East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 22, 1901, Image 1

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? M.mm
. .s- Km! OfBOnlB '" ' '
SLmoiT rnmtlllU' o.inlyfH-opI
I 4tnr6a; nsanateael
" 11 1 high ftlnt winds.
Yl AKIV I ills " 0
. ... mil I A i I
NO. 4888
L'ortvr t
onr' n,l JOhBBN ' at
M- F.
Kelly. Proprietor.
ABnrii Plan. rst thai to U V1s 1y
Banana i'1" 7"'' i nu
Jptru; IMM ) wn?k nr HMt
Irtr Hut "Irotf. ) ' ram.
Commrrctai I .oiituru
PlM Saniplr Room
trial ittention given Country Trade
Colder Weather CAUS mR heavier and
In answer to this seasonable demand we oiler this wk
All Cloaks and Jackets in Stock
al 15 per cent, off Regular Price.
mid our rtOeh nf Cloaks and Jackets h worth your inspection.
Also we are showins: for l adies and Children
Heavy Dress Goods, Underwear, Hosiery,
QSovtft, Mittens Shoes ol MAeonable ireighl
In our Clothing Department
We have so many attractive things that ytTO will en
joy looking them over. See some of those hainlsomr
Aseot tiH, latest importations from the east.
Ami don't forget that Wl are the principal sup
pliers of groceries in tlii county.
'Phone No. 78.
The Alexander Department Store
The Boston Store.
79 Ladies Jackets $5 143 Ladies Jackets $3
Tin regular
range Iron 1
value of this line
18.00 to 116.00 .
The regular value of this line
range Iron $'. m to $12.00
34 Plush Capes at
43 Clotn Capes at
12 Price.
12 Price
on 50 childrens jackets val
ued from 7Mc to $8.50.
Do not delay purchasing as these values cannot be
duplicated bv us or others.
The big busy Store
Carroin an I An I
ig lu fg.ftyL VVe
yOU i:un pla 6o
aur I hanksxiinx I able
deserves the liest talileware . .i i
an atlonl WaMM yOM look OVM
our new slock sen will he stir
rise. to see tlie reall bSBBtifgl
wan w are selling at -ucli
inarkalilt low rn l I
set w si II al f ly Q
an tadle M s tlx
OVOf otl-reil.
Catsup in bulk. 2y
I In- dlBBOf
will fedora
lie tit
1" 1
p Medallions
I11 bilbed in handsome l.laek
tanniK in price from mme
your selections early.
rcl ot
merit and Sabbath
Md marriage certiti
shipment. Lowest
kets from Qermany
10 $'is (or an immense
Wine iini),,ri..i i.L.i. w..,
C.ts. i aril rii-..iumir litic-
Mowct basic.. iw ....
and Rose Bowls
from Austria Beautifv
Pe With iinnoi ted i At
-r I )l .rjo i ,,i i, i 'i
"ws hn.- of vases and rose
fated Crepe Paier
PJP.ahipmftQl of Fan y Crepe
'i' iooi rons. oeiis
yhert lor iir hrw fnr -
lolls and Games
IM Was never sn . nmolete
MMl . Dia.no. (Hlt.nhones.
horns, swords, blocks,
1 a , inact riii'lu I.I
Us an.) hallo
manicure and toilet
Koods, etc.
The largest stock in the city U
line. We will give you
you want a carpet call and
estimates sewed and laid
A Mammoth stock of Furniture.
Next door to Postoffice.
Mrs. Mamm Only wan BlffTtWl
BMMIm i iii UN boar. I nl lh Minna
kims ul lb.- St Tou1x Wottd'l Fair
I lilllill .'il. el Infill plRKIK' I'flM'K m e
betai raporjted in Moscow, Odcwsa
Klrf KienoB and nllni r.tm.lan
Marshnll PlwM CO., it In MlC. Wit
Imilil a iiiHiuotli An ROOda bull l n in
,N. VnrK nn the N.'W ToTk TbmtCI
Sir Kri'ilevlrV Trev.-s MltgWin to
KlBJ BdWWfd, snl.l the klnc ha nevei
Mi.lov.il such i xi'i'll.-nt hi'alth an at
In nn explosion of iirtillerv in the
NUTOCkl nt Coninna Spn'n threr
soliiiiMs wen- klllorl anil ..-vrntern
MTtaWtr 'ajtired.
Frank Fnrrell KCCttMd ot tlv mnr
iIim- of Muriee CuntnClutBi. '
York. In 1W6. waa dlaehnrerr' for
WHiit nl 01 iflenee.
CorciN of th.' AfgMtlM Rcpoblli
iin. enwood the line of dottiorl otlou
I" I MB Chile a ml AfgontlM Ittti
rtlllaOD 1. 1 1 itory.
John V. Mnrkny. DtWl4onf Oi
Coronerctol Ooble oonpony, hoi or
rived nt Sun Frnm isro ninl wilt p, i,.
Hi- Inter on ttttt conol
Tin bodtl I Of Mr ntnl Mrs I f
I a I of ('ntiiinet Mn.MK ahoitl Innr
Toppon is set iisi .i of potoonlnit, wen
exhutaed for eitoinlootloii
saiii Paobi ii. iu hi. Jatlee i
Turkfeh Qrnnd vltfer Tueadoj III.
appointment is remitted with fnvoe i
nil (lllilolnnt. rvc.'pt boot of IIiiskIii
rr.'Hi.H iit t.omp. is. ot the Mil' lean
Federation of Ijihor. .aldtil Mn to
Sim .hum Porto Rtoo, tor the pnrprai
Of olitniinni: tip' releOM Of Sn'llnBii
The ontor KrutUii free ndBilnnion
of Chrintnuu preoeoti to tne Pbflln
ptnoa nad On bo eittondi only to err
OOfOi MB anil OtVtllOJM i-ttititov", nf
th.' army nnil navy
The Booton Mntonn of fiw rt1
tia. .lust purchased tor tv toe, fiom
T J, ninli. sl. " of the ninl. l" 'l.il
lerloo, tin Important PYnni Hnlo' "foi
tin It of ii Woiiuin
Kim: Bdword ibukIu heortil) on t
the reports tbOOt his falling BOBlttl
and tins prov.'.l the falsity of tin in I .
expostai himself roekloiolf in th.'
huntliiK II. hi ami by l ' m hour
after hour In the wind and ra'n Th ion
recently 'ith bin assert thnt he mm
no thronl aitntonf whatever
UndlnnoTed bj the rote of Mum
Stone th. kliltiupeil mlssionuiM les
Mniy Hos. a alrl frnm Li Oraee .
i ni booonw the it. it hero
Ootmadoi "ho will take her to Sam
nun t irl th rtnttoo fmn which
M"-- Stop . was Utlten hv tin Hultfiir
inn b, 'rands.
Siiiupi. i mm election
a most iplrlted COBtOOf
of Bnniptl I I leHllllIK
The Donlnj
promises to he
between room
CM I 'eS.
(loveraot Oooi nyi mihi the public
BontlnMBl in Oregon is itnonimoual
in tavor of the Q eiUfilniOlll of the
OOOT) law
The Bucenc Military Club has hi
raiiKed in tit up a Kyniiiusliiiu in the
nrmovjf ami .i' nf once imrrhnne up
plllHtUS tin II" sHIIle
At Hills bora a nw Mstlai was
h iii iii tb. i it) hall Tuaodoj alghl
tor the purpooe ot .lis. unolni ptena to
BOSUrS a milk ' omb iisHik lie lory
Mis Ira HoWlei died ut tin Imiiie of
In i son llobOlf I) Hawley. ol t'res
Well Sin WUs OBS Of the obi. hi pp.
lie. is of Ibe COUntV being MO fOBTS of
aK' and nun in Oraajoo acfoaa the
lilaiiis in is.'.::
Count) Clark BweBtlajnd of Port
luinl Is eoiivinied there lilts been
nun ii ado mIioui nothiiiK in connection
with the inairiaK1' UoOBBaa issued
nli. i tin' dantfe oi II II Holmes, and
befOTi Ii H snei essol w as appoliited
I your Hair
worth Uno Dollar ?
lo . IP . 'i
nun u. ui
Ii i. i u uaili-ol N
. ul.- Ul.'l .tel. ibul iU
r.'i,'. ... I,ul mUiVt) ItlMi Ullg ) l.M.
arc wbho'm Htneioim
l 'i., ',1,1, .ii iuU.u on On u.urkt l
Hi , I i, ,nl. wi'l up it. Ir it I- lite
.MM. tliul kill, tin' uii.-n.U bl i
. i. tin bui rtiot, Uitii ui r'n.yu.K n.
auMi mid tx.iiMsui.'ijil' r.'uioviuf Uw
C'fll ' I.
Oub trial will convince you, Um-muim
u.- it Iu.. ilia. "louU.i.g tboma. ":
I 1. I i I ... :. '. si
hur WU t jII I irit-CUu llrug Storci
Oregon's Chief Executive Says
Probably Attorney General
GoviTDOr Stid This
phonr M 1
Stnt of
Today 0rr
Heard From
$1. Paul.
ihf Tlf
Reported b I. L. Ray Co.. Pendle
ton. Chicago Board of Trsds sod
New York Stock Bachange Broker
NOD Tor No M The wheat mar
let ;.- lower this morning at the
..p. nlng, on account of indifferent
tone or tin mbles. but later the de
line wits reentered. Liverpool was
S, lower N"w York opened
aoaj and ekwod sp4. ChteMO open
ed fl mid closed T".' Torn was
none ninl then Is only 12 cents le
tween corn and when! today
Closed yesterday II H
Opened today. M.
itmiK. today, 104 I1H.
Dose todSy m.
Suaar U':l
St.el. 42S.
st Paul, ITCH,
t nlon Pnclic, hmv
The i''nst OroajoBlM Mhod Oovernoi
deer, today over the telephone re
nrdlna the railway nieraer tin lit In
ufuratod b) Oovernoi Van lout, of
ilBBOOOtS. ninl received this reph
i buve received no cosauiuntcntlou
rrnan Ootemor Van sunt, of Mlnneoo
in but Attorney-Oeneral Rlai kburn
win nrababl i. Inatructed to i.hiI.
ihorottBhhj into the natter and submit
nn opinion as to Orcgons interest
from a leajnl atand point and the duty
ol tin stnt,. in tbitt oune. linn of
eouroe, not having rat given atteg
I. "II lo Hie -nl, l. . I I . .Mm. 'I tlllll,. n
Governor Savage Crawfiabing.
I l in ol u .M il . .ot -a. l.ovelllol
ravage is out with a itatetnenl t sin)
II. unn II lie ilei lilies to meet liovel'Pol
'mi ShiiI. of .Minnesota to discus
suppression nt Hie mil thuest.M'U
merge! on the Ktnuinl that
is not Interested, lis no i on
is apparent m the itati
solnlnt iop
Will Aisiit in Fiflbtm the Railroad
Merger it Laws Permit.
Lincoln Neb dispatch slits Au
i i oi rain i . oiuiuiintloii P. I . , u
the union Pat lit ami iim llngton
i. luoni; io i. ssen i omiel II Ion Peltt.en
In-, mads Will be .,pi lit Qg
ernot Bavnco The governor said t
dat that .Nebrasl.u would .un with
Mlnneaota ami vvusbiuKton la onforc
mi: the laws HKHiust oouibinatlona,
which in this state he regarded as
plain ami uamlatakable Tin gov'er
nor said
"Xebmafca iii got take a hoc! seat
in tin force men) of the law The
Him. couatltutlon prohibits eoinhlui
t kiii ot parallel lines hii.I it there l
nn i.iliiiliin nt Mi., eiiiislitutioii I will
Ms. nit em rules toward enforclna II
ihws 111.11111 i oi pm ui n, lis nn snnn us
private linliMiluitls I fe.l warranted
in ii 1 1 1 me the attention of the at rw I
H" 111 Mill to
shall mil
ii, nil. i hii.I
Inveatlgate '
on him I
To Prevent Ilie Big H inroad Meiger -
Some Think Law is Futile to Pre
vent the Combine.
iii. statute oi Minnoaotg gndei
which OoVernOI Van Sum will try to
pi - t. nl t be i ollillmll i.t in i ship ol Hie
lil.ut N.utli. in Ulnl Norlbeiti I'll. MP
railrandi h) the Northern Securities
inlupant ol .New J.-isey. is is I., I
lot! S
dec tlon iui I'umiiei iii competing
lilies not In coiiHolldale No .nil. Kill
coipoiutloil shnn '.lis' .1 i.l.i villi
li UKi oi pin. bus. oi in nut Hat be
ome ownei of oi lomioi .n idhei
rullioud corporation, or any stuck,
frnncblse oi hkims ot piopcio there
i which owns or controls a parallel
i . onspetlni hue
Was Seen Thu Side of Alba Thursday
Evening Was Bound for the Mono
Blwood chctiowcth. the ofBay
preachei and train .lumper who is
giving the oglcarg the slip OB avofV
turn, hat ini! gng0d to make Ins
cnpi from the clutches of VheriB
Hearing ol ITuiob county, some two
i. SI ago Millie lioltlR to thi' a V 1 11 III .
ill Siileiu god then wh rearrested nt
lba b) the constable WVdnesdnv
from whom he again eaoBBoe. Thun
.lat morning ns goon at WBiren'i
snw mill lift eell miles llvls side of
iba rontordB) evognlBd where ha
mail. ih statemegl that hi- was Koiui:
into the mountains, when' he would
enwln CnehoWOth Is evidently irarv
bttt h bin pl ot en too much for thai
officers who have had him In chm-ite
so far
To the World's Fraternity to Assist tn
Prevent Concentration Horrora.
Fai ls Not VI Frem h Free Mn
ops hate appealed to the Masons of
tin' world to unite In an effort to stop
tin bui'. is nt kukIisIi pouoontrntl
' amps ' n : be TratMt n il
- O
The Jury Was Oot for Only
Three Honrs.
Verdict Clears liaiiibler and Politician From
the ClkVtl oi MurdniDK Chief
of Polio leredlth.
Seattle. Nov. 22. Tho jury In the
case of John Ci nsldlnOi accused of tnr
murdei si e Chief of Police Maredlth.
returned i wsrdlet of acquittal. The
. .is -r.ut In court exactly
thrre hours from the time the Jury
men WON locked up for deliberation.
It w.n meelved by the defendent. fam
SHdl .md I 0 UflSSl with flvery avl-
dm, g oy and relief. Thers waa
no dem.mstrttion of any kind from the
aildlent a M-mhem of the jury are re
in ' "t oeneernlno what went on be-
ftlnd tlie iloi.i ,.f thnr room. AM de
Si Ins to r.ay how they stood on the
first ballot or to give the numbs, of
ballot! taken.
Jumped Into a
Pitta burg, Not
in,. i nlug an unhBou n
si-it headlong Into om
Knrlt this
man Ihi. w blin
nl the fin nn. s
at Bchoenbergor a mills and aim. . si
tile .'Utile bmlt was ronsteil hcvoiul
iduntlfli nt ion the left i.h.i t.. mi- only
pail lint dlsllitui.il
UU ft a-h-VJ
I have a full Hue of the celebrated
Wood and coal stovea guaranteed fco
be absolutely air tiglit. None of the
heat i wasted and the ttOVtl will
save ONE HALF of your fuel bill.
I also have a lull line of cast cook stoves and steel ranges.
Prit:es am the lowest, quality considered.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
741 Main sued, I'eudleton, Oregon.
if o i,.n't . r.guL:
bos.i. eirj o). "u,ft"' "' ,
bow.i. oih-h. ftnd be wwll I
Uull-bj." f"l V " '
Ml ft...-.' Iiiv.l I'll"! ) 'I.
vlv.i 'M 'l...i 1. i" !'
Ml w . . . of vly
1- TLej adu.outlt
lU9 Unwell
Ul .... U- 1...SI. I-..I. ... TalH llu.rfl. llotjUOd
No.,i Bitfki-i.. W.s. i, ..1 tlriiw. W . ssdl 'OOU
I,, 1 but Wrln lu. 1... uu.il. l"l bu..kl.t o
r.ulil, A.ldr... U
Hf.uiiv.. skskin mar.M. 1 mi 11.11 s toss
Some Lawyers Laugh.
'lb. Portland Oregnaiaa sat mm
railroad attorneys lauxb at the Idea
thai the loainioii ui intaresta that
lias j'isl lain brOUghl a In hi 1 lalb
an dei the prohibition of ibis statute
Tin Ben d. al in. i. ly piovld. h a com
naoi ownoi tut the two pi.ipciii.s in
no wise muslin- one dependent nn the
other or putiuiK Hiciu agger om man
Oregon's Governor Included
A prenh dlsputi Ii In. in SI I 'mil
says "lalttefS were sent out this
afternoon from tin- njnvornor'g ohtce
addressed to Ibe kovciiiois ol Norll.
Ha Lot a Molilalia Wasbilistoii blubo
ami Oregon .' sting upergtlon la
lb. ught UKuiiist Hie lailioad ineiKer
and usiwiiK the slat, ggas utlve to sua
K si plans for OOncertod si lion It I.
not likely that there will be a for nit I
mooting for a poo far oana but by cm
1 espoiul.-m .- a plan may be sarecd
Say Merchants, Students and Offic
lals Should Be Admitted But Coolie
Kept Out.
I'lnladelphla Nov. . i The Norlli
Vin.iuun lodat pnnls an iiiteiti.-v.
with Wu . in KaiiK in which tin Chi
i" minster Is ipioted aa saylna that
Clniu n. nttii mis merchants and atu
lenls should not be barred by tin Chi
neHe exclusion act. Inn thai i nim n.
oolies should lie kept out
Resigned Their Jobs.
Athens Not VI.- The prelect of
polp t- and commandant of Kemlui mea
have reslKlied on account nf . -!
day's bliaxiy disordt-rs It Is teart
1 he trouble is not yet over as the ret
olutiouaiy cleiucuts still are active
Wdl Not Suffer Loss by Reason of
Then Disregaid of the Ordinance.
Walla Walla. Not tj S.e.lsl
- 1 l"'ii 11 ' 111 W alla alia mil
mil 11. 1 . . 1 1 p. 1 1 1 t . nil II. II as
a p. nail t lot I.. . pint; open on Suiidat.
although ai Ilnai so provides
'lb. qucatloa are Bellied I sal uixv
in a hooted aaaaton of tho count 11
spei nil aooaloa was held last
IllUbt lol III. pillpos. nt 1 ollsldel illK
lb.' malt. 1 ill ictoklllK the Utilise
nt Mb. it Neibergall ami John Hail
1. .bl 101 opening on Not In ami th
session Mas a healed olle Ci ill t 1 1 III II
MClaSUg t In lilt n h teeth ail.
put linn . Ii nn ii. mil iim favoring
a tllsminsal ol tin eases ilkalnsl the
tWO saloon m. 11 llu Hie tote. 11 tie
remitted Ihtea i.n ami throe aKaiust.
Nlebergall refusing to vote Then
Count 1 1 run n Kir' man motcd In letokc
Mid aootaei Ue reeulted Smith Mm
tin 11111I Mi Lean gtood with Hie sa
b uns Klrkman. Hrearei and wiiiiums
t..tiiiK to revoke There the matter
was IcSt The ton li 1 1 loom tins nni k
-d with rltlsena and Hie d.-lermlna
lion ol the 1 ases has caused a si 11 sot
Prisoners in the Pan.
Walla v'alla Not VI Spei lul
'I'll I. Ule Wl mini, in II 1,1,. .1 ill
thi niai. nonltontlnri ai this olace
Hn- numbei being a few short 01 the
m., Milium up in this nine Veeterdaj
iwelgi in. 11 tii.iii King count) began
1 1 ring time being delivered In the
afternoon l) Bberll f.'udlhee ol rt.
at 1 1.
Hedmen Uutpnsed
Walla Walla Not Sp. t lal
I'ln Its al lotlae 'I ! 'linen wis am
pin,. .1 .,1 then hall by ibiinl 1 .i.l.i.
tit. in, nib, in i.t tin laugroe nf I'oca
hoiltai alt. 1 a biisiiiess s.-ssloii. ami
4 l.aiuiu. I lesiillcd Hn- di-lp .en be
Iiik provbletl by Hn- la. 1.. The egon
In.- hail been planned as a smoker."
bUl Hie ladles would mil have II Ibal
vtat H me Ibet a pp. .. 1 unheiald
il ami spread a bainpi. I to which the
lt diiicii did pislhe Hi P I addn-sses
ten m. .'! lit I M Hill on 1 be Iteil
m n and Mrs I nlu Htlivtail foi Hie
a lien Mi ami Mrs Oonrge T Widt h
will bate ib, tut In a few days foi
Iji Anyi'lcs In spend Hn' winter
I I,, 11 friends 1 uicfully planned a sui
pi it ami v ' lie s,iu. nlslit arrletl It
Olll. AlMJIll Hl-Vflltynve III. I,, I ..ill.
er.-d sM'iidiuK the .'tenuis miHi aong
and social converse l.iahl n-fresl
lie Ills were served
pom 1 A, 1 im 1 ini ii ro
Heoplr Will Wreak Vengeance in
Event of Queen's Further Trouble.
imsterunn. Nut VI. It Is learned
thai lln present Illlon ol (jueeii
Vilhelmlna la more serious than whs
nut n 1 pat, , I Ibe slnrlce that the
prince , , nis.ni Is in, i.naltbM al. and
thai the quarrel it h Wilbeliuina
t mis. ,1 he 1 illness continues to aaln
1111, let oIKsiliililiii I alleaes the
tllllple nri llOtt inlliplelnlt CHll'IIUKCd
lllpl the llllbllc tt bo ale detole.l til the
I ii' bernuiliiK more ami more
aim 111. -I In tin stint, s. and shtllllil
it piote tint the people are pre
DO rt ni to wreak their imiiKmition upon
I he pi in. e 1 1, us, 11 1
nt Hi'iiui foe I'.iitisl Towards On of
llir OffaMrS 'be Mrwian Army.
Huda Pvath, Not II Xaetava
b nn Ibal tin 1 inn f Hi. illspute
iMltteeii Km!, H.'Xilll.lel' aliil UlleiMI
irnga m Mervla, on WTedneedny. is a
). aloii t on tin l.inus pail be. ause
n I hough I Hn ipi. , 11 Iimi amiable In
nrard an nfltcei 11. re nbe.lUiaaa
fin hringlug 'om Into dlarepute before
Hn gervlnn pnttlP and ttilh hiitlna
pi iii 111 .iw.ii Hum in fathera iieath
bid I'll, le. Il I, tolled. ai'ClllllllIK to
.n -1. i'. 1 1.1 1 tn tali, L i a mis
rabb weakling and smnclntod priiill-
aal, ii'..,, m , , ill nl I he lliue,
hat. been trsnaferred to a rensotg
Km 11-. ni mi ibe I'n 1 1, imIi frontier.
Smuggler Moir H01101 May Causa
Ownei borne Trouble.
I , Im PI.- ' .do ..t Search
Iiik pa 1 lies bat, penetrated every part
ol lb, S 1 n 1 1 v if I 1 I ni i" mlDc III which
Mr ere killed mn tiave found uo
inn, i..p, . n ihr luiaeuia eti.-pi
two or ibi' an a. ...uuted im at-
Kirdlng 10 tin n luunuaer The
Mm. 1 l, Pialn, 11 oltlceis declare
11 11 ,i,i, in, antioii tn ri udcr lives
il lb. inin i,,,,uaUlv sale were
nnglts'tetl ami i hey are euro th. y will
plitne.llte tiaoiuusly.
1 Man Alleges He Saw OrUeis
mat Gave Right of Wey.
I .os AUgviee, Nov S2. The ImmIIcs
l Ill,, Mil ail I Allllllaae .tel.
toiiiid 111 Hn- debris ol tin- wreck ibis
moral ag Thirteen of th lujured
Wen lakeu from si tiaiu t the
ospiiul ibis inoiniun Coiidut tor
HiKKim, will ,ln Vt H Heel, a Hom
Ion pi iiitei says Im read the tirdurs
Ii. tin wesl Is.liud eualueei to the
tli , 1 that lln- latlwr had the right ol
wa 1,, I he Nei-dltis This is ,b nn ,
by the Santa le iiltlclals
Archbishop in Session.
A 1 lUMloo Nov Vi The anuual
inecliiia ol lln- ai.lihlshops ol the
Call, oie iIiuhIi iu dtscussioii nt af
laiis oi ibe belrarcby waa Inaugural
.il w.i.nlay The piulates workutl
ill S Ill I V SUSStllll II Is tlleP 1 .l.l
on pn-sHons eflticiiua Hi. ebureb lu
0111 m-w islaud possessions autt on
mailers relating to the H unan Oothu
lie 1. -.
Died in Berlin.
Hei lin. Nov. ii. A California mm. 1
uaiued Htton (ioedby died at Hutleu
TUe body ttill he conveyed to Sau
Egg Art Scare.
Walla Walla Not Special
Kus ale worth !fi cents a do, n op
the Walla Walla maik. t and lh d
111,1ml I very si i ons Local merchants
are unable tn siipplt the 'P inaiul ri n
ell, people, and ttilh ThaiiLsKivin
coming on in a few days the situation
Is becomiiiK mat.- Kor several
m, nubs ckk hate been scarce, but
not until lately has 11 been Impossible
for the local market to In- suppliiut
from local sources A number of
shipment have been made from
m ighbortna points hut tdav it Is al
most Impossible to gel a case of agBB
tn the city.
The ThankHKtvihK demand for tur
keys has s. i in and loadH nf towels are
seon eoiiiliia to the city The price
offered Is 1 cents s?r pound live
weight, but buson ire complaining of
a shortage. The market calls for
In mi tat tm sets, but if half that I1UU1
her Is obtained buyers aay they will
do well.
Th Craay Snak Again.
Hit til I. Okla Nov II the ludlaii.
1'ras Huake who led the Crk lu
iliana to an iiprlslua agaiiiat Hie gov
, 1 n in nt last spring la holding etn:
i. t seances to aaalii arouse his tribes
men to war.
Schley Old Not Blow Himself
WnahlagtQB, Nov II Capt Par
ker, om "i Schley's counsel dcoiea
thai the Inquiry cool his lient ini
nn n , sums or ibal 11 ban liuiaover
Ubcd bun.
Count Hatafsld Dead.
Berlin Nov 'it. OgUtnl von ttats
fold, one of the most ami Mad Herman
diplomats, died today
City Attorney Auatlu Craig, of Whit
uey. lias been inatructed by the alder
in, I) ol ibal In He city, to In in action
at Hie uext term of nun attains! aber
IS A. H HuuttuKtou. fur selling and
deeding the town's water ilgbta