TrrsDAY, novi:mi.kk :ti, nwi. TRLAbUUL 1 IMJLKS. LUMBER mill other, hnilditiK materialjincltidinu Line, Cement, Plaster, Brick, and Sand. We have it largo slock of WOOD GUTTIM (or ham ami dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., oup. Cnart Houv TIIK French Resiauram cosy Roons Well Uglitt! tlfld Steam HMtrtl. Best 25 cent Meals In the City. EXTRAS Frog i ag F-aeurn and OljIUpta Ojreter OPEN DAY and NIGHT OUR. L.AFON1 A I N I'mp. The Place to Buy : : : : It where von can get good qui- k and vh price. Sect line of LuniWr. Latli Bhiagltf) Build tag (Miptr, Tm paper,IiUn6 and ueiiien t . Piektti Piaster. Brick, Sand. Moulding screen Poors x Window, Sash & Doom, Terra ( lotta Pip. Pendleton Huhg Mill Ud LimiIhm Yard R. FORSTER, - Proprietor You get What you buy from us. Bl i Stuck ... WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. . Mfi uo... Trucking & Transferring Lutz Bros. Nau's Dyspepsia Cure Ha cured theae caaea anil it ill cure you J .M. t 'liur. Ii, laUrmiUe, Or,- say "I aiitlered for i youiv mid believe had I not ueil Nana Jypeia Curt I w..ull not I- alls.- to w.lUf you ;i teatiinouial." Nathan ttkfc hta Maim, y- "i uttered for year; found many relief but no . ur t jt-ept your.'' For aale by Tallraan Co., and all first claaa druggiata, or aaud to Frank Mu Portland Hotel Pharmacy, Fort laad Oregon Price $i a botUc or 6 avttl. or$a, prepaid rnmi ,ti talentlBe tee tor Leeatlea Kteh I Im of Preelnea M.iei Maortcal tlcviee, for .lUcivrring de posit of prn- otll metal are out of fathioti nowtdnyi Their ptaee hn been taken by ear leva eoatrbanaaa of a more or le tcientifle nature, by meant of whtd: inavtea of (fold ami liver, or rivti Imle. may he located Moit of thetc forms of apparatus are electrical. Mi,v t lie Philadelphia Sat urday BtOMtnf, I . t . Out of thctn line two long and sharp Iron tafft, whlob, being held npar' at a illitftiirr of a couple of feet, arc thrutt down into the earth Attach-' to them rr it mn1' oatterv and a telegraph hey If the end of lioli of th .iff cmie In contact with ft tna of met a lid nr, the current readi- ly paeees batween I hew, and a pre ture of tli' key a tn re ground wmplttt -the circuit, and cautee a bell to ring Another inventor combine, the to MatTr. in on,,, kvpnrntuii; them only by an intnlntnr. For IMC it; nunr, ati appar1ia of m:ich nimptictti hai bfn WVtMtl, 'on tUtlnn of n Utile hftttvry. ft ittephonc rti'civr nmt to bruibts th:X look xaotlv likv th.iTi'L' brnh. tSMpi that t li i r brittle- :irr mad' of nir If ore i en Cropping otil It IWO plftfet on th face of the rock an,' it la !cird to n '"rtatn whether a continuous hi cm. ,ict thetu. OSS of th brnahca i phietd In eontMl with each of the pot The operator then pu: the telephone receiver to hit. ear and, if there ti rueh ft 'ein. he -un dll tiniruiali the fact by the onmJ, the clr tilt Itainir aooipli I CHANGING A QUARTER. t r, i ,. n. , .r,t. Ovate (a Ootaa la D the Tviaa la levaa Ware. "How BUefc loot It take to change piartr?" atked the bartender at ordlnir t the Philadelphia Hecord "Twcnty-ttv cent, eh? Not on your die It take. To centt to do the trick. How nan v .to ran lappoat a Tuartcr-dol'ar can be chanired'.' Juat sarti 11 " fallnai of llasltad meant tiiav like the jiliiKb' of coin in hi ClOtka In that efni jrou car t;i.' Bin M pannlai or W' p-iuiiiM and our I. cki l. iippol lag lie nils to gal a bcai He It .i Ilka to h.iti a pit i iprlnkllag of ill car in h t clothe aed jrou cai accoga nodala kfn with is pannlct gad a lime, or lec gaanlaa, a rl ni a- . . nickel. If In' prefert to hare clianje hand for ft beei gnd a oar fare, why 14 penntea am! . alakcli aril fi him up. and If h- want a i gat In idrlltion, ncaldaa ha ring Utile ) ck of c:ih it: hi. Jn jfirr hi til ICn pen el and three n ckcll Thai make, tli way Now. :'..n. a f- with t 'jurtrter can t'radr it ff for tiv, pad niet gnd two d met. flx pannlct and four n'ckelt, tw dime, a' ' one n .me dime and three inck'lt. or rt nlekt it. iuat at he prefert And to tec tntnodata khn la any wa thai he might atlect .'. hare t.. Bogaaai N penmei t. dfatai and fire nVkcla n cent tn all " QUARRELSOME ANCESTORS Owe Btarlr Fauilltea Ware Alutuat VoaClnuallr In n How of aaaaa aiiaa A atady of medleva: rum', life It apt to gift the hgipraatlori that th rlnelpa; pari of th'' ife of th,- peo or n the i . . ill off, it tea. I nil were h er lleorderly people aneet of r raw i v knivrt pa- wax a i . ll i eotii Btlai on or pcot i Our aneeatori i litijfions i ' a vr Th- recoi la tat men, and Woman agplati ma another, of breaking loti hotlteti of pcoaeeutlag one another for tliinder Tliei we have anek CI trie : Ikcati ' iv Mpplncott'ti "It ia ordained by cmnnion conaeni that all the women of tin wilatf mu' rettram tloir tangUCI from all alM lerinjf " "Id inn- t.o of Holier' mith. it fined If pence keagtiaa in wife Agnat ent Btnnia, the wife ' Koberi the Tailor; and RohaH the Tailor. pentve aaMUM lot wife I in tna wore at Ague, the wife of rhmnat " "It it enjoined upon all the laatanti f the r lajfa tliat a oat of Ikani attack any othert in Kurd or deed, with clubt or arrowt at ki Cfjg, under fjaastty of Pyi"K 40 fkilllafja.M Suit, efiiriet. frnpientlj occirrtng In add. Hon to the innumerable In tiAiicei of ladieidual atlaaki alander, pettr theft and other lmnior.:.'v teem la akofJ ft -oium unity of far fron perfre- urtm sM,o- leal" lint 1'iitlrr. g;, . i Hi a i CI iiie nolhlog from Uktni r ikl i eek. AaaUtaai He'i ike kagaitii, Ed lor So! ;ii'' the t rouble t gigalataai Vci I geJitor I ai - "I . ourte Poeit aavalij run to naac at later Oktaafjo ift.iy Nt i Mra My le. Keiee e. kOffM 0 the eeird named A I beet I Ckj not pin yotei io ii. on li in '.' Mr, Rtlea ! wouldn't think of auch n Iblugjl Mt hiitliaod'a uante la Aioert and he' aiway late in get ting an I oak era fUteaaaaaV Te lair fee Hearete, Tired of life and the ever preenf. gaMaaaltj of carnlfn hia iiaiiy bread by workinir. he lind lakoa n do.e of carbolic arid and lain down to die Hut the meddlesome d". 'ore pumped him out ntul .ad hlni li HO ciety. "Oh. Home!" moaned hi wife retail tag ""cr him. "whr did yon take that nwfnl atuff? Iitdnum would hnre been lent painful end ao much aurer!" hi. agtl Ti IbUttC, aVaaer Willie . IVUit.a. AngTy Looking Woman You go away from kere or I'll call my hut baud Weary William -Yer hothend Bla't at 'nmt. DBtan How d yer know lie ain't f tVeary William I've alb"- nntto.-d. an tun, that nrken a roan If married to Woman wloi, look, like you 4o, lie' uerer at 'omr except ai meal timet Tlt-Bltt. Precept anil 1'rtetlt. Tht m worlfl aiw with ;,ir afoai contracted f intt ii itr ii thi arlet "iii advaaaa" inn kewhoreall) . ikeeaaaat Wan the mnli mat win. acted. rVatblag ' ktat III w IT. 0- ir r fi: jjpawaW Farmer' .l. Vol laid JrOU ecotild taw my wood if I wotiki irive you a wood dinner, N io R ITori Wel.. m.iwni I - rogg wo, ,,, tlldn't If Kauaea Citr I hum the Rewaea Mr. Front pew I am gl ol yon itelone to onr church cfcolc, my dear; II ftnak ai orderly orMnlMllOU! 1 nccar tee you wbiperiag to tat another during tr. . Mrt Proa t paw -o none of at ire an pak..iti la rati ftkli t .t t e .lottr ii a. i irtfe Hogan i siioi" -gotm idea ' lleai liopinan I thin It where all t In- pi oi hev wkai i It? Itial i" ii place tt lit' , f.l on i mt earth .n Ikili, and where ni' wlio Wan thin are fn' Ronton Iran eonpt. at a ptffocewaa MDoaa rout mother lal yon im ew.. pieces ol pte at iiome. IIji fV ", . ma'ain." 'Wel do JrOU think ahe would Ilk. trail i" haea lava p ecat kare r "Oh. ake woultin't care! Thi 'n'i her pte. you know!" (loitlen Have title l.rrttr. A ltee Ur High I'.lnat von hart t poor opinion of turn Hiaiieha Well. I've cerialnlr done him 'lie In Juat lee I didp'l 'oik in- , ,. ihai gnyoaa iiat a pmM opium i . a ' Hunk Prol. aal ta.ealtlae Firtt Paatw ( proud iyl i ii"iio. aaearal new faaei ki mj 'ongcegalioi ktat kabkalk Rteond I'aaiot (troukwily) Al th' nrdn I i, f ant baptitm. I topi If, V Timet st. BVaa Vrilliag He . . 1 1 piutlyj !' tieear deaaaie.' of kutiiitf a girl afminal her wl I She How forttinala lire. una gi by eoatrariea, y know Pkikkdt ptola l'i" gat CVnerrlaa HI a, Fi . Rkt ton t h h e any kntae'.' In t li1 it an Science Poll; . an Saw' Itiere'e unite few of Ikeg paopeti but anay don1' vote golid Puak (aakilag talk1 Parton Ye. on one oeeamiB I uiar ried four couples in I ipiarler of at hour O'liek Work, wii-i.'i ii J Ngutiaa Vo gf I mn W ralkevl giitten minis an io Jwdfja aaaaa lag Lord Narya I onimtta. glfjgmj. bui I s.. id lien to it His Pouni 1 in i en lo it ? I had tfjatat all ui li rat A ife n nut Puck. Blacked Itorougrlii II y pom old iiaole, Peter Mux -urn. is very III and likelv to die at any moment. K 'ill Horry old raaaV bat I eaw't IggHl yOtl a uaul I alholk Standard. .ui uuaiiaaa. "go you waat a pontioi. id my eotn pany madam?" "Yea" Can you elagrF' "No." "Can you deuoeF" "Ho." "1 tUoughi you eald you were aa i?" Hrooltlyn LaftV COW SPORTED FALSB TAIL. Aa4 tfce Aetiaalel Apa'awaW w,i liaa i an., of a I'eoletiweg Lew MM, A eow with a fal' MtU flguied the other da) in nit for femgwt lF forc Mdermim Willinm Mean, and beaanac the laH wat rroarut the attil amn wlihdrami ami ll """' paid KW the pro "tor. reports the Plttabttrg i hroin. la Tlffrepk. harie Campbell, of Mohler treet. entered tnll il'i. n' lie If.f Metier, of Wheeler ttreti. for iltllrMtge .Tllci"., to wee been cnuted in Ika ravage In campiicir gerrian b. "" "kid wa nid i nelphbort to belong to Meiier it ami PampbclPa own cow, lint he did not reeopnic it wltkotlt the toll. Tba wM vtaa t" knrc come to a henrinif BMi nt n i i'tr. httl '" the appointed hour Campbell appeared. withdraw thi mil ami paid Ika roat. He then explained the reaton to U dei nun. Mcana, i arly In the week i amphell keaffbl a cm from John Mctluirat who. he laid Heat In Fraahninwa road He broUghl the co Inline and tnrnetl her In. me In hit garden, kill cat at loniahed Ike other morning la tlmi what appeared to be a itranga cow It hit patch The animal hail no tall. Me wa. told hj .utile HcighbOf thill the aiiltnni belougad la Mailer, and the tame morning he entered uit be lore Alderman Menu Ha ai" kaaed Ike con DtJI When he re tinned to Aglirc Up 'he extent llf damagt dom Ii bit garde hi found a not tail With bita of rnwhule ttil'll lag t" it rfila ami other Information convinced i nmpliall that tl iw wm the one he hml bough' and Wkiak had gWltChatl "fT her tali For tlila rea wu he withdrew the tttlt Maw I'rtpiiirt. Mr Rhortptirat W la are we pay i it fr I hm woman for waakiatff Mrt S A dollar a week HHtim! I can gal h washing' me rl for ten dollar, ami I'll do it." Mi Abort purat ia aaonlk later) How doea that waelnug uia.hinr work? Mrt . Verv nnely but It rethei etpenttve 'K span alee f rWwf ' I n woman maket me htre a boy to help run ll ' N Y Weekly. Vou get 'jood Beer.. .';:.n .-nil ilrink PILSNER BEER, Miaraiilei.'i! not t" ta -c 'it -ddai'he or dlSetittUH ik for it, IrVHIftKEYil.aat ( Hd J as. t. Pep ei Old Henry Clay Have In on tin Standard lincc 1780 Btpwciall) tdaptod fur lam uiti niadicioa purpoaaa, Ever) bottla Ruantaad, The Off ioe i.D BB8THORN, Prop. it Main Bt ,aw i Tali 11 1 PbrJ Quality Awardi d Cold Httdtt! Parta Ettpoaltton 1900 auid br JUUM at HMIDr The l.ouvre Saloon wter. IrkRtvf ? SAVES LIFE V .11..., n, . I wet la bad haallh thlnilf"l,a H Bp In had for trffiJf, L fined my ehll.1 WsZ, .T11 IaJT fait to vyak and "' httS back and hlpt I had iia.. . nu la Inauf the wSrV I art l J w In a bad eon.liiu.,, f'tWAu "liBdlef Blrthdav ' "Wthli nl eertinmenl of wr T?w T H Black-Dniunht Hi,,..' 1, TJaSWh tour lHit,,r wi. , ., r. ,Tb' j WtlaV age of Thtdtord - Black h'jW? newpertonnow. I can dn I?,!1 "ilCi walk out wi , n'. Tr,?"n ' EiLnwiaJ for Win. ,.f ttardui'' aJS ""ALI0.Liw,, It k well that women .r, men. raw men rould t,r (, J!!T tht (Cony tm! duo,,, ,(, w5 TfMMittndi of womtn htvt etaataL- tufltrrng at a dut) of thfk hx tLal?" many autAaott ol thta hwak lwka?wS WINECARnm imdtrt unmctMary. woman rattd no lona nfhr ka i MRt. wma or t-ratn nnnei rtiwi to modrit womtn In tht irtrtaTJi. homti. Many ol th hot hornet In this tltv ire u. - J"?" mdiclac. It tur whIUt and (tiling of tht womb tad tmhl! relet dngajkaj peHodlcal paint. Mrt. Devil curt ihWvec-!? dvtlv what you may txptct If you fallow htr txtmpk td iJuHr i Th.illoril i Hlark.Dtauehl aid. Wi.. t f-JT, . w" a"" w. ., .ai t rtniiaa, a. ttonvtcb tnd howtlt. Whtn yea aik your drutalit fw thtM aaaVaZr ... it w.. u.. -i ".-!.. i ' j . "a'.il ur. rus. ww. ...... ... w uw i anu that itvtd Mri. Davit' lilt. Never take t lubitltutt now take I ' SI ml lllrt.lllre. rtdret.t1VtatlT itUim, "TW l.u.. ... The I,... Mtdlrlmi , IT, MinT "W' A CARLOAD OF CARPET all ol the imwesl aud latent especially selected tor o trrwle, has rrtVtt). and them now in our store readN tor tbe. lien ol rail buyers. Thcvct the DtiL-st line of wilionj, q .ingrain ami brurata ita 2 PimiiIIi tun Caruetai toctal Wgllpapet and inaUiniiicocJ Qertaking unotls always on I JESSE FAIUI Th wlit'i'l that i sky high in qitslitj Price. I'lini' from $22 to flit); termi to huh. AT CRESCENT AGENCY Pi Ull BUY THE Best Babbitt Metal IN 10 POUND BARS. For line shafting and all bearings ol machinery of the mill or factory it cannot be surpassed : : Made fttm Type Metal. East Oregonian Office, Pendleton 1 HEATING STOVES liclnrc purchasing C0BM uiok ".ir Urge and com pjaia line of heatmn stoves whicl we are selling l vW iov, (agaie HANSFORD & TH0MP6M Tha LeSMtdlns MartJwara BYERS' BEST FLOI It to) ro make i.ratui uc ,'Xr owii' premium at the Ubioagu Vtorbl .gg - .on, and givoa uaisellant bU0" ,he bttt RollatJ Ha. ley. rjeasl Rye ami Baa"!1" PENDLETON ROLLER W. S. KYKKS. Proprwwf- expect k--- g a. aaat III ... ItAVv C IKMiLr-'lO.'. HRK ADVbn" Tha new atore can navar ka known utile It adverliaen