Sale i WBtmoinj: T,urdav, Nov. Hint. Will dell :il m: on; liiiL'c stock of Boots and Shoes 0 'jggpifflgSljff 1 ' J. at a great redvu-tion. W inunt re duo our stock and in order to :u priOM will Ih1 Cut and Slashed Nothing will efcape tin- slaughter '"pt the ljueen tualitv Shoes, which are rout rart i;oodv The OtotpjWof a litetmie to get ttie bent giMKia in the market tor lens than they are worth Cailearh before eizee are broken Terms Spot Cash. CLEAVER BROS., vThe Boot and Shoe Hen. Kim lamp holhlay gl.'ts. rtoifi Hoiih. for rent. I Benin oi J MONDAY. NOV KMI1KK M. - 1WI1 BREVITIES. Jm. A. Howard. Farm loan. Mend ley A Howard, fire Insurance Domestic aad Duvta sewing ma hiues at With' (i.-t n ' bunco on the 60 premim .it Kailcr'a Ktirolturc store. Olives and dill Btcklea and sauor kraut In bulk, at Haw ley a. Itelnses' bulk muatard. the finest oi. tbe market, at Demott'e. Hi lot of Oat mountain oabbai mi making kraut, at Deraatt's. Prepared mince meat, ready i family use. Try It. Demott'r. Apple butter and awaet appi i i finest quality, at 0. B. Demuit'a For rent, a four-room houi mi north aide. Inquire at Oliver V Co. a. Kur garments at reduced price, at Cleaver Broa. Dry Oooda Cash Si n Hpeclal price on furs at ci Uroa.s' Dry Oooda Company's Cash store. Call at Howler's and leav. onierx for a ThsmkaaivtnK turkey tat and nice. R. Martin's bakery department can't be beau leee your order for Thani Klvlnx cakea. Kor the latest style and nv. prices In for goods, soo Clever liro Dry Oooda Company s Cash Store turkeys are golug to be very scarce, you had better uhk yours now. at the "Staadard Grocery phone Main 84. Candy Duttoo has received a ship meat of Newtone' chewing ku:h With every 6 cent oockae" you k- 1 h dance for a nice watch- K T. Wad hat stock ranei wheat lauds and choice city pn for sale. Uveatock comnii- i agents' office. In K O. building Just rocerosd .at the "Btau.Un: soma Choice New York i.uckwheot tour, cqso meal huiKiand bulk maple syrup ami b si lias. .New crsn Our Stnrv Books a . at i We k;ji our hooka In lUe gaiiery iu laoire w 1 e Miinron. at Hauler b Dorses at reasonable rntes at S"n pic's barn, opposite city -l Where ik the best place tag huv tut iilture" At Bader's, of course. Wheat hny delivered. Leave orders at Oregon Feed Yard. Peter West. S-yvIuk- Children's clothlllK ;n up. Mrb Ada Boss. 110 Jane street. Kor rent, two furnished housekeep InK rooms Inquire at 616 Thompson street The hosiery window nl the I'eopli Warehouse is the talk of the town Don't tall tn see It. pairs of shoes on our li.rnam table, all ko at f I K) a pair. The Alex ander Department Store I'lctiirc framing a tpeclalt' New line or picture mouldings Hrass :iioreitt tor frames at c Sharps. Their popularity ha.-, been est l llshed on their merits The Halm Chocolates, at Koeppen Urns' dm,, store. Slieii.rmai, residence, cirr; ' Webb and Johnson, for rent, pi:ol ser of IMtrt or all furniture and 'ttrpets -re ferred N'otninK like a pec of aoOYenlr china tor your eastern Mends A BUC line Just opened at 'lie O.vl lei House Kor sale. Itiu acres of Hue land south of Adams Terms. IZ"" 1 ash balance tn milt purehaser. Jam A. Howard. Vien's and boys' ovTeoats In tin popular sh.ii" and colorings, at popu lar prices. The Alexander Depart ment Store. Don't miss that BjBjga Thanksgiving day. QoisVsadole Academy yi Poodle ton Academy. Come out am yell mr the r-d and white We still hate h line of fur scarfs, boas and . ullur. 1 1. that for style and prtaa cannot bo beaten The Alcxan der Department Store. Will have the nicest iurneys on the market, all stall led fowlu. Call and ae me and leave your order for a M bird It. Martin. Kvervthiiifc- the market tffonls f( r your tbanksgiviug dinner, cranberries, sweet potatoes, plum pudding and fruit cakes, Martin I . O. F. lategritv ,iiid Kui 'k.i will hold a lal in tin Ii Thursday ovcni'ij vi i Kel'ows ar Invlb Bos' wagtts i r eapuhh n perl need jrl i . L. Cored stylos and prleOS at Itnrter's Kiirnlture store Horn, to the wife Ot lte U A Cop pie. Inst week, n ilnunlltcr. Souvenir china don't bist I Jg I'et let get your choice it nni at t?W Owl's Pfteot low Hli hard Webbet and .1. Mowbrav were lined $r and lib In police court this nofMog for beitiK drunk. In de fault 01 the price they went tag Jail. ItlHtead of the I h. ml.'., n in. service licln held In the If, K. church south, as stated In tin Kast (IrcKonlan Sat urday. It win he in the M R. church I north. I'he I'cinlleton Wool Scouring ami Pacaln mill was shut down Krlday cv. iimn lor an Indefinite lime. This was caused by them not being able to secure tallow for makliiK soap with out which no scouring can be done. It Is not known how long this tic up will last, but they hope to be able to resume work again in a few days. Tin bartender In the "Mint" saloon thought for a lew moments last cVen iBg that a Carrie Nation hail dropped down on him Mrs William J Ones entered the saloon and demanded that ii fu r husband, who was engaged in a poker game, was not sent out Im mediately she would proceed to smash ever glass and bottle In sight. The police wer sent for and they were both taken Into custody beton she bad a chance to smash anything and tlnn trial will come up In police Mori this afternoon. The are the poopls raantag the Cofty lodging house on Court street. Postmaster c, K. Foil has lust re Calved word from the federal post office department at Washington, t) ('.. that he would be allowed the as BIB tancs oi an additional Clerk, OwlOS to the Increased business ot the I'en tlleton postoftice. over any former time in its history, the n resent help oi three clerks neslde Mr Pell's own work, has been found Inadequate to hnndte tin work and the adding Of an Other clerk was found to be neens snrv This clerk has been selected and his starting salary will lie Stun tic, year, but the name PostmMtai Fell does not vet wish given out He Will enter tpOII Ills duties in a few day - The scouring mill football bSOJg leavs tomorrow tot lleppner. where thO wil play the locals on Thnnksglv lag day Pron there t!ie will go to Wnseo and ploy Krldny ami in The Halle- Saturday This team has been doing good practice work and thev go In good trim and with the hop. of carrving off the honors m all Unci contests The following Is the line up C, I RntttSJM, center R Smldl tight guard: J Stevens, rigglt tackle O, Stevens right end T Stevens, left gunrdj coffnian. loft tackls i Aloorehouse left end: V Hessian quarter back: v. Turner, right hall back I Doorno left hah hack; A Anderson lull back Lester Lewis William DnpttJo, I Hupuls and (i.i Klneh will go along with the team am some changes from the above llne-m may be made when thev get on tin ground. by the local teachers and the faculty of Whitman College, and tomorrow evening President E. A. Myan. of full man, will deliver a lecjurc on the subject, i Be economic Interprets tlnn Of History." The principal features nl the work I today has boon a treaties , Nature 'Study." by Professor II 0, Sampson, or I'ullmnn. and "Child Stnd) By fl Itvan. n primary teacher T MOl row. the early history of Wnshinrton Will he the principal topic, and BnlnSl I Stttdy will he given attention b t'ro feasor T. C KlncdM or Seattle EXTENDING OREGON TRADE WHAT THE PORTLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Proposes for the Development of the State's Resources Appeals fo Help to the People of City and Country. The Portland Chamber of Conr merce has outlined a plgtl 01 ac. Ion which Is Indicated In the follnvinr statement sent out accompanied by ;i appeal to business men . specially in Portland to lend assistance Thus the chamber writes of what It prOOOOM p accomplish Are you In 'ovi r if '.no uc pnOi hi Hod for Portia, id In "" 1? The .'hnni- bet ot Coin meres is an i is o .ri' 'i to that end- Are yi i In favor of a lorty foot channel from Portland to Aatoi Th Chambor ol Commcrei Is, and Ii working foi deep hat tie's Are yon in favor oi opening the Upper Columbia i nil Snake rler to frer nivi-'atlop so as to trlv' the pro tfUCtS ot tin Inland Bmplre ati on let ihrougb up natural attewaj at tic arautb ot the Columbia'' The Cham bar oi Commerce Is. nnd Is urging the government to tak prompt oetlon Are von In favor ol advertising "re gnn's resources In the cast and abroad" The Cham be i oi ( ommerce Is preparing lot this kind of work on a large scab Are yon In tavor Ol est. tilling rOft land's trade lioMT Tin Chamber of Commeree is FOOTBALL SCORE WAS 8 TO 0 INDIANS PUT UP BETTtR GAME THAN EXPECTED. Mootanic and Redford Were St.r Play ers for the Reservation. The football game Sa'unhu BftSt uoon between the hlSH school and Indians resulted In a scon ol 8 to KeOlOtng to the tlaetslon o, Referee anderaon The game m'"""" ?.M, and flu nan mm ktehod ofl in the Brat hair by i.-wis fiu t'" rndtaba The high school hating wen cboro m goals tOOH tho Wetl The hn Ji was hard rough! hut no point" wan mnd. and neither snle had tu-ch the fidvnnla The ancond hall i arrlw n tut ike hall b'ini i.ickcp cHclnellt. PERSONAL MENTION hit this morning u r stoie, and be at liberty I Hue iu I v,d u men Our i by tka :u to I hill ail aartliLS JsVUM ui I .uni gkarst '-jggpsp i me im . I IK . I IBIM U El I A 'FM. The Ktenial Citv TClBBi'' Uiglit of Way MW Hvliitet of Navarrfl K MIL... ....... . . , '' Um Another Ihfl ti "V Trfciu.ii of Hleiijao F - N ..asjggjffjViDi buuij V fjpeu UsMhI -m m QlV'iegnii e. ' gappmtvea or (a Bgri II (Jain- Parker Fidgln Kutlkb act 1 1. 1 Morton Mope . Met all Kadn III reaoo es . Thoiupson -ply at on. at Ni 10 lai reet. n Main sti.ct brldgi Air ha Vsseinhly No. '. I nited Ar ajaaic will give a social dan. . on PPhanksgiviiiK night. Thursday. Nov 2Mb. in : ah,. Ifojgc Hall Music by Kirkman'fc orchestra. Itcup uibei that 1 bus groceries in ear lots in order to save Irctghts i Come lit and .. fiu- u-ltl neiU. .,,, Smeller pm-es elieapei than un house In eastern Oregon. 1L Martin All ineiiibei v ol AllclLt Cnp'icll W V Matlock Is In Portland on business. Kred W Wall. for Ueppner. K. II Clnrke has returned tn.m his trip rn Spokane. .1. U Warner, a sheep man from Pilot Rock. Is In the city Judge Kills returned yesterday from HepfMBSr, wh re he was holding court Lewis Body foreman of tha 11 k S stock company, ol Pilot Rook, Is In the city. Robert Jones. Up livcrvninn and W II N.-wport nl gjgfcg) are In Pendle ton tod iv K K Howen left for his home in Portland this morning after spending a week here. W Hawlc . i tin firm of Muwiev Broa., is in Adams today looking after his corn crop Professor 1.. B. L Penrose m the Whitman College m registered at Motel Pendleton C V Uyment special correspondent of the Spokesman l(e i. n spent Sun day in Pendleton. Mrs lad. Sweitler. of Kutiansior, i poattS I'matllla on tha Coi ,ni a, m ,i guest of Mrs A. W Ne .Mrs Sam Matthews an i il.iugh'.'i Mabel lert his moml i,.' for lortlainl where tbey will spend the winter. Miss Oelaotlae Mooiimu m Is at home from her chool nea, AthettB, and will remain here un. I liuliy Mrs Nellie Wilson is exMK ted to ir rive , unea, in v irom I'orlla id to SPand Thanksgiving -villi relatn,- Mrs S If 1'hompson left on i, terday evening's o R. a train for La QfandB to visit relatives for a week. T. A. Driskel, is Just recovering from an attack oi typhoid fever at his home at Pilot Root l)r Hons. ,,t this city uttemleii him Miss Peail Smith anived this after will ston o .1 to Tbe Dalles in tie mill ADAMS ELECTION. Two Tickets Are Now in thr Field in That Town. Adams has two tickets nominate i for the municipal election tpt month as fololws Mayor- T. a. I Treasurer .1. E Recorder M Marshal K II en illen. I ci-.crry Kerguson Wllks Councllmen Albef llaritla I K Johnson J H, Klrhy II I.. BlmpaOH and K. II Swisher. Mayor- Dr. J. c smith Treasurer- J. E. Cherry, Recorder v w. Klmberlej Marshal L ti. Pell iCoonellmeo WtUinm Holdnwa I i. in!, linker. Ulel, Powers Alb rl Harala ami k ii Bwlahar, This makes, with ihrc exceptions, viz II Swisher an i Albert Mat il i for councUnn'1). and J K Cherry, for treasurer, two complete tickets to choose from, says the Adams A! vain e v bv lack III '. good and Up high school BOt IS ior ci I... !.., l.wllnllH Willi h Si It flT of making yardage Several . ,, mii.ti b Mi ' arty llartmati The high school got te h11 t the Indian! vnr.l line and tried ,i place kick, and the pic "kin went between the goal posts, hut wi der Up pole fine oi the high school team fell on the ball and It was de e touchdown Then Oard kick eil ii gnai and Up score mood ' t. n hall was again kicked off 1 Dd was soon within two yards of Up In dlans' gonl HttO. when the hlc'. s, bonis fumbled nnd it was downt fi hj an Indian back of the line Thl "lis county a safety and two more was added to the BCOfe. Th Indians put up fl much hcttei game than was enpactod. Mootaalt gnd Redford did some good playing at right hall BHd quarter hack, and It was Israel) owing to their work fiat the Score STBS not larger In favor o' the high school, Whitman Team Training. Walla Walla. Nov 2.Y Special The Whitman football team is "true thing hard for the game Thurrdl v when the team from the fcgTtcultttfnl College at Pullman mill meet them on up Whitman gronndi The Whitman hoys, have not lost a tame so fur. hnv tin played th I iilraraRy of Waahttur ton up Unlveralt) ol Oregon and the I'nlversltv ot Idaho The cHrlag game nl Up series will be that with the tarniers and the misaionnrlc-i nie coulhlenl nl success ENGINE RAN AWAY. D -. O . .. EM ti n . a.... . . nnr, o. in o on Dfinre aioppinq on jn Up Grade. May ton. Wash . Nov. 2", Switch Manager Frank ffwranndoa hn an en gilie gel nwa oil tile w or it mi, , iii mis eii aniniay an, I li ran siv miles before it stopnei! ,.i its own accoiii When the train arrived it vas rnlnuig and alter the cits wen bed. I. d Mr Kertinnde took the glue up the track to his h. to knag from walking in the r.i' ,.i .siaiiuiiig Aiiei some time in wis horrified to bom It going off down tip m iv ni ,i iiiur: raie 01 silo '. a nni: here tor several miles tli. t. ii. a grade ot Bbonl two per cent and when ii i, ached ,i little up grille It stonn, ,l No illllliai'e resulted The Children's Friend. For coughs croup, bro-ichltls tn. Minute Cough Cure antes C II Coorg,- Winchester K little girl was attacked with ami so Hoarse she could hardlv ..! We gave her Jl dose of One' M .Hill. Cough Cure. If relieved her imr iedl tOly, Next morning she had no signs of croup " Tallman Co and Brock McComas grip talis "Our croii) i. Uegrco oi Pnsahontas. are reuueu t d tn in, bnoobI this areolae at Men Idrteas' Mall. Nomlaatluni for oft'.ea rs lake plae, which will be fiiilowc! by 1 a .social AN & 00. nl, Maiu titrmt. The houiliest mau in Pendleton as well as tbe handsomest, and others Bia invited to call on any druggist and get tree a trial bottle of Kemp's i tiaisaui ior ttie tnroat and lung, a remedy that m guaranteed to cum atiu joJJeve all chronic and acute - coughs. unthun nronciiitia aid con- laurupUom Price .5c and 60c. for faaJe by Tallman & Oo. sole agents Don't Have Cold Feet aoon from Meiu am: tonight on her renin Where sb. is employi Inery business. Kred Noli and William Lane have just returned from tbe Potts country, where the.v spent a day or tan places which they have taken up. Thev say it snowed quite hard there Saturdttv night Ocnrgc smith, who -vas miataaoa for a burglar bv Chart v RooOO Uuoa weeks ago and shot in the shoulder was out on the street Silurd'iy ior die lirst time since the shooting The wound is healing up nicely W. D. Burgess, of Omaha. Neb rep n - niitig King & manutaciui ers of shirts, pants and duck clothing,, is in Pendleton todav Mr If iirucsx Is one of the beat trap shots In the United Slates, and i member of tie Pendleton Bportamen Association Willie Fish, of Waitsburg Wasti stopped over last night in Pendleton. U. m an .. member ol th. thirty tifth infantry and served two years In the Philippine is.'e-iU returning about six mums oko. tie is now on his wav to JA'rtlaiui to spend several dn i log old friends. The Habit. Little drops of claret. Now and then, m firs'. Pom an awful habit And a dreadful thirst llosion Journal Modern Surgery Surpassed. While suffering from piles," nys U K Carter. Atlanta, Oa , "I got De Witt's Witch Maze) Salve nd wat- en tlrely cured." Cuts, burns, bruises uuickly cured lleware of count. ) felts Tallman Co. and Brock u Met 'omas. Souvenir China Well Lasted Last Well A ihot ig nad oi ruinad in tin- laating If well lasted tin will hobi thatr ghapti tit tin fool battel ami list Urogei than il that part ot the ni.ikinc is ciicaply or Inti- riedly done. The ggakern oi our $3.50 Ladies' Shoe pa mon mono) gad more attention to this particular features than the tiiajotit) of manufacturers. That's the reusiui we'll sell you "two puirs' of shot fl il we sell rfiu ou will come again. dip Peoples Warehouse PssUllUr. a enasasnan saaBsasismmgBjeBgatgBh HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS.. Props. The Best Hotel in p4M.dl.unt, and as good as anv. w have our own Souvenir lugt unpacke.! inpovtation ol China t'lnircli win, Migii boboa t ourt Housi TtE When you can prevent it by wearing a pair of our Vdr Wm I Warm Lined Shoes. sohn. a line assortment of Felt and Knitted Slippers in all colors (or ladies and children (elite Repair 9p im with uur store. -SESSIONS M8LD IN THK GARDEN CITY Were Devoted to Addri. nn . Reception Occurs Tonight. Wnlla Walla. Nov 86.-S The ninHeeath annual aession of the (Walla Walla Cimnty T.ech.ers' lastl tute convoned In this citv thio ...m,, tag, srtth a good reoiwaentatlon of aud a full corns of Innnu tors sad lecturers in at iei,,i , ,,, . ti... KathurliM will occupy tbe suaclous liai.l at Whltiuuu colleau ,i ..... aud daily aaaslona win i... i.i.. I mtt . .. " . Kin a rw. eption wt In w. heve tha Kplaaopel Ub .iiK'hiy, the BMinaal from i In finiiieiicf , the ou the Njuarc, OhWf Poo in his toajMQ ainis.ns-1, sun -ujiias iapMiM-" with Ignomnoa. IT IM)NT ('OKT ANY THING 'It) LOOK AT TH KM Oellv i. n, lured enly b Owl Tea House Fins? Tm mad Ctfam, Help or Situation Wanted. C. F. Cook's Employment Ageni y (Woes Main and Alt Htrt. rKivi.. noN . oBlteON Hcadqiurkrs for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 per day. Social ratrs b week or month. BxeeMeal .uisine. I.ver Hodcrn Convenience. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks Irom Depot. ST. JOE Another Free Gift Sale... W itli everv 1 1 p,..., B nun or overcoat nice lint or a L'ofid wiitrh t.,.. weivf u CHOK E, irj Twenty pei .i'Ihs I'tirs. un all neat, discount ou can t hen Our ""yieii Retnetnlior largest stock ol leet frnin gnd prices fuaranteei mega, and the lows, C0lltl! 0ur,t Please, LYONS MERCANTILE Prepare for Thanks giving '7' I ;: getting on of our new style dining room ma n " ..". wiii aiu iiiiimi, soikiiv made ud an ai i price lower than ever before forguou suwrio JubI look itt them, thev ar wm-tli it it ..... , evill 11 vai, i , , , ' i . i , , , I I.,. L. I . . - " i new hi 1 1 pin em,- include araae novemes. uoroe in anyhow and CHANCE on the 60. ot premium, ( jbrner Mn in and Webb Htreets, turn get , M. A. RADI n ,,,,',, ,,n, oi CDATICn Nc'of .Tl lllllll 1IIHIKS llll X V C"- w ctnim,, .ppncs Tlir tiesigns .a ... Cfirvie mu STATIONERY it I A T v., llll ". Ill .1 ,;lv i". 11 Ii mj r l.. itli ml 9Mm EW AVE BMEmm mm IM BmmMx MEW EW9E MEe MLM E m m in 'ii I link" . ,.n Mm l II Mrlrli.lMsl Xr ONE NIGHT ONLY Wednesday, Nov. 27th. A SPECIFIC FOR THE BLUES. rha Sterlin oini.'iliuii. Ill K Km bm an Harry lleresford r Hh WKIflfi: MK MfKlle I Ills. WWIIUIIU IIISIs IflllU Lots nl tun of t'n most banning kiml. J, J. Coleman, Mgg I'ropri. i.n ami Manojrer Prlggg Hg 60c, 7.V au.l B I. Uti. -mmI on sale st rruiw'iBei BUY THE Best Babbitt fled IN 10 POUND BARS. For line shafting and all bearings of machinery of the mill or factory it cannot be surpassed : : Made from Type Metal. A mT. mx Aftm. mftx tttktt A. cast Uregonian Uttice, Pendleton, w f the (July I'lacu you can ,u A Lunch In ivmiici,,.. - vi.Msvnvis Impacted Swiss and Limberer Cheese.. .. Imported il u u b 1 e Stout Porter, SchhU Atlas beer The Urging inl.iriis VVN-- esnt. a Or.Voniao week. by Carrier l.ll,M ... . .... . ,,,,vju mwun. u,l ... .... .. - !?7 THE WAZEPPA osljr U?, rlgll M. clir( nf.alc uaoa The Cast Urtuunun i. ' - n mm mmw HMi w ur. . repreenwtivw pear. It leU, -iiu mc peopio appreciate it and show toy thlr pat oiiaa. it Is the aoweiUemu meJIunt ef tlila aaottoo. I i .1 E,tl iff . us- n heauestar k SmOtW' 81 Main''1 av an i BasTl 1 n Ull hX l LatOSMl'i ' LtA gggggK