East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 18, 1901, Image 3

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    4 j n a
ankers and com Toners
li M CoMOU Blanket 41V
H-.j Cotton Blanket 7.V to $1.00
KM Heavy wocl mixed. 1.86 to $:. in
KM All wol Blankets 2.98
KM Finn wool Blankets, $4.(K)
ll-l Fine wool Blankets $4 t $S
78c, It, l 50 to $ i
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
dsdav. SO i mhp.k l- iwi.
Z.... nil TUC LI
culture Tract All Gone. and Now
o.nnxc ai r Brmu Filed On.
a. . a -
Creek, Nov. I. Mpeeiai
. .1... u... l nil - II' l!C I'M.'I.
I II O'"' " - - 1
. ., Ill'IMCKtt 'It II
I sy :
l . .1... am,., bv lilt !n ill, 'till'
km- ni tll(H i'1""-'' al' '""
(M BOBUDI loner in tan cu
lami M MMfhi priaetpnUy lot
.11 m mmttm Hiiwn
Itll iliriMies an nil
bat Ixt'ti taken lot many yourii.
I, men anil sheepmen nre btiv
ip all tin' lan.i they on get sad
few nmif yearn ut me presem
tbey will OWV prin t b ully ail 0J
Kail'i ii cattleman, (a the
lunil nwnei lure, and Iiuh
li ... Him i .i-..u It lieu on
x,nit CfMk, a Pan miles frem
n. anil maker MM of Ike beat
range In eastern Oregon. Or-
Ml "II IWI- I ....... . - ..... "W. - - -
wlthniit Imy. . onsnh tabb ut
L I. I. . I. ...II....
(fr Klinw in. It- lllinoHt UH anon
Long Creek Notea.
Iliamiv wl.u Ims been in the mi
buaineMr Inn for tin pa-' eight
liar -oIt' "lit I ' .1 M. Shield
hiiililltiK. Bkturefl n ml Htocl
i .i ii
Keiuicy wliii i.ceiitly took a
tecrs to tin Pendleton mat
irtii-il with t'.n'nt lam week,
leen nMkbla tu s ll them at
askni The Htocl. whs In
Hir i -mill it Ion In offer as beet.
A Phyaician Teatlfiea.
aTfl Hi'i. Ill . T Ii hi' I 'II I n ' i till
Out hiiya ( . unity Pliy
(in, U :-. i.-i-k, Hall County,
ai a pnysic iati I nave pmrmw
thi best resnltK " Kudo! Dvs
Cure digest wlnM you nut
Fine Silver Plate
Flat Ware
ar h adijunrtt m.
K" i - Hi tt.- u.'t.l iImmikiii.
ttrne. at pf ftg hf)QQIC uti-
- rr MF
ad I urku, i2 piece T so up
.V'mt- will V.X.
7'Hi that Bre what we
Kind that Wearn
IK II nnvlVaiv
i m . i a a
ette Lr u . I ii.:
WB WUU ' ' ,M IV 1U1I
1 II
The Pendleton.
Wni Mallei.
C. M. Smith.
Hen. M Kit v.fci tOion .
M. S. tiornian. Iiiilnth
W. AMhTord. Portland
Cleveland. Senttl.
A. Morrow. Oakland.
II Morrow. Portland
II Ueet- IpOlUUM
i llllllev ellv.
Mrs P, ti Malley. city
i kan rk ftiM&y, ottj
lidin Vert.
L K Thotn. OMoMO
; W Kleti ii. r. ,ewlatnn
Ball Well. New York,
lohn K. CoBhln Spokane.
W Oi lev Spokane
.1 Stephen. I.h QnuMh
The Golden Rule.
Oro Holman. Helix.
Mrs. Marie ('ory. OhlcaKo.
BnnM w i Kt st Looti
s i'' Oor, Bllwaiburg,
I. ( l.akui. Portland.
A Zitiunei ninn San Pranclsi .
.1 It .lumen. Keptthlic.
A. Tmilel and wne I'ortla I.
.1. A. Hullowa.i. Went Itrancli. In.
A (i. Shcek. Poitlaml
Snni l.ee Spokane.
Q Hi HaTria. Spokune
Horace Walker. Helix
M W VOft Helix.
H K Pometo. Pilot ItiM'k.
1, W. Qgg, rlty.
('. A. I'aterHon. city.
Win. Marlin Poitlund
W. I- Sluirt. Portland
licit K SclKMiniiiaeker. Portuii'l.
('. J Ktipell. Portland.
I. t'nnmnahuiii Portland
U Motley Milton
Prank Sim UIk HlHtM
0. 1- Downer. SiHikain-
A. JaiUHou.
t'hus. Riim.si II. .S i
W Talot. Athena.
Flunk II. Orltiell. Wviimiiiil,
U. IC. Porter. l ai liutn
Wulter Mitrtin. Sun Fruni im
A P. Culloway i'ortlanii
Mm. I.uiikIiIiii Port lam1
P Mltchel' Troiitdale
KiiKenc I nilKli k Wallu A":i . ;i
BaYoa Brooks, Aimira.
Mrs Parker. Im lrand.
Mrs (ieo. W Hrry. Walln Ualla
H C. Hunter. St LoiiIk
Kin- BaVltfM Poitlund
.1 (' ;ranh. Poitlund.
Sam Scwell. MtottiMM
P I Hiiiihucker. SpokH'ic
W A Hinton. St. IaiuIb
Anton Vey. Mutter Creek
John S Vlnaon. Kreewat -r.
Win JoiUaMM OitFi
She Didn't Wear a Mask.
Hut lici iieuuty wat. completely hid
den by HoreM. blotch en mid pimpleM
til nlie lined Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
Tlieu the vanluhed an will all Krup
i lone Kcm i Sore- ataUti UlOWaV Car
buaolw ami KelotiH from its MM. In
fallible for OutS, HISJ Scuhla and
Kline. Cure Kuaranteeil '.'ic ut
lillllliHIi At I'n
An oil tank holdiuK IJM0JMM gal
loiia has been built in San Kranciuco
for atoriliK oil fuel for the OSS Of the
.-.tii-et railway lompaniea.
In all btaen of Naual t'utariu there
should be olWlllllSI Ab experi
BOM provea Kly b Cream Haliu la a
cleaimer. soother uiyt BSSjSf ! the
the diaeaaed uiembraue It ia uot
drjriBJ or irritating, and dot-u uot
produce BneeidnK Price &" OSBtS at
drusk-iata or It will be mailed ly Kly
Brotbera. 5 Warien Street. New
York. Cnou lieina placed In the
uobtrllb It aprwda over tin mem
Inane and reliei is immediate. It la
Uli UKl'eeable cure
W f I al akaw 2 aSkVal aS aa V
n I ii rii 1 1 ii 1 1
1 have just received a carload of the latest and most
up to date styles in furniture ever shown in Fetidle
t?n If you want something new in the furniture
line call in and inspect my new goods and the pri M
e always right.
Main Street, Pendleton
The Celebrated
Majestic Ranges
I Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves
Opera House)Block.
Elkana Walker, of the Whitman Days,
and Hla Life and Preaent Statua.
The firm white man Bon In ;he
irea:on territory saw the light of ,tav
IVremla-r 7. IM. 8t the ploni pot
WsJlttpt, located at a siot a few
ml lea rrom Walla Walla At that
time Walla Walla was unknown, nnd
the vaat fields and orchards which
have since made the citv famous m
nut drSBMII or In a little adobe
stiuiture known as a mission, built
by the hands of Or Marcus Whitman
and his few friends, surrounded o.ilv
by the hare necessities of life, with
savages upon all sides, with no m '..!i
Uirs nor friends save those of their
own party a numbet of missionaries
wer. doomed to puss the wlntci at
IMI This was Whitman mission, in
charge of r. Whitman and his hem
l wife Among the pm-ly thus gath
ered together lot mutual protection
ami assistance were Rev. Klkn-nh
Walker and his wife, who 1-ut n t v
months lw.fore as Miss Marv Rlchanl
Otl living in the state of Manic tin
the 7th day of IVcember. n Ltesk ..ml
stormy day. a tiny son CSBM into the
Walker household, ami so far as his
ton records he was tin. flrat l,,i..
child to be born In Oregon. Hu n oc u
pying mi the territory softs i Call
fornia as fat east us the Ro ky SMUI
In tS town oi Haldwln Maim
March :.. ls:is. Rev Klkanah Wail cr
ami Miss Mary Richardson were n.i.r
l ied, ami il. InicU'clls win. u n.l
started on the lone tourncv to f . r 1 1
The iarty started the day of the .!
ding, and consisted of the groom um!
bride. Rev. dishing Ki lls ami wiri
Rev. A It Sniiih and wile and V H
lirav ami wife As an aaa ., ,,
her ni trSpperi and mountaineers
among whom was Col. .losenh '.
niterwards the flrat I'nl oil
marshal tot OfSSOU, ncccin
the party . and these hni lv
men did much to llarhtaB the bur ten
it traveling nnd in manv was assist
ed the tnlssionarlcK on theiv ilmn-ii
ous trip of over MM miles
The party was sent to assiht Mar
i us Whitman by the American boari'
ni commissioners (t foreign missions.
I lair eqiiipment lor the Journey was
mulshed, but nothing save the ne
essary articles was taken into m
-iileratloii by ven the afOSSSS who
weie to try tin western country In
its wild state The journey linni Mic
dlssouri rivet was made on horse
hack, horaes enough being taken along
lo carry the provisions ami equip
ineiit. SaWfe of the women liming
horse or her own use On the L".nh
lay oi August, iv.s nearly six montl.-.
alter the start had been made the pur
ty arrived at Wailitpu. their desti
nation, tired ami worn by the exper
i. me oi hitherto unknown hardships
i y ins Hsnry wsjksf ws the bsac
BJ1VSI the little lud who appeared at
the mission that bb uk Hecember day.
uml as u man he still lives to tell his
own story of Hie in Oregon. At pies
SSl he resides at Albany and is SB
gaged in the production units
Walker wus born in the mission house
l. building in which the iiiuksuitc
Kcurrcd on November 1M7. when
the Cay use Indiuns killed Or. Whit
man and bis wile Young Walker was
with the Whitmans a great deul ol tin-
mi,, before tseu destbs, uml bus a
I recollection of many ot their
i liuiuctei istics The winter ol l;is !i
was six ut by the elder Walkei and
ins will at the home ot Dr. Whitman
I'lii tollowlng spring the two lain!
lies moved to Tshiinukuin. now
Walker's prairie near Spokane, uml
lei. begun the inisslonury work
uuiong the Spokane Indiuns During
his childhood Walkers playmates
weie largely Indian lads, and he
learned to trust (hem and talk their
luuguuge quite well. As a lad Wal
i.et always dressed in buckskin or
MBBS sort of hand dressed skins, us
ually made in overahlrt and trousers
MiM-i-ubiiis always covered Ms . . t
except ill warm weather. when In went
iiareiiMit It was not until IM alter
(moving to tin Willamette valley
that In wus provided with a alr of
IScton mudc shoes and lactorj ma le
loth, io; came later still
Karly in lite Walker leaiucd lo
use the Low and arrow, and became a
i ia n shot Dining part ol the year
tin tainily was provided with onsld
erable of the meat use. I li the skill
ul use ot these primitive wcaiKiiib.
miring the wintei ol IM;'. Cyrus
all.-mleil B.li. ut In Whitmans
miaiou. Andrew uogern then being
his teacher At this time he learned
the snugs snug by 'he missionaries.
which were Flowers Wild wood
Mowers," "It Ever I See on Bush or
Tree," "Oh, Hloomy Pine, Thy Foliage
Fadeth NsVei this last being Mis
Whitmans lav oiite About this time
the hrst saw mill waa established
above the prtvSSSat Bits ol Walla Walla
in the Blue mountains In the bpriug
ul 1840 Dr Whitman and others ot
the party including Cyrus Walker,
led Hie mission lor the saw mill, by
ox team, and that same night ump
wub cast on the spot here uow stands
ii.i Walla Walla postogce. In the
BMUlfM oxen had disappeared
mid the trip waa abandon.-.: tor the
nine The trip between the nils
sious at Wailitpu and that an. - , tin
Spokauea was made with difliculty
The trip had to be made on BdfSS
back, bare Indian trailb being Hie
only roads Huake river had to be
crossed and here Indian OSBOSS would
in- accured to carry over the women
aud children and effecu and tin mi-u
would make the horaes swim the
si i earn. The croasiug was always
made below the mouth ot tin- Puluuse
river The mlaaionaries were the
flrat to discover tin great lalls In
the Palouse river.
Dr. Whitman had planted a very
small orchard at hU mission, and in
lhlti the flrat fruit was gathered
These apples were the hist ever seen
by Cyrus Walker, aud the ni&t BBJBB
bv iiiv of the narty sun c their east
era homes weie left. The fall of 1M7
waa the time oi terror aud . uruugc
Measles broke out among the In
dlan, and the missionaries were lei
rlbly afflicted also It was Decembei
o when the parly in Spokane territory
heard the Ural news of the Whitman
massacre, in a uoU- from a Cayuae
Indian who had been very friendly. J
M si an ley an artlat, came near be
Ua killed at the same time, he hav
iug lelt the tipokaue mission lo vlalt
Dr. Whitman, arriving just after the
murdera. During the wintei which
followed the massacre the Spokane
miaaiou waa abandoued and the ml
siouariea were housed at Kort Colvllle,
now abandoned, (or safely. In May
tio iniiiit, i . aimed and eacorted the
party from Colvllle out ot the country,
en route lo the Willamette valley
Major Joseph Magoue had charge ot
the detachment. June 80, lata, the
party arrived at Oregon City, and
Sen touud Dr. John Mclaughlin, the
1' I ,i i '. i in mi i . a 1 1 1 . in .'". i t'i will Hint inn. Ii tit lliti-li"-!
l it. ........ i lax . ' .... nil! ...... ...... - - -
P her here. In the BtM patterns, in the ualities of the
C linens and in the range of reasonable prlOM, W Dt
) in mh'i'iw! ttuit tlin i.rii'i. -i ivtYivr urn ii'iirthv lit VOltl'
P earefnl attention.
Table Linen
Blsjaehtxl damask. sM in
wiilc good uality .... 251
( team damask. to in.
wide, extra heavy neat
design, per vard. .So
llleacked satin damask
72 inches wide 75c
s.oin damaai 72 la. wide
full bleached, attract
ive designs
Double damask. 72 inch
wide im lusive design osi
22x2: GcraiSfl linen nap
kins, heavy quality 75c
22x22 all linen assorted
patterns It to
24x24 satin damask.
Meaehedi la small new
designs 175
.'jx.'i handsoMfl doubli
ilamask napkin .2 IB
1 x 24 exti .1 Itni' doublfl
damask choice designs 2 75
Ul8.fi q.s.a.9.A.jt As.AQ.as 1111 aarm aAAJi.a..9jisxx.iifttt.8.aJiAttaB aaas
111 tlx old BCOtcbtnan, who took quite
an Interest in the lad Cvrns. and did
much lor lilm during the year In n
malm d in the place Rev. Walker
rsOOVod his family to Forest Orove
in Octobi 1 and here Cyrilfl ' lit' 1
d Pin I tu Ualvsrstty, being one of the
first student to moll at the Opefl
In is.".:' Cyrus H. Walker married
;ltul set out lor httliselt following the
lile oi a tanner. In the spring 01 IMI
he removed to I'mutlUa county nml
settled upon lllich creek With a
number ol title cows he established 1.
I it 1 1 . ami lor some time sold butler
to the miners at Holsi receiving an
.ivcram ot l pel pound tor his pro
fact. Whlli lu re Walkei wus rlall
ed bv II S. nit
now editor of the
Oregoiilun.w lio was returning tromtlie
llolse mines. Walkei ami Scott then
made their (list trip to the Camas
airie com. try. tin- mode ol navel
1 In -ii lieinu hoiHchiwk only In iv.l
Walkei enlisted with the III Mt com
pany of lnlnutiy I mm Washington
louuty and days later was made
first lieutenant of Company II. First
Oregon Inlautiy at Camp Russell,
near Sab iu in the spring the com
paai vvus oedersd to Fort Boise, ami
1 he 1 1 1 1 was made on fisit. onb era as
well hs me. 1 walking uml carrying
their blankets I'pou urrlvlng at the
fort the men WSN ni.nu- up Into two
b luchtni'iits one puitv to go to
''.'inns Pirn ie and tin other to Snake
rivet to guard (iihttnn's ferry. Walk
et was given charge ol the river tie
tat - ti in.-11 ami spent sev.-ral months
guurdiug the old emigrant road The
tollowlng winter was spent at old
Fort Hall I'ln 1 mpai.y was muster
d out In lib spring ami Walker
reached Walla Walla July I.'. Don,
II route homcwanl. Since that time
he has never visited tin- city nor the
obi grounds where his tlrst days were
spent In 1x77. Mr Walkei was ap
pointed to a position at the Warm
Springs Indian agency, remaining
Oleic ir, years most ot the time us
agency clerk In IBB walker mil
the agency ami removed lo Albany
Ore , w here he now realties III poll
tics Mr. Walker Is a pioblldtionlsl
being a linn boUsvef in moderation in
al things In religion Im is a member
il the Coiigregalioiialist church and
has been Horn early manhood, lie
is a niembci ..1 the Oregon native
sons ami ol tin 'iiauii Army 01 nm
Republic, ami Patrons ot Husbandly
Not only is Mr Walker tl ktSSt
white BiSB bom la Oregon, but lit Is
also tin ulibst man born West ol Die
K m kv inoiiiituins The place of his
birth is now located 111 Washington n
lew iiiibs from lbs city ? Walla
Walla near tin- Oregon line Otigi
nally On sfsit wus near the eastern
bo indsry ol tin "Oregon Country."
Walla Walia Nov IK
Business Men m Theatricals.
The New York Heiald ol May Mil
I "It's stiange what alrhlea the
-1 11. has Bads .luring the past live
v. 11s not to speak of a century
Business men have now taken a hand
In the pie, ami fltul It a very proftti.
ble mmsttimnt Lawrence llnri.lt.
I during Ills ginml struggle thiougb
nnmberiesB milii utiles, was backed
bv some ol the solid business men
ol Boston. Viola Allen., who has dec
trlned Una roaatry ami at las pics
fill time Is the talk of the entire
east III ' TheChtistian" was liiiiilahed
the necessary rands by a large print
lD sialillshtnent 111 New York And
no a leaillug business man of fill
1 ago has taken liobl ol (In BMBSd)
lane. "A Wise Woman, ami having
t imaged an t 1 1101 illnai v gotal com
pany will SPpaai In all the prlmi
pul cities In a trip across the contl
cent PriOf to tBjSil run ill San Finn
tin 0 they will take in some ol the
minor towns ami thus make the Join
BO) to the coast with more ease
Theatrical managers, look sharp The
l'ie mess Tin 11 will crowd you out
The Children's Friend.
For coughs, croup. brou hills, grip,
one Minute Cough Cure BSVSff (alls. I
c B Ocorgc. Winchester Ky. "Our
little girl was attacked with croup
anil so hoarse she could hardly s; ul.
We gave her a dose of )ne M'nute
Cough Cure. It relieved her Imi ieill
ately. Next uioliiiiig she had no BbtBB
ol croup." Tallinan A Co ami linn k
K Mi Comas
Attention Woodmen ol the World.
Hand Oonaal FUlkeabura wiit pay
an Official v tall to Pendleton on I '
17th. all members ol Pendle iui Carip
No. 41. are rcquceted to be pics, ut
at Hie meeting on Tuesday evening
Nov ISth, to asslsl in making plans
foi a gram) Jubilee meeting, to a el
COBB the head eollBUl By 'i'h I
I P W A 1. 1. Fit
Old Soldiers Experience.
M M. Auslin u civil war veteran ot
.im hester, Iml w rites My wile
as sit k lor a I lig time ill spite of
HOd doctor's treatment. 'but as whol
. -ii red by Hi King's New Life Pills,
ho h worked wonders for her
health They always do Try them
Only tic at Tallman at Cos drug
st 01 1
A ship load al IUp ") are W be
nrd un Bswahsa iufsi heida.
aii iBsrai""' IsertSM la bhipmeuts
.. u m. ria 1 III- I 4 haiad - 1- being uisd.
from ail PseiaV sui o orieuisl mar
ket a.
y Ni-w York udff drridea that la
in tuner .on. 1 isaal " "at
priied i" u'-i" s"""1 isnrajfaa sasw
, 1 InMH el' ""
tin. f. '.i I. "f s pound of paint i.
., .1 t..i rj quurr yard of prim
in( cos sai - l" pryrS
(of ihe aasserdiBf rust.
.4. ... ..on ..f In II k mouiitaiua.
I,, W..11 aurtavru fdabo and lasCM
! an PaelBc 'j road, .00 lls loaf,
iu bee anion ' 1 l first time.
James A. Howard
Court at. near First Nat. Bank
Has Real Estate tot Sato
See Hero:
360 aires of choice wheat land.
about ten milea northeast of Pendle
ton. Thia ia one of the ftneat improv
ed farms in the county and haa good
school advantages. Will sell for cash
or trade for equal value in improved
Eight fine lot in Pendleton at (100
each, on easy term.
ibO acre of wheat land eouth of
Pendleton, MOO.
ift acres choice fruit and garden I
land near Milton. One ball of tract I
in bearing fruit tree , 7 acre alfal
fa. All under irrigation. Finely im -proved.
120 acre on McKay Creak, 20
acre al botton land under irrigation,
balance good wheat land, wall Im-
boO acre good wheat land, in a
body, four mile from Pendleton;
term half cah balance on time to
suit purchaser at ft'i- par cent Interact
Nail's Dyspepsia Cure
Ha cured these case
aud It v. ill cure y uu
J. M cbur.il, asXlrands, Ow say,
"I suffered for a years, and believe
had I uot used Nau's Dyojx-p- SMS
1 would not le alive to write you a
Nathan Falk, Boise, Idaho, say: "J
uttered for years; found many reliefs
but no cure eacajpt yours."
For aal ky TsUaasa A Ce., and
flrat class friisftats, or aead to Frsak
NSeJ, Portland Hotel FKaxiauxcy , Port-
Usui. Oraa-ou. Price $1 a Dot tie or 6
bottle lorJs. eapreea prepaid
It pays I" tnule at the Prxiplex WaivboUBa,
"Not a ipieationahlc tualltj hete
Novembei 1 si 1,, jot
Deat sir
If you have an exacttnt; lasl ,, the man
Inr wlnim this advertisement is written The
p.ittern. stvle and BjOfkfBAnship ol the suits and
OVBKOatl lor fall and wmb r weal that wc are
now displaying are a seasonable ilhtttrslion of
the fart that wc succeed in always pleasing the
must lastidiotts taste An ol out im inter will
tell von that our price are lower than thoaa
charged elsewhere for the same uality ol goods.
Our windows are attractiv hill 1 vmii to the
interior of storo will repay ynu . u nvarcoeM
Jt OtO$B3 Men's ul-.n t Mea'f
suits $to to 25 nnd aatiafai -tton guarantaad
cav". "
p. iaaM LlunOta,
B 1.LTA aLs,
Mormon aiehype eilie
m a
in- h -.1 ejH H
f: ..a L.-iat
pot.. . y. Voat JPovrsr, etlr.ht-l.OM.. ."'"FL'lTi-lC'",
Sr donnDVon.' Stvle O.ii'"- noed if Ole Irfll i-Mir,., Btooa War
vbue rwllehlna or acsilrlf. f-
M.mr.oo. Im
nsomnln, lne
t "arfous le
iAn, Varicocele,
Add re annun Hem.a, co.. Ban rraneleoo, Omi.
IU t kilM. tu.alM IMS.
MV t' .Mat! .
' b Monterastelli Bros.
jyidNOMfjTS ferWea-GraniteWorte
M I i I
'afl I eaW ia. . r.'J'
M do ir nsra work ami guarsn
e hs -nine al 'oweat prlee.
K.iimutea rivwll en all kinds ol
BUl BkMB Pall slm'k on hand
It wil i.n von to see our work
aid vet srloBB before placing
Voiir order.
M ill. St. : r(J K. I N. drpnt, IVtldletnn
1 '
all nl lha in mi -1 and latest patums,
aapaciall) elected lot our Anium
trade, Ii 1 . atrtvi i, and the goods are
now III "' 1 '-t n fcnlv Itn the iiiipxrt
t nm ul ! .ill Inn t i'. I hey comprise
I he lincst Inn of wiltons, tapestry,
1 11 K r .1 1 1 .lie I In i.sels ever .howti in
Pondlaton C irpal it 5m ti ti yard
Wallpupi 1 ni l matting at cost Un
dt'itaki'ig I'.t'o-I'. always on hill. I
...POtJLTB V.. .EGGS...
1 11lernat1011.il I'ouliry Food makes ilictn
Baal afae! livtMJhnin flavor,
Claaaaballi make thorn aolid
Mm . grit aids digestion.
Try .1 sample.
Hay, drain and Pteds
j-j and 1 j'j Kasi Aha Siieet.
l'i milt lull, Oregon
lo uiak. g'Hl brHtvl BSB Myers' H't Hour It too drat
Bfatahiiu al lin Moi ago World's Pair ovar all coinuetl'
lion, ami .1 nacelleiit smI islaet ion wberetrer ilsisl.
Kvery sat x u guaraiitiasi. We have Iks ImwI HUiam
Kollial llailey. tin ul live .ml ii r-1 , - . il.tr lov
W. S, II VI US. liopncl.ii .
Hotel Pendleton
Strictly NbMbI
diculleot Cuisine.
ImUer New laiiaycin III
K ...
He is well pleased with In. lim n gyafy HfJjfefQ
and you will he if yon take your CODVfJDlQDCO
laundry to
4r Jh
Give Us 1 Trill.
rime. $1.00 d diy
SpftCltl Kftlob by
WmI or uionlt)
Har and Milliard (looms
They Know their Hueineaa Van Dran Bros Piop
MeadQuartsra lor Traveling Men
I he ksst Hot' I in tastsrn Oregon.
' accessor v to J. I'. fHoorc
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Woens, Proprietor.
! II