East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1901, Image 4

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    Shoe Sale
Commencing Thuradnv . Nov. L'Ut,
we will sell all of out Ian-, stock of
Boots and Shoes
iit a great reduction W
duct our stock and in ordei
coruplirih this price will he
Cut and Slashed
Nothing will escape tin slaughter
exoept the Queen Quality 9hoes,
which are contract goods The
chance of a lifetime I gel I he I I
goodl in the market for leM man
they are worth. fall early before
sies are broken
Terms Spot Cash.
The Boot and Shoe len.
Ju. A. Howard. Kami loans
Heudley t Howard. Art? lnsuiatc
Ixnietic and Davis sewing ma
chines at Wlthee's
04 a chance ou the $50 premium at
liuder h Furniture store.
Ilarrel fresh cranbartles Just r
i ived at Haw toy Bros.
lielnzes' hulk mustard, the finest oi
tii.- market, at Damon's.
Big lot of Bur mountain cabbage (Or
making kraut, at Dematt's.
Prepared mince meat, reads i
family use. Try it. DemottV
Apple butter and Hwuet uppi uldsi
liuest quality, ut (! It Den.ott's.
Hpeclal prices ou furs at Clea.er
IIivi.ii' Dry Goods Company's Cash
Nsw neckwear, cardigan lacks
wool and silk mufflers st Haer
It Ik the talk or the town how qui. I.
1) K. 8. Younger ft Sou's deliver then
R. Martin's bakery department can t
no beat, leave your order for Thank
living cakes.
K T Wade has a residence property
in Pendleton tor sale. Thii Is a IP
ml bargain; aae him.
For the latest style and lowest
prices in fur goods, see Clever Broe
Dry Goods Company's Cash Store.
Fine new mince meat in bulk. Clt
rou. package currants, ralsliib. tU-&
almonds and walnuts st Hawley s.
turkeys are going to be very
scarce, you bad better engage you-H
m.v. at the "Standard flrotvry.
phone Main H
Caudy Dutlon has received a ship
ment of Newtons' ehewlng guiu
With every 6 cent package you get
nance for a nice watch.
Just received at tbe "Htaudun!
Grocery" some choice New York
buckwheat flour, corn meal. New
Knglaud bulk maple syrup and cran
berries. .
I'iiin crept papal i't NoHTs.
( 'oiec st I' ami pi Icon at Bade.
Fnraiturs stop
Salt HSh i)l all Kinds Jnt cived
at !' S lounger & Hon s
Where h iiie lu st place to hu nil
nltuie" At Kadi r's. of coiitm .
Want, il I'aHtiii' tin te in ."' h u
in rattle S It Mel. Alhu Ol
Win k ieiiver ami clean rfioconcii
Is where F. S Younger ii Simla slili:
nil uinm-nt at reditccd prn .n
"l av ! Ilius 1 t floods ('uh .n
hivMse.l poultry oi all kiiids at F. 8,
Yniingi.T & Son's. Nicest in the Clt)
t wo furnish. .1 linns, keep
Inquire, at 614 Thompson
trosh sain
s. lounger
Our Story Books
We keen urn hsjejsj in the gallery in
our stme, and dcsir.- that all troi
bj at liberty to come ami take I.. Ml
time ill looking at the hundreds of
volume we keep In stock.
Our stock hao Just been rein for. .-.I
liy the following titles, listed accord
iug to their popularity :
Kairr BEE
SSSSimalOltj 11S5WU'
Ulght of Way eUbjH gwke.
Helmet of Navarre Hunk .
The Pupiiet Crown Macdraii
I. Ike Another Helen . Horton
Tristan of Blent Hoih
Truth Dexter MeCall
Kben Holden Kaeliellei
Molioughlin and old Oregon Bva )yi
Allue of Old Vluoennes Thompson
. v
Druggists, Main Street
for rent
i UK I'lKilll-
Kf N t
A great big barrel oi
kraut, Just re elvi d at F.
ft Son's.
T. B ami T. D. Hweannsei- 1
sold lot 10 in block , to Joseph
lol .
You will want to sec the "Old
.Maids Convention" on Kridiiv night
nl the l-'rni-i
Hot vigorul. ' cents, u beef piepni.i
lion ic ahead o! beet Imlhon. Koc
pen h drug -imi
(let a bo ol The Pa.'ni ("hm .ihi'. .-
ami Boi. Bon." lot alter dinner. Sold
only bv Kooppcn Bros in I'.-ndletoti
A earliHld ol beef cattle Were load
ill at tin , ( It sIim k y.u.l- vi ."
tarda svenlBg ami hlnoerl to Ta
lap lie e wants position us out
and general housework, dish wu.-di-i
in pnval. lainllv or hotel I' ) lok
win havi tin- nicest turaeys on tin
market, all stall fed fnvvlj. Cull mid
sec nie ami leavi your order for a
big bird. B. Martin.
Kverythlnx He niarlot tffords I
your thanksgiving dinner, ofwberrii
.sweet pol.lto.-s, pllllll , . Uih 1 1 11 - Itlld
fruit cakes. K Martin
It you ure m a hurry tor your gro
i erics order oi I' S Younger A Son;
who will deliver purchases within
I minutes When yog see It i;. their
ad it is so.
Id-m-ml.i i thai I Inn groeeiien n
I cur lots (n order to bav In ight."
I ( ome in uml sei- me will in:ike inn
Utices cheaper than am Imuse in
easti i I, r. gon It Martin
Look at lliobe pictures of tile old
I maids ii. .several show windows ami
see what elaborali 'ostuming will b
pri scnn ! 111 tin old .aids t'onven
ition" mi Kriila night, at tin- Krnei
The Tlnn-sdav AltetuiHin Club
hold its ri-Kiilar i e line tomorrow h
tin home ot Mrs A l Stillmau at
which line Mi Kvuns, ol Portiaiul
ssjcretary of tin- stun- federation
will be a guest ol lie- eub The sub
leet (Of tie KftvrnOOil Will lie "Clll
I lent Kw m
The humliest man in Pendleton as
v. ell aj the handsomest, and others
an- Invited to call on any druggist
ggd Itl tras a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balsam lor tie throat aud limg a
I teniedv that Is gusrauted to cun
and ratleve all chronic and ae.iti
louuhb, asthma, hrunchitis aud LOf
nimntioii. Price Wc aud 50c. For
sale by Tallman ft Co sole agents
in uil stages of Nasal i alarm tner
shouhl b cleanliness As experi
i no' proves Kly's Cn-ain Balm is a
cleanser, soother ami healer of th
tin diseased inembiauc. It is not
drying or irritating, ami does not
produce sneezing Price 50 cent! at
druggists or it will be mulled in Kly
Brothers 5ti Wurn-n Street New
York. i -oi. being placed in tb
nostrils II spreads over the uiem
brauc and relief is immediate It i
tin agreeable cure.
The Old Mnlds will appear in fan
t.istie COStUmt In then convention M
day night at thi"Fruet
iis b. Noble s drssjatnaklni sg
Mbtllhmenl will be run at usual dm
HM the shaMpfl of the proprietor (em
pomtil) in ( 'a II I'm tila.
Qlm I almilaim . proprietor of the
1'iem h -estaurant. has iceelved tbfpc
CblnMe phi asiint: from Portland te
le NttfWa to his cust'iiucrs.
( 'omnhiliit was tiled at tin c lerk's
b) Wlltatn t'onnerly
Arbneklc. lor UlS col
o-i promise rot ram
office yesterday
tignln.-tt Thomas
lection of 111!
mat hlner)
t'ris Simpson will sell at am Hon
beginning at 1 'i look on Thursilnv
gftantOOa, November 11, IMI, all oi
Ills honst hold ami kitchen lurnltiire.
I't his home on West Jackson ntreel
preparaloM to moving with hi lam
fly to Portland.
nl Woman's iVuXlllar) ol the I-'
BO Dal eburoll has received an niicv
pectel inn lor aid from a widow n
efiureb woman with neven children
all mulct I" years Of age The ISdtH
ol the Church ot tie Itedeemei pai'sh
are MkSd U) give nnvthlug Ihey BUS)
in aide to contribute In the way oil
clothing for these children Article.-;
left at the parish house will be taken
in Charge ol the RUXlllar) and s'nt to
the family,
For l
Time She Was Thought to Be
Fatallv Hurt.
Word rem In d this city toda) Of tin
KSTtOOl Injur Ol Mrs. Have Me-
Oart) of 'Butter Creek, who wuu hurl
if a runawiiN accident. Sic. Ith
her husband , was on the wa lio.,.c
from Meppner last SiMtirday. when the
(am In i aim It lulitetieit ami ran aw.iy
tbroWlni them out ot the bugfl) Hs
hi 'a pci without much Injury, bxtl
Mrs. McCart) was not so lorcinntc
1 1 i clothes caught oi. the tig and
IBS was dragged for mime dl-tame
with flu result that One arm a, is
broken and she Mruiged ran badl)
bout tin bead sad shoulders At
fist It '-as thought that she could
not recover but the Inst report ivus
that she was "better ami no out of
John Vance ot I
i.. B. B h i is in Portland oi Issati
f. ii Clarh ictt this morning lor
DspUt) Bherlf Blakely Is In AtbSSg
todgj mi business
Hoar) Means was in the clc. tail
morning Horn Kcho.
Frank GreiM- of Was ton in the
city tills morning
w ii Babb n ttookman from Bono
is at Hotel St. George.
oeorg' Oarasii n Pllol koeh gstr
i ham. is In Pemilel, , i . . l.i
t! Price, i Weston farmer, was in
I'cnilleloli vi-Ocriluy on business.
a ,i Dillon. Charles Waul and Ben
McCUllOUgb are Ii: town tOdg) lion
Sam T Brasslleld a stockman Horn
Kcho is registered at the French res
Dr, M. Ii MoUlei h (1 thhl morning
fOf Canvon Cltv. tO bi none for sev
ral days.
W. S Howen representing tin Kipn
table I. lie Assurance Society Is in
Pendleton lav Baa days.
B. B, Woodrough. C K ami K M.
Ollvoi oi Waiia Waiia an regudarad
tit tile Colli. .- Itnl. Hole'
M A Baib i will lea vi tins evening
or in tin- morning for Portland t
lay In a new stock of winter goods.
Martin Ciinpion Ml this gsnrnlag
for San Praadaou and otae Callfor
ula points ii spend the WlBtar, in th-
llilH. Of belietltlug Ills lleu!t!l.
Coustahl" J W. Dykes iiro.ighi I go
1 1 lit in Ii 1 1 down I loin Mllto.i yi-oei lav
M-uiiig ami place I him In the county
jail, to await trial for !n:rglur'
I. W Mctlhee St a pioneer Ot
Walla Walla passed through Peiidle
ton last evening on his return home
iroin a isii with relatives in eastern
( h-egoll.
Arthur Boy lor ami Thomas Bat lor,
aeh repieuisln il the city treasury
this morning to the amount of $7 ."in
ioi being dt link ami disorderh ami
Hurry Smith was given five days in
eai! foi vagrano)
logsj II Wynn. Joe Hubbard post
master ai VIcKay. ami Klmer Hub
haul ot AlcKin were in town toil.n
rhe) report a tlm- rain in the eOUgtr
south oi I'l-udleion tvliich lias greatlv
revived the spirits ot imth tanner
ami .'lockuicn whose interests wer
. on."iili-rald threatened bv the Ii
Mi ami Mrs. Cunens Mr and Mrs
Newmau Mis V issermau. Miss Stud
an! iss .Merserotter. l-.ugem Hpeyi
uml .lie. Miss Aluiige orivucc. I.ilv
Slerinl." fail Cleve, 'rem- Stov
Miss HeywiMxl (ins M irt liner, J
riix Nee TOrg, were among tin- at
inal- at le Golden Hub- Hotel yesiei
w. f. Kenned returned
alia HIS hospital last evening
Willi Ills Wile. WHO WUs opetatell on
sonn nun ago lor apiiendieitis Mi
Krid Uiitlli of l.a (1 ramie, a sist
I Ml" Kelllli d who bus I cell
tin- hospital with her. accoinpanii
them Inn- and will remain until si
fully recovered.
pom voices, but the cotttuilllllg was
excellent. Iltld the scenic effects were
good. '
The specialties wen- Mrs! class The
turn ol FOU and Fnxle was oui' Of the
liest evei' seen here.
The Old Maids.
On Prhla) night cmues the Old
Maids Conveutloii. The preparation'
are cmnpleti ,tml the last rehearsal
WlH be held tonight. Tie- i-ostutnlnii
Of the ladies is MMnethlng great, ami
Will make the stage settllll! effective.
Some idea of th m may be obtained
from the photos that have been pbjk
id In several show windows, ami unv
one looking at them will realize that
i onsldernblo effort bus been exnolldeil
lo tin ladles who luive the affair tO
"King of tbe Opium niny.
On Thursday night comes tin King
Of the Opium King, a production that
abounds in sensation ami coniedv I
ims Chi nans chanters that are said
to be very funny Seats ate now on
snie at Piaster's,
Hp Sold Linuor en Sunday. Contr.T--.
to i.aw.
Walls Wnlln. Nov 10 Special
Albert Nlebergllll. a mend'or of tin
city council, ami I'ohn Bach told, both
proprietors of ni ons on Main street
yesterda) afternoon pleaded gnilt to
having kept Iheit pill, es open on Still
day, the 10th Inst., ami each win
fined ISO which as paid, six others
vere Cltgrged With thS same offense
but Ottl) the two OghM caHSI Up es
terday sfteraoon, The other oases
wilt conn up daring the week
Tin plea of guilty, as entered In
thegs cases caused ii small sensation
in tin city, as it it oi been snnnuncen
that a hitler light would he mail'
against the prosecution MfUbefl Ot
the eitv council bad gnnonnced that
a movement wmdil lie tin,!, at once
upon conviction to rOTOke the license
ol offcmlers. ami in that win lone -t
wholesome regard to. cio laws whlb
the stllti pros Mini; would brlntt
lines to tltosi convnteil The ttgtl
had troag evldeoi e, and It was d n t
mined h) the two t in that a ilea nt
guilt) would be tie saslsgl way out or
ii In sonic i: the cisch there N not
as strong evidence us In those dls
posed ot gad acquittal mm re iul
when the ggggg n e tried
License to Be Revoked.
Walla Wnlla. Nov L'u Speclnl.-
Vlbert Nieberga'' ii memboi of tin-
clt council uml I ih u BaebtOld have
been cited to api--ir Thursday even
mg. Nov 11, to show cams w in thai
licenses should mil . I revoked Th"
i wo met. pleaded -ullty In Jaftice
COUIt, and on that plea th- oi.tu-M
Is about to take m-tli n.
Found Murdered Bodies
Mutilated Near Downey.
I,,s Angeles. Nov. W The M
ot wiieov . tmlneni rancher, Wi
win ami bsby, were round at then
I. anSt I i i M i i vcslerihn horn
inuc in
b) mutilated, and It Is believed
were murdered. Tin house
klMuit ,iiwl then was evidence
.nnni " ... ..
u lii thai looallt) im
strum: I
miin "
Swell Weddmtj tfl Texas.
Phis is how a Tcmis reporter
im a swell weddlnii
She Mi
iii ntirgi v
The bride par
ticiilnrh i iim ! 'mini nakiime iiih-ih
tuhleil with all the lecniiuin
tm i 4 i. . .
oi an aspen leai me
Rmotlnnal Intenslt) ot a stamen lawn
He, tn mhllni Ind I. wss Irreproach
able Ii slu i ast down Inn eyes with
something oi gmntonrlsh iawklshnes
tin fact is easily sttrlbttted to hor
Inexperience this being her first
weddlns. rathei than to an essential
lv defectlvt method Bhe was fniri
well supported The i i u room roae
Iron Ills i tici ton soon ami had to
in knock) it down b) the preacher, but
otherwlst the sffalr was an Islt Not
a bottb was broken slxshooter pulled
or decs of cards taken from an over
coat itoeUet dm lug Ihe eeremony.
Another Free Gift Sale...
With avnrygent'i suit or overcoat
tm c inn ot a Knnii warc.li, stem set
I fins.
Vn free
Twsnty per cent, ilisciiiitit on all
t l 1 .' . i
I .anil's t nrs. i on run t neat nin
led triini and
""1 l)rirMr
Kon.ls in
prices Kiiaranteetl tt.c lowest nt,0s
Voura to pctittt
larRcst stoi k of
i iesd Guilt- to Mantlsuqhter
George Mi st Be Tried.
U hen .ludge Itellinger rub d that
'I'm To could plead guilty to th
chsrs - ol manslaughter In settled th
uuestion as to whether the Indian
would In hanged ioi the killing ot
Minn i. 'in.. i ms arrangement was
effected bv To) Toy's counsel. Colonel
Pai (Mil and Colonel Italev But, Co
lumnui iicorge inusr statin ttlul no
muidel 111 tile Inst degree tin ,
in i iik on in tin- lederal court in fori
land loinoriow The same lawye
Will ileieilll Tills UMC as set Veil lie
The) weiu down on Thuisdav
night i
train, together with the wit
Wear Mask.
was coatoletel)
She Didn't
Hut In , beauts was coinpl. ii ly hit
den In mill' blotches and pimpb
til sin- used llucklens Arnica Sulv
I In ii the vauisheil as will all Krui
lions tn-vci Sores Hulls llleers Cat
bunch's ami Kelons from Its use It
tallliile ior cuts llurns Hculds and
files Cut. giiarantved '.'.'n at
lallman s Co
Twaat) -even nomialttsas are t
canvass I'ortlaml beginning mxt
Honda) im stin k subs rlptloiti' to th
Lewis ami (lark Centennial and
A me i ican-f uclllc I : p. i it ion
Reliable and Gentle.
imi want a pill which is certain
thorough ami gentle DeWilt's la .tit
Karlv Kiser.s till the bill. Do nut lore
but assists the bowels Tallman ti Co
ami I truck A- McCouias
Don't Have Cold Feet
When you can prevent it l WisUrilig pair ut our
Warm Lined Shoes.
We also liave a lute assortment oi Felt and Knitted Slippers
in all colors (or ladies and children
H4h Main St. The Pendleton Shoe Go.
Am ug to date Kepeir Mop us tsaesstteu wttg uur stuee.
Devil i. Auction" v., Conscientious
ly Produced Old Msids' Conven
vention Friday Night "King of the
Opium rung" on Thursday Night.
rusoda) night at the Krazer Cha
II tale's "Devil s Auction wa given
tin vet) best pi i seutatloii poosiblt- Ull
uii the -i.i-i oi that house. Ft'isoiik
si ctii.- the piece on larger sia-ic
in (he city know that it is capable oi
nun i scenn effects than wen given
here, anil that it is ucceasry to cut
out inuuy features when producing it
upon a stage ot this sizi Hut it is
just to say of the Yale management
that it was a conscientious attempt
to keep promises, ami In would be
unreasonable. indeed, who would
complain at tin Tuesday night prs
"Janet, the "Milkmaid.' a character
taken by Miss Victoria Walters was
the bright particular .star of the per
lorjjiame slthouall the casl u u
whole was Mum agtlsfactory Some o
tbe ladles takiug male characters had
A lut ut' Weimar 'liina
tliat is eMiinaite. tins lh
Minething out of the ordinary
ometiiW8 we are proud to
how you. Also a tine lini
ut vases and mantel decora
Come, if only t look.
Owl Tea House.
uii eartli
Old Jas. E. Pepper
Old Henry Clay
Have lit.cn the Standard since
Especially adapted (or lam
ily and medicinal purposes
Every liottlc guaranteed.
Tho Office
705 Maui St.
I Oil
vatiiis lined
silk, soles satn-
rated with n damp proof
composition, making
thano imparviom tt
moitturt and ahnolntelv
$2.75 i Pair
for large
with Btual
or men
Peoples Warehouse
ssasa iM)twvvvwj
The world ' most hiunus CI. I It
VOYANT and I' WLMIHT, lis ar
rived in IViiilleiou SUd 1- now local, d
at the Hot.-i st Uaorga, iiihuii i.
Willie 1 1-re lilt- I'rof. soi etui bj rnli-
-iiiieii on all tin tflairs ot lifts Pnd
Kianots k bs only gradoats nt tbe Oo
cult Oollsgss of IiuIIh and Pnuiggnoa
in lata tntry, lie has madeallfs
Htmlv of occult Bolsnas aad Palmistr)
ami hli moomm iiii bssii luarvvlnus
He Kuanintee- 1.. reveal every luolitaul
of your life; In tell you whom, where
ami win 11 you will marry; given your
own full M AM I srlthoUt asCbtf you ti
.-ingle qgggttan: tells you iii-i wlm't you
are li lltieil fin. and how to obtain
the money you an- in need of, etc
I'mf. I 1. 10. 1 makei a nwlalt) ol jret
ting psopls OUt ol lluaneial imuble. No
matiet what vour truiible in, he can
ami will help vou. and if voli are nui
lielpetl after a vihII he will posltlVSl
refuse lo aceepl a fe. t-. er vone bj 111-
iieii lofall on this Killed Riadiuni and
led for tllcuiM'lv-f 11 n fss i.-. isssmi
able and wltliin reach ol all. He
lallliH that every iiercou adaided in
OU certain kind of 1 . -,e, ,ir pro
It-K-lou null III. I. lie nil. e;n w .u, , .
fill until they tiliii out what tlu-y hi
lltieil for. In your reading you art
told every He lil.-ir of your life mtmm
ow n full name in given, gtan the name
of the one whom vou will marrv will,
a liilldeHcriition, and when- ami when
you will meet, etc. , lllW
lo succeed ami how lo better vour con
ii' "i in all wava.
Sou Hlinuld remember that a vlll lo
tins gifted luediiiinlmay be tin making
of you. He Im- started mauv thou.
aiiil on tile road to nucce.s. If vour
business Ik unsuccessful, if vou have
troubta of any kind, feel yaunsjlf in li
eu to call on till-Killed ineillio.i ,....1
he will send you away bolder and ban.
I'n-i until you nave ever Ocell DSIuK
twice hours. Ill 11. in. to ,s n iii
uudays, I p. 111 to 7 p. in
talinlstrv nud HvI'UoIimii iho..,i
.Mediuini ti rsoiis ilev. loiMMl ( ll
early to avoid the crowd. All buai-
'" strictly c,nllileniial I'urloia
urrangeii thai you meet no itrangsrs
l.sily in allendaiice. I'erf. ei sutisfac-
Upn by mail. Send 1 1 unit dun., ot
birth for nudiug.
rrot hrancis ,..,i,. nr. .1 n...
Hotel St. 1 leotge ami are ssoufud m,
that view in orivacv so tmiunU.
desired by those who hav. not cun
tullt-d a luciliuiu before.
evPl.ClAI. (l-'Ki:k -l'r..l v....u
wUhe-i to announce that a lie i anau
lo retire from the iirofesioii he hftl
tolhiwcd so long, be Im- decided to give
hi full -.'oo 00 course 00 PAI.M i
ami C I . A I It Vo A N Vbl at HVPVflT.
HM for tie tUiall SUUl Of J.i Whu
uot Ukg up tin, grand piofewloo.
Most 01 my pupil, arc earning better
thai 1 u day ( all for till HXIllnnu.
UN. tiiNuha(joii fran.
koom 4.
Corner Main and Webb Streets.
Help or Situation
C. F. Cook's Hnipliijfiiient Agency
uorner viOH1 Hllu A(U Hiret.
HugflinB 1 mi
i) : r , ...! sii
i. eeimi'; inn- m wui iirw nryie tlllilli'.' room
are oi ctioiee design and tinish, solidly madaaaMMJ
I il.. tp - ' r 11
ill Jl 'I I' t- 1'ivvei 1 linn i-ve-t uniute Kir Sllctl Hllitori.,.
, . I. . , .1 .1 -. u.plOt
ilUBI KioK ui 1 11111, mm me worm 11, oven it VOU
tend iiiireliiiMiiii', t ur new sluinnents lticludu
uuu I
grade novelties. 'ome in anyhow and
W a ri
i IHANCE on the $00.00 pveminm.
( 'orner
liain am
I Wehb streets.
A compliite line ol
Stiitintii;r unit lumks
School books and
School supplies ....
Cane- in all styles
U in.. a( Du
etc. New audi
ii im f i
'''Hit! . Mm i . 1
I'urses, card con
r i u sa
- ' mi'-., nnmq
OR. F I IH .! -J
Strict I v vegetable, ixtrf
ectly harmless, sure to teeomplish
Oraatssl known female remedy.
-w.ww I"), nin. , iitill.i ..(l,.i tin- en -in Ol tin. luiiui- inn.
Msadfui Circular lv WILLIAM Mk'U. Co.. Suis Auuu. C .no.utiu.
You get
Good Beer.
When you drink
Guaranlatd not u
mum isMdanha or
Ask for it.
Schultz Brewing
ami otlirbuiiliDg
material loclodion
and Sand.
We have a law ituek ot
mr oariia swi Jtslssj
l l y
rpfrnn iimhPf
VlWrVII bill'"'
Court Ho
The Only Place
A Lunch
you cau ust
in Pendleton.
Altu St., opp
linported Swiss and
Umbatfai Chaaaa...,
liupurtetl double
Stout I'orter, Schht
Atlas beer
The Columbia
Lodging House
v K.Y' :. ui nrtt
.a"v ""vv'i"1 "'"a Wtt "", ftSSlM ara
lo u. W
eaaary Mieu jrour varrlaue i...-,i, ,. ,.irii.t
lu ,
luviuiiKti u.aliuul
aj UiuiuuHh woik
"Uljr wbaPa right
iialr work lo (be uiuat
"U1 a do it aa uiouplly
We uhatgt-
only lb
East Orsgonisn
by Carrlsr,
Pmnklin Adair
(iii9 mill
h. ,J!tS
Hotsl wtie-re be can ".ss
3 M sit "
Life Reading P