East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 29, 1901, Image 6

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    FRIDAY, NOVKMRER 2. 1901.
Nail's Dyspepsia Cure
Mas cured these cases
and It will cure you
J. M. Church. LaOrande, Or.. y,
"1 suffered for an years, and Mb
had I not used Nau'a Iynpeiwia Can
I would not be alive to write you u
Nathan Kalk. Mm, Idaho, yn: "I
suffered for yearn; found many reliefs
bu: no cure except your "
For tale b Tallman ft Co., and all
Hrrt class druggists, or send to Prank
Mm. Cortland Hotel Pharmacy. Port
land. Oregon. Price Si a bottle or 6
botttes tor $5, express prepaid.
and other tin i Id inn
materia! including;
and Sand.
woman who has learned thin secret Is
a Jewel of the first water. But Ihej
are so scarre' You can count them
on your fingers among fOUI
hare a large stock of
wtKi surma
for bams and dwellings
Oregon Lumber Yard 5
Alt St., opp. Coart House
French Restaurant
Well Lighted and riteam H
Frog Legs,
25 cent
In the City.
Kastern and
Of Themes of Everyday Life and Com
ments on Human Nature.
When a whisper goes out giving
discredit to the good, the better, the
lBt of a fellow creature, no readily
we listen: how earnestly we speed It
on Its way from Up to ear. from ear
to Up. No question aa to Its truth
fulneea. It Is discreditable: That
alone proves It unnecessary to quos
tlon. It Is eaay to believe evil so
easy and natural' Hut If good be
said, if worthy deeds be done ah!
Perhaps, hut we want proofs. Neigh
bora, proofs Indisputable, before We
will believe good of our fellows.
That fellow over there they say tw
in making a success of his undertak
Ing. that he is pushing past all! com
petitors. Hy ability, fidelity, hard
work? Well now. you know, that
isn't so clear We rather doubt It.
questionable linee; and. any way.
supposing It Is because of the qua!
Itlee mentioned, they are exercised
for a selfish motive. To be sure'
One can readily see that with one
eye shut.
And so the birds of Ill-omen the
black, blear-eyed. Jealous birds of enw
and jealousy and venom roost
the narrow bead and nil the ears with
their dismal croakings nd a.
owner of the head. In which, without
undue crowding, live the brains and
the birds, sees neither the sunshine
nor the flowers, hears naught of the
music of the world in which he lives
moves along the narrow and sordid
grove of his sordid little world, and
dying at last. Is not sorely missed
There are many tyies of courage,
but that courage which faces the ill
of life with a cheerful, sane and pa
'iv tueln is grander than that which
fh.es the cannon's mouth The rour
age which never whines la sublime
It has no weak self-pity in it. no fever
heats no cowardly reactions It faces
every morning, if not with a emlle
at least with a dogged endurance. It
goes down to the End of Things, and
when It stands at last amid the ruins
If It never smiled In all :.e wav
before. It smiles Into the face of the
End. and then turns Its back to life
nd ceases to breathe without a
The End of Things, good or bad. Is
lust uhed The next step may bring
you face to face with It It may
catch you unawares. unprepared.
Like a cup of cold water dashed In
your face. It may throw you off your
balance for a moment. You may
have your whole life pass in a swift
review, all lu hopes, Its aims, its
struggles. Its victories. Its defeats its
pains and its pleasures, and you
may throw up your hands instinctive
I) for an instant to ward it off. Ac
thee) If you have won your courage
h sturdy cultivation, it will not fall
you. It will send the smile back to
your lips, and the old. brave spirit
Into your eyea. and a breath, and It
is over "Aa I have lived, so I dare
t die. 1 am ready. Amen."
root of all neighbor
"Too much talk." by
know less than an
they say
What Is the
bOOS: scandals?
persons who
eighth of what
What Ik the cause of so many fall
ures In business. In politics. In ho
lety? "Too much talk." when noth
Rig at all should he said.
What Is the cause of church rows
and lodge rows "Too much talk'
about nothing in the beginning and
everything before the end If reached
Who Is It that stirs up all the troti
ble and confusion and friction in
everything to which he belongs The
man with the tongue disease.
8o yon can go on to the end of the
chapter. It Is a terrible dleeate, an'!
no friendly quarantine can isolate the
victim and protect the nelghborhocil
the lodge the church, or society in
general, from the contagion of his
tongue. The victims of this disease
are at ltherty to run at large and do
their deadly work.
Pew are brave enough to call a halt
when a fellow creature's tongue gets
10 wagging Fewer still have any de
sire to do so -they want to hear and
they listen eagerly
Silence Is said to he golden, but the
world will never attain the rtbttin.
tion of a "gold basis," in this tm-i.
cular The coppers of speech are s
much more alluring and seductive
We all like to hear them Jingb b
our ears.
All fraternal orders have a rub
against this evil of talking It is Ir
curporated in the obligation to whirl
the members of most orders solemn!
subscribe when thev become men
tiers It Is not always enforced, htr
It should he. A member transgres
sing this rule against fraternity an
rourtcsv and good taste and fraterna
policy, should be for the flrr' offense
. by the circle and severeis
reprimanded without regard to whr
nr What be. or she may be One sue
reprimand would be sufficient In nlrr
rases out of ton. If. however, one
such warning Is not sufficient, then It
In time to move on to more drastk
measure The necessity for hall
hi Urges and trials In local lodges
would he do sway with, for they al
have their root stu! foundation in the
tOO gW flllrtTT If at th beginning of
the trouble, the lodge would as a
body I re the victim of this disease
i shara warning that they would not
stand It '
Instead, however of this way of
suppressing the evil, the members
t . ai, tha disease and the whole
todgi ROM to tnlklng. C. C. V.
HOW THE WOODMEN AND "r.irot, frn-
mi uie m
Are Preparlno to Make a Campaign In CvD .8pok (W
Eastern Oregon, and the Spokane '"''"rgrl
i '"' llllrln. .... "
AO l l,..,.1 .,. .... ...I... m . . till, "
ti i.i . -., ,-..,. n ..u rv oi me lie
il. r ot Woodcraft men and women,
an expeottafl that at some point in
eastern Oregon there will he a big
Ion rolling" and that at that time
liuiliv new ineni hers Wll lie IlLnn In... 1
v , , ,,,l .
tin rrnternlttcR the ..,
mu. ,t .. nlehi.Tr1 8
I oi' i. chi hi ions nir uic ins
nve anaW"'"1
"Wletj to gnVu."1
befnr. ."."e " on.
V hen ,l... ... m
uic W
nwinA. m
in. .,,.
Modrm Surgery Surpassed.
"While suffering from plies." snys
r, F Carter Atlanta. Oa "I got He
Witt's Witch Haxel Salve and wnr eu
tirely cured " Cuts, burns, bruises,
quickly cured Beware of counter
felts ' Tnllmar. Co. and Rrork ti
Lester C Daniels. Walla Walla, and
Miss Jessie Psrker. McMinnville.
Latter C DMMl Di Walls Walls
ami Miss Jessie A Parker, ol near
McMUnvIlM won united In marriage
at the Hapfist parsonage In this city
. dneodaj evening the Rev R W.
Km officiating Mr and Mrs Daniels
left Thursday morning for Walla
Walla where they wll! make their fu
tun home
Reliable and Gentle.
You want a pill which Is certain,
borough and gentle DcWltt's Li .tie
Karly Risers fill the bill. Iki not force
hut assists the bowels Tallman Co
and Hnvk a- MrConins
I .og Rolling In Spokaue on December
18 are moving merrily forward under
the leadership of Geo. K. Rogers.
Prom the Spokane Chronicle we gatii
r the following notes:
The week before Christmas Is to he
a lug one for the members of the
Wood of the World of Spokane
and the members af camps In northern
Idaho and eastern Washington, for
the monster "log-rolling" of the or
dol to be held here that week, the
tits In eoneetlon with It to con
t.tme for several days.
The battle en- of the Woodmen of
this place Is "1001," that being the
niiin bet ot candidates which they are
planing to Initiate Into perfected
woodcraft, and extensive arrange
incuts of a social nature are belli
made looking to the entertainment if
the visitors whom the Woodmen will
have In Spokane during that week.
One attraction will be two magi.,
flcent stereoptlcan exhibitions, which
will be given during the week. Th.s
entertainment will be sent on spe
dally from Denver, Col., the head
quarters of the Pacific jurisdiction of
the Woodmen of the Wo-ld. The
scenes shown will vary from the bat
tlcftelds of home life, from
musical dlrsSj
ills Tk. a " W,
"'itatlos mm
sharp. '"l
' '""ibs frog, bmw
faulkenhun of
liresei.l i" "I
"Splendent is mm..
The r:"?'"
llUVln. .W-
""hi. m i r. a
'srs; trauanr
Wllbn,, JoBnl(o(li
Pullman Mr 0rtdi
""e Of Us
order, of rWw
"' '''sen. Hrwe
Keonti H. L U
rvoontl. Or
Ptiv-sai fllflLTC unl
VAnta In niiclnnt lit itwvoo ,f njHH I i 9m m Mi
. - w.w, ..irni wi nuiirrru Kane
( '
fa 2 C ft
Dtt IPays m Tirade att TDne IPedDipDes WcrslbdDist!
Not a Questionable Quality Here.
Men's Shoes.
Women's Shoes,
The Place to Buy : : : :
Is where vou cat. get goods
quirk am: . i,e, prices.
bst line of
Luuilr. l.ath.
pajmr. Tar
pur.Lime and
oenient, PiOaMtl
Plaster. Brick,
Band Mouldm
Screen Doom
Windows, BmI
Jc Doors, Terra
I otta Pipe.
The recent degradation of Genera!
It u Her In England points a moral
(ilynipia which It Is well worth while to cousld
er The general had served his coun
try with distinguished ability and had
received great tumor and more were
in store for him But be made a
speech and he "talked too much '
Result, a storm of indignation, and
degradation from his high rang The
press says he threatens to "talk
more for revenge That is what a!
ways follows; people who talk "too
mueir always "talk more" when the
result of their drat offense brings
trouble upon them: and they keep on
talking until they talk themselves In
to a back number, and the oblivion
wnich Is the goal of hii-'h offense
Sampson and his frlonds talked
too much " Result a tnriilshed
reputation g falling from the place
bis dfds won for him. and a coatl
Investigation and innumerable and
disgusting exhibitions of childish lit
tieuess on the port of men who should
in above, auch things.
leather cram C oncress tap .., ,! Rsl
Call, Creedmore or Concress. lots oi haul
Kancaroo Calf. Scanil:ss Ltd or Concress, thes
are all right 2 FA)
Napa tan. Waterproof leather. Mft upper. bollOWl
tongue, tap soie. lace . 3
WHANG LtTHEH. leather lined, hoary doabk
sole, lace .... .... . 2.75
WHANG LEATHER, canvas lined, heavs double
sole and tap 2 7S
These shoes are treated with 0LBITI f IKON ad
ding to the wear and maki:ic them waterproof.
Comfort Shoe for tender, cold and rheumatic (eat,
felt lined, soft ami gaaj but lots of wear 3. 0
Girman Socks Feit Booti Canvas -eggms
Felt lined, leather foxed
w.irm and comfortable .
i r .
it loagms ssa
1 ell heaver buskin, just the thing (or cold moras!
Felt slippers,
I'elt uullitiers, fur trimmed.
flannel lined, hit trimmed, lot I
red or black. .
lelt ilDCd, )SH
Fine kid, stylish
thing for winter
tta line vici kid, Chrome kid lined all throifM
surpassed for fall and winter wear
Kancaroo Calf, lace or button, made lot bard
Comlort bhoes, just what the name OgaMI
Lilh kul. ciptt int. aoft flexible soles 3W
Jersey Leeirines 1 Cloth On
DC py. to Trade aid TBue PeipBes Wirelhcjigi
Not a Questionable Quality Here.
Pendletun Planing Mill
Lumber fart.
H. FORSTER, - Proprietor
You get
What you buy
from us.
BIU Mock ot
...We do...
Trucking & Transferring.
Laatz Bro.
These two instances are two of
many which history records in high
place They ur lusuncea of u com
mon anil dlsaatrous disease which
fastens uiion all classes or mankind
and womankind high and low rich
and poor, big and little And It runs
ita course and proceeds to Its eul
ruination without variation In each
individual case.
The men or women who "talk too
much.' wheu the chickens of their
offense Lome home to rooat. always
play the baby act. and threaten to
"talk more " And they always make
good their threat, and with the same
Half the trouble in the world Is
aused by "too much talk" yes.
three fourtha of the trouble.
If half the people on earth were
dumb and the other half were deaf
what a glorious, peaceful old world
'his would be'
No scandals, no squabbles, no dis
agreements, no heartaches, no Ilea,
no rumors, "no nothing" if you wil!
allow the ungrammatical slip to ma
the serenity and good will and bappi
iieun ot mankind'
For you aee. the dumb people could
not talk, and deaf people could not
hear, even themselves, talk. 80
speech would be wiped out, with all
its attendant evils.
That would uot make peace," aug
geata the woman at my elbows. "If
they could not talk, they would all go
;o writing It would then be necea-.
ifary to make them all blind."
The Individual who has learned the
secret of holding his tongue, is the
wisest man lu any community The
We are Roiny; to Kie a
year's schdlarhlp in thr
St. Joseph Hcadcim tt
some GIRL in Lrnatilla
county. We want you t
help select the Kirl. Step
in and let us tell you how
we propose to give ab
lutely free this full year's
Boy's Shoes
Btatl ibod bast af itook upper and !bottaoM,
olti tod baflffalj. of uteel prolreton
bUngaroo alf. fair ititch, Bnguafa Warkntay
Kaogaroo alt". eamleBs, quilted Holes, larj;e
il grain, hardest kind tl waar $i-45
2 00
1 75
2 00
We will rive I
free, a full yr'3
chin in the" Mai
academ tQ wme
l mat ilia touni? aasj
toy Call and let "j
vou how we rroP0!
Not a Questionable Quality Here. I
Misses and Childrens' Shoes
Baby Shoes
taif, laeeor nutton. g.KKi ,ty i,t stogie
heavv ,e. m . 01 button, ure.v
I 'ongttlh Kul,
but full of
Very fine vici
kid BSlaagiea , fair stn
MHI I ill like
' s a. 00
Red, I .see or Button, goat akin, not hsP
Klue or red, viol kid, fancy takas
lilack Vici, patent Up and la: f.-uug,
Hlatk dougola kid, patent leather tip
Wove calf, tip same
And lots of othsrs.
U IPaiys t Tradl at
flu fl?aiys it TrM
44 ,aa. ws. aeea . -f
a a ' . t a-