Shoe Sale Commencing Thursday, Nov. 21st. we will sell all of our large stock of Boots and Shoes at a great reduction. We must re duce our stock and in order to ac complish this price will he Cut and Slashed Nothing will escape the slaughter except the Queen Quality Shoes, which are contract good. The chance of a lifetime to get the lst goods in the market for lest- than they are worth. 'all early before sizes are broken. Terms Spot Cash. CLEAVER BROS., The Boot and Shoe len. J THrh-l IHfiBR SB, 1801. PERSONAL MENTION W. H. Balr anil wife, or Echo, are registered at Hotel St. George. J, B Boyd and wife, of Baker Ottjr, are registered at ttae Hotel St. George Sheriff J R. Collins of Moscow Idaho, are registered at the Uoldec Ruie howl. Qlssj Bushee. OlMft at the Hotel Pendleton, is off duty on account of rheumatism Joe Conn representing D. Sachs & Sons distillers, of Louisville, is in r loZaj. Mrs J J. Riley and aon. of Butte Mont, are visiting Mrs. C C. Ha driclu at 408 West Court street Mr. and Mrs Rader and son. A: torney C M Rader and family. gf Walla Walla, are her- spending Souvenir China have nut ii our ow: impori Souvenir China We have (he RpgSSflpgj GhastSS Wftt0 it dignity, the eminent High tichooJ froll. lie euuuellt, tile OUM 1UM oil the -cUr- ' hief ii, lii tiioorv mii iier. and "len.- -' with IgMMMMaV IT DON'T 1 OCT AN - nam to ai them. Owl Tea House Fine Teas and Coffees. Thanksgiving with their son ami brother M A Rader and family. Judge Ellis left this morning in' Heppner where he w ill hold court t. morrow He expect to return Sum lay with Mrs. Ellis and aon. who hnv upent the past two weeks there Frank C. Stevens, of Pomenv. Wash., passed through Pendleton thi morning on his way home from an extended eastern visit. Mr. Steven id among one of the lest trap shots in Washington and Oregon, he having won the cur at the Multnomah Our and Rod Olut. shoot at their tournu Mai ir. Portland last July SIGNS OF COMING SESSION Or CONGRESS VISIBLE Sneaker Henderaon Will Be Re-elect d. Say His Friends President Roosevelt Besieged With Visitors--Tne Senator and Represent.)! . , Art Assembling. Washington Nov IS There a -.1.1 :. Ian' signs that (be opening 01 on tress is near at hand Promin a; nenatom and representatives sjatn of w,. n hav- no' )er. In Washington to ) encountered at every turn to day in the street hotel lobbies an d other pul.lic place a large part hf Roosevelt's time Is being si gs ia raeelTlm the forma! calk) .. , ,, ,.rHiime tHn their arrival t. town. Speaker Henderson's quar ters at DM Normandie. are also the Mecca for scores of visitors dahv Tht caucus to nominate a siea!:." meets Saturday Speaker Hendcx .:. s a caudidau for re-election and big f'iendi" and supporters are confident of hi ggegggg The general opinion among tht members Inclines to tin belief that th OOSBlBg session of con Kress will be one of the husleet ir many years. To remove a troublesome corn oi nuinxt Firs' soak the corn o. nn- ir ir. warm water to sofien it. then pare down as cloaely as possible with out drawing blood and apply Chamber lain's Pain Balm twice daily. ruLbiug vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days to protect N from the shoe As ageneral liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rneu matiam. Pain Balm is unejuale.l For sale by Tallman K Co. Don't Have Cold Feet When you can prevent it be wearing a pair of our Warm Lined Shoes. We aiso have a nne assortment ot Felt and Knitted Slippers in all colors lor ladies and children 646 Main St. The Pendleton Shoe Co. An up to date Repair Shop g connection with our store. DOCTORS OF PH EASTERN OREGON DIS TRICT MEDICAL SOCIEn First Regular Meeting Will be He'd In January Interesting Session During the afternoon am! cvonin of Wednesday the I'mattlla COHHM physicians anil those from nth- - plS es held several meetings, ni form an organisation to be oalltd Tti Eastern Oregon District Medical So cietv." and oi whii'h the leBiporaf 0 IWrs are: Dr. J. L. Miller 0 I'" dleton. president. Dr T. M Hgnde1 on of Pendleton secri'tarv The first regular BM eting w ill be held n. January. Besides the business session ol Wednesda. the medics listen.'.; the reading of papers and enjoyed banquet ai the Hotel Pendleton Dl Woods Hutchinson, of I'ortlatu! thi famous specialist on ' Tuhen ulosi. addressed the society ami his renin are today pronounced to have BOBS1 tuted the ablest presentation Ol th subject ever heard by the physician who were present. Dr. Andrew Smith, of Portlam1 spoke on "Appendicitis:" Dr. J. F Dteiwoa, of Portland, on "Aetbai pla:' Di Harry l.ani o( Portland, "Insanity " All of them wars aie efforts The meetings were not publi' an1' no laymen were present THE DA WE OIVE THANKS will take no action nntll after the ; nc of congress, sal Pressure is being brottfW bear "non the president to Induce MB . , n), recommendations re s , v, to trusts I.eadlns rej-resen U railroad ami other affected In tprests are trying fo headoff any dra tic rerommendstlons. Several M vitally Interested, including J. J- Hlir ,v r. Sib " v Thomai 9. Lowery UN Cllntor. Morrison, already have boei here at such an or-snd Colonel D. B, mi came Saturday, but the rrt d.-nt was out of the city. Horace M Hurt of Omaha, pram ,.... of the t'nlor, Pacific, caleld ou ...... Rnoeortlt today He wart Ml to prevent any direct reference In thi u resident 'a message to the Ndrtn . .., s .... i- -ompany If Is said he inquired if it were noaew for the pTMldMII b DUmatS to Governor nr. Bant of M i neaota. that It would m wall tl de!av his crusnde until the M nartment of Justice hafl time to do omethtai Mr Pur' sot little satlt faction at the White House STREETS DESERTED AND EVERYONE TAKES HOLIDAV Services as Usual at Thompson Street M. E. and Churcb of tne Redeemer. Today. Thanksgiving, the streets are almost deserted The buslnes ho es closed at 111 o dock and a"' from an occasional straggler there Ii uo one In sight. Many of our people have gom awus to spend the da w tii fnenda in other places aud Btai have come from the country and ad joining towns n spend the du . partake of the hospitality of on: pie on this occasion of thanksw Reside the football warne there Is tit tie to attract the eople out. an most of them are spending Um away from the busy turmoil oi Imr. ness and the streets ami are wltn their lamllies enjoying a holida r home. Cnurch of the Redeemer. I'nion Tiianksgix iiik serrksa sn roarturtad at he Thompson street M K imrch. at which lbs Rev John I'reii i pastoi. ami ut tin C'lnirck Oi thi Ketieemer. tin Iti". W i: Pot wise is rector, ami thi K John Warren assistant At in lutte: srv: ct-s a haudsonn sliver eoSBmuBJog service was presented to the church in honor of the memor ot tax la William H .Marshall. approprlni music was rendered by tin DO) ed choir and ut the ouclusloi. i services the boys wen photographed in their vestments They will cauet the framing of the phntograpl. send It to Mr t Y. Judd. . trlbutetl llis luwun! tin I k Union Services. The services at the Thompson Street M. E church were conducted a adein'. Pfanr. ti. aai atiwi wlti nnn h .merest 1. 'In present and a' as is lor tln W. H. H. SCOTT ROBBED Was Heid Up Near Atnena on M -nesday Nignt Vlhenu Nov. 2s W H H S i was held up near this city aa) a ing ami robbed of fin apj j.,.- .,t , Mr 8mtt and brother wan wa to Athena by team about o'clock and when about a hall . trom town a lone hlghwaymai gad out into the road and den...: that they throw up their hand they did and were relieved of the II and watch all the valuables the on tin ii. Tin-re is no clew as to tin and no description could l-him PRESIDENT BURT CALLED ON PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT However, tne New York World Se; a Says Department of Justice at Washington Wilt Act m Relation to the Railway Combine and Other Trust Matter. New York. Nov MV The World ha., tm following from Washington: It is now understood that than Is a strong probability that the depaii ment of justice will us. actl .r. against the copper trust, the suur trust and the new railroad trust, ur. der the Sherman anti-trust law as . ... inflations in restraint of trade basing such action upon the decis log of the T'nlted States supreme court in the Trans-Missouri Freight associ ation case Tin- dcparM... nt of justice offii lais have leached the conclusion that the Sherman law is adequate, hut vvmmwww aa CORDWAINER Never produced better coo Js than WC can show you Take it in Men' Shoea, for instance Seners Lnamel Calf. Vicoliied Oak soles. Made cn a Modoai Last and intended lor a Dttty man s business shot Tlic Five Dollars Will gnt- the hardest kind of wear, require no black ingComfortable and at itfacton in everv ray Peoples Warebonse Peetfitterh. , iVWWlArVWWWtWVVVX 60 YEARS' EXPFRIENCE B BBBBSBBW TRADt nflSRSi Ocsions CuevRlGHTt, 4c Scientific American. Another Free Gift Sale. With every ecn i s suit or m nice hat or a good watch, Mem t and .Zl81""" Twenty per cent, discount on all ,lci H Ladies Furs You can't beat our stylet u Renu mber largest stock of cood. from and prices guarantee,! the lowest "fl ours to i LYONS MERCANTILE J Prepare for Thanks giving i j By setting on of our new style dinini room are of ohoioe dtmign and finish, solidly madaanrl at a pricp lower than ever before fur such rop 1.. .. ! I. U . .. ,1. !a M ,nii nnK ui iiirui, iu sic wuriu u, even II vot I tend purchasing. Our new ?h i iiuiem? include irra ie novelties. Come in uiivhw aud i BANC E on the f.r '.() premium, t, omer Main and Well strt-rits M. A. RAH AIRTIGHT HEATH I have a full line of t tie celebratai COLE'S AIR-TIGHT Wood and coal stoves guaranteed to absolutely air tight. Noneoftb heat is wanted and the stove wifl gave ONE HALF your fueljbilL 1 also have a full line of cast cook stoves sad sad" I Prices arr the lowest, quality considered T. C.TAYLOR, the Hardwarel 741 Main street I :r. Oreenr A ULICk DELIVERN. CLEAN STC S3 F. S. Younger & Son. Have the largest assortment of faaej awj .r -f, -.:. ::i titv W lu ?: ou set ft efl MUNN i 'Co fort : QI ICK DELIV LRV. CLEANS! WE WILL SHOW The Most Complete Line of Fancy HOLIDAY GOOD Ever Shown in Pendleton. The New Design CHRISTMAS niFTs fnr 1001 arp Indescribable Thev Will Saah Hp nn ninlnv We N ill heerlH y ----- v v . , vr me tvr iuiuj Show You the Line. TALLMAN & 11 ,ti rill LeaJin Druggist. -