East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 18, 1901, Image 4

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To ait around tin
liniisi- witd
feet wh
sum of
you can lor th
by a pair of the celebrated
Alford Dodge Felt Slippers
which are all wooi
felt Roods made.
and the est
Cleaver Bros
The Boot and Shoe Men.
Ja8. A. Howard. Farm loan.-
Hendley Howard, lira laaurance.
iKuneatlc and Davis atwtni
i hln. v nt Wlthee'a
i hanee on the $50 premium at
..tilers Furniture store.
Haire fresh cranberilo ,1
brad nt lla.ley Bros
Heinxea' bulk mustard, the finest 01
the market, at Demon's.
HlK l.e of tine mountain culinn
: .li.ir ivratit at l-niatt s.
I'r'par d nilnee meat. r .1
Innilly use. Try It. Demott
Apple butter and sweet ii;!
flneat quality, at G. R. Demon
Quick delivery and clean
t !
It where F S Younger A- Son
r in varments at reilm-eil p 1
Cleaver Hros Dry Goods ( as! 9 ri
messed poultry of all kinds .it F. S.
" ungur t Son's. Nicest In th rlty.
The But Oregonlan will i.m . a ib
lor clean cotton runs deliver. 1 11 (he
Special prices on furs at C
llros.s Dry Goods Com pan Caal
Two rooms to runt, partly furnish
d (or light housekeeping: appi-.
It Ik the talk of the town how quit k
ly F. S. Younger Son's dellvei their
It .Martins bakery department can't
le beat, l-eave your order for Thankl
blvlng eakea.
K. T. Wade has a resldenee pri
in Pendleton for sale. This Is a Ip
lal bargain: see blm.
For the lateat style and lowest
prices In fur goods, see Clever Hros
Dry Goods Company 's Cash ton
Fine new inline meat in bulk. ('.
rou. package currants, raisin.-- 1.
almonds aud walnuts ut BsWlej
turkeys are going to hi
hr-uree. you bad better engage you
now. at the "Standard Grocery '
1 hone Main C.
('uiidy Dution has received a stilt)
i i- nt of Newtons chewing
With every I cent package you get a
chance (or a nice watch
Just reeeived at the "Standard
(irocery" some choice Naa Tori
. wheat flour, eorn m-a
Kuglaud hulk maple syrup am
The least aalary made by 0111
ntailvMS is tlS per month Son.,
make many times this amount Mi
t.ou this paper aud write at one,- to
Retail Credit and Collection Aaso 1
tion. Doulder, Colorado.
The homliest man In Fendletoi as,
well as the haiulsomest. aud others
.10 Invited to call on any druggist
and get (rec a trial bottle of Kemps
lialsam (or the throat and limp- u
remedy that Is guaranteed to eun
and relieve all chronic and acute
oughs. asthma, bronchitis ami 1 01
. 1 motion Price 25e and 60c. For
sale by Tallman A
sole agent?
Our Story Books
W . keep our U)k 111 the gali.-iA n,
our store, ami desliv that all patrons
ba at liberty la come ami Uke their
time 111 looking nt the hundreds ..f
volume-, we keep in stock.
Our u:k has just utn ralu forced
by the followiug titles, listel aeeonl
ing t their popularity
The ( rials
D ri aud 1
The Ktarnal City
it if.-1 1 of Way
Uelussl of Navarre
The Puppet ( row 11
lake Aunt bet Helei
Trtsuui of Hleut
i intli Dtater
Kls-11 Hnlilen
Hall an..
Uilbrt Parker
Msei ,ratli
Met all
McLougtilin and Old Oregon Kvu Dye
Aii . .,t ,.i Vlnoennaa Tbompaoti
J'ru'iHts, Mttiu StfMt.
Don't Have
W'huii you can prevent il In weariiit; a pair of our
Warm Lined Shoes.
We also have a tine asaortment ot Felt and Knitted Slippers
in all colors for ladies and children
646 Main St. Th Pendleton Shoe Co.
Aa up to dsUe Repair Asm? la saws at ton with our store.
Meilnlllon toilet nvi h( Nolf
Cored style ". prices at
ntrnltare store,
i i. lecture at Haatftlelt'i Mil Wad"
uesiln v-nlnR.
Come lo Handrlca tall Wtataataj
. enlBR. I " lecture.
Mil Itah Of nil kinds Just r clvrd
: I s YoUBgaT & Son's.
W'll'V" ill! best plBlf to 1ms HIV
IttttlTO? At Hurler's, of course.
Wanted Paiture for to or It) band
, , ml. S. It Mel. Alhn Or
Mi chocolate la dell clone a. servo.1
.1' K i ppatt'a tlriiK store only fi CI tits
a Kent bin barrel of trosk aaner
kraut Just recefvad at v. s. koatutar
a Bonn.
Wanted a girl to do ananawota
i i i. Apply !"H ItHllroail. cor
n Market street.
.lust rttalvad new tii gs in tacl
natnrs. Icr wool square hodtta. alt
Th Alexander dapartiaent stor.-.
Thankagtvliig we are ffeowtni
... mil line of table linen ani! nap
kins. The Alexander depttrtntanl
Their i)iulnrlt.. has h,en est lb
I . ,: on their merit The Fatal
Chocolates, at Koeppeti Urns.' dm .
VA . Ii. Cole and ssli. have sold a
ptidettct property and lots the
part 01 Pendleton to Anton
V) lor HMO,
win have th alcaal turaejn on the
market, all stall fed fowls. Call and
n bm and leavi vow iirdol tor a
bis, bird K Martin.
Everything the market iffords fi 1
-.n il tliaiiHSkiivini; .linm i . rnnl.errlcs
sweel potatoes, plum .iiiddlnu am
trail oakea it. Martin
i.om batwaaa S ilaiwi ami rand I
ton on the Horn Shoe road a memo
mndum book containing "" dcnos'i
. tlMcat on ihi Pendleton Savings
Hank Nala Johnson
1 1 vim an in u liurr tor : ..air ur
1 - onler ot F. S. Younger c. S inn
wliu will deliver purchases within I
minutes When von Me It 1. th.li
ad II is so.
Remen bei thnt I bnv groceries In
cat lots In order t. sa. fri lhts
'onn in ami see nn- will mtke von
urii-es lienpei than :nv Ivmsi In
astern Oregon. It. Martin.
In ion lit on 10 tin- names for elt
- published in the Fast Oroyna
lai Bnturday, that of .1 it Dtcaaon,
rotincllman nr the third ward niiti
1 Buramervlllc, eouneiimiin im ii
ard hae I n tiled.
albi:kt e.
Cine!, Store Robbery
Yet Downed False
Will be Alleged.
Case Ha Not
Albert l. smith, tin young man ai
1. ami :.Ued In the Jail for aov
.1 .iay. charged by V. D. Focht
i;l lontiiii liis ston . and who was
. seed at tin in limlnar says now
'.hat he will sue Mr. Feellte In
. '-mi 10! the eausing ot his u'res-
gad lin an etation ami swearing to tin
laint against him. Mr. Smith i
1. yottaj man who is an electrician
with tin mining pn-ture show whhli
is heeii holding forth on Court street
Hi thinks that the .-hagrin of tLa In
ai ev.ition ami the loss to him of
-nutation l tin eharges ot theft
. Rort'i 15 ami In wants 'In
nun to award him that sum. 11
..as employi il tin noted luw
yar. W H Morris 01 Seattle, who is
.in old friend of the family, to taki
1 use in hand ami he is ex pi o d
-.oon to mnk. arrangements for
in piosi . titlon
Joan A. bcott and Miss Crocse ur
Married on Sunday Night.
n hi V Sent! ami Miss Man..
Clougn Ceckatrllne wan iinrtad m td
IJaptist "hurcb at tu-iw 1 nthe pre
.1 a niinibet ot friends sumi'i
Blai it I i. elis K The are promt
D'-.u voting pmpie hi that piaee aiu:
the groom, who is a hrotnei 01 Mrs
vianr. ot this city. Is a prosper
farmer Atts. th mailage a r
. .-ption was held ut the hotel lr
an Mrs. Mam. Attended the weddlnf
ami 1 ption
tin Saturday evening, at tin noun
oi tin Rev, i.. 1. Coplc iii Poadlatoa
1 Ilium I. l.lltlejohli and Miss Anna
Moistiom were married bj Mi
poll onli a few ft lends ami rela-
11. -IIO- pl' Hi IP Alle- I li ei llll
!. will be at hntin tn irieuds ut
t- iionie on I'eri.uis av-iiiie Th
went then ;ll mn,. and begun house
Ke.,iuig Mr. l.litlejohii is employi .1
1 tn waiters 1 uttom riourtng iniii
ami JIIm Molitrom Is a resident ot
I', ulletm who hu, main lri'nds
noward H Light and Miss Ada It
Akei were untied in mnriage at the
Haptist parsonage in this city M siv
. 1 Im k yesterdu . Rai R W King
orln iatlug The bridi is ci I'.'ndleton
girl and the groom is a tarmei -.ith
.1 farm on tha reservation when- th
w II1 make their bono
Modern Surgery Surpassed.
w n:n siifleiiug from piles, say.s
U F Cart.-: Atlanta, Ga "I got fV
W" 1 1 1 s Witch Haxel 8alve and war
!ne) 1 ured." Cuts, burns, bruises.
pjiekly cured Heware ot countei
leits lailman tc Lo and Hroch u
Mi Comas.
l-armers? Custom Mill
Pffad Walters, Proprietor
' ssciif , lou bsfsasl s day.
r escasuss' tor uei
floor Mill S-l 1 ". i-' s,.i tn .
in-rsbr sivsn tlisi Itiero will t n nnudl
I luestlng 0 ILo ans kljoiilrr of III. El ir
f. be
iilan PuUuioiis i.uuiiNtiiy un W,.iutili
ii uiUrr 4, IWU1, si I oVliK-k p ui., si tin- offli-i- 01
sid oosipsny, in fn,toit, luvgnn. for tSu
purpow of iK-UUK Kite er. lur Hi. ru.ului!
nir. J K. DICKSON Prssideot; ritgl W
La MI'K I.N Srv-rtar
Cold Feet
Professor Pinkerton Will Do this on
crld.iy Night at the Fraier- Chsr.
acters in the Entertainment.
A laatttra Of the Old Maids Ma il
montaU Clttpa' Convention thai is to
be held nt the l-'raei opern lionse on
Fiiday eranlng, will oa tna aahlM
tiou of tin- 'Wonderful Itectricnl
rranslorm 1 h icr." whereliy the pt n
I. -1" 1 luinues aaolent single III l.de-is
Into young, blusliini. tuaideus. a Imln
litertng potions of tha wondarful
elixir, that is pom pounded to ai to
produce blonde or brunette complex-
long or any shade between th n
Profaaaoi Plnkarton will actually
.lew oi lln aildieiiei eft'i et tiles ' re
1111 min is eiUUkgai In the status 01 t!i
.do maids aud explain (lie or ieess
whereliy it Is aei-ompllshed. Th"
harnetan will be taken ns (ollown:
The Old Maids.
Ii.se pllllle .Intle (Ireeli. President li
the club Mrs a. i). Itlltman
inisuii. Abigail Hodge, secretary. .
. Mrs. Chas. S!iai n
ephrettn Stoekwell. treasurer
Miss Lavclle Moorehousi
it. n he! Itebeeea Sharp
Mrs Frank Moule
Tiny Short Miss liable Nye
Mary JMM Frnddler
.Miss Kvelyn Starkwentl.ei
Jeruaha Matilda Bprfgglna
Miss Fdyth Croeketl
Patlaaee Daalra Man
Mrs Frank Frnzler
Sophln Stuekup
Mrs Bugane a. y.i haji
inllatti Long
Mrs w k Onnataon
Beta) Hobbett .Miss Grace Croeketl
Ctarlt) l.onglai-e Miss Nell ('Tieron
Cleopatra Hell Mrown ......
Miss Delia BaanM
Penelope Oattrnda Doollttla
Mrs. W. .1 Fnnitsb
POtly Inne Sprntt
Miss Stelln AiuN'rsoM
Violet Ann Ruggles
Mis- lllain In WBItl n. on
Nanc Itedott .Mrs II F ii-'ipsou
Mi tt Armatrona Miss Cosbl Rale
lamb lane Siu-ingster
Miss Morn La nnk in
Bo) Margaret Dlekson
lm Katherfas Furnish
Pan - Dancar liss idn Thomiison
'una Mis Ifaldam Dlckaoo,
i'opsi Pfad Vineent.
Brunette- mis- Flora Hallock
Cornet Soloist Mr. Hnyt
Header Miss Kdith Bpple.
Skin Daneers- Sin- Arnold am! !''
-1 Kimhnll.
I'eiior Sollst Robert S Pond,
Professors and Porters.
1'ioiessoi Pinkerton. invcntoi n tlta
Klei trical Transform 1 h tor" J R.
S'egro Porters James I'.
Wei h
OBvai Kelsa
. . ompanisi - Mrs I A
Mrs J R Dlekson Mn
iai -toil
Mls Herniei Taylor is In tin I ttr
from BettO
Mr.-, j 1. cobi of Taooma is tha
gUWl of Mrs. I I.. Ray 01 this rlty
Jaeoli Ret the bn-wer king 01
Walla Walla, is registered at tin St
1 leorge
lOta Ferguson and Attornaj I A
Newler went lo At in-iiii today oa
w f. Kaaaad) went to WaUa Waiia
Saturday to visit his wife who is slek
in the hospital
Mrs (ieorge T. Berry is raglal .1
at the (iolden Rub mini h ST home
111 Walla Walla
Bttgeae Taaasoh the steam Juumtry
man 01 Walla alia is regis1 -n i' h
tin Golden Rule
PraaldlM Bldai m R, llnnrtn m
Walhi Walla, held ili-.h-lk i,,r It
I'ren in the M K ehtireh on Randal
I 1' Waiiish y returned Sun
'lav evening irom Walla Walla
win-re she hie neeti visiting friends
lor a fan davs.
Claranea Adam.- left this lanrnhsi
I' IIS I. II Hell- ti lake the iiIhi . 01
g ut Iru Julian of th a c n
w 1.1. IS ill With level
Bishop M. S Rtrtta 01 tin l ull
Bu Hretttien ehun-h who has lieen in
in. i. several days left this n.orn
lug 101 Walla Walla
Robert OearhergiHiri H olotl e i,i
i'e.nli. lop who ran a liutehei shoo
hen twenix years ago is Inn, alle:
rami years' abaence .
Profess. 11 .1 s Francis. iairvoyan
urn. palmist, is a guest m tin s
-1 hotel and will leiimin hen m-i
rul months II, value nom ..-..tt .
ni.en 111 na- Deen loealen loi Six
moiitiis past
Mn w h KaJam ami gaaaahtai
Ills .Mill IVIltle lellll'le, VeMler
la ti om an exteiub u wsit m tin
a.-t Ml Keisev who Is leportedelllt
Mi Kele, who it was r-iioi't
11. a leu 0a - ago had soin In Kii-oim
returned with them
Mrs M. A Thompson returned 01
Saturday Hum Walla Walla where sin
had hen visiting hei son Kri Thump
-o.'. vhi i inerated on at Si
M.u y .- Hospital lot appeiidli !tu last
e.iii,-u;i mi,. ;. thit in 1-1
i ituig along as w,.f as .mild Ih- e
Jaaanh Hlauchet was in town Sai
m. las from his lathers sheep ranch
in . 11 Ny Ha says the were visited
with a nnni, heavier ruin Friday nighi
than tell in Pendleton and that it
1. 1 neiled and aiinniialed lo the
in. 1 men as wen as tin lainn i., m
that part lb nays thai a great maiiv
veils have gone dry and the stock
men hav. bad difficulty K,.uinK wa
I.-. tm lin n slock at all.
H. J. Hackenbury of La Grand,
Spoke at Weston Normal.
Weslou. Nov. IV Hpecial Sum
11 J. Haeki iibiirx 01 the eit schools
ot '4t dramie gave a leetun on unv
so al Oltl tttre at tha normal sehiHil 011
rriuaj i-iniini;, under th. toj, ()l
I ;n ()Jd I'ia.v Ground and th. New.
Mi liaekenburv is an eiitbnsiHHiii
advocate of all the modern gthleth
sports loodatll lui.iudi d, all ot its
crllMM 10 the eontrary not withstand
in- and holds that an element ol
daugei is indispeiiHible to a hualtln
sport roe lecture was well raoali
it b a lair sued aiidlein t
Hrof Doau of the normal sehool has
been 1 oiitiued to his home during the
week liy illness
Re J. C. Thomas piesuliiiK eldei
oi Spokene disiriet M. K chun-h
south, will leetm. ai that church in
Weston this evuniim Hilliieet The
ghts 01 Thlosa."
I'll, nieli'iiantb Ol WeMtoll m, v 1
'mil III llieli t llllhllliab MtKMlS
nntl) by the oar load. 11 one is to
llldge by the crowded eondltloli OI the
Wheal Is sltll moving here at 11 live
ly rale
Rltter Cattle Delivered to Butter
Creek Stockmen.
i i.iah. hoy. II. Sloan Broa. cat
daman from Rlttar arara la Uklah
yeatorday with n band nl faeder
which they will dellve. to Butter
1 n-i : parties. I whom ihev Will be
fed for the early spring inaikei
Fred Martin started today with ids
cattle for the winter taiige on tin-
1 imatllla rt r
Dr. V K. Perry.' formerly 01 this
u 1,..,., I111U111..M- Mr eon
t..npl:ites 10, atlug at i.ong 1 n in
the p. n futatn
Chin. Mnyes 01 Pilot Rock has
moved his ramlly to Uklah to live
w hile he Is employi ri by the Oriental
Minnie company.
Kn Harpole vaa appointed roan
SUperVlaO! Of this dtatfll I to take tin
plnce or Win MeRnytiolds. resigned
Ukwh mualetana have organised
font ptect orchestra itndei the lead
trahlp of Prof oibbs. it iii maki
its debut at the entertainment itexl
Thursday night
C. N Melleynohls will makf una
proof on bis ho meet earl today iiyi la
COnatnOt stream 0) l.ntu- Creek
and BuaanvtB freighters tre pass
ing tbroUsm her", to and from Pen
dleton. They report tha modi fa Hue
eondltloli lit present.
Two Lectures Free.
Mrs l.lnrin Bronson Snliuon. the
noted authoi. laatruetor and lecturar
on illustrative bortband. will lac
tun on Wednesdav nml Thursday
eenlngs Nov -.nth and 'J'st In Men
drb-ks Hall. Ittbjecl Tin Old Sys
teni and the New.'' Classes will be
fofuiad after hrotarai tot batlnpari
and speed tests Full practical CAU
menial ionise in eight to ten weeks
A lot oi Wi'inia! I 'limn
that is exquisite. Tliis is
omothing oul of theordinwy
lOmtthiLg we arc proud to
how you. A ! ;i Ana line
of vaHcs aii'l mnritol ddoorft
C'otue, if oulv to look .
Owl Tea House.
Tha worlds in..-- taninus ci.ir
VOYAN1 ami PAI.MIHT, lias ar
rived in Rendieioii mill i n ,w laentad
at the lintel Si (ieorge R.M1111 I
While here t In- l'rofe.ol eaii ! con
sulted 011 all tin at! airs of life Prof
Francis Is t lie only gtmluale of the Off.
cull Colleges of India and France now
in this country He n.. martl a lift
stud of Occult Science ami I'ulmiHtrv
and 01- siicces- hits iieen marvelous.
He guarantees to reveal every Incident
of your life; lo tell vou whom, when'
unri when vou will marrv; gives vour
own full NAM I without asking vou a
illgle ilieHtloti; tells vou just what vou
no Pes: lltteil lot and how to obtain
(lie money you an- in need ot. etc
Prof, I- 1. in- 1- make- a IMelalty of get
tin.' ieople out ot nuaiieiitl tnuil.lt No
matter what your trouble is he can
ami will help you and If you are not
1 1 : 1 after a vnit he will ixwltlvelv
refue to accept a fee. Kveryoiie is in
vited in cull on this gifted medium and
tesl for thelllsel ven His fee i- reason -
aoleaml within reach of all Hi ahta
claim-that every pt-rsoii is adapted to
some certain kind of nu -- or pn.
fe-sioti. ami tliat 110 one can In- sin-ceHs-ful
until the.v llnd out what tin-) m.
tlttetl for. In your reading vou are
iouicm-! incident ol your lire; vour
own full name 1-given ghsa the naMa
of the oiu w lioin you wil nisrrv, with
a full description, and where and when
you will meet, etc You are told how
to succeed and how to lietiei your con
dition iii all ways.
N oil sliould renietnlier that a visit lo
this gifted niediiiinliusy Im- the iiiakiiic
of you He has started mans thou
sands on the mad lo anoaaeg if nui
business l Ulisll. . esstlll, if soli have
trouble "' any kind, feel yourself ins H
1 I 10 call on tin-gitted medium aud
he will send you away Udder and bap
pier than you have ever been In-fore
orlice hours, In a m to - p, m.;
-iin.las 1 p. Ill to 7 p III
Palmistry and Hypuotiim taught.
Medlumlstlc m .irvriuid all
early to avoid the crowds. All busi
ness strictly conhdential. I'arluin mi
arranged that you n. no -Hangers
l.adv in attendance. Perf. 1
tion by mall. Send $1 and date of
birth for oie'iog
Francis' parlors an- at the
Hotel M. 1 .eorge and are secured w ith
tna siess to privacy mi freouelitlv
desired by Micm- who have not con
sulted a in linn before.
KPFCIAI. OFFKK Prof. Francis
wishe- lo announce that as he i.-, noon
to ret in from the profession he n,i
followetl so lone, he I n deolded In give
his full tci u im course 01 1 PAJ..M IH'I'RN
and OLA I li'o A N ' ' K 01 H S I' SOT-
ISM for tin small Mini of -fM. Why
not lake up this grand profess ion
.Most o1 my pupils an- earning lietle
than .- a day. Call for an explana
tion. Consultation free.
Room 4
Corner Main and VV ebb Streets.
ih 1 Ol AM I 1(1 SUB
Series fur wiMCiulaas or
imwtpapur. iutbe Uuiled
siKloa or Kutopc. rumit
n postal uuk, ensos ot
seuil U i!,! K.' ossso
nun lUe urt puLilitUera
prion of lot publication
rou alrsiie tuil Me will
bate ll taiil 10 jruu
auilau. all utk of tbs
uuuc U.I1111 loal iu ILouiA .r 11 win ,, ou
Uotli trouble aud rUk II you nir a lutoriflti
I., tin kim OaswuNiAh, iu reuuuiua you can
ileil n 1 ten M-r i-aut Irom tbs jhiIiIUIirm' prlo
Atiuroaa baiii uaaitunMH run i;tr
tin, (iitniiu
M -
r s m h rw
v nir ri
Claimed He MB TUMI Various Ar
tirli-r of Merchandise
,-,, ,i p,-r wai arraawd lu R
v i.enernl merchandlHe
Ktot a
(UHttnlaj H) I'ollceliian K'
nrti..v In the afternoon !'
lilt MIIOP
ss lis in th,.
nml inn 1 haai 'i
lis. varaa 01
tieklne. About t
HO he went nacii.
eil 111
-I rOT tm "um. ii "...
laid aside mi Mm, aad a H
innklna tm it i" i""
.10 hi. Ions wltli sa, ion-
11 r-
tide-, such
1 woo en so-
hab Plus ndlel
While in
ami ciocini
tin- act
.. ,,i- .... he ssas detect
1 in Sim 01 .. 1
d in
.,.1 hs Olie III !' , " "1
I'.iln email Fee til"!
1 n rind the -hop
lifter osei 10 him
Tlx , Itt lllcklll fUl
Pa rr was placed in
he nb-' it and Sun
dm niortitns to tin
count' mil, to
gwalf the otitroute
oi iiis iignt-ng
Reliable and Gentle.
V01 want a pill hlch is certain
thorough nml gentle HcWItt s l.i til
Carts Risers llll the bill. Bo BOl iPree
1111 assists the bowels. Tallman V Co
and Brock I McComai
tn) ' IiIhi osei 7 call I" pioHccllted
a- a
niniiial in England, inn 111 urn
II is tin limit ol respoiislhilits
1 a-
with oil
silk, Hull-
rtted with a damp proof
oompoaitinn, making
thaoa mparvioQi t
nioiatttfa and abaolutolj
$2.75 il f'air
for large
with imall
boys or men
Peoples Warehouse
1AKI still
aaVl Hirer seat IS iml
I. 11.11 111 OUr lllRv Hr
.It'ir U sin, puns an
(Mint We III tlilliK.
'mm, nun iviinn w;,in ,.v- our iliuu It i
01 isi .mi, . ni,. ,,n,,. 11, ,inf on
yissl norS, ml m SSTSl Iirfr .10 iuo
ihsn i. rlin
....Franklin Adair...
Palmist and Astrologer.
He ih liK-ste.1 ut the Columbia
Hotel Alien-in- enu i,,. goaaait.
ed on sll instil 1- ( liuiuun 11.
Life Reading, 50t.
The New
Mn 1 nun to A. C, Shaw & in.
Are puttiiiK in a large ami eotiiiileW
atooa of all kii,a of l,uiMoel anil
muioing Malarial laaludlni Hiiiugies,
Mb, Uoat ainaikling, bulldlnj and
'Ur faper ami Anpfe Box; In fact
everytliu,K that g. u. make uj. a first
ela ivetall Vsr.l. Thk MUtOk la eon.-
Iiik dlraoi (ran am Wn uiiuB, ami is
ttreteW in ,-ser.s reM.. t. V(HI abould
not t.u until you ,ave ealled on tl,,.
toy's Harbor Fn frrtil Co.,
t ' .. .-.
"rrtiw w. a c
ft Depot.
I Manager
Another Free Gift Sale...
With every Rent s suit or ovei coat
im r hat 01 a Kdiul watch, stem set ... 1 Wel'V(
..... n - - riill era
. 1 -
led from nml
Twcntv pal
I. adics I'ttrs
11-111. tl tin 1 ,0 ot ,.
- iri.t tiiio- im- ill fnr naa oti-l.. .ni.;..
are of choice leii;n uinl finish, solidlv timri. '
in 11 price lower than ever before fortnoh may
1.... 1. ...1. ... i .1 .1 . .. 1 '
.nisi uniK .11 1 iiniu, iiics n' wiirtll II, fVunit VOU
tend porehaaing. Our new hipmenti includi. N
ftrade noveiuea. dome m anyhow and
1 !HANCEj ti the $.r .oo premium.
( ornei
Muin nnd
dill hi reeti
stationery ana doom l,iri Cmlen.
Si- inn uinloi iirnl X ... v
s appli rlnI-IC les'(!ns
c anei in all atylaa, lV'' Combs,
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shafting and all
bearings of machinery
of the mill or factory it
. cannot be surpassed : :
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office.
Tlie Only Pitta you can get
A Lunch in Pendleton
Itnported Swiss anil
Liin bagger Cheese ..
Imported double
Stout l'orter, Schlitz
Atlas Beer .
The Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SCHKMFP, Prop.
cure Mllu.1. Blaaaias.
and fusia 7lUa It
ao.orb. ibe tumor, si
Ui.tUe llcblus al ouoe
aeUa. a oouitloe airs'
lftJJllf,1''.'orllu,ul1 Inliiuaol OjopilraiaHiru
tV5Ill0, ' w "aulU. S,iM tr diusaUU or M.I
"7 UllOtl.MAMll.1 .. ... .
w . 1 , i . r.v.--e e"---.
-- -..u.amu ai r u til I'rut. .
an alfW Im
hr.. 1
v .7 7. Baku.
iuo i.a, ,m, 'H,rs,yS(lnd-- r
largest gto. k of Kooda ro h.
1 " k "n 1 ii 11 1 1 i in,. ms
r it
1 .
pi 1
CfjA'7ICn New line ti
- - civ. lies
I 1 1 L Roods'
iuic5. im
ami other beiMai
uistnl icl'",
and Sani
WV lisv.- s isrg
wooi' Girnw
lor i'
Oregon L
awl i i. . a. ssM
Alta St.. opp tm
Old Jas. E.
hi . HjnrV
JIU is""
Have been te
ilv and medieu
Kvers liottlf s"
'or ttais by Tsiinau a ( e
705 Main i