East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 19, 1901, Image 3

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It pay to trode at, the People Warehous.
'Not a qiieetloimhle quality hsfs."
DolUr'l worth of Table Linen and Napkins to be
dosed at less than cost
joe Bleached Linen to close mm
jti Bleached Linen to close JJC-
'5c Bleached Linen to close "2ic.
yoc Bleached Linen to close. fc.
$100 Bleachll I-inen to close 69c.
g.9j Hleat hed Linen to close . jhtc.
Jti.50 Mleached Linen to close $1 13.
I -1 Tiilil' spread $2 50 to close t.So.
o 4 Table spread 3 00 to close 217.
1 j. 1 Table spread 3.50 to close 2.3K
ja inch Napkins 1.50 to close. 1. 15.
27 inch Napkins 1.75 to close. . ...i.tj.
27 inch Napkins 3.00 to close 215.
Above pliOM IW less than wholesale prices.
I .araxa ' - ,y
C t l(rorrrxrl
ffJDAT, NOVEMBKB 19, 1901.
. . 1 n A HE ClTLIOntV
1 nni 1. , a 1 s s. w
.-unrtl CI f V,'F N
I a (Ll. Ar Hrvirr Rtit the
. n . a.-, in Rattar Pnrm
inniitfiii few bai ! arraaMd
m. tl... Iili'l uctllllll cIl'VCll fillfl
rrn u" n
Indians from tin- reservation to
oft" tin tli'' tfOU!l(M went ot 'i
O........I.I ..f'tiiniiiini 'I In
mm ml in..-" -. " - - - -
irhixil ''iH' '- "' Kooil comlltloti
ire pnetlt nit ever evening artta
latent ln Ol rtoiDJ an the hoys
the rsservt snn uiuioukii im
Utii. will avi'iitKi net oral pountlH
than tin local tram, tlx are
.1 1 - ' iil lur II I. I-IUI Ulltl
in. I M ill II ' II II I I lilir. , ll.-l.ril
honn' ken feel ' t ! victory.
.k. t Th... lu l fell i I. Ill) I III i
irhnnl eleven and ban tin Deal
I mi organised in thut Instttu
o he thinUs. and also In the
... i ii. -i i ii.
Ml III niriniiiiii i .im .-.i .t.,.
i.ii- t-t. ii...... .t.. , ...... .1..
I II l IM i""iiii'- I iir i i fefefel hi-
iny ti'utn now lortned In Pontile
Tin' aturds.i Banc w in be hard
pclauoa i i hi lay evening, win Mltn
an ndclri-FH lor the benefit or the ni d
lea on vVerineaday evening on the mth
tod of taWfeakwte, in wh'ch
Dr. Woods Hutchinson In a specialist.
I t s t i i . - have been Hent out to an
tlx- physicians. In the county and they
an expected to he here to hear ei
lecture There will lie a business
meetlnn ot the ptiysletMM In the after
Old Soldier's Experience.
. II Atmtit. a civil wur veterun ol
rnmtT. Ind. wrltea: "My wife
tick let a I 'Til. tune in unite of
I doctor's treatment, hut was wl ol
picll hi im rnife.n ifei-v i. in- p inn.
E i .... i . t
I K ill 1 1 11 1 1 1 in ill 1 1 ' i
til. 1 lev a wavK do Trv them.
JJr ni Tnllinati St Co'h drug
Woodi Hutchmaon. of Portland.
Will Br Here Nov. tfl and 27.
ni in siii. .ii- in i -. ii 1 1 , - i in
inn mi nv ii i in mm Miii
MlOU Wlllcll Is expect, ll to lie
awnti-il line trom every town In
county ami some outHide towt a.
idintt Walla Walla. Maker City ind
rpnutu i i woods l luliliiiinin
tl to ili'liM-i an addreaa uefi.ie
' tblnl aiiiniiil convention of the
- i. ' i'khv i in in -1 n r
Fine Silver Plate
Flat Ware
Biology Ha Proved That Dandruff In
Caused by Germ.
Science - doltiK wonderi- theae (lava
In meilicine an W"ll an In ni NfcBBtea
Since Adati- ih-lved. tin- hutern ra(
haa ban tfoabM with dan IraC tor
which no half preparntlon liar, heret.
fore proved MMetMN MM lint
Newhro'H Herpiclde waa put on th
luaiKel It la a acientllic preparation
that Kills i ue aerm and maiiea dan
itfuS or acurl by iiirkiiik into th -acalp
to act tlie root of the halt What
it aapa tin- vltnlitv: cauaina Itching
acalp. lalllnR hair and nnall d. Ii
neaa. Wltlioiil dandrilff half liKiat
grow luxuriantly. Herpiclde at al!
Bfantota. It la the only deatroyir
ot dandruff
The Pendleton.
0, W Hunt, Koater.
('. W Hunt. Koater
W K I'araona. Salt 1-aKe
W. K. Kurtz. Portland
J. U. Croatlold. Portland
A. K. Kunk.
K Warren.
P, 0. Hollai.'i I'ortiaud.
.leuule M. Ilahr. ('olwtev
A. S. Hearheld, v.olodes.
E. Hanimonil. ColtHlea.
t'hurlch ('. Kiatnei San Kraie lai
c s. VouuKinau. Portland
K Ii. Conian. Portland.
fjMrga T. Coyne. I'ortlaud
Victor SUadecker. 8t. Paal.
W. 0. Cole, city
K. J. Slater, city.
Willlai.i l.aliiKHton. San 'raiielhi
('. 8. Hepui). St Paul
Miaa M .T. Kelley. Spokane
William MeGler, Uiram'e
T. A. Sullivan Omaha
We arr hradquertera.
mn ilia ... . .1 . .i
- 'M inii iii jiini rot:nivtiu
' K'hmU . in till- lievtcHt ilumiiiia
MM ' pritM lieietoluie ill)-
UlLt I.-- s..i ii ..
r - .VIP - i. i ji
r tn u pieces 1.911 up
thai tlmy are what we
The Golden Rule.
C V OettfM Maker City.
J. J. Hallery. city
.1 A. HollOWay, Weal Uranch la
I. I It. )f, PtW Hock
.1. P. Me, Uein. r Ool.
i: 1 :W. Vluaon
U t'aiitonwiue. i'ortlaud.
Cuato. Spokam
s s Sim -Id- Milton.
K. U. Motley MiMoa.
Tboaaaa Sullivat.
ti. W. Hradlev. Athena
I). Keithley
Mra (' Moot. Wallu Walla
C H. i.uaaell Nye.
M Malahar .eppm i
Ii W. Mumlord. city
William Martin Athena
William w Valaaaar.
J. P. CrouKhlin.
Mra. J A Wooded I .a Oi atule
I. .d WatriiH Adaina
T. J Kirk. Atneiia
p. p, Cook. Qraada
Kind that Wears ,
2 mm
ill. mm . - A . afefet
Jeweler uud Optician
Give Our Side a Chance.
In our article ol yeater.iay. taken
I nun tin- New York Herald, headed
Huaineai- Men in Theatrical we no
tie. that "A Wlae Woman" la aoiiiK
to make a few atopr before tartloK a
run 111 Sau Kranciaco Now why can
v.e have thU company atay one uiaht
with im rhe surely niuat have a firat
. lasM company to contemplate an ex
tended run in the western metropoln
Sucli a company would be a relief.
ew Pnrnitiirp
' ' av m ill v ai v
I have just received a carload ol the latest and most
"P-io date styles in furniture ever shown in Pendle
l" It you want something new in the furniture
line call in and inspect n. new goodl and the pm M
arc always right.
Main Street, Pendleton
The Celebrated
Majestic Ranges
Ma feB .
S . . sm . 1 LJ k. 4 . .ii.
im ft vuunillg aaaaw --"0
Opera liouseBlock.
Umatilla County Will Be Represented
by 150. and Many Will Come Prom
-ther Towns.
The committee who hav it. char.
the arrangements tor the thin! annu-il
'(invention ot the eastern division 01
the Oreaot. Stnte Teacher Asso.ia
Hon. to be held in this city, benln
mrniranri n.i laitlnit for
three days, with both dav and evening
aes-ilona are ma kin preparations for
enienaintnent lor at least 136
leach,.,, who sriu repmaat Oiaatllla
lounty. as this Is alao the time -o
the county Inatltute and all the tea h
ra arc required to attend. Beat 1.
"icsc. mere will l. man.N visitors
trom dllTerent places. Including th 1
teachers nom the atate normal school
nt Weatoti. who will bring with th Ma
In the neighborhood ol fifty students
or th. aeheol and the teachers and
several students are alao expected
from Cclunibia College Delegation
are expected from Iji (Jrandc. an.l
other town In Cnion and Maker . oun
ties, besides manv eilncators ni ohil.
ity who Will deliver lectures and help
in inner ways to make the meeting a
ommlttci s are now at work mak
iug arrangements for the entertain
tnent of the visitors and the lowi
will be at their command while her.
mple ncciimm. ulatb.ns will be pro
Med at the hotels and private homes,
and nothing will be left undone o
mak the guests feel at home Ad
injoy th'-lr visit to our city The
meetings will all be open to the pnb
He. and the lootUfW and six-clal (ni
fM of entertainment for the cventnr
sessions will be made highly enter
talalan and Instructive for those who
tittenii Madges will be prepared for
the ten- hers who may thus he know .v
Charles H. Yale"s Production of the
Famous Spectacular Drama.
Tonight at the Fra.cr appcitrr.
Charle. 11 Vale a mie. taeuiar m i aaata"
Hon 01 'Otl II s Auction.' and the man
agement assures the public that It will
be worth seeing. Kveryone -.vh.i bas
been inniiiiar with theaters knows that
this piece Is one ut the best prodlK
Hons 01 the spectacular order S.-ats
at l-ra.lera.
' King of the Opium Ring."
The Oregouian saya of the "King ol
the Opium King ." coining b -re on
Tbuisiiav 11 ik l.t Coiitii-v t. "iv in
tOBtlOBI the management "Trie
King ol the opium lting"wlll no iloje
ai the Wtropolitan this ev ning Man
ager (Jiorge I.. Maker ha ma le ir
1 angeiucnts with be OAT pan' ' I -x-
tend 1 In' present via'1 until Mui.'ay
night This will glv. -b ; ''!! n
chanei to see the populn, i i lodrunr
at the lUBtfai inatlnet . Sundax and
Monda) night. The entire week baa
proved a cyeloni- of financial success.
It Is remarkable but true, thai- this
play lias packed the theater ca Ii and
' vcr pertoi inati' e. and atundmg room
has been sold regularly I'tider the
circuuiataiieea it w seen that the
public want the play, and the remain
ing perlorinaneea will be as well at
tended as thoae gone belore "The
King 01 the Opium King" Is a maie
drama lull ol the moat senaational
xituatiors poaalbie and the actio- g. is
nt racehorse speed The only pause
in the plot ia for the lutrodiict ion of
pcclaltics. and these liiterpolatioua
me.-t witn etitliuaiastli encores lilgtlt
ly. The company is well balanced and
di Ives all tin incitement poaalbie
out of the lines and thrilling climaxes
riierc la already i heasy aale of seats
I'll Hie lelliailillil- pel inriiiance-
Preacher of Stranqe Doctrines Still Is
at warge.
The officers hav loiind uo . lew to
ill. wherealKiuta ol Klwood clieno
wcib i'e preacher of strange do.
trllies who was arrested here soiue
tinie ago at the instigation oi the
in 1 iff 01 I'uiou county on the charme
d theft He was taken back to t'nion
atid time adjiidg.-il inaane. and the
-ti.-rin itart.-d w ti iiim tot saiem in
place him iti the asylum, but Cheno
wetli alter offering up a prayei on the
train near Nolin. lumped from the
moving tram and that was tin- last
heard from him It was i bought that
10- might turn up here but he did not
come ti 's wa or at least was no'
miii b tin .it.. 1 I. and bU whir
in. mils in a profound myatery
Deafness Cannot a cured
liv .in ni kuulli llluui. II11 i .liiml rtJatrll lac
di-MHund purtiua uf tie ear. There . ooljr oua
wsy tu vurv ueninuMi, muii nisi 1. ujr cudiiuu
tluusi remedlea. Ooalaeu 1. .-- 1 by su lu
Maiued vuudltiou nl Ike iduluu. Ilulug ol Ibe
Kualai lilsu tuue Waeu Ital. i.e.. gU lu
Hnine'1 vku iisve rumbltiiK ikiuuiI ur tuiuvr
led beriu(, suit wben 11 i. euurety tlused
dealneM 1. the result, sud uolew Ibe lutlsiuiua-
tluu umu be Ulkeu out sud till. luje le.lureJ tu
1U uurtusl cuudllluu, hearlus will be destroyed
lorevur . uiue - sue. out ot Uiu are Lued b
oataftb. wbiua I. uotUiua but ... .mtsuie-i
coudlliou f Ibe uiuooiw surlaovs We will flvr
oue buudrt-d dollar, tor an usae ol daalue.
irauae.i in uaiarrbi Ibal .nuol oe cursu n
llall'. ''alarrb Cure. Seud lor 1 ircuiar., lo r
IT. J III r. iW l" . lillmlu, "
Mold by all druggi.la 1 ie
Hall Fauitl) fill- see (be beat
Attention Woodmen of the World.
Head Couaul Falkeuburg wui pay
un oltleial visit to Peutlleton on Dee
1 7th. all members of Pendle-on Cacip
No. 41, are requeated to be present
at th.- MetiH on Tuesday tvaalul
Nov 1Mb, to aaaiat in making plans
for a i" .ii. jubilee meeting, to w -l
iiime the head conaul. By order
Notice to Contractors.
Notice la hereby given tuui bids
wll be received by the undersigned at
Pendleton tor the eona'.rue'i' n of a
telephone line from Belio ij a point
011 butler Creek, about 20 n.ilea until
November 26th. 1901 Further par.i
ciilaiu on application. Tbe right to
refuse all bids reserved.
A. B. fhouiauii.
Pendleto.i, Orego a
At bedtime 1 take a pleasant berh
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and my complexion la butter. My
doctor aaya it acts gently on tbe
stomach, liver and kidneys, and Is a
pleaaant laxative. It la made from
herbs, and la prepared as easily as
tea. It Is called Lane'a Medicine.
Lane's Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day Price 26c and Ode.
For aale by Tall man ft Co , sole
Traction Deal in Pittaburg.
P Usburg Nov. lit. A ..s dOO
traction deal ia just consummated
bere, whereby a Philadelphia compa
ny lots tecured control practical!) of
all the street car lines in the Pitts
burg district. Tbe deal alao Inclu lea
tbe t'baorption of the light and pov.er
Will not Spot nor Shrink
ir tms ooooa Ant
A proctss that
Ms goods boautifvl
after botng xpongmd
- S? Bv vou Prr. ..m-l. rf lis
" JJ Sad harr thnar TnUirlii
r U proyrrtv aponged.
I nder . yards, gc: g yards sad ever. fc. aySL
S i
n ft
HI t
2d per cent discount Wednesday and Thursday.
n event nt inori' than passing interest It means that every piece of 3
i-i.I.i i ll w.sd itreit. gisiiis in mir gnttt t.s k will nave pint one nftli of
Mm nriee cot ott' for two days. Without a iloiibt the irn-Htest nonn
I . ..I. ..ill i. ...... ii,,.
iij i iT-fH- (imiiin . I'."' i ,11'n - m imn I ill- -i .-I'll, w
C The ,80 K'sxl 'lll ',', I
l ie : . KMMis win cost .mo.
The ,M Kssl" wl" OOSl 8H
Tht I no good-will col .K0.
I lle I .' . grnxN W ill (tist I . INI.
I lie -I .0 g.ssls wil) cost ll.SO,
The 1.76 goods Will .-out 1.40.
rite 4,00 g.M'.l- will con) I tit)
The l' Mi gsHls w ill cost ' no.
The 1, 7ft gnisis will cih.1 IfeM,
Sale includes ooloted oodt onl. not Idai k o(lls
int rturi,to ffnncnuuoc.
Ut i a u S.4.H s a. ti s. 9 1 a an a ji h as a at as. sji ju JLam nil 98a.99.9na99ti
NATION'S MANUFACTURES reunion at north vavh ll
DISCUSSED RtClertoii. .
in Washington, d. c.
National Association of Manufacturers
Mft for Conference.
Wasbiiigtou. Nov I!' Prominent
manufacturers representing all sc
Hons ol the country and every branch
of industry- tilled the assembly room
ol the Hotel Kalcigh at 1" o'clock this
morning when tin national fMlpfOC
It) OOafOfOBOOi held under the auspice.,
ol the National AssiM-iation m iaiiu
factuiers. was called to order It was
In .-very sensi ol the word an impo 1
ant gathering ol distlngiilsl ed men
tliong thosi present were delegu'es
teprese-itiug ilie commercial oigania
lion- ot New York Huston Indiatiapo
lis. Chicago iH'ttoit. Charlotte. At
lanta. Cincinnati. New Orleans Md
other leading cities of the countr)
In assuming the gax l. Theislore C
Search of Philadelphia president Ot
the National Association ot .Mautiiin
tures. e planted the objects .it he
gat licrmg
Following He opening ictnarks ol
Mr. Search the remain. bi of the
mo'.nlng session win taken up with
the appoint meiil of permanent officers
ami committees and of bet work of a
routine nature The formal discmsio- s
witi commenced this alt'-i noon the
particular subject ot ,'onsl'leratlon lie
lug the faaaUOB ol commercial to Ip
rot Ity ; y applicable to relation woh
the Spanish American countries 10
moriow the problem ol cotiimercial PS
clit-K-lty with Kuropt an loiintrlcH will
lie taken Up. to be lollowed in Ille
i veiling with .i dlscusHion ot the ipn-s
r ii in ot icciprncity wnu .ami la
To Elect a Bishop
Springfield. Mass.. Nov. IS. A pre
1 1 in l mi i convention is in session In
Christ church today to organise the
in i'd'lscopal diocese ol .Vest' III
Massachusetts and apiaiint a date for
the election of a bishop Among thoai
lll'llt Killed as lli.elv to be Voted till (Ol
bishop are the Rev John C Itrooks
ot New York, tin Rev Arthur Ijw
ti- ol HtockhrtdKc. and the Rev
lr Alexatidei H Vinton of Won e:
L. E. Rcy Attended Oee it Which
Many Were Preemt.
U I Roy t . tinned fron. No n Yatit
hill Moaday, Where he had bc.ll to
atti nd ! reunion given Im h.m n .it
'In !eth atiiiiv crsai y o his
fatbar, R s Matrli h- tad Ma.
Mollis l.av been man I. 'I lai) '-".ls
ami an- both hale and boaft) . t . v
. tossed tin- plains in IIM mi l I night
It.ii way through the Indlao WMiatf
la raarh the wllUuaette vuli. v i-.'.'
settled 111 tin same venr on tic- place
akara the hii tsaidsi The.. iinv
tOB hll'lren and all ol tin n. gpi t-lnK
and weie al the reunion iXiSltljvT
thlrt) odd Bfaadeklldren sad msn.i
old I fiends aii'l acipialiitanc. o who
Ail. present
She Didn't Wear a Mask.
Hut her beauty was . o.npl.'telj bid
deli by sores blotches and pimples
til she used Bat Lien's Ami. a Salvc
I lu-n they vanished as will all BfUp
tiolis p.ver Sole;! Hulls. I'lcers. Cnr
IiiiiicI'n mill I'cliins from lis us.- In
ralllbls im cuts. Burns leaMa ami i
Piles. Cup- giiaraut I 2&e at I
I a 11 ma ti Ai Co
RSthtSO but a I'" al
Ii iiitsly or eliMiigt- of
i llillatv will run-
The Specific it
Ely's Cream Balm
it i- Mtsfcl) sssarbsd
Oivt-a Kvlii-f al SMS.
' I ii- aud i lc-Ufe.-a
I In Naaal l'a.-i
Alleys liittaiiim
H i. - aii'l I ' - -
id' i i 'Ir aaul rtull
Fightin- for Fortune.
Crosse. Wis . Nov IS - The wll'
mites' ol Msry Ann Psrker rhe
Ai .iltl.v recluse who dli d in a hovel
here, willing her promrty to TssMMMI
Sliiiiinm came up for trial todav T ,e
matsataatg an Marti Holt ami 0s
I 111 SUVhlie ol NeW York ills'. llll
relulivea ol I he Woman The vrollll''
Is (hat Sbiuman in onii' i Ion wiii
others used fraud and undue 'nttilenci
with Mrs Parkei ami H at th.- luti. i
was insane Km veats the woman
ilniiifefli wi-mIiIiv lived iii a hive' an I
ebosi .-.neb filthy surroundings that
the In-allli anthoi Iticn bail to inter-
Nau's Dyspepsia Cure
Mas . u red these cases
and It will curs you
J. M. liiircli, Ijttirandr, Ore says,
"1 suffered for 3) years, and believe
had I not ii-..-. I Nau's llyapep- ire
I would not lie alive to wriu- you a
Nathan Kalk, B d- Idaho, says: "1
Utssfltd for yearn; found maii v reliefs
but no cure except yours."
For sals by I adman a Co., and all
first class druggists, ur scad to l-rank
Nan, Portland hotel Pharmacy, fort-
land, or eg on Price i a bottle or 6
bottles forts, csprcss prepaid.
Pit It, SOU tor s PrescripUeu
111 largest sum evei lai'l tor s preaviiplUiu
Ou.ugs'1 tisada lu S.iu Krsa. lseo, Aug ., igM.
ialrau.icr lOvuiicU .n olu uil atock tUX
.'MIU.UU aud ai SSiS b SSftf "I bu.iueaa iseu
lur a aiMsuISc lie Urigb'', " " aac Slid Olauelv.,
tntboriu laearaUi dlsssssi
i See ssssja a wnuu. luvssilgsilsa u
Hi .iwclOc Nuv i -,'n faef lutervtewed
HKg ike eatsd sad ui I it est m Us moi
lu by putting ovei Hum SOS. I . saw uu (tie
iruaiineul sud ai Inug lUau. 1'" ) alav gul
physicians Uj uaiuc . brvnn , n.cursbie cases,
aud s4iuluUlad il with (tic pli)-"iau lur
Judgua Up W Aug A), Highly .1 i perusal
ot the lest cases ware cither well or prog re.
lug Uursbly.
I Ssts being hut luiriseu per . en. ol Imilurua,
the pari... were aallaiied sud . lused ike n.
ai uuii Ihs pruceeiliug. ui the iiivuatlgstiug
couubiiUM aud the clluical reperi. ol the teat
re sin were pubiUhed sud will h uisiled true
uu sppllcetlou. Addresa Joss i PstKNI OOSV
rASV, till Meulgouiury m . Sail frail icu 'al
James A. Howard
Court St. nsar First Nat. Bank
Has Real Estate tor Sale
Sea Mere i
ibO acres of choice wheat land,
about ten miles northeast of Pendle
ton. This is one of the finest improv
ed farms in the county and has uood
school advantages. Will sail for cash
or trade for equsl value in unimproved
Eight fine lots in Pendleton at 100 j
esch, on easy terms.
160 acrsa of wheat land aouth of
Pendleton, $8O0.
JS acrea choice fruit and gardan 1
land nssr Milton. Ons-hslf of trsct '
in bsarlng fruit tree , 7 acrea alfal
fa. All undsr irrigation Finely im
proved. 120 scrss on McKsy Creek, 20
acres a1 botton land undsr irrlgstlon,
bslsnce good wheat land, well Im
proved. 560 acres good wheat Isnd, in a
body, four miles from Pendleton , I
terms half cash bslsncs on time to
suit purchsser at 0t per cent In- ,
i i - mmuf ...tfe
November iSth toot.
Daai Bit
If yon bay an iaacting n, the maa
for whom this pdvtrtiirmi tit is written The
pattern, style and workmnslit(i ol the suits and
" eri oats lor lall and winter wear thai wn are
now displaying are a iMtonahln illustration o(
the fai t thai we sot t eed in always pleasing the
most fastidious tsste. An ol out , utloniers will
tell oti that our pners are lowei than ihttM
charged laewhetf for the samr ipjslity ol noods
Out windows ate attrai tn bill i visit to tli.
interior ol tAro will tepsy yon Men t overcoats'
vjt BQtOAtJ Men' llltter tt to i0 Mens
snit ! In 2 and satislm in c,u,ii.inteodi
WmL fits ' , tt.llS.-r, llltl pn-ia'l Iplli'ii ii f S t .11 .lii-i . ii -i I . 1 1 1 t .hi ii ml CM sa
mmmW , ir. una ur ill.'''ia.a"f ma . h - i.,,t Mti-1 f. InawessilASj
3fl faina Im Ih. Sm-Ii, Saailnal KsMla.l Itoini li-i.nn, I'lmslM
,iM iillniit.liiSairi I atiMUallise t'enlna. TarOi t-i.. unit 'UHallavHiteea
vfllH 1 1 -i ... all I.Mea tv Uar nr ids' I. I . . , . i i r nnl nhaneae
jBWf Ini la id Hmrinalorrlius s"d I tin 1 rn i I i- ii;MMiauamthe
--" I.. , i , ih" kiilnrya an.l In.-miii un a. ..I a . im . i I'l i.s.M. atraaataase
and rA.tnri.anm ' S aikll uisana.
I liar, m sufTarera sr.- hot cnri-il hv rvn-lofslehrraii r hi i . r i sra iris lit villi 1'rwsSeSISte.
Ct'l'l M'.N K Ilia iiiilv Uiiohii rein.'! i all i i unn nt A vwrlltae
Ciarantra given sun inmi. t niii In atsss dnea IHIt leclsp i yieul I'tue. i.uu uui A tot SaJ
l mall, hi'itil for vit sa rlrviilar anil l-n nni'ii ' -.l.lntiai
lA VVI. HI UII UK IS., I' i. tlos Wtt., nan Kamlau. (ai.
.tt e , hv TAt.r 'Ate f si nttv t- r-1 . t -i i , . . t tiir
Monterastclli Bros.
Ws 'I ir "Wii work sud ana ran -
line at liittoat pr I. e
lies 1 1 "ti mi all k hi. Is of
ru stuns Kull st.s k on Im ml
vnii to nee oltr work
and iet nrlees belore plaetnp
V'.itr order
Main si., in. ii ii. K. & N. ilcnit, IVntlleton
Is the M iiiUaii.-. It rs.
'-ii M ' I mi .So
llijurlo'j. Iirus hisulsr slss MS-; Kami It .lie
I 00 at liriiirsi.th ur by tasii
KLV Bi-.mTIU.KS . Warn ii .-i , Nt 1 urk
nil ol (I.. n. wi .1 .mil latest patterns,
eSpi.'CI'lIK -eleite.l lot our A tit 11111
trade, In-, itiiv. I, i nl the Hoods are
now, in nut stntc ready loi the inspec
tion nf Pall buyers rhe) comprise
I he finest Inn- ol wiltous, tapestry,
instal l ami lirnssels evtii sh.iwn in
Per dlatoOi Carpet at 50c to $t yard
Vsllptt" 1 .uui in tititiK at cost Un
ilrrtakniK K'ui'N alwass on hind.
International Poultry Pood makes tln-tn
Keel Meal Ktves lliein flavor.
Clamshells make tlicm snlnl
Mn a grit ids digestion,
Try a sample.
hay, ir ii in and I ecd.
I J- .in. I 1 j't K.ist All.. Slieel
Handlatoa. Oreuon
To make good bread use Hyars' H.st hli tn litta.k tlrst
prainni'ii si the Chicago World's Pair over all com petl
tUas, sod glras easollsat sslislactioa wiieruvnr uel
Bsory sacs is guarantee! liavt the laist Hteam
Kolltsl Uailuv, HimhI Kya and Beer llesa Barley.
w.tS. BYERik Pieprlelor.
Hotel Pendleton
1 inter New Man ycinciit
Strictly firht-CldS
olMUdBt Cll10.
He is well pleased with Ins lioen KV6f) MOdtrQ
ana you will lie il you take youi
laundry to
They Know their;Buineaa Van Dran Bnn. Props
Coovooiooce m
T 4HBssssP
Kr and BNHard llooms
I he I est Hol I
iitif (h 1 Tru
KiUb $1.00 1 diy
SpocUl Hutu by
Went or mop 1 1
Headqaartera for Travollaf Mci.
la Castsrn Orsgon.
Succevsors tu J. C. Moure
Standard remedy tor sleet
Cvssrr.vss and Hunningl
IN AS KOUHS. Cures Ski
nsi sud SlaoSer liesfclss.
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.