East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 23, 1901, Image 1

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S m''" rn.tiU''"""TPP'- I
'"if ,.!,.. 1 lia ht rein ;
"? preeaMy fair.
NO. 489
ajrBfrl dirt aad Jnhnwn RMfej
)'nll'tnn. nrofon,
M p. Kelly. Proprietor.
jflS fBBBB.
Bt flaw IH5' KcflBaflllSflflHHHHHB
Anerlritii Plan, rata, ll.il to 00 a day
taropeatr plan, ttc. We. '
ptrin. rale, by week or month
Bui fleet all train.
Commercial Trade Solicited
f-'lne Sample Konmi
. C T.. .1
Colder Weathpr ALLS F0R nbavbr and
TTauicr warmer CLOTtHNQ
In answer o thin ..ea.wouat.le ll Willi we ..Her I hi- week
All Cloaks and Jackets in Stock
at 15 per cent, off Regular Price.
hikI our stock of Cloaks and Jackets In worth your lllBBIQIImi
Also we are .showing; for Ladies and Children
Heavy Dress Goods, Underwear, Hosiery,
Gloves, Mittens Shoes of seasonable w. iglit.
In our Clothing Department
WV have H rnttnv attractive things" that jrov will en
joy looking them over. iSee some of those handsome
AftOOt tics, latest importations from the east.
And don't forget that we are the principal lUp
pliers of groceries in this county.
Thone No. 78.
The Alexander Department Store
The Boston Store.
79 Ladies Jackets $5 143 Ladies Jackets $3
The regular value of thin liue
run From $.oti to $15.00
The regular value of this lino
range from $;.(hi to $12.00
34 Plush Capes at
43 Clotn Capes at
12 Price.
1 DtliOi 00 " childrens jackets val
"L I ICC ued from 7Mc to $8.50.
Do not delay purchasing as these values cannot be
duplicated by us or others.
The big busy Store
Mr Conitcr. l'nltc .State tnlator
nt ivkln ha protested aralrFt con
ccaatnn which the Canton Viceroy has
granted to a French company t t ?t
electric railway from OBPttW in vVu
it t report 4 tha the C okimUan
government hat aridreaecd a commit
nlcatlon to the I'nited State conanl
Keneral. sotting forth that It cannot
guarantee protivtlon for isthmian
According to Wall street reports, he
ItoTSd to he baaed on (food authority,
certain change. In the Northern Pn
clflc directorate are to he made In
uw of the agitation In Minnesota
against the Joint operation of the
Northern Pacific anil (Treat Northern
At Hoston much interest is felt in
the movement for the consolidation of
M Vl ml Hoston National hanks to take
effect ahout January 1 It is no longer
secret that promoters are active In
trying to s cure options on stoik. and
It Is stated that fh committees'
plan involves ten hanks
Pranctaro Camha. president of the
Cuban commission, sent by merchants
huslness men nnd agricultural aasocl
ations of Cuba to the Pnlfed States
with petitions lor the Improvement of
relations between the two countries
says that M per cent, of the hnsimss
people and property ow ncrs of Cutui
invor annexation
Artl.ui Lynch, who has hcen elei ted
to Knglish parliament from (ialway
I . ! the so i nih il Irish contingent
againsl the British Hag In South Afrl
ca To Kngllshinen it semes lnpoMl
hie that he should attempt to I 08M to
Knisland to take his seat He Is a
handsome young Irishman. Impulsive,
eniotlonal ami sentimental.
Horace Q Hurt president nt the
I ti ton Pacific- J, K Krtttschnltt . vice
president ot th Southern Pacific; A.
L Mohlet pt.'slderit of th" Oregon
Uitilroad ft Navigation company, and
S M. Peltoti president of the Chicago
Alt Alton railroad attended meetings
of their PSSpBt ti. hoanls of directors
In New Voit, OM compaiiv tna he
lot mod to control tltent.
Fmr hKur. ,1 crepe paper, full
10 root lolls 22C.
I . I h. . i . i . i
s wim
iMMr'l sample lint ol km M
1 J5 and 41 k CROICfl at vsc
"JoJc wood 1 red and mil I
"Vie,, cboiea .'sc.
, 1 f simple nue turn
n. w. .1 1 1 . 1
-in unique, sieiittt
1 Miiufi ui auoiu -15
cnt to you on tins lot.
-Ill" i ,,ie tin., in.., I j I lion c
iiniiio, new biiujeeis
$3-0e Reserve your favor
o for ChriatmM.
(itir I hanksKivinK I able
deserves the l)t tal'leware oii
tan attord WbtR yOU look over
Our m w stock you will lc sur
prited 10 sec the really bMUtiful
win we are selling at sticlt n-
narkably low prices The rjisMH
set w sell at fiyof) will adorn
any table It's the best value
ri er ' illored.
Catsup in hulk, 35 per juart,
R. 'eal Sons have decided to re
tain their miinulacttiring Interests and
will locate their new chair factory In
An Kttglish jradloata is negotiating
tor the pun hase in one ileal, of the
lied lloj K A. K ami the NtrTth Po .
MM s consideration f,0M,tM
William Sally, a rancher of Kxpress
was arrested liv lieputy Sheriff Fleet
uood on a complaint drawn hy His
trlet Attorney Sam White charging
the then of cattle.
Ily order of the Multnomah county
court, a reward ol $r.n" is made for
apprehension ami conviction of the
person or persons guilty ol the mtir
del of James Morrow
The Clatsop lumher mills, at Itat
nler. Or., have in en soM to a new
outputi formeil hy W I Iteed. a we'!
known Calltorma lumhet man. am'
Oatdner 1 . Wilder of Honolulu
At Milton. Ot the uaiiviiig iiidiMt .
lias I -col veil a great llllpetlts ! al '
hy Hie re'enl estahllshtlient Of J
cteatl.il hy the HuelwiMMid eOUIM
II) which operates extenaively in 8K
inn ami Portluml
At (iold Hill ten tons of ore were
milled at Mouek! mill fiom the inn
Nye mine, on (iall Ctees, ihtee miles
rit 1 f (Sold Hill Tin 1 h an up show
ed a net yield ot over I'JOOII. or rattier
mote 1 hau M0 per ton of t. 1 crush
li Kdwiu A. Knight a well know 11
and Inglil) respected i lti.en of Uraut
count), ilteil ul his home lu John Hay.
Krida) Noveuiher He l'l aged .'lh
yean Ml Knight us stricken down
with typhoid fever alsilll three weeka
Although there was hut $lf),ttO0 as
pi opt luted, a less sum than any other
t.iti thai preteinleii to make a favor
utile shotting thlu slate secured a
much Of moil 1 . ugnit lull than ally
OtlMN westetu state at Muffalo, uuyu
the Cupltul News
Kiehanl Si oil W W Cotton and
Hairy ami Food Commlssloni 1 J W
llailev ooMtllltl a ooaUaltiM ap
DOlDtlfl ! the Peftlaad Hoard of
Tiude for ') purpose ot looking Into
tile prospects tot the estuldisllUieul of
u coudtiuaed milk factor in that elty
Let lac HOLD Ut si twins du uur aura."
. s i complete, kin DOaVi
do"s. Idin v llrsuMl ,lnlls.
ieioted dolls, etc.
" 1 lie Crisis" C.nnliian .
ifviuwn etc , 11 su DuuKs
1 mut l. jy.
"P and Perlumaa
Stvles in nerfonies.
1111. - . . v . , . . f r . ,1 ' I . r '
'0er stvlec 1,. ; , -iv nei
I. -
lu -4c immense line toilet
'stue, cocoa. e!derleri,
rose, white almond, etc.
1 line banquet and vase
leading and sewing lamps
(ito l;.mseit line line
0 nd i.erman china, vases
ty Ladies Home lourual
The largest stock in the city. If you want a carpel call and see 11
line. We will give you estimates sewed and laid.
A Mammoth stock of Furniture.
Next door to Postoffice.
I have a full Hue of the celebrated
Wood and coal stoves guaranteed to
be absolutely air tight. None of the
heat is wasted and the stoves will
save ONE HALF of your fuel bill.
1 also have a (ul! line of cast cook stoves and steel range
Prices are the lowest, ijuality considered.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
741 Main alroei, Pendleton, Oregon.
btll UK C4rtt Ul UV Witt th lU4'
HouMourk it hu ii. it.out Cold Dut
$IIS,00rara PraMrlplleo
The lafOMl sum cvtr ptlt lot picrijou
cbaageit tt.ud. lu SuU Kl.Ui IMO. All SI, IXII
I hv ir.u.lci iavuUttd ru iciUkiid nock II t
'jUU.uusuiI psld by purty ul biuiou. men
lor . oclfl; lu Bright'! DiaMM n.'l initiate.
billiru lie ur.nlr lllwuui
Thvf coiuuicn' 1 tbe MrluiM tuvekogsllua of
tb spscittc Nor. I . IMW Tbujr lutk viewed
dwiT'ii tb .e '1 sud tried 11 oil ou lu n.er
IK by ulllu over lUree doteu mw ou Ibe
Irastuisu1 aud wan 111 uf them I hi. also got
pbjsiviaui 10 ud tanralt. aawshlt .
.ml sdmiiiimered It tin, tbe pbyslciaD. loi
judge,.. Up to Aug J6, eiabty ssvuu pur cant
ol the la. I run wire ellhur well ac progre.
lug favorably.
Thar being but ibirtaeu per , eru ol lailure..
ibe partle. were aatlatlud ami i'IomiI lha Iran.
Otlou. I he prooeudtug. ol tbe liiveatigatlug
oouiuiiltue aud Iba cllutcal reparu ol tbe taat
eae. were publlkbad aud will be untiled tree
ou applloallau. Addrea Juas J Ki Lros Uoa
at, ai MaOJaSMatyf Bl . aa Fiauuikeu, Cai-
Old Eli's Blue and the Cam
bridge Crimson
Bflllnc Fiforfd New Hi'n HH) 10 t.,V
tutu ol Hirtiru Wt.t AIIowmI
to Piajf tmkk
Harvard tcored 22 againot Vle i 0.
in the- game today at Boston.
Hoston Nov L';t A ureal ilnv for
lootimii anthtMlMta opoaod today. A
thmittnlnf iiKht laow Ml terlu the
mornlna. Talc ami lUrvnui vntkosl-
lists lieumi to arrive early It in Matl
natfH ttmt twelve thoitHnml poopU ar
livrd on tin morning tmins Mont of
tin hitting thlx morning was at IM to
an on Y.ile K.nly iiiotning ene. on
tin streets Were re M I K II Me loi llhso
lute 111. I. ol ! tin Hint rn t Ion
CUttS, Hat tarda liig rlaltt tacHe
was allow cil to alajt, tit- charge of
iirofesstoiiiiiism not til ing KtiKtainet
Win n tin teams came on the field, the
aportatori went wild wiili enthimlaa'
HiiiMiril win the tout. Olcott. for
Yale. Irlrkt4 off at ;M a'rterk, imi
ii few nlantM later Yllle tried a KOl!
trod the field, lint failed After ftf
' ' ii RtlBUtM of tierce plnv llurv r,
secured a touchdown ami kicked a
Mlagili ti soon aeorod a tonchdow n In
;i tandem ilav ami ('tills kicked a
The riiaaaoa llay minnlseit ihelr
aupportctn lint there was M UllTl
lllg their leellngH w lien ft few nil l
liti s aft. i play was resumed Hat
vard made another touchdown ay I
Outta aaraln kicked n roal. making: fli
s.ore Harvard 1?: Yale, n
Two otn Inlown in ranld atieceg
slon seem .I to i . ie i . i a I i . Yale, anil
iiefote they knew It Harvard had
suited again kicking a goal from the
M yard llni.
This iiade the score at the end of
tin first half Yale Harvard "
Bcnw iietw. en he halves were In
daarrlbabla Harvard fol'.iwers ae.ed
like mailmen The YbL liny hov
Mi were ,ind:itliil.. nnd cheered a
the)) left the field A conference of
Yllle coaches llllinel'nt.lv we Chllcd
OaptaJa OoaM eaiied 'its aqm i toffoih,
er and gave them a cintaln lecture
Tin HlM MP In the second half was
the same as In Hie nrt Harvard
again started off like whirl vlnd and
before Yah' could catch lt breath
another cilmson nlaver ttal eeii
pnahaf over the line for a towMf wn.
'nits latle.l to kjal K,,a i.,. Brnr
was to n when the am ndd.
'Imago Nov The I'nlveralty
of Minnesota and NBftkWMtPR ITnl
Vtrall met on a rain soak. mI field thl
aftonMXM Many i nthns'as'" frtm
Mlnnesiitii coemiian'ed rh go her
i 14 n i to Mil city.
Sold Copy of the Report to a Naw
Vork Ntwapapar
Washington. Nov It i learned
thai en employe ot Hie Isthmian canal
iijiiiiiilHulon haa lieen suminuillv dla
Charge lot i iff ring to Me iii udvaucti
u cop) ill the comiulaalou'u teport to
M Hut in ot the I'anama Canal OotTJ
panv Hlltia Informed Admiral Walk
M i liali'li i a 1 1 ol tin i i , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h n I i n . mid
the i i. i i- Inataatly w:t iitsi iruiged
The i Ion then aold It to a Nt w York
aa wapapau for fnon
May Have Pnaomonia at Hia Horn in
Princaton, N. J.
I'i. in ton. N J Nov 211 K I'rea
Mi III I. low 1 Cleveland Is taken ill
with a aevirc cold which ha threat
11. , 1 to develop inii, pueiiiiuiiila He
1- 1. p.. in . I slightly improved thl
raoralai His phyahlan admit hi
listitiguihlied patient still H hahle to
sur.-i a seitiack that luiaht prove
Oimmick Again tantancad.
Sun Kiaiicluio. Nov , Waller N
I iiliiliilck ev 1 hid clerk of Hie inlm,
was lodu.v keiileiiced hy Hie ledeiu
(HMirt to two year Impriaouuieut In
" tab iicniientiarv and to pay Hue
BfCratfatlaVJ 1731. for selling rufuae
mattui froM the mint, and falling to
: taaJ tht money reculvad. al th.
lime uml plan ape Itleil hy kw He
ba in iVkNiaJa baM aentenced to two
(tart i n ulinllai offenaea He haa atlll
ti the muiii charge of
sidling f ;io 000.
Paaca at Nortonvllla.
Norton villa Kan., Nov. 'iZ Thare
will la no baltll hetw.i-n Tvipi and
r, a Bipod huie Unuer ad
of attorneys, tbe miner will
lay down arm when the trnsw nie.
mill allow I vet to taken
Mormon leaue in Salt Lake.
Sail laike Nov ail.- Mayor Tbomp
son hu: ushe.l the 1 eblguatlou of Chief
tal Police HUtOMi In au effoi t to
.nove all Mormon from tbe police
toroa It may he foUKlit in the c,urta
Inah Election Hiota
tialwav Ireland Nov. 23. Hlotinu
incident lo tin rei ent election enn
tinned Uato) Muny injuted are In tbe
Reported by h L. Ray A Ce., Pedle
ton. Chicago Board of Trade and
New York htoek taehartge Brokere
New ork. Nov. 28.-The wheat
market wna firm tialay. but there win
n,.l BtUCri change In price UVafBOOt
tloaed . higher, R-k. New York
opened al 11, and after -.elllna up to
si',, chmeil nt XI h Chicago opened
v . Uld . loaed at 7 The ettrt
thlpaenU for the week were n.WHl.OtW
tmaheli rompafgd with l,M0,tfl for
the same week laat year
Cloae Msterday. SIV
Open today. HIS
Hange today HimfflS.
CVsae today St4.
Utiaar 1?S
Steel 4JV
St I'aul 169 V
I nlon Pacific. W4V
Of Roumnni to Grand Duke of Heaee
to Fight a Duel.
VP una Son 2.1 Local ni'Wapapet I
ag) tin i row n prince ot Itoinnania has
rhatlinied lha Oram Dtiha of Heaae
to IH lit it duel In connection with the
divorce proceedings of the latter
against hi wife, who la the crown
prince s slater.
Little Girl Wlna Big Prlae.
Paris Nov H A little alrl hk'-'I
II tin 'laughtci ol n i i tistom
bouae portei "t OaaatH has won the
principle prlae In a lottery at Hale un
del pet ulliii Irctimstances A aijort
time ago she met a lady who anked
tin little glil to perform an errand for
hi ind pretteiitcd her with a franc
tot hel seniles The little girt with
out mentioning it to her parent
Ixttllhl ii loll' n th ki t in the Indus
trial evposltlon at Hale Six month
afterward! the drawlto tiaik place,
ami It was found that the little ailrl
Iniil won tin tlrHl prize a sum or
iiiio The ghl iiroinolU i hhIiciI the
chei l, ami presented the entire sum
tn net iistoulslieil parent
The lllinoia Taa Caae.
prlBfield III . Nov 23. The writ
ul mandgHW against the state hoard
( guallagtlon oompalllBi it to assess
the capital stock of twenty-one Chi
cago corporation which have hereto
fine nut hggg taxed is returnable to
dgj In the Sangamon circuit court
This Is the caae in which the Chicago
Teachers' Kederation secured auch a
signal victory in their fight to have
the i. iy Chicago corporations pay a
Just assessment on their proMrty.
The principal coriratlon affected
in. Ho street rnllwav and Itglitlng
i ompanle
Croiier to Succeed Buffkngton.
Washlugloii Nov 2S. General
'i I bed It iiutriugton chief of ord
nance ot th, t'nltcd Sinter, army, waa
retired front active aareloa today.
bavlag reached the age limit Cap
tain William Crolei is announced aa
his successor Captain Cror.ler la an
oMIcet of high scientific attainment
and It l for that reaaon It la under
stood thai he la Jumped over the
heads ol halt a hundred colonel lieu
tenant colonel and major to the po
sit ton ol head of the ordnance depart
Staal Truat'a Coal Interaata.
Pittaburg. Fa . Nov. 31.- There are
iiimisiakahle signs that the United
Sim. sieei corporation i going into
tin uml huslness here us elsewllei,
Pn liHtut loiis are well under way for
Hi' .lev elopuielil ,,t coal lllllU B aillt
options owned hy OBOStltBOBl MNBpS
ntes it is hallo vcJ k II Oray will
he In charge or the entire coal pi oil
lem im lu.ling the Virginia develop
Thrown Into Priaon.
Cataca Yenexuela. Nov 21 Ita
inoii 'in ir the mlnllei of war haa
lie, i llllowil inlo i,i n,,, I, on III,, or
dei ot President Caetro ac, used of
conspiring in overthrow the u lmlii
IsliHiiou Muny friends of It ienu
haw lieen aunrehendeil hi,,,
(lailllo u lieen ailtiolllled 111., war
mlnlater Inatead of the gnrnaad
Corbett Will Fight Hard.
Hartford. Conn . Nov S3. Young
t'orheit now I In traiulna fM hi
ngin win MaOovari H is in lag
OB lltlOB l"i the mill now within on.
pound ,.l il, re, ,r, ued rlngaldt Weight
Ii!' ,. ,,,, lurea he will maki a hhi
of It
Preeident Emulatea Cleveland.
WashiiiKton Nov .i Preaninl
11 M 'I'llelly left Waahlnalou im
ti nlii on tin governnienl yacht Hylpb
for a duck huntlna crulae on the Ho
toinae hi family accompanied him
He will return Monday
To Prevent BicomiflQDicited
Priest Attending Miss.
Asks ii lijuiciioo Agiliu JtrtaUtl CftwUy
PrtqiMgilDK Holy Name CalMrtl
T( Br Hatrtj Oar i
" urn' Not 13 Araumenta M
an application "f the Human Catho" I
in., em ,,i Chicago for an Injunction
reatralalni leremlsh cmwiey, the 0
comtnunlraterl priest imm atteodlva
it H, il Sam, Cathedral, began
tab morning Final hearing waa aet
lot I Weather 1 Crowley gave a ver
bal promise to tin 1 ourt thaf he woull
not attempt tn attend man In the Chi
cage dioceae pending settlement of
the case
Thaf He Harraaaad by Too Mnf
I'oaataatlaoplr Nov. 2:1 The porte
has Sddreaaad note t" tJM powera
OMSplSlttlM t hail their continual In
terferenci la Tut stsh international af
fairs baa unstrained the nultan'e an
thortt) and rendered it impoaaible for
bint la in rj Mil refoi un stipulated in
tin Berlin treat) The porta dasiSBda
Hint Un poWeri 1 ease till Ititerfer
cm and NStM Hull the sultan will
thin Introdufl the reform nuiulred
Captain Perry Cabled That the Tralna
Were Running.
Washington Nov M Captain Per
11 ,,i tl.e bSlUaShlp l"(a. cabled the
navj aepartaesl frota Panama this
ino lliillg the lollowllig "The altUB
Hun is IB let and atlfa tory to ua.
Ml tialns are running
Sal of Capital Traction Llnea.
Waabkagtos, D 0 Nov 2s - Thia
was tit' date Net fot the forecloeure
sah ul th' iirnpei lies of the Wash
ington Iractlnn and Kb. trie Com
pant hid i now in the handa of a
receive! The sale iBOhasgg all Ibe
bb ssa "i lha vartotta atr.s- t
railway rd the Dtatrlcl of Colombia
ami Man land and all the aertiritlea
ol th . two tlaetrtf light . .uupanlea of
the dmtrlit owned the Waahing
ton TrsettoS compSS) It waa ei-
,.!.. 1 Ural the propertle would he
bid in bf the reorganlfatlon commit
tee and BM "inipanv formed to In
tlttde ull thi- atreet rallwaya of the
DlatrlH "t t'olumhla. BtH not the
el, , ti ti lighting concern
Th Fournlar Race.
Cincinnati Nov M The race
1H, , , ,,, Ben Ihla afternoon undi-t ttie
BUBpl ' "" Cincinnati Automo-
1,11, Rluh lha aKBl notable af
tun ,t n irsd that has ever taken
plu. e 111 Ihla part "f the country The
stai . will SB the program waa a
nil. . n ""I' ' V' lll I--tween 0 0 f
et ot liultanaiiolls and Hifirl rmir
ih well known French chanf
f, .m Mi Fishei Itaed a mammoth
Wit BWtOf while Founiler uaed
hu Mort atsel Ibaaa two stsgBUM
reureaentlai lha highest tvpea of
A,,,., 1 BSd French manufacture)
Burlington' Faat Tralna.
DOBVOI OStt Nov IS When the
liuiliiigton change lme tomorrow
lb, , hi .I'll' will provide rot a flyer
Pel we. .1 DeSVet and Ht LaMtB, j
,., ,,, thl 1 MaSlBSf tfe"1
put on that ' ,,,r ,n
ih,.. bouri leat lime than any other
,,,,w if' pie' t'l achedule
bung IS Bonn The 1'lan I to en
pgsseng.i. to N. w York In Hh hour.
Bntith Captain Killed
(MI Town Nov 2S A llrltleh
,, iiadef CnptSiS KHlott re-ently
g, ,a, s.il aid routed a Hoer MStr
mamlh In lb McClasr territory o
or .1 ' Thi y h?
x Iliad and wouaded The
nrii h raBUSlltlaa were Captaiu k
. . m. wound, il
I Hot I. UP u ami " -
Canadian Offer Troop.
Loudon. Nov 33. The government
hub accepted the new offer of 600
mounted Cauadlaua for aervlce lo
South Africa.
Hiirnham Ct lebiutcd l lam Bouillon,
lor busy men, lor ilyapapaia, lor sick
room, lor the aged, for children, lor weak
storuach, foi the table. A 35-cent bottle
will make two uarta when diluted with
hot water. Served on the side and at
uli moon and evening; entertainments and
rat eotiona, hot
36c Bottle
or you can get Clam Bouillon, Beat Teg,
Vigoral or Hot C hocolate at our fountain
at 5 cents