j Ringed ! 1 w ; v DAILY EVENING EDITION Eastern Oregon Weather Tnnlli an I swlatd 1 easlnt si rami cooler IM'MH.KTON. I M ATII.I.A COI NTV. OIIKl.ON, KIMD.VY. NOV KM It Kit, 20, 1901, I I. NO. 1 29-1 1 I HsT fwmw&J GENERAL NEWS. Amor ItnlN that he pttrehas- llr Ahhrv : fX ,ltlot of the Phil.. ..(i. nut Th' n , r nf'' 1 ' , a hirut st MMIBg the OIlllMI an- .for thr '"!i,on of th, ,,,n(, Ep, ooposlti 'ant.m. .(veil M BiM present Sa Fowler foi the erection o. Sir hull u,ur Hi' eldest daughter :( fin ,,,a,,' pngmRpl.':,1 WWUiO ciml son of W il ! Whltm ) COS ncr.t 55. no AU . '.. . ll.l., n..n in wr killed Of an aur gatrai train MUsbMi UliBoto t teat the DrlriDf float .lis dock, passed tkroupl tbt jettlce at the Of the MlMloalppl. Tslversity m Coenhaon b George Prande. the Danish kroner yearly, in rwiini kli servicer, to literature. Hit OftV" ' l-! ",'iie Piegnan Btti Hobaoa on the Men. lth9tar.;s UnorlflBB war. haa Mt o ar. InHUM asylum front liland riklbwr.. tin Norwegian draniv y, has b D IB HI health f r Int. t seriously ill. Ha to un j walk and there Ik no hope fo: iffetartcn. guilty of picking n I of n "' Pteeldent Me- parv 111! ng thefT Lob An g. was - ' I BfOB years laaqurt given lu the City of li- tepoc restaurant raited Sta''F delegation to th ptrican eoBferenoo, In honor ot k .in,i oth L v ni. . is a great an nrtentr attacked a eomata ' icon Bstweei Mutdalepe am an. Mr) - bounding a aer- .. i t tnd capturttiE privates Dunn naif. two horses, three rifles rounrtf of ammunition. unis a) thi VwiaMlM rev i 1 party received information BBBWtBTt Tiiuraday from a port ,r .i itiiicT loaded wl'l altioua for Venezuelan revolt! . It li aald she will touch at Windward CONGRESS TO OPEN ABOUT THE HARTFORD PKiHT HOW "YOUNG" CORBETT WHIPPED TERRY vVGOVERN. Sessions on Monday Morning Caucuses Tomorrow. REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS ARE ON HAND Burleaon. of Texas, Will Offer a Pes olution Aimed at Congressmen Who Attend the Caucua and Then Refuse to Be Bound By Action There Taken. Washington. N'ov. 2 Democrats and republican of the houae and sen atf are arlvlng in large numbers. The detiuH ratic houae eaucua heglna at 1 1 o'clock tomorrow morning, when Ri 1; ardaon. of Teuneaaee. again will b honored with the ieaderahl, of the li.' nortty through the medium of a apeakerablp nomination. The caucua will bj aaked to conalder reaolutious prepared liy Burleaon. of T aa, which will bind the membera in the caucus to carry out ita dictum ao long aa thii doea not contravene the -.-ti, 1 s in t'i Kanaaa City platform. Durleaou aaya thia la not Intend al to HrM'titntc itllvnr aa an laaue. Ut.t ia only aimed at popultsta. gortoHttl and "half repuldicana." who atten.i the democratic caucuaea. hut do not lic up to au Kce.inciit thfic :h flfd unlea It pUaaea them. Burleaoti alao will oSm a reeolutii n declaring It to he agauiht the Inti-real ol ::. demtx-raey for democrat to aolic! DBtffoaagM from the admtnatration. Republican Caucua. The hjOglgtt rvpubllcaiib will buld their caucua tomorrow afterno . SK-akcr Hcnderiion will r .- -i . -. : without oppoaltlon. and then tlicy Bill diacuaa rule and matters of part, policy. The Heed rule probably w'H be KatopBai although Hepburn. t Iowa. i making a fight -i-alnat tkv I In the houae and BBBBti chambein everything la in readlncbt. and all Waahington ia looking i- tuiniy to the rlae ol the congraal-.nal curt n, uii Moixlay. PIC NORTHWEST NEWS lab (roll; V Horae repoi ' aataanlated mail at that ao t way down tic I Ita deat! nation, irritiiurg. Or., at a apeclal wetioo held it waa votd to tk ninth grade in the public n vote atiiod 1 to I. i: mii !ir tbe i- t at Corvailla of a algjaal t' Or i National Quarii ob bat lwen made to th' ttary boatd irdorff Oropgaj ploneei. yuara Mr:-, ffarti at OrogoB pioneer, f d at Bj'ai laot today. Both ataiiut ' Murrto, an Oregon i at the home ut btorrto, three mile 1" t,e uaa a'1' Id ieft a large family. 'nited MaBB ' alifornia. di I ' ,f ! by uuknowi h was a native of St) , i , agt.,j 49 ywlr on banded down at Oly aaprt dm , mrr of the atate i oa , untrol aba ld aaiveralty aite la vate l rd f regenta of the State enle) died at Nort.i aiurda waa one of tLe f II. n.a .. tun He donatiut. i lairu Juat nortb linutf In 1861. He had r H)r lortj eara Her 8alem Commercial clu i loaua-iirate the New Ye (Ptupriaute manner. A moi bk eatertaiiiiueut will be hell Br hall in the lntereat and ua tuap,. ..P , (.iub ti Jaaiiarx 1 Oeaerai n h v ml,. Poruarin: an F" 10 mt Of the tUl r a t p MnflhlBatoBl and Lu u-gi:aii. to recover on a to which they were lor 0 W ik,u,. w. . , r' ckitiu - i m nHu bbbbbb froiX Mi- l.nrlh ar. t rK '-OliK Irt.n. .'. ni,u 11 -a.. Pui lth 116 paaaeugeii ' oi iooa, the paaae.. nl all their money to Bbaoliit. nw-easities of U'.j aillielkt fi.r kln n Ik. arttturL' ARE HINDI NO I HE CAUSE CORONER'S JURY CONSIDERED WHO WAS TO BE BLAMED Th Wabaeh Railway Officials Inaist ed That the Death Liat Would Not Eaceed Twenty They Alao Refuaed to Gay Who Was Responsible for the Disaster. Adrian. Mich Nov L' - The 000 i IB I uq uct over the victim of the Wabash train wreck at BataBOB began today Wabash officials still insist that the total death Hat will not ex ceeil twentv and refuse to aay who blundered and thus caused the awfu! a cident WALLA WALLA MAN Second Round Was a Hot Exhibition of Ring Tactics. Hartford. Conn. Nov IB. TV place was crowded yes.crday with aborting men who came to see Teitv McOovern and Young" Corhett flsht McOovcrn and Corbett vrlghcd iti under the ftltmlated 12 pounds There was little hcttlna. Joe Vend iK offering S to 1 on Mot overn BfKH no takers. Several beta were ma.V on even money that the conteat woul? laat aU round Charley White was nniued as n feree and Joe rhitin tlBMBBBBSf, Corlett won In the IBOBBi mini Charley White, referee, oonntei: off ten seconds while Terry struggle,' vainly to regain his feet The first round was one of the hot tent galBOB . i seen In th ring wlt'i honors even. In tho scond round Terry rushed In with a left to Ud and clinched, then there was an ox change of rights and toftB, and Co l'tt, ou the defensive, met Terry ' rushes with stiff blows end atralght left jal.H and a left hau l upper-cut. sending Terry to the tloor Terry took live aeconda and came bBOB like a wild man. throwing lefts and rights wildly with interchange. Sclent -waa nein to the winds am' the boys ImbjM Hlugglng. Terry BTM very Bfud but C, illicit kept his head bsttOT. H .ett on lorclug Terry h1' a' !,. the ring. Terry fought his defense and simply haw a hurricane ol blows coi. to toward him. one of wl lch, a rlu swing upper ut. landed ajuarely on a vulnerable jKiint and Ten., went do i. and out. Alter the fight a pure" of 1BJMB vu offered by the Twentieth Centi'.ry Athletic Club, of San Francisco, for lanfhjor tight between McOovern at;d CorBBtl and McOovern MOBpCBi 'he offer Have Sullivan , l'leiiced the wtuuer of the fight. Found Dead in San Francisco Joseph Fame. BLEW OUT THE GAS DIED FROM ASPHYXIATION Largest of Its Kind. Chicago. Nov. W. Ogoal r" I -' tlollh haw beeu complete, til ' ' 1 opening tonight of the nt- i nutioual llveatock t-xpoaition Both as regard the number and variety tbe exhil its the exposition will eclipse all pre vloua shop of ita kind The llveatook industry of tbe United Stitea la rep reaented as never before Cattle from Texas and the great wesiem plains sheep from Ohio. Idaho and Wyoming and hot s from many aecttous of the country are abowu io bewildering va riety. In addition there ai interest mg 'displaya of high bred catt e from Canada and several part ol Kuroe Addod lntereat will be attached to IJM -xpoaitlon next week ) 'he BBOM mg of the National LiveaUxk Aaao elation, whi.h will begin HB soaalons Tueaday. Ws Proprietor Delmonico Restaurant in the Garden City Orce Wealth Sheep Man on the Snake River--A Wife and One Child Survive Him. San Francisco. Nov. I".' Joseph Faure. nc ,1 wa found dead In tied this morning at Nf Bnah street. Icath was caused by ns aaphyxia tion. He had lit'" on hl.i BBJBBaV an I $3oo In a local bank. He SMM here from Walla Walla a BjrB days aa The teas jet was turned on lull. De ceased was uot accustoiued to ga I and It la thought he was a victim f an accident, aa then' was no apparent reason for suicide. Owned W.alla Walla Lodging House. Walla Walla. Nov. . Special.- -Joseph Faure. who was fiind dead in a San Francisco lodgitiK houae thi . BrfffBjlBB, was pnirletor of the le! monlco lodging house hero, and left lor San Frauds, o a week ago. saying that he went to nir lias new fur", ture for his house He leaves a wile and one child. Faure vaa once a wealth) BBBBB man. and laat fall aolt Ins BBBBB al"l wool Intereatx on Snai.e river, un, I came here to 'I -e He w,'. In compu table lr uinstam en when he Ml BBBn, BB that hla ramlly will BB irivlde1 for. it la thouaht In Wal'ui Walla. THE NEW YORK MARKET Reported by I. L. Ray & Co.. Pendle ton. Chicago Board of Trade and Nw York Stock Exchange Brokers New York. Nov :'! The wheat in. ii k. i lias .mally commenced to fool the effe, tx of the foreign demand, and all the hi mills east report good fBBI sales and demands for all kinds of food stuffs Liverpool cloned hlgb er. 6 PS New York opened ni 81 V. and closed SV helng the high an I low points Chicago Rained a cent Horn 7.. to 77V Poik was S7'ic hla-her. 1JTH. Close vesterday. SIS len tixtay 81 S. Hana' today. 8lSfl8:s. Close todav. 19, ' Sugar. 126V, St. -el, 43 St Paul. 19V . I nlon Pacific. 103V DEPENDANT WAS C0MI0SED PEACE IS EXPECTED SOON ISTHMUS MAY SOON BE ALL TRANQUIL. Official Advicea Are That Whila Figut mg May Continue. Panama Count) Will Be m Lcis Turmoil and Trans portation Will Be Amply Pro tec ted. Washington. No -"' official di lalchea from OOBBBjMB this morniim un eiu ouraKiug to those who ate aui ,,i t,, tratujiiillty ou the Istl.ai.is restored While the news do s BOt rtaiBltltl mdlcate that hostilities grtU cease at any point save it Colon It la an advantage to have one of the ter minals of the railway IBCfO, and .i may lead to the tranafe. rem ,,i u lighting to other Hrtlon of I olOBtbJ I. Much credit ia aiven the P nited Stat and particularly the state and ua.. departments for the pr unpt acti, , taken, which is belieed to BBTC pr vented comidlcatlons let-'inK to dip lomatlc diflitultiea with Ftan. 'i many. Kngland aud perhaps others oi the Eurorx-an powers. THE KIN(i WAS A BRUTE QUEEN WILHELMINA WILL APPLY FOR A DIVORCE Cruel Conduct Charged Against the Prince Concort. Who Fought a Due! With an Officer Who Interfered When He Struck His Wife Van tets at Death's Door. Amsterdam. Nov r.c BBBBBfJoBBj si,, in s of the royal scandal again arc current. It la learned that It la not I pro ha hi' that QBBBfl Wilheinui, i will apply for a dl voice on thi ground of cruelty and improper behavior PB th part ol the prince louaort. A letter teceived here from a rella Ide Hague corieMpondent state that there are no longer any doulds tli.it i lie ipie. li s Illness Was due to her coll sort's ill treatment Majoi Vantets adjutant of IBB royal household, if said to l,aw- Interfered BBOBj whet, the consort had actually struck th. iiiwn. This led to a duel, in wlm. antets was duiiKerously wound' I Ud BOW lies at death's door MRS. BONINE SMILED DURING DETECTIVE'S TALK. He Dtscribed the Alleged Confesaion and Said She Told of How the Whole Affair Occurred Many Wo men Were Present in Court Th, Mormng. Washington. Nov. 29 - The court i mini at the llonlne trial was packed lo,lak half of the audience being wo men The dote, the who arrested Mrs Honiuo and secured from her the so called conlesslon. was the principal witness at the morning session Hut ing recital of the "confession'' Mrs. lionltie looked him straight in Hi. eye and smiled, all the while There wa an absolute hush as the detective told of how Mis Holilnc de scribed the manner In which A) res lie), I her. the discharge of the pistol, anil the gush of IiIihmI over her shorn dor. aud her ret urn to her room, bv way of the fire escape Once Mrs. Bonine Was Bored. At the afternoon session, the BtOB osrapber, who took the prlaonoi'i statement, testified that on that OOrw sioii she was perfectly calm, ami seemed to he trying to give the polio all the information regarding the tra edy that she could. The district a, tiiiney followed with a reading of the statement. Mrs Bonine looked bored and displayed nothing akin to BBM 1 1, mi Her husband and two sons sat w Ith bet equally compose I. ELECTING SUCCESSOR TO SENATOR SHOtP He Resigned and Republicans are m Boise to Name a National Commit teeman. Boise Nov. 21 In resfsause to tie call of Chairman Frauk Goodiug. of the republican state . otnuiitteo bait men of the county munutt.-c.-s an the repiibluau delegates to the lai national ooavossJOB are gathering here today for an important confer . e The purpose is to ascertain the viewa of the party leaders regardiut; the aueoeeaor to ex-Senator Shoup, of the national committee The , ontc . i, ia expected to agree upon the ... im.ii to be recommended to Chair man Hanna for appoinment to the na tional committee when ex-Senator Shoup's resignation takes effect LIBERALS DEFEATED BY COLOMBIAN GOVERNMENT Colon Is n Possession of the Regular Troops, so the State Department Was informed at a Cablegram That Was Received Today at the Nat-on al Capital. Waahington v The Mat. di unrtment ' us reieived a cablegram stating that tb liberals ha' Im en d. footed and tbe ''olomblan government la In iKJhsession of Colon Captam Perry Saya Same. Washington. Nov 2 -Captain For ry. of the Iowa, cabled aa follows to i , i, aw ,i. partment thia morning Arrangements for tbe aurrender to da of Colon and the liberal force hae lieen completed." Liberals Surrender to Perry. Colon Nov 2 Captain Ferrv with a tattallou of marines arrived here this afternoon from Panama 1'ue liberal for.ee In the city surrendered to him at once. Perry wlU band over lb. command ol the. town to general All.au commandei of th goverumei trooiw when he enters tie town this evening NO LIVES LOST. When Tranaport Struck Reef Off Straits of Ban Juanco. Washington. Nov. 29 Geneial Phaffe. reports Mom Manila that no Uvaj w,,e last VBBB bBJBBPBsl Wright struck the rook off the en trance of San Juanco Straits A large part of the cargo will l Boved in a damaged condition The vooael wao ldh Injured but may be aaved. VNHITE SWAN OWNER'S CASE LE6T0N BALLIET S CASE WAS POSTPONED AGAIN Deatri of a Juror at Des Moinsa, Iowa, Caused Trial to Go Over. lies Moines, la. Nov 2V In th federal dtotrki -ouit thlt morning in ih, case of letson BalMet, owner of the Wliii. Swan miue, jear Bake. Pity, tir accused of using the mail . for fraudulent pursse .he Jury wa lis, barged owing to the loath of on ol the members The con. ending sides ou 1 d uot agree to tr the ae before i levii reinaiiiing jurors so the coh waa continued until the next term. Chicago British Repulse Raidsra. Ailababa. British India, Nov 2. The British troops have auccessfuli. driven bak the Masudawaxlrt ratdoM with heavy loss The Brltlsbeis y-s terday surprised aud iteatroyed Ma kin. one of the largest of the raiders villages. Another Report of Miss Stone. New York, Nov 2V T.e World Vienna on. -si. orient wlrj. that Miss Stone and Mme. Tallka have been butchered by tbe brigands who kid uaped them. Opening of New Railroad. Sioux City, la.. Nov . TfcO Northwestern railway baa arranged to open its Movile extension to public traffic tomorrow The line Is twenty one miles long and connects the Sac City division of the Nortbweotern with Sioux Pity, giving the shortest line to THEV MET IN W AEEA WAI I A BROTHER AND SISTER AFTER FORTYONE YEARS. James Ferguson Came West With Gold Fever From Ipwa, and Wss I got to Family. Walla Walla Nov Special James Ferguson ol Klb ia leu ; aiel Mrs l Itoblnson of this city brOtBOl and sister, had not seen h olh, 1 for forty one years until yesterday, when thev met in this city, aud enjoy ed Thanksgiving togeth, r lloth un Boll advaiued In years. Mr. Ferguson in lug IJ vears and Ills sister IB, Tin ii ting wss a hsiv one Indeed A half a century ago the Ferguson family n sided in Iowa. The famil) laiuicii laud in Mabaskla county, an I wer in good circumstances for the limes But the gold lever struck James ami lie came west to California Willi varying foil lines he worked at niinlii" and othei pursuits until Isttu, whin lie cam. to western Washington The i lie removed to KlleUabUlg. when, In haa realded for nearly thirty years In tin- effort to acquire wealth, Ferg.i son lapoame lost to his family and foi main' years nothing was hoard of him In th, meantime the family re veil to Kansas and the last hotc of reun ion was given up. Mis itoblnson whose daughter was suffi iiiig from oiisumptlou. came to Walla Walla last August foi tin bom fit of tbe child's health A few wc. i ago I In- daughter died and notice ol the run, lal and the sim, ol Ihe sal death printed In the newspapers gave Mr leigusnii the Idea that prhap- the family was related to him Th -mallei develoised full when tlx tela tionshlp was found to exist and a hurried visit to this city by Mr Feign son aud his wife resulted The fain ily reunion is being enjoyed at the home of Mrs Kohinson Hi Cherry street. SWITCHMEN BCCM TO HAVE LOST THE STRIKi Traffic in Pittsburg District Is Moving Better Than for Bevaral Day. Plttaburg. Nov. 21 Oenerall sp. aklng, there la little Indication thai the strike of the railroad switchmen exists iu the local yards Today'a traf tic la moving better than for aeveral days previous to the strike declara Hon The men have practically given up the atruggle aud many have gJBJM a i to work. WEET SOOT KILLED His Demise Occurred lhnrs- da Eyeningi INDIAN WHILE INTOXICATED WAS HIT BY A WORK TRAIN. He Waa Famoua Becauac He Was the Cause of Judge Fee Rtnoering an Important Decision Relating to the Rights of the Indian Allotses Under Several Acta. Jack Weet Soot, an Indian, was si Met by a work train three tnllea east ol Pendleton m 7 o clock yester day evening The train was coining In from where the ciow had boon lay ing steel lulls "Mst of here. The en gineer saw Wet Sooi ou the track a few yards ahead ami nvetsed the glue, hut it was too late The tral'i was loaded with two m thiec curs of steel rails and the weight forced It onto the 1 11 a I its II He had I II dlllli,. iii town and spent Wednesday night iu Jnll. being turned out Thursdav morning n ml the engineer says tht from (ho way he was staggering fro .i side to side when son he was evi dently under the Influence of llojuot BTOBB lb, aOCidOBl OCOBITBaV Coroner W fl Pole went out to in vestlgate the killing, ami found that no one was to blame mid do med it UBOOBBBBry to hold un Inquest The only mark on the body was a gash BB the head, but the coroner thinks thut he was probably Injured in t -i ua 1 1. Tin- bodv Is now at Jesse Falling's un dcitakliig parlors, ami will be lake to the reserve thin afternoon for lu U i incut Weet Soot Was Famous. Jack Weet Soot, a , otumoii tiibcs man. was us. famous as nnv In, linn on tin' coast He was not a chief, and BPTOI loiighl a BBttto III Ills life , o pting that ho frequently engage I with furious struggles with a l tux John of liquor. But he it was who was arrested and flic d by the ourt of Indian offenses several vcais ago. on the res, 'ive hole for being drunk. He was penalized by having hla hair ut off. Rd Brlsbo, a policeman. I,eln the one who , airlol out the older of the court For an liidluu brave to have his hair cut off was disgrace, and lie was In duocd to seek roluss ut th. haii' M of the law. and sued Bilsho In fho Justice omit here Joe Parkas hearth the case, which was appealed In the circuit eoart. IBB result that lllllgc J. A Fee rendered a decision that, under the haw, s and Hlatoi acta allottees were citizens of the ( lilted States will, all Ihe rights privileges and Immunities Ihereuni i pertaining and thai therefore Ihe court of Indian offens, exceeded Hi BOBfOft slid that Bilsho should puv the fine of 1200 that had I n Impo. ed by Jusllo Park s Colonel Wlllla u Paisons aud T 0, Hailey were thi. counsel who attended U the ctae for la k Weet Soot Dscision Was Impurtant This decision never was disputed the d, paitmcnt of (he Interior IBeBO Ing It at Washington without question It waa siipMirto bv other Judicial in lerpretahons of the law In federal aid tale courts. The decision lesiiltlng from lac. Wi.i Soot getting ill link l" Ing lined and having his ball oil off, and all he proceedings In connection there with, was Important ludoed. and changed the entire status of the al ministration of uffaiis with rofofoaoa to the Indlaus b) the fedeial depai' , atoal of Juatlco THE NEW R6QIME IN MA GOVERNOR WOODB TALKS OF THE CUBAN STATUS. Bays Government Will Be Turned Over to the Cubans m May Ho Recommends Concession. New York, Nov M fjovoi BOI tie i eral Wood arrived loday fiom Cuba aud says that mailers an qui. I on the island and that preparations are being made for the elections in Fchruar) fioveriior Woods said he came to thi ('nited States at ih, luvliatioa of the IBrrOtjrj of war to discuss tiiO details of the preparations ne essarv for ihe trai.sf. i tba tuban govern ment to (he Cuban people. He thought this would hi done In May He ssvs he will recommend certain tariff con essions to tfo t'ubans espe'laily la sugar and tobacco.