t Shoe Sale Commencing Xhureday, Nov. 21at, we will sell all of our largr stock of Boots and Shoes at a groat reduction. We must re duce our stock and in order to ac complish this prices will be Cut and Slashed Nothing will escape the slaughter except the Queen Quality BhoM, which are contract goods. The chance of a lifetime to get the best gOOQt in the market for less than they are worth. ('all early before sizes are broken. Terms Spot Cash. CLEAVER BROS The Boot and Shoe Hen. MON i .v v , I)Kci:.mii:i; 2. imoi. THE REV. HUOH MILLER. RETURNED TO THE FOLD OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Aftor Three Year, He Decide Thit He Was Wrong, and Is Received Again by the Church From Which He Went Out. Hugh Miller was reinstate', into tin liaptlat church in thla city at Uss moralll services yesterdny. It will to remembered by most every one tn Pendleton tti Ml Miller was at one tlmp naor of tho Flrt Baptist church hero and that he startled his trii'iidi by announinir titer aervln tli ofcUfefe about a year, that ht had come to tin on Union thTe was uothlnK in Christianity ami that b hud been trying to live a 1 1 r which un not Int.. ml, mi for man to live. He quit the in i ni t r and asked that his .i.in, be dropped from tb.. church roll. Thla was in the latter part m the year 1898. and later he it he'i and iu now In M uncle Intl. Recently the church received a request frorii Mr Miller and his wlf aakinK that they be reinstated. The matter wuh Drought up for discussion Kunday morning and by a unanimous vote he was reinstated and his letter of fel Itiwshlp will be forwardetl from her. to him In Indiana, where he aays that he and his wife wish to unite with the church. It is not known here vhat Mr. Mil ler expects to do. but It Ir pressmen tha' he will Kuln enter the ministry BOUGHT LUCK'V STOCKINOS FOLSOM tallman won Souvenir China w i have i ust eapaeked ur own importation of Souvenir China. We hav.- the IpfMgpal Church with iUt (liKUhy, (lie eiulllenl High Hchool (ruui Its eiiiiuenec, the Court House on the Mjuare, Chief Jeo in Ills toggery and solwi, Mil! "lenas uaNMe" with Ignorance. SHETLAND PONY. The Wayne Knitting Mills Content Brings Him Success. KoIkoiii Tallman. sou oi Mr ami Mrs. J. V. Tallman, of this cltj, ha won one of the onles offered as n.es by Ike Wavn. KnittluK Mill oi Fori Wayne. Ind. Folsom will be mm of ten children who will get the" pom.- tm cliancliiK tn buy or hir't in. ii parents buy for them a pair oi the children's hose sold by the Waym mills In thlb instance, toe prlie cane to Kolsom through a purchase nini ,tt the Alexander Department Store V.'hbni a teleKram came this morn inK telling of the little bey's good for I lllle. The mills placet! nuuibors in tlx line of chlltlren'R hose, ami then nuni bers were drawn, ami the lucky ono et the ponies. CHENrJWTTH HEARD FROM OUT AT PILOT ROCK . . ikal iu.. .!.,, lu nrnrtlt'llllv THE MYSTERIOUS PREACHER ffiTRaTOT Peppt cieiw. which l between tnc two iilnndv purchased. With these claims nnd others wnjjn they have lornted the company will virtually own the rive: for a. distance of ten miles. It Is thought that the g i -enter part or next season will N devoted to preliminary work, as It will be Impossible to more than 11 read) to work on a large scale berate another yeai. He Keeps Himself Neat and His Stomach Full. Yet Has No Visible Means of Support. Klwuotl Chenoweth. the mysterious crazy preacher who has gained s much notoriety by his cunning ami ability to got away from the Officer, when arrested, has again been heard from. This time he is In WUH ROCk pounding his peculiar religious doc trines to the people of that little vll lage Me has been seen there several times recently Re usinlly bobs up In the forenoon ami stays around fOT an hour or two. ami then disappears as completely as If the earth had Opened ami swnllowetl him Where he l "in--from or where he goes Is one of the mysteries which has heretofore bee.i a part of his characteristics. No one seems to know where he keeps him self during his nbseitee or what r.c subsists upon, for he Is never seen to stop anywhere for anything to eat, and It Is known thai he has no Money with which to buy. He keeps hlmsel looking very neat ami tidy. It Is tie general concensus of opinion that In has friends who keep him In monev and clothes but who these friends are has not yet been fathomed. If such is the case, they are very careful to un let themselves he known. Would Buy Isaacs Placers. party. seld to be representing MUtteri! capital. Is at Dale now. look lag over the ISMCS placer ground with a view of Inning It. The opening up ol the mines Of the north fork of the John la un ans mm h for Camus p ml tie. It means a market for pro dueOi hay. train, etc., work for all her idle men. and for the stotes It menu large sales of groceries, miners' ClOth Ing. etc. Milem's Placers. 1.. U Mlleni departed yesterday foi the river to get his ami his father! plai ers In shape for next spring's rtin. Ball Was Successful. The Thanksgiving bhl! at Ilklah was largely attended by people from all over the prairie and the head of Butter Creek. PERSONAL MENTION IT IXiN'T OOtTT ANY THING TO LOOK AT THEM w c Mini Opens Fuel ya.d. ..a lias III"-- his fumii '.iotn Meacham and opened up , wood and coal yard with his oftl' nrst door north of laser's bakery, on Main street. L K I'enlaml visited Pilot Rock Saturday Deputy Hherlff Hlakely went to Athena tnday Mrs Walter Heed left 'Ills mornltu for her home in Portland. Charles .1. Ferguson visited Walla Walla again on Sunday W. 1) Chamberlain spent Suntla with friends in Athena T. J. Hurg. of Walla Wallu. Is reg Uttered at tin- Qoldee Rnle hotol S. I, Taylor Is registered at Hotel Pendleton from his home in Btgtn, Attorney Oeorge W. liaxen. ol I'u land, is registeretl at Hotel St fleoi - Mrs. Sargent, who has been, v. low with typhoid fever. Is uo battel and her friends fear the worst. William Wlllnughln nm- Of At na's most prosperous pioneer uitim i . was In the city this mo-nlng I. T Oraham. ol Austin. T.a i in the city. II. Is looking over the eountry with Um view to im-atim: hen 0 P Davis, who is at UM Mot Lake for rheumatism. Is reported to miicli improet and Is ted to n turn home in a few da lioy Italey will leave in a few days for Washington. D C where he will take a three years' law course in tie Columbia I'niverslty. Chester K Kuykendall. one oi Pom eroy. Washington s. niost pronnnent young business num. spent land with frlentls In Pendleton. Miss Pearl Wells returne.l tb morning to her home in lleppnei II. aunt. Mrs. J. M. Hentley. aecompani.il her ami will visit lu that city lot week. Scott lieujauiiu. of Seattle, am' John Benjamin, of ffonflilnh. itiaim arrived yesterday in i espouse to word that their sister Mrs Sargent, wa critically m. Mr. and Mrs Thomas , 1'n rd y . Ol Spokane, arrived in Pendleton Hi morning to visit a few days u-'i relatival ami irl.-nds. Mrs. MrMorrl mother of Mrs. Purdy. is with them Miss Uethune Swagg.t i who ha ' .- II all. Ildllli; Si Ios.-i . ad.-in returned yesterday evemiig I mm In i hooM iii Athena, wbaro she ipeni TlillllUsglvillg with her puentS. Mis.- Maud Carlisle received a i. I. gram Saturday announcing tin Mri mis Illness of her Bfathar at her hOMC at W.-ston. She left on Sunday iiioi n Ings train In answer tn the summons Kit Carson, traveling paMMMnSOf ami ii. ighi agent lor tin W Si C It. rail road passed through Peudleton over tin- l( A N. road Satnrdav evi-miii: iioiii I'ortlaml to his home in Walla Walla c h Wade ieit yetereay etenlni for cin. ago to attend the meeting flj the Niinonni Livestock aaoelatlon whit!' hnena 'then toesvy, Ho wni m compamed by his son (iuy W Wad. who will stop a lew days in t'lma-... ami then K on to Minnesota when lie will enter the Stale Agrlt ultnra' College ami take some svedal studn--this winter. Owl Tea House Fine Teas and Coffees. Babb Buys Cattle. W H. Babb today bojght marl one hundred head of stock cattle from the Swearlnget Hroa. He will ram t hem on his place near Echo. Don't Have Cold Feet When you can prevent it hy wearing a pair of 00! Warm Lined Shoes. We also have a hne assortment of l clt and Knitted Slippers in all colors lor ladies and children. 646 Main St. The Pendleton Shoe Co. An up to date Mepair Shop in connection with our store. THEY OWN a LOT OF GROUND PLACER CLAIMS ON THE NORTH FORK OF JOHN DAY One Company Has Control of Ten Miles of the River Eastern Party Wants Property. Ukiah, Dec 2. Work continues at the oriental mines near this place. Several additional men were pip in this week. The survey ot the ditch ik almost completed, and it is lound r be a little over si mlleb In length The estimated cost of this ditch will be about I7.00O per mile. Th OOM pany will erect a saw mill in the early spring, at the head of the dilcli, ami are talking of miming the estln ah (ante If this is done. It will require OaaaUUsg over 1,040,000 ieei ol Inn. her. AnvliOW, a Consldeiabli nurtlon Of II Will have to be flltnied They have botixht the Kleiusurg property, whleh Is near where the ditch will leave the rlvr, and it is To Force Copper Sales. Ho.-ton. Dee. 2. It Is claim Stl b I Baaaclal agency hen tha' the t'emo! alliatlen In copper sharae is tor th" purpose of aequlrltig the Hlo Tlnto mine and of Inducing the Calumet a Heels company to sell Itn luoduc through the United ,MtnlH Uelllni: i onipany i'ntitu. (or rem t: rooms ami bulb ran central, apply Mrs Allle Sherl dan KW Alia street. NOT ONCE IN A WHILE BUT ST. JOE We are SbughterintrV O - l Otir Clearance Sale Is fa pflj Wt in she lone Morniniii.. d.i And are Knocking Down tli Persimmon Come and See if This Is L llomombor Largest stock of good, I I OUDty to select from un.l ow ' ever l.cforo, iiH wo must reduce the !" January 1st, 1902. Very truly, k b.' LYONS MERCANTILE Prepare for Christmas Holidays Wi ivni I i mr mil. ill i i i nam . . i . I . A 1 ' u Tiiini uiib w wui non dij iu uiiiing room mm are of choice ilenign and finish, hoI idly made and ini u a I'l e e iwiTui viiwi ctoi irt iiiit' (ilr HUCD SlllXnOf .liiHt look at them, they are worth it, even if you 6t tend jmrchaHing. Our new ahipmentj include moj grade DOVeltiea. Come in anvhow and at'il , I 1 l I'OP iL- ASA AA i qaiii tu on me mautW premium. M. A. RAIU - - m -mm (111 ( 'oruor Main and Weld) Itreti Awavs ibeap (i Are nm slioe 1 ak- our Ilea1 1 Bom Call LEATHER LINED Hal at Jj.oo examine Ibem closely and we leave the rest to you Rubbers BOS TONS WOONSOCKEFS WALHS Q00DYEAR AP5LEYS All First-Class Makes Peoples Warehouse Peetflltor B, at aa m m m m n 1l a rwi wm m R m H c - ,m i. 1 1 1" I I VJ 111 IliwAIL I have a lull line of the celebrated COLE'S AIR-TIGHT Wood and coal tovefl miaranteed to le abeolutely air tiht. Noneofth luiat in wauted and the stoves .will save ONE HALF of your fuel bill. i also nave a in line ol c;isi amk aoves ana steei Prices arr the lowest, 'juality considereti T. C. TAYI OR, the Hardware 741 Mnin street. Pendleton, Orffor, POULTRY and EGGS International Poultrj Pood makes ihem. Beef Meal ivcs thetn flavor. Clamshells make them solid. Mica grit aids digestion. Try a sample. C. F. COLESWORTHY, Hay, Grain and Feed. 127 and 1 jy East Alta Street. Feu i.ttos, WE WILL snow The Most Complete Jjiite of Fancy HOLIDAY GOOD Ever Shown in Pendleton The New Designs M CHRISTMAS GIFTS for 1901 are Indescribable. They Will Soon be on Display. We Will Cheerful!) Show You the Line. TALLMAN & CO. it. leiiM. fi u. . pendl