East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 19, 1901, Image 2

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Fall and Winter
We wi-jh to (lisj.liiv to you our
and winter line t Suit" and Over
coats. Made in tlx- k'wt manner and
VV(' guarantee a perfecl tit. We have
without question the Itt'-t line in the
, . . . . a.'
une rnee (jtathtert, Ftmushrn l Hatter, Pendleton.
in Portkuul papMi Col J. H Uu
l y ol I'enilleton. is mentioned an nn
of the two most promising candidate
for the democratic nomination for tin
nttorncy-KeneralKhtn. Thi8 mention
of Ool Haley la without his 'sanction
and indeed, without hln knowledge
II. diM-K not Intend to al the state
convention for this place on the ticket
However, inasmuch as Col Itnl-v
num. hiii- been mentioned ii ,i
taX Baal Oregontan to say that Col
Haley s name on the state democrnt
ic ticket would be an adornment. It
would add strength It would ho a
Compliment to the arty were he to
accept the nomination. He com
MM in an admirable manner tie
pialttleH of an ideal attorney rimici
aj, Me Is a student of Industry, keen
.entrntmn. anil rare Insight into th-
law He Is experienced In ntiittei
pertaining to state government and
v.-.i eigiu vear with conspicuous
honor in the state senate. Me QO n
a.'s i onimanding position In On
lion, recognl.ed for his talenth as u
ax for the manner In which In has d
eloped them.
In lact. while seurchlng foi g on
timhei lor any state office, be it 1 1
attorney generalship. the governoi
xhlp 01 the United Htates hoiibi. tb
nemiMTatic ivnrty could tlnd no ni'-in
ei better qualified to serve th- n.
1th credit to the organization, nnd
gHNt to the state.
t niatllla county and eastern On
BOB would rally to hlH support aa R
man ami irom the Cascades to tb
ea. from the Columbia river on tb
north to the California line on th.
south, there would In lollou-
the Haley banner to the olls
trust? It can buy the "ntin Ht:t
rich as Mtnnenota Is with lis I
paODk I's leading men will tear to
be eruahsx in tin w ail itrttl klnaa
and the governoi will face n sltun
tion In which timidity will kill aggres
sion. and tie lailioaii people will tn
uniph without gn at difficulty or liar.
iter, is a comment on human mi
ture- People in San Kranclsco paid
Toe to see Jim Jeffries llcU (Jus
It nil I in on Krldstv uight. The latest
faaatptl ever recorded for a grand
FB in that city were Icdh than
$0000, oi one-ilfth what was aid to
Witness a couple ot men punch each
In most of the newspaper discus
sum.-- lie Ucstlon ,,i the distribution
oi unices seems to hi' oi greater im
portaoce than that oi tltness ami
ipi.iluic ation ot candidates and we
havn't progresed very lai. alter all
our boasting, from tin doctrint oi the
benefit oi the fondgni'r i lie people
should not object to the reduction fff
luxes That Is what tan., revision
I one s to.
"This being the situation. It remains
fOT congress to act. The tariff must
in revised. The republicans sav Ii
should hi done by its friends If lis
frMhdl tail bo do It. then- nre Others
who will Ttte democratic party will
not overlook an opportunity to cor
reel a mistake oi tin part In power
'and to represent the real interests ami
I desires of the people
The money is piling up in tin
treaaur) This calls foi a reduction
of the revenue taxes A large surplil.'
Is a menace It is a standing teinpta
tion to extnivumliicc ami Corruption '
Mindinu bo the "paramount issues'
of iln last campaign. Mi lOekles said
"In regard to the new possessions, the
people have spoken it cilllllol he an
issue whether to hold oi let them go
Hut the democratic party will have to
insist on an honest ami conscientious
administration ol tie attain of the
i oionies. Rxnlottatton is a tempta
tion Which is likely to prove dntnrerous
to a part in pawn
The affairs of our possessions nitisl
be administered for (he benefit of the
people who live there, and not for 111
or for a lot oi political carpet baggers
who may go there."
Bryan ami Brjruiun are i awarded
by Mr Kckb's as deail Me Bipaotl
thai the next congressional campalg'
Will do much toward reviving nnd n
onputhtlnfl the democratic party, con
gTeaa this winter will mill., the Issiu s
for the rotnlni concreaalonal cam
oaign WaHhtnaton correspondent
TH OfAe New s
Tan candidates for govt nun (tanallna
all in line.
M Vo Me A lit
Start Oirls Right!
Many heautilul ilrli become Invalldi lor llle,
became at th crucial prried ' pube rtv Uttjf
pay no attention to the law! of health MnthfM
thould pretert their dauhtcri' health h git
Ine, them ItaWIIITy information and proper
treatment. When thr mrpici MM M a Jrl
unawarti In her inexperience ihe H either
frightened Into convubloni, or icared Into try.
Inj to fhtck the flow. Many girli havr iheeked
the Mow and it h.n never itartr.1 ain. And
aa a reiull they have e;rov,n pale la. rd, with
"crow-trackj" on their chtlkli anil dark half
moon under their eyei. A dote of
taken every morning alter lrl ii twelve year
old will brine; the menie on properly and keep
them reeulai. It will help I'tr to develop Into
attractive womanhood and equip her lor the dull. of w fe and motherhood
All rfrutou aell $1.00 hottlei of Wine of Cartful
Shout Line
Tho Hollewood. Aabnrr Park. N. J., Fobrasir S. 100.
I rnad yonr iKlvrrt moment in rent InWinrof Cardol In Hi" llultlmor.'
Amerioan. snd It w fsvorsbly inipreaaeo' ni that on MP ttll ti Maltiniom
during the holhinvi I ptirchsaed a bottloof It lor mr adopt id dauiihter, who
wmn aiiftrrlngwith Icmsle troablat, She had txn undi r the aoetot! oam
tor omc limr. and when her parloda would come on her -i'tr nnj wan r.ome
thing terrihlr I induced her to tnr it and the Mr rlon hroughl eti har
BMaaaa. She look it regulsrlv oaordlng to tho direction-, nnd win gr.'nily
relieved To ue her own worda, "It aeved mv lite " .1 WK8LKY CltOMS.
ii candidates for govt moi
hod too much platform then tin
a an nine.
oandldataa for
on the slate,
was rubbed off
governoi named
thai! then wore
Bight remdldatea for governor stininv
Up the leaven
I im got too many bops then there
were seven
Si iui candidates 101
various tricks.
Mih was detected, then then
govern n trying
Six candidates
the hive.
Moler Indorsed (i
art re
governor busy at
i then then
And now comes the Han IrtMkKi
''all with the moat sensational item oi
illeged news that vei flowed fion
the ei of the yellowest of yellow
writers. ' up in the Klomlik
country the iteople an' plauning to r
'el and form an lndeendenl repui
In This is iuileeil u new leal r
of the yellow journalist, lor he doe
not even tak a Ihenn boliiing eh
munts ot poaalb....y
imuglie the liauilllll oi people a I
Uiere atteniptillg such a thing An
iben imagine the comiMiuy ol milit irj
lOraaO 6t the I'nlteil Stater at St
Michaels s Island at the west . .,n
PMtat ol tro'iMi scattered along lb
ilkon and with sevi rul n uiai)fes
ot well armed and disciplined Urn
isb mounted slice already n Up
ground ami then imagine the order
going in to kill off that . bellion
whether it he on American or Kng
bah ai. and aftei tills I IllUg I Ii 1 1) s I!
is .tlfficult to conceive the rebellioi
lasting two ihvs It is silly It h
seusatioiuilism run wild. It is in
MlltlUg to the Intelligence ol the pen
pie who read the Call
Governor Van Hant ol Minnesota
proposer to invoke the law ol tn.n
state to prevent the Northwestern
.Securities Company trom accom
plishing the union of the (Treat North
ern and the Northern Pacific on.
panics under the plan ot the consoli
dation of all northwestern railroads
It is a boio conception, hut It will
tail. True, the law of Minnesota pro
minis consolidation ot compcun
railways, and tin- statute is just a
plain as pimple Anglo Saxon Mil
Malta it if written by ni.n sincere in
heir desire to frame a law to pre
vent the formation of railioad conr.bi
nations that will deprive the atat Ol
the benefits of freight rater, com
tion. Uut It will fail, ami (Jovernor
Van Sant may as well k out into Cu
irosty Alinnesota moonlight ami sing
ditties to the woman in the moon
It is fairly chilling to the patriot
ism of the citizenship of tin- country
but this is the truth li the Mumeso
ta statute operate to foil .Mr Mill and
Mr Harrlman ,n,i Iheir nnT""fltr
in the niervci enterprise thev wlb
proceed lo gel a new law made that
will repeal the old ami enable the pn
motei-s lo do as they please.
This is exactly whtt those Wall
street financiers will do and nil the
Governor Van Hants and Minnesota
legislatuiea on top of the mundam
sphere cannot permanently say them
nay Nowadays, what state Kla
ture he ihe ihjwci the moral powe
to autaaouUe this aigantb rtv'lraad
REORGANIZATION. I'm andidiites 101 gox.nnoi sc anuim
the score.
ruttOtl woiihln't have It. than Hp H
WCIe lOUr.
Anion,; thiwi who believe that th
uemocrmin party is aiiout to in root
ganl' d on ni'w and mon aiisiiieious
nip - is lormer (. oiuptroller of th
Cilireucy Junii'S II Kckela. .Ml
.is was In U.isiuuun: and -n--
with tin president last Saturday
uigiu Me is one oi tin moRt promi
pent among tin gold demociats w-h
ietnid iii pillow Itryan In l'M. ami
who has Hliuc been to etOMlf Ideutl
lied With Hp cause of HOIIIPl mon
us to be counted almost. If not cjult
n reiubinan
"Not at all. icpii. ,: Mr. Kckels
WlP ii asked II lie Wi le not about
read) to count himself a n'publlcai
i .mi a democrat I decline to i
lead out oi tin- party."
"Is there i .leinocratn party.' Most
assuredly. The ilenioeratli imrty
nas itiaTered much from bad leader
hip. but it is a iwrty .... i in th
past hits shown a capacity for develoi
lilt; uc leaders vhen they ale need
ed. Tlp-ie are and always will I
r-inen in. party will pillow T p. nam
:.i iiiiip d and lietoie n can com
.mi.' fin confidence ol tn. country It
must lepndlati and rep.-in of Its sins
I shoiihl'iiot lie surprised If this wen
IHNM In Hp MM national platform
n uiigui . .intaii. a paragraph ion
ratuiatin. the country on tin attnl
llshment Ol tin single gold standard
fin 'PinocratP patty must do
something to gan Hp coiitideip m
the conservative people ot tip- coin,
try There Is no leasor. why It Mhoiilu
la a party oi radicalism There is
mi reason why the business Interests
ol the count' i should lie unsettled
every four years by u campaign
which thieutciis tn put dangerous e
ttmatati in eoatra of Ike govern
moat The party must be built lit
in tin- north, not entirclv m tin- south
Its platiorm must be one which will
be oi a charui ter -to attract to it th
tnougntiui ami conservative not
merely the discontented."
In -epiv to a i.uestion as to what
issues wen- in prospect for the party
in int'l Mi Kckb-s said
lariu rep, mi itiul reciprocitv an
likely to be made issues by the tail
nr. oi tin republican congress to
meet tin demands of the present In
lustnal it. mi ..I It may seem early
to predict that the republicans will
fall but there are some indications
that th. interests which oppost
vision will prevail with th
cans. iie-i. i a uieat onnort
.io openeu aim it remains to in- seen
Whether tip y will see it
'on i amlbl tt.-s tor governor, hut) as
the bee.
Tt-cy dug up the record ol one then
then wen- three
i nice undulates lor governo, w i i
nolhiug else to do.
One was triemlly to Simon, then there
were two.
Two ., .ii.i.ii. im governor 'ri the
rtVCa for fun.
urn tnoil with the people then Hi'
was one
op. candidate lor governor tis ipte
l related
W.i- indorsed bv eastern Oregon and
- Saicm lenttne
lake laxHttve Hronm ijiinnn.' I iljl i- A
IriiK'Hi'ti. relunit tin- nmney If It fulli lo i-uru
w OMe' lenatiir- on enrli Im.
For ft I ml ' 'm' in ! I
Pepaitment. Thr L'lti
Itf lrfnlomi
Tm. Ijiillet AdTlMrr
rhltUDnuil. Pa.
New fruits
Peralmmi ns
I iriinea
Pine Applea
Dati -Oraoyei
( rsnberrien
( orommt"
A iple
I 'earn
Pane I ! h i i h
We have made tpei'iai arrango
matltl tn have I litrge sfanrtm nt ol
everything in our I in fof rimnk
giving trade, ami will be able to
take rare 01 our nrders tn gi id
ahare and to y nr intire aatlal ic
tinn. tlnr prires will IW riuht and
rail lotln tn the net to hi Ootilned,
Tlirkeya, Ducks. Geese.
Chickens, L-tc
F. S. Y0UN0ER & son.
Nei vegetabkf
C'Iitv rtrrnlpi
Had isiies
Baata tabbafe
I" reeli rOOMtO a
Pitmph Im
i ifMn in loot
Hi--. MmiI ft i
HtMMl Pol lines
$..()() per l)a tint! lipwartis
Finest Hotel
In the Pacific
i -.in Tfrnn e hedule abrivi
no, Prom M dlotnn rsoa
Ch4M0. Hull Lake, tenrer. Kt.
Portland Worth, Omaha, Kan-
gneolal m city, hi l.nula, ualHiMa, m.
ijj ) in iaitoan.1 Kaat.
Tie 1 1 ii ii t-
tttaalte Kh1i lk-, lenvar. Ft
Kxpri-ao Worth. Omaha, Kan
a m.l as IMty, 8t Umlt, Oal- 10:40 p. ni
rta Baal ; nnd i:Hat.
Caul VV.dla Walla. laMtMBil
run Mad Rrs?lnuM.WallaefFBil i
- i a. in. man. Mbuioapolla, HI.' imp. m
rla I .in. DUlnth, Ml.ivail
Ipekaae kee, Ubieafd ana Kaat
. I a
Ocean and River Schedule.
IaU mllNMJ dato aubjeetj
In uimiKr
s:io i in Fur Man Krauolco 4 p. ni.
sail i.very t daya.
Dinfi 4
MtMM Coltimbia Itlver
Sunday 4 p ni
-p tii l Aatorla anil ' Hundiiy
Sniuriia)' ! . in.--
Hi p. tn. I J
Wlllam-iU Klvsr
Pi'ib ex.
y.unla) !Or-(iiii City, SowherR, 4:)l I'.m
na m Saletn. liiiii'iauiilniH'oiex. Hniun-
n i. I Way l.an.unga,
li in CorrallU and Wa IMtVJB.
in.. I'll rs Lain iuig Mon Wed
n.l Mai. and frl.
WlllamnUo and Ysm
I M in hll! Hivers ' : p m
in.- ran Ortaon Clii, Deyten Mon wed
am'. Baf IM " iiy lauidlnge. and M
LSavi i 1-i-MYi-
Klparta Sn i itlver Lswlaton
SfOO am. sdnti. in
bally; I Klparla to bswUton, Dallr
K K vAMtfaKY, Agent. I'eadlntou.
- unv III Kill, .
III U ll. r.
.... .?B,rt "fflal
iieni im. ,.i r'-.
Lumbar, Utll
' ,,n,PKBuild.
ln paper, Tlr
;,"r,,,;ilt' Picket,
I la''. Brick
and. Mouldlrej
5 ;;w8, Saai,
Pendleton Phot, um
"IS ll! M
LMber lard
R' F(tffSTtH. Pro
Columbia River
PORTLAND, okkuon
special Mate i tu t-ns tii Oregon nenple vielling -'o.-tiund Meadquartors
m tourltt.a and MMaVlf tl traveler M. C, BOWliKS. Manager.
i mm
Wants laxveral
Btook and Fruit
tarnis foi Baat
rn buyara,
fill SI. Gil
tlfiil HAN"
A I'mr.
BleKanily Faraibb" ' ittm Heuteti
I uropean Plan
Block and a hilt 'rum depot.
Sample Ko-. n in MeMMtlM.
kiMitn Kate
5c 7nc, $1.00
Have vou Either to Sell?
a port unit)
ni i.. .
' '"I is an Olionilliltv lot tie le
......ii .. ... . .
I'm. in an punv to iiitruci to itsi-ii a
larK- iiiiist.n ol voters who are not
wadded to tb. pica of hlM nroti-ction
iiioi.i nun mi in.iustrii;.. wiucii no
longer ami need u protection which
imounta to snbsidj Sonic of thoui
ire iiotnmaliv ivnublu ant,. but ai Tin. bnlv I'lmi. l-i,, ,- u.i
liearl II...V u... i.. ' " ' "
the tariff. And then- are many dan
A Lunch in Pendleton
o.-rats who are willing to k half way
nun .n. enion IllelllbelVes Willi a
i ii iy which would take a iiinldl
mi. . i Mm a .
in iaiin nas servni itr, purpoue
some iiMiaiicc.s ami lias built up
ministries winch an amply able tn
stain I without any artificial sunnort.
ni -iipport is drawn liotn the neonb
)l this country; it tm-ans additional
taxes vet it icdouild.-, often to tin
Baton purahatiai come and
look over ":r lart and com
pletu line of Ltaatiaf stoves
whici we an selling at a ver
low llgure
Tht Lnaduig Hardware Mon.
Take this
route for
Km ( 'hi, uco. Si. Paul, St. Louis, Kim
aast 'iu St. Jm. OOaaVhaV eUld
All Pointl l ust and South
.'in l Ian,: end points
on .he Sound
i..-,.vi I'. mil. ton, .holy uacapl suu.lay- ai
IUI iiia
Arriv.- PeMlemn Moaday, WedaaaM nun
r riuay una am.
Anna rvn.ll. ton luvadav, Thurxlay and
Mtunlay ousa am
leave Walln Walla daily. Mat l.iuu.l i-:0npm
Iffffrt W aba Walla daily wuii eMM l0A aiB
Km inf.iiuialioii reitar.liUK rale, au-l acr.mi
ui.alalioa.. iiali uu or atl.lreea
VV. ADAM.- A.'lll
I'oodletoii, ortiKio
H II. I'AbPKI.Mt.'U.b P. A.,
Walla Walla. Waul!.
on earth
Old Jas. Pepper
Old Henry Clay
Have baajej tin Standard since
Especially adated lor fam
ily and madiciaal purposes.
Ever) bottlfl laamaiaad.
rvi r s
Imported Swiss and
Liiniic-rger Cheese ..
Imported double
Stout Porter, Bcelttl
Atlas beer
1Mb MAZt-PPA 821 Mais
I L. Ray & Co.,
Buy and aell
Stocka, Bond
You gel
Good Beer.
and ( xrain
lor caan at ou uarflua
New York Stock tjxchangv
Chicago Stock hvehange
Chicago Board of Trade.
irt atrt. Haadlaton,
Whitii you drink
The Off ioe
75 Main St.
You gel
What you buy
irom us.
p. tn 'loinph'nia 77
k- " " '(-nr oki.ii.1. . -l
K. W. VIM l . . i m
of WtM Haileaai Han,' oaTM
mi. , i iu it i m mu
J. I.MITH ..ou.,, 'r J
i.-i.-uruinr i" '"eaa
rt. e. ii.vM IKU) U n houi,
to l'hyal.,Ht, ml &LU"tW
..uimiiiK l.i,.phonc; nar. "H
'lll'i IM'U'I ' " I
I'll. in
sura.-.n, on rn'-lA.V
Main i li,.i,i,,nB'JfW
..a. rNaa
.urif.'.ii, Hu.i.,.1.1.. '
II,.,... nil T. .
fHrttcui ,
i'h.ii. Minn I ,
' UM.l.r.U. M. i, lliMPAiv: aTa,
ir,-,.t ,i U ,ri,.,-u ere'ttealil..
'"'"tl- a np,, KWSi1jH
iroHrly nito nr rlr.u.!2?- H
DaV II. J, MAI'..K0(l. i;
...... ...... . n ii piiom- ei
phoiii-. blurt Ml, -
I I, I If II ii ,. ........ . z
Key.-, ,m K. .. . oOw. naakia.. i-Jfft
"in more
!. - iv. tll.AhKSI.KK OflMfl
all, I it, rv, ....u... j.
'PI n. 1 .Kit .n.l Maia fa. i
mil in '' '
t'AKIl-.l. ,V ItAl.KV A-mvuv-Bv. ..
"" 1 1'" oaui allium
.. . . .-w..a,a u
...... i ii umm lauo:,
.oti Oieauu.
'.""i i.iuii.ii,. i vuuiaioo,
,.u, , in ....... la. um O.OCI
t.. I). BO. I), A rT"KNKY AT uw
UMn at.
U l. l.l'.l.l'I'.U. AI lUKiVKi AT Ufi
ruli.lli'l.iii. ortKuu
ai lave .Mi -uiUuuii laa baas WailM a
praetiCH IU i uiie.i sum paiaai oaatui
uiakaa aWKialtv of I'aivui La aaaaiEL
aud ,.l n lall.ili ulocl
VA...U.II oi.i,.,n laalt
u;ii- r. n uuua-. aaa aa.
,i nil . I,., i, .ll ,,, aiuiiuai u. u.11.
zculli'U, l-uu.ii.iou. and aa M
. v i, ,iium leui. t . a
i. a. aniKor.. u.iiivu
i. A. Uaruaau, M a. Juaaa. I i
raw. J r :;il..ui .'tooari 1
HKH'l NA ! li t.N AI. bANKOf irKJUt
Oregon i a fi ial , $4uj,eiUBatpa
H,.ia4j InU-real on nni
oruiKU am i 'tiiuiMla axcaue'
. oumti.lv iiuu.lv' lo Uauril.
ideut; 1 J Klr. T1M-:
uott, oaal.ler; Mri. C.
dinaia Del I
lituryt. jam
nraUHl. 1 L
i. bare! aaee
a. a.. a ...Hal f'llllll aUllotU aaUaW.
Let at tfMllMral MUltUa UOU M
"T.-.T. .7. a..M Aotaaia
Kfani.ia.7. Li .rk kiiil Mriuciail
tha N.irLiiwt,: lra.U UrawnMCalii
. .. a u... tl ..... ,i .aariMlta Bai
bllll Ditlli' " Jl O u- vvaen-
. I Tl a a. i...iv e eiaairlaaTll ' W.I.
bCrillaV lA3t 'IUI' u j i ar a -
,m. iiii-iliUiii. I b "aue,
uuenuey ewlalam oaalilei
u. B1BE
I'Hls. l-hNDbhlUN bAiiiu7
1 1 . ..nuau m-
' iium,.."'. i.j. " . -
aulLa!, Hai.uou. turpltt), bbjb
illMi-d mi linn 1. I-Uill. l ra
aud aold oil all i-tmelpa- P-V."EQ
tenlton flveti to tollciUoai. W,AT
uraaiiieui j n ia.,
Morrli caaUlui
Bid .Stock ol
( ouiplat e. t.. m.l aud luUoual
I . ... l ...
i m.i.uugofcerli-itku i.inr (tea. ), lorlean."
tin kin .it .-ruau .in.l .il.-- I i rii l k nun
nit in (..,, tu aaay lu-.uun awl .....n aud
lit-al, audi IITI. IIU. Ha.ol.VKNT (b'.. Mead
.,.i . luati.u Uw bleaatl. A alaaii' a-n- -i u
..uni-ieil. i,i ruri- lllr Bi-vro-.t IILW, -.
a,. .! tMliul Ui vuN e.,r raa Oa. ...........
. a444M "UV Ml Ul.Sk'.'l II .... ,. ..
Cam I-, i ' ,.. ,
WMY "v rvwt or Intereat p
huu im.
Home Co-Operdtive Company
Will build you a home far
...6.50 oar Month...
Guanntatd not
Will (urnUb you the
.... . .... ...... .
1,1 nil,
pay on your luoitgaae or buy a
nmue in any localtly, and .u,
ou 16 reara and I tuoulha lo
Pay it back at the ran oi
niiuuu! iniereat In
oaa ol ilea tii ,,r lot.) diaabllny
a cluar daed will be given
Blrletaal laTeatiaaiton oourud
I. A. boit k
feaMtlalen, Or.
Aaaul. Wauieal Kverywlmr.
for Gentlemen
who cheriah
aom by j on auuMiiri
The Louvre Saloon
m out i nr.
Arik for n.
Schultz Brewing Co.
S TOR A ( ; e.
IVl do...
I rucking & Transferring.
Laatz Bros.
French Restaurant
cosy noons
Well Lighted Hl,u Hteain Heateti.
Best 25 cent Meals
In the City.
Frog l,oK!, Kiwieru ami
I in. u lur uutalural
.iKciiargu., lutl.iuuialluaa,
Irrllall.tii. ... B X
. "iati.a. PaiulM. .,,,1 ..i
ot or yoiaououa.
99 ttl IU pUlu W
' oiliraaa a. ...
gr miuiji,, aj
aaav n.....u.j al
aMtaai-.i-kii j .paaaM
VLaaW' "'
- .H.IBlft
. te uiiui' I.' 1 1 A Rl!
. . . . I aa taaa. MIT
nl.i.. fur IUI! tllllain IU
laeal 17, Jud.1 bulldiui
JTTuTu.1 .. ...vi k mNTRaCWWi?
abullder. Kmiuiauj. "fJn gal
ivc. u " " - ' b. aaJaaS
..i. i. Hi off iircajt tioar JUia
av a 11 i V ill
huildei h.limaiw i" -T-,i.a.
ulaaunry, m-tjoul "'"' aXaaaa
" if i a' - -
In ludd uunaiug.
. .... ,,L,y rioa' ig
h. A. l"t' vTJaala
Mil.. ON .'...MK1.I.KU UWi'"1'
vlng Uaiu uunuiua
1 CAN UK. ZLUff$ii
,t ur.ee lo. !'W?&mmB
ol iuu.. attch in ubber, "XjJ
alnc. ra ami U'ltle ile
aiwciaity Vou cau JwkS
X ragiur .1.11- ... Ji3t
be treated iu toe aaui. d easa
aiLuc-.i --- Hotel, lai
houae uoxl lo KasUirn now
leleuboue Med ill
v. uniiNii 'i nr. '"": .r
oo. ulhal .ud will waew-,7
ol uu day lur oow j
Due brown warn eu"
about -Jon pouud
d, branded "
' 1 -
. . i. . ii., ..f i'n i.ciw. -t, im rau
IU (Utf i V '-.ill rw btll utaaAt
aach waM lu ae ' , , aa Itf La
1.. ii . niillllUM n" ' Ik. taval aff -aaT.
Ill IUV T ... lai ilalV t''"T. aaaaalW
II 1 raV"Ta. U
'" k..,:,. 11 ,f .-MIT
,.ia.:tioi. will I"- new "'. - 0aW
oarimeu. i". - ,,,, wwj
aain in- La i ,,.. ,. , ,ui ...
.l.i.uarv 1. "'"7, ' ..iBet.' "Z.
ggglglaDi ehleleui lttmS
held ou lue "r"iiiWeau
II uu. Jr laHlaiTW
j. a. rrztimm,
city '
' MU1