East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 18, 1901, Image 1

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I 1 asgBBBjawa J SaBv l Toalght t ,i Tnasday-
vcnnian lb onli
1 in as because ft rear
medio . IMw,n.
NO. 4984
,.,,,, mi't sad Johnson Strict..
i-.n.lli.tnn. uregon.
p. Kelly. Proprietor.
HE AT 1:0 by steam.
Amirirsn Plan. rata to 12 SO day
European pln. Mr, T.V-, 11.00
Rpri-lti rati", br West or month
Pnt Bus rteet all 1 reins.
Commercial Trade Solicited
Fine .Sample Rooms
rJ ittatiaf gtrafaatry trade
BaaT L 1 nr.
tUBbSBpm. sioTTi -.gsaanB.
The Boston Store.
Extraordinary Offer
79 Ladies Jackets $5 143 Ladies Jackets $3
Tlx regular value of this line
runt.'" from $H.(K) to $l-.00
34 Plush Capes at
Ij 43 Clotn Capes at
12 Price
Do not delay
duplicated by us or
The big busy
rederick Nolf
A Holiday Baziar
Ntw Arrivals
Crolcniole, Carrum and Arch-
ren. boards j. iy to $5. 95. We
save tioatds. you can play 60
Simcs thereon.
New Madallions
All finished in liftnrkninr lilac k
MHi rai!L"riL' in nrice from 9oi
a O ----- - 7
Reward of merit and Sabbath
. m 1 aim man idee lci ii 11
nipiuriii wci
PT. Vfti ' - - - -
loc to . ... - :n.no
'.ill 11 .,,.1. ,1 1.-.,. . I U
ln I 1 - - .
s uasKcth, card receiving bus
. uasKeis, etc
and Rose Bowls
F'Olll A list r
SJS H V J J w aa
Be With linuorteri v;iws at low
'Pnces. yic to ii.88 each foi a
1 iir 111 v asrs din lust
ited Creoe Paoer
'ge shipment ol Fancy Crepe
I. Ill 11. v.. 11:
hi iuui runs, .j...
wnere lor 2tr hre lor lie
. Dolls and Game
Out hue wait ii.-. . 1 an i nmoielc
Poctts so low. Toy engines.
chests Diinni. tlDhones.
Ulirns LUinn k h I 1 us
AavM indcatructable
dolls and balla.
uins, majsiciirc and toilet
-- (JUOUS, IC.
' " your balia now.
Collipr Wpflthpr CAL, S HEAVIER AND
vuiuer YCaincr warmer clothing
' " "" " ' 11 - - - .. I.., . I I
I n ftiiMwer to thin Hpvtot.aa.le dmmnd ur oiler thi nwk
AH Cloaks and Jackets in Stock
at 15 per cent, off Regular Price.
and our stock of Cloak and Jacket In worth your iniMctton.
Also we are showing for Ladles and Children
Heavy I)re5s Ooods, Underwear, Hosiery,
Gloves, Mittens Shoes of seasonable weight.
In our Clothing Department
We have fi many attractive things that you will en
j looking them over. See some of those handsome
Ascot ties, latest importations from the eat.
And don't forget that we are the principal sup
pliers of groceries in this county.
'Phone No 78.
The Alexander Department Store
: 12 Price.
purchasing as these
The largest stock in the city. If you waul a carpet call and see the
liue. We will give you estimates sewed and laid
A Mammoth stock of Furniture.
Next door to Postoff ice.
have a full line of the celebrated
Wood and coal atovee guaranteed to
be absolutely air tight. None of the
heat is waeted and the stovee will
save ONE HALF of your fuel bill.
1 also have a full line of cast cook stoves m l steel ranges.
Prices are the lowest, quality considered.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
741 Mm sucei, Peudleton, Oiegon.
The regular value of thil line
range from $;.K to $12 0
on 50 childrens jackets val
ued from 79c to $8.50.
values cannot be
As Everyone Knows
freshness in groceries is just as
essential as it is in eggs (or the
making of puddings, pastry, etc,
Everyone ought to know that I
take a special pride in selling only
groceries that are fresh. No stale
stock in this store. The inackeral
we sell at uc a piece is fresh.
J WaldniM Kuan of tlv Koit
lavinworih military prlii. who w.m
phot during thr mutiny nt hni inxtl
tut urn on Nov. 7, illod.
Moro tilliuatiil'ftctlon than iir
rplttnK In tin1 ltndnn war omVe. It
In now thought nltnont tsrlSjl thnt
lAr( Robert will sljtn.
Prartlcally the entire fon-e ol tht
two 1 -it tannerie of the I ognllet
Hellwlir Tannin Company. In oiith
San Franrlnco. I out on a Btr hi
Th- New York grand Jtn will coin
menoe an Investigation of 'hi r.it'ilt
tlon of the Brooklyn bridge n it s
at the time of the aeeldent on Inly
24 last.
.lame Norton Smith, tnniuigri ol
the Central university of MdMclM
and Science. Jersey City, haa Jus' 'eer
arrested on a charge ot Mttemptlng
to obtain money by fals; preteMM
He sold diplomas for $10.
The tea duty repeal assoetation hn
just Issued an appeal lA wholcsnb
grocers. Jobbers anil imiwir'rs of the
I'rlteri States, urging t'1' . to CMS
prate with a movement to secure. If
IKissihle. the repeal of the WW r ve
nue tax on tea.
The total foreign exports fr.uu BM
PrMctaca for the munth ul Ovtetavr,
1K. Including expoits to the HtiWt
Han Islauils. amounted to t,M4,tTB
Th- total foreign exNirta for October.
IMli exclusive of exiorts to thi Ha
wailHn Islands, amountcil to tt MH
In the experiments In electric trac
tion rn the Kussian military lines,
says the Berlin corcondent of the
New York 1 iinea. a speel of
miles an hour has been obtained, the
force employed being in.oon volt. I(
Is sabi that If the lines were straight
eued this rate ol speed would be quite
President J. J Krey of the Trans
lHskan Hallway Company has gone
to Washington und wlli be followed In
a few days by other official Of the
conipan.v The officers of the com
pany will go to Washington to work
In ;he Int rest of a bill granting to UJM
compaiiN every alternate section ol
land on their right or way through the
The last .lay of the week has been
a iuy one in Portland harbor Two
big ocean steamship sailed and one
ailing vessel finished taking cargo
anil learctl
Work has pafJM on the building of
a railroad line Into I'okegama near
Klamnth. from the Southern Pacific
station or I an ils a few mil) s south
of the state line.
St. ii,.- concern is felt at Salem
among hi friends concerning the
present whi readouts ol Jiweph Nea
gle who lilt that, city In July. 1M0,
lor Coos's Inlet
KilNFell T. le LafJMStltf died at 111
home in Oswego Saturday evening.
November ', at II p. m . aft r an 111
in s or five day. He was lom In
Benton. Scott county. Mo.. April I.
A cheek lor ha been glveu
to Mrs. T I w us. of Uie Ht. Paul,
by the Ureat Northern railroad Mr.
Ikiwns. her bualiand. assistant super
inteuileiit ol the road, snd tier son
Wt le i. e. litU killed In a Wreck on the
Ureat Northern.
It 1 said on good a ut hoi ity that
with the 0rt evldeuce that oil -x
lata Ir. the Malheur region, which I
IIOU 1. . vi, Inn. . I hv iiriiinoters ii
a fine prospective oil Held, the O. K.
a N will IwkIii conatniction 01 a n in
to the section trom Baker City.
A raapberry plant burdened with
NM leave and lm ions looking her
rle are on exhibition in the wludow
ol the rooms of the Pennant ent Kx
hP'H. UH Washington street It was
itiuwu in au open yard at 812 Margu
ret ha avenue, by 0 T. Miller who
bruiiKht it to the exhibit thai all who
psss may see.
Are 1 . 1.1 fit tn b -rflthx women. But ts)
waMM srtoo an Serin iiom diseases
uei-uiiai i" "- ihcy an an injury.
iu-U Uicic 1, ..uk b.u-k or Iciiiig-
lowu u. ills, kiihr e in "llief nidi' utious
.,1 wniWISHl) wcak
111 v. exrrciMr can
only Mgg:..U; th"
ii ml 1 l i o 11 . Vlit
ssssasaly ' iltl nuui
liv brt ii Staffed be
fore strength can to
iWvsJflpsd by .!
Or FsWDSl P'--
I vorite IV .hi. .11
nutl.es a auk w" 1 11
strung SU.d sick
woman well I: iloes
this lv 1 1
womanly iliM-ues
whicti HBsieruii 1 the
i asral 1 It
V u tto drain that
v.i ak 11 ai; i.en 1 ila
infLiuiiiia'.i'ii .1 'il
ci r.ilioil uiel 1 uie.
UllUtlu weak iii -.
Wbru 1 6r! -u
n.riit-rd Usui,: iMMSf
1'H r uril '- i 1 r,
! . "i , ib'WI
iiirnmr. I
.l J
yw vmuglJ fa yiMl I iuu advi. aMfl t,w K'i
your i .c.uciur h donr mr.
Ml Uavc a sUtrr wbj U Isklug ynrr 111 Uuisr
.ud 11 1. Uf'si.-i iit-r "
Dr. Picrc Pleuiint Pellets prouiotr
KjuUritv of tlir towels, ami sswisl ttic
aetiou of "la. ..rile Preaciipt "ii No
other lai.itue lnuld I u.vl v,ii)I.
Pvcice's Miiliciuca.
u.u uu ilinliu wslU. Of
tor wisppiug urpoM
Ola MWapaBan lu Latf
buaaiM or aaa aauarao
'rr .ut stssosata abuU
at Tea SAsr okshonian osrica r.uau
'effetW II
1H I
Gov. Van Sant's Movement
May Block Combine.
Promoters Relj 00 Pop 10 Fill lh Got
rnor While He Talks or Special
Legislative Session.
New York. Nov. IN financier: In
the ui northwestern rallwav coinlil
nation hre looking askance nt Minn
sofa today, where a movement
started to attack the tiunnninin .
rallwav merger. It w.is no secret I'm
they feared such a ttio.ement. wirclv
if It grows and la eauied on to
tlnish. may frustrate the siiien1"
Severnl slates through which Cte
naiils interested pas, have parsed
sttingeiit laws against railroad mm
lunations The promoters rely upon
I ublle sympathy to can v thrmigh
their plans, and don't tlilnk the Mln
llesotn movement will serin,- .my wide
Iprted popular sympathy
VanSant Project.
St Paul. Nov 18 - Com VanSanl.
regarding the IneoriMiratlon of the
Niittbern Seciititles compan n New
Jsrsey. made the following stale
mi ut
The ureal rallwav deal In Man
lOrfc, Inning for its object the unit
lag ol .ill parallel lines the North
ern rac c ami Ureal Northern - a
iiialtei ol great public Interest Then
Is justly n widespread opposition to
it In our slate r under the existing
lawn the conaolldatlon act cannot In
litevellteil. I leel thllt I WOlllll lie b
tilled In calling a special meeting of
tin legislature to resist It ir it can be
in 1 Miiipllshcd hy this aus IIwiuk
o the glial Interest or (he people i.l
our stale It shall be 11 tight to tin
Lao Blondin Victim of Charm 0
Manager'a Wlf Qata Into Trouble.
Walla Walla. Nov IN Al Milion
there is u show traveling iindei the
name of McCan'a Kleclrlc Bell l or
pany lao Klondln. toe walker and
aerial artist for tin show. Is In trim
hie becaitae he could not resist the
charms ol Mrs McDonald, the 1. tin
ager's wife.
Saturday morulug. Walter II Mi
lioiialil (he inniiagei became Imbi;
nam al the Intimacy of the nine wall
ei and hia wife, and attacked the lot
in. 1 with an umbrella when he met
him In front of tin- hotel Bloudlu
Ires a :L! calibre revolver, hill there
was no ahootlns In the fracas which
followed Instead lllomliu ran Into
the hotel minus a iiat. and ael.lng
11 hat belonging to the proprietor snd
a purse of Mi I H inn lit ran out and
ossimI the creek and started lm
Walla Walla lie met a young man
mi the road ami gave him three ,1 ,
lai tn bring him In Ibis 'own Bloti
din was coming to give hlmaelf up.
but Just us he 1 nil nil the i In In- nil
t'hler of Police Kaiiffmau who was
Ion.. nig for hi 111 McDonald claims
there waa 40 In ihe purse, hut III m
dm ssys there wa only f 14 so How
ever he says he would rather spend a
year in jail than In stay with Lbs
Eastern Ayent Worka Eacond Nur
ry ateck Draft of the Voar.
Walla Walla, Wash Nov is Hp.
ciai Another trie awliadle ha I u
disiovereil in this valley and II an
piara thai an Ohio firm has grafted
u number of farmer out ot various
auuih A few months ago a sbrwd
uk' nt appeared among the country
toll. aelilng eastern grown ahade
trees, for beautifying bxwua and for
hedge purposes He made a special
i ot maple trees for shade, and an d
a number of good ordera at 1 ..n ach
The trees were delivered and paid foi
ouly In tutu out as interim atis k dear
at any price
This ia the second sklu game 'hat
haa been worked by outside nursery
men recenll) A man aeiilug Hub
aian (Jllvea did the ountry to a inn
u lew uiiHiiha ago and tixik thousands
of dollars from Walla Walla count
giving H return Oaage hedge plants
w 01 tb rtboiil one pur cent of the price
charged and eutlrely unBt for thi
puriaaie to which tbev wars to h' put
Nulicc t Contractor
Notice Is hereby given that bids
wll to received by the midarslgucd at
Pendleton for the construe pn of
leleplmue Hue from KcllO to a IKllllt
Hi Butter ('reek, about 26 o.llee uutll
November 26tb. 1W1 Km He 1 nam
culara ou aiipln at ton The right ti
refuse all bid renewed.
A. B Thomson.
Peadletoi, Orego n
The looked for Portland waiter
strike is on. At noon Bat urday all ex
pi two of the waltreaaee In Halls
Palace restaurant on Morrison street,
be l wee a atecoud and Third, removed
iiu ii aprons, donned their hats and
bos coats and independently walked
out at the word of some man whom
the proprietor did uot rt
Raportsd by I. L. Hay A Co.. Pandie
ton. Chicago Boartl of Trade and
New York a took Exchange rokara
Lower cable and a Iftfttt I '
In the visible aupply thau Wftoil
CAttaed an easier feeling I whe it
day and the clone was V under S.it
urday. Liverpool clos.vl '"
New York opened St T9 anil closed
7!i Chicago opening wa 7:",
, I, wing 7l7x The visible supply In
eriaaai for the week i.nMaa, mak
Ins a total of 4B.677.0mi coinimici
with 2.3l.om at the aame time last
Wheat ;
Close Saturday, HO
open todoy, 7!V
Ullllge tiiiln 7'.", to SO
Close tiMlay, i-1.
sioiks Sugar HSNi Btaal,
St Paul. It!!!1; 0 P. I"-'-.
Enterprise Already Placed Upon I
Sound Financial Bain IB 'Phones
to be In Use.
11 Thompson and others hav.
alread) aaaunul the anccess of thi
teiepboai 1 uierpiiae for Mcho and
llutlei Creek, ami today the) Hit il
articles or Incorporation roi Hi ' COB)
panj the three lBexrpflraaors he ig a
11 j'hompson. t) K Thompson oml I
II BeOI These ltll l N St.ll,
Held, Jeei Moore ol 1 he Ihit ii Crei
country, and Dr. V J. Smith of Pen
dlelon who has lauded Interests in
that pari ot the country, 11. the six
-to. I, holders, who look each $on m
the friiin capital stuck. Mr. Thump
son staled to the Cast Oregi nhm Hia'
Ihe slock was easily sold, am: th.it al
ready II OT Hi phi nea at " a .lured lm
icgiilnr use.
We win build troa Ki ln 1 to the
..idovvs and up Butter Crook to
Sloan Brothers' place a distance n
from IB to 'In miles The eoat of the
line wll be trom IIIIMI to fl'.l tin
OMBpeuv aeciiiiug enough bonus. 1 to
give it the 111, hi. a m i eaaary In inldl
Hon to the capital atork. Th m '
Hue wll be a great convenience (o tin
people or our part of the country W
will be able to ascertain Hie slut.
Hie markets for the various !ilnda ot
produce that we have to sell, and
an use the line lu all the many ways
that other 1 pie use It. It Will place
ua In constant conimunlcailoti villi
n st ot the world snd make life
MOTS enjoyable."
Export Arrlva In Walla Wslls thi
wrcs to Begin th Work.
Walla Walla. Waah.. Nov. Hi Spe
ml Tomorrow, H H Burtia la ex
in . ten to arrive in this city rrom
Seattle to lake charge of the drilling
I an artesian well al the slate peni
tentlniv. the state having charge ol
the matiir The tlr'll and othe. mu
hlnery has arrived and la 011 Hie
ground iced) foi use I 1 the ar
1 iv.' 1 ot Mr Burt Is Hie work will be
gin In earnest
The state penitentiary has 1 11
anseii 1 oualdei able trouble by . ihnn
topplv or water and at laal Ihe lm nt
ol 101.110I has deiei mined to aink a
well mr artesian water A aleam en
Klin will be used for power and u
iniinl.ei ol convict will do the work
111 1 harge ol Mi iluiila. who Is an ex
pint driller The well will In sunk
im lapliliy as iHiaaliile. ami .1 depr- ol
Mill ee will be n ached II plenlv ol
w.ii. i is not found In rme Thi 1 xpei
mi ni in eutlrely untiled lu Ihla part
ol Hie state and the outcome wll' lie
watched with Inlereat
Tn Moil Widely Road Newspaper
In America.
Time baa demonstrated that the
I hip .- a Week World stands alone in
lis i lass i hi. ei papers have nulla!
eil Us I. .in, but not Ila am cess This
Is i.ecauae It tells all the uew all
Hie lime and telle Ii impartially.
whether thai new be political or oth
erwtau It la In fact almost a dally
.ii 'in price of a wekiy and you i au
not afford lo he without II
Itepuuin an and demm rat alike cau
read the Thi m a Week World with
abaolute confidence In truth.
In add 1 1 mu to uewa It puhllahti
firsliiaaa serlsl atorlea and other
feat ui i s sillied lo Hie home and Ire
The IhrlccaWeek World's regular
aiibacrlptiou price la ouly 1 1 00 per
year and this pays for lf'6 papers
We offer this uuequalled newspaissr
aud the weekly Kaet Orngonlan to
gather for t.iu. ,
Frazep Opera House
Oeo It Savaer, laaaa aud Manager
One fiitfit ("ly
Tuesday, November 18th.
Hrict: $1.00,
gaals ou Savla al graaiei'a fcssua Store
Up in Montana Freight Crashed
Into Work Train.
o -
Holy Uor White Mto Was lajartd Md lie
Not Vrri Seriously It Wis
Ol SuotUy.
Ii mi Mont is Plve Jap hv
1 v. ie 1, 1 1 led yesterday la a colli-
on ihe Northern Pacini- near
lil i 1 Kimii others were aerl nialy In
mi 1 The rasi freight crashed lato
.1 MHi. 1 1 it 1 11 on a curve. Conductor
Km ns. Hi. iv white man Injured.
vu- slUlith luulaed.
Buffalo Bill Brags About His New
Place In Wyomlnq.
Itiiffalo Hill mill Hm Omaha Bee of
lov 11 In Ii establlshlaaj In tin
lorn Bsaln V romlng In apeak
ll the Inline met 1 olKilla, Col
Cod' - ud We ate going to
II 1, mi. 1 new splinter blight town
next Mniula) anil Its nu is t !od v
I II. i mi will lii . I. iniitetl In atyle
lietlf Him Hie is-eaalnn and there will
lii 11 i Ill 1 1 mi from morning to
1 nil is situated In Ihe heart of
Hm His lim n Ihialu. a great sheep aad
1 aide legion win . , nil Ion may be
used 10 great advantage for agrlcul
lural purisiae Today, when the
llurllngtou railroad Into Codv la bare
li id. 1. .1 1 lii ei tiainloada of cat
III iv , 1 . thtppi d 11 there w lilch
1 1 lint there la aomelhlng sub
stnutlal aboul the country.
Ml purpose In vlsltltig New York
was to interest upitallsia in au 1 in
in. -in. n i mat inn canal to cost nearly
$1 1 und to water 1X0,000 acre
ul IiiiiiI I am pleased to announce
Unit ni) mlsalon was aucceaaful and
Hint ill 1, mill will lie completed neit
yeai ' 'Ul purpose Is lo divide Hie
laud mid. 1 Ihe ditch Into forty aaysj
farma so wi are prepared to furnish
ii. ,1 great many thousand peo
ple" Oaafnaia Cannot a bursa
1.) lis al s.illi'aliiina, a itasy eannol roan itir
diaeaeel uiirlluu l ia net rhara U uuiy una
) t 1 . in 1 1 ilisi i tijr ivouatlia-
llooal it lu.diM Is-ahiHu ! iisuiau by an In
flaon 1, inillllou ol Uio iauci.ua lining nl th
Kuala Stan lutw. Wbsu Una tubs gala tu
tlani. d yxu liars a ruablm aouml iw liuMr
...nu ami wusii 11 la aiiilrxlf iiuaaxl
d. alie'aa la Um maull, an 1 .nilaaa lbs lutlaiuuia
11 and ilila tuiM rsalorea to
1, livarlng will bsiUalruysd
Ita in ni iiiii'lllliiu
mrsrni , ulun i-aaaa t
ualsri Ii. wbltii la I
Madltlon ul lb is ui
una biiinlrail .lullara
mi .11 uta era eauaaq e
li.illiuia but an 1 11 Is
rnua auilaiaat Wa Willi
lur auy i sm im I
it an. l i.y i-aiairb tliai I'auaul ea rarea by
llall . 1 .lanii 1 in.. online ir.inara. iroi
g J ilHKNSV A OO.. Teiavdo, T
H. 1.) all ilrugaliU. 7 s
Hall I a. i. in l"II. ara ii..- bawl.
I m. ..in I nil. Sam tlltueil out
m w . oliiH worth II Hi UU in. of which
!Cl ism 000 were gold
Thm Lmtmmi
Uhaaetl on the principle
"lasairny the railar. you
reiniirattlie eHVrt
II. i pi. ide kills Ihe
germa that raiiau dan
di ml by digging Up ihe
a. alp as Uicy burrow
I Inn Maltiii.iia way lo
the liairrool.wherelliey
li'iullv iluailttiy tin' Imlr
Wltlioul ilaiidri.il your
li-nr will gruw tu a ii ri
P.p. d.m.liiiil snd hall
In.- hair, ami .tarle hair
growing ill, in lOilaya,
Hue luiitlc will convince
you of thla.
Per SaUa al all I Irat-CbaM
iMua S taw as.
ja g Walub, lasai Uaaagar.
75c and 50c