East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 19, 1901, Image 4

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    T1TKHDAY, NOVBMbkh i
To sit around tin
feet when yon
sum of
'an lot
tf 25,
by a pair of the celebrated
Alford Dodge Felt Slippers
rresti sane
s Votings;
which are all wool
felt poods made.
anil the Irs
Cleaver Bros
The Boot and Shoe Men.
Jaa. A. Howard. Farm loans
ll- udle ft Howard, lire tnsuram -
Domestic and Davis MWtni ma
t'hlnes at Wlthee's.
U"t a chance on the M pfasatuni at
natter's Furniture store
itarrai rresh rranbenlen
reived at Mawlov Bros
Helnses hulk mustaril the tin.
the market, at Demon's.
Dig lot of tine mountain rnbbuKi toi
making kraut, at Dnmatt a.
Prepared mince meat, ready i .
family use. Try It. DemottV
Apple butler and sweet uppi eld
finest quality, at O. It. Detroit's
The East Oregonlan will pa i
for clean cotton raits delivered at He
Hpecial prices on furs at Otar.ei
liros.s Dry Ooods Company's ash
New neckwear. cardlRiin iael.
wool anil silk mufflers at Baei
It is the talk of the towu how quit k
ly F. 8. Younger ft Son's deliver Hielr
It. Martin's hakerj depan m
he heat, leave your order for Than) -Klvlug
K. T. Wade has a residence prupen
in Pendleton for sale. This Is a ipt
ial bargain ; see him.
For the latest style and lowest
prices in fur goods, see Clevi in
Dry Goods Company's Caah Htm.
Kme new nilm e meat In huh.
ron. package currants, raisins, fig
almonds and walnuts ut Hgwlej
' turkeys are going to he ver
ICMWi you had better engage jrou
now, at the "Standard On
I'hone Main 9C
Candy Dutton has received a bum
ment of Newtons' chewing gum
With every 6 cent package you gel .
i hance for a nice watch.
Just received at the "Standa; :
Grocery" some choice New Toi I
buckwheat flour, corn meal. Nev
Kngland hulk maple syrup and rrati
Our Story Books
We keep our book in the gallrr
our stoie, ami lenir that all palrnii-
h ut liberty ti un- ami Lake lie ir
time III looking at tile liuii.lr.'.l nf
volume we ke'' in it.uk
Our stuck ha just been nejnforoed
by the following titles, listed accord
iug t their iMipularlty
fttot lanii s fancy illshtu Nolf's
Cored stylos mirl prlres nt Ratter!
Furniture store.
I'm ti i t in at lleiidrleUV hall Wed-
geadej Bvenleg.
OOglfl to Hmdrtok'a hull Wednesday
i-vi'tntlK. Free lecture.
Snlt Hull Of all kinds .tust received
at K S Voiinner ft Son's.
When Is the best place to buy fur
nlture" At Under', of course.
Watitid I'a.-itiU" loi lo or 5" head
Of cattle B. B, Mel. Alba Oi
(iuli-k deliM iv ami clean itrnceiies
in re K S YoUBgaf Son a shim
I m carments at reduced prices at
I leaver llros. Dry (loods Cash BU.lt
Dressed noultn of all kinds at F. S
fotttlfet Hon s Nicest In the cit
None better and only a I -w as good
Tin I'aliu Chocolates, at Koeppi
A crent big barrel of
I, rant. Just received nt F
a- Son's.
riM cents for drink m hot sons
eves, ami Savors, Kovppen
hint received new lb ,ms tu ln-l
nntors. Ice wool shuarei bonds, eti
The Alexander department store.
For Thanksgiving we m .-Ih.wIhk
a rtrj Hill llm nt table llnon anil n:ii
liliu The Alexander li pai I uu'll
Will have tie nicest tuin-'.vs on liu
maihet. all stall fed fowls, v'all am
see liu ami leavi voin 00.01 for
blf bird It. Martin.
Bvorytlilag lite market tffuHgi It
four thanl;siilviii: glBtter craui errlc
sweet potatoes, pllllll PUilillllS ami
trult cakes. It. Martin.
Hi (i I ole was summoned H
fScho ta,s noraloj by telephone, sa;
ink that Mrs Sloan had been nrlou-
l In a runaway accident
A Pill oi sale was tiled In (he clerk
otnee sutiirua) evoniiif; conveying
tanning implenieiits uud stock from
Kilwui Hush to K L Marnett Cons Id
'ration 100
wuincy i.oe Morrow, tile noted put
hiPltlo)! lecturer oi hi. liana, will d
llvei a lure at the court bono
Wednesday evening, beginning at
0 elm k Admission free.
lieiie'ii.Pei that I lm groceries In
car lots in order to sav. freights
l Ollle m and see me will Ill'ike von
cheapei ihun ans house in
astern Oregon. It. Martin
Kici! Can has his prelmluai In n
lag before .iudge Kit.- Qerald vest
in) atteiuoon lor shoplmiug out ol
1. Ab xauder'h -tore Satiirdav even
iBg and with held 111 1I0 bonds.
Thomas Thompson has lost a ma
i ml coll. which strayed iiwav frim
Ml raaeb on UlS reservation. Ivi
null- east o. I'cmlletou It v wee1..
ige Tin n.uie is branded W II cen
neiie.l on I lii' light shoulder lie will
nay I-" reward tor the return oi tin
animals or lor inionuation leuilinr tl
thati return.
itf j. i i nomas presiding eldei
oi the iii'tiiodist Kpiscopal cttorvl
outh. will lecture in Calloway chur-h
or Wei b street ill Pendleton on Wed
ni-sdny evening, his subject beln:
The lughth of Things or the Differ
nee Me ween Christianity and Social
ism." 't'he lecture will be free a ,d
all are Invited to attend
Liverpool Mrk Oft. STut Local
Prices Art Unchanged.
There has been no change in tin
b oal wheat market since Saturday, al
niigli Liverpool price are off a b.il
ept This. boW'lver, is uot taken by
our dealers to indicate that prices ml
n aterlalh 'ffeeied hen am' It is
b) many friends In Pendleton when
siie is qnitg well known
Mr. Warner and Mr. Carpenter re
turned home this morning from at
tendance upon the wedding
thought that it in: fluctuate a line
but will stay ani'Mid the cent mail,
for several days.
Mrs. T.imln
ted authoi.
Lectures Free.
Mninsiiii Salmon, tin
instruct!)! and lecturer
.- hurt haml will lee-
' -
Hall ( nine
(lllliert Market
Met 'all
The rials
D'rl and I
The Eternal City
Might of Way
Helmet of Navarre
The Puppet Cniwn
Like Another Helen
Tristan of Blent
Truth l)i-lei
Kben Hohlen llacli. lb i
Mclaughlin ami dlii Oregon F.vs I'v
All M of Old Vilieeimea TholUon
Druggists, Main Street.
tnn on Weiinesiiai ami Thurada
Minings Nov lOtfa ami Ha) in Men
drlcka Hall. Subject The Old Sys
(mii and the New." Classes will be
formed lifter lectures lor beginners
ami speed tests. Full practical com
mercial course in eight to ten weoku
Modern Surgery Surpassed.
While suffering lioin plle.i.' .savs
c f Carter Atlanta. Oa.. "I got De
Witt s Witch Hazel Salve and w o
Urate cured." Cuts, burns, bruiser
quickly cured Hew an ,,i counter
folts Tallmau Co. and Mroi k .
k ' illliab
Tin Uregon CI", eh lion :s unl a
little sjors than two weeks distant
unl while no convention has lei n
held, the caadidatsa who win enter
gn a e sjMHVBi Interest cen-
tel'n II the liiHlt lie- nnivoi Criinf II
Meelimtli He ..-Hi inavoi I, a eaudl
UO. Oil. ii.il, )- le iieellill, ;inil II.. M,.,,l
plummet opponent It J. Bugene
He War a Saw Mill Man at Meacliam.
Umatilla County.
Robert V. Mllidock, who was a sw
mill man at Meat bam until he I fl
then- three years ago. and went tq
Woaatchee, SVaim, was thrown from
his wagon and Instarlly killed Mon
dg) tft enlng. "e had boon In town a
portion of the dni ami started for
home about flvi miles south of town
There Is t mystery surrounding Hie
ill ith ol Mr. Munlock and It will pTi b
gbl) never be sihed. Ills team VI
hwai ami stopp d about Ml vards
Hum where Mr, ktUrdOCh wns found
The horses WSTe g tlerv pnH and
When found OBI was down With one
leg over the wagon tongue The lines
were strapped ground the hub ol ih
wheel and one was broken Cotmii'er
able blood was inutid In the wagon
box. gone of which had leaked
through and wa visible on the tOflfW
and dOUbl -trees A reasonable iup
pogHIOH is that he had suffered Horn
i savors heasorrhagre ami growlan
Von weak, was (brown from the
ipring sent when the team became
frightened, After going to Wenatchee
lie built till W niltcbce Until IlllMs.
Bnbaoqm nth he sold ottl to i. W.
Turner, an oMlnie resident ol thai
ralfo) Mr Mip, 'ock also purchased
I t t ni t oi land frtUn Mi. Turner, gttd
hi was residing nil the farm south ol
town at the time of bis death
The new
tin United
charge lid
the (ioblell
I . M Watronsi is at
Mule Hotel front Vdants.
MhM Maud Cai lisle. Of Weston
'. isium; Irlends nt Altn House.
li B. Porter oi Mecham. Is regis
! red at the do! It ti Role Hotel
C. Rodgers, depo! agi nt at Hu
ron, was in the city yesterday
Depttt) I'roseiutlng Attorney l S
Brysou is in Milton today on legal
School Bu peril uident 3. F Nowlln,
left tills morning for Milton to visit
the schools
Mies KflUt Kiaier bag returned fr jno
I'ottlaml and the seaside, when- she
I peal the summer
Prod Bhoenah n oaias home tins
morning from PortMad, where he has
been lor several months
Hiss Myrth Preston who has been
in the nty lor some time has return
d to her home In La Crumb
Mrs. Charles LOghOI slater Ol Mrs
w Watte, grri ed yesterdaj even
mi Hon, Wiirdliei daho to spend tin
Mrs M Mi Oweg win return to hei
iionie m Cortland this evening alter
visit with her son. A .1. Owen, in
this cltJ
Mi's KlIUilsoii. ,i SpoKaue i'lssed
tlliougb aild step;, ed over last night
li her :ii frni, .-li extended visit in
the east.
Miss jeaetts Manasse returned u
i Lome in Athena yesterdav e i
visit with .Mr ami Me
nig atti"
I .eon Cohen.
Mrs. I.ochltu. ot Portland, was at
the Colilen Mule Intel yeaterdir. Sin-
is a sislei oi 1.. K. lto oi F.cho and
is here for a vlau eltl
Mrs S '. Kvans. of Obwi go. Ore
secretary of ihe Oregon Fi deration oi
Watnei s Olllba, Is visiting Mis. ('. fl
Wad' ai h r home on I eual Ulli
hsaeral Manager Joseph McCebe
and (ieiiei.il I'asseugi : and Freight
g"iit S I. t'aldeiiieud o' tin W a
registered at Hotel
Reliable and Gentle.
VOU want a pill which is ceitain.
thorough and gentb DcWttt's I.i tie
Misers fill the bill Do not forae
but assists the bowels Tallmau v Qq
umi Mrock & McComas
c. it railroad, an
st Qeorsn
John Main an I John S Vinson left
on sunilui lie I'oi'tlaiul niirn ine
gn io serve on the grand jury iii
tin Cubed Stall's dlstin i court thai
onveaea there tadstj
J M Mcutiey ami i uhghter, Fraael
il.d Miss I'earl Wells, a niece of Mr
livntle) who is vieiilni hltn fro ii
Hcppnei. went to I mat ill, i on Suiidn.
'turning in lh( evening.
Miss Blbla lla's who has been the
' r of up. Harrlette Thompson for
tin pHsl (wo weeks, will leave this
Week lie ilelipnel I.i g visit Ol three
week- oeiore ni irning home to Port
.Mr gad Mrs. A II Nohb kfl this
morning lor a time months visit in
Butte county fJallforala Thai still
home at UiS end oi that time
in the bvent Mr. Noble's health hii
K I Mill ol 'nlem has arrived 111
Pendleton and has inhen h position in
tin- general merchandise store oi il
Alexander. Mr I. inn is an exiierp'in
d dr.v goods cbiiv, haviug been m
that line oi work for twenu veins
Hentle) who was in 1'inatll
in i. says mat place is very
lively rout a railroad sliiudpolm H
i so iiated mat tin town vas luii ot
tramps and BaturdO) night a fn igln
at was broken into ami a lot of cas
goods stblen.
1 , . . . . . .
nui 1 .v iioisoii oi 1'oitlainl ioi
nieri) uaetor ol rue Christian ehureh
in this elt) . paasi.'d through Pendleton
this morning on his way in .Milton
Mev Mi Dotsoii is state Suudav
.ennui iieiu wor.o ami is now out on
a helming tour.
ilonel William I'arsoiis ami Col
in-l J H Haley leave loniglii lor I'ort
laud with the witnesses in Hie India
inuiuer ease, judge iseinnger has pel
milieu my loy to plead gulltv to
liiaiislaiighw i hut Columbia Oeoi
win pi tried lor iiiurdei in the hist
New Army Pistol.
pistol recent!) ndopted bj
stBtes army It rertalnl) a
linentlon It will ills
htlllets In a minute With
the addition of this womletiul weapni
our army will be as far ahead of the
other armies 01 the world as ItOStel
iii-'s stomai b Bitten is nhead ol gn)
other stomach remedy. For ivci lift)
'ears It has been the standard rented)
of the American people. II von are a
sufferer from Indigestion, rtyspenela,
belching, heartburn (lutiileucy, constl
pgglon or malaria, fevei ami ague and
sranl to get well, you should try this
wonderful medicine, it will Mtrelv,
cure you. ilewaie oi rounteffetl
when iiuying The genuine inusi Inivi
our Private Ml Stamp over He c i '
01 the bottle.
1 he Most Widely Read Newspaper
In America.
Time i .i. demonstrated that the
Tlirlce-n Week World stands alone In
its inss Other papers have imltiit
ed Its form but not Its lUCCCSS Till,
is because It tells all tin m w nil
the tinu ami telis it Impartially,
whether that news be political or oth
erwise. It Is in fad almost a daily
nt the price of a wekly and you can
not afford to be without It
llepiiiiiii an anil democrat alllo can
rend the Tllliee-a Week World with
absolute contldencc In truth
In addition to news It publishes
lirst class serial storh I ami Other
features suited to the home ami fire
side. The Thrlee-aWeek Worlds regular
subscription price Is OOl) 11.00 per
year and this pays for l.". papers.
We offer tins UMOUalled newspaper
umi the weekly Fast Oregnnlgn tn
gather tor $...i.
The Children's Pticnd.
For coughs, croup, brum bins. grip.
tine Minute cough cure novet iaiis
c m Oeorge, Hfinehegtei Kv. "Oar
little girl was attacked with croup
ami so hoarse she could h irdly V Pali.
We gave her ll dose ol One MtntttS
Cough Cure. It relieved :ier Imi iedl
gtely, Next morning she bad no llgni
o: CrOUp." Tallmau Co and Brock
A: McComas.
A lot nt' Wi inuir i lima
'iini in txquialte. This is
omBthing OUl of the ordinary
toniBthiog w arc proud to
how rou. Also a lint' line
ot vasns anl mantel ueoora-
Come, if only ! look .
Iwl Tea House
i i r.amo to Hvr a Rally
On-.i-mber 17.
wis local Woodmen of lb
are making i
reception foi
Here on
for a grnno
. -, iioements
then hciiil ' oiisiii. r . n.
...1... In lo III'
.. in oi llli in w "
,, , on the 17th of tTecem ami do
llvei a Ic.tiit- ii ,',,,,r'
' ..'clock Itl the vclng InvltiitionK
bare beet, sent it to nil tlnw, ..t
, hctween the nine Mountains
ami the Cascades ami many rampe
ari expected lo lie repreaentml in
i od; Rxt 1 1 1 si o i mi s Ol on. nnfl one
third hire will h made or all the nil!
roads for the iting Woodmen.
Women of Woodcraft Election.
i the regulei meeting ins' even
n,g Daphne Cln 1 Mo. !, Women of
Woodcraft, elected the following of
it, en for thi h 'tn beginnlg .latumc
ist nuardlnn, i s Katherlne Bear
SdVlSor, Mrs Ada Moss: Clerk. Mrs .1
nolterman: hnnkcr, Mrs Bra a walk
ei . maginan. Miss Mannle Bonn; at
tendnnl Mis' Frances Todd;; Inn t
sentinel Mrs. France! itrever;
outer sentinel. W It Hab i sptaln Of
giuinis. Mrs Jane sioan manager.
Mrs Battle i Btanfleldi musiciii.i
Miss Cells Bonn.
Another Free (lift Sale...
Willi it,ll i...., I Ha. 1
i i i i a' e iii '.ill tf ...
iin,c- nm ui n kiiuu wuri.il, stem si .n,i
wt Plv,. I.
.... 'ret
-"m an
Twenty pet cent, discount on all i.-L
uauies riirs. rou ran t leu out Mv, ' 7 "Pti
iu pncn
Kc.iionil.ri largest stock of iron.U .i
led Irom ami prices guaranteed thi lowM ' I
Vours to pieg
silk, si(..
with iii silk, -toll'- sulii-
rttetl with a damp proof
then impurviow
tnoiilan byid abiolutely
$2.75 8 Pair
for large boyi or mon
wilh siiiiill lt
B) letting one of our new ityle dining room i
are of clunci' lsi iri i and t i ti i stl u.lill,. i
, r -, '.y "'alcana mi
m a price l-wr Ihun ivr boiore toi such snnsrU
i.. ... i . .i i i .r. "ujfiior
i iisi i"i'i in i iii-iii, ijjvj tni' win in li, cvpii if
VHP iU.'i
, , I : . . " 'U r
' "vw "i.nti nis include Nm I
uud get a
tend pnrohMing,
parade noveltiee. (.nrne in anyhow
!HANC on the $".oo premium.
( omur
Mniii ami Weib Htroetu
A OOlPpletfl line of
Stiitiimcrv and honks
School boo kg ntul
School supplies ....
Peoples Warehouse
Canes in all glyleg
New lint 0
etc. New u
lesigns :
Koods, pocket
punes, cirdi
Combs, bn
At lowest tales
but Oregoalao BulMJug.
Msridlelun. th-egon.
The Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SCHfcMHP. Prop.
Don't Have Cold Feet
When you can prevent it hv s70ariO u air of OUT
Warm Lined Shoes.
We also have a line asMi.rtinent ol Felt and Knitted Slippers
in all colors for lathes and children
45 main St. The Pendletoa Shoe Co.
Aa up to date Kepeir Shop In coanectton with our store.
Mr. Edward Everett Cox. of Hartford
City, Ind.. and Mies Nlhe Victor
Toner, of Portland
mi Monday, in rur'ani. occurred
Hi. wi'ililliiK ot ..us.- Ni llii V Toici
to Mr. Kilwanl Kveretl Co, of Unit
ford rit gjpL at Hh li mii' of tli
iirnn i ,orni MavoBteortta street
i rae Alexander Uleekburn ofttcl-
atd I lie .Mil,. VV.1M qili l .11
I i. ii lull was eliai'iiiliiKlV uiraiiKeil It
I was atn iidiil iiv onli ,m ,i'm-ih of Hn
I brutes tgjnil) umi u few intlmut
iiii'iuls Mr. anil Mrs Cox left on Hi
11. ..ii, ai iiikIii train tor tlleli hnilie in
i Hartliiiil City where Air Cox in pul
lisln-i ol tin liaillmil City News .m i
I eleKrum.
Mr Tlioiiias C. Warner, of I'emll.
ion noanagtag- with the Kast Oregon
iun attemleil the urootn us heat inuii
anil Mno, i.iivth Itaiisimi of I'ortluml.
wus the bride s uiald Mr H V Car
iliuiilm, ol Penillei.il wus a guest at
the wedilillg.
Miss Toiler is a sister ot Mr. Albeit
Taatr ami Mrs Kdyth Wettthi in i
liiier Uotg lielllK pininiiinntly known
in Oregon newspaer eirelas, Mr.
Tflgler buins president of the National
Udlturial Association, aud Sirs Weatlr
erred-Toziei having been for some
time In the ottUiary of that organisa
tion Miss Tusler Is highly osteemed
riie world's nuMt ititniiiii Ci.AiH
VOYANT umi PALUIHT, ban ur
rivetl in PandlatOfl unit Ik IN loeuteil
SI Hie Hotel Ht ( itHirve. Rl om 4.
While here the I'rofWor ean ! eon-
Killleil on all tin utl';iiri of life Prof.
I rsle in l ' he only L'lailuale of the ()e-
llll ollettei. of hfllg ami Kraiu'e lioM
III tills ii ill i He tin- innile ii life
Study of Oeeiill Heleiiee anil I'alllllstry
ami IiIh sueoesx liu Iteen iiiarveloii..
He .'ii. i'. on. tn reveal every incident
if your life; lo tell von whom, where
and when von will marry; gives your
own lull NAM I without aikinc yon u
ingle utMatkglj lellx you Just what you
are iieni lltteo lot umi how to nliiiiin
i lie in.. ii.- you are ill need of, etc
I'rof. i i in makei a siiei'ialtv of L'et
till'.- ieii.le out ot lliiilielal tn. Utile. No
matter what your trouble g, In- Ban
and will help you, and If you un n.ii
helMl utter u vUit he will positively
mfuw to uei'ept a fee. Kveryoue In in
viled to sail on this '.'ii i'ii medium ami
tasi for Ihsnmlrss His fee in rea ,
al.leaml within reaeh of all lle'alxii
i'laiin Hint every ierson i.. a'laptad to
bmm eertatn kind of buniiiew or pro
gssaton, uud that no one ean hasUCoess
fill until I ll5 find out what they hh
llttiil f- In your SMKUUfl you are
toiil eveiy itielileii! ol your lire your
own full name is given, uln the uams
of the one whom you will marry, with
a full description, and where anil when
you will meet. etc. You are lohl bow
to Hlli'i-eed and how In bette. your eoli-
dition in all way-
on .nioiilil remember tbut a vial I lo
thisgiftiHl iiiediiimlmay U the makiuL,'
of you. He has nlurted iiihi.n thousand.'-
on the roail to success, if vmir
busiiiesi, ii- liusui'i-easlul, If you have
trouble of any kind, feel yourself iu n
ed lo . .il: on 1 1 silted medium, uud
he wll scud you away Udder uud hap
pier than you have ever been before.
(llti.'e limirs, in u m lo s p. in
Sunday n. 1 p. in to 7 p. in.
I'alniist.v .unl H.vpu.itiHiii taught.
Mediuiiii ti iK iviim. developed. Call
eurly in av.iid the crowds. All bui-
i siiu'mv .-niiiiiieiii iui t arioM mi
uriaiiKed Hiai you meet no strangers
1, ally in attCliila"Ce. I'erf. cl atisfac'
Hon hv mail feiul .l and dale of
birth for ivuiiug.
I'ri.t b lain ih' iiarlors are at the
Hotel St. 1 leorgl and ar- M-cureil with
that vU lo privacy sn fniiueiitly
desireil b f In - who have uot con-
-sulteil a iiii diiim lietore.
SPKCIAI. (IKKI'.H Prof. Kraiicis
wishes to aunouuos tbal as he is noon
to retire from the profesMion be lias
lollowi d so lone, he hit decided to ulve
bin lull IH. c.uirseon PALM IS lit l
ISM loi Hi. small sUgfl ot Why
not take U. tills Kraml protes ion.
Most ol my pupil- are i-miiinc better
than a day. Call for an expl tua
tion. 'oiisullatioii Inc.
....Franklin ' Jair....
Palmist an J AstrolotT.
He agsjgd at the Coin inb ia
Hotel where be can ne gggggjlt
ed on all matters ol human endeavor.
Frazer Opera Houst
"" leseeainl Mur Is- II WHrh.LucilSr
Thursday. Nov. 21st.
King of the Opium Rind
The Human Tower ol Chinks
The Native Chinese Actors end Children.
The Chinese Theatre un a New N ears Nicht
A Ifoostar KuleidoHfopf of Orientfil Mapiiticen
5 ItiK Naudcville Acls--5
l'ri, :,n., Jfjg Md 1 1. INI. Seats on sale si I- raster's book tm
Life Reading, 50c.
Frazer Opera House.
tio 1. Ilitku . I.. Mi' nd Uauacor Ju S Wi
Uxl S.uM''
..Out Night Only
Tuesday. November 19th.
Iini. xo Ihe wmog way i,. rpiri .c ,, .
jMir, When your e.rri.. u,,. r,.,
vwmj. n . iju reiMiir Murk isi
I Dews
I -
Prices: $1.00, 7i5C and 50t-
eaU .in !. itl rnumr'i ll.H.k Hiorc.
. I,, I,,, I,.,,,,
1 '" umiuer. soil . ,, M BroeiBtlv
U bMlta wuik c.,u i.u June. WtrtK
only wltiii. riKlu iurjt
F armers Custom Mill
Fred Walter, Croprletoi
USSaSttg, Ml) barraU a day
riout eashsagsS ioi wi.a
rimir, Mill Koort. 1 .'oi jort Smq, ,u
M ..t.
Help or Situation
C F, Cook's Emplofaeot Agency
('.irnet Main and AlU htreet
Room 4
Comer Main and Webb Streets.
siivrinu .
"...u SseldeV. JV&'SSSg.
BJsn eyblualut Coiumuj on WedMsdaiTC
oeutUr I, i-jui. '. t o'.Toi k t m "S
aid i-ouitaity In IviLlleion, ( reiou for lh
and other. building
material including
and Sand.
We bars u large tot:k oi
for barim and dwullings.
60 V
All. DOS Bll JI'IS
iiulcltiy "" 'jS
,nvi,iiiiii i- i.i.iliauiy
lluiu molly "H
o 01.1-1 XuL
I'.it.m. i.ei' inruttlf. - wlt,
AMPKIN, gsvreUr)
if vor AM TO SUB
i' rib (u, uiagajlue or
iiliai iu the I'uui
Haw. or auruu, , ruum
uy WMtal 11. 11. , , or
u.l 10 tae KArrOsaoo
MUH lltu uet publUltor.
1 nt n publn-atlou
doalrv, aud wu will
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court Hon sc.
A liainU
. uialt
n sen
m '
ISoUry d
lo liu Kaht imu.,k,..
ruuiailug yon nan
Th EMt Oregonian is Eastern Ore
yon a rem eaentative uur It l.arir
and the people appreciate it and show
""'ii'.fc' t'put.ii;rt.r;rB,s r: r.r ppreciate it
"t., uneuB """'u,fiN "0 fiuaie M ' m,r MDeral PStronaye. it is the
$3.60 to $R
Order of wsad ssWjg,
ni,r. for Bubber
.Ju aollolted
""ll ineaiun. of this seation.