East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 28, 1901, Image 6

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    E feast (feftKvxav)
)0I MM kMrV I' IKUUDLC r(,s,.t(.,1 rf those of the lament
and other building
material including
and Sand.
We hare a large ilrk of
lor bams and dwelling.
Oregon Lumber Yard
AJta St., orrp. Court Floor-
French Restaurant i
cosy Roons
Well Lighted and Hteeuii Heated
Best 25 cent Meals
In the City.
"Trot Lea
Eastern aud
The Place to Buy : : : :
It where von ran get good
quirk and cheap price,
line of
Lumlxjr, Lath,
SbiugleH, Build
ing pafHr, Tar
pajver.Lime and
cement. Pickets
Plaster. Brick,
and, Moulding
Screen Doors x
Windows, Sash
& Doors, Terra
i otta Pit.
"Pioneer" Writes Baker City Herald
Anent the Much Mooted Question.
The Baker City Herald prints the
To the Editor of the Herald Can
you or any of your reader inform
the public of the truth of thin are nun
tlon Are the settlor oh the school
lai.ds of erstern Oregon being mailt
the victim of a land grabber's sung
nt Salem" This charge hno been
made, and I confess It looks like the
truth The state board of land com
mlssioners. which Is composed ol the
governor, the secretary of state and
the state treasurer, have the power to
give to itarttes who lufate on lands
claimed to be mineral lands, lieu
lands If the hoard is innocent of
any Jobbery, why does it allow set
tiers to be robbed of their land or this
lieu land" It is a well known fact
that many settler. wb have had
deeds to their ranches for years have
teen cited to appear before a notarj
puhlti and give testimony regarding
the i-haracer of their land, whether It
Is mineral or otherwise. Should not
the plundering of this gang Mi Edi
tor, be stopped" In the future no
settler should ever secure ecaoal
land from the stnte or government
for the simple reason that they ranno
iwrfert their tltb a mineral land b -cause
It Is not such In this way ar--
the aettlers of this section robbed of
thetr rights (or the benefit of the lnnri
ring. If the state board of laud com
mlalonur does not know of this. It Is
Its duty to know It It Is up to the
hoard The settlers have already se
'urc.' !. services ot a prominent
democratic attornev as counsel, and
ttic aui.outice their intention oi giv
ing to the bottom of these frauds
Mnti rauds have been committed
For instance on Upper Burnt river
Messrs. Iirtslen Murrav Elms. White
bead and others have had deeds to
their ranrhea since 1 89 1 All of them
ranging from HMO to $.1iimi. Very
reeentM a mar. named Wright ann
Olyrupia lloat ami attempted to locate these
ranches as mineral land All these
men Bttad to appear before a no
tary to give testimotn which ih-
did hut Wright failed to appear, prob
ably being ashamed In Ity. Valley
a widow lady named I-anjcley who
has supMrted a family tor L' yea's
with hard labor was an attempted
victim The ranch of Fcrnald and Odd!
in tin same neighborhood to which
the owners have hehl deed since I".:'
war looked on with covetous eyes by
Wright ami tln- i i, cited to appeal
at Huntington and give tartfaOB)
All these are school lands. Should
Wright or his accomplices succeed in
ilitulnlnc an of these lands, the are
exchanged by the lMard of land .one
missioners for the lieu lands, which
' li' a'- nt ,,i u.iiKan 'iiiil ill.
conspirators may desire and settlers
in this par of the state get no boat
Ml of our school lauds If anv one
te have any benefit from the a-honl
lunds in eastern Oregon it should be
Mfstetl Oregon s.-ttlers
Charlie Duncan of Palouse City, w i
a Remarkable Example.
One of the worst cases of Inrnrri
glblllty ever brought before the courts
of Whitman county was heard In the
Justice court at I'alouse City Wash
last week, and resulted In the P-JTMI
old hoy being bound over In the super
lor court for committment to the re
form school The child Is Charlie
Duncan, son of Mrs Warren Ave-il',
and the complaint was made by the
boy's mother, who with his stepfath
er were the principal witnesses The
evidence showd that the child Is ut
terly beyond the control of his niothei
Correspondent Writes Again About
the "Cattle Rustling."
t-i i. Ms tl - Having read a
rattle owner. If the small stockman
riootnl wan! to sell his ranch he dont
have to nnd no one attempts to co
arrc oi intimidate him. Uirty and
small StOCkatO all over this county
have lived side by side tor
havi graced their herds tngetbei
th puhlli iloniRln In the utmost peace I
and harmony No dissatisfaction is 1
years and , Indicate Tkm
getlier on tribute Ettf,. ' 11 Ta
as Much
. .
.... I 1-..; i 1 , n 1 1 i L ..,,, I... 1... I mt lar,
,,. anices .... --- -- nn printeii um7Lm
mn few days since purporting to or small Monoy Is plentiful, and with
have come from tins pince. s""'s -description
of tin .ondltlotis existing
nusag cattlemen throughout Umatilla
and Oram Mnatiao, i would like spap
to writi a fa words in reply In
tb.- first ptaoa the alleged facts set
forth "n tin above mentioned ariu ies
" count) treat-, T
llton n.i .rTu7 b
tile r.l.,1-WSBl
M'on. Hn,ilk'"J
""'1' IMlhllr TVfcJ
and stepfather ami Is fast bacomlni almost ludicrous so far are they
an outlaw He seems possessed of a
malicious disposition, as evidennl by
the fact that he had cut open a lot of
grain sacks In his stepfathei ' field
and allowed the grain to run out on
the ground and had broken a lot i.t
stoves belonging to a neighbor
The child recently stole 4e from
his steofather and induced unothct
lad to acconiaiiy him to Garfield
where It was planued the) would hurt
Iarl7e the store of his uncle. C E
Averlll and with the proceeds flee to
to South Africa to assist the Tloers in
their battle for freedom.
from th- true DOndlUOO OI nrtnir b
existing hen Your correspondent Is
mtlmntel) scqtialated with the true
state of the stisk business In these
two counties, having resided here
mii. 'V't; Am to th- KlBBtitb orsan
intloti of cattlt "rustlers" who drive
off sc'ticrs stock with immunity. It
dOM it exist. The sheriffs and ex
sheriffs Of both counties Sell that
than has been any such complaint
M tat s-'ftlers and stockmen here
ar. not oi n class that would ijuletly
hold their tongues If they knew of any
sti.-h wholesale thievery existing But
Th. peopb
the present prices of cattle everything
is serene Of course as Is the case
In any section of the country, people
m. mortal OUt; also people Bre mov
inn it, iiii,I 111 vnrv Inalnnpii n-hitm
' ont sad i.-ft th. conn . , "y, air J
I hill value for all his trail 1 1,1
helonslnm But In the majority ol th. , ,7, "isht !
,.M..L In th. I.illll llav rorlnn . """"'Of COitHljwJT
.' " . : 1' -" ""-,enu tow., Tk. ZT"
itoci.mnn o- ne large or small, is ),. nw-- 'J
...... ",,al snioont
IIIBhOIK "nr. in. Ml. n.lll ir n-riecllV mHt. 'inita, , 'I
content with his lot. all stories to the .,mntv SK"iiai
outrun notwithstanding A. JjL.
I'etidletun llkXft I Sr.
Psafnsii Cannot os Lured
i- lorn spplli-aliona. th.-y caanut mi b the
desean-.l pe'tma f thr ear Then? If only our
t to urr iteafnew. sad thai Is by rnnstltii
tlonsi mmellss. Deatasw Is caused by an id
".. ..'!.! -ii.il ..t ihe mut'ous lining of tbe
Kuurhln tubu. Wbcn Ibis lube gala in
Mstnsd vim bss s rumblliiK sound or Imper
' ii.-s- Hi! s'i ! WhN it l entirely i'I.wm-,:
itrslnex ll Ihr result, amt unleu the Ui 11 annus
linn in b. isk.-u nut su.t this luhr restored to
:- normal i mention, bearing will It-ilesiroye,!
'ftidleton. ttlMM
tt. Hll.4i '
1 his shows P. ill i
elgh I
Milton '
.... '7". ,m ai
tl r ,hr v,ti. n.
' "If irOBOB tin. .
Thousands Sent Into Exile
Kvery year a large number of poor which the nr. alleged to be working
sufferers whose lungs nrr sore am!
(, .i,., ,,,,, CI,, ,.,iti i are ii iii.iun. ...i....""i.. ..iiii ui mmuonjii .""wm ai
it .In. r not . im l nt ' "I "' ut nine out ot tea are caused by "U" ' "untv as tiva. iJ-S
Inw abi.llim v ' Me ii.lee. c! enttle eaiarrh. which Is nothing but an Inftaajad to tht iinl.liri. il3l
II nuullttniiarthrniiimiisaurlacas . Wr will glTe (!.,' f, si
.in, inii.,ir--,i iniiiHiF !( vaav im neauneaa . n i, a
racked with coughs are urged to go
to another climate. Hut this Is costly
and not always sure. Don't be nn
exile when Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption will cure you at
home. It's the most Infallible mcil
cine for Coughs. Colds and all Throat
and I.unc diseases on earth The first
on the small stockmen, we hardly
I. now whut the writer of the fictitious
articles calls cattle "kings" if he ran
find them bcween Pendleton ami Can
yon Clt) Th. largest cattle owner In
this ttrrtton owns about 100 head
Thev generally own considerable land,
say from one to four sections and
nr.- buying more whonove- the can
(rsuae.1 by .-aiarrli that cannot be cored l.y
mm. . ainrrn ' nr.- i'ii'i nu i-iri-uiarv ire.
r. J CHKS'KY A (JO., Toledo, tl
Sil.1 by ail driiggtiia. 7 s
Hall'i family I'lTli are the beat
dose brings relief. AstnundtnK cures e t It Hut th- nr- Bvttlni I' fairly
result from perslstc.t use. Trial hot- and pajrtaj 1000 prices for It There
ties free at Tall.nnn Ce s Price file is no "frotllBI it' or "squeezing"
ami fljMi Everv bottle guaranteed i ss about It nnd th rleht of the
Cieaninp Out Sale.
Hatrtai bought the Fitzgerald stock
on Main street. I will close out nt
cost the entire line of canned goods,
pickles pepper sauces, crarkera, etc.,
tin. si-nles and a good coffee mill
Come nnd see me
wl "'H M prlntM
nn entire hotlsehuM
"C- IHBtln ..-. ,
A L .1
uu neaiing ItOTSI atiarl
siul rllnlnl room httkm
-i - nt-nnaq. etaatrWaw
Pendleton Planing Mill
Lumber lard.
R. f0RSTER, - Propriptor
You get
What 3 ou bu3
from us.
Bid Stock ol
.. W do...
Trucking & Transferring
Up Snake River to Union Considered
Dy Citizens of Tnat Town.
A ;ropsltlon was presented to the
Citizens' League ,n Union bj th
1'nion Hallroad comuasy in the mat
ter of the construction of a railroad
to Siiuk. river on the eastern bo'in.l
ary of I'nlou county says the Dnton
K-piii.li. at.
Preliminary work looking to the
onstructioii of th- proposed road has
been In progress during th. past
ver although the iartles having the
matter in charge have persistently r.
faaod to maka taMk m any mantle,
'hen plans or intentions
It is tht intention ot the company
to build and operate a staudard guafe
railroad iron: a point at or near tin
Cuion station ot the O. K tc X turn
a to a point n.-ar th.- mouth pf i
Nau's Dyspepsia Cure
Has cured these case
and tt will cure you
J. hi. Church, LaUraude, Ore. says,
"1 suffered for Ji yearn and believe
had I not ujed Nau's Dyspepsia Cur.
1 would not Im- alive to write you a
XalliaiJ raid, Botae, Idaho, says: 1
uttered for years; found many reliefs
hut uo cure except yours
For sale by Tallman Co., and all
first class druggists , or send to Frank
Nasi, Portland Hotel Pharmacy, Port-
Oresron Price ti a bottle or 6
Powd.-r m. i o- Pine creek on Snak.
H. :- running by way of the city of
Union Catherine erast Kagl. , .-, !.
ant! Eagle vall.
Burveys have h?.-n made data col
lecn-d and the whole proposition ex-un.iii.-ti
i.) the eastern capital that is
lak of the project and adeleot re
ceied by Iin'mI representatt Vefc her.-
indicate that he financial deal is about
read) to he consummated f,M jh. i oa
miUeUOO of the road
'Th. proitosition is in a form show,
ing the good faith of the railroad ie.
pie. .Nothing Is asked until the road
is in operation for fifteen miles from
Union station In this reaped it ia
unlike any proposition ever presented
to the people here It is a bona fide
i proposition which cannot result otbai
wise than in enormous benefit t.. th.
people of this section of the state and
especially th. city of Union and Pine
and Katie valleys and th- greet t.'r
eral section east of this city
He Kept His Leq.
Twelve years ago. J W Sullivan of
Hartford Conn scratch' d his lee
with a rusty wire Inflammation with
blood poisoning set in. For two or
he suffered intensely Then the beai
doctors urged amputation, "but." he A
wrltee. "I uaed one bottle of Electric fi
Uitters and 1V boxes of Hucklen s
Arnica Salve and my leg w,a sound
nd well as ever." For eruptions
ecsema. tetter, salt rheum, aorea and
all blood disorders Electric Blti&rs
has no rival on earth. Try them.
Tullman Co will guarantee satis
faction or refund money Only So
Will have the DicsKt
market, all (tau
sc. nn and leave rati
nig turn. II JlattiL
Da Pays to Trade M XUn PedDjpDes Wrelhflriii
Not a Questionable Quality Here
Men's Shoes
Women's Shoes.
Solid, all leather grain Congress-tap old
Kroo Call, Cret-iimore or Congress, ims of hard
1 f0
Felt lined, leather foxed,
warm and comfortable
lace or Congrea, sja
Kangaroo Call. Seamless Lac c
are all right
Napa tan. Waterproof leather,
tongue, tap sole, lace
WHANG Li. 1THER, i. ..tl.er
sole, lace .... ....
WHANG LEATHER, canvas lined
sole and tap
These shoes are treated with OLEII L
or Congress, they
: 10
soft upper, bellows
. 28
In ;i I ) dou bit
lieavv double
2 7
t 1 RON ad
ding to the wear and BUakia than waterprn if
Comfort Shoe for tender, cold Bad rheumatic feet,
felt lined, soft and eas but lots uf wear 3.' 0
German Socks Felt Boots Canvas Lwins
Felt beaver buskin, just the thing for cold moraaj
Felt slippers, flannel lined, hit trimmed, for aa
wear . . ...j
Felt nallifiers, fur trimmed, red or black
Fine kid, stvlisli button Imot. felt lined, rati
thing for winter
Xtra fine vici kid, Chrome ki t lined all ihroafii
surpassed for fall and winter wear
Kangaroo Calf, lace or button, made for hard l
Comfort Shoes, iust what tht name impnes.1
Lillv kid, aiosv cut, soft flexible soles fM
Jersey Leririnrs Cloth Oti
U pays tt Trade aid Tine IPsdDipDes WarelhoMli
Not a Questionable Quality Here.
We are KoirK to y;ie a
ear's scholarship in the
St. Joseph acadt m lo
s .me OlkL in Umatilla
county. We want ou to
help select the girl. MCp
in and let us tell u hov
we propose to give abso
lutely free this full year's
Boy's Shoes
Uuliuvd oil firain, btrdMt kind of wear $1-45
Btetl ihod, ' --St stock upper and boHMMi
Holenand he l8full of stel proieeUm a oo
KaiigtFOU oaif, fair Mitob, En-'.ish Lack may 1.75
K anar -alt huamles;. juilu-d sdU-h, larg
sl,' 2 00
We will Rive
frt-tr. a full 1
ship in the m
a. ademv 10 HOiTl
Umatilla count
vnu to help Us
ro call and W
vou how we frop01
Da Pays ttdD Tirade att The iPedDipBes WaretoWl
Not a Questionable Quality Here.
Misses' and Childrensf Shoes
Baby Shoes
Calf, laee or l.utlou i ityli, ui sABBjaj
I'nuKula Kul, beavN mlv. lae. oi button
ti.af i so
ilrt-wey, DBt fllll Of
Very nn-vi.-i kid, Mfifasjasj ,,!,, fair ti.-l, vu will like
lbtm I It
M, Ijii oi Button, goat akin wi shes
Hlue or red, vlci kid, fauey IbU
Hlack Viei, pateut tip and heel foil"-.
black doucola kill, patent leather tip
(Jlove calf, tip sauie
And koai tt mmM
U IPayg i Traidle m
Ut Pays wtttl
for $s, express prepaid.