East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 21, 1901, Image 3

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L pollard worth 01 i aDie Linen ana iNapkins to he
cloSx3 ;it less tliafl cost.
,oc Itlracht-d Linen to close
mi Bleached Linen to close
lie Bletched Linen to close
Bleached Linen to close
Ejoo Bleached Linn to close.'
, , Bleached Linen to close
', 50 Hleached Linen to close
.4 Table spread $2- 50 to close
,0 . Tsble spread 3. 00 to close . .
,2.i Table spread 3.50 to close
24inrli Napkins $1.50 to close
27 tech Napkins 1.75 to close
27 inch Napkins 3.00 to close
. . 2IC.
. . "4c
. .69c.
. s,c.
i 13-
. . 1. So.
. .2 17.
IbOVC price- iff less than wholesale rices.
;aver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Kay, sovkmbkb . 1901.
Ln football team
Stood 10 to 0 Against University
ldho Owes Them Three
Lt Victories.
iv.iin Nov 21. SihtImI
Uht WOrt was received her.
Whltimiii tent bull team bud
! thi I'iiIvithii v (if Idaho boys
i' name iIk- score standing
Ami there way. rejoicing nt
l Till' college Itt'll WUH t'llllK
Mtafave the collage yell with
I Thin was ili third name
for the li'imi anil the buys
I in tin tics! nl condition Whi'll
t MM thi last mm'. At 8e
Ualvenlt: i WMMBSaoB
tMtfii 'in tii tinme grounoi
LiniH'iHlt in' Oregon went
L,i boi Bi Most 0 the Idaho
p. keaa defeated Thin is tm
Cry exniffti as the ben hope
AKNeilllunil ( oil. ye lie
grnlnr. hOBJM
Wmli m en i d .1 telegram
fvinln. hum In: mm. C. I.
ihn i.s iiaimuer if the Whit-
btlall li'Uin liirli ployed the
It) o( lilalio hi Moscow yester
ting "Whitman. !; Moseow,
lr.it 1 1 It I. I hi ninth went ilium
The Pendleton.
Meyer Abraham. Portland.
H. D. ling. Spokane
Martin. Cortland.
A. Paulson Portland.
A. 0. nialr.
8. L, Jones Portland.
A. I- Knight, elty.
0 11 ftm
F. S. Myers. Portland
L H llenwnv. Portland.
K. H Clark
(' .11. New. Portland
A. H. (irant. Portland
w. r. Chamberlain.
W a Howen. Portland
a. S. Morrow.
Prod K Howen Portland.
.1. A. Cook San Francisco
A. fllnshltner. Portland
WIiIr Southard St. Ixnils
C. M. Cartu.lR-fit.
11 i.elKhton Portland
R v. tiint.i Portland
W, H. May. Portland
R C Corral 1. Denver
0, Hanson.
P. K. Plekota, Portland
N I Dorman Diilnth
O. A. ITIsh. Knlton
W. It. BlffllfllM
Mfl, T. 0. Ilnllev and daiiKhter
' K. Mlllei Portland.
V. D, Joseph! New York.
A. Freeman. Portland
Henrv 1'rcssi Council
I. . 1.. Olson. Portland.
Mil Linnol oe cured
tllcaliiiu., - (le v muni! ra, h llic
il '" '" ' I 'HI I ' llll'
nlMlorw. mill liiai II by oonaltlu-
w ixmiiii"- 1. iii"I ny mi 111
tliliuiio: tin m i. mis liulni ol (be
wumi uu tuts- kou lu
! tuuiliiuiK Miiintl or luipor
. (Ill IV I.'II II I I'lLlirillV ClKHlMl
list mint, mi l mil.'.. tli inllamiua
tuieti out ami (tie. nils riMtiiri'il to
lam.lHi.iii ii. it'iuu will l. destroyed
Haw nut ol ton are canae.i by
uU ! uotlniiK hut n intlamo.l
IIM urn nie urla,'c W will glvr
IWlUr- tilf 1 'MM' ill ilonllli'
airrbl tbt i nuiiot bo curad by
r J ciiKs k ,v ' 11 luii . in i)
1 Irunitu. Ik
irttlli .n-1 bo bull.
ne Silver 'la u-
flat Ware
1 tr Infadquirten.
I'll tawirtii I oiNt rxiiiivHi
BNSJ, 111 tlic newest designs
It irniM Imrntoloic on-
1 Tee Sets $tt uu ud
hork, 1 2 pieces $3.50 up
MlOU ol the, good will C0II-
tbat tliev .if,- what we
Kind that Wears
lcr and Optician
The Golden Rule.
I. CiuiltiKhani. Portland
A- J Kelly. Milton
.1. A Kelly. Milton
.1. Aiien. Obieaeja,
J. 8 Mclh'rnild and wire. Wasco
8. A Mitchell Spokane.
M. H Patton. Spokane.
(Inn Freeman. Cold Sprlnns.
F. .1 Oardner. Portland.
Ib'rt Sehoomackei . Spokiine
A .1 Hall. Spokane
Roe Harton. cltv
H. Conn. 'II. rmatllla
H R Newport. Keho
II Atkinson ebO
Archie Mason. Portland
Harry Raymond, city
Albert Manila Adams.
II M Falrfowl Portland
O. IV Cntchflcld and fnmlly. Colo
rado Mrs Walters. Milton
J, J Duns. Joseph. Or.
H .1. Nealv Portland.
W T Jones Utile look, III
I IiikIick li Orand
Kd 1. 11 toy city
John Fourtneer. elty.
M. J. Knudler. Portland
Stella Adams. Maa Molenaux. Fred
Pelat, Joe Scbrode Kd Maklns. Net
LelnnKwell Sam WeBs. I .on Is 8tef
fene. Robert Me( iniiK. Hector Dtoe
'KliiK of the Opium Rlnr ' a MtpiBJ
Charley'i Aunt and Jane.
Reaped a rich harvest from their
American tour and certainly took
their audiences by storm There
seems to be mon finish to comedies
written by KtiKlish authors And. by
the way. "A Wi.e Woman" was first
produced at the Strand Theater. I.011
don. where it had a phenomenal run
or JUk iiIkMh and whs the hit of the
MMOa. They come high, but we must
have them
Bought New Deiki.
Walla Walla. Nov 21 Special.
The lioard of education ejf the city
schools has let the contract for furni
ture for the nev. WashliiKion school
huildiuK levis Kaser Company, of
this city. KettlnK the contract. The
coat of the furniture will be auout
11100 The small desks will coat $5!. Hi'
each the 111. -(1111111 pattern $3 27. and
the large, S3.G9.
m Furniture
I'luve iubt riwriiitwl a rarlnuH , ,t thf latest and most
JHfrdtte styles in f urniture ever shown in Pendle
J" h you want something new in the furnitun
ne call in and inspect my new goods and the prices
1,8 always right.
Main Street, Pendleton
The Celebrated
iajestic Ranges
Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves
Opera House Block.
ry ns uu rtr u n 9- n rrrrra r-mrnr nreTiTe-
vlud dhuuumi 4b CENTS
But 45 li the Ruling Price Market
Promlaei to Be Higher Soon.
Although there has hrn very little
change in the general wheat market.
Fred w Hendiey. who is representing1
I Herg the exporter of Portland, ve
terday paid William Roberts M cents
for eltth nnd 47 cents for bliicstem for
his rop or lii.iMin bushels, which Is in
the warehouse at Fulton. This pile.,
however is an exception and 15 cents
Is still the ruling local price. The
l.iM-ipool market is stronger ihan for
several days past, and Indicates an
other advance In the local markets.
Local Market Prices.
The following shows the prices
paid on the local market:
Turnips. 75c per sack.
Parsnips. 75c per sack.
Cabbage. e lb.
Oreen onions, per doz. hunches. 2Cc
I lleese. per lb.. 20c,
Onions, jicr ewt.. $1.60.
Boots, pet lb., lijc.
Potatoes, per cwt., $1.76.
Sweet potatoes. 6c per lb.
Saner Kraut, 40c per gallon
Apples, per Ikix. 75c.
Cucumbers, per doz., 10c.
Tomatoes, per lb., 6c.
Horse radish. 12tjc lb
Oarlick. lane lh.
Chickens, hons, per lb. 2Vt to 3.
Roosters, per lb., 2c.
Turkeys, er lb., 9c.
Ooeoe, not dor... $io.
Spring chickens, per dor.
Mucks, pel do7... $4.
Pigeons, per doz.. $1.50
Kggs. .'flic In trade
Mutter, Wic per roll.
hOVM bee, cattle, etr
Cows, per hundred. $3 .10.
Steers, $H.60.
Hogs. live. Uc
Hogs, dressed. 7'c.
Calves, dressed. 7 to 8c.
t : vr,
Portland Wheat Review.
Portland. Nov l!l The Commercial
Review sb.s
i In price of wheat rcn-alns sternly
nroiind pet bushel for No. 1
club. Notwithstanding the decline In
the foreign market s"I!!iik Is not
ipilte so free as two weeks ago. but
considerable stock has been disposed
during the week it is said that
almost half of the crop has been sold
and gone Into the bands of the ex
porters, Farmers are watching the
markets dally, and a grat many are
waiting for the price to advance to ru
cents per bushel, then, they say tbe
will ct go This means tin to li.'i cents
here Wi think that many will find
tlilit they have waited too long, us the
exporters nte well supplied with
wheat and tonnage has been secured
to take cure of the same for the next
!'u dnys. utiil only a decided improve
incut ln the London cargo market
would make any prooOBtlhta advance
We quote: Club whcajL &7c; blue-
stem. :iS '..c: vullev rSUc per bushel
There is very little doing lu the latter
quality, and millers are the only buy
ers, as valb y farmers have too en
hlHieeil ideas ;l In the value nt their
grain Of course, if the mills are the
only buyers, and pay their pr ec for
then grain that Is no one's business "
Han Francisco. Nov. 21. Wool
Spring Nevada. infil2c Kastern Or
egon Hi'il l.tc ullev (iregou. i.(ri I in-
Full Mountain lambs, fiiii s San
lou(itiu idalns. tiifikc; I i and
.Mendocino, left 124c
mm 8
I odr
Will not Spot nor Shrink
ir thi ooooe nc
eeoNOte av tmc
4 proc$s that hons
th goods beautiful
orVer e spongad.
Boy your pre OeoSj of us
end Save those MSjeBlBSJ
il properly nr."!!.
varAs, n. g yard aad ovar, ac. ay.
20 per cent discount Wednesday and Thursday.
An event ol more than passing interest. It DMSMM thai every piece ..f
(Hlo:ed W(l dress gtsxla in our grent stock will have just one tlftli of
its price . ut oil for two day Without a doubt tie greatest money
savin v drOSS gOOdl OhO&OS NN1 w ill have this aoii.
The $ ,80 gtsxls w III cost $
. goods will cost .MO.
M OOds S ill eo-l
I .Mi good will cost .i.
1.28 gOIMl- 0 ill COSt I Ml
The II Ml fOOdjI will l Ml
The I.T.i gissls w ill cost I In
The '.MI g(MHls Will cwt I Ml
The 180 goods will coal 2.00.
The I 75 gisxls ill rOBl I 88.
C Stale includes colored (OOdl onlv. not black gooils nr silk, jj
It pays to tnvle at the Noplei WaMBWOSS,
"Not a questionable itialily be
Are yoti
One of them?
THERE are of course Pome men in Pmdltfton
who do Rol luy their fai ninhingi hero, that is
tnh tJtpMltd, but if thpv ii I v knew how much
In iti r tflty conhl tl" hv bu n hen Mian t'N'
wht'ir how much "rt'ntt1! uu sssortmtnt t.hi-
hav tn chis' from. bw up Ui Ihe-hour are our
tylot and how watootblc in our prlott, we
fancy overy miB In Pindletoi would patroniM
this branen 6l our bfitlnesfl
Fall ami Inter neckwear t he choicest pi H
famous makers of Hue ne, k wear, are hen-In 'In swell r
.-st ..f swell styles anil ttnest silks at JUC
Our Fancy Shirt Stock
b unapproachable The st v lee are corn et i i
the most artistic, anil the fit Is simply perfeel rhe DrteOI
sr.. from fOC t lf.fi
I all anil Winter iimlerweui In eet rad. thai Is g-asl anil
evet v weight that's WOffD. Italbriggan ami wool, silk and
WO.J. tit from -S garment
smoking robes, imth rnhaa, ulgstsobee. Isandhi hnal rj
andglovee rhemoal ranipwle -lock In Pendleton ai the
nioet reaeonable prieaa Hlble. A irentleiuan mav wear s
threadbare east Mil bis furnishing must not - untl.M
I'KMil.lTtiN 0MQOM
Elltern Liveitock.
oinnha. Nov. 21- Cattle lliiatstS.
1808 iiead muiket SOttve and strong
Natlxe beet steeis $4 4i ii.tin . western
steers. 8S.T8 6.35; Texas steers BJJg
M.25. cows and belters. $2.t(iff 4.26 :
' an it' Is. SI.L'ull 2.i.i. stis Kers and
feeders $ 2 7 ' fit 4 .'.i 1 eulies 'Mil 6.2," :
nulls und slugs $2 2.i 'U 4
Hogs Receipts. 12. head tiuir
l.i-t steady to Hie higher. Heavy.
$:. ,7ui .VHii mtxed. $5 7006 76. light
$5.50ijt .' 7.V bulk of sales. $5 70"l 6 76
Sh""i Keelits ln.71111 head: mar
I. el slow to Hie low el West, 111 Weth
CI S. ' i 2"l ewes 12 ,ll ' 2!.
common and sloi k sheep $2 5nl :! 50
lambs $.H75i4.5ti
Wool. Hidei, Etc.
Portland. Nov 21 - Wool alley
noiiili ul 111 i4c; Kastern Or n.
812'tc: mohair. ITCftlMte pee
8heepsklns hearings, i" '"ic
short wool 2'0"'e: inedium -sool
80080c ; long wimjI. ucft$l
Tallow- Prime " io"iid tQiC'.
No 2 ami grease. 'Jiv'i'ii
Hides DTI hides. No I. 18 SOSJBjij
and ii). 1 Tijl I r lc pel imiiiiiiI. dry kip.
No. 1. 6 to 15 pounds. 16c: dry elf .
No. 1, under 5 pouuds. Hie. dry salted,
nulls and stags, one-third leas than
dr flint, salted hides steers. SOBBd
tin pounds and over. SfjP'Jf ; 50 to Ho
pounds. 7Vi0c, under 6u pounds and
cows. 7e slags and bulls, sound I n
6Vtc: kip. sound. 150 3" pounds. 7c:
rssj sound in to 14 pounds 7c; BSH
sound, uuder 1" ounds. Sc. green
(uusalted) Ic l'r piiu ml less: culls lc
per pun in I leas, horse hides, salted,
each. $1.5002: dry each $10160
(nits' hides, each. 26&0c; goat skins,
.milium each. 1016c; Angora, with
wool on each 25e$l
Seattle Man Paid $3.60 per Hur.dred
for 160 Head Stockmen Prepare
for Winter Driving to Lowf.r
Ukiah. Nov 21. --Ball 'he 3e?ltle
.mi. buyer, was lu the prairie this
week, picking up all the beef cattle be
could get Iteef Is scarce here now
as most of the lutileineu sold earlier
In the season. He succeeded, how
ever, in securing about 150 head from
here and Ourdaue. The price paid
was $3.00, delivered ul I'. iidleton
The stockuieii of this eet ion an
moat all moving their herds towards
the winter range on the lower Uma
tilla and ('old Springs as at this time
of the year the range here is liable
to be snowedtunder at any time. Ar
bogast Hros. took 400 head out thig
week Charles Vinson. 175. and others
will follow at Qsoe. They winter
their stock on straw stacks abd pas
ture at an average coat per head of
$1 75. which Is considerably cheaper
thau raising one's own hay
Josepii Qerrana baa 260 ateera here
now which lie purchased In Grant
and Harney countieb He will winter
them near Holdmau and he will proba
bly spend the winter with his family
in Ran Francisco.
Ukiah Notes.
C N McKeyuolds, the plonui
. r.'Bincry tnan ol C.nias prnlrle, will
lcne soon lor Portland, whore he will
purchase n large new enamcrv pl.tnt
for both butter an. I chOOSa making,
and will hereafter maniilactiite tin
cream cheese as well as buttei
Tin 4 months-old baby of Mi afl '
Mrs Men Kr.-n. li was unite III recently
with eryslp.'lls in the head but Is
much better now
I I. Hi'!., i has opened a butcher
shop at Alba
Hinr Johnson took his cittle to tin
winter range this week
She Didn't Wear a Mask.
Mill he,- beauty was completely hid
ten by sores, blotches and pimples
til she used Iliuklen's Arnica Salve
riieti they vutilslied as will all Krup
Hons Keiei Sores Molls, fleers Car
bum l"S und Felons from Its use In
Islllble for Cuts, Hums. Scalds und
Piles. Cine giiurant I 26c at
Tallman Co.
Horaei Left on the hange. While Cat
tle Are Kept in the Paiturei.
Hitter, Nov. 21 Cattlemen in r-
have taken then stock off tin range
and put them in pastures Horses are
generally left on the range ull winter.
us they can winter without hav din
ing ordlnarv winters Tiny work
down to the s'eep mountain sides near
the junction ol tlx north and meddle
forks tit the Jobs lay. where but
far) little snow falls, and generally.
Kline out III Kooil . ..li. lit '..li in i in-spring
Hu here Is Mirth flu p i ton now
and it tin- winter should be p severe
one it will go higher
Roy o Smith, who lixed mi loner
Long Creek near here, bus toU bis
ranches and returned to his home in
Kansas Roiighiir; il it. lie illls wn
too nun h for him
Old Soldier's Experience.
M. M Austin a i war veteran of
Winchester. I ml writis M wir.
was sick for a I ng time in spite of
giHsl lector s ti. at in. nt Inn was wbol
ly cured by Hi Kings New I. It. 1'ills.
which worked wonders for her
health. They always do Tr ihem
Only 2.',. at Tallman at Cos drug
Monteraitelli Brother! Receive Some
Elegant Piecei From VermonL
Among the granite Muniitiu t.is fr
oatvod in the car trom VorBMBl a fan
days ago by Mont, insti III Hros VOJ
on. solid pi. , e oi grai ifBOtte ootrvod
OUl in the shape ot a lounge and
nice!) polished with llller on the head
i .'si mldlng a fnm pillow , which
lOM WeJchS 8808 pounds, and a gta
gi anile statue of a woman, which ate
veri beautiful und show STtiStil uil
HISBlhlp SOti in curving and design
lin are something new for this COOS
trj ronsequent ly are attracting the
SttentiOS of the passers hv their place
ot business on Main street, adjolnlnv
the I ust Chance saloon Reside
ilnse they BBVe received a large lln
ot both red and gray granite from the
east and already had a huge stock ol
Oregon granite on hand, so they are
now prepared, both with workmen and
ip at i 1 1 .1 1 i . . tin li ..ia at short not i. .
anything that may be wanted in tin
monument line Hereafter there is
no reason to go away to select a mon
iiinent to mark the last MSttBI ptBfO
of a departed friend or relative
Biology Has Proved That D.mdrufl li
Caused by Germ.
Si Ieiii c is doing wonders these days
In medicine as well as lu in M lUtaJos
Since Adait. BOrVOdL the litiie. n race
has I n tTOOblod with dan Muff, lot
which no hair preparation hn beret,
fore proied a successful i ure nut ,
NSWbrO'l llelplcble was put Oil til"
nun Int t li a sclent I tl( prepui ithei
that kills in. genu and miii.es dan
dniff or s. iii l In digging into Hi I
s alp to gi t the root of tin hair whep
it saps tin vitality causing Itching
SCOjp, i .tiling hair and tinalli bain
BUS! Without dandruff h'lir must
glow lu in Isnt li Herpb lde at all
diuggists It Is the only destfoyt i
ot ilandruff.
MANHOOD RE8TOR ED ,cup,c v""u.
hl Vllallr. r, lhiir...'0.ilil of af mi"" rr.ii 'i pi ". ''"i. ' nnlaU
...I il. k. ,, ruiive ,.rii, mi. li as la Sii..H lnmale
Ina la ihp nark, MrmlMitt r.Mlal..na. Hfrmni l.-h(IUj. IMbbbIm
I ........ .... larri. Kikaanllai lrln. far rrlc anal aa(lallaav
II- , -. I....... I.utiirnr Ml'i. Pn lltaqiilj.kiii-..l 'llTilll "SSSiSSSfS
Is.. . i si., , ii,airrli,i,a an.t i I I I.s I ,rp,.i . t I I'l l II Sir. . laamailpia
IIm r. on. k ttnayi aisl Ui urinary urg..na ul ail i
K,i,l ratn.f ,..! t ... ,..MH,,
I,.,. r...u.,,. ..ir, ,..r ., ,',n.i Kw rsws U tMattM.I0 iw-r .-.",1 an Ireithlatf wMSI
t't'l'l HKN K Ilia y kii.mn tsnw.lv i nr wlB . ul ul . fm Imllniimaia, AwrlAXf
.irai, i.s. tly..ii an.i mo... r.inrin-l if lSoa il.sau. I aBuvl a a-t uuuisul cura. f LUOb lailAIM Pa
1 malt. Si ti l f r . ,i.,r i,i.. I i",tiii,iii.l,a,
iil.IrM ill Ull. SIIIU IIK O.. r U Uoi SW
si .11 H V I S II V I
I I Ul pan Hi .. I ll in;
I I ... I. ..,!..
h. v iii.ftnM.
MWBLErGRANrrt ft Moiitor astcl I Bros.
iinBallUrUTC Ut, V hi. .. tir i
X atik Mariik""i(.raiiiie works
We .l.i oal ..mi work and giiaran-
Sa the MUBS st low. ' price.
Kstiinslea given on all kind of
cut stone Kill I stock oil baud
It will pa you to ms our work
and get prices batoro placing
your order.
- -aaj RJ TSraaa. i aaSf M (III St.. ln .it tl. K. .tl N ilcimt. I'rlliili'tnll
all ul tli- newest .mil latest pattern ,,
spiciallv selected tor our Auttun
trade, ha, .irnvi I, .unl tlie nnoils are
now in Bill store i. .(.Is lor tin- inspei
lion ol rail buyers They comprise
the RJMBl line ol wiltOBSi tSpOStfTi
ingrain .nut luussel- eiei shown in
Pendleton CsrpotSt )O0 to ti , u l
Wallpapei unl mstting at cost. I'u
d-rt. iking; Kimds always (in hand.
Yr TLriaV
" J. I sa
s. je
New Irnils
Ni.llilliK Mil a local
rewtsty or SSaaSI of
i II mate w ill cure
The bpselfle It
klly Crbdui Balm
I ' .mi III 111. .lin
James A. Howard j
I rSlies
I' lie i.
i 'anlMtrrlas
i uOOSBBta
A iples
I'i are
Kitaey Rsislaa
Court tt. near Flrat Nat. Bank
Has Real Estate for Sale
See Here:
i... iui i..uuei aai e i una
Alia) llirtnliiliiall'.li LULU '1 M LMU
Heal aud Jiiolr.'la Ike Belutfalir. K. .UfMla
lk Si-uae oi Tale mil Suii'll No Mae ur) Mo
In In ri.iu lima Kurular tiu' tt . laujilyslse
1.UU. at ll(uliUui by mail
SLV BSWI II a a is, aarrcu m, "-."
Nan's Dyspepsia Cure
360 arrei of choice whiat land,
about ten mile! northeast of Pendlc
ton. I ina ii one of the finest improv
ed fauna g n.e county end has good
scnool advantayes. Will sell for caah
or trade for equal value in ununpn, I
Eight fine lots in Pendleton at 8100
each, on easy terms.
160 acrsa of wheat land south of
Pendleton, SS00.
16 acres choice fruit and garden
land nsar Milton. Oni-half of tract
In blaring fruit tier , 7 acres alfal
fa. Ail under irrigation. Finely Im
proved. 120 acrei on McKay Creek, 20
acres al botton land under Irrigation,
balance good wheat land, wed im
proved. 560 acres good wheat land, in a
body, four mile! from Pendleton;
terms half caah balance on time to
suit purchaaer at 61 d per cent Internal
Wh have made epnclal arraug.
in. nit! to have a large assort ue'iit ..I
nvsrything in our I lie (or I'liank
giving trade, and will be aide lo
take care of our ordars in food
shape ami to your entire latlatai
linn. Our prii'Ha will be right ami
our gisals of lb.. I mat lo ha obtained.
Turkeya, Ducks, QetBti
Chickens. Etc
New vegetables
i laallttawef
UaiOff lurinps
IIkmIh Cabliage
spin acb
I' raib Toiiialnea
i . rei n i In i. ilia
Horse Itadili
Hweet I'utstoaa
I'npper i
lo inaku gsal bruawl use liyars' Hit Hum HUsik drst
promiuin at llm Chicago World 'a Kan OVOJ all SOBSBOtl
t inn, and givaa Hiivullaiil sallalact Inn a hare fat Head.
Kvery aacl ia guarantariil We have tint il istcani
Hoi leal Hal lay, Krad Itya and lUardlaaa Harlay.
W.S. BYERS, Pn.piicti.i
lias cured these caaea
and It will cure you
J. M. burcb, l.atirande, Ore., say a,
'1 sultered for H years, aud believe
bad I not uaed Nau's Hyapepaia ( ure
1 would not la- alii. o write fOS 8
teatiiuoulai. ' '
Nttlliaii .iik. Hobs Idaho, says: "1
auttered for years; found many reliefs
but no cure except yours."
For sale by Tallman A Co., aad all
first class druggists, or soavJ to Frank
Nau, Portland Hotel Pharmacy, Port
land, Oregon. Price $i a bottle or 6
bottles lor $8. express prepaid.
SllS.suOfora rrekeri(illoo
ra lariuii auui ever paid tor a uecnuUou
chaugail hauda in Sau rraaciacu Au at, ItWl.
i lia traualer iovolvad in uetu a ud (o a flu,
aUU UU sod was paid by a parly ol l.uaiuoaa eun
(pr a speclflc liar briaSl'a Diaeaae Slid oiauetes,
hlttierlv incurable diaeaaea.
They uiwuienuad tlie aerioui luvealigaiiou ol
tlie .pe.lin Nov. li, laug Tbey inlerTtawed
aooreaol the cured sad tried II ou( uu It! mar
111 by pultiux over three doxeu caaen ou the
treatment aud wan lung Iheui TLey auto ol
pnyiiciaua to uame chronic, incurable caeei.
and admiuiileied u allh the phyaiciaua lor
ludgea. Up to Aug t. othty aaveu percent
oi the test caaea ware either well er piore
ilog UeMably .
Iherl being bui thirteen per cent oi lallure,
the parti aa were aatiilied aud cleaed the Ireua
actlou I ha proeeediui ui the luveeliaaliua'
couitniltee aud the clinical report! ul the teat
caaea were published aud will be mailed tree
oa appUcalleu. Address Jobs i. Pulton Coa
raar, iXI Meulgeuuwy Be., eaa giauciaeo, flsV
Hotel Pendleton
Undei New flanavctnent
otrlcliy First Clay
Kiulleot CilUae.
He is well pleased with Ins linen ify lodtfQ
and you will be if you take your
laundry to
They Know their Business Van Oran Bros. Props
aVar sad HHIUrd Rooms.
The Best Motl
Gtir Uk i Trill.
Hate , $1.00 I day
Special KltM Dj
let! or uofltL
Headquarters for Traveling Men
la Csatern Orogon.
Successors to J. V. Moorr
For Health, Strength and fl
I ) I naaiia, I ti.iL .......
ricaauic ui int
Polydore Hoens, Proprietor.