East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 22, 1901, Image 4

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OotttBUmjing Thursday, Nov. -'1st.
W will aell all of mil
Boots and Shoes
tit, a great reduction. Wu mn -i re
duce our stock and in order to ac
compUnh thin price will In-
Cut and Slashed
Nothing will
MNtpj the Queei
which arc contract :: tods
chance of a lifetime to gel the
goodi in the market for li
they arc worth,
sizes an- broken
Terms Spot Cash.
The Boot and
Ju. A. Howard. Farm loans.
Mendley & Howard. Ore lnaurun
Domestic and Davla sewing ma
.nines at Wltbee's
Oct a chance on the $50 premium at
hader'n Furniture atorc.
OllvvH and dill pickles ami Bailor
kraut in bulk, at Hawley'a.
Hetaasa' liulk muatard. the flnem i
the market, at Demon's
Ulg lot of tin. mountain .e for
making kraut, at Dematt'a.
Prepared mince meat, ready i i
family uae. Try It. DeniottV
Apple butter and sweet appi eld
tineat quality, at O. R Den. ..it's.
Fur garments ai reduced prices .it
Cleaver Hros. Dry Uoods Cash Si r
Special prices on furs at OlM
liros.s' Dry Ooods Company's Cash
It Is the talk of the town bow qui )
)y r. 8. Younger it Son s deliver Mn Ir
Call at Hawley'a and leave roui
orders for a Thanksgiving turkey tst
and nice.
It. Martin's bakery department ..
be beat. 1-eave your order for Thai
giving cake.
E. T. Wade has a residence pri."
in Pendleton for aale. Thla Is a spec
tal bargain; see blm.
For the latest style and Ion.
prices In fur goods, see Clever Bro
Dry (ioods Company's Cash Hon
turkevs are going to be v. i.
vim 'had better eli:i-
you il
now. at the "Htaudard
phone .Main '"
Candy Dutton has received a blip
ment of Newtons' chewing gum
With every 6 cent package you gel
bonce for a nice watch.
vd at the ' 8taml.ii'.
Grocery" some choice New
buckwheat flour, corn meal.
Kugland bulk maple syrup and
Our Story Books
We keep our book in the gallery in
our stole, Mid dSgtfS ma. gJTpgtl
bs si liberty to SOM SLTf
tune iii looking at Uie hundred of
volume we keep in stock.
our stock ha- just
by the following titles, listed avcortl
mg to their popularity:
lb. Crisis
D'ri ami 1
The Kternal City
Hlglit of Way
Helmet of Navarre
The Puppet Crown
Dike Another Helen
Tristan of in. hi
Truth Dexter
Koen Holdeli
Hall i
Qilbart Hark.
lc( iraii.
Met 'all
Uaeh. li' i
M. l.ouglilin and Old Oregou Bva Dy
Ah is of Old Vtneennes Thompson
. v
Drugging, .Main Bl reel
Don't Have Cold Feet
When you can prevent it by wearing a pair of our
Warm Lined Shoes. j
We also have a hue assortment ol Felt and Knittad Slippers
in all colors (or ladies and children
646 Main St. The Pendleton Shoe Oo.
Au up to date He pair Abop bs conaectton wltb our store.
l all early
Shoe len.
Core, styles ami prb en at Under'
Furniture store
Rous i.H rent, inquire si i
g baron si Basler's,
suit Hah oi all Kinds just received
a f s Younger a son's.
Hois. - .ii i'asoiiiibe rut v al S,"n
id'-'s buiu. opposite city
Winn is tin best place to buy fur
niture? At Rader's, of course,
win .it oay delivered, Leave orders
it Oregon F.eii Yard. Peter West.
ijuicl. delivery ami clean sroevrii-s
e wii. i. I ' S 'i .'.nik'.-i A Son. .-In.;.
Dressed poultry of all kinds at F. S.
Younger k Son's Nicest In the city
earing Children's alotbini We am'
up. Mrs A.la Ross, BIO .lane sir I
For rent two turnished housekeep
lag rooms laqaira at 111 Thorn psoi
stl e
Tbe Slieiierinun resldem Webb ami
Johnson streets, is tor rent. Apply at
A great big barrel oi ires!i sum I
kruut. Just received at F. S. Kuungei
Sc Son s
Kiupioy mem wanted iy con patent
hous. Ueepel ami eonl, Inquire
QgfSMMl street.
V inUabed rooau lor housekeeping,
at the OanptOB Whiff Hons. no
South Main street
i 'on t fornet not soda today! All the
regular In cent .Irlnks. now ." cents
ut Koepgon'S drug store.
Japanese wants position as ooog
ami general housework, dish wasin-i
in privuii lainlly or hotel. P ). box
W. only ask a trial of The Palm
ChOCOlatei We know you will i
no others (hen. Sold or.ly at loei,t .
Hros. ill u- sior.
Will have tin in-1 st tui ,- on tin
market, all stall led fowls, Oall Mid
xci me ami leave your unlet for a
M bird, it Martin.
Mrs A II Nobles ilr.'SiHIUKlny es
abllsbuient will be run SJ usual dm
lag tin sbsenoe m lbs proprietor ton
pom II) in California.
Everything the market Affords r
your thauksgiving dinner, . rani . rrii -swiH't
potatoes, plum )UdilliiK and
fruit cakes. It Martin
li you ar- in a hurry lor y.mr gro
OOllOO. order ot F. S Younger K Sons
who will deliver purchases within 1&
minutes When you see it i., theii
ad it is so.
Rogsesibei that I buy groceriet In
car lots in ordei in nav freights
utile in ami Ma me will inks vou
pjrioat BgOggOl than any house in
easlein Oregon It ItartlB
I in- homliest man in Pendleton as
well as the handsomest, and others
are invited to call on any druggist
am! ei free a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balsam for the throat ami bugs, a
lemedy that is guarante-.d to cure
and relieve all chronic and acute
COUgka, asthma, bronchitis ami 000
KUmption. Price 25c and 50c. For
sale by Tallmau A Co. sole agents
Thank You.
ii i: Demoti iii tbani, you ini
your I iiaiik.sgiviiig orders ami you
Will think he deserve.- IbgOKI tOf tilt
line of goods In eau give you lor
Thanksgiving, lie will bs right in liu
on i ai keys, ducks, chickens ami gees,
dressed OT aim- You should ba
your oiib r.- early II you want veg
tables (i K. Demott will Ii. Mm in
If you want mime meal, best quality
you -In. hI'I go lo Demon s In lad. it
you want to have a big dinner Thanks
giving, you can get just what you
want at Demon s It jKMl can't In
will telephone Portland ami get it lor
An Old Umatill.T County Resident and
East Oregonian Correspondent.
3ends One of His Periodical
Santa Ana. Cal., Nov. II. To the
riltor Todaj is one long to ba n
numbered in the htttor) n Orange
county, Orange was cut off Iron Uos
Angeles county and was organised
annul Dftenn vaara ago. bul not until
a nonth ago has it owned lis own
conri house. Rlghtann months ago
woil, was begun on the new stru. lure.
bui owing to tin naaj dlBenttlas en
i ounterad by tbe t out factors, such as
hipping the sandstone for the main
body "i the building from Flagstaff,
Ariona. the granite for the basemen!
ami water table Horn the l.eniecnla
river In RtvenldS COOnt) ami tin Stat '
structural worh and stairways from
in. ini east, the work oi completing
ail tbe finishing touches was delayed
several months,
on assuming permanent occupants)
tbt County ofllcers. assisted by tin
business nu n of Santa Ana. prepare.'
a banquet, to which every man wi
man and child In orange county srai
invited to attend and partake, Asldq
From the opportunity t show thsli
patriotism and pride in this, the lineal
Interior county court house in the
ItatC there SaS I ran I bailee to foeo
at the public eiib. and about SOflO of
tile best CtUSenS ot the iillllltv t)
seii included atalled themselves snd
t.r co pious I) Oas odd feattire i the
bahqual was. that while the Rants
Ai n townspeople supplied ihe gini.
and attended the guests they wrr
got allow ii to sat, at least until ni'
tile COtttttr) people Were tlllly SS IS
The court house Is a BUVttlflcenl
Up in dati Itl ItCtUrOi and eost about
1100,000, ll Is ItJtlll f."'! With II
foot basement, and two stir 'es of IB
and i" feet, siirnwunted by cup It
ami bell tower which pierces t't
(loud, ai 188 fett atevatlon. Tho
stone wns brought here from Ariona
in hugs I locks ami was tie sawed ti
the required sie ami tha1 by mt
chlnery cspeclnlly nuule to Ihe occa
ston. in hoisting tb mnterisl in the
uppei portion or the building. Pie
contractors adopted an ItinovaUot., m
least, it was new to tac iMtcnd o'
the old methot of blocl a d is ;.ie
the built an Incline driveway, art
ih" teami hauled th it km l tl ws mm
right up to where the material ji
I Wll Velll's ago tile people VOlld Oil
the proposition of bondlns Ihe county
for $100,000 twenty-year , bonds, ami
it carried by an overwhelming major
It y. The bonds were sold for li pre
mium ol It bids were submitted,
contracts awarded, (he bulldlni com
pleted dedicated ami occupied, all
inside ol twenlvftnir mouths That
part hi the program in which I take
pet nil pride, is tin lie : that I secured
.i station a' Hie head ol tie table at
tb" banquet and the numerous dishes
ot baked beans an.i hag) sandwiches
thai failed to get by me did ampb
Ctvdil it. an e buii' hgrus-.
Wt iiav. atraudj had two good
ratal enough to start plowing, ami
a:- a result men teams are iii
goon demand. I list season's crop was
fairly OOd, much better than for MV
eral yean past ami with the present
sari) pros pacts for suflclency of
moist hp there will not he an acre of
available laud that will be bib . The
, alar) i rop Is moving m the rate of
twelv to fifteen carloads a day l
ti mates place the crop ol ISM car
loads which is ghOUl I"" cars in S9
BOH "l last year's i rop The present
stop 1 sptlonally Bm quallt)
Bd tin- growers :ire getting I gool
price. The bean crop of Ofggsjs eous
" , nt- no small figure in the general
returns Ogs man sm i beted t.ti
worth id beans from llfl SCrsS, an
average ol 140 an acre,
Un4 which I could have bought
over in 'In iat land eonnt'v. thro.
yean ago tof tt an acre, now- rents
for $'-'" S fSai Tins remarkable In
crease in value has been brought
about bj B eoinnli I, ami s- matlc
plan Of drainage. In former yean
it was thought theat pel.- lands lny
too m a' tlie octal, level to admit of
Irnlnage but careful survtys demon
it rated that Kufflclent fall agisted to
lertnll the eM'CS. Wtttel' to lit ciriled
out (. tl'.i sen
Tin 00 1) real 'living Christ ' has lo
it' il .it sant n Ana ami li'tue now
' i forward tn. m. n.'s win bs found
bo ins spuds, palling kine or what
V i odd lobs tbev can turn then -i il
to ami tlndr shingles will doubtless
nlngk with tbt kindling nils "Bisbon
Bchrader." ss he stytas hlsiself, in-
i .nl of traveling around the eouatr)
on the hurricane tleck ol a we.-ith. r
beaten donkey, goes ggllovantlng
an -1 1 1 1 1 1 on 'i modern "hike."
The Convention Opens at 8:30 in the
Prompt I) ai liSO the ohl Maids
i ouventluii opens tonight ai tin Kia
i ami tin entertainment really
promises in In in. -i class, from the
standpoint ol smaleura, The prices
irt cants (or aii seats on lbs Im
Door, ami 18 cents for the gallery
Hverything is full) prepared ami 'he
program win probably go through
without a hitch.
"King of tne Opium Ring."
ihe King of the Opium King,'' a
piece ol winch tlie plot is laid in San
Praueisoo la lbs Ohlnaas gaarter,
was produced at he Kramer on ThUTB
tlay alght, The scenery was lirst class
sad perfecl) represeated saix rran
Cisco's Chinatown In the second act
tin quean Ol tbS opium ring" ami Ah
sing the highbinder, ami a rer) si
i, , iiv. bit of acting
Cooper, of the Palgoe lodging
lias tygbold lever.
Has dor and Dr. w Q Cols i
this morning Iroin I' .rt 'and.
I. li.
till lied
Joseph ami Hear) Alien
as in I'endletoii esleiil iv
Mat Alougrove win
regiai red a
-Milton, .'ast
in i' I St. lieorg' nun,
.Mrs. Iliggis Del'e ttl, or Atlienu.
wah viaiting friends in th 'il a few
days thla weei,
Henry ''ressey, former!) of the In in
of Prossey ft llinkle, of this city lias
NUgmed aftei an ghganon ol Iftaen
years He expects to remain here
Deput) Sheriff C. I. Davis, v ho has
i , ii coiihued at his home 'he pu"t
two weeks with sciatic .in nmatl' in.
letl this Reoratag for Hoi laike in the
Popes id getting i . li- I
Mia. Clu, Himiwon uml children
b it this morning 10 visit n few days
with relatives al Hood River, beore
bjoIur to her future home in Portland
Mr. BlmpSOn will leave this evening
dlreel for I'ortlaml.
ii i.. Bwaggart, who has been quar
antlned at his home on cosnte street
With Smallpox, WOS out on the street
vesterdav fin the tlisi time In time
weeks, Mr. iwaggarts face stin
hOWS the murks b it by the disease.
A, It d. Donald :ml faniilv lun
soli, their ranch an McKay creek f t
i00, ami will leave this WON (OT
r.ivctle, Idaho where they will tun!"'
I. - it home this winter in tne sunup
Mr, McDonald etpet ts lo i ngsrr in
the sheep business Iti Hint vicinity.
and hOpes to suit I as wall SS he
has in this "neck ot the woods"
Tijinern and OogghM S.ty Their Ven
are in Gnod Torni.
BiHltOn, N't'V. 19, t't' the eye Of tilt
greatest football gimp ol the jroi i
iiarvard rs Tale, wm i news from
t,i. liu rard tP'Inors and roachei' lunl
iln eleven never wont on the li.'id In
better physical Condition, The news
p net ,i bet tint tc even no, bul Harvard
men expect touijrttt thai odds will gel
In favor of Vole again
Perhaps Murder in W.illa Walla.
Walla Walla, Nov. ii
brawl at I o'elock laal
Burkhardt, s resilient
town. wn struck on tht
in a drunken
, v . nlng, Con
oi Russian
head with a
rock b) Henry Bcherman and pernaps
fatall) Injun d
Both men bad ' n drli Lin;- suid
Bebnrman claims the wounded man
Started the li.Mt In ihnw, t! at-
tending physician, snyt thai the
Wounded man may die.
Oregon' Senator So Assures the
Snokenman-Revicw in a Lett"-.
Tin Spokesman He vi prints this
lettei from lenatoi John H Mitchell:
To tin Editor i ' act In rat nipt m
yours oi November In which yon
desire an snswerto the followlni qusa
(first, "What is voir position In re
spec) to an Isthmian etna!'.'' i cond,
What is the outlool rm set km ai the
next tesslon n cottgnssf (bird, "Is
there organised op'oaltlon to (ht r.
mil li so what iiiilnem es are nin cui
against It?" fourth. "Whnl. In your
hidgment, would be tin effect ol an
isthmian i anal on the Industries and
commerce ol Oregon ami other north
western ItataS?"
In response. I beg to say I did not
suppose there was any leading Journal
or in fad any person, who has know I
edge oi w pant record, nut was folly
Informed as i,, my position In reaped
to an isthmian canal certalnl; could
not snyone familiar with my record
in the senate heretofore I have nl
a- lie, 'ii mi iinconipromisini inlvu
cati and supporter of national legists
lion looking to the construction oi an
Isthmian canal b) ihe Bovernnenl
I,, be controlled by (be govern
mi n' and I am today.
As to the outlool, for actum at the
next session of congress In respect to
this most important.. (O my miml
pleCl ot legislation, I believe it to he
As to whether there is any orgaahv
ed opposition to (bs canal. I am un
able to say but even ir then Is It
perhaps will not develop until (bs
meeting of congress
I believe, furthermore, the effect of
in isthmian canal on the Induatrtss
and commerce of Oregon and other
northwestern states cannot Is other
wise thai' ben, , rial in tbe highest de
Believes in Bunchgrass.
Thomas II Williams. Jr., prSSidtBl
oi tbe in w t allloriiia .lockev Club s
about to try an esoerlmenl in iufnar
nig horses tor the track The well
' iiovvn horseman Is a nellever n ihe
theor) that horses should not lie nut
on tin trai l, until lln-y have r, achetl
lie , maturity, lie believes thai two
yeai ibis are neither strong nor wkM
enough lo ilo themselves justne
Mi Williams intends buying a mun
l ei ot yearlings ami ooltS ami s. gdtog
thorn to Oregon, it hi his Intention
to allow the horses to browst on Ihe
liiinehgrats ami gain strength roam
in-' "Vfi the country Ra wiii not
H'linit iii. -in to grow wild nor will In
have tin m trained, lie win statDb
have them ridden mn time to time
or tin purpose oi aeeugtngsjgi them
,,' He Willi, Hi Will IlllVe to 'III on
tin track Where, he is Cllllti leu: '14-
viii demonstrate the correctness of
lii Iheorv
The Chicago syndicate representetl
' S II Hell has nhtalasd from tbe
oinpanv owning the franchise of tin
Sumpler-ltouriie eleetrb railway, an
ptiou on this right
Souvenir China
I li.ivt
uur own
iust unpackeil
importation ol
' Ihina.
We have the l.piscopal Cnurcli with
it' tllgnity , the einiie Higli gohool
from lis eminence, the Court House
on the iquaia, Chief PaO in his toggjsn
aiidsols-i. and "tcn&s pai'i'ue'' with
Owl Tea House
Fine Teas and Coffees.
torlb ttir ulHaliull ur
- a .inKrit In the ttalUio
sitiitf, or Kurope, rtnait
uy ihmMI uoUt, cttocK ut
wml In Die Kaut tisKw,
NIAK ibt- uel uubliabert,
en,- of ttir publivatluu
you dtttire, mt we will
an, I .miui, all rlik ol tit
livt it wilt to you
l.i, .11. I 'fills' lo.t 111 '..,.-lie, I I - It Will MVt) you
b ut, iroublo utl rink II you urt mibx tlbr
to tut- r. aht iiuKooNUN, iu reiniltlUK yuu ctto
ueduci ten t i-eiii iroui liu-iiuuinttiiTI priOS
Aiinrtjt,. r.Am hhi'.i,ii.,m' run t;ti
,, l,r.'
I entlltt
by x
i.iftjliuf of Iln, .KM'kbolderi of
ulna Fublikliiug C'oiuMity on
, f inlr I, I'm I . ' i o'clock ti u
tbu Ui llrito
Wetlutwdky, C-
Ut tilt) 'III ul
ma ooiuniii)', in i'i-n.llf i. ,ii tregoa, (or in,
uuruuw.' ol clectlUK oUI, or. for tie, uu.uIiik
vt. i h llli.'KlMiN. HfMldMt; 'Ugi. w.
l.AUfKIN, Svcrvtar)
DkATH ot-' rrtirz SCHUBERT.
Died at Weston of Consumption
Othei News Notes.
ttsston, Nm 11 special Prits
sci.u . son oi Charles
died ,m tht '"' l' in'. 1,1 "," ,hon
,!- lilt ia.be, near Weston tfl eon.
.nmptlon Th- funnra I tees wt
held at the house on the list, at
M. m. The interment (Ot pWM
Kev's remetery,
govcral mnmliem nl the Masonic or
de, we,,, to Milton Wednesday esan
Uy, , r). the lodge Ihere. am o
,.h,., i the bnnqnd Blvan by (he
,dlei oi the Kastern sun chapter 0
Milton, (0 (he Mnsonl, lodge Ol UMM
P The win tall ol tbe past two davs
has been of great benell! to the farm
cis sbonl Wsston
tte C A DOtSOH, B eretary 01 U1S
gtstc Bttndn) school Unton, held n
union meeting nl the Bunda) schools
of Westci! on Thursday afternoon snti
evening Tin- afternoon meetlnn was
lu hi In the c B, church In the even
Ini the services were III Id 111 the M
R church. A good degree of Interesl
w'ss manifested nl both services.
Arr in Urrnon Bar Association
The Oregon Bat Association
Thursday elected Ihe following
1 1 among whom are (wo (rant
Presldenl J. i Claland.
Vim .nrmlrinnts H, U Benson
", i
II is'
district; R. H Bklirworth, second
ni, t uscrti Hayter, nurd district I
! Pax ton, fourth district: T. A. Mi-
Bride, fifth district i .1 H Ralei sixth
dl ti let w. i.. Bradshav seventh di--tii.
i T, il frowfnrd. eighth dlstr'et;
M, ii Clifford, ninth district
Sec. .tan Magal,
Treasurer C, i Bcbnahei.
Bi Ih iMutnl.tee S H
I IllStO"
I IIhpI haw. F,
.p, T 0 Halle)
P, Mays, t 0,
Toilet soap, p'.ises, lamps, NotfS,
I T, Wade ha unci, ranchei
wheal lands snd chob i pronorty
lor sale l.lvesioci. comm'ssioii
agents office, in B. building,
To remove n tTOttblggOBM OOtg Oi
bunion: Klrst sonl the corn 0T bun
ion in warm water to sofieti It, then
para down at closely as possible with
ou drawing blood ami apply Ohamber
lata's Fain Balm twtcs dally; rubhtai
rigorous 1) tor Bva mtantss nt each
Sppllcatlon A com plaster ghOttU be
worn tor ton days to protect it from
the shin As sgansral liniment for
sprains, bruises, lamsnsss nmi rneu
matlsm, Pain Halm is nnaqualad Itor
sale by Talitnan & Co.
Well Lasted
Last Well
A shoe ii niaiie oi ruined
in tin: tasting II well lasted
tin y will hold then sh.tpi ,
lit the loot Imtti'i .mil hist
longer than il that part id
the tanking is cheaply oi Inn
riedly dona The tnakers ot
Ladies' Shoe
pay more none) and mora
attention in this pgrtii utal
features than tht tngjorit) oi
inanulactiii. t I'll. it s the
reason we'll sell vou tWO
pairs' ol shot i it we sell vou
one Van will t nine gggn,
Peoples Warehouse
" -" asahsahPanjaihsaigsbsatabnawr
The Best Hotel in Pendleton
and as gags' as an .
H:adiiurters for Travelmg Men.
Commodious Sample Rooms.
Rates $2 per day.
Special rSJlSI U week Ur muiilli.
I apsJIsag Cuisine,
l.ver iiudern Cunvenience.
Bar and Billiard Room in Connection
Only Thm Blocks from Depot.
Help or Situation
C F. Cuok's Hmplajfiiieiit Agency
Oomer Main and Alia Htreet.
Hast alv rLLVw
fl? ' s4i1 i in' fsUsaaaaWstalsBag
Another Free Gift Sale...
With efgry fant'l suit or overcoat
ut hat or a uoiul wittch, stein sei ,,,
Twenty per cent, discount on all
I, ailies Furs. You can't heat our stvlec '. CP
Rernemhar larri";t stnob ni .
n . . w , villus m Ik.
I eel from antl prices guaranteed the lowest Umy,0n
by getting one of oar new ityle dining room m
ut ii price iwi muii wvwr owiore mr luob Hiiperior
.iiimi itiwiv iii iii'-iu, itnv an- win in 1 1, I'vlMl 1 VOU Hon I
. i . I : . i . . .' L 1 . . . I " I
It' It III II-IKIS, ML; 'Mil IM'W SI III IH 11 s lliniJ,,
r w i "."tuvro BtjQU
.ri-.i.l.k ,, ,,'i.lt t ttl .1 . . I . I .... -3 . I
t ii.'. i. on nit' .". ww irt'tiinmi.
t rOrner
Main antl Webb str- t'ts.
compiett lint ol CrA'7ICn NawHus
btationory sna dookb Rflrl Tlf Cutlery,
SCIIOOI DOOKI anil ftc. New uvl
aci i supplies i-ILT designs in
. , . ; w m i mi La n.
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shifting and all
bearings of machinery
of the mill or factory it
cannot be surpassed !
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or
e. ,,n, .mi, iiiililiL' develiininent nt orn-im
n, m . i ,. inniiLUjiM.
ma ..,,.,. ....... , m ni.
oanvaB , i .u i ....... . w ini i nt' i in .-
viiSeJ lt iltiie-t- itl. til. Mn I T .s ( 1 ..Mil AL v o., v,t"
H' Vl.i: ll I VI. ..MAN. -'ll.. Illllll.l.l. I's. I'lMIU""'1"-
The Columbia
Lodging House
BA It IN roNNKC'l'loN
on earth
Old Jas. h Pepper
Old Henry Clay
Have bJg the Statularil sinct-
Especially adapted for lain
ily antl medicinal purposes.
Ever bottle guaranteed.
The Office
705 Mam St.
r 9 wft,
We triu. ,
1 "d stem
j - uinj
" to peasei
... u r l
. -ssaasam
i sua i 4
...... ... , it. fh a. itl VQ g L
f hff A 1117
ni llfAUL
Sill.. K000s' Poc"i
pluses, cjru
IK-,. irrtrviUrtf
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ot SMMtnuilm " 'l'b u in I.I I 'I . S.W Kit v
... Mi anal
f. ,n. .nit,, mil. iii, I mi' development ol orfu
i, li. ,i,i ri,.,lv f.ir tM.iiit. n.ilv till'lll I.IIlOUlU.
I I.., Onh I'lai-e: sou ceu gt
f I .uiicii -
Imported Swiss
Unabtrgni Cbem-.-Impoctgd
Stout Porter, SchliB
Atlas Beer
com, 10 u. 1 fe
- . u. .. tilt ivy' 1. 11 an
tborounu '"-"--L a 1
I 'rop. 4. lliorouMl, t'
only wii t1. rhjsl' nM0lM