East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1901, Image 3

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.. unil iii 's worth of l able Linen and N
JfVl I a
closed at leas than cost.
j0 BlMthed Linen to close . ..
751 Bleached Linen to close .
.5c Pleached Linen to close. . . .
(,r BlMChMl Linen to close.
Jx.oo Bleached Linen to close
23 Bleached Linen to close..
BlMChcd Linen to close . .
g.4 Table spread $2- 50 to close
10 4 Table spread 3. 00 to close
12 4 Table spread 3.50 to close
24 inch Napkins $1.50 to closr .
27 inch Napkins 1.75 to close.
27 inch Napkins 1.00 to close. .
. . 2ic.
. S7c.
.a 17
. . I.2V
Above prices are less than wholesal
bflvpr nrns llrv linnrlc fn
5 :
enXEaDAY, NOVEMBER -'. 1H01.
.. ...... ,..ii.rnru a ft '
. I I ' It'll Wl 1UILfWUI'll II 1
... . . r a j c r n 1 1 w I u v
Therefore Opposes Any Reform of
Tariff Speaks on Several Cur-
rent Issues.
epriHPntu'n ' 1 UMlminn. (il Wash
011 si OStSPOkeo on the tariff. Khtp
... i-lfl t Iff! 1. eel Ml' TdilllV lie
1: "Attn lie democratic party lie
. !.... J - t pn.l.i tltti ItlUIHlfV
ItiilKlini' 11- ' ..,.... ...
it to Ml agllu ring. Then that
anil wciii to the devil (in that
..in.. thlllK happened td tlietll
1 they broke out with Imperialism
thr rapabllcu petty will t a
IP 01 IllllllHf 11 e Kocr 1111111 on if
rarity It there be any hiiIihiiI v leg-
tliin I Willi! In nee tlie Hlllislily
l 011 (muni., nut on speed."
Old Soldiers Experience.
I ,, .IIIM III II 1 I. II l II I -ll-lllll. O I
turn-let Ill UMtlS AM wile
lick tin 11 I iliK time III spite of
n 11 1 111 1 1 . 1 1 1 11 11 1 n tin wit.
Cured by Hi Kiiik's New Lite I'IIIh.
rn win M il unniiers 10 i ei
yi hi 'rallilian & Cos drtiK
The Pendleton.
Arlon Klnmly, Portland.
I. E. Ilewcese Kansas Cltv.
'ieorRe llarr'K. Portland.
M, ii Inslcy. fort land.
Andrew Nyl.mder. Portland
T. Tt, Wood Kansas.
Wleli WicWe. North Yal ima
.1. A Hunter New Vork.
C. .1. Kreese. Walla Walla
Mrs 0. W Hunt, fortland.
J. .1. Burns, fortland.
S S (ill! Vpokane.
Robert S. H.itfth. North Valium
J. E. Dodd
QaorfJ K. K. lichtei fortland
C At. HU'.r, fortland.
Al Waaone:. fortland
(' .1 .loties, Han Francisco.
.loe West M Ituli
Sam Wvat. Milton
Kat. fnttOll, Milton.
Mrs Jt, S ' efeatt. Athena
Qeorn MoOlllrary, Spokane
reierron. Kpokant
Kllppei "ortlan.l.
Clark elty.
A Wise Woman.
HILMKI'I I 1 I I I I I I I II I I I .. IIS I I 11 lll
Wise Wniiiaii ' lor one nliiit He
then 1 1 . rj little chance for
1 com 1 hi n IiiivIuk a dale open.
Dinner let Hi. 111 knew we are tin
m Inn liilisl 1 eliiem i.ie Iumk
d nil nut 1 1 . 111. i 1. .... 1 . 1. 1....
your horn
A Physician Testifies.
hive taken Kudo! liyt-pcpHta Cure
never llni'll liovtlllnir Mini it, me
loud that did.' Have ( ountv fhv
"As a uhyaieiau 1 have nreserllicif
.... iimi lenuilB IVOUO, UH
ni u
fine Mlver Plate
Flat Ware
The Golden Rule.
Oliver WkUl Walla
Woodruff. Walla Walla
Oliver Walla 'Valla
HiitiHueker. Spokane.
E. I 1 tier Meacham.
N. Thomas, effemon
II CIouk and wlte
A Trans. Spokane
Hex. Ilaiion. city.
John fadow and wife, t'klah.
1. H. Casey. Echo.
LX B. Kelthly and wile, f 01 Hum!
.lames A.ihe. Adams
OWKTM MelioiiKllly Athena
A. Welch. Portland.
.Mrs Una Situs Spokane
Herman Hush. Spokane
C M Elsher. Mpokai.e
Charles .ehnei Wallu Walla
1: l Lest.'t Pilot Rock.
I Jaeoiis Chicaao
Lucille N Wiort.
Mra W H Hovd.
K L Ah. 1 Cum 11. U.
W. S. liowen fortland
.William Haskins. Moro
W. W. Kandall. i.a Crni.de
(leorae H Hall. Oenuia.
Mrs ('ran. i.ewiston.
ii. u. itanaon Maeeev
K E Salish.iry Walla Walla
We are hradiiuartera.
-i-..r purlin iuhi roceivm!
If I H . 1 . in . I . . . .1 I
" mi uir lieweHL (IIIHIIIH
pstUrn- at prices Imrtufore un-Li
IttCP 1... Cft..
' oviD n uu up
-u 1 jrks. l nieces ft.to un
Potion oi Umm neil will con-
V tlmi ti,,., ttrt wn, we
h Kind that Wears
Jeweler and Ontician
An- 1 Hell-1
Dearner Cannot oe cured
by local piillue.tloua, astbay iwuuol rtim li lae
.le ue. isirtlull nl lie el I mini is null UUl
way to cure iloatuau, aud that ts by oooaiitu
tlunal reUKKlIvs iMaluau i lumil liy au lu
llauieil 1 niiilllloti .1 Hip muimiu Hums ul tbr
KuntaeUlan tulw. W bau (bin tube geu lu
lUnn-il yuu bavv a ruiubllUK aouuil or liuper
(art bariu(, ami vrlieu It l eutlraly cluaed
ilualtieu la the result, aud unlaw tbv lunauuua
tlou cau bt koii out aud tUl lubu mstorad to
Its normal cuuiltlou. bwrlua will be destroyed
loreeer ; ulue caaaa out ul leu are eauwsl by
oaiarrb, ...... n la uothlua but au luHaiuu.l
uuudltlou ol the utuouua aurlauea We will Kin
oue hundred dollara (or any ol dua(u
(caused by calarrli) that cauuol be curad by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Aud lor circulars, Ires
r. i. CHKNKY ik CO., Toledo, O
Hold by al! druga lata. I
Hall'a Kauilly I'llla are tbe bast.
Notice to Contractor.
Notice lb hereby- given that blda
wll be received by the undersigned at
r. miict,.i. for the eonatruci'in of a
telephone line from Echo to a point
011 Hutter Creek, about 2D n.llea. until
November :5th. 1901. Further parti
eulara on application. The right to
refuse all blda reaerved.
A. B. Thoiuaon.
Pendleto i. Oregon
Modern Surgery Surpassed.
While buffering from plies." any a
ti K. Carter, AUauta, Oa., "I got De
Witt'a Witch Hazel Salve and wan eu
tneiy cured." CuU, burua, hrune
uuicklv cured Beware of counter
feitB. Tailman & Co aud Brock
ew Furniture
I havt juSt received a carload of the latest and most
"P-to date styles in furniture ever shown in Peiidle
011 It you want something new 111 the furniture
"tie call in and inspect my new gooils and the prices
111 always right
Main Street, Pendleton
The Celebrated
Majestic Ranges
I Ida ..f r a.M1 Hutiriir VatfkVPS
IV J VUUMUg aaSSW uvwtiusj mrw-m
al. CLARKE &
Opera House Block.
And Regrets That the City Council
raueci to Macadamize Webb
cording to the Understanding.
Oenrral Manager Joseph McCnbe of
the W A C R railroad, who Ml in
the ity yesterday, stated that he was
very much disappointed at the derls
ion of the city council in not dolnp,
as they airreed to and uolntt ahead
with the macadamizing of Webb
He. t The city officials led Manager
McCahe to bvMeve that, il ti. e rail
road company would grnde In front if
tMr property and put on crushed
rock. Ihe would do the same with the
rest of the street imni Clnv to Oak
and on the stnncth ol this promls
the i-nilrosd comimny sent (leorce K
Sehotr here with hlg crusher and ma
cnd-mled the west ead of the otre. i
mm the O R. N, track to the W
C. R. depot n distance or :nu vards
After thla work was done, the ci.inicll
then t'eotded that, owing to MfontM
dlffleultles which had arisen nnd the
Preaswl financial condition of the 1 in
they could no: do this Improvement
work at HM present, at least, ami the
work has been dropad.
The Improvements.
Mr, McCahe also staled that the
work of ballasting up the roadb d be
tween here ami Hunt s .lunrtlon was
at a dandstill tor the present and the
only material Improvements nov . on
templi'ted was the buildlna of the
steel bridge ncross the I matllln i,er
at Hie east end of town, whirh Is 0 be
completed in the early spring at a
cost tra the company ol MflM atid
the building ol n hrbfge MNIM t hi
Walla Walla river, six miles south (.
Hunt'f Junrtioe ,n a cost of tbeel
I.III.IIUU. lleside these I Ml III 1 1 Ve 111 . n I s
along Hie road, the ei.mpany Is In, inn
their st(H-k yards In this cits mlatrmd
to thre tmies theii former size Tills
Is necessitated by the increased 1111m
tier ol stock that is belna bnn.i'ht
nere tor shipment to the east ami
Sound tiolnts He says there has never
lielote been as much stock shl.ied
over his rond In the same lenirth
lime as lias In the asl lew months
eesides the large amount o main that
is beliiK hauled Mr Mi i'ali. .aid tint
the road is In n DroSMrooa condition
w ti"ti aaxed in regard to w hat e fleet
the c.insolidation of the Northern fu
eitic and Creat Northern roads would
nav ' his line Maeairm MeCabe
stai'd that hi new no reason for
alarm as this would not effe. t tin
W ft C. n In anv wav
Will not Spot nor Shrink
If TMt aocos
iponqid my
M procets that ham
the goods beautify!
aftar being sponged.
Buy ymu Ores Cooda of us
and hi.T thnar iriiilrlng
It proierty apoUKed.
i ndar v.t.i, SK.; . yanlsasNi over, sc. ays).
9 c
20 per cent discount Wednesday and Thursday
An Tent of. mora thee peeatng tetarrat. ft mrarsi thel erarj eleee of
ooloiod wool draaa gooda tn our aTrrat stock will have just one iirtii of
us price cut on ror two nays without a iloubi tin
saving drees pxxis chance you w ill have (his season.
greatest money
The I ,M goods will cost in
i ii. n gissis will ooal 80
The "vS gKKNis will cost iS
The l.m Koott will coat so.
The I, SB goods will cost L00.
I lie
I. AO gtssis wilt cost 11.10,
1 gooii mi ryaal 1 . 10
LOO foods will eoa) 1 mi
:.:o gissls will cst 2 ihi.
gsls will cost J. JO.
u Nali includes colored goods onl, not hlai k gooils or silks
Police Have Pursued Investmation
and Some New Facta Developed.
Since the publication of an nrtlcli
1 em im.vs unit 10 1 11 e eneet mat a
woman was writiiiK anotivmoiis let-
ers. th lai't has eonie to light that
this work has been carried on by the
same one since early last suniuiei
lie 'list letter has usuallv been ad
Iressed to -he husband, askitu' that
meet the writer at 11 Stated time
and place and then, because he fail
ed to show up. she would write his
wile telltug her that she would better
ep a close watch on her Inn band
minis almost the name words 'n lei
ters to d.fferent piirties. which was
the effect that she could tell the
wn. ul tilings he did lasi sumiuei '
when the w1:-. "was away." One wo
unit: rOOeived six leMers to this ef
teit. s um- ol them r Imk tliroi , h the
ostoPflce and referring her to a et
tain postotlu box. and others were
phi under the door which the writer
stated would show that she knew
where her victim lived and to "save
postage stamps."
What Is tile object ot these let Ii Is
more than can be conjectured, but
seems 10 In some one who has a
mania for stirring i.p trouble between
the husband and wile The oplv thlna
that has kept this woman out of pris
on In the past, it seems, is the luct
hat 110 one cared to stir ui the mat
and it has been kept as (pilet as
ossllde tor tins reason However
the work lias leached the point whe.e
liatlence lets ceased to be a Virtue."
and the officers know tin writer who
Will be dealt with to Ihe lull extent
lit Hie law
How Walter Lingenfelder nnd Mrs.
Schumacher Came to Blows on the
Streets of Walla Walla.
Walla Walla. No L'O. Speciai.-
lie- most sensational episod" that has
occurred iu this city for tnary years
took place un the Main street on Mon
lay afternoon, when Mrs Want
Schumacher publicly reprimanded
Walter Lingenfelder. uaing a bupgy
whip with telling effect. Liugeufeldei
hati been editor of the Kvem-ig ritai. ?
mau for some time, and Mrs Schu
macher is a young woman vSfl has re
sided iu Ibis city aince child hoot Sri -
a daughter of the tiii-t chi I d po
e of the city.
Lingenfelder has la en r. Mdiug Ir. a
house owned by tbe Scr.i.-nacii. ,
H. ently. he aunounied his 'nte.iio.i
leaving the city and tal it.;! ( haU'fi
a paper at Vancouver '''ash. He
went to aniouei bin returnee to
the place on the Stares:- a. 1 be I ire
his family had left the ty. Ueea
while Schumacher hat" deterunncl to
aiae the rental on the house, and
.... U'lV IS. d .VI I h I.II1K life . I
her husband returned to the city Co
ou his return Mr l.ingenieiaer uu-
ucted to the raise in re n and tnlu
Mr Siiiumacher so 'it a' foil' -d
au.i blows were averlec. i,airoiy.
Laat Friday there appeared lu tin
Haily Statebinan a reference to Si tin
iiiacher w iii.ii was very uncomplimen
tary, and the article was supposed to
originate with 1 jugeufelder. The ar
Uefc wut ...u. lieil in language like
B cause a contemptible whelp in.
ouie mi. possession or a large ror-
tui.e by robbing Ma poor old motln-i
of her estate and by marrying an
Otkw entaie .. . ured by robbing a mu
nicipality and blackmailing falleu wo-
iu. 11 is no reason why he should be
allowed to browbeat aud insult unpro
tected women who are so unfortunate
as to be bis tenants. If this is not
plain enough, it cau be easily made
more definite aud certain."
Mrs Schumacher demanded a re
traction, the article being evidently
inteuded to convey the idea vi'at her
lather while chief of police had black
mailed proatitutea in this city. Tbe
retraction was refuaed
On Monday afteruoou. Mr. and Mis.
Schumacher were on the street, where
1 in met Llugeuielder face to tace.
It pays to trade at the
"Not a (iiestlonnl'li
feopU Warehouse.
qneMty hen."
Nnvrmher iSth, i.oi.
Deei Sir
If you have an exectiiiK Inste you are ihr man
for whom this advt rtisem hi i written The
lMttrrtt. stvl'' and -.vorkni ir h i ,d il,, slilN an,
iiM-rcoats lor fall and winL r west thai we are
now displaying are e eeesonahle ill istratiofl o(
theffeel that wi' succeed in .itways pleasing tho
most fastidious taste. Am .! our cuitomerl will
tell you that our prices lower than those
charged elsewhere for the san r. ualit) l goods.
)in win.lnws ere attracts i.-n , ,,, t,,.
interior of store will repa jron Men's mennats
t; s t S25 Mtii'e ulatei Men'i
suits 5ii tn Ms am' s.itisl.n ' 0 e,
Mr Schiiniachci its'tunmlcd ihat th.
writer apoloie to his wile ami settle
tke matter The apology was BCelg
refits, d and Mt Sehiiniaeh. 1 Btrurh
Ling '1'felder. Mllag him ti 'he side
walk As the prostrate man iios.
...rs. S humacher began strlkiifV him
with a buggy Whip taken tmin lei
buggy, standing nearby, and in th..
presence of si vera! people admluis
teri-il a s. irate thrashing to the editor
Cuts Iron the whip marred his com
plexion and he was considerably ills
figured in the mix up He was taken
home and will not be aide to return
to lis post tor several days
PvbHc sentiment is with Mis Si liu
BsssOhar In the matter as the attack
in a newspaper brought about by per
sonal d1flet.11.es has met strong re
sent incut from all sources
Mr. Lmoenfelder's Statement.
lu a Signed article. Mr I ilniOBfelflaf
says in th. Staesman:
"Th morning organ, both lu Its
news columns and on its editorial
page heeety perverts the facts to
rei ve its malignant pill pose It luiti.v
slobbers over with svmpathv lor Mrs.
Sehumat her In her desire to avenge
what she construes aw a reflection on
tin nut 11 in-1 in which her dowry was
acquired, but It has not one word ot
eontleinnat ion Oi the prior action of
Schumacher, at his wife's instance
in IwiH iirallai 1 :nv and ills
Messing the wile ot the editor of this
1 111 p. 1 dining his absence iiom tin
city ami bis craven threats at a later
date to ruin her gissl name his own
brutal ami inh 1 - conduct should he
exposed Ihe I nloll knows lull well
that sii hunuiiiici s talk ot au attempt
to blackmail bun for relit Is a lb' of
Mm... as luil a IBSllCiOOl attcit! tilt
intended to screen lumseli in tin . yea
of the public."
F. A. Haradon Took Temporary Pos
session of the "Mint" Saloon.
Yesterday eraalng .1 trnnaieui giv
H Ins name as f A Hnradon who
was erased with drink, ants rod the
"Mint" silicon ami tiled to (ake pos
. -lull ol the place He walked up
to a table where a poker Klinie WAS In
progress ami begun pulling the chips
; in hi - pockets They were ink. 11
I Iro 111 him and then he walked In hind
the bar. saying that he was BjOtM to
j run lb.' place lor a while Tin bar
tender Interfered, ami with some
1 hefpi succeeded in geting him out of
tfil BatoOB onto the sidewalk, where
ihe was lllllled over to the police This
1110 1 mug he was arraigned before
ludgc Ileum ami lined f 7 r.o. whbli
was paid
Mormon lar-op. eills '
aiaiaa, .nnsi .n. .kmn, or clg
1 1 M.. t..i
,4 srtiAisyea, denial, -n, orKaaiii. off el Ourafj LOt lnhOOt IfW
bllltv. Haadach,Jnt1ineae toMarrv, toy of fTPjej amn, lerleooelai,
ri. 1 r ... T. ....XT17. a u.e i r . . . I n .11. l.a
m aamyrriwaaa. wiu im. Cmalan ftaa, AdSraaa, Blsrioe Remadr Co., San Prancleoo, Oak
'UII4U.KHY I VII MS . tllU'fll'. ITMII t'TN . (1111(1
"A tape worm kl.i. . n reel long ul
lass i i'soio ..ii Uir scans atiri n . lakins io
i'Asi AHKTs Tina I mn aurr has cause. 1 my
Sad hi'H.tli for the t.aat Hirer tears I sin still
lakuig !.'. .i. iv ilir only cathartic stoitliy uf
Bonos by s. i. .. im.i...
USu W 11. w I as Haird Mis.
w a7 wainnniib
Ts Jk
. BBBsasa- am a laawi
Honterasteli Bros.
Marble liraniie Works
a. lo oar own work ami gusran
.. i" .uu.. at lowest price.
I -.I ilea gi n all kinds of
. nl Htniio fall -t.s'k on band
It will pay yOU to see our work
in. I if ft pt . .- before piracies
vonr order
Mam Sl leal (I H. N. depot, IVmllrfon
i . i m asdisTseso
I' ra-anl I'. nil . PT.u-i.t Taalr Onnrt Is.
U.-l s.'ter Si. ...i Wraai'u or lirlw Sh la- 'M
... n vvnuiiraiivn.
...e ., k,M..i i.tai IbWM., llMtlr.tl, I.a ImI V.
.id mill an
'I'ooacro HaLit
James A. Howard
all ol Ihe in wt i and latest pattern-,
pei i .i 1 1 '.ei i id lor our Atituui
traile, has nnvi - I, iml the moils are
now in .un 1 1 r ic.nlv lor the in spec
I mn nl I .ill Lu V i 1 I" 1 ninprise
(lie line t hp "I wiltnus, l.l'stry,
ingrain ami liins.t r ever shown in
Poadlt ton ' irpel it s.s to i yard
Wallpaper an I nutting; al cost Un
dertaktiikt noods always on hand.
A ( liiciixro
Lettei to
Society Ltaiji in a
Mrs. I'hiLliuiii s.i v.;
" IlKAIc Mils Pi.XkliAM : Of all tlie
frrateful daughters lo whom you MsW
yieeu health aud life, nne are inure
glad than 1.
l Hume una my ine wa neyyy
Mis- Iv
until illll--
is SIK 1.. I AMI
uiue upon in. three
1 Uri.1 nolW eii il by Is'iug irieg-
ular and having very puiuful and
scaul v men 1 1 nation ; gi s.luully my
general health failed : 1 Ill not eu
joy my meals ; 1 became languid aud
nervous w I' ll griping paiui. ire.ii.ruuy
iu the groins
1 ad vis.- I wilb our luiuilv lilivs-
l ian wiio ereaeribed witlsool auy im-
piuvruieut nr day lie alJ. 1 ry
Lydis PlnknaMu'a item. .lies.' i
did, tuaak uod ; luenexi n. -i.ii. i
U'tu-r. aud il graduully built we up
uutil iu four mouths I was cured, 'i'b.s
is nearly a year ago and I have ic.t
had a pain or ache siuor." lioN.ua,
Ijki.amo. 3'.'4s Indiana Ave., Chicago,
HI. $bOOO fotftit If tituvs ftlmonial II Sut
Tru.-lwoii i i . r r . f is abundant that
Lydla i-. frlnhhaae'a Vegetable.
4 ..iiipiuuiil UajuaaiiiLs of
youug women fro a daugers resulting
from organic irregularity, suppression
or retrution of l -c iii. uaes, ovarian or
Womb iruubice Ucf uae aubalitutea.
Nau's Dyspepsia Cure
Has cured these case
it will cure yuu
J. M Church, Latiraiide, Ore., aaya,
"1 suffered for M yesus, aud believe
had 1 not uaed Nau's Dyspepnia Cure
I would not be alive to write you a
lentil noma I.
Nathan .'elk, lioLse, Idaho, nays: "1
suffered for years, found many reliefs
but no cure excpt yours."
Hot sale by iallnaaa Co.. aavd all
first class drugglaU, or send to Fraak
Mau, Fortlaad Hotel Phareaacy, .un
lassd, Oregon. Price $i a bottle or 6
buttles for $$, express prepaid.
Court St. near Firat Nat. Bank
Mas Real Estate Sale
1 See Here i
160 acres of choice wheat land,
about ten miles northeast of Pendle
ton. This is one of the finest improv
ed farms in the county and has good
school advantages. Will sell for cash
or trade for equal value in unimpioved
Eight fine lota in Pendleton at $100
each, on eaay terms.
160 acres of wheat land south of
Pendleton, e00
i6 acree choice fruit and garden
land near Milton. One-half of tract
in bearing fruit tree , 7 acres alfal
fa. All under irrigation, finely im
proved. 120 acree on McKay Creek, 20
acres al botton land under irrigation,
balance good wheat land, well im
proved. M0 acres good wheat land, In a
body, four milee from Pendleton;
terms half cash balance on time to
suit purchaser at S'a per cent interest.
International I'oultry Food makes tlieni
Bee! Meal gives them flavor.
Clamshells make them solid
Mica Krit aids digestion.
I y a sample.
Hay, drain and heed.
ij-j ami i jo, Fast Alia Street. pi mlleton, Oregon.
I i make gissl l.ea.i use livers' ileal Hour. ItUsik first
premium at the Chicago World's Kair over all compali
i inn. and glvee escellenl sat tela, i im whersvsr used.
Kvary sack is guaranteed We have Ilia laset MUmiiii
Kollral liailsy, rmd Kye aud Htm ..lines Harley.
W. S. liVFHS, Proprietor.
He is well pleased with his inn u
and you will !. if you take your
laundry to
They Know f heir Business
Frazer Opera House
Uee. I. Hsssr, Lesase sad Mr. Jaa B Waich, Luaal Mgr.
oni; RI0N1 ONLY
Thursday, Nov. 21st.
King of the Opium Ring.
the huknk; m k 11. ni thk aorii 0KNTURY.
I lie Human Powei ol Clunks
I he Native C inn. s- Ai tois ami Children.
1 lie ( binese 1 heatn uu a New Vttars Nikht.
A MoiiHtor KaleiiluriiMiptf of ( irittutal Magiiiii oiu;o
6 Big Vaudeville Act-5
Prices 60.:, f aud si.00. als u sale at trailer's liook Hture.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.