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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1901)
THANKSGIVING Mptomers should thank rul that we can pave a. .tnonifl uf a trip to TortlMiKl to i urcliasf- a-r . . . foods. We are iboWlOg a rnopi elegant and r e ... i i n ,i . I jelffti'tl line "i area jiimhis in an un n w weav es mlorins4 nfloai a" pVTMe, We wish to L .1.1 nt ' i 1 1 ifiti to our mte o icavv : i : . I s hrnnk- npniui " j m,xun b for the popular walking skirts. i Aa uMi tii.. iitiiut lv .tiolfli 1 ai.if' uliii...- IfC ' i tit! I' II T" . .11 "The Sorosis." Alexander Department Store RQUNS AND OTHhR WRAPS SMART SET WEARS VERY FINE CLOTHES with a deeper shade of brown silk de corated with rows of tiny brown tort tons V s v - ....v v,, i mi i i: nail. i , . Possessed ni superior executive atH Ity, energetic and iniMn, of un (iicst loped scholarship lor t hi- la r - It I claimed that he will make an ideal state superintendent. This paper places itself squarci on record for I'rof Armstrong toBM flvi- years ago. It find mentioned hltn a.H a suitable person for lOIIOilltOllil ont oi Multnomah county Since th'n he has served two terms In that offn . giving the moHt economical and buai MawMO adnilnlHt ration the county han ever hnd. and fully meeting the expectations of educators and the gen rial public Ho can and will do qually well for the state If given i chance. Should he become a rami' date lor the office mentioned h. haj our heat wishes lor success. d HI IS NOT CKAZY LECTURES AT ALBA. gut Told the Officer They Net Mold Him Escaped and I it Large. . Ontoo. -ov -1 bpcmu.- QaMWOth, the crazy Iwturnl here hint week, nil ru "Heaven and no Hell." . , r it.: .f! a' t lines, he mt orator that ever lectured lire !' lian heailtlflll flow' Hi- ami upas DO notea. He liven a HuptiMt preach . hanged his faith und rhy he Ik hounded ao. At ol hlh speech u collection t (or hltn und Juat at that oftrern closed around him it n ii i e ail i hi i it i k i ir ( At thlh time h" did no idled uiit Stopped to the itkeil II hi' bad any friends that hi wu.- In i mid. I. hu not n mt: u 1 1 right. He i i um mi .' iii 't'liut M can . Mid. hold him proven true Juki as the ert- crowing in the luoruini' flllthi wild two offlcera In t In disappeared aa If the id swallowed him up. At K- IMOle llav In. H. lit WOl'l! aVMtor thin he would law. . if inn - III. ... . 1. J m .. ..... (I. in. in mi i.i l T p in and would Ilka m- - - . . ahl thui hi v Mild preach i Miaou in Portland three that Uata ii"!'. Ma euttle iniyer waa In lam w.-,.' .n,,! inmi,t g w lattle of II T. Council " for fin .,i Ttnre ar.. I'"' ktd in heai cattle In 1 thai in, in. me fed and art wiHiinii mi market, aa the lon t car,. tl, s,, , prHni i Finer Than Ever Before Something About Long Cloaks. New York, Nov. 27. At no time In the history or America have women In the amart HP, worn finer dot hep than in thla year of grace. 1901 i;s( aa oon aa anything eapeclally ehle appear, in ract. often hefore It la aluiwn In the shop window a. manufar lurerp. and man nilftlnera who appeal to patrons of lcaa nienna make such lever imitations ol the original aril eh thai II demnnda nn artlat In wo men u npparol to detect the difference The finest effecta In French crea tions are replicated .with such arils tic results ami so faithfully to the ori ginal as to ehallente admiration and cause one to wonder which is to he admired most the original or the im itation. The creator has no limit placed upon him What he haa to do is ti produce results, the Imitator Is bounded by prescript ions of hank ar- : counts and dure no! niBke his work too costly l. ,.. onomltrea with marvelous skill and keeps his work within the possibilities of purses thn may be drained It may he stated that the winter effects nre stylish without exception This Is noticeable especially with tin long eont which appears lib th in tan cloth For the carrlnge and autumn bile wear, the loose cloak Is most In favor, amt is worn very long with wide cult of the 'pagoda" sleeves which arc closely stitched and often limes appllcated with panne velvet. The bottrim and aide fronts show stltchttiK and cut cloth put nn lu ap plications An Innovation Introduced upon these coats is the facing of white cloth which Is stitched closeh down upon the goods and OTerfHlged Squadron on Winter Cruise. Washington, Nov. 26. The winter cruise of the North Atlantic squadron, which began today, will he a notable one. The vessels of the squadron will stop at Charleston for four days dur tug the evposltion. and visit Onhn PortO RICO, the Isthmus of Panant.t Colombia. Trinidad Island, on th. northenst const of Venezuela, and the nanlsh West India The squadron will arrive at Porto Hlro two days te fore Christmas and remain there a lull month. Iie John Reld. Jr., ot Ureal Palls Mont recommended Kh's Cream Halm to me I can emphasize his statement. "It is a positive cure for entairh If used as directed " Rev Frincls W. Poole. astor Central Pros church Helena Mont. Mfter using H s Cream Halm alx weeks I believe myself cured of ca tarrh. Joseph Stewart. Urand ave nuo. ntiffalo. N. Y. The Palm does not irritate or cause stieivitiK. Sold by druicirlsta at SO cts or mulled by Kly Brothers r.t. Warren street . w York. Cleaning Out Sale. Having bought the Fltr.jri -ald stock, on Main street, I will close out at cost the entire line of canned iroods. pickles, pepper sauces, crackers, etc . fine scales and a good coffee nl'l Come and see me. R L RM 'KFTS Modrrn Surgery Surpassed. "While suffering from pile..." snys 0 I I'arter Atlanta. On.. "I got De Witt's Wit. h llarel Salve and wne en tlrely cured." Cuts, burns, bruises, quickly cured Heware of counter felts Tallman Co. ard Rrock tc McComas MINNESOTA TRUST FIGHT i ATTORNEY GENERAL DOUGLAS' OPINION. Says New Jersey Corporation Is In Violation of the Statute of Hit State Agalnat Railway Combina tlons. St Paul. Nov. 2H. Attorney Ueneinl IVnuglas made the following statement in POfBTi to the effort to he made to prevent the proposed consolidation : the Uieat Northern and Northern Pn villi railroad eonipanie: "The oi'Kanization of this New Jef m ooi poi nt Ion tor the pui rbane of a I'ontrolllns; Interest of the stock oi rival railway companies Is clear vlo latlon oi the spirit, although not the letter of the act of 1881 . the validity of which was sustained li the ail nienie court of the United Statea in MM IV ai sail case I am not In n posl lion to discuss remedies bill am URdjel the Impression that pressure by the I'-deral authoiltles baseil on the Sher ' man null trust act and the Interstate i-ommen e a't is likely to lulng kboul Rood results." International Seamen's Union. HufPlIn, N. Y., Nov. 2fi OeleKates from tjto cities of Ihe Atlantic an I the Pacific coasts as well us from ill the grent lake porta, are attending the annual convention of tha Inter national Seamen's t'nlon. which b, unn Its business seslons In lluffalo to day. Waaes for the coming marltim I season, conditions of lnbor and otln i matters of importance to the men bo i fore the mast are to be discussed by the contention. Rice Will Case. New York. Nov. 26. The OMUIM jtlon of subscribing witnesses to the 'will for millionaire William M Rice was Im-ruii todav hefore Rnrrtiaat i Fltrgerald This Is the will of I S ' In which Mr Rice bequeathed th- bulk of hla t,AOO,OO0 to the Rico In stltnte Thla la Ihe start In wht tirotmses to be the most celebrate, I Wilt contest on record Hefore the actual contest of the 18tf will coin, up the ItM will will be disposed of Then will roil the trial of lawyer Albeit T Pntilek and Valet Jones m the charge of having murdered Mr Rice The minib r trial Is set for next Week, but wilt probably tie postponed until after the will contests have b i settled. 'on ' THF. ROOT or V0M HAIR hnold leek Nto thi.. hilt If VINI h t DANDRUFF m GERM itf.trnv nd with n it like (his. "Destroy thf tmn M(SJ fit. I rrin,. lh I 5 fv W No DaaaVoll, ne fill u Ililr. an Bulilnru, H you ' KILL THE GERM v.ith Nl.wltKO S HERRIOIDE i . .., ; .1 drutfbl P ' . The lorgolng Item is from u ft laud piiper It Indlcuies that Pint tlllu county is nut the only plio. g Oregon where political matters ur beginning to receive attention Oeatnesi Lannoi do lurtil ly local apalli silom. aj tin ) naaael i.'ie h tbe dOM-s.i-d peril, hi nl tl t Iherr I. nnii way le curv OealOMa, nl tlml I. by eon.iilu lloual raiiirdH'. Iit'slnr l.on.wt ! hii In Bsrned .ii.dlln,u nl tin mil. nui. i.i.Iiik ut the KiutmiilHU ml,, When IM. ml.. g(. n,. Usnii-d you lisve rimililiiiK SaNJMl ur imp, Imci hcsiina. sad wljca u i- raiiroly iiIommI daaiiMM I. Ihe retult. ami italesi Ihe Inflnnnus tloti ran ts' nikvli nut Mini II. I. litis, rs.lnr.'d in It. normal loudltion. acsriim miii l-.Ipurorud loretreri nine saass out ol u-n r. mu. d lo uslarrh, n tili-li li nelliiiiK bill un Inll.tueil rnndlllnn of the one oun .urlm-ai. W Mil! five oiu. huudrt'd ilni.Mr. fnr snv .km- of diil'H. ( iiieil i . sUrrlo thai i .ullol In- eur. .1 by llall'i alarrli ' unv Ht-ud Im rir ulitr. fi.-i- r. .1. intsrv a in, i,.i..,i... i U Pays (to Trade M Tlhe IP5Plles WPihD)iDi5e Not a Questionable Quality Here Men Shoes Women's Shoes. Hold In all drugf'iL. ? , Hal!', .aiully IMlli am the U-t. bu huiiling ppjifj from tn tin alba me) ehuiiis JJJ Olliaoii Mho Ima iit.nn leaool in district No. 7 for ilia. i. I rVliill. l,,, ,,, ,,,.,,. .. Bot mu v loea BBrn en Ion. r here i Hi,, ,..! isrin BY ll.iui.... . ' "'Ill, In. III.... 11 ' i mis ret urn.., n-suii- Here BM mud. a nl., . Bam. A .... .. , . - . r ,, ,,, ,,, nilsiiins- ""irisliiIlK,... nun I.'IHIII: In Meklai . QBdlttoo k i : M pt His Leq. Ml am, j w sulllvan. of Lonr, ""uMie his leg '""fimmotln. with PpJ .' ii. Fox ,wo uar8 P inieiih.-iv .n the be PJ nianatlon. "but " he sl on,, hntlLa ,,r 1 L i . - . - 1 HUM -s lit I iin's my icg waa sound ever' Km , " Slin-K ,111(1 Hoi'deis t.-l mu "i, ri , -i. . i. .... . ,. - " ' ' I lieill Will ifiir.... ....I. .....n.-v imiy on Important Conference of Miners. Huntington W Va Nov. .''. Foi the second time within a month del KUtL-b repruaeutlng tbe uiiuern oi vai 1 oues sections of Virginia and Wes' Virginia assembled here today to dis cuss the question of organisation and otbei inutleis affecting their inter eats The Mrst OOBTOBttOB hlch wa -held here earlier in the Piontli re suited lu nothing dellnlte being a -ompllshed and it la frankly admitted i hat the outlook fur the preani gather ing is not much better The mine op eruiors oi the two states hove n requested to enter into the oOrtfafOM tomorrow II tin-) deeltfM to atlen l s il la expected they will, the na tiolinl offliials ol the 1' lilted Mite Workers drndare they will immedlat. lv begin u general Movement for the oignnlitatioii of the two states. If they fall in this a aympatheii, strike w ill probably be ordered. Thousands Sent Into Exile. livery year a large number ot poor suffcreia whoae lungs an- sore aud nu ked with coughs are urged to go lo another climate Rut this is costly nnd not always sure Don't he an exile when Dr. King's New HiHcovery for Consumption will cure you at Inline, It's tbe moat Infallible tnedi cine for Cougha. Colds and all Throat and Last, discus. on earth. The first doae brings relief. Astounding cures result from persist.- t uae. Trial hot flea free at Tollman Co.'s. Prlee fine and Every bottle guaranteed. o I Solid, all Uttther rain CoHgrwl tp sole . $l.fiO Kroo ( lf. Creed more or Congress, lots of hard wear 2.00 KanKaroo Calf, Seamless Lace or Congress, tli v are all rilit 2 10 Napu tan. YVatetpiool leather, suit BppBfi hillows tongue, tap sole, lace 3 2R WHANG LEATHER, leather lined, h.axy double sole, lace .... 2.7f WHANG LLATHKK. canvat lined, heavy double sole and tap 2 7S Mu se shoes an- iu-.iv 1 vi ith OLEII E '( IKON ad ding to the wear ami making them waterproof. Comfort Shoe for tender, cold and rikMUBStiC f' t, felt lined, soft and guy but lots nl wear 3.H0 German Socks Felt Boots Canvas Legtfins Felt lined, led t he i foxed, la. c "t Conuress. vety orafM tnd eontfortoblo . . $1 SO Kelt beaver buskin, iist the ihing lot cold mornings .7R VvU olippeis, lUniu I lined. Im trimmed, fm h..usc wear .. . 1M Pall nollini is, fur Uinum-d. red m blki 1 M Fine kid, stylish Btltton hoot, felt lined, jn .t the thing for wintet 2. SO tra tine vn i kid, Chrome kid lined .ill through, un surpassed lor fall and wintei wear.. .. '. SO Kangaroo Call, la or button, made fnr haul we n J (Nl Comfort Shoes, pist what the nam implies. 1 1 nasi Lilly kid. ni)syiut, .uft tlexible soles 2 fW) lo 3.04) If) ... CD Jersey Leclns Cloth Overgalters Eil ipaiys H(D) Tirsidle fttl TDne PedDiplle WfirelhioiiflM. Not a Questionable Quality Here, W e are xnK l" K'v year's scholarship in the St. Joseph academy to 5ome (JIRL in Umatilla county. We want you to help select the girt. Step in and let us tell you how we propose to give abso lutely free this full year's teaching. Boy's Shoes Unlinad grain, baUdwM kind oi wear $1-45 Steel shod, bfet of nt.c k uppaf ad JbojtOBMi HoleH ail'l llUC'lefulI of rtfl ill I'l-ct IH 2 OO Kangaroo eajf, fair ititob, Bogliih back 4ay 1.75 Kangaroo oalf, HoaiuieBn. quiltad lolat, laro We will gixe absolutely free, a full year'A scholar ship in the Pendleton academy fo some HOY In Umatilla county and want you to help us name the boy Call and let us tell you how we propose to do it IS' a a HI'B' 2 OO Dwarfs Wed Fawtucket R. L Nov. One of tbe oddest weddings ever celebrated 111 Hawtiu ket took place today Th bridegroom waa Henry LavaUo, a lu cal groi-er. who is three feet ten and a half inciter tali and the bride. Mlus Martha Cayette. of Hlackatone. whoa stature ih two inches leas than that of her husband 8UPERINTENO. NT Mars. There Wil. Hinli e UT' . - . . m imam Wpeis lliionh,.,,, Qa I o." '". -j mi. a. f. Arm ;"' 01 the PorUand ui-Ke r 1... .1 ". , tie nmct. ,ti -"'"'""eiiuent He Is aa a 1, . . . ,-..',,iitiei 111,1 un... BUI. " - "... an ,i,ui....u ".near, man A Physician TaotlfUs. "1 have taken Kodol Dybpepalo Cure and never used anything that did roc the good that did." aays ( ounty Phy aician Geo W.Scrogga. (tall County. Qa. As a phyaiclau I have preacrlbed it with the beat results " Kodol Dys i.epsia Cure dlgeaU what you eat. Tallman A Co. and Brock McComas McKinley Estate 9200,000 ( union O.. Nov. 26 Appraisers of the McKinley estate filed a report U day that uhows the entire estate II worth nearly $700,000. I I ( t W tt c (S. & f 9) U Fays ttcLD Trsidle at Tlhe FedDipDes WarchonMa Not a Questionable (Quality Here. Misses' and Childrens' Shoes Baby Shoes Calf, lace or buttou good style, not UKte Ii.jS i. So Hougoia Kid, heavy sole, lac or button, dreasy. but full of aonrtfio Verv flue viei kid, oitenoioii solas, fairaticb, vimi will like ' , i mc J .aa) H Fays ttn Tir&dle as Rod, Liatai Mutton, goat skin, not sheep Hlueorred, vlci kid, fan, flniali Itlaek Vb i, iwU-iit tip and heel foxing, extra flue Blac k dongola kid, pan m leal her lip (ilove calf, lip aame And Iota of others I.IO I.OO n tt Fays ttn Trade aa The Pmples W&mkmm, 'V ia 4. in,,