East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 29, 1901, Image 3

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n cmv'"r- -
ixturef ' " tn'' popular walking skirts.
t air "-ix - .
J 1-
J . J Tiif" it it ai w i v vf
U 111
"The Sorosis."
before purchasing come and
iook over eur large an 1 com
plete line of healing stoves
hid we art- selling at a ver
The Loading Hardware Won.
nd books
kt an -J
Ui st,eb
rj m- ,
Ift,,nler- hhuuld !f thankful that we can dave
, vnt iife of a trip to Portland to purchase
N r are showing a most elegant and
i! aalpctcd line of dres goods in all the now weav ?
j lnrinat at or ices to suit all purses. We wish to
ial attention to our line of heavy and shrunk-
1 ...... t.r t hu In. idt iwitn Q V uni.i L'hoikL'
Alexander Department Store
. w
r erm a rw b w Now liot of Pockei
riVA rK bmwi
1 I n&J ILIy etc New and latest
myp debigns. in loath!
I H r goods, pocket books.
I I parbi-s, card ca6ei.
Combs, Btubhes
Monterasteli Bros.
Marble Granite Works
We il if u work ami H"'"
tee the mm at loseet P"
Ketiuialee given on all kind ol
cut etona. Fall atork on hand
U will pay you to tm our work
and got pnew U(or placing
your ordr.
Main St.. mm 0. R. N. deiwi, Pendlrtoa
Tka rtBeri i 1 1 1 ir Weak
"V Z , . ,
nea. trreg-uUkrUy ana
" - J lniiK " imilil
1 l uu J
They are 1,1 FK HAVEiW" to ffirU at
luiuiiruauon. l uey are "Mri. o"
otuauhood, aiding development of organ and
iiiuL remedy lor women equal them. Uunut Ui
Joiie.-s a pleaaure. 1.00 PEK BOX BY
drugisu. DR. MOTT'S CHfcMICAL CO., Cl
do harm 1 f
'i.-a a :Mure. ai.uo pEK BOX BV MAIL.
Dt druiivi.iy no J, cu L'U Ii i I. Cl ('!etlUil, 'Jl"
Kv 1 1 . M iv (vi iiici.ii.iv K V ltl.KI IN iUKGOM.
From the Klickitat Horse Heaven
Pendleton Academy. 24: Goidendale.
0. and How It Happened.
This was the score an It stivod at
t lie end of the football game between
the Pendleton Academy and Golden
dale Academy yesterday afternoon, on
the ground below town.
Ooldcndalc won choice and lelactad
tin vest g.val. anil Just as the wateh
f ticking off 1:44, Pendleton kicked
off and the fray was on From the
start It was evident to the too specta
tors that Ooldcndalc mas not In the
name They could not begin to hold
their own with the ruddy players from
the Pendleton Academy, although thev
seemingly played for all there was la
It. and did not give up hope until the
The spectators of DBBTBBj were al
most unanimous In their sympathy
with the home eleven and when es
!e lally meritorious plays were mad.
the cheering was deafening Sullivan
and Hill at Ml and rleht halfa were
eheered time and time again for sonn
of their good end runs while Slush'-.-at
full hack and Penland at 'quarter
back, deserve erclal mention for
their efficient work. and. in fact all
(In team did good work, showing that
they had not bwi coached for imth
Score Came m Firat Half.
In the first half, the Pendleton Acad
emy scored 1R to Ooldendale'e B, mak
ing three touchdowns and three goal
one touchdown being made In three
downs Ooldendale kicked, and the
liall was downed on Pendleton- to
yard line A imnt was then made and
Ooldendab' got the pig skin on the 2V
yard line. Through a fumble. Pen
dletou again got It In their possession
and here Is where Hill made one of
his famous end runs, running awe'
from the Goidendale hoys and making
a touchdown from the H yaH line.
In the second half the game was
still exciting, as the Goidendale team
were plucky and fought hard to keep
the locals from making any more
point, but in this they did not sue
I The local made another touch
down and a goal, running the score up
to 24 to 0.
fios. ... Hns.m ri-f.ic.-d the gum
and Spalding from Ooldendabv acted
as umpire
On NoitHweat Collegiate Series. Thev
Have Scored 31 Point, to Whit
man 30. Each Winning Thre
Game Victory Thursday at Walls
Walla Walla Nov In a gam
ol fast and furious lo'tohall pfoyrd
Thursd iv on tin V. KaM !" MB l.
UM Wahhiiigton At-'Ii .-ii I'ollBBI
defeated Wliitn.an a note ol ". t
'J. Pxcentloiuilly giwet ball wa.- p'ny
ed. ani throughout the panic tin
wa tin lest of feeHai WHeei
hundred iMHipb wltn ssed th s victor,
honest!)- warneil by the farmer. Th
day wui dull mid a heavy fog eBVO)o
ed the city
The iQgnM of the game gls.-H the A-;
licultliral t'ollege the beet of the sea
Mill i- miI thiei V letorie lielng Ui
i heir credit with a total score of i
Whitman has ln made three straight
w tmle and is credited with a acor
I t Thl give the aAempionahip
of the unit hues! Inter e.illegtatc fine
ball lo th Wellington Agi iciilturai
College Tie games included th.
t'nl cTKitic of i gun Washingloii
and Idaho and tin- Agricultural Co.
lege ot Pullman and Whitman rnlltfJM,
Th First Half.
Whitman klrked off forty-five yard
and the game vas on Amid heart-'
heel ing the port wai begun Jaj ic
the farmer, was ready foi the ball and
by quick work carried it back fulll1
fifteen jrarda Then tin tanner mad
threa rapid play making tour. Ave
ml iliie. laid and lost on down
The hpliere wa on the 2byeH line at
the eud of the play I'roff theu
cured the ball aud made an end ruu.
the farmer winning four yard of the
l.-ti .-nd Itainaid the active right
end and punter for the visitor, puni
ed forty yard dear, when Walter-i.
ol Whitman succeeded in carrying i
lack tiw- rd
Then Whitman made two line
buck, playing to the strongest point
in the heav K-ani galuing but a fw
yard in tin effort The farmers were'
at a disadvantage in weight but tnty
rein lied the onslaughts of the mission
a nes manfully and successfully
Whitman put the ball In the hand ol
later and he punted It thirty ne
yards iulo the hand of I MB. ST, who
made a run of fifteen yards liefore l
(j captured bv the misaionarie Thl
was followed by a aerlea of line bucks
bv the visitors, aud but slight gain.
wen made until Barnard pla-ed hia
right foot In contact with the pigskin
and it whirled twenty yards over the
lines Whitman secured the ball
Then the ball went to the farmers ot
downs , ,.
When Pullman soeund the ball
Mashburn and Pioff were repatedl
sent around the ends, the weak spvt
In the Whitman line up. The pretty
work here made Whitman feel rut. and
the twenty yard gained brought
cheers from the visitors on the grand
stand In Ave plays the yardage was
gained. Vashhnrn making ten In BM
run. .lust here Captain Hopper made
a touchdown, being driven through
the Whitman line In a pretty COB let
Then it became the duty of Barnard to
kick IBBl, hut he failed and the
touchdown was not converted.
Th Second Half.
Klton kicked off for the farmers
making forty-five vnrd. striking a
Whitman man fail on the head, bonne
ing hBBh twenty yards with a Whit
man man OB the scene when the ball
struck the earth. Whitman made left
end plays of four yard, then punte 1
loitv yards to the farmers, who took
I he ball back to the renter of the flel I
in a few neat piny, including a nine
vn-il run by Mashburn
A. Chittenden, ol Whitman, was in
iured at this o!nt. and his place wa
taken by Qo. How ay
I'roff Mashburn and .laync tisil
turns with the ball and made substan
tlal gain. Hainan! block punted, but
Mashburn fell on the nail and savct
it to Pullman Then the farmer
braced up and by six and eight yar I
runs took the ball within alx yards
of the goal. Whitman roused like a
tiger, rushed at the farmers and bv
downs got the hall l4isater made n
high punt at twenty yards and lost th I
ball Then Klton. ten yards back to
ward center yielded the spher
again to Whitman Whitman gave the
ball to 0 NWhet and he went around
the left end for twenty yards being
slopiM'd by I .usher Again he made
the same effort and gained nine yards
Whitman did some excellent interfer
OBfO iis these runs were being made
A third run by Crocker made eighteen
yards, and after some progress on
downs the ball went to the farmer
liespairlng ol getting through the
heavy line of the missionaries the
farmers made a punt of twenty yards
to near center, being taken by their
own man After useless end runs
Harnard again punted thirty yards to
Wallers, ot Whitman, who saved 11
and made back twenty yards. Crock
er tried his luetics again, but the ball
had to be yielded to Pullman Ha
uard k letted viciously again nnd made
twenty-five yards easily, and Walter
as easily carried it back five yard'
Then Whitman made a left end gain
of tlfteen yards, followed by small,
gain until within three yards of a
touchdown Here Whitman had great
BOeeBv only to lie blasted. Pullman
saw a score or five and to overcome
It. pushed the ball over th line Into
the hands of their own man. and the
tally of two was given the mission
Cniplre Horsey M Hill, of Whi'
man t'nlveralty.
It. i r. Prank Villa ol Ml. hlgan
Time of halves So minutes.
Weight Average of 180. to Pendleton's
ISO. But Millmen Were Well Train
ed, Says the Story From the Wool
Meppner. Nov. y. Tin- story o;
Hi ppaar'i rtetorj ever tin- PobbmCi b
Wool Sunn Ing Mill s team in a sen.
ol J to ". is one of simp!) out clas
ing oi heav) men against llghtci on. -ll'-ppn.
i's t.-uin averages 1 " immiii.Ii
ol hard mil. I. ami bom . the me" I
i vi and brave on the gridiron, whll
the scouring mill team has an average
ol no 'iii.ii thBB '-" M-rhap Ifi.'i It
ihOBll bo said that the null men were
well trained, and ahowoB good BBBh
ing They played bravely, but we.e
unable to Mend the sphere outsli.e
tin If territory, invading the domalu
oi MOBOOJOJ only by punting Whei
vi-r thi wus done Heppner at on'-,
.'I the ball again into PoBsUotOB'l
beJllwteh, and kept It there until an
oi In i punt was made
Tin 32 to wa in four touchdowns
and two goal kicks Pat McAlUotOt
and Hen I'uitt i son were uinpin s at -1
rOfeiBfJ and the att.-inlance w
No Stsr Plays.
The game was devoid ot stai playH
it iM-lng a proMjkitiou of team woik
on both side. H. OBBOr! coach Kasl
land proved that he wa a wie selec
tion. The Heppliel men have beep
gObbed "Tin- HoBOBOf (Hants," aud
w ill go forth 'o effect new oiniieslh
against some of the othei team it.
the Inland Empire even aspiring to
seek honor with soiin ol tin i am
down in the Willamette valley that
are in tin- flrl ela of players No
one was hurt In either team.
The Pi udleton meu were more pin
alar wbeu they left than when thev
arrived, and they win iopnli wb
i hey caaie, for anyone from the Cms
tilia metropolis always reroivea a
I. early welcome here, owing to tic
good feeling between the two towns
The Pendlelon leaiii left for Was.,
wheie they play tonight aud at th -Italics
on Katurday 8HHTT
Therefore th Score Stood 11 to 0 in
th Gam There on Thursday.
The Pendleton High (School foot
ball team returned this morning iron,
Haker City, where they wer. defei.i d
ou Thursday by the high school e
.. of that city in a score of 1) to 0
In th. Ort half the note stood h to B,
the Haker City team making a t. Itch
down hut failing to kick the gnat.
In the loot holt they succeeded m
making a touchdown and a goal, but
the locals say that the Maker CIU
team had much the advantage from
the fact that they weighed tiom te.
to fifteen pound the most to the BMUs,
The gBJOO was hard fought Hak.
t'ity having to work hnrd for what :
they got
Kollowlna was the lineup of the
Pendlelon boye:
Arnsplger. COBtOI Taylor, right,
guard: Maker, right tnckbv Malarkcv
right end. Hartmnn left guar I
Wells, left tackle. Wyrick. left t.ti
lc. tlard left half; M. Catty, relit
half; Cronln. full lack: Wyrltk. t
ler back PoBOV N. II and WU'l.nns
Portland Men Outweighed the Boy
Prom Eugene, Latter Playing the
Ftrt and Best Ball Score 17 to 0
6. A BaUth, cashier of the o H
N in Pendleton, returned from Pon
land this morning, where yesterdiiy
he saw the Multnomah tihitbnll BJBy
ers defeat the team from the DolYOT
lty of Oregon In a coie of 17 to
Mr, Smith said:
The Multnomah ilcaily out i lassci
the Kugcne ploy era, oho pot up the
better article Ol foOtbBll. playing snn"
Diet and BBleher, and c lining . .el
l.nl training The Multnoiunhs had
a star player in Captain KetTtSBIl
who made a pretty end tun. and twiie
broki through the line ol Kugcne
"Locomotive Smith was 'It.' "
"Por the Kugcne nn n. Locomotlv.
Smith, their famous coach, who pla
ed here was the most illustrious of the .
lot. He made an end run. and went
through Multnomah's enter a couple
of times, and in ever) respect uatain
ed his great reputation as Kugene'a
tower Of strength "
Pendleton Academy and Pendleton
High School on Next Saturday.
(Mini games which are in prospc. I
lor the academy eleven Is one VBlch
has been arranged between l hem an 1
the high school locals to come off on
the Alta sti.et grounds Saturday, I)
ember 7. and two games with tic
Walla Walla high school teams are
in sight for some time later.
Portland Oregoman Gives it a Com
mendation Comes here Dec. 5th.
A melodrama oi more than BBUJtl
interest, presented by a company thai
numbers several exceptional!) good
actors, says the Oregoniau. and
mounted more elaborately than any
thing thar lias been seen at Cordray's
this year. Is "A I .Ion Heart." whhu
op. ned a week's engagement at thai
theatre to the usual packed Suiulav
night house Carl A. Haswin. who is
the star, and who played the pail ol
Hlardo I an actor who has won n
reputation in melodrama, and whin
Hue presence and Voice til him u.lmli
ably for that kind of work. He is
Hided by Cairo! Daly, who caul d
away plenty of honors on his own a
count a (iaMpard Hohra a sort ol as
sistant villlan: 8 H. Yeruey. who did
a fine piece of character work In tin
lirst ad. lewis Kelnhart. in a coin
edy pan Piauk Bokhoil BlBBChe
Csrlyle a dainty MBSBBlBBBO 'Hue,
W? lb- gj n ",ljn and a host of Othl
IM'ople, for all of whom were found
niche iii the rather Involved plo
The house was enthusiastic . lieeriBl
'In- hcroba. Iiisslng the vlllian and
litughiiig wlthoui silnt aud few plays
ever appearing on that stage huv.
iniele a more instantaneous oi .1
. Hied hit.
"A I. Ion's Heart" comes to the Kra
xer in Pendleton on the night of !
. nib. r I,
Sancho Pani Call for Blcnig on
It Inventor.
A wolidrou swe.i aud rnatful Ihlio.
s sic. p. i (..fieshlug alike the tired
heart and wuaiy brain of mortjls
Sancho Pan '.a In his qualm . on. ell
invoke God lileslng BBBB Hie man
who invented sleep sa)s the Ol'
pOB Wisidlliau A little sleep
a little slumber, a Utile tobllug of I In
iiands to sleep," says the gad book
The babe sleep within lis mother .
arm, the strong man dream upon
il com b. the grnndslr dosa In the
Ingb-niMik. There eoi.ld not long be
life without sbf p. and yet aleep is
aid to be tbe twin brother of death
Tonight In a million home a UtU
white gowned figure la aaylng, "Now
I lay me down to aloep.' nd we listen
with a men of ehlldlah n.-n. n-a. ' I
prai the loid my aoul to keep " Heac
liful indeed la thla sleepy little prayer
at mother's knee but there cornea a
long, dreainle sleep that know no
waking, and it makea tbe wife a
widow and leave the white gowned
figure fatherless We call It death
bare nee we do not know, and speuk
of it with hushed voice and sad eves.
Vet It Is sleep sent by Hod The
svilplures tell us that he giveth his
beloved sleep Fraternity's g'cat
heart knows tbla, aud spreading her
prote. tin wings over the mother aud
child. Just aa the dead uuui ensl !
tbe good angi I whispers softly, "H
sleeps well." Oregou Woodman
Loft iasi night while driving out
from Kroonic's barn on Tulullla load
light weight aud light colored over
. ..at Kinder will please leave at
Holdeu Hule hotel.
U. Ray h Co
Hot snit mil
Stookre,, HotulH
Htitl Urnlti
lor rsth ot on margins
New York 5toch Eichang
Chkago Stock rachange.
Chicago Hoard nt Trade.
n ntrui,
-.-,ii.. ...
Want MVt)ral
Stock ami fruit
Irtrins for Kast
ernliuviTH. Have you Either to Sell?
James A. Howard
Court tt. near Flret Nat. Baa
Has Real Estate Sole
Soe Here i
360 acres of choice wheat li
about tan mile northsaat of PandU
ton. This ia on of th flnaat improv
ed farms in the county and haa gd
school advantages. Will sell for cask
or trade for equal value in unimpiovnd
Eight fine lota In Pendleton at i0
each, on easy terms.
160 acres of whsat land south ef
Pendleton, $800.
J5 acre choice fruit and garde
land near Milton. On-half of tiact
in bearing fruit tier , 7 acre alfas
fa. All under irrigation. Finely Isv
120 acree on McKay Creek, 2B
acree al botton land under Irrigation,
balance good wheat land, well las
60 acre good wheat land, in a
body, four mllea from Pndlte).
term half caeh balance on time te
tint purchaser at t',4 per cent la
te reet.
J. J. Oliver
A poeitive cure. foB should tr
t. Has BBfBal ' ses where the I
physicians failed. . or sale by
Badley & Zahner
M Main HI , I'.n.lletou, QgfBjBl
Have you seen them
Why the New
Iffatt W. & C. K. lteML
(ni Ibrto biisdil
w j IftWBLLi
Gil life I
iuil Cure