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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1901)
CERTAINLY IS PETROl.El M . t Clothing, Fail and Winter Offering We wi h to display t- you ur fail and wiuu-r line -f Su;t an i 0,r i'ats Made in :h- let mariner ami we guaran'ee a perfect fit. We have with ul .jiestiou the et lint in th-i'itv. BAER y DALEY Otu Price Clothitr, Furnishers and Hatters, h tuilcton. EXPLOITING THE MALHEUR OIL FIELDS hupay. VOVEMBF.ll isoi THE PEDAOOQS OATtfEREl) EDUCATIONAL MEETINGS HELD IN EAST TODAY MM latmi. was held in Worrheater ii'iiiv Promin-n' among the si i.k -r wereinh writ-known MMGMMrs a lnwnector Hughe of Toronto. fnn lpal Qttllck ol ('rat lntitiit Shim visor fregorv of Trenton N an.i F A HIP retary of the MMMtrte MMMl ntatt- board of education. Auociit one Aaaamblad k Syracus. . N. V. Toprita Has a Gathering at Ttacner Cleveland Ha a Confer net Variou Saaaieni m MtMf Place. Syraciiae. S. Y.. Nov ;s. The A a aoclatkra of ColleaM and Preuaratorv Bh ! o! the nuililn state ait.l Maryland N'ljaii Hr fifteenth annua! aeaaioi, ai Syra u- t'nlveraity today with iui. y twtei! educator In aileniV an- l' .lani' i- H Roliluaon of I'oloiiiida Fnivrlty oK-iieI tie National Aid for Valley Forge. it Itlidiia Not. It la mur than Ifkl lv that nt the rowing aca- ' . i i .ingr-ti a hill wil! Ur lntr- 'I r. nrovtile fni tht treervatim. if 'anion amitug ground a FoTSJS The Valley Forge Na "' r l. aK'ltiiti haii had the MMM nrlvlintent for HW an ii In aairi will aak for SSS". :li- unuiunt tienled tu imrrhan nclre fielt! and restore ft to the Mm H wa in when first ocruin-.; i BttMOMJ ami; Thr ftrt i.- will In- held at the Hoi-1 vii. thin v. ninn and plana will iui irti ! to rvrrv UiCi in th- irn).-i i turn. Tne leaturr war Ik) MTMi Mttl PrwMvnt Eliot "f r dom in siHeeh to MMMIal In thr ton th- trailing of ' il : rVn: of I T u K.M o if Hamilton C rman of Qfa - ' lit Rhrrn took (tan :ii- i total II' IMIHt .H-liliin Heavy Equipment Onr-k ii-ago Nov 2 Contract for the 'tanii ami rolling stock placet! by rn ami MMaatfl railroad's dur ru wi-rKr nir. ui to a If ever rnnallnl lor n Tka QfMM Northern hu ll Km omotlves. the Mi ' flftrrn th- I..- 8hoi. and tin- Atf-hiaon Tom Fr one hundrnt and twrn rona amallrr ordrrn ar i 'rui:. .ithrr naili- itv-fli Educationa1 Matters Diacuaaed Ton-ka Kan Nov ftrveril MioD in T At th lorni ii- for thr vi ' T. Stnitn Anamst Child Inturancc. MuiH'i-a: Qui-. Nov Ii. vn-'i tin ranid lnrrran- in infant mortal y in Montrra; th provincial board loaltl. liar ankril thr frdrral (ov MBMl III Jirohlliil thr iaauanre o' Hiirati'i liolirirtt on the llvra '. tH&NOi iiminr trn yrara of age. in Mai 'ii-alh After thorough h atixainii. thr iHwrd baa ronrludnl tat thr ayatam of infant tnauram r ii .iiirroc-n many iarrn!!i to Mflw t itr rhiWren when III Bl mir its araaiona tonmr-1 wk ImpcMnt Educationa' Conference "Irvrland Nov Thr r - on'. annual ronferrnpe of the eoltofi atr and n oiidary nrhiwi: inatruntora ni -aHtrrn Ohio and Wmtrrn Prnnav i vama ojtenrd thla morning at Wat err Rraenr I'nlveratty After an a 1 drar of wrb urn. kf Preaidenr Thwina of Weatrm Kraerrr rnlri r gftv tl.r ruiiiatorn enterrd into a thr AU1 in t Ak r an i lar.inp a promiiirnt iart mmmi vara D C Kybolt of irtataBktai W i- McOow mm fa J Itou Bitibop of and C F. I-ord o? Frant Readv tor Labor Meeting. BefMMl i'a Nov ArraiiK bavi lirrii romiiletrd for th ntrrtHiMiirut of thr Anirmaii K ration of Labor convention which ia MM '.a latter part of next pulication for amimod. tion imli'-atr a larr atirmlamr ur dr)itatra Preaidrnt (iomix-r and Bfalii.' of the MMNtivr board an-exp-tel t(i arrivr tomorioa and will rrmain in Msion until the forma! n! th- i-onveutioii Thuradav To Start Fignt on 6aloona- tfHM Vn Nov - Kopraaeii tativwa of the varlout aati aaloon or canuatioua of Texan are rounding up her- ioia tin an tmitortant conf ni Tin- purpoar of thr mrrting lr io o-vrin plana for a ayatematir war farr ajraiiiNt th- lupior irafA). B I' Bailey ui Hoiwton iatr prohibition iauiiiiti m governor ia the glaM i. MaMM 'In- movmirnt rlOtSEP WILL START SMELTEP the iat Kentucky Teaehara. Ml Ky Nov Tbrr Mid atirndanrt- todav at thr tu di-uaat'd duri ti. Miiiirrviaion ijOIF at- i-eiitrr I Niibjeeta to lie MMM "f atudv r A. K Tavlor Teacharg Meet at Sujerior. Hat Matters on tne Tapia at QuarUCurg Propertia. I'nltnl Xtatrn .Maraha! Zoeth Hoi. win- iia.- jun! --!iirnr(! fron. Liiiartzburs. where be haa mininf prnprry itatea that hit amulter t a'. out i-ad to atart up at thr 8tain' ant and Uixir minra. and that tin ia uow about loo tona of ore In tl- -tnnr rnady (or treatment. It U intend . .: hav i-i. :.u..u a .' ajgri i"i vhaa Um mN will ne riven an an iKirtuuity to teat Ita caiia-lty aa wrP as the value of the ore In apeaklt. UK iU r"B' loun ilay ai in ---t lp a- For l Bay MatM Pedagogue. heater kUM Nov. M n. ing or the atatr ta The CHildren'a Fnrnd. inzhe croup brovhitta. a uute Cough Cure never fa'! c h George Winrheater Ky " little girl waa attacked with croui and bo hoarae ahe could hardly aje.tii We giivfc her a doae ol One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her irnnedi Tallman ft Co. and Bnx'l- M Expert Have Been on the Ground and Look for Some Development Baker Cltv Nov 2!-The M known experts and metnlurglst. il O. Pcaraon and J II BoWdML, hav returned from a visit of COMldetabh extent to the Malheur basin when they made an exhaustive examination of the oil Held and located some fin. ol! hearing land? in th" heart of th. region Two more santuiiw met. BMW returned from field of Itttttl glory They aay the indication ar splendld and that there seem reallv to lie not the slightest doubt that oil will lx- found in all kinds of quant tie. Poxen and scores or Mpa irom cve-y oil region In the I'niti". ?tiitis ail.. Canada have visited th fields and MaMM exception al! -them have returned favorable repur--re the men mho have sent them Hi This argues v.. ;! (or the fittun of lt' region. It it something that bar never occurrec' before In the hlfltOr) of iM'troleum in this country. All other fields have detrimental reMirts M-cjislonallv turned In. Th-n han as yet n machinery ar rivMl on the Mulliriir field lull MM lompauy. known as the Hirach BJT8 dlcate has purchased apparatus am! It ia now on the way. ImmedlateU on Its arrival, this company will begin to sink a well Some Choice Land The lauds located bv Messrs I'ea: son and Coviden are In the heart i t the region and ar- in closr MMtfMttj to thoa- o! the Cnscad- Cnni,auy which an- rrgaidn! h) cxiM'ns as ha ing very choice lauds These expert sav there are still considerable MMM tit ! of good land that has not ' lieen located and tie y saw rude ou flowing in appreclabb ipiantltles froni erevico in the ground on land tba't ha- no owner except the gnvernmrni The (Oillitv clerk of Malbeii! counti liar ovri lilt notice of oil location that iiavr lieen flleil for rrcnrd The fact that natural ga ha le-ti (OMal in th artesian well at ot.ti. i regarded a a very favorable lad cation Night baton last the ga Ontario luirnei! ai: night which feowt that th- !i -v i i ualderablr and at 4 grrat-r depth ma MMTt to i- . BM thing Immeiisi Ontarie is only II milrs away from Yale and is imm-n lately In thr am s-iLnientary formu tlon thai extend tNM tin Malhen. haaia into Idaho rederick Noll Santa Clau Slorc S(H. al Sale.- th scli Drummer' sample lint- ot kn m worth 35c and 40c. Clioice at ai Manicure article In ) ode' wood redandKrtti, new styles, choice 35c. Drummer's sample line ebonv combs and brushes. sterling mounted, a saving oi aiom t per OMal to you on tin lot. Immense line fine medahu : -in ehonide frames, new subjects aye to Reserve your t. raM now tor Christmas. II..U-. OohT Our line is complete, kid b kit rag dulls, lanes diesscd dolls, bisque, jomieil dolls, etc. I ptodatr Book Kim" "The Crisis' Cordigan. Puppet Crown" etc , 1.50 boolcs MBM on saie $1 jy. 1 Hi t Soap and Perum? Holiday styles in pertume?, Eastman s triple extract, um 2yc, other styles, to $2 1 mm 3c 10 24c imtiitnae line toilet soap, castile, OMMaV eldeiberr, blush rose, white almond, etc. Lamp Fine line MMttl and va-e lamps, reading MM SOViaf llMpI, 33' o 13 5o Fancy Uihe The Cm. bassett fine lint Freuch and German china. va-ea Next morning ahe had MBM aijd rost Agencv. Ladies Home Jeurnil He ept Hi Lea Tweivi car ago J. V Sullivan, of Hartford Oonn.. MtMesv his MJ t. itb a maty win- Influuimatlon. with nliHid poisoning Met In. For two year IM Buff' red kstenaelv Tiler rhe li-s-kMMfl urged amputation "but." he wrltea "I us-d one liottle of Electric Hitters and I l. boxea of Bucklen's Arnicg Salve and my leg was Bound ami well ax ever" For eruptions ecxeaia. tetter aalt rheum sore and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth Try them lallman k Co will gua-an' atls faction or refund money. Only fie cents- Fine figured crepe paper, full 10 root roll J2C if I AISOLUTELY CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY MM 1 1 1 w. 1 ins win ic ci rona rj ) 1 tor iiiirios- ctot W VIA 1 I r w m. m. W 7 v 1 I r I - a a - v SALE BEGINS MONDAY, DEC The bin busy Sto a The Products of THE PENDLETON WOOLEN are making Pendleton Famous. Tbase ire the Pendleton Indian Robes, the Plaid Shawl-, the wwnd.-rful Pendleton Blanket and tin- Indian ShawN. Th y art- all mnde from Kaetfrn OrtfOl I W i il, and tbe deinantl for them i ejal to ilie preKMit supply. As a holiday pi .sent, these gotKls meet anv heart's desire. They can be had of all First Class Dealers. ASK FOR THEM. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS, PENDLETON, OREGON. j "j-- . i. eo 1 x I li I V , tffl S-A . . . j . k m thtcity If you war: -...smil 1 yJ t A ( I line. We will give you estnw'." seeoaa A Mammoth stock of Fuml a el BAKER & FW-3 Next door to Hostoffk i CBOWNER & SON. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Rttydore Hoeni, Proprietor. j a"-"J urrnu Ofl n: