East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 28, 1901, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Timtiitit iv f K 1
nil SSeastonsI II r U iiif I In r
,nlt residence
dv carrier at
NO. Ifll.'l
1 4.
. . i . .ft C
-rirsth hs adopted the
Ute w
h if S.400.0OT
ftaa tbt hodf! committee
Minister. Senor Os-
tk. Rnliv i.-r. minister or for
- tti protocol still
to arbitration u-
... . i...ir i-esnortlvo
HV "CI. " ' - w
mot v.-- ' ,nr
i of Viceroys in India; ho
.-i, if iocI l by the of-
ititan riasi for disregard
ntriwt .i! nritish admin
d Mia ami showing undue
Ion for native rights and In
ft .
. - . ..... 11.,, .
... . .
. ,.. M rs Son iry
u s.' of Colonel A
krr sss ! row "i v-.c
I 4i'int ration at tin- Broad
Lion n Pennsylvania
Lhr h' Washington express
Lo thr tram ihed.
win ha-I -on madp for
-. .k.. w k"I ('urn nn Ml
B,i w ' !i i Exposition
... i.,... ... n..rOTnner 4 AT
the ili!rs by Senator
nt . . a u n a rtf
ail! pan between the prea
taajrern nf the exposition
A o'clock Mi- president wll'
bailor win' h will act the
m hi ... iii.tiii.ii in .
Toole at Montana, repttad
Kit nf Governor Van Sant.
ta fn- i ewi nn the ah
the it oil nf the Northern
Orea; Northern and Burl
Ivan h-. Ih. N i -thorn Be
panr Tl loranwc says
E I '"-tatlon of
Yar s: 'iii objects n'
hie roaapany, tha abaorp
ilain rfatatloi of the oonati
lav of Montana
Hat who ha been employed
It the Ni'lhart concentre,
tyilv Bllea from Oreiat
at. wi a"- ited at that
lputy Sheriff David Led
4 t believed to be none
1 0. C Hank, alias Camilla
a 0,rl"" I mat alias Deaf
a partner of Kid Curry,
ifbaurii an! George Parker
fiat Northern hold-up at
'ailing off an
N - -alii railiied
an Weteeada) of lar Met
eailne- - inployed In th.
aa mil! a Hainea
H . I MiiUHon
I' ai Mlleo
i' beejbai
Katlonal I'.anV of ttiat tni
a I Uh ar
I Am a Pretty Good Westerner v.
aelf. and Your Need Are Dear to
Me" These Were the Worda He
Spoke in an Interview at Waihing
Seattle. Nov. 28 The Tim ha
this from Washington:
There were twentx people in th"
presidents private reception room
when our party waa admitted this
morning The president was engaged
w ith his mail until 10 .10 when the d. I
gallon of 'lght from Porto Rico -uahered
Into the prsldeiit's room, re
inaintng until 11.
President Knoeevelt theu appear"!
unannounced In the ante-room, and
went among the callers, who had in
creased to fifty.
Pleasant of attitude, rapid of speech
and with all the precision of a rail
way magnate, the president wen;
about the room, greeting tboae he
Pairbanka. of Indiana, was
greeted and dismlaaed in ten word.i
Senator Proctor, of Vermont. wh
sent into the president private room
for a further Interview.
Other prominent men wore greeted
and dlamlssed rapidly till the room
wns nearly cleared, and only strangetH
like oureelves remained. The presl
dent greeted our party warmly. H"
said that MHSMM coming from the
coast could alw-ays find a welcome at
the White House I said frankly that
we were of the "opposition." but that
we were m.-l. pleased at the way lie
had taken hold of the administration
of affairs
Doci Not Like Lo:k of Harmony.
He replied that lack of harmony !
tween the t-i'publlean leaders on th"
-oast to whom he must look for ad
vice. Imthered him.
He said that next vur he should
visit the Pacific coast
I aaid we hopid hi reported inter
ext in irrigation would give that mat
tor a dignified xtsndlng nmoiiK nation
al questions
The presideut replied "I hope you
a well as my own party of tlM wen.
will like what I have written In rov
message on Irrigation. I have itlven it
a BMMfOM amount of apMi and I
hupi eongres will push It."
Hiddlng u good day the president
said :
"I am a pretty k'hkI westerner mv
alf. and your need are dear to tne '
Van Antwerp savs things at the
White House are rushed a always at
the beginning of a new adminlatro
Hon The 'ty I rapidly filling with
: "Ksmen and senators.
pan nieenuibJp Tlflae
I in Portland fhla week
I "heap
aael "hartored la the
m m, iH a ntw
rier Even
ib '"! her gross
irrying o cargo of whmi
' rer ISC.io'
" ": Wei ito-sday th.
.u.nona' party.
reeent III
lot fep work, no be
Ihlngi ii that ha waa
boul tblr.k
it obi '..ii stories
c m Monday
jm into Se
'in the uorth
bom alxty
tin disabled
""! l h uiii-liored In
stlj Island
flili ; ulsn lirougbt the
halibut ever
single vea
n" ' the trial of It
and largel
rro--., d. Baker (;ity.
' tilted States
' was indK-.e,:
two years
tig the United
furthei a sebenae to
. () files of a
' an. ,v t in ulara ad
1 Bwai ayjM mine
opaety and
i-MMOD t tha. " '
- - v. I LUC i
ompany has inaugural
aef'- Nume I'itw "a n
Wk .T"
. .nn, lot m jriu
tun. anrl whereby a re
P froni h: iirtlon of the
" .aside of tw .
j mbraeos tele-
;' with only on
' hrii , . i. uiu
-dogE teams The Nome
10 St Mlohael nri fm
aa iiit.pi . ...i i .
L. iwiii wire runs t I
Lr.ak commences
taeii where the wire
tawaon. Thence
th. Pnlte
art i
ra: sr..
ad it
A Grewsome Sight Giveted the Rescuers When
light Broke.
Paiaengers Dozed as the Accident Occurred at Seneca. Mich., and an In
stant Later All Was Confusion. Shrieks of Death and Suffaring Rail
road Men Hold That the Awful Affair Argues Against Further Use of
Single Tiack Lines Calamity Took Place on a Curve. Where Neithei
Engineer Could See the Other Train Eye Wltnwsa Telia of the Horror
After Reaching Chicago Coroner Has Begun Investigation.
Adrian. Mich.. Nov. 28. A Novcm nalulng they could not escape ho.
her dawn never witnessed a moi -grewsome
sight than that present--.'
thb morning at the scene of yester
day Wabaah wreck near Sene. a
Smouldering timbers, enmeshed with
twisted bars and steam pipes, holdlnu
In th. it frlghtrul embrace the eharn ti
and still roasting corpses, confronfi I
U - rescuers w hen daylight came. A
niKht long th hunt for the dead CM
tinned, while the wounded living . :
'.. hhl placed on sieclat trains and
Gieat Wagon Maker Paased Away Jt
South Bend.
Sunt! Itei. ' bjMI N'os M U-n.i-iit
Si.id-ual.". the world' greatest wa
mm maker, died here yesterday mot n
int: in heart ami stomach ttoubleS
He becanie seriously ill about ten
da a ago ami was um onscious the
lar two .lays .xcepi fot short in
Half Million Fire In Na York
New York. Nov. 28 A block of fa
tOlHi belonging to the Natioua I
antellna and stamping company, burn
e, r ti ik morning The loss Is estlmai
t at halt a million dollars The night
watchman is missing and is be I .
lo liae le-i-u burned to death
Jumped Into the Sea
Folkestone. Kng Nov t Whi
crossing the channel to this plai
lAwrie Marks, an Amerb-an looU
ineker Jumiied overboard and was
drowned It is remitted he was wanr
ed io coniieitli.n with th- l.:veipo!
bank rublwry.
Free from Carrie.
Medioim Lodge. Kas Nov. 28 -Da
rM Nation last mgbt was granted a
divorce from his wife Carrie the
hatchet wlelder on the ground of de
aerUoa aad iru. it rani, gets th
home property by terms of tha M
For Inciting to Violence.
Vn.oennee Nov - Wai rauls ar.
an issued for 32 men who are all-C
to have partlcliated in the riot at
Prospect last week charging not lar
. epy assault and attemit to murder
Directum Brought $12,100.
New York, Nov 2 Directum th.
great trotting alallion was sold yes
rerday for 112.100 to the Interuation
al Stock Farm of Minneapolis.
Again Miss Stone Diee.
Conatantinople Nov 18 -Another
report baa reached Turkiah p'K,tt1
that Misa Stone and Mme Tallka Ixub
are dead
hurried to hospitals It is now b
lleved that between 80 and o
were killed and over I'M' Injured (M
I p'dooh 'hi morning names al
eleven dead had been Secured Tho.i
an Klveman William Dowd. of I",
ray. Mbh.; Fireman Calbaldera. For
UN .lames Hrow n. B. N. Newell. G- i
W Vouman. Kansas City; Job With
hell. Detroit; Vlda Ixnhardt Tup!..
Mil. Ontario, her eteter-ln law, Mrs.
1. Posterno and her child, QiPBlowo
Til, Carl Tnuo Domluio Cr aba
Many of the injured cannot reco i
Son., suffered mangled 1-gs and arms,
others were badly . rushed about the
head or body, or were frlnhtfu"
scalded Of fifty-lour of the Injured
whose names had beep aeouicd tl.
morning, twenty-one won- .n-
Fourteen names were added to l In
list of the injured compiled at II
o clock, swelling the number to 3.
The coroner impan. lied a Jury last
light and viewed the remuiu brnUKi.t
bapg anl adjourned until tuii.orrow.
At two of tie- undertaking rooms Itl
'111 .ill ai pile ill holies that llllfhl
b. all that is lert ot flfts-n or tw. nt
bod left.
Engineer Could Not See.
Chicago No 28 Another cna. h
l..u.l n th.. lirvlvnm Were lilllUifht to
,-bieago shortly 'beloi. main Th. y " M,r (
.k... 411 The west hound IminlKiaut
'!.' liail.S : I il.llll.l a. ...... -
god the aurvlvors to kill them before
the flames reached them. A child's
skull was crushed and the body Incin
erated Iwfore the eyes of Its tronn sj
Bod.ea Burned Beyond Recognition.
Men whoOS limb wore maiiKb'd b
the heavy tlmlMrs watched In horror
as their blood stained th" debris On"
Italian severed with n iiocket knife
the fraamontft of flesh which held on
maiii.'l"d 1"K to his Iwdy and drage.'.l
himself far enough from the flanv
to aooapa cremation. Most of the In
jurod wore taken to Peru. Ind.. wher
the Wahusb hospital is I.K-ated Manv
of the bodies were burned beyond roc
ognltlon. No resirt has been mad--of
hair a doxen children who It If
thought Were eonsUtlH-d in the lOBMS
Knllioad men here use the awful af
fair as an argument against huther
use of the old slngb; track llms
Injured Reach Peru. Ind.
Pen Ind . Nov. 28 Two relief
trains bearing th" Wabash Injur-. I
arrived here early this momlna
About thirty had been i ived
noon. It Is said that at bast six of
these Will ill"
Order Were Misunderitood.
Ih-trolt. Nov. 28. Two heavily load
ed Wabash passenger trains collided
head on at full speed one mile eaat
of Sen.-i a. the second station west oi
The west-bound train, compooeta
two oars loaded with Immigrants and
five other coaches waa smashed and
burued with awful loaa of life and
..arfnl Injtniea to the majority of Its
T! east bound passeim. t train the
i.t mental limited ." suffered In
scare, ly less dearee.
'Die track in the i"luity of the
vraej t strewn with the dead and
dying Many physician from Detroit
For the World's Championahip, in
Hartford. Connecticut Men Were
In Pink of Condition Weighed in
at 126 Pound Many Sport Attend
ed the Battle
Hartford. Conn . Nov. 2S. Young
Corbet! knocked out McOovern In th"
second round.
Hartford, Conn . Nov. 28. Thl"
morning evorythliiK was in i. . a. lines
for this afternoon's battle for tin
featherweight championship fight bi
tween Mctimorn and young Corh't:
The cily wns overrun with sports and
on every corner ami In the hotel i (.
ridors. the fight was the one topic
rotiM-i satlon The Itrooklyn tan I
.ontiiiued as an easy favorite at 21.
to 1. The fighters were weighed in
at in o'clock this morning at tha
stipulated weight of IM pounds II '
looked In the pink of condition
When He Went to Hi Room on the
Night of the Murder.
Washington No : A number of
young men who w.-re with Jamee
. s on the night he wa killed wei"
the first witnesses In the llonlne trlnl
y.-sterdav. All teat I Bed he was sober
when h. v. nt lo his room. The depu
t coroner who performed the antop
si followed During his testimony
the bbsiily shirt worn by yros was
again exhibited Mrs. Honlnc display
e. no .motion, hut dropped her ey.
from the ghastly exhibit and the ha
MtOalbj SWoot sipile left her fan, for It
The chambermaids in Iht hotel aa
ttfled they had seen Ayeis and Ml
BOBtBO . nt. i .-acb nil), i s in. miH at
va'ious tlnn-s Their actions, the
wit i oases said, wore perfectly proper
and natural The timet dramatic In
cldeiit in the trial o. cnired when tin
ballllT. artlally dlsndu d ami wl'n
pie. 11 of black plaster over each apot
whole tin- bullets struck entered the
room in order to show the Misltions of
the wounds and the distance from
which the shots must have I..-. n the.!
During this exhibition. Mrs. llonlm
turned her head ami engaged In con
eisstl..ii with her counsel.
Battle Along the Lin of Railway
Cable Panama Consul.
Washington. Nov. 28. The statu !
pat-tmcnt has r . -iv. I a i nblogram
from the Culled States . oBatll M PBB
uiiis dated today. lUUiaj that the 0a
loenbiana are Ightim- along the I in
of the railways No dotails ar gtvaa
mi l u an hour when the ai cldcnt c
. lined on a ettTM, aud neither could
s. e tie ott.ii nail, .u time to redu.
By One Who Wa Thar.
Chicago Nov 28 Four ot the pai
l tare, ked an. of those caught In th
collision near Seneca . rrived her. it. I
morning mute evidence of the tr
mendous force of the eraah fn- ol
the iujured trainmen was a passenger
who was iu the niidet of the ecenes
ensuing atier the crash Many or the
..ass.ngera. he eaJd. were dosing
wh.n the trains collided, and a ma
j.it ..f these were killed outright
Ait. r the first moment's ekcit. mem
WJ ov.-i ihoae who escaped injury
mmA i it w hose bruises ould not
1 1 am
waa a double head, i The east Ismud
train. It is believed, disobeyed ordera
n n" waiting at Seneca for the west
bound train thereby causing lb..
.!. Th.- track at the point wher
the collision occurred is straight and
at first the officials could not under
stand how the accident could have
happen-. I The west-bound train
whl. h ordinarily is due to leave De
troit at 2:30 o'clock, was two boui .
Iat- leaving at 4 V p m The two
trains are schedule! to meet at Mont
ptttai o but as stated had been M
dei.-d to meet at Henee-a Blame e
therefore placed on th- .aductor or
engiueer of the east bound train, as
the a b dent would uot have happen
ed had this train been held at Ke-neeiT
Aiiparently the orders te wait were
,1-f. i them, went to th. res.-ue- at.d l)1BolM.yea ,nd ,lr probabllltlwa ar
dragged many M the dying out iroiu . (jf wUy nev(jr wJ ,M
the flames which had qui. P. -nwlof. uM M r1j ,.r,wg uudoubte()l.
ed tbeui met death.
Slowly Burned to Deatn. Mangled bodiea wer picked up alons
Tl.. d.agged mauy of the dying out Mangled bodle were picked up by
from tlam - wl.:. h had wiapid the the track by farmers lfore the spec
oi-tated .oa.-h.-s nui saw many otbe.s .al train sent from Adrian arrived on
alive and in full posseaalon of their In some Inataacea the bodle were
uses slowly roasted to death. One mangled beyond recognition The
aaed kalian' whose lei '"" whlrh anaed to
. . ,. ,. ,n ia,o the cloth- pull from the ruins of immigrant eats
Hi H'e wreos ............ -
... j ,L,. lanu Mil VI: I W.I. BO oaul) ' ' I ' ' " '
,,i from Ills LOU so .""-
shorten his agony Men and women
Ai Four O'clock It W.is IB to
Than Their Opponents From Klickitat
Capital Three Touchdown and
Three Goal Wa the Record
Promise of Victory for th Homo
Team Wa Excellent.
t the .iid of tin first hull, the Pen
illeton Academy had scored 1 I
Cold, n, Isle's 5, making three touch
.low us ami throe goals.
Heppni r Nov 28 Heppner defoat
ad I'endl ton acovrtBg Brll tOBtbsW
Iran, by a score of 21 to 0.
Ilnk.r Cttjf Nov 28- linker t'ny
nigh Sih. a.i defeated Pendlotoa nigh
8ohool In today's game Official score
not given.
Tin- Cold, n.lal" . ad-niv ball team
arrived yesterday evening and thla
afternooa at Ml areni lined up for
the fray aotwwea tha lo. al academy
team, on the grounds In Writ Alt.
street. Beside the team RMBi only
thre. supporters ot tin- team from
Rllckatat's capita! Mm h Interest at
Inches to this game and It was hard
fought frOW start to finish, nolth t
t.-am having mm h advantage from
IMilnl ol weight The lln-up of both
tenuis wns as follows
p. n.iieton iiohh adaia,
Shbk ... C . Hornlbrook
iiniioy utj Wherry
rtambtlB II H Ma.ls. m
Kennedy . . . R T Sloners
Carglll IT Handera
Strand I H .Coffleld
FVooaaa ll I" Mnrkgraf
BulNean . . I H MAorhavMl
Hill It M M Kin l.
P. nland tj Mastery
Slushor f ..Collins
aba I'm pcmlh ton. Ilo. sch and
Uuppe For rioldeudale Spiil.llnu,
CriM.ks and Hopp. t
Tin- nigi. school foot boll players i.-it
y. storday evening for Itaker City,
hers they are pitted ngalnst tha h
. als for honors from the gridiron to
day. Captain Robert Cronlu went
with a rood team win, have I n tin
proving their tlm- in practice ami
they hrt with eoaMeaee in iiiom-
s.-lv.s iitol Biped to win the victory.
Engagement Near Buena VifttJ.
Washington. Nov. II OgptaJa I
of lb. Iowa al,l.s the navy
part men t this morning of a decisive
engagement between the Insurgent
and government troops near Hi i
tit will never be known.
Michigan, SO; Iowa, 0.
Chicago, Nov. 2 The football
con stood today; Michigan. r.o. out
. W at lief w as flue
He bay the Railway Ouettion it Uni
of Rate.
Salem Nov. 28 flovornor Je.r has
replied to ilovernor Vii Sant, of Mid
n.-sot on the latter' r-ipicst for
i,' on the alworpt'o'i of th Nnth
.in Pa. ifl. and fires' a'.-tin in ra'l-wav-.
by the Norther i . ii'tb i e.0l
PM flOTOnaQg Oner aaya Or. s1 I
has no laws rcgulatlm: eoaablontlooi
of capital and nom- .i lallng freight
Regarding conaolM ition Oovt am
QoOf says. "L'uless eonaoi'-lttloii of
railway coinpantes should follow. .,
by in. least ,1 freight or ... s-nu. ,
iaie It would lie difficult to 0 wheTO
tl,. ohjeetlon i it would II" If this
result ahould follow. It la matt, i with
iu the is.w.-i of l.e 4iai '.-l lllt'in
i.. MBstnl ll I' mj. irov. nn . ash i
matter to regul.-i . r ite- ttUsI Ul pa
i.-ril . onsolidstlif
Jack Wade and W. H. Daltcn Held n
Poii land Nov. 21 Jaek Wad
alia Kid Mi Faddon and W If. Dal
ton .barged with th- muH-r if
James li Morrow last Thins.!.. . nn in
log, were arraigned Wade took ad
vantage of a herein' n- unused st.i
it- and pleaded ' to the (bars'.'
of murder It now remains for tl -.
court to dle:'nloe the degree of mur
der. flrat or second, and then Wad--will
be In a oeltlon to n stlfy against
Halt, in Daltoe pleaded not gulltv
The dare of his trial will be Axed frl
day. Many behove the other prisoner
will pl.-ad guilty before the trial
Walla Walla Nov 28 Th- final
jPaAN Iii ll,. tiotthw. d i li ii in p I on sh I p
is belli- ajsfi d hare ibis after aooa be
I ween Whitman CottSfe and the
Wa-hlnglou Agt P ult iral roll. g. The
last an I fu rhaii th- l,. st game ni thn
-ii iii 1 1 epe, led and football en
thusiasts are awaiting the nut. ,..
i-ltli gn-ai Inter-;-' Moth teams era
t, .well, ni condition Whitman has
aroa throe straight and the faim.-i
have won but one that against the
Cnlvorsltv of Oreajoa The game la to
he umpired l.v Doraoi M mil. of
Walla Wi I a un.l ih.- referee arHI be
rraal Villa of Walla Walla The
line up rollowa:
Agrh iilluralColl. g. Jones, i enter.
Karly, left guard; Woods right guard;
Hooper captain left tackle Klton,
right tackle Clll '. M end II ll . I I'd.
tight end Wash) urn left half back.
Proff right half back Jayae, full
!,a k lusher ipiaiict I, in k Subs -.
K. nl. W. I1: Wl. maker. Iibaugh
ami Coon
Whitman A r'hlttend. i.
vr m right guard; flalloway, left
guard; Ank'-ny right tackle; Rlnper.
i. ft tackle Walters right end; Brown,
left end ('inker light half back N
fkltlaagaa Ml hair bgaki W La i
tor. full back F I. asst. r eaartef
A spe-elal train arrlv-d about aOOfl
hearing about '.uni rootera frmi. Pull
man and Colfax with Hi. Pullman
Land The farmers' olors wer. I' t
terlng In the In... - :-om luindrede
.f lapels and mad a fall showing
with the rlbhoii put oi l h Whllii in
Many of the buslne m hot! I los- i it
noon, and the at' i,in mm dd
the mi iii U i i. oide,! at Spy piovlona
Dr. Stuart Eldndye Died at Voko
hama. Japan.
Port Townsend Wash Nov II -Tha
Oriental steamship CHoadhlOrl .
arrived from Yokohama four daya
over due, having experienced a aeriee
of unusual storms while crossing thn
Pacific HI., bilngs news nf the death
of the acting assistant surgeon Btu
an Kldrlgd. of the Cnlted Mtalea ma
rlne hospital service on duty Iu th
office of the (lulled Slates consul ger
ml In Yokohama Dr, Eldridge was
a i, stive of New York, but has been on
duty In In pan slrue 1114 His ple
lias been tilled by the a tlug Saslataut
surgeon, S Hough, from ths port of
Hong Kong.