QMiy EVENING CD IT?0N P DAILY Eastern Oregon Weather I ,,i ' our resiuem M earner s ,5c A WEEK TonWhi kikI In - lay clfm l tied wi'r i't with isstniitd mini PEXDLETOX, I M A l ll.KA mrvrv. oitKf.oN. Miimiw, DECKMHKR S, 1901. 'EVENING EDITION Big i Jim. 1 1. . SIM'S LSI GENERAL NEWS .. .. !,.. n.H L'llIM UK Dm eat Northern. I Hill wl" K Lm, .. . preparing to .make F u nanliiHl lli.' re-enact K,,. Qwn 1 MlUtlOB law. en Ity eommlMtoaai 0 ,, petition in bank kfcftOl IM MabllltlM and no brf aRi'ii' 101 u""",u viwrvi. Kurrhisc.1 k""1 fam n,Mlr I.. ..Liiiir mens in make Kus Lcuofali ArmenlM refugees IKCminiHlaii uisiricia, con nunihrr W.ow. Kttnv ag. d (i yean, ami net tiiti'i Kllu. were nurneu it Philadelphia hh Um remit I with mati'ht'H awr Qulmby wan found t Ithmii .M mIi in inuiiiunna Lii.ir.-n with poison, and wn jtn lift Imprhwaraaat who killed Alva Rate- Itrk t H l Nock. ' WM fmflor III.- imprisonment. L o( th.' I in"''1 Ota reserva- hearliiK betora CommlH Beet. Mill III gen UH grmooo t . ,C1 i , le thalf mineral laud gum ii ih.'i.' have been smallpox in London, and fr.ni. th' disease. Pur- Kiii fortnight 161 foMh ciiHea L report p,;,. I, bus definite E achome to ,i, rutin " Mete foi UM dial I ll BO I M a Dm .hp. klllod in.- a. pai Qalaaa, Ran. Kt .ii,,. btl) w minded a hn niip boa i iled al the rati i Iriuamt It. tmoi K Thii.vi ni I In- Unit i Dittri. t .'.mi l ut St Louis ill I ; .. I '.'llcll, nut' Ol Iltnpriaoiied Si Clair count v, IN. wax um entitled to " iniiinn'iiiiHiii the rearrest of a lierinun lot I dermal, trailer at Cava ol th"' .llfllfiilttt'H or Ih. i " iimu ami Ven rrriltli.-li' i . ilisuppoa: ll'ii : I. undergo n new Ul, Ul I III' it .'I. lift 11111 111 1 1 wiff hi- hrothar ami his wife, will hiii i triuu Pnrb am. mi. null' trip on re hruiluh I'l'UUce, Spain ainl i.-ina. NORTHWEST NEWS Bum. .a power lu on IV til't'lt's and a liiilliouaiii auui. ,i liuHttin Mauitai ii" ai 'ii mi ly htH SprlniiH'1.1 lill.-n now i-ur i nitial uiiurd I-' Ulll llSI.il' Mini III. taken It) tin- imid.'in lWIi. l ian. eB Hew ' 1 Wn.Ti Klii.'Uiiiau u ( was .in. ut' tin. Ui v.-ii! ,,, Simkaiu' on r ' 1 .i . .. 11 in I S:n PWd in (!,. hay Saturday - ..:n, ih. San Ha i " ii ami tilt. .iu ' I i hau ui haviiiK tli.. In Uinta ('unareaa hold ita " hi I'.'iiIhihI. The aaav ""mi: ...i ii,. in t Timadav iiu.i ii. , uutinue ti dayH 'tl (Inn linn., a i.'spiTta ' ' i in thi' va Utou ., r.inianil for the r"" 1 1.." , ii.. uiuuii in rrtlii t.v )av a( I ri"iirv l.'..iiiK fnr tht ilnlliii. .. I . ...... i.. ..i. ""n ..win ..in- 'rwniaml . iiiimv iall Th.-v . - r uHiin.-afion with dfi, wldiuv Hi.nar wai. h. i i- nHolv l ballered aithaf would MAKERS MEET THEY ARP. TO RETALIATE GERMANY WILL HAVE A TARIFF BILL PASSED. They Assembled in the Na tion's Capital. Chancellor von Buelow Says Tho Must Protect Their Own Inter etta. H.-rlln. Dae. 2.- Th. -r w taiiff hi. had lt tlrat ri'adltin in ;h' relchata -loday. C'hanri'llnr nn lliifllow Haiti . ' It Ih not int'Hiii an a d"!'B,rtur' tRtU thi- policy of commercial ireat(.s. bu wc nuiHt protect our own Interesta." SERIOUS CHARGES AGAINST A FEDERAL C0MMSI8I0NER. CONGRESS BEGINS FIFTY SEVENTH SESSION TODAY Cor Ueual Scenes Were Enacted at the National Lagialature Started the Wheels Running Visitors Were Numerous and Interest was Deep Senate Proceedings Were Short. WaahinKton Dec. 2 I'ractlcally a full attendance wan on land tn take part In the opening exe-clHe hour of the Hnnate today. Hefor" ten 0'fiiock the public hcaran to fill 'liu mill.-i Many early coniera were Hitting pa tiently In their choice e.atH for two hours before the Mtarn .ippearetl on the lloor l.udl.'H Khliii'iif red in pit tureaatle coIoih ami ih. ; mH on a atrikliiR appearance On i In lloor the deakH of the memhem added to the eiiHem'ble by the burUaai ot tlow era. A Kreater inimher of vial ton flocked to the house o IllR to the kmiwledae that the H.'iiHle prm'e.i itiKH would be Hhort. . The Heitatc proceeding:' were uini Hiially quet (Of an openiUK. An v WOarlBJ in ol IHi'tiicli ami Millard, ol Nt litaaka : CUbaotl, ot Montana, ami Kltterldae, oi South D.'.kota, rsooaa wan tnken for thirty minute, while a committee notified th.' prcaidftil the body wan ill hchhIoii. At 1! o'clot ! the aenaie adjourned out ot reHpi i for the Inte Henator Kyle. THE HOUSE. Prg- i lv, in. i racev ul lliikur I'itv .if t'liftlatiH Weil i.-silav HVitnlnir I'avld'H chapel ueoraa Van Wat Drat It Vnaki I - .wouuih t lltll lilt' li'--'..i last Wednesday 1-- nianco. It Is feared Ben i m i .. m p.i left '. .Lilian, vt i . "i .iiveiiiotn ftarii. c u wv i - " " netMr in ifanciseo. StHtrfll Miurnmul 1- send relief to the 116 ..... 8u,n j0 le L.. v.aiuaiii nea Fwenii.. miter service, haa to hold htmaelf tn at once to the of the McCul- D. B. Henderson Again Speaker The First Day's Proceedings. WanliiuKton. Dec. ".-The hoii-.e wan called to order ut the Htioke of 'i o'clock, noon, by dot a MoOowolL At 1 o'clwk l It I leiitkerhon. nt lima, wan .leclated to ha v. been elect ed speaker ol the hoiiHe of repreat i, tatlvi'h of the flfty-He enl h .'.iiiKt.'... MemlerHon mude a brief hi h ol lliar. kf ami nt 1 I" o'elo i. wan hwon lu by ConKreHHiuau llliiKham, "I I'eiiiiH.vh aula, the oldei.l memhei in point of service ISLAND TERRITORY Is Declared to be Domestic Two Opinions. Totey'i d 'tppim-H ui antnanulHt i Kineinm. i In .'ontorui today announc- H'ipreine court in the inaiiku I'cpke, vk th WasbltiKton. Dec. Z. . ihIoii tleiiiinni; llu I'l. domestic territory while to the colitentiiiUM of the in thla particular .aae, lv R with the tle.'lHIOllH ol the court ill other iiiHiilar canen Cbiel JllHtite Kllllei etl the det'lHioil ni tilt nt tlx UaltOtl StatiH taiiff ease of Kmll J. I nited States, commonly known the "fonrteen tliumoml rinsH" MM The court IioIiIk the PhtHpoaBW have been a purl of tin- (":iltet Stu' looa the llgalMi ol the treaty ol I'ariH ami that no duller, are collet ; able nu goodi paHaliiK lo the I n Stateh from the iulands The Porto Rican Case. Washington Dee - TsM I'orlo It' cou Iuaular coae of Heni' W. Dooley ih. the t'liltttl Stuteb WtM decided I'V the supreme court today against Do.' ley. The touit held tint duties On ..ntlH liupni leil into Port J Rico froi i the United Staen after paaaagc of (h Korakcr tariff act were for the hem tit of Porto Kit n. ami th refore prop eily coiiHtriii'ted. In the Philippines ease While. QfOjr, Shiran and MeKenna dlsaented In the Porto Kit o MM W'b"' dissem ed In part, and Fuller Harlan Hiewer and Peckham in whole. Anti-Oleomargarine, No. ft Nearly two thoiiHam! bills and reao ItttlOM wi le ilit i nduced ill the house today The anti-oleoiuarKarlue bill of McCleary. of Minnesota, la nuiiih. i one Aiiiouk the more important are: The anti trust hill of LlttleBeld, of Maine: Pacific cable bills by Corllaa, lOBOO and Sliuiuiau, two auliauaich Ut bills Reed Rules Adopted. Reed rules were adopted In the houae after a long discussion thla afternoon the naaibon dividing oo party linee Hepburn republican In surgent. withdrew his oppoaltlon, but refrained from voting. In Nome Case xitneas Swears Sheppard Wanted Moned ruptly. Sun Francisco Dei . In th.' Nnni' Invest IrhI inn before the federal court, a HciiHattnnnl affidavit was tiled todi. by H. I.. Rlake. of Nome. He all. 'Res thnt the lederal commisHloner. L. It Sheppanl stated on his arrival al Nome: "We are tint up l-.ere for our health. Tell the people It will he o their advantage to crease the wheelH nt Jtmtlce." It Is claimed that nnMces ooverlnn placer grand would be dated earlier than the original location aud then leeorded on blank pages left In the MaMd tor that purpoae. WHEAT 80LD AGAIN. A Small Aggregate Recorded on Las Saturday. Wheat made another nimp Sati,, dny. Th RMBl market rMjOgtM .T icnts whie i p thv hl';acst !t hti.i I II ban Slliee the Prop (I I .in I W11 arveatod. Many (anaoxa ttok a! vantage of this rise ami Mid, thcr.' pioliablv hcilig riO.noo bushels sold '. i the o'inty Snturday afternoon. Lacal dealers hav ' received m quotatlo' : today, but the eastern markets epem-d ad ' Insed stronger than Saturda. ami the Indications are that the to i of the local market has ao( pal bee i reat hed MACNATES WANTED TO BREAK LAWSON AND KEEN. They Had a Tussle on Wall Street With Standard Oil. New York. Dec. 2. A statement was igade in Wall street today that the Standard Oil magnates win. con trol the Amalgamated cupper, begun the beni movement for tin ptirH)se ol breaking i ii "i uud Keen, who Ml leep in the Amalgamated ami ptayiai (he market sironglv lm an extra divi dend In September. Instead, the Sum, lard men bald to the old dlvMaad ami the slock dropped thirty point.-; Keetie got from under ami settled. Law son made a roar ami was qulotod with a five year loun. TaM KoOM turned against l.awson. NOW TURIOUS STORMS RAGE ON ALASKA N SHORE Steamer Ciosstng Queen Charlottr Sound Saw Big Scab. Port Townaend Wash.. .. Tin IteaWlhlp Alkl, with fortv paaaeiiKe -ami $tiu,iHMi ot treasure i.rrlved from ilie north uud reports furious storms an laging along the Alaskan .nan. lu crossing Queen ChailoMe Sounu. the decks wen washed from ruin m Item with mnliHtroiiH waves. V ANTECOTS IS Bi I TER. He Wnom the King Woun led Less Si nous in Condit.nn. Amsterdam. Dee. I. rbe co id It Ion of Major Vantecots. adlutani of tin royal aoMOhold repoiie.i loun.lcd re cently In a duel with the print' con sort over treatment of the QOaOQj ktj leaa serious today, but no.ie ar- ullov ed to see him GAS STRUCK NEAR BINGHAM CITY. UTAH Column of Water and Rocks Ro&e Hi Feet in the Air. Salt Lake Dec l' iaa was struck near Hrighaui City, Utah, at a depth of Kd feet, a column of tock ajad ami water six Inches In dlaineti r fj iug inn feet in tin air. smashing th machinery Some Congreisional Statistics. Washington. Dm -' According to an alphabetical list, the first mau lu the uew house of I epreaentul I vea I A. h. son. of Pennsylvania The last is gaeaor, of Indiana. There are no members of the houae whose uamee begin with "Q" or "X " There are 43 'Ss ' BREEDERS' INNING Chicago Entertains Men Who Raise Meat Foods. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION MEETS Anti-Saloon League is in Session in Washington. Washington. D C Dec '1 Temper ame leaflets ami other delegates to a total of several hundred are pies cut today at the opening of the con ventinn of the American Anti Sahx-u League Tin gathering was called to order by le Luther H Wilson, lb' acting president of the league. The i pons ol tin oftli i i sho.v that Hlm -lts formation six wars ago the oigau lat Ion has spread its work over ihlr ty slx states aii'l batrritOTlM aii'l now has in Its meinltership nearly 2n0 nu tlonal, state and local bud! a dcvoti I to the HiippreHHion of Hie liquor tiafli.' Temperance the laaue. Olyuipia WsaJi Dat, 2 - An . let Hon is In progress MM today for a mayor and other BMaMtptJ ofilfllcers The i (iiitesl lias been waged oil pure ly total Issues, one ticket being aup IMirted by Hi. i. in,t lanee ,. tiple aud the other by those favoriug a wldt- obm patMy. A Pugiliat Died. Chhago. Dec i. Dutch" Reinlo gel middleweight pugilist, died thlv morning from the effect of Injuries al the hands of Jim Dribtoll. In th rooteet of Saturday night Relnlger was not knocked out. A hemorrhage of the brain Is the Immediate cauae of death. Bank Clerk Courtie Captured. Liverpool Dei 2. flank tMerk ( oiitlle, the central figure In the re cent I.lveriiool bauk frauds, has beet captured. Ooudle had 3oft pounds In his iioeket w lji ii arrested at Rootle, where he had been In hiding. He will he brought ... London for trial with Divk Burge and Bookmaker Kelly, the latter two hav ing MM ifinauded this morning after a partial hearing. THOSE IN HKIH PEACES OCCASIONS WHEN RULERS OF SEVERAL GREAT NATIONS Were Honored in Various Ways in Anniversary Events. Washington, Pec. 2. President ' and Mrs Roosevelt were loday the re celplenls of numerous congratulation. on the occasion of the fifteenth wed ding anletary. MsMMa of the ar lad of mourning for tin late president there was no formul recognition if the aniilve. aTt Delegates Will Inspect Stock Yards and Will Take up Many Important Issues Affecting the Men Who Raise Cattle and Sheep in the Unit ed States. Canada and Mexico. Chicago. Hi., Dec. 2 It waa a large and representative gathcting tlmt greeted President John W. Springer of Denver this morning when he Btaaaad to the front nt the Htage at the Studebaker Theatre ami called to order the iith annual conven Hon of the National Live Stock asso elation. Prominent cattle raisers, dealers, commission men packers ami transportation, men filled every seat in thi big a Hum. The ma ioi it nf I hose in attendance natural ly -auie from the weat, where the great Industry centers, though othci portions of the country WM not with nut i. pres. ntati.iii. Th. largest del egations were those from Colorado. Idaho. Iowa. Nebraska. Texas, Ari zona. Wyoming, New Mexico I'tah Montana nml Hie Dakota. PTi r:i!' .it legations from the live stock organ l.atious of I'anaila ami Mexico were also In attendance. The opening session, which lenati at 'J aii ami continued until noon, was devoted to the opening formalities. Ail dresses of welcome were delivered by fjovernor Yates. Mayor Harrison and nthere. The response was en Ik. died In the annual address of Prcs Idem Springer The latter reviewed in an Interesting way the wonderful growth of th. livestock Industry In the I'tllti-d Slates ami spoke ot the legislative ami other matters needed to promote the Interests of those en gaged In the business National Laws. The sessinns began Ibis morning will continue through the greater part ot Hi. week. The meetings will be confined to the forenoon and the uf let noons will be devoted to the In inaction ot th. big cattle show now in progress and visits to the packing plants An Important feature of the convention's work will lie to coiisld et the report ol tin- committee ap IMiiuteil to draft bllla for national laws. The commltteee 1n Its report recommend- bills as follows: For federal Inspection of Interstate ship men's ol live stock for government inspection of woolen goods allowing silt lets hi the arid ajid semi arid ills triets the right to exchange lamis m final valui with tin- government so as to solid It v their holdings for tin set .mil assistant secretary ol agrlciil lure who shall be Mgalrod to give his whole attention to tin live stock In dually, aud for a classified assess Meal of live Htoek. Promlaagd aawag thooa who arc 14 lle.lllled to i lid I ess the convention are Secretray of Agriculture Wilson. Renator Warren, of Wyoming, Dr. K. Salmon, chlel of the buifau of animal intlustry ami Frederick V Oolvlllo government l.otanlst TEMPERANCE WORKERS. Queen's Birthday Celebrated. Londnn, lec 2. The anniversary nf Queen Alexandra's birth, whit h m Cttrrad yesterday, was nfTicially eele bratl il ladap tbrnughtut Kngland Scotland. Wales ami the loyal part of Ireland. The private wire to Marl borough RoaOC was kept busy with telegrams of congratulation from the various rulers of Knrope. tnembera of th" llrlllsh royal family, cabinet nfil 'era ami others The queen also re celved a large number of yaliiable gifts. Celebrated in Canada. Ottawa Out lie. 'j Reports from ttli quarters Indicate a general observ I DOa of the Queen's birthday through out Canada today. In this city a royal salute wan Brad "lis morning ami Hags m iv liberally displayed on public ami private bulldlnga. MATTERS FOR PRODUCERS. Southern Harvest Fruit Grower! In Two States Met. San Francisco. Dec. 2. The fruit g.owera of Calliornla . mm netl In twenty-sixth annul session today lu Ptoact r Hall The feature ot the morn lug session was tin annual address of Hie incident. I'M wood Cooper. At I'l" il't. 'III. loll SCSSI.III III. I.KlllHlk for the prune Industry, the gat idtlous Iruii outlook in the San Joaquin val ley i ml other matters of interest to Hie growers were ilUfUHScil. OBERLIN CARTES CASE. Appeal ia Up fora Hearin j in Pie Supreme Court. Washington. Dei 2 The case of I. M Carter, aguinst i; sMrl w He Claugbrey came up for hearing In Hit United Stales siiprem. court today This i an appeal limn the deciatOfl of Hie circuit coiii t nt Kansas deny iug the w ill of habt as corpus lor the release ol Carter from Hie iienlleil nary on the ground oi .not in his trial fot defrauding the goveiumeiil in connection with harbor improve oad at Igyaaaafe He is now sen a term ot leu yeais' impi Isonnniit LABOR MANS TROUBLES Santiago Igleaiaa are to be Tried in Cuba.. lai Juun Pnilo Kit ii, Deo. - San tiago Iglcsias Hit delegate sent In PuM.n iii Homperh ol the American I ' .1. I al Ion ol luboi lo orgeul.c the workmen ul Porto Ktco ami who wus arrested ami put in Jail on his arrival In i. was plat ed on tnal today. He Ih c huigcd with conspiracy to poi Made i lu bit al ii d. ialloii of laboi to milt i all labor organizations In go on strike unless the) were paid lu gold at Hie same rales as they bail liet n paid III silver. THE NEW YORK MARKET Reported b I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers New York, Doe. I. Tb'ie waa an active market in wheal odes and th.) close waa at the high pgjgj of the day and 14 over Saturday. Liverpool opened al ami t loaetl B for May. New York opened al hi m i Insed X.'.Si hi. ago opened 77 and Ojaggd 191494' The visible supply sbowetl an imrease for Hie week oi :,4M4,inhi. making a total of l OUIpait'd with Lii.oUl ntm ki t0H ( aa. ( last year Stocks lower. Money i..i ..ni Close Saturday H'Z. open toflay, 82V Rauge today. ttGUZ'b. ( lose today, kt Sugar. 123Vk St. Paul. M. tJalM Paciflt . in is Wheat in 8an Franclace. San Francisco. Dec. I. Wheat Idlfl toi No Bodies Found. San Fiat., iscy. Dec. 2. No moro bodies from the wie. kt-d San Rafael are dlacovered. Tbe death Hat la un ertalu THEODDR RWUNE Ami then tin1 Southern Bc.iii. Francis Joseph riono'iti. Vienna, Pec. 2 The fifty-third an nlversary of the accession of Kmper or Francis Joseph to Hit- thione was celebrated today here and In all the principal cities of the empire. Husl uess was suspended generslly in this city, ami In all the churches thanks giving Services were held CHARLESTON EXPOSITION OPENED AT NOON TODAY a President Roosevelt Touched the gut ton In Washington and the Electric Current did the Rest --Ceremonies Cotton Palace ll for the Indue tries. Charleston. S. ('., lie. l' Prompt ly at mam today Presub ii' Koosevelt in Washington touched an electric button tiansmltllng a curient that put lilt Into the marvelous and In numerable pieces ot machinery that fill the great Industrial palates that have sprung up Maddln like on the banks of the Ashley river Simul taneously, from llu lostrum facing a crowd fit 0,9M Interested s la tins. President K. H Wgnner annoum etl thai the Inttistale ami West In dian BxpOOlUOB, lm which Hie city of Charleston ami Hie slate ot south Carolina have been preparing tor many months past, bail bet nine an ac compllahed fati. Simple Ceremonies. No attempt al elaborate dtapta) waa made In the oflb ml opening MTOasM les though they won none tbe less mi. nsllng and Impressive The mu sical portion of the program wan fur nished by the First Artillery Hand of the I nlted States hi my The oratlou ol Hie day was delivered by Seuatoi Cbauiu i y M I a pi w ot Nt w Vofki K 'J Wnguer. president of the MM1 sun ui. proaldod nvei the ooremoolea and adilieSHiH wen datlMMd h) Hov ernor McSweney, Mayor J ili;er siiiyth ami other roprMoatatlYo i HI- ens of the state The eel ctuoii!i-S atari praaadad by a miiiiaiy paradt lii which (Jolted BtOtOl MarilM aev- oral ooMpaaloi tit latoatrj ami the i. cal military look pan At the mo iiienl of opening the exposition a sa lute oi canon was fired and lings ft .in a thousand staffs on Hie exposition buildings wire simullaneously tin lulled. The tlay whh ii guoaral holi day in Charleston ami al noon ll ap- paarod hh though the rati re populi Hon imn women ami chllilteii, bill gathered at the exnosll ,i'l gun da Tonight llu opening COrOOtOOlOl Wlltd up wiih an elaboial' pv i .lei In i. : . play. Is An Industrial Affair. The exposltoin opened loday ilia a gati like pthOI gl' Ul lulls, i olulm mo rati sole, past en-lit bill, on the otli i r hand, la d' signed t upaP m-w lu duslrles ami commerce Hh spaolgf piiipoH. is lo pioiuoli . oiiici. lul is Inn. no with Hi. West Indian Islands On account oi its pe ullar south, i a atUUHipliere Hie t posit Ion eujovs ter t ia in original featUrei impoHslbiu al oil,, i gn at shows nf the kind The exposition grounds POV0I un an a of liu acres, lm lulling a laigu fruiilagn on Ashley Hv. i The pi In . ipal buildings an the cotton, 00M merit , agriiultuie mlm rala anil for estry, ailuiiiiiniiaiion lodltorlum, woman's negro's ami irausportatlou ami mat lilnery The building schema is southern lu style, ami instead of roadway! ami asphalt. t Street! lead lug from one building lo amnio i then are winding walk" under spread' iug live oaV tiocs The Cotton Palace. The luoal imposing building Is I be Oattaa Nigra which ooveri SO ,000 H.piare feel Anolhei Imptniaiit Ina ture Is Hie lelllle buildlug. lu which liu BBJJN I lesaon is given ol the tbivel opiiieiii or cotton luaiiufacturlea In the south. The handsome building devoted to the oegro department lo limit i ib. aiMUgoaieni of Rookei T Washington In it ire noBtaiood elalsnult uxblhils int. inie.l to show lb. den o, in, i,t ol the lo gfO i gl .. darigg the last twenty five yuan The lm stock exhibit oavariag mteen MPM is also an Isportaal pan of lilt expokilloll St vital of ll.e Weat Indian Islands have special bulldiugi, us have also Maryland, Pennsylvania, Illinois ami other slates In Hi. way of light. I eliteitaliiiii.-iil ti,. r Is a midway which tompans lavonbly with sluillar Itutures een al prevloue eaiioeltions. Now They're Alive Ag.i , vVashliiglon lie, in M telegrani roteived loday b ihu stal, depart meut from chaige d'Adalrs Kddy, t Conatuutluoplu. in which he oxpreiSHd the belief that both Mlea Stone aud Mat. Tillka are alive and well. f I J Ii I i