East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 28, 1901, Image 2

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Wo ri !i
It A Eli & DALEY
Ome Priee Clothier, Fmfnishm awl ffntt'r. Prmllrton.
TIM'IIM' sN , V 'VI HI l; . !:s. .
O' F.a.'ways Nov. Fcrning Tells His
Views on tne Subject.
Qavernor T T Oeer of Oregon
ly comMnutioii si MM
nifiiu' He say Ir nuv
I n-snlt in MROMtVa rate
regulate rt-sts with the
.mllnx to u KMMsMN IIM
i inn 1 1 H" v ; w Gove rnor
Mw 1 Not : To th. Ali
tor of Th" Snok-snian-Rev te When
the iroM!Sltlon to Korn or litr.tt the
combination;. Of i .ipital it undertaken
BBrlOIMly, If will prove OW of the
mom 11..I . tilt pfoblSJBM 01 tuoii-ru
ItoMM BoIt Than ran be no doubt
ahout tliti" If tare Manut iwdM da
riih it will ha to their lalaiaali to
romiuii. their Imslnc. surely no ooe
will coatewrt that they have not that
riaht it srould t a i UMlrfaaihw of
ranliul ami th.-r abjeel nilaht he to
either reduce MpajsjoM or ln-reaae he
pri 'f OOMMtl, or hoth anil who
would ha'. - the ncht to interfere? The
difficult', will he to know where 10
tiraw Mn l.ti.- ami how to 6a It whoa
the place is forni!
UaatMMi at aaava 'in- aartaa it
wnif that the conininatlon of railway
lines eoaM work un injury in uny wu
aalaai It should he followed bp an
in raaat al paaaaaaaa of freight rate
or Iwith At this time 1 think it ran
not in nan', that this hah follows! bbjc
aattoa In th past - r Is Ilk o In
th itmir. Hut jf u i..iitj tn- aoarto
bav- CafMai that laa im- o r--nlat-
surh ratH r t aerttli th- Stati
paaaCaaMtaM and i
many 'im-
k eptaaa hat mien Hm mb
soliitation of uiliu' lot various piir
po' hah heen iim1 f r-iu-ntl fur a
peavacioa anil that it is not as yt.
nTssarily a ni.'tia . It is iloiihttu!
if h i . ipf intcn-sti. i ai. h- nwn
aaai in any way a. in ini'raafl
rates for an-lce rendered and this is
eertatnly stihjfot in the iaae of rail
way companies tr. mat. control In
aetat!. it win prove a hard aaaottaa to
handh ooasMaaUaaa of capital doinx
aastaaai vaata n. charter from state
lSislatlirch hi required but the com
mon sense and common honest-, at
the eoiic can tie depended noon in
preserve their interests In all smh
matters when danaer may seem la ba
confronting them In earnest
Fran Fernandejt Makes a Statement
Regarding It.
DaptOB Wash Nov H Kran
PwraaaiMH who let h locomotive
BBPapi fyopj th yards in this city en
Sunday morning makek the follow
Ing statement concerning the gffai
Tli.-r- w.-e in Chinese Vegetable
i - idlers oi, th. track at the time th'
' an a" ir n.-i'her was there a
milk waeon in sight I hacked th
engine down to where the . oach -s'ooi!
am1 araal laaula that I might
look aftt-r the fin which I had left
hurtling in the stoves Just as I did
pc I beard th ah in the driver brake,
was out of tbv e-ars and after hr ir
an instant hut she had more of a
start than I could overcome. For
three miles I ran right behind her
and we did no' meet a milk wagon or
a Vegetable tiedllh-!
1 At last I ' arm house ami
hired a buggy I toUBd tin locum. e
bet to Dayton
d that he had
I.-. n
P.sa at the Coming Session
of Congress.
V I. loin of Wash
a Haves that th government
Fall and Winter
to display to you ottr fail i
and winter line -f Suit- and Over
coats. Made in the beat manner and
are Ltia ail tec a jierfee! fit. W have
vi .h . it question the let Una in tin
eit? .
ahoald construe' Um Nicaracia aMMti
He thinks congress will pass a canal
Mil at the rnnitllC s-ssion Itespotld
.:ip to a renrn'st from the Spokenmar
Review CoappaaaBsM 'ones writes
Waaaiaaitoa t C Nov i:. To the
Editor Your tavor of Novemhei 7th
making certain montries relative to
UM isthmian canal at hand M pom
; f lint is well kiiov n I am mjw ami
laajfl aava haaa in favor of imiiding
such a canal hy the government, am!
. from all I have read and heard, t
iti'ink 'h. Ntaaiacaa Banal is Um oaa
t. hraHa
Th.- ii.ospect lot the nassage of a
bill providing fat th- haplnatap af this
work Is BSaallaM I have no
! doaM that such a hill will pass M
th.- i oming Baaataa
I hav not found any organUed
iioeltlon to the hll tto far as I know
ovat) man ir I ongress who has op
poaotl the hill herelofure has done
so baaaaat of sunn- ptovtoaai the
liavticiilar hill or hecausc of a lack
of deflnit. miormation regarding the
route to in aalaetafL m sometiiing of
i!u' ala4 and ha expressed himself
as lu favor of the project. I have no
aaaM the won! or iiiestliin the moti
of such gentlemen That there Is real
oiio8inun to thi hill, aoaravar, theie
hi no toaM hut i th not think It will
la ih eff.i al aaefe a .anal ui
aa tl" Industrie!, am! BOaMBBfOa ol the
I'actnc .oast I can not say. hut I bs
Uava it win he ic wonderful baaafM
! think It will stimulate our imliiK
frlt" and our e.tittiere heyond our
wildest dreams It will direct tie Bi
taajMaa of the bom la Um orient as
never hefori and a nothing else will
do. ami this will result In great de
Blopataal there am! th.- .-r slight
eSf lle elopment there Will IllUk M
mamii. apaa us ami our industries that
will tax us to the utmost to supply
I will not go into details at this tine
M nil: paapfcl an- tamlliai with the
. i; lie ! ' - ad. In. Ver inefa '
aan W L .'ones
Betvoeen That Town and Kilbride, to
Improve Mao Facilities.
Utug Crsvk Nov II A
Ix-lng circulated here prayi
1 1 ii.
eMalillshnK'iit of a mall route hetaeen
this Bst and K : 1 l.rnl. eight MlWsl
west in Snsanvillf and sixteen milen
Hum this pla. e The H-tition lieing
load b) almost avan raaMoal al in i
Um Bfoiioseil route Tin- route it, bad
ly nee-led a, uiidt" present condlUaaa
a letter Iron: here in outer to reaci
Kllhrlde ih comiielletl in gn Ma Can
yon City. Prairie City and Austin. R
diSlail. ' II' IlllletV flVe mlleS W h"l the
ilistan. - ir oal sixteen tlllies
Vcrv lew bids are being s.-nt in fo
carrying th malls in this county and
what are being made are at a fat be!
fer ftguri than heretofore l.nw bids
ling has reunited in disaster tor a'
most all the contractors on Maai
throuxhout tala .nuntv ami the ieo
ple are getting wary I'nder the new
regulations whii . rag ul res a bMdci
In reside contlguoiik to th-- rout. OP
stalea be bids it is UmmhUM thai ike
.ontracts will in l.-t i islderably
hichet pric-k thai, lieinre um! that
iM'ttet service -will i. siilt
lata Sloan Picked Up 200 Heaa tc Dc
liver in Pendieton.
PkatB, Nov IT. Ivan Sloun was in
tow i: Sunday w ith Jim h.-ad ol heel
cattle which he will deliver tn Pl
oeder tc Mlnge- of I'endieton .M
Slonn reports baaf hard to get in th
ounHea south of I
In BSm
Higgs fuini. rly of Loaj
in th.- city Suinliiv Bli
me to Porilam! Mr Hiugs will lo
ate ink family there, while h. lakes
a post-graduate .-nurse ! H.lU-vu-hospital
In New York city. He r
oeatlf llsiosed of his drug store nud
1 Ik at hong Creek
Mlaait coming in from the Orient.. I
placet reMirt the six inches of sno
or 1!.. Ilimmll between here uml
ih lia.iki t m.cial lat Tliurmli. v
IT" wat. ralseil for the BOSoul
Tin baakata ranxed in prlc-
from $t to
Rov F P Cook the nr-wly appoint
wl MethoillHt minister, preached I
Initial sermon here Sunday niortnti
It was well reelvi ly all PNMM
Sc hool In not In session this Wttl
owins to th' laachBW' institute r
Mrs M J Carney. 01 Naalatoa r
rlveil in town Satunlav cveiiiii wit',
her IB y MSf Slfl son whom tu broairht
hen tor I 111 mnl bj Or Stinpn in'
ninwnilicltls The doctor reports th
tlttlr fellow pttlnB alonn nicely nw'
thlnkp mi oitorntlon Vtl1 i MUMn
He Was Dejected Over Loss of None
Diss. oated Aj,
Calla Walla. Nov Js AdHJoaal l
talis of the nrictds Ol Johl W un
ders have IkkU received Mi this (it
Saunders was a farmer raaMtai M
Frenchtown and vestenlay aboti
noon he shot himself w ith a WlM In I
t.u rtfM, the hare facts Mrtag given IB
a dispatch vestenlay It appears that
jaaaarj tl, last fMiiailBii was pro
hated as a confirmed drunkard UBOBI
the state law hut last week In came
to town and dissipated with Maada
for severnl days Hfl is said to ha--'
lost $o In the mlx up ami Ibt kMH
oi moiiex preyed iiiNiii his MlBd TB
Inriaj ba left home at I o'clock n
tin uiorning ami laiet returned and
secured a rifle. Search was instituted
am! a hrothci tiw him place the gut.
to his head am! fir- the latal shot H
was sonic distar.. . nwuv am! could not
prevent the tragedv The entire ton
of the skull was hlown Bwaj b) Um
otploaloa of th HRb Um bfala befai
rapoaad from ear to BBI The gun hail
baaa placed at the hrldsja al tin aoas
v hen the shot w as In en
Saunders has a hrothci lavi.
ing at North Powder Of Ra
lived in 'his coiintv a numher of
'":, bod)) ha" i i. btaofriM o
city fut barfal. as soon as -"latlvc
Life I Crowing Longer.
Prom statistics and the resui -certain
changes in th. Btatbodl of
lug. it has la-en prnv. n that the N
of Ufa is hnlai Iaacthcaad Wb
laatllMd In helleving this whoa
coaaiaar the cma' adtraacaa mad
BMdlettM during the imsr ffftp trot
The most noteworthy of them Ic
Mostetters Stomach Rltters the
r. Ilahle rOM " all BllBMaM .if
stomach liver and how 'Is It cs
Bpapapala. indigestion eoaattpatl
baadaafaa sour Btotaaob balekl
hearthurn and oaaaaaa It !s
test BMdlclM in UM world to
li.wn sv st.-ms am! has a record
""v v 'aan of cures. Wotaaa sim
llao it) it. as it will cartalal)
Umm imh! out Prttrati m Iuubi
o.-e th- s 1 of Um hottM
Ts Ktitt.-t- Briiriie viiintBa TublsU. A I
drucgi't rafna-l ibe u-ur if It fUs lo i'.
I 0 i.f. . skjBaMMl lon scb Ixis Mi
Bgorad crape pa;.
io root rolls .'jc.
Santa Claus Store
paalpj Sales this week
I runiiner's sample line of knivei
worth 35c and 4U1 Clunce a; .
Manicure articles
In "Jode" Wood rc.l and MM 1.
fppsj styles, choice 55c.
Drummer s sample line elmnv
combs and brushes. stci.mi;
iiiounted, a saving ol about bj
p r cent to you on this lot.
Immense line fine medallion
in ebonide frames, new subi.
yc lo $ y.s Reserve vi.ur
itcs now lur Cbrisinias.
UolL. Oolis
Our line if complete, kid body,
rag dulis. tanc dtesseti
biMjue, jointed dolls, etc
l ptudatr Hooks
'Kim" "The Crisis" Cordigan,
Puppet Crown etc l.o be
here on sale f 1 ,
Toilet Soap and Mcrtumss
Holiday styles in per!uu,c
Eastman's triple extract, abi 3 ...c
39c, other styles, 9c to Jtj 75 per
3c to 14c immense iint- loi.ct
soap, castile, cocua. uderberr.,
blush rose, white slumnd, etc.
Fine line banquet an J vase
lamps, readini; and sew;ng .amps.
33 it, 13 q
Fancy DUhc
The Geo bassett hne line
French and German china, vaasa
and rose bowls
Agency Ladies Home Journal
rederick llolf
Tkn llncfnn Cl.
aiid ruriDC
titt' m mm m m m m
This w ill be n Fona Fi
Snle for inri)ose stat
Tl L"
The Products of
are making Pendleton Famous,
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Vloens, Proprietor.
otopi nr nnu m
a. m m w M w m am bbbv a
I j
T-- ar- ti.e Pendleton Indian Robts, fit
Bcotcfa Phiid Bluiwlt, tlie wonderful l't'iidlfton
inkti- ;ittd tlo- Indian Shawl?..
Th. aii- al! made from Eaatert) rt pin
K . Wi...' and tht dfinand for them i jal t
t In- pree-nt lupply,
Ai ' holiday present, thee gotidi? maai my
ii.-.. ri 'a desire.
They' can be had of all First Class Dealers.
A. a. a v '
. ... nl 3 itoe
largest stork in tbe citv n ou wu afl
We will give you estimates ,nJ
Next door to Fostoffitf-