma. mt shall Ko up or do wo togothwr, Tin ni' " hauls:;! of Uodvi hMn-s Is so dotioata thai OStTOOM tatr m'ist p.. taken oot to lotorfer Willi in a spirit oi rashni's or Ikiio. mmry Man ol ihMi who hnvi. modi; ft their vooattoo to deooooce the I ri-i industrial combination! whleii arc popular!) although with tochnl ra i oai curacy, Known as tnmts, appeal eapeclally to hotrod mm taoi Ta, ai, prodool) tin two oniotlona, pgHfi itlortj whon conibtnad with Ig narnarc which unfit bmo tot the on aortic of cool and itaodj ftidgnaani lu fecial noo Industrial conditions tk- is In il histon oi thi' world shows that I' Kishition win generally ho both owi-. and Inoffectlro unlass undo. lahrn after . aim loqulrj ami with so her tail restraint Moot) of this h'Kl taton directed at tin truata would hare WTOOghl harm aVOU though it horf n not also been entirely InaftW- Truiti. All tills Is true ai t it Is also tree that there are real ami -rave MSh one Ol the oMol ii ovi'i eapt taitr.Jtloil heeailSe o! , man" h ellll emsi'ipiem , aid i n, ;,inl practical effort must he made to , m rcet tin s, avlla, fhere is a arideaprood sonvletlon in the BUada Of tin American peon,. that tin groni corporotloai known us iw"' ai' iii l ertam ol their teaturc , 4 towdanclaa hurtful to tin general ongfera This prtnga from no Hpiri; mi nss oi aneharitoblaaeao nor lad, ml pride in the ureal imlinttriiil arfcn emeiits that have placed thi aaatry at tin hood Ol the nation, mmgiini for oonunwrelol mpramai It euesnot rent upon lac', of iatoUlgOOl aorr ' latioa oi tin aooooatty of moot was ahonglni and hoagod eoadlUoaa mt trade with now methods nor upon Igaaroaa ol tin nu t that oombnlntlaii mt eapiiai in th.. . ffm-t to accomplish r"at thliiKH k ntN'esaiy when th.- wavii! . progrooa dmomla th.u meat thiflt: he 1 1 on It is liMsed upon sin er convtcUoo that combination ami nnareat ration ihould ha, not prohlbli ii pol aoperviaed ami wlUUi reusoi.- ne' limits controlled, aid In my loiamenl thli convictioa is riKht. It is no liinitaiion upon property vOtht- oi in-, iloin of contract to re gain that whog mog rOOOlTa Iron warn men! tin- piisiie,. 0r going har'nes uBdei corporate form, which fr tlntn in on individual responsi Whi and enable them to call into th' ni. rpris. th. capital of the pnl r. Ihey shall do go mmn ahaoluteiv tratliiul n'presentatloiiH ux to the val or of Um property in which th capi t' Ii to in invented Corporation eacat'eil in Interstate commerce a. . to el piM: : he i. gu feted it they are found i' lao i Uet nm working to tin injury. The lurjte corporations comniotil mlle.i trusts Uiougfa orsanled in or .-tate always do business ':i many states often donor vory little hariness In the stai. n which th me Ineorpoi ated Than la utter IgeaF Of anlformit) in the st.n, laws about ghrm ami ga no state has any ex in-afv- inter, si g ,,i poarei over their oris, it has in practice proved Impoa affe'e to uei ggoguate regulation ghnugh nati action. Therefore u the lilt' 1 si 0 lb whole I . the ante,, should without Interfering Jtlh tin pouc: ii the '. n, , antic: iisdt also noaume power of gssrvfeloa sad regulation over ill oarporatioiiM di iiiK an inteistate biiai- tc- - rt'hen ii, ronolltiitlun was idopleil. si the oad oi tin slghtenth n mi Imiuan w isdom couhl torcli II th" s.'iunK chanxes, alike in industri..! and i 'I i t IfH 1 i on dlt Ions, which weir to take ohaea by Um lioglnnlni or the tw, nttoth oontory ai that time ii was accepted as a Mtttor oi couras thi." the several statis wtra the pro ar authprttlaa in raguloto, m rar is woa than aacoaaory, t ii - coniparnUvs. iy lualgnlllcanl ami strictly iocollssd corporate bodloa ol Um da) The con1 dlttona an. now wholly differ, nt nod wholl) dlffaront action is colled tor, I believe that a law can he fronted which win enable the notional govern ant to exoreloe control along the Hm s abovt indicated; profiting by the experience mined Ihroogfa the pat saga ami adnlaiatratlon m tins lnt"r State-Commerce An. ir however tin- juii,"!'."! of the oongmwi is thai In lac, r the conatttiitlonol power to 1 pans such an act then a constitution lai ameudmenl ihodld bo mibniluwl to onfer the power There stum hi he c rooted . coo I net I ottcer, to he known as secretary ol Commerce ami Indttatiiea as provid ed u. Die hin Introduced at the btl lacaoton ol cougreaa. it shonld be nin province to ileal with eommercc In it" broodetl er thins -use laoluding among oth' whatever coUi eras laboi mnttara affectini the graol rorporotiona and onr BMr and all i boalnass i hant murine STANDARD OF LIVING s Higher Than Ewer Pefore in th United State.. With tin sole OX ion ol thi- lai i i auoh 4a an IllK Interesis no otic lliltltei vital nomanl to our whole is ol p.o the srolfOn the tarnn i well off. It all others Iherefors a ol the wage. workers i ami the arogowofker are is ahoolntal oortaio that are well off loo. It , math : ol I oiu-ralulatio i thai th higher waxes paid lo labor are today in the I'niteil States than ever hetore Iii mi,- hlstoiy anl in aii othei eoiin far hlghei than " I in- standard ot living Is als , I slier than ever before Kvery d , lort ol legislator and admlnfetTOtoi i si uold h.. bent ti aooara the perma ' " ' ol thh condition ol thinus on I i" ImnrOfOOMnl wherever possible N' t onl) miisi oui labor be protected bj ihc tarirr. inn it ebon Id also ho t ectd ko ia i as possible from th. me in this country of any labor i- bronghl over by ooattaot. or oi those who. i omillK lleeiy yel repri "in a lamlard of living so d-pn s,. . but It . an Hid. isell our men In the laboi maile i ami drag them to a to er level. I reKard it a.. ne essai w'th this end in view, eii re-enact Im media, -h (be law excludliiK Cblnes and gjgfl t be niakillK Of Its snfon menl oaUrolj affective American wage-worker work with their heads as well as with their haada Moreover, tbay take a keen pride m what they ur. doing: ko thai Indi pondoal ol the reword, thoy wis- to turn out a gOTfOOl iib Thi in th groat lecral t our octaaa in com',' tltlon with the laboi or bMolga coui, tl ies Th. most vital problem with vklflh this , mtntn and for that matter lie Whole Clvlllaed world has lo deal the problem which has foi MM tl I the i, 'Mermeni : social condition moral ami physical, in ferge cltlea ami lor another Hide ll fforts to deal with that tatiKlv of fOMOOChittfl gaaoUoaa which are group togathi uln n we spaah of "labor " The , In, factor in tin gaoOOM of each man wave worker farmer, i.nd capitallil llkl must ever be the sum total ol Ma own utdlvidual qualities ami abll Second only to tbla conn s th, power oi acting in combination or ai social ion with others. Very grOOl -'oil has been ami will be aoconipllsl il lo associations or onions of WmJt workers whei: manaKnl with for. thought, and when they oomblne iii fetenea upon theii own rlKbts wit', Inwiblding raam 1 1 tor Um rfebts ol hers. Our present iuiiiihirallon laws are isiitisfadoiv W. need every ho'i il and efBclonl Immlgranl titu-d ti become an American cttlaon ee, Inimigronl who comes bare to stay w ho brliiKs h.-re a si roll); oocly, i -tout in a 1 1 a good band and a MOU lute purpose to do bis duty well h arorj aray gag to brum bis ohlldro1 up a.- fewabldjni ami find foorlni members of tin- oomunlfT, Pnl then ihould in- a oomprohonatvo law an teil with the object f workillK threefold Improvemenl over our pre.-: nt system THE TARIFF SYSTEM Must be Upheld. But he Alio Wants Reciprocity. There Is n general in (ttlOgeoace in onr preaanl tariff tyatem as a notion ai policy. The Oral requlalta to our proa parity is the continuity hnd tta Ulltty of this economic policy. Not) ltt could be more unwise than to ills lerb the business Intcicsts of tin rommnnlty b) gonornl InriB change i at this Uma. Doubt, apprehension I uncertainty are oaictlj w hat i moal wish to moid iii thi intereal nl onr commercial and mat rial a be i ing. Our experience In the past has .shown that sweeping revisions ol the I tariff nn apt to product' conditions oloaall approaching panli in the bual lless world. Yel It Is not mil: 1 hie, but smlnentl) deal rant to com bins with the stability oi onr econon 1 ii system ii snplcmentary system nl reciprocal benefit ami ohlivaiion will other notlooa. Bnoh replcporcit) is an Incident and result ol the Srni ratal Itshment ami preaa nation ol our pros nt economic policy, it anu special I provided foi In the present ta.i.i law . Roclproclt) must be ireat. ,1 iis ih.' handmaiden of protection. Onr Mis' dut) is ti see thai protection ri mi i.. the tat if in ovary ease win re it is Beaded Is maintained, ami thai reel pi in it ii.. sooghl foi so rar as it con ant) he don.. withoiH injnrj to mu home Industries. .Inst Low fai this is muai he determined according to the individual case, romemborini al ways that ever) application of on i. mil policy to moot thH shifting n t Ii mill needs BtUtl be i omllt loin 'd II'' on tin cardinal tact tha' tin duties must never be reduced below Ii point that will COVei the laboi hon ami abroad, The srelhbeing oi the wgga wiiihai is a prime consul s ration of our enUre pollc) ol ecu nomlc logiafetlon. Bubiect to this proviso oi the proper protection aeceasar) 1 i miv Indus trial well belng ai home, the prim i pie oi roclproclt) must command oui (nait: support, Tic phenomena growth ot our export trade cmpUasi i es tin urgency of the need ol wtd r markets ami for a li: i tl ollcy in : allng with foreign notions VVhai .I is merely potty and voxatloua u. the wnv oi trade raatricUoi ihoul be avoided The iisioim r,. lo Who II i we dispose ol our sin i las products i the long um. dtrecUj oi IndirecUy, purchase thos ilui produi Is bj kIvIiik us something In return Thi I ibilltv to purchaa r nrodui is bollld lis lai lis possible he seellli ,1 by mi i grnnglni our tariff as to onnbl us to take from them thoec products which we can use with. mt harm air own industries and labor, or the nee ol which will be a marked bonefli to UN. I I I ' c ( to ( ( c w .0 MERCHANT MARINE. Needt Remedial Legislation Say the ProoMont Tic rendition of ih i An ericau chant marine is such as to . all tin mi mediate remedial action by tin eon Kress It Is discreditable i a- a nation Hun our merchant marini should be utterly InslKiilll, am in i parls, ii, with thai ol other nation whlch we overtop in othei forms of Grand I lolidaj Ditpin) oi iaiiicv I lulls, si i's. a if Santa Claus rWquar'ers . Druiua, 'i i iiuiwnvla of nit aud wood lovs .. Ill um) lo cents, mmic laniamn, gia tti t;i,;'; ; 1 1 aiiaiiir i i,. v. OA; ilotla mill diei" '-. ,e uu; hlIOh - Iroil w tgOO, haliU-, II. on bl h etc llili ilnsl- of l's lie'lliiliiiL' iii:iii n w onoi an Si IA.D6, n.ii- and dol IiiumIm unnMNiaa line to alaol fmni. lul anil I cv (illls Maalcura a In cHwJold and alaao . sxi. wo k box mi aiil liakhai .ii emu, jewell rOBHI CAl lai ami .ull '' aa, laatbr gnoga inuic ndU ilm i no , ele. Sgggl I t N ell's Lanka' unii L-ein-' tl i i.u -i . -it,. . c lo l II . Kasiu mi i Pfjij . hVrfuiutw I'', Mi lo H (I l oc oiii.iiii. ii h, c I,,,; luvaulta ihs III olie s Ihll, e .';k.v lo le.l.l, n vaal p i ices. i ii Mcila'li .. s Ulc I i 2l .1 1 lor lin o - I e Im,. ,,i ti. i..'ilalllole lev ,.j.- ' s, u-w ImiUMI dhrtatlUgM caiuli.s. nuu ;in, ,,,, illdlil ut lowc-l Hic. I III? ABSOLUTELY CLOSING OUT mm riviTinr uun tn nc AIA1it w ill v w h x r SALE BEGINS MONDAY, DEC, 2 The bio THE PENDLETON WOOLEN MILL! are making Pendleton Famous, They can be had of all First Class Dealers. ASK FOR THEM. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS, PENDLETON, OREGON. , STOR AC, P Tlie i 5 Mi i or Health, Mrenth " a mrv Molydorc Voeus, Proprietor. 10 OTAOlf nr nnu ga-J oiuuiv ur um nn lie t Hnna Ti w m m at w ar v . -a. m u i H ' la 111 busy Sto The Products of Tin".' art' lUu PundletOll Indian Bobgg, tht Bcotoli Plaid Bhftwln, t he wouderAi Pendleton Blankets and tin- Indian Shawls. They are all made from Eastern Oregon Fl e Wool, and tha d mand for tlnun i- eqal t' t be present guppl'. As a liolitlay pn-n'iit, tlu8i' jjnotls meet any I tear I s desire. . , 9 999999 UrKust u.ick in the city. If you want a carpel cj line. We will givo you eatimotw -wdmm A Vlammolh stock of FurniturcJ BAKER & FOLSI Nt-xt door to Postotfice and fl u a ; in I i