,50. autiful Dress Skirts Just arrived, will be sold at Closing Out Prices A Big reduction on FURS aver Bros- Dry Goods Co. CASH STORK ABObT THE HELIX SCHOOLS CALLS HIM K PREVARICATOR DAY. NOVEMBER . BREVITIES. Howard Kami loans. Mnwiml. lire Insurance. .... .1 nuria sewing ma lt nuii" " chnre on the I BO premium nt Furniture "ton- Mi Hlli DlekM and Hl,l"r bulk. at Hnwley'a. hulk mustard, the finest oi. l. , . Ik...,' t M RVl, se iflf (In. mountain cabbage for kraut. at Dematt'B. rtJ niui., matt ready for . Try It DemottV Ihnll.r mid - vveet UIMII ' ' "I." Bulity. at 0 li DWBOrtt. I Mi of Ma BUM crackers Kitof. t U ItMMteri. lWt the Standard when you l Knt in tin iToeerf line 0V.ni i 1,1,1, room hulls, on fed" Innmi. :u "liver Co. a. hrmtnta at reduced prices at m Hron l'r OOOQIUMI nun III prkM on furs at Clea.er r (.. , ntnpany s l.asn li Hawk ) i ami leave your lor a Thanksgiving turkey, fat trtlni baker) i urt mint cant laav your order for Thanks-U. I' laieat style and loweat a fur foods nee Clever Bros mil Company's Cash Store. MM dressed geese, ducks. I ami tarkayi eu be had at adanl at the loweat prices. eived a ship f Kewtoni i towing gum. wy b ceal package you gut a iwr a nice watch. I Wad ha- stock ranches aadi an,! tkoiot elty property i iveain.-i commission , In E, Q. building. ME JAN. 1st, 1902, tog to Give Away A Lady's SoWd Gold Watch Val ued at - - $100 I wiii u Kuen with every P Dollar Purchase. Hunziker I Mr and optician 1011 .i.uur Corect stylo and prices at Rader's Furniture store. House for runt. Inquire of J. 1.. Sharon, lit Minder's. Homes ui reasonable rates at S-mi pie's barn, opposite city 1"ll. Where Is the best place to buy I in nlture? At itadur's. of course. Wheat buy delivered. Leave orders nt Oregon Feed Yard Peter West SewliiK Children's clothliiK "Be am( up. Mrs. Ada Hoss. BIO Jane street NpM better and only a few as gistd iih The Palm Chocolate at Koeppcn tiros Souvenir china don't Itst I ;ig liet ter get your choice at nuct ai tM Owl's. Prices low. Picture fraiuliiK a BMOioJry, New '.hie of picture moulding Brass Haorwata tot tiMMl at 0, Sharp's. Nothing I'ke a ple.i ol BOOT soli china lor your eaterii l-lend.i A OUC Hue Just opened at 'lie Ox 'Ie- House. For sale. 1 acres ot line wheat land south of Adams Terms. $70" cash, balance to suit purchaser. Jam i A. Howard. Don't miss that game Thanksgiving dny. (lohlendule Academy vr Pen, He ton Academy. Come out am yell 1 rfl the pad and white. Will have the nicest turKeys on the mark' t. all stall fed fowlu. Cull and BW no and leave your order fur a big bird. H. Martin. Kver thing the market affords fir your thunkiKlvliiK dinner, cranberries, sweet potatoes, plum pudding and trult cakes. li Martin. Ileal wages puld to a eap'ible. ex perieueeil girl tor general housework Apply at once at No. loB Jackson street, across Maln-sti.et bridge. Alpha Assembly No. . United Ar tisans. will give a social dance on Thanksgiving night. Thursday Nov. 2Kth. in I at Dow Musi. Hall Music by Kirkiuau's orchestra. I. Q. O. F , Integrity and Kur. kii lodges will hold a Joint social In their hall Wednesday evening this week All visiting Odd Fellows will be made welcome and are invited to at loud Four cars of cattle are being load ed at the W. r C. H stock yard it: this city for shipment Two cars go to Furnish West at Tacoma. and two lo ( arson Urns Seattle. They are all fat beet Itflffl The ladle.; of the Presbyterian church will have a sale of fancy arti cles, audi as dolls, Christmas stock nigs. etc.. In Hendricks hall. Decent Iter B Chicken dinner will be served irom 4 to 10 D. m. Price. 25 cents "A Wise Woman." which has been secured for one night some time In the near r,uture at the Frpzer Opera House is headed by a voting laid who lor the past three years has been a member of Aiigustin Dalv's company, and has attructed an amount of at tent ion from the critics that rarely falls to ao young in artist The young lady referred to Is Marie 1-tt mour. At bedtime I take a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I fee' bright and my complexion la better My doctor says it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneya, and ia a pleasant laxative. It la made from herbs and la prepared as eaaiiy aa tea. It ia called line's Medicine. I Family Medicine moves the bowels each day Price 25c and &Oc. For aale by Tallman Co., sole agents. w Furniture "Ve just luceived a . .,ri,,.,,l rvf tile latent ;nni most "Mo date styles in furnjture ever shown in Fendle It Will Wllt cmtla.lt.nn nju, in tlw lurnillirv Nine " auiubiiiMig .1, I., hh m L Lail 10 nd tnspeel my new goods ami the pru-es -j a igm. JOB BASLKK Main Street, PendJeton REPORT OF THE PART THREE MONTHS' WORK. And an Entertainment Program for Thankagivii g. Helix. Nov. 26. The foil wins Ib a program to be given by tM Helix pub He Bchonls on Thanksglvlna evenim, Nov. 28: Song "America." Invocation. Song -"The star Spangb d Hanicr Ueninrks by W. S. Mavberrv. Ue itations by Lawrle B .It. l.est. t Richmond Freddie itlrhards.in and Aurlel Tlmmorman. Recitation -"The Story of Ihf Pll crlm." Tlllie Waiter. Song- By ten pupils. Recitation-"The Old Turke. Hen." iieasle McLaughlin. Recitation - "Thanksgiving Day." l,ol Mnyberry Recitation "I'm Thankrul." Nnnh Ryker. Recitation- -"Praying for Shoes" V.. lab Walker. Song- "Hoi, I the Fort. " by school Recitation Hi Idea of Thankrglv Ing." Rveret King Recitation May Sclbert. Recitation- "Thanksgiving Piy " Harry Barnaby. Recitation I'm Thankful. Too ." Freddie Pi. .re. Solo Rev .., Hugblet Recitation "The Two OlMlHHH . l.eo llayse. Recitation "The Olrl's Thnnksglv ing." Winnie llott Proverbs In Verae. by Um pupils Soim;- "l.igbtlv Row." I v class. R.-cltatlon "Thanksgiving (ouit ship." Verne Walker Dialogue in verse, by BBVBBI boy. Th. followUNI Is a report or the rtt'Mt three months of the Helix public school, commencing September 2. ami .iiding NoVmbaf "ll The names Of the pupils are given, followed by num hers Indicating respectively days pres ent days absent, time tardy: Zeph i.o.kwood. 4K 2 5; Malt Coekcrllnc. 591-2: Norval Bott. 55 R 3; Loo Bavse, 57 3 ; George Mcl aughlin. 5R 8 2; Noah Ryker. Bft 1 0: Mora Flnley. S 1 1; Walter Flnley. 10 0 0; Mary Me- I fttigklln t0 I Bessie Mel JIUghllli. ,S s lli.i.y tUrnabjr, 4 1 Oj Rvert King, 10 0 4): Neah King. 14 I IR Rrneat Knight. 1410: Delia Bott, 5461: Julia Pierce. :v: 8 it ('.race Cockerllne 01 0 0i Vcldah Walker. 44112: Tlllie Walker. 54 10: Verne Walker. 40--o-Tn Neftta Stanton. 3901; LaOo Stanton. Bit- I ": Cassle Stanton. 36 0 it I. ols Mavberry. 10 0 0; Myt tie Knight. 3191; ...ay Selbert. 4H 11 0 Winnie Bott 10 1-0; Ray Scott. -" .'.(. Jonnle McLaughlin 5873: Annie MeCorcle. 8-3-0; Idena Whitman. Oft 10 0; Rosa Cra mer. 10101 ! Bernice Wulket M lo I; Minnie McFerron. 6O00, Connie QoolwrttB. 65- 4 it. Raymond Picric 0 I Oj I'dney Ri.'hunlson. 60 00; Freddie Richardson. 00 0 0; Uiwrle Bott. 59 1 0; Raymond Wulker. 591 0; Henry lempkee. 58 8 7: IXHilBe HuBon. 59 10: Willie Tlmtiierniaii. 59--1 2; Aurlel Tlmmeriiiim ii" 0 ll UNO HflOor kel 0- 1 I .ester Richmond. 32 33 : ' Susie Mclaughlin. 2704 : Alva Bott. 12- 10 it; Har.el Kendal 19 6: Brma King. J 4 1 : Hitghle Walker 37 1-(I Freddie Pierce, 6910: Willie Pierce. 3t 1 0 Ralph Knight 910. W S Mavberry. principal Car-'e Pickle iirlmary teacher. UKIAH SENTINEL 8AY8 SOMEONE SLANDERED CAMAS. And All the Country South to the Ne vada Line, Regarding Alleged Cat tle Rustling. In a rather vigorous manner the I'klah Sentinel goes after the man who wrote the recently published Portland Telegram sensational article OH cattle rustling In the country south trom Pendleton: Who Is the man who writes for the Portland Telegram from I'klah? Whatever his name may be. he Is either a fool or a prevaricator of thp tlrst magnitude. In one of his letters be talk of an organized band of rat tie rustler that Infest this country from here to the Nevada line and so intimidate the settler that they are irrnld to give them away. He say these twentieth century brigand an OOOlly collect tribute off the small stockmen In the shape of from one to twenty fat beeves which they openly market at Pendleton or Ontario. The idea that such wholesale thiev ery could go on In Rastern Oregon and the culprits not get caught I foollrmes. as anyone knows who know anything about the condition a they exist. In another article he discusses the land queation thus: "Among all thinking ptonle In this section of the country and throughout the John Day valley the outlook for the future of the small tockman and the cattle Industry, as repreeiited 'v these is caiming alarm. "The leading symptoms of present conditions are discontent, financial stringency and emigration Numer ous ranchers and homesteaders have left already this season for the farm lauds of Washington and the Grande Rond. valley, oilers are tiylng to hold on another rear, "Well tnformeil BiaO attribute the cause to the gradual but relentless and aggressive en roachnient ..' the attic king.' Furthei along la the article he lc scribe the sett lef irom here to Can v on ( 'it v as a i lass ol men w it li the typical lock in . tiergy which chat acterl.e the MtOBollttM and the Ar I ni, sail " w- bolteri wi i. now toe gu who inaiiiilactnr.'il Hies, fabrication, and he is not a reaid. i t of this nor any Otkot country btrl a sort of human dlfoloet raoderini Hither ami tbltbei ipOOdlllg what H'iic hi- Is sober enough in space witting for such pub McgvtJOM ns will a. i apt his stuff He made a tOOt tbnwgb I'matllla. fjTOJtl and Haiucv POHBtlefl some lime ago and because lie rot turned dOWl 00 a certain BfOpOOttlofl of his. has II "In" lor this coitntiv a- takes tins means of playing even. Several Sick at Helix. Helix. Nov. 26. -There Is an epulein Ic of sickness in this city. B. B Rich ards. Frank Pierce Mrs May Mr l.ougblln and J. S Julian have ty pbold lever and Bert McF. rran's in fain child is sick with UQOUWOOll J. H King's little duughter Is also unite ill. but th.' BQ I Ufa of tie BJIbBBQI is not known DANDRUFF CAUSED L A GERM A New Discovery That Kills the Germ and Prevents Baldness. Ptcttv Mgfta all th. hair preparu nous tor dandruff, have some merit in allaying itching of the scalp and In helm: it laitlv good dressing for thu hair but flier is only one that recog BjOM whut causes dandruff, falling hair, and baldness and that destroys the cans, a little germ and that Is Newbro's Herpiclde This gerui eats its way into the scalp, down to the hair root! where it saps that vitality causing draudriiff as il digs up the scalp into little white scales Unleaa it is destroyed there Is no permanent stopping of falling hair and cure or dandruff and haldneas Newbro's Her piclde "Destroy the cause and you remove the effect." Life Is Growing Longer. From statistics aud the rOOVlti of ..nam changes in tin methods of In lug. It has been proven that the span Of life is being lengtheued We are Justthed lit believing this when we consider the great advances made in medicine during the past fifty veers The most noteworthy of them being Hoatetter's Stoinaen Bitters, the old reliable retm for all ailments of the stomach, liver and bowels. It curee dyspepsia Indigestion constipation headache sour stoma.-li belching, h ii tbuni and ouaneas It 's the Ml medicine iii the world for run down syot. uis. and has a record of ,-mis ot l ilies vv oiiicn It pay to trade at the Peoples Warehouse. "Not a questionable ., unlit v here." Clothes that Make ana Hold Customers If our suits and overcoats were not good values, if wc could only sell once to a person, wc would soon use up ill the visible supply of customers. Hut on the contrary the store is every day making: new customers and at the same tune re tainitiR the regular ones. The onlv reason for this is because we please every customer, and we please him Ivy Riving good values, reasonable pines fair treatment and an unusual assortment ftom which to choose Our guarantee is evidence ol every value we offer. A dissatisfied u-tomer can have his money bai k Suits $10 to $25 Overcoats $7.50 to $27.50 New ideas in Neckwear, Hosiery and Shirts, Street, Dress and Driving Gloves, all colors. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. PEN DLKTt N ( Hi HI H N P. S. T. & f. COYS NEW B(M)k NEW DIRECTORY OF THE 'PHONE COMPANY. Some Facts Regarding the Business of the Concern in This Part of the Country. Manager Claire Moiiksii. of the Pendleton office and exchange of the Pacific States Telephone and Tele graph company, has received copies of the new combined telephone illtel tory of all towns In the Washington counties of Walla Walla. Columbia and Garfield and Of I'matllla county Oregon. The new publication, designed to benefit subscribers desirous of mnk ing out-of-town calls, contains a big lot of information telephonic of gen eral Interest in this section The book shows, among other liilng. thai eleven towns In the district named have exchange, a total of 10)00 con 'icctlons being made by them up lo October 1. The towns In this region, with the number of subscriber of the ex. hang, are as follows Walla Walla. 701 1 Havtoii. Ill Potneroy 7:'. Starhmk II; Waltsburg. 22; Pendleton. 21" Milton. 33 Athena. Hi Helix. It; Wesion. 4; Adams. 2. Pendleton's Exchange. Pendleton's exchange Is under the management of Mis Claire Moussit who has several young laUlc as h. i assistants maintaining day and night xervice The business of the ex . hangi is growing, and many patron here think the company should nut In the new style automatic 'phone which call "central" simply by lifting the receiver from II hook without i he necessity of ringing Dayton's exchange is In charge of abell. Andrews, and Miss HV.iie Harris has Qt&l It Pomeroy. fltlier agents In this territory are Adams W H Nash: Athena G C Osborne Helix. 8. I,. Isaacs: Milton. L Smalley Starbuek J J Stod dard: Waltsburg. Mrs Minnie Robb Weston 0. A R. McOrew TOOK HORSE AND BUQQV CROTTO'S FATE IS IN HANDS OF THE JURY, He Was the Man Who Failed to Re turn Promptly With Livery Team. The case of Frank I Ciotto for the theft tt a tetUB "f horse:: sr..'. bvagy belonging lo the Commercial stables, was before the circuit court which onvened In the court house this morning, with Judge Mia on the bench, and the case I now In the hand of the juiy Crotto came to this city on the Mb hired a leant at the hie. Maying that In In three day At the be did not return ami nothing was heard of either him or the team until the 23d. when he was arrested at 00J yon City and was brought ha k wi p tin- .barge of larceny against him Ills plea Is that In' intended to rotOffl with the outlll. and such a thing aa getting away with ll QPTOf occurred ... mm Ills fale will probably be .to day of October, i 'om utc rci a I ata would be back end ol that l!m elded this only case term afternoon before th. i i , it i , , h is the court nl this Right in It. Your Thanksgiving order Is what I want. I hare a nice lot of goods for Thanksgiving. Including cranberries sweet potatoes, cauliflower, mince meat, sweet apple cider and every thing that goes to make a nice din ner. Plenty of ducks, turkeye, geeae, UieMed or alive. I-eave your orders Q R Demott. Douglas county is probably the heaviest shipper of that commodity In this pan of the state aa the .11 male Hn re BOOM pecullatly ada; ted to ll,. raising of turkey J. p Har kOf hail a force of men killing and shipping :ioon turkeys f( , Thanksgiv ing: Kruse dt New land Is shipping out at. out 2000 turkeys this year, whlbi H Marks 0 Co will ahlp between 400 aud f.i i turkeys R o Young it Co. of Oakland are shipping out about punt turkeys th.li diminution lielng San Frandsco and Be. k ley II roe of Oakland will ahlp out 2000 turknra during the n tt two days ct vtfimr g vtsts i str rrrrm r- m goj orfivvviVV bbttb imn These Items for your Consideration III V also try it. them good over the ne as Om it will certainly do Pi utile .... Stamp Is I ha bottle. Special Line of Dress Goods HALF PRICE. (51 black soliel special 5c cheviot, all colors special jjc cashmeres, all colors special 6oc fancy striped waistings special 39c china silk, all colors . special 1 1. 50 fancy velvet special 35c bleached table linen .special 50c half bleached table lineo. special $15' bleached napkins. special 10c flannelette, dark colois speiial uyii tlaniH lttlc, all colors special 7c outing flannel .special i '4 1 gingham special 51 gingham special 85c girdle corsets special loc ladies' cotton hose special 35c ladies' Hleeced host . special 231 ladies and children s vests. . spe ial pm aic price 65c price ny pin. e 45c price 29c pm e jii price 29c prn.c 40c prn e .IO pine jc pfi 10c price c pi ice 51 price v pm 6' pi li e 5c price 15c pgii c 19c I Special line Ladies, Childrens and Boys Wool Mittens If you're low 11 town tisiay 01 tun .or row tak. s . t- at tiir din,la 111 our window. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, i Zx iZa.kSL2.Si& iLHJLft SJULk li JUfJLS i HHSti AJLfi. JUl SLSt kS.HSLS.lA llltli oj The Columbia Lodging House NKWI.Y FI'HNIHHKD BAR IN t SON N K TION IN ('KNTKKOy 111 .1 n 'K BUT ALTA iWKHKH'lH P. X. SCMKMPP, Prop. W f 1 V '- Interest f w.. raa Home Cu-Operatjve Company Will build you a home lor ...0)5.80 tier Wlontli... Lill lur.il.h rou the i,..,i.. j, t., " w lf uur Biorlaago 01 lu aoaw In ai.jr 1 - 1 1 1 . .ml kI fou u )f. u.l a luouiua to bjr II back at lh r.u- ..f .: p. 1 u.. i ili will. ,al uiiiul t,, cue ul ImIi 01 lui.l ,lwblliir a iUuhi iU-vI will Im (Ivau Huiei.i liirMlig-ftliou .....ri.-l H. A. UOUH, K. lu.i, (i a Ii.mmI Aiiilil VVuiiIimI K very wtlttr. Hlp or Situation Wanted. ('. F. CJMiks Kmplojfiiieiit kgBUf Com 1 Mam and Alta Utraet. PgHDI.KTDJl oFFOOfl r