East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 20, 1901, Image 2

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Fall and Winter -Offering
We wish to display to you our fall
and winter lint- of Suit; and Over
coats. Madf in the Ikjb! manner and
we guarantor a perfect tit. We b
without (juestion the hesl line in the
One Prior, Ohtkien, famhher ami flatter. Pendleton.
Whatever a "motif may be. ami I
is not clear to moat students of pim
AnKlo-Saxon Just what It menus. . .
talnly all drama writers should lni
a lenltimat' motive liohliiil tin n
brlnalna forth a production f(.r tin
stai'. Possibly It arises from tin
habit of Hlways looking at Um oast as
Klvins. better thinns "In the Rood a
days" than are offered In tin present
vet observer of the stan tanti
avoid the conclusion that the peopl.
an compelled to see anil hear an ;n
menae quantity of trash nowadnys. or
remain away from the theatres. I
It true that the stage has two diHtttu
functions to entertain unit to ai.
relaxation, and to Instruct ami up
lift And many times one is beinm
od by witnessing a production that
eauses uproarious laiiRntei ami cni
rles no particular lesson In morals ot
uncial betterment.
Hut. It is not Justifiable that onl
Um ninny side of the drama be empli.i
alxed. and tboutthtful people oooMtoi
ally long for something that rls
above the level of the faree come. I
uml that i.. an uot only the ma
of literary merit, but also deninin.
ait in Its presentation.
I Hiring the past few years. Pond I
ton. in common with all other town
in this region, has been ultliet. .1 wl
;i inrrent of cheap vulgarities thai
calculated to kill all Interest In thin
theatrical, and that make tin
an institution to be borne In mlml a
'tin-thing to be avoided.
ivrnaps. if lustlce be dotn
Inmiil he ailmitted that lln-i.
inndeiicy toward Improvement, a
though those who have a tast. fi
higher ilrumiitn productions are ii"'
yet aatiafled with the general averau
of comianies coming here
Now that the Hoy t ian class of ilia
mas is In less favor, and manaK I
not inflicting them so much their
patrons, there Is a hoe even umidst
a dark sky n'rcast with murky clouds
of corrupting theatrical vaKr
Theatre patrons an- actuall 00001
iik suspicious o: tinisi nun
Have In the oast amx-al' to then
consideration of literary merit, and a,
tistic excellence in rendition And n
will soon b a sad lot. indeed, even
lor those reeognUed stars that ba
shone in the dramatic firmament dm
int manv vears ami who stray out
here niton is-casion and iv. tin i
rim inierprotationa
It m. i n. I;;- - ol opera nouses v II:
cut out" more of the cheap aftun
and nlav or runt to only attractions
that art- attractions, they will assi. -:
in elevating the stage, ami will in tin
long run bring profit to themselves
It will lie in the interest of drogMtli
art as well as good business polity
between various OOltOtta, be .11 nnve
.instilled Mis choice as chairman.
The misery o( the whole matter
I that divisions In political parlies as a
i miI .it. caused by Jealousies ami per
sonal ulSOOppOinUnejttS, ami do not
arise from legitimate dlffevene. - ol
opinion upon important issin s. These
differences nsuall disgust men who
have no pofOOOBl axe ti. grind, ami
therefore they leave the management
of party matters to those who are wll
Ugg to permit a ligiillled organi.a
Hon to In- dragged down to the level
ol a particularly bad lot ot lsll!euu
Several woeks ago aome Imagine
tive writer composed a sloi to ,i
effeet that H V Hi-ott, of the Oregon
luu was bluffed by Marl, lluuuu inm
i eaMIIlK to oplHise tin .nl nflllist r III n i .
at Washington bv llauua's thrcai n
ing to encourage the establishment
a new natter in Portland Incident
such as these are interesting onl n
that they ahow tin- alibi e of th
man conceiving the Idea and puttin
It into print. This particular on
in,, vex Unit tile lllttli who wrote it ,
constituted so as to make It ponslhb
for people to bluff him and It al
prove that lie has not much in.n i
courage. He cannot umlerstaml tli.u
nn-n of good average American in
cannot be bluffed oi ooaipollod uu
less actually overpowered .mil t,',.i
me man or commemlabb sell esteem
will not permit himself to be cowed
into submission, tie may be physi
cally overcome, but so long as he
nave power to resist, will he attempt
to lUlJU off tin- other . II, , win,
tries bullying tactics if some bill
Jy hunt up (in- author oi tb. ,,,,, i
ami he will find thai author easy
Winter tasliions as declared at tin
liotsi shov express n I, ml tit I
than '.in any words, in. progress
made b) the niisliste and tin manu
liu turer. lurtlier than that tin- gowns
oi nierican eonHtrnctlon wore wool
evident that the women oi this conn
try. aside from the fact thai tln-y do
so as a mutter ot iiishion. are no long
Of compelled to rely upon the mod
tstes te tin old world for liMiulennn
frock: . it originality of design ami ele
game ot nniBh. won the features
"O'l-.tht in iniiMirti d creations.
Many ol the most attiaetive gowns
wrap:- ami otln i sartoral b,'longtiig
ol tin winter now displnyei! by tin
ultra-swell shop-keepers are the work
of Americans ami those designs hny
prOTOd such ii success that many fash
lOMblt women have partially goelgf
ed that bOTQOftOT they will cling to the
articles of domestic make. As the
season advances the popularity of
applhpies grows. A delightful exam
pie ot this lad. for it Is unite as much
a lad as n lashiou is an applique of
Mowereii paiim ' ut oui in ii very Im
presslotiistlc manner ami finished
around the edge with a line cord oi
MMB0 laucy stlteli Nothing Is lov
lier than panne flowers appllipied up
on a vest of cream silk for a cloth
gown with iimterslecves ol the same
ttimmlng. Appliques ol cream lac.
lire also much in vogue, while an ec
centric innovation is tin- application
of wool embroidery on tulle ami chit
lou. edgings ot uu- on tulle ami
CbiffOfl gowns
While brown by many, is consider
ed tin predominant eidoi of the "ea
sou. there an- many othei shades
shown in the smooth cloths that bid
fair to be quite as much worn OrOOl
red ami him gowns are very much
worn, the iattei especially in the n"v.
shade of Chinese blue With b-ss
green in It than either robin s egg or
loiquolse tin new Chinese bill" car
net. all before It. ii being specluily
commended to uotn by Its purity l
I. in. In blue satin or Mm brocade
tin- new tint is almost "Chinese" look
ing, but also rivets attention in MUM
elvet, velours iKMiltli velvete-m.
cashmere or Henrietta cloth. An al
tOTMOtl sow ii in this fashion liib- new
shade i- really a triumph ol the
finihid ladicb cloth I'.'n s-urt
sweeps 'he tin ir all .iii.nul without
being especially leiigtn in tin ba- lv
one of int pr.'Ul 'Si featurt-i ol "lie
frock Is tin anplupie work in heavy
nam cords ol clusters i ' unpo wu.i
tin ir lohag - A !lttle tin- -(in
Inin is a three-inch band oi white
lace, then a wider band of black ami
tt intervals extending over both white
mil black ami upon the dress ma
t.-nal are appliipieil the hunches ,
ream la e grapes mid at the has. , i
ach cluster a drooptQg leaf or two
l tin vim- The bodice is extremely
elaborate Down the center liai K runs
u strip of bhn k lace over white tulb-
with the appliin erteci in grapes and
ll UVi S OVel While on each side These
bOJutl ami th. appliipie coiitlr.ue In
the baci. below the waist lim- and
mi m a po.lllliou lu I rout an- bauds
ol Uu hi, and aunlluiie. with large
polka dots ot Chinese blue panne vel
vet trimming the voke. The turner
parts Of the close sleeves are tucked
ami the lower portions of the Hpplltpn
and black lace are over white tulle
Hands of blue panne ending In sharp
points, but mil meeting, have between
these points immense polka dots of
the velvet Then- are time ol these
hand "11 each sleeve
something voiy charming are Hit
blnek mill white silks to be worn after
the design used lu woolens ami thin
silks during the summer . bey are
the fine blacl ami white checks, the
i. ii, ct square and other line checks
wlune (he square is landfill In MOlon
but still smnll. little larger than a pin
GoWnt developed In these idlks are
ti mimed with various appliques ami
1 1 eifin-iit Iv hir e n touch of contrasting
color In n crush collar ami belt of dell
eately fluted pnnnc with probably a
repetition of the color In Ihe trimming
of the lint, t'loth embroidered on the
edges In an open work design. Is the
rMtUffl oi one gown which Is of blCCk
doth embroidered in black silk, file
des-dn being tally two Inches wide.
The skirt has throe deep ttounccs or
has tin- eflect ol flOUncM, the upper
skirt falling loose 01 the ejlge over tin
second flounce. The bodice, with pos
Hlllon back am! a pointed iront. Is
wide. Tm v,,st Is W black and whlti
broldtred all around the edges an Inch
cheeked silk, plaited li-nni the liecu
down to the bust, below which ll puff
out ami is OOBflMd at the wnlsl line
bv gold boll with an enameled
btlCkle I lllle hows hnve been om- ol i
the niiisi permanent of fashions nml
an- ycl win n bv well. dressed women
Tle an- worn In fjlfforoBl ways, (lirls
who wear white ribbon fur stocks pin
i. white or White and blnek tulle how
at the font A little line of 'nib Ik
carried around the BOCK inside I In
stock pi tin- lap, wlthtothei nock ar
nitigemen;. 0M the tulle boV worn
at the bai k OT OndOt the chin
OMHWOrl Itltches arc not confined
to thin materials by any means and
one them on tin- shagey llbollMI
so much worn iolnlng the MMM over
silk oi the same color, and hOOdlttg
tin- otretltar flounces, ol which there
are two BlOe itboltaOO ll grey, but
rather light shade trimmed In this
way. make h very fetching th oten
ew Voriv is lltorolly antonioblto in
rootod it is doobtfnl ii any Mrtlctt-
Inr Inshioi: has ever tahOO so coni
plOtf a hold t)pofl the . -nlnltie fnncv
ie 0M enveloping coat Is seen
ovory whore ami made or everything.
Tin roiigl' mateiialO, however seem
to in- in the aacoadoMy, Tttoy oor
talOl) COOtTMl very prettily wit I the
I" i mis velvet collars and cuffs which
are used to trim them. Very fanciful
designs have the deep pointed yoitOS.
occontMtod by too atltohlnai of taf
i ta ni even oi' cloth Combinations
nr. COO flMd rather to hb-ml of col
oring ttwa IHmm of matorlali tot
ticv-i bp fOTl lies then been sin-h gfj
liuoimriiio in combining materials.
Rough lotllS lire ussoclllted with
iiitlti In finished ones almost as much
as with fur ami It must be COOfOOOOd,
although the effect is rmlier startling
at llrst. It is very smart and prettv
After all. originality is the real I
ody. If such It might be cnlb-d in tin
season's modes, while biMirv and .-I"
gOJUSO form tin aCOOmpOAlBMBl
New York. Nov.
I Icrcurj" fttLfl
out false Lr. . ts
of a cure lead
the unfortunate
victim Into
mire of drKtr. sf
despair ftn
doubt. j? jG
1 flC blood poison suflVriT who bfUM His hoKssof KJtireupoii
metrmrv And notagti is doomed to disaowintnieiit rheae
minemfa may dry up tilt" sores and erUptiotll, and pcrli;ips for
IllOtU us no external B10 ng of the disease are seen, but just as su-v as voil live, you will J StpertCllCe
. aiu the horrible effecta of the original poison and the added torture of Mercurial khemnn
' i mi, mined digestion and most offensive ulcers and sores. The use of the minerals .veils
, ! poison from the natural channels and force it back into the blood and system, where it
nreya Upon the more vital parts, and heart dise.ise, quiek Conattmptlon or Some other eon lb
Fatal disease ends the patient's sntlcrinps. Merenry and jrotash are ejven to combat : and de
the deadly vims oj Contagiotu Blood Poison, hut they never h..vc ior nova will aoaattv
in an v such reanlt The advan
W 17 OUMUra V V II
Sir ;
Stops the t onal: .ind w on tnc Cold.
I.'i4llvi- llr.iuio ij ii I til ii I HblitH iiir" h til
I" one .lity. No euro, an psy. Hrloo .' . SMM
Al Nelll. who U maiched to liuht
Mratorloua Billy" smith bofon the
I'astline i luh. in I'ortluml. luo arrlv
i torn San rram iscu
ugi gained by a lonp courae of
drugB'ifl only temporary and
i1 ort.lival
wonder, then, the hlood a h V I
' n victim crows despondent
an I anattdotta hope when, alter tak-
ing mercwry and potash long .and
Lilarly, and havina followed to
tl letter bis physician's instruc
tions, he sees the old digeage retnm-
! 'rill glQg many new. indl strange
II ptom and, in sjiitf uf medical
. ''I and in defiance ol all human
. (torts, the body is soon covered
with a mass of pttatuls ' sores and
iloi ed spots. The mett
les oi t!u- mouth, tongue and
hroal thicken and ulcerate, elands
a-, and throb with pain, hair and cvebrows fall out, sight fails, and il :ms n I 09 r an,
ti no or fibre of the body escapaa the ravages of this terrible poiaon Miuerul ancdiea hav-
iled to arrest the disease, the pitiable sufferer feels that his choice lies bet t:u o Ufa of
i intense mental and physical suffering or self-destruction.
Bill you can be cured quickly and permanently of Contaj ions Hlood Pouh :i by tlie use of
S. S. S. It antidotes and destroys this peculiar virus, and no other known medicine docs,
we confidently assert and believe that S. S. S. is the only true cure f-.r 'Ids i He disease,
moiuter plague. It is strictly and wholly a vegetable remedy, and we fei fX,ooo.O0
for proof to the contrary. No bad effects follow its use. It cleanses tin bl odofthi uoison
iginal purity and strength, and not only removes all traces oi tin
disease, but destroys the effects oi the mercury and potash
a well. Profit by the experience ol thousands who have
been restored to health and happiness th ougb the timely
use of S. S. S., and do not be duped and doped by so-called
specialist and others who have nothing to offei yon but
mercury and potaah, put up in a different and jk" haps mure
attractive form than that i)rescribed bv VOUT home ;!i .ieian
km't despair of a cure because other methods have failed. S. S. S. will not nisappoint
you, ant the balance of your days may be the ln-st and hajj)iesl yoi have evel known Of
dared hope for, Write our phyaiciana all about your case, describing aaaccu ttely aa possible
your present condition, symptoms, etc., and they will cheerfully advise an ' i p you to get
well without any cost to you whatever.
( hir 1 omc treatment Hook on Contagious Hlood Poison gives much information about the
iiioihi uiui we aic suic win nueresi you. e win Di glSO to mail you a copy it vou desire
THE SWIFT SPECIflC CO.. Atlixntiv. C.
to its
I ana restores u
I 1 1 1 1 I SSP IMI
iB3"4 a
without a USck,
..-lult lie.ut ol
wan, it ioy hair,
. la in trutn
" vv.una.i'.j cmwu-iu-
Kiiir." li.
I i , t. f u I um o f
Ne tin'erplcids
DCTDI I. ll. Ul I'tll-
duss haii ( Lim
tcr for, by
1 1 t I'oy I ii k the
le.nlly f 'l:n tint
n-r.l U.n Um ol
UM I. ni n.il. H
mukf. Uaiulrufl,
fiilliiMrhnlraml all
UN t.t, it tb.
ir,ibjott'l 11 li 0 1
all I Utiek BTOWth
to.miUca th.. old
Ify nit
U! v.-r
. ii.-in. ni..
tor .u Jill ir.t
lUi nil-, j fitwrvk.
8am White, di'iinx rain state chjtfr
nun will start on a Journey over Ore
MOD, leaviuK liaker City on or al.out
the Brat of Doasjsjhoi iritJ) Uw avow
el object of liarntouuinr. tin ,nti--eocoo
lu the oarty. Thu ja oogMMBS
able, and such u i-ourse o, pm. .-, ,1
ure is recuiuoieuded to tile KOgUDll
an a tal halt man wbu has even a
woraa divided ottrty thau Mr White
if Mr White ouecsii l in uiukiiiK Miace
Hv tlUie alil'M hair ill J in.i imi. It ,v:n
Imrlt auil ,lrv . au.l M.iulit Im-.iL .irf. ml ht-i
k jI, Ha. lullul dry usuuiuff uuu l.-uul.i i.i
itiiuli UUI A arouu'l U, I i, k . I Iki
Im 4.1 war Ull'l. 411.1 Oil Uu- It,,, al' lu I lii-M.l Lie
iuir wtu only two or tin,-, lu, I.,-- loas I
ui.e.1 t TTiri'ttA Au.tr ami miiim- CI ni l :n
OintUH-nt, ami liei liair turn . eii.r m Uiii l. nl
aawfta.-i-lll. Moti..4.1MitVM.v, .nt,i,o.
Hum ahuuou villi Ol HSSSS H A .nil lifht arM
lOJ, villi C'VllllM., purt.1 oT tiaoUMaU. will Mt-r
Ik Mlp fi 4 hjur ul cruu. ial, iSSgMg mh4jm
urualwl Ui.l SjMSfSMSlMM
The New
taMMf! to A. C Shaw Co,
New fruits
I r.l,,e .
I'llle AlleM
ran hemes
i oooaasti
I 'earn
Fam-v Ifsiiinf
We have nit, I-- Mpucis! .I'r.in.'---iiiHiits
tn havrt i larK tuorttn-nl ol
Wlf Itllgg in our I 'in- inr Tlisiikn
KtvinK trade, ami will bt aide t,,
take care ol our order in -Mod
h ha lie ami to your entire latinUr
tiou. Our pries will oe rinht ami
our k'mmN ot the hiMt to ini oiitaim-.l
I'urkey.s, Ducks, Geese,
Chickens, Etc
I'll 1 MAIN -at.
New vegetables
Can 1 1 flu a, r
1 I'lery TlirtllMi
UeetH (.'alihsKe
Fresh Toiuatoi-a
1 . reen I Minim,
I lorte Ksiluh
HO . el I'ut itntw
Shorj Line
Hotel SI
0M UAMVI At IVot .
KlvKdDtly Farntsbed jieain Hoatod
l:uropMlti Mian
Hlock ami half from depot.
Sample Room in connectiou.
Kooin Ksle
SOc. 7Sc, $1.00
WHYW rent or interest f
W1ISM 111,
Home Co-0perdlive Compdny
Will build you a honie for
...$6.60 tisr Slotnth...
Wl" f urn tail you tfar money Ui
pa) off your morlaatj.- oi buy a
imi.,n in any lovality, and give
fou 16 yearn ami 8 uioattia to
pay It book at Hie rale ol
per mouth, witliout intaret In
'aae of daatii or total dlaablllty
a clear Ueeii will be glveu.
Sirletsat iavestiastiou ooortsd.
Are inittiiiK in a latRe ami ftompltto
Nt,'k of all kinds of I nml,.' and
leiMlf Material Hltlllltlni Hitiaglea,
HSabi !or MouhliiiK, Hullding uutl
Tar Pgjpsg and Apph- lluttes; in fael
everythiiiK that g.a to make up a hisl
elass Retail Vard. This stock la eoin
iiiK direct Iroin ggg ,,wi milla, anil if
Bjggggi in t-very resjaH-t. N oil should
not buy until you have ( on tlieiu.
Cray's Harbor CoauKrdal Co,
()jaliUJ W. A ('. H. lejot.
W j StWKLL, Mananer
ttti.KeHi.K MAIN J
before purcliasing come and
look over nui large and com
plete line of hstliag stoves
whicl we are selling at a very
low figure
Tho Loading Hardware Men
Ui-rLli) mi.
ioei-tiii uf ii.
nian I utilllniig l oiniiany ou Weduewia
Iven lUat there will be Ail aiiitit.it
for GentlenMn
who cherisli
Hold by JOHN OUHMlll
The Louvre Saloon
fKl DLK-loN
Washington &
Columbia River
Take thfs
route for
mmfMtoTomJSi and
All Points Uast and South
Portland and points
un the Sound
unua. Tims sohsduis .as its
"" From Fo dlston rsos
eortland Worlh. ouiaba, Kan
Special sMt'ity, Hi Loula. tiki Ss. B.
Pm osgnauil Kaat.
. via ii.i.i.
AtlautK L Laae. hsovsr, fi.
Kiprca. Worn,, inaaha, Kau
" m i Ity. m Luuia.i.'hi- I0;4ii p. ai
via Hunt- . K" an.l Kaal.
J".,';'."!, 'wr" w"- hawwusn
Hsil Bpokass.WalUos.Pull-
an..a. ui. i man, Mioaeapolia, HI. ,JUi. at.
vis i 1'aul, Uuluth, Mliwau
tpnkaue. j ke.i. ctiiukoaud Kasi.
Ocean and River Schedule.
' raoa foHixAM)
All aalllua- dale, aubjset
''.P W. For San r-mooiiioo t u. ui
sail avsry I days. v
! jjjnj ' 1
Columbia Blvsr
J.tJfl I Astoria nday bii'day
." UiLllnga.
siiuday QMS Clly, Nowbtrf. i p.m.
iu baleui, lu.lepeudeuoe.sjt. ttuud.v
sad Way Uiulliia.
luM Tbr. c""."' ud Wsy t-aup m
auilaVr 1-audiud.. Moo. Wed
and Krl.
7- VVIllaiuatts and Yaiu-
aud a. "- W CJrUm Moused
auQSat aud Way Caudiusa. aud Krl.
Soak. lw LBrtSL
naiiv ni. i . , Uas. ui
ny. Kiuarm to hewiaiuu Oally.
K AWUSY, Ageut, l eudlelou.
Vou get
What you buy
Bill .Muck of
i,, ,,,,,, i , oi in,-Ji.i Oreai.
a t'liimiMiiv ..ii v r...
cpv,, ntu tji.icM ii in ilk. .m... ...
4tmuut Wautaal k.rwli..v
nig 1 oinii
1 ni ..vl.
aaaa i-ompany in Paudlstuu, Orvgou, lor ibe
r--r. ".-ii unn era lol luu ullaulnif
nioasoN i'i..,,i.,, , vum or
. Secretary.
purpiiau oi
UT" yea J H
r. Laai-kiN i
Farmers Custom Mill
Frod W altars, Frogriatar.
Ospaelty, UU barieU a day.
floui oacUauged lor wbeal
lour. Mill Used, liUopiNtd Vasd, slo.. stwan
riidl, ion, daUt
i .... .
s-tiu pin. ,Ml uadsj. at
rX,utS,.di,,0n "'""'y. Wluead.y id
raic- r-eud nun, i,...
Saturday ' :ss am
Tburaday auil
XltwX'b 1fJ.
- oi uuuuu w.i'i aii
W. ADAMS, Ageui
a. uaLnjtKiticAn, u f """""'"'n'"'
Walls Watia. Waaa
...Wo do...
Trucking & Transferring.
The p,ac7toj
w 'irp von ra M
1Ull an, Phaana
Bast I in. f "'PPrti.
lnr-r psper, Tu
cement, PickeU
' la8r- Brick
;a"d, Moulding
Scraen Door,!
on, Terra
( tta Pipe.
Pendleton Pianinjr
Lumber Yard.
French Restaurs
COSY Roons
Well I.itrl.t.-1 and Ht-Am Hajt.
Best 25 cent Meals
In the Ch.
l'K taoa
I a-tni and
' 'jmtsn.
'h. W. li. I I.I.K 1IKP1CI IK I
niitlrti,.. na,.. '
.,v,. , , .
a m
. v. MM fc.M , M.li. ilKKHII
i rirat ailona: Hank OtBM kaana3
1 I., II M
I'U. r. J. smi I'H, OKKK'K OVMI
" ' 1 I ' M ll , HOMIuPl'
ii I'iithi tan m . flurrae. oa ni
XV... . ' ' , . i B ...
surguou. USli:
rUoiie Mam It.
IKit'HK, l-HVmciA
. nwai a Jaat kaf
Ki-.i,, oct, Hot I
I'll I M. MKNUavtUitlN, I'UHHUII
auraenii. fip. i ialimi, y,, au, tm I
tiiioai una in xavtif la
rii, ,ii, Mali
.1. I.. Mil. 1. 1, l; M. ll. , DICSI'AIXI
truala aim vorrecU aye truublM i
BOUdilioOJ an, I njipairwl bani.
nip. mi, in rain UntriM
UK. I'. .1. M b ATI., lltxig 17,
Hon uiot .t Uiapuouo M
phun , black 101 .
(S'l'Ki 1 1' a I'H li I'HYHICUNb HI
KsyeaOKuyaa Ufflot, os katk tatak
lou .iioru
Dk7 1. Y S N K. UlaaJUglA OBI
ami itvrtoii. olMaaeaau l hmaaSI
lipp. lim,-,. , -or Maltr aad Bain j,
bin, lire.
VUH hAl.MI.it b BANK Or
Mmuju, ri-Kuli Uoe.
Uiuiiit-M l-.i, naufe LuufUt ,
leuui'Ua WOatVUl allaudaaw.
jimllri,. , ,, .luu. aud aa M
tote iltaatliin i .immlllavaof ItaMtStaffl
n , n U etueaeu, MSSaai )
I'toubaie. .,'. . ie,ni;C.a.riSM
i u win.... u.itooi' real lar a
U. A.' UailL.ai, M U Jucdj. 1. J rnalj
itraw. J. r. Klliiiori,
ureajoL apna.. Vtim.nitimtUl
U. UUU. Iiiu-leal oi. UU vMMSa
lorelgn ainl dosieatlc eicaaar OM
,,r,iun,.iv aiteudad to. HasfyCtastl
hl.nl 1 I kirk tlua-aMMMSli t
mill, sal 1 1 SW ' Mta. a U Sanat
lou t'apiial, WW ipaiw
aula a auueral bauliua biuu
... , . .r.n.i.naaU at
Kraui-lacu. No or auu .-"XLT
,,idaal. Wl
ii,.. s..ni,wra. lira! u uraw aa i
.ud kuropi Mats lattoaStai;
tarau. LstI Ainrny yn
vlceoroahli-in 0
.tueruaey. iwaiilaul I
M.i ... . HtVINliB
Heui!lloii.iireou Orgaaissl Baj
laplial, ',UJ. aurpist.
lllfflll Ol. HI". .. . , .
. .l .M MUI
auu aoiu on ai. iji,u,. r w . -
loutlon a-lveu lo '-"nCT-" M
laai. ' w e
uini.niu i a
Morna. eslhUl
uerluleuduui. uiaaca "wT, ,
Uu. loi PlllldlUjll lu tt
. - awssi--
i. aula fill U IlliUJUV
Hooia 17, JiitUl balfdliiJl.
Hbup ou BluB aireal. uaat
. . . r,.vuTliAI!Tu
U A. MAT, w''
builder tnUiuaiea -"il. ail
muumrv wmtui ""' "-luaBMaa
..... ... , h I , at iiio Hat viaa'" af
B. a VAUUUAil nKNI"11
InJ'idil BulldlUK
..vj rldT IM
g. A. MANN. "a
tinr siu.-. over r. . tat" .
vliia-i bant biiuoiua
. un mil
HIDBS. fsLTS Mmw.j
yoi;cA.s obi" T-2Kas
kel price lr yo"',
of iuuk,
luc. rasa uu l buiUa"
.i iallv ou im '"!,rl
old raga or .UiP n. M T , 7
be treated in li al Sjft
bere to .lay ' , rfSI
...,.riu,i 1. riiiaua a w,' aJOl
Uouae uexl U KajiierD ttow,
leiepuuue m . iiaal
... - "rHic WLWJ
rla' JffaSi
about M t"uuJ' JYTTJaT
Dalea '';iBaVMM
. I
aLKuTioN . NonHOTBaf-l
. "., " iV" uebiu, UaiBfaat
lu ine cnj 7,., haur" JiavMf
ou, an ele. lie" x1""" ,?iVaa2j
uauwly: J"'8 " iu,tom:.Tt
urer: wuicu - wln cSVTSa
in tbe iiioriuiiK ,.:, UaM
tbe .1 lAUUOOU oT -I" g. afSeJ
OI nUYue.. 7i
pariinein io, ---- be law j,
ITl.l deoarliuoiH ,,a ifc '
bald ou tae l IrLa Ua
'" cbambert t m 0
o'tUk.P.'" .AaTrsssmlakft
iiaiea ioi. j gi aaatfLjg