OA!LYnVFH!NGED!T;N E DAILY Eastern Oregon WMth H t.v mrr'rt tVxtttyht ami Hinrsttay sertl t,1tt,j and . psslotisl Hit an i li'it weeitx. r A WEEK. PENDLETON, ! M atm.i.a OOUNTV, OHBOON, WEDNESDAY, N KMBKH, 8T 1901 NO. Itllti. 1 1. GENERA- NEWS. ., lavoland If rapidly fr.lltl I ' n- ' - ... .',.11111 Tolstoi is lor His kPIX'tltf lias Improved, t, i-iinp better Hj kki bnabela of wheat l0 i jVerpool from Boston nH j 4no'iwi bushels from Now jv,.ri i .luting uiv Gondnow cnnsul-genorai ni ., rti. in th. state depart .. ........ r.il i nennie in ... .v wi starve imp ms they K'T iwp nwi lu,T i . . ... .......,,..,. ,.r tin. ffilliM'- Int'Tna! revenue snows mm i .u ... 11,1,. ...'' :n mi' ii" m"nu' "i - - - . . . .. .... t. j. i it row ..' " .... rt-.-a.... mill .1 I hi .. ... a.. . . . ..(' nun i . .. " it'll...... i.illu nf II' VII"! . .. . ....I r II... .1..I11IVT 01 111 nraiieic-s 1 . ... . . v . . ... u i.tti flf till. mri ... ' ......... ... r , ..... . I Ml. r ;i,l LI ui'ir. ........p.. i ia 1. Iie..rv In eonteni- L no om slai challenge, 1 am Urioush tn hi; uiltir making Lttcmpt tn lift tli.' cup. This msic H' r v.'i nut by Sir L v tin' banquet riven at I flntrll I iiMinii. Ill hi" honor Ik wi ato 'iHii'il by more than T. Itaad and Harold Hy Ifnrnmhi'i! tin '-' lftnn hall (! or Ihi rati i il Dr Kraumv r of Johsnnraburg, aBurped MM Ati Inciting to mur warned bj 'il magistrate Krni hilled tn appear for ( rouli! Utlrlr ii' hclnc pros tho charge of eonsplracy th pnils of Justice. ROOSEVELT Keeping Celestials in Their Oriental Homes. POWER OP THE PRESIDENT IS FOR CHINESE EXCLUSION. IC NORTHWEST NEWS Ito the Jananwe states sfmsfl at st I MMNIrl raukwl Ben ntord th' HMtal retort at Chick ad carried off $700 I Dick Hun:' wai arrested in charge ii ' iiuiplli'lty In Bank of Liverpool frauds hlpmcnts ni livestock for tik Expo "mi. in li I, .!(! next ; h:i arri veil ir. Ihi i.!iii I,. H iidli'N Works a- Nnrth Wt-y- ha. I i il.'stroyod hy lOaln lor Ihlrtj yi'ura chief to the k.'.-i. uuy of itate. a rhrotii' . Mh com . Mi v. H; DraiMktall tie I tr Waarti'i i Mtori'g anil i w-n bnriHM) l.oex. n a ilauatch to tbt ln (loni iii' ;i l tn pnr I In tli. -lit eatth ratoiu, ni wiHil. i mllla, at 8vl W Mai umplatad ami for atartn. ..'iiitlonH tbi- . .mi Waah thi bnaktMWW ' logftni aap No. 4. '' iln vhlla Hm iMuam uii' K. I. M- '" ''lll1 . "ni'Hpt'd I MOOil :.,,, t( whtoh lttl ini fl w Iavi8. botl hUM ..i,.,! HM, .i iif in. i living nil two Dhlldrnn at Cor Mk ..iiiii r-omnlttoa ""' I' Ii at his lui tli. i. ... ,-an he P4 iriiiil.li, . .... ii Fl th. ,a. ,.ii, , .1... ' Hi. rollowlni caaal n'" Jotttlth W Hnr- Ku ........ ik-iiiiu'i. ( ttp. BabhiUK. lMoim..u no i hange l0t and ..... ration of "bin, at .rtn,.rn ,,H. Mm ti Norton. 8 mt. hum nMnry whtu "tl! "' 'lias,- NV f Niii v.i. i " ...in. nT )l ii... I :.... "' I lannot r011 ' wit! tak,. until 1 aoil ninii.i. . u , i "ir nun- '" s 'mm innation I i. hiu . .. . La.: '"in in inatiKii m aKa,,,v t,e rtti,road Ul" th. all..n 1. r do.vri..., , iaHh. Kirn"'', "" mi"'ttl ! fHr"'" Hum q ld.Ho. P"l thl.iii.Mlnl ,l..ll ClarU . -7. V. ' ,or .... auoll ,h ab ""l Tl., Hr., W.0o,beti $:to.oon fjift. ' r"rtlano JT' resonian Pul , p"rtlan, HotPl Co. BU . Ll a.. 'MilK 10.- wott. 4 r,t 16.000 " Thla la Inferred From Senator Lodge'a Petition, the Boston Man Being Very Close to the Washington Ad ministrationHe Will Offer Bill Thla Winter. Hoston. Nov. "7 -Senator KodRe. who is exreeillnKly rinse to President Hoosevelt. wlren the tollowing to a loi'al newspaper: "I favor the Chl neso exclusion art and Intend to In trndtiee a bill for its extension." The prominence of Lodge in the national ndmlnlstratlun maks his opinion on this question of the utmost Import mice Tli I- ELABORATE I l PUSl s BREAK GROUND TOMORROW FOR ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION Ex-Governor Francis Will Turn tt0 Plowing for the Nenca. St. Ixuils. Mo.. Nov. : The World'n Fair management hn. ar raneetl to break ground lor the World'n Fair site In Fot -st Pnvk to morrow. As motion ple'nvcs nrc to he taken of the event for exhibition through the country the ceremonlCF will he ninile as Impressive as pos sll.li The first shoe! full of earth will be turned by Treasurer Thomp son with a long-handled WQOdM sho el unearthed in San Francinci count some years ago. and the president ex-ftovernor Kranclti. will for the time being become a plowman A M'ent crowd Is expected to he on hand to witness the cctemonlc... PERKINS OPPOSES ADMISSION OF CHINESE. California Senator Would Exclude Them From All Island Posset aions. Oakland. Nor, HI. Senator I'erklu; before leaving lot Washington toda . placed htniHcIf on record as ubsolut. ly opposed to the admission of ('tli noHc to Hawaii, the I'lilllpplnes and all yVmrrieun territory. There must be mi tlisi i iminatlon in favor of sugai planters paying big dividends by em ploying coolies against the beet suga firms employing whites. Mental Scientists to Meet. .lacksonvllle Kla., Nov. l!7 A largi number of deegatcn and flBltOn if) gathering tor the second annual meet lug of the International Menta' Ii eti- Atimiciation which will begin Its -.. islons toinorrov "ot Seal reee nt the honu' of Helen Wliniins. the found" tr and president of the association Those in attenilniice will rprMM w tiearh i'vim'i stati' and d rrltory oi tin I'lilied MbUM tOftHhw with several oi the ooUatriea of Buropa Tin- main work of tin i-iinveutlon Is to adopt a pluu of action that will tend to the un!" fli ation of all the branches of the so culled new thought - movement for propjaganda and adtieBtlOMl pnrpns WHOLfc CITY IS MOURNING BLACK PALL OF DEATH HANGS OVER DETROIT Bodies of th Victims of Tueaday a Explosion Unearthed After .. Night of Searching Hoapital Filled with Dying and Morgue with Dead. Lhstiolt. Nov 'J , MM black pall of .hi. hangH over the cit) Hospitals ..re tilled with tbe wounded and dying and over a score of corpaea lie In the nioiKue as a result of yeaterday'a ex plosion in the IVnberthy engine room All through the night the search for bodies went on Shortly after mid night tin- twenty --seventh body was till unidentified At daylight Igua tins Hun k died at tbe hospital mak lug twenty -eight rtotiaW at that time Postal Telegraph Won. Sail Ijtke Nov L'7 Judge Morse oi the district court, today entered ti nal judgment in favor of the Poatal Teiugrapii compauy. agaiust the Ore gon Short Line, from Bait lkr City, to Cannon station on tbe Idaho state Una inn one more link is needed from the Montana state Hue to Hutt., ti lomplet,' the east and weat chain 8witchmen Loae in Strike. t'ittahurg, Nov. 27 The national organization of the Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen today decided not tn support the strike of the switch mm inaugurated yesterday This means defeat for the strikers. Sportsmen's Show. Philadelphia. Pa.. Nov. 27 .- Phlla delphia spiirtsmen's nliow. for which preparat ions have teen making for several weeks, opened In Horticul turnl hall today and will continue un til Dec. 21. The show comprises an elaborate display of exhibits calculat ed to stir tin breasts of those who ire quent forest and stream. The third annual exhibition of the Philadelphia Dog Show association is being held In conjunction with the exhibition. A long programme of swimming, shoot and athletic contests will he pulled off during the three weeks will add additional attraction to the exhibl tlon. TOOK VOW OF THH CROSS BRIGANDS SOLEMNLY SWORE TO KILL MISS STONE. If Full Rsnsom is Not Paid By Christmas. Hilda Pesth. Nov. 27 - A dispatch savs the- brigands who hold Miss St 1 1 in lm. sent a messenger saying that they have taken a solemn cruel flclnl oath to kill the mlnbionary If the full ransom be not paid hy r'hrlst mas American Girl Insane in London. London. Nov. 27. Miss Vanderbllt Win l.erinan. the beaiititul American girl srko beranie InHntu In re about a fortnight ago. has become lolent and has to be fed through n tube. Governor Waite Dead. Asimi. fol.. Nov. 27 Ex-Oovernor luunl Walti 'of "Blood to the bridles" fame, ilied suddenly lierc today. Pilchn Captured Twenty-four Boers. Pretoria. Nov. 27. Pilcher has csis tared t W"nty foiir IltM-rs at Takenvelt 'range Hiver colony. MVS1T1KV OF THF. MAILS HOLDFRS OF BOX 287 ARE DISCOVERED It was to That Number the Letter Writer Referred in Epistles. Some of the recipients of annoy mons letters which ha vi been clrcu lated prnmiscoiislv ner Pendleton for the past six months were refen. .! ta postaflloe DOI 2K7. Who owned 'his ! was ii bmWIm to the officers for some time hut by SHIM.- stratenl' lb tectlve work, tln v are now bosHIts ol i lie owners of this box whe t ' mall fiom it They are Fred and Oe neu White husband and wife. BttW live five and a half miles from Pendle ton In the BlNk Creek conntrv. A ! Met wits .n this box Sunday with the address turned up so li nt it could In plainly rMd from the UttaUH through th.- i'Iuss door, and it was adressed to i; ui White" xvltli the business BMd of the "Heller Chemical DM puny." of Chicago on tin cornel ol the envelope Now. some are wondering how these people happened to nave the postofhec box to which the letter write, refOriOd In her ephths who fOOOd out so much oi' the doings ot i'eii lli'ton people The writers have not nu.de any demand for money, but seemingly have Just had the on. OlV jei t In Mew That of eausing Jeal ousy between husband and wife Why uuy (MM WOUM want to dn this is still a piotound mystery and wheth I IkOJI expect to extort money t colli their victims when they thought the time was rip has not yet been solv ed. It Is understood the postal au ttarttMM will take up the case. Mi and Mrs White being In the country thaj OOOid not he found Of lours." u mistake may easily have been inadi and they may he as much surprised as anyone else when they learn about tlir- anonymous letti i vritai tin 1 1 ns' icferred io lox 287. FOR A COUNTY FAIR. N Berkeley. Jr., Secures $2600 First Half Day. If the success met with on bis first half dav s canvass is any criterion. N Berkeley. .Ii Pendleton real estate man who has interested himself In the proposition of gettiug a county fair for I'roatllla will he entirely suc cessful in his elorts Mr Berkeley states that $10,000 Is required to put the fair on a starting basis Twenty live hundred of that amount was sub scribed this forenoon Mr Berkeley desires especially to Interest the farmers of the county in the projected fair which Is to be modelled after those held In the eastern states He will go Into surrounding towns sell ing stock and anticipates no difficulty in raising the amount CIVIL WAR AFFAIR In Central America Not Yet Ended. CAPTAIN PERR V LOOKS AFTER TRANSPORTATION And Makes the Hostile Forces Recog one the Rights of Commerce He Ssys the Pinion Returned to Colon After Landirg Five Hundred Troops. Status of the Strife. Washington. Nov. 27 Captain Pet ry of the hattieshlp Iowa In a cable gram tn the navy department this morning confirms the report that the Colombian gunboat Piurnn returned M'steniay to Colon. It Is nnderstoood that during her absence from Colon the Plnzou landed on the coast Ml Albans troops In the proposed at tempt to recapture Colon. Parry also sent the toUowtai "Stubborn ti nil t fn m between the i on tunding forces near San Pablo has de layed triiinv inquiring prudence and patience There probably will In fighting todavj MST MtM I hae sr- urc. I assurances that the firing shall .ease while trains are passing For tv thousand Colombians were brought In oti the trains. Runs m the Fsmlly. Il:n i eiisack. N. J.. Nov. 27. It doesn't tall to the lot of every mother and father to raise a family of th rao children and have thtni married on.' after another In the order ot theli ages, particularly If ten of the cl.'en are girls ' Such Is the' gis-id fortuii" how er. of Mr and Mrs William II i.i rman. of Areola. fie miles wesi of here The youngest of the ten 'laughters Kstella was married a few weeks ago. and Many, the only son. Is to be married tntnorrow It Is an .iild fact that each of the families is located along tin Susquehanna rail to ad. within a hall hour's ride of each other Naval Architects to Meet. Kaltliiiorc Md N iN 27 An v ut of unusual Interest to naval at In teets and ship build' rs will be the u!i UUal dinner ol the Progressive r t. i ot Draughtsmen In this city i u Ighl ' he M1 .I'll.- i I 1 . ".I 11 I'll di . t i Richmond, Vs.. will tal e part Pros ln nt annum those to be present are Admirals Melville aud Hlchbnm. " le. mas Jardlna "i the WUlissi Trigg Iklpjrsrd ami Henry it. Caldwell ot 'miii's shipyard. New Service to Mediterranean. Hoston Mass Nov 27 The le w Mi duet in in nil sit vice oi tin- Domin ion I. In" was inaugui u:. .l tOdSI with the suiting of thi iieutnship Comnioii wealth for Cigraltei. Nspwl and Ge noa with freight and passengers It h t tptetad that one result of the estabilsllUieli! ol the new sei s lee will be to divert much or the business to Hoston t list has hfOtofOIQ alwavs bsti enrrtad "" through Nav York South'a New Industry. Hiriiiingham Ala Nov. 27.- It was announced tmlav that everything was In i. tidiness to begin the mstiufac tore of steel tails at the mills of the Tennessee Coal Iron and Railroad Company Just complete,) mar Knsb y These will lie tbe first slot 1 tails lor trunk lines of railway ever built In the south The ucw plant starts MOTS tions with large orders on hand Tor the Southern and Louhnillnl and Naah vllle railroads St. Joseph's Jubilee- Philad. lphia Pa , Nov. 27 Tbe se ond day of the Jubilee celebration of St. Joseph's College began this morn log w ith tin . elel, ration of high mass by Bishop Mi Paul of Treoton This evening a banquet takes place in the lollege hall, at which Governor Htone Mayor Ashbridge. several prominent public men and tbe leading Jesuit Fathers of the eastern province are expected to be present To Marry Lillian Costlow. Cleveland, O., Nov 17. Wlllian Nuna a prominent undertaker of Cleveland, will he married tomorrow to Mias Lillian Costlow of Columbus The bride-to-be Is tbe young woman tor love of whom It Is said Ross Per rell murdered bis friend Ka press Mes isnitr Lane, a year or so ago. and for which crime Ferret! waa electro cuted after one of the moat eenaatlou al trials In tbe criminal annals of tbe state of Ohio. THE NEW YORK MARKET Reported b I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers Wheat in San Francisco. New York. No. 27 The wheat market while dull, was fitm. i today and tin i lose showed a gain of a hall cent in Chicago and at New York The opening was lower than last niitbt. HI'?, and the close SIS Chicago opened 7fi' and closed 7 Pork xvas up 2!ic and closed $t". fancy ThON will be no session oi the hoard tOOKNTOW, Thanksgiving day. Close yesterday, Sl. OfkM today, si Hange today. SlfTSlV Close today. II Sugar. 12fi Steel. 42V St. Paul. l!t. Cnion Pacific, int. READY FOR THI; BIO SCRU McGOVERN-CORBETT CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT. Featherweights Ready for a Go To morrow at Hartford. Hartford Conn. Nov 27 Kvery thing is In readiness for the chain plonshlp leatherw might fight, which Is to take place here tomorrow after BOOS under the iiuspl. .'M of the Nut meg Athletn ctub. Terry McOovern and "Young Cotb.-ti " (he prosper tixe ni-lnclpals. Bfe trnlSed to the mtn ute ami frOM all appenritnces no lighters were ever III better COQdRiOn to enter the ring. While the chain pion is naturally the favorite. It is most noticeable that every follower Of the game who has had the prltrllega ' seeing "Young Coib.-tt" in training has I u Impressed by the appearance t hat the IVnver hoy. "Terrible Terry" will faei the hardi'st OppOOenl he httl ver encountered. This calculation Is based on the fort thnt Oorbetl has scored twenty fixe knot k outs since he has been in the came winding up by disposing ol such men as .loc Hernstelti. Bddle Santry and Oscai iardner in the ItoOoyern . .imp. on tin i ti er band, theli appeals to In- no lad. .. DOOMeMM In the result The Mttb champion eharai tei Istb ally declines to discuss the result, content lug him self with the ttatemcnl that h. will do his best to win the decision At; sist.-d lix Dannx Dogh'-iiy and HttSh MeCinetii and u4or the watchful njm of 8am Harris. IfoOOTem has rOOaded in to splendid shape New York Nov 27 MeQOVen tialuiug for his fight with Corbet) to morrow . tided this morning He will take a abort run on tin toad this af i"t noon Just before leaving for Hart ford. Corbett Heady It r the Ring. Hit tin d. Nox . 27 i 'orlii it weiii out for a run this morning Itef.ir. l,. stHi-led he announced he would do no moi'i' work until he nston the ring. Sports ar. arrlxiug on every tialli Helling this tin, nihil' is .tl to six on M-(ioxcrn Walcott to Box Jackson. liallliiioie. Md Nov. 27 Tin hpmt ing fraternity ol Haliiii.iue will have a Thanksgiving eiilertaliimeiil In the shsM of a pugilistic contest between Jo. Wohoti and Too ha. Peter .lack son The eoatSM Is to b. a twenty round urTalt under the auspices or tin Buret a Athletn lub MUSIC AMD SPEECH Entertain and Instruct Peda gon and Their Friends. LAST DAY OF THE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. Session Tonight Will End the Pto gram Milton duaitet Will Sing Roster of the Instructors Who Have Attended the Meetmga During the Three Days. I a Claude will be the next place of meeting ol tin Kastern Oregon Teach ers' MMCtSttOl This with the ofBo ers for the ensuing year, waa determ ined dining this afternoon's session Ik. report of the nomination com mittec on oftli Ml was adopted throughout The) are President. K. K. llragg. superintendent ot I'ulon county schools, first vice pu snleul. J. A. Churchill, principal Hakei City H.-hniiis lecosd x n e president, mub Nellie Mi SlevetlM. Wcsloll, SeClctai) N. C. Strange. I'ulon, UlSOIIfSr, Mrs. Ni III, I n lirande. executive commit tee, .1. H Ad ermann, statu sup.. tin lendenl oi schools, P L Forbes, prln- i pa 1 Pendleton Academy, Mrs. A K. i nn ho. in Qrnnda NL c Mack, su- peilnteinleiit (iianl count) schools; upetlntendeni Pejrlor, itaker city. It Is nnttclpnted thm the . mirl imun will be crowded tonight and In anv e. ut the conxeiition will Imxe I n one nf the most successful ever hold In Oregon The HypolttS Male (piartet oi Milton in to sing this evening, and tln v alwaxs have an eUthoMSMJ) re caption In Pendleton. r.n sdax nvenlnft More peoph thuu could in- in . omnodnted sough' a.imis tlon to tl.e . In ult lourt room to he.tr 'In rondltlon Ol the teachers asMocla tliui program President K H Conk Mil. presided There were Several numbers besldea. the two chief attrac tions which were Dr. WimhIm Hutch inson of I'. inline' with an address. aud Miss lei- Peebles of Weston. In vii. ni soinn. Miss Bent tie, of Weston, rendered a piano solo and Miss Iji Hut re. of Wesdin Normal School, gave a lea, ling, helm- recalled and respond- Ing xi. ii eftilly Miss Iteatlle'a piano number whs "Fausi Wall" arranged by .ln ! a e. lebi ute.l i IsssP' and liifi) n ndeieil Miss Heattle la teach er of Inst ru men tnl Rtnsh at the Wc ton Normal Mkool Miss POe bleC1 I 4a was "Angus Mae- doonld)" music by Joseph I, BOSnkol, i. in in p I Weatherhy, and her in ore was 'The lt.,1 Hose" Miss I'ei bins' solo and respol hi to a hearty encore win- decidedly features of the ioliveliln.il Miss I'ei I.I. s let It ha said Is tint 17 yeori old and baa yet to In- placed under tin tutelage of a toucher capable to handle h voice such I IBM possi-Msi .t hv hot Her singing wus a revelation and pleasantly sur- av Si ft . ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ..' -,f 9 - 4 y 4 TH-AJVKSGIVING TURKEY DINNER - - . 25 Cents 25 Cents Specutlttrs to Ordarr : (ike point Oysters oe the Half Shell China Pheasant-. Mounlala Orouac I n ah Cracked Crabs Tral Ducks Mallard OiKka Tjte St. George Restaurant Dinner: Mi 30 a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m. - i ti i .