East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 15, 1901, Image 4

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To sit around the house with cckl
Inet wh -n v0u can lor the graal
sum of
pa ir of the celebrated
Alford lodp;e Felt Slippers
which are all wool
telt poods made.
Cleaver Bros
The Boot and Shoe Men.
Jas. A. Howard. Farm loans.
Dudley 4V Howard. Are Insuran
All kind, of breakfast mush.. ...
Domestic and Davla sewing ma
'hlnes at Wit bee's.
Hot sodn. all flavors, at Koiiij.. : -i-up
more. .' cents.
Man "I i reah ranhen lea just r
'ivecl at Hawley Broa.
Hataacg' luilk mustard. the tlr.e.-.
the market, at Demon a.
Hir lot ir nu- motintain railuiL'
maklna kraut at I matt
frcpare.i nnnee meat, ready I I
family use. Try It. Demott t
Apple butter and aweet appi
finest quality, at C. R. Dentin's.
Hit Karm'nts at redueed prlcei
('leaver Broa. Drv Goods Cash Bt
The Eaat UrKonlan will pa.,
nir clean cotton rags delivered at thi
Special prices on fura at 01m
Ilroa.s Iry Goods Company's Cash
It. .Martin a baker o.-p.i -iii.t,: .
b (-at l.eave your order for Tlianl.t
giving cakea.
R. Martin will have plenty oi tur
''.vs. chickens, ducks and g" s
I T Wade has residence proper:;,
in Pendleton for sale. This Is a Bpe
sal bargain; see him.
Kur the latest style and lowest
prices In fur goods, aee Clever Bros
1'ry Goods Company's Cash Store
Kmc new mince meat in bulk. Cit
ron, package currants, raisin II pi
altuoinlb and walnuts ut Hn ! i.
It you want a real nice box of candy
there la only one place In the city
t get it. that Is at Candy Duttou s.
Aa turkeys are going to be v
scarce, you had better engage you "a
now. at the "Standard Grocery
phou Main M,
We only aak a trial of The I'm
' 'liiMiilates. W- i.tinw vo" will
no iittx-rs then. Sold only tt Ki v
Hrop drug stor
1'ioneers of Pacific will atv a gram:
(all Friday. Nov 15th. In Ialow
ii sic Hall. Klrkman's orchestra
Everybody invited. Tickets 7f cents
Just received at the "Stanuui .
Grocery-" some choice New Vor,
huci.wheat flour, corn meal Nes
England bulk maple syrup and era:,
Fight timi' nght' Th. return. f
the TsgTl I as ami Kuhlin tight will be
i.-ai! i ..-t w. ii act ami after tie
losfMUuai oi Hunting lot Haarktn
ut the Praaer tonight.
1h. bomlieat man in Pendleton gi
well as the handsomest, and Others
art invited to call on any drugbiit
and get free a trial bottle of Kemp s
Balaam for the throat and lunar a
that is guaranteed to cur.
aud relieve all chronic and acute
'oughs. asthma, bronchitis and i n
fumptlon Price 2tV and 5rtc. For
sale by Tallman Co. aole agent--
Our Storv Book:
We keep out ImmiK in the Wallers '
our store, and desire tlial ill BallWIs
lie at Ubaftjf t. ooatM aud lake then
time m looking ut the liuiultvdn of
Mllulliec We k.-ep In aloefc.
Our stock ban just been reinforced
iiy the following titles, listed accord
lug to their popularity:
Wntii-i! alrl to flu housework
(toad wages Apply 101 Hallroad. cor
Ml Market street.
Remember the dame given by the
i loneeni a; the 1-aDow hal this oven
gg R very body Invited.
l-alward Hush has sold a halt sec
tion ol rartn land neat Helix to his
mot net v- Mtftha A Rush, for
MOW roc pklns cnri.ty i -har'-'c
win- oner.it OB nt the cAn.ty pom
'ara v-mer. Irj Pn Coic Vim - tit
i i Her.
The mayor and Pendleton brass
band an nQUeatad to meet all arn
I legat i lo the tihi Main"! Mat
ImonlaJ Cttib
Tin tiirtifi ol the Jeffrie Rulilin
Ight will 1" read at the theater to
nlghl at the) rane in over the West
em I'nion wires.
Appln at Inn for membership In the
Old Mauls Matrimonial dub may he
haiule.l in at the Opera Hons. 01
rhursdaj Nov. 21.
D B Richard bob has gggg gppolnt
,l hratice of the peace for Helix pre
rloct t(i fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation Of S T Isaacs.
Tin eviiicnci ill tin rase ol Antni
Conptoi s Martin Compton nr ill
rorce war heard In .iiirlce Ellis' Oonrt
hold thei; annual iiieniorial exercises
in the Opera House 00 the first Sun
iia hi December, which comes on tin
M ,..r a the inotith
Tin basement ol ChH UofbotahM' i
Oew hri' K adjolntnr the Columbia sa
it, - almost I'ompletetl and the
bricli work will he pushed to cumplt-
II M rnpldh as posslldt
The ieust salar made by our repr
aentatlvoa is I1M per month Sum
Malki gusb) ttttes; tins amount Men
tloB this paper ami write at once to
ltetal! Credit and Collection Ass.'
turn. BonldsT, ' iilorado
There wn- a lamlly row between
the ChlUSas BON and Henry Wells
i vait. r at tht Palace restaurant, last
Might tn which the Chinaman got th
worst nt It Wells appended 00f On
Jadjp Bou this niornlti" and imn!
his hue arbtoh was set at
Thomas Ouinean the woll'hnowii
lintel man. with his wife, thinks of
ponding th winter in Portland H'
has i n rUBBiBf the tiratid H
. flpohooi stoee he haft I'ortlaini
m arh throe vears ago nut inund the
rigorous winter ol Eastern Washing
ton too math for jiis health.
The Cooper Knig Gold ami Connet
lie orporatmn Tin incorporators arc
El met E.'Cleovor, W (5 Drowloy and
W W Rl .- Tie USOUprtJf OWOisd 1'
at I th ram pan) Is tbe Coppet uidge mine
" 1 1 Oswllattni tour claims in tin
sh 'piarthurc district
V'a..i! f'atJrrh quickly ' Ids Ui
Bt) Cream Halm, which
agreeably aromatic. It la received
ough the nostrils, cleanses ana
lis the whole surface over alien
ft av .- itself A remedy ior naal
(atarrh whl h Is drying or exciting tu bofp us all
th diseased membrane should not !
.s . i 'tan. I ial m is recognizee as
e ie( itic. Prn-e H cents at djuojglgg
or by tut 1 A cold In the head i:
'.latch disappears when Cream Ba1 a
is used. Ely Brothers M Warre i
-ti of New York
C H Poddison Hemilton Road
l.ondoti. Ontario writes to the East
''unman for information of eastern
Oregon narticnlarly of Pendleton ami
t'matlliu county He desires intnrniu
tn ii. of real estate, and those interest
ed t an OddtOOa him at the address
given uti't Tin East Oreg Milan re
--He. a gnu' many such letb
without stan.ps or remlttanct tor sub
scriptiono, umking inquiry as to 00
dltioiis the price ot land crops ill
mate ett This go, per repli-s tn thetl!
b) sending BOpsOB ot Its dally aud
aroakl) lssue having not the tin,. U)
writ. .-ttt-rs in each individual ease.
The Bring 1-1.50 a Ton at Weston.
D.-livereO 12 to 15 Tons to the Ace
C m be Produced.
Tht Wcstni. l.t-ndet contains t'tc
following this week worthy carwful
reading Of I'matJIa county farm -reading
oj I matilla county tanners
Such soil as that around Woato
nneh hi'jet population yield am ih
lari.. t revenue, ami afford emp j
BlOtil tin many more peoph than LJ
TORS' aBI wheat nislng This is a
i i COOntn now ami reasonahly M l
OcVelnpOfl but the limit Of its n
.uiri s has not hean reached hy s x
eial llgfltl
N, v llepBrtores In farming an
il, t dod hefl Farmers have stuck to
h-'a? like Mies to tanglefoot am the
country has made hut little apprei I
a li progress IB twenty years This
Is discouraging In a region where soil
ind climate conditions arc ideal for
othef and more profitable crops,
tnsons, those is Bngnr iie"t
The exiterietiec i: A Thayer, a
v B? I) Wash farmer. Is an
. ni : Mr, Thayer Wll raise no move
BI Hi Itonf iiccurucc account ol
Item ol expense connected with
the raising of 4:04 acres of sugar
including f." per acre for the
1 -1 ol tbe land 'ills own' ami all al
c Wnnt BB for the use ol his stock and
11 .1 hinery. Tin tabubtted Ogurso,
eoch detail botag ghen art printed
11 tin- Ipuhooiiion Hoi lea m tin fth
mat. ami an- htti little Bhotd ! Ms
11 u' knbV
This Profit.
It ' ..at Mr Thayer 1 1 387.06 to raise
aud deliver his iMMtO, hut his gross
ic.pts wen 1.23V. 5i, leaving a net
p ofll of II .r.lfl. or llM.Sfi per acre
n raised ' s" tin.s per m ri and re
eeived lfi.2" pel ion. delivered at the
Wavcrli factory.
ThiiiK 01 it At his rale a little
Bton than 4" acres would support a
ti.mil iii comfort, while inn seres oi
Weston s richest laud is now deenieu
I BJ Ol) suthclent. Moreovet. they
r mid llvt in Idleness If they chqse
ti ri tit ai; tin work, although It is un
likely that they would want to give
in. devil such a promising chance
, tpm - lion wonid mean an in
inleiii fortune to the owner, am'.
1. wou'ic aisi liii, 'In satisiai tun.
niorditig eniploynient to a good mar,-.
P'oph I'm Iililiself. he need not
work, except ih a dirt-'ting capacity
' i,, l.eadei understands that hooti
may i readily bwrkottfd hen dep .
ut he Weston depot. lot $C"t" pot
ton Tin ia livaud' la'-tury annually
grOWB 111 tin- (iratidt liomn valley
wants mort BOOtl than lMtN oeoi boon
and WOttM afford a HTmauefit and sni
Is factory market This soli is believed
to he -aiallc of producing 1 to 1"'
tons per acre. If proporlj cultivaied
ami expertUMratal boots grown hers
havi shown n very large portWinlBBfl
B -'igai
Here S to the Sllgai beet BOD 1" I
pie and more prosperity It would
M itelllligei. of Sslepi Is iit th( H,
(I Pendleton
S H Pry is at Hotel M Qoo '
. i in i The hallen
Mrs J A Kirk, ol Athena is at the
OoMoa Rub- Hotel
Edwin Rush and wir are at tin H
(I Pendl- toii troni Helix.
I Nelson has lett Meui han. to
make Ills hOUM III Heppliet
J H (finn left yesterday lot Hols.
Idaho. lO ha gone tot u couple ot
s wks
III C W Tap. is resist. :. ,! ut tie
Holei Pendlenui trotn his home
Hot lAkf
I C H.l; ittel ilt U't registereii i(T
tie (ioideli Rule Hotel from Ket. tn
where tie will ! rwetin
II T Hendry x. of Maker Clt H 1
lletulryx. oi LjtWtOD Mrs S I HOB
rtrya. Ml biuI Mrs. T. L Ragsdalc
a .1 Breed, Mrs. Archie Boence, ' w
H - . of College place, and Mr and
s. w w Weathcriorc ol Arling
ton Wore g'l'-sts at tin Marshal!
HoUOe y esterday. They were here tO
Bttund the funeral Of the lat. Not
ii. nn Hendryx. ,
Mrs. W H St am nt i arriveil Jmnn
Sniuhi atterncon trotn the hosidtal at
Walla Walla when she has been
undergoing treatment for the past two
, considerably Improved in
health. Th.- injury to her son was a
tore shock to tilt Stamper Ih her
weakened condition but It Is thought
she is now out ot danger. Her
daughter. Mrs Horn Hardei arrived
recently from Walla Walla tn msii
and attend her
Scarcity of Choppers Was the Reason
thr Cut This Year IA.ii Less Than
it Should Be.
"The wood cM at Mi a ham is be
iweei : gad tooti eorda short this
tall ' said R k Porter, a pjorrhant
01 that dacc lo the East OlOgOnlan 1
Th shortage Is due Mi Bcgmtty I I !
lahorora In the wood canirMi dnrlt : the
ast season."
The average wood cut ot Mencham
gHl Mcinity is Ui.iMio oorda, the r-ood
iMdng shipped to PendletOt and W'ai'a
Wnlih Phe O It. N company
-xes lo M'uiln Wnila the same freight 1
ratt that ! given t. PendletoB on I
w-ooii shlpiH'd trom MeacsaUB This i
lias operated to OTOgte a wood short j
ae m Pendleton which denendi sole
iv upon Moachggg for hot fnol Mr.
,'ortet stated thai ,000 cords arc
'.council uhuuuiix to supply Pendleton
and Walla Walla ami that this
amount would be cut If labor wen
more e.tsilv obtained Each year
loon oercB ot lan-i m Meachaai are
cleared tO keep going the stoves ami
furnaces Of this town and Walla
Walla, wttl. the grog annually cleared
Ineronolni r thi ssaaoni eoau and
no 1 v - sMon of ia'-g. - ponulatiog
Wood DOB sell fOl hf a cord at retnll
gad whole ialo dealers ggggrt that
thej inclined to Bceoht orgon
i mishit thai I territory tin
i OUld get $n a cor.! Whohaggll
' ordio to present Indications.
Pendleton ind Walla WaUa wll i
lie Ian a fuel MUBtae late g the
IntOI wit; rets : i. rices t.-nditig to
climb up tc DgursB that win not bring
ramfort to those who arc compelled
tn bu
t N D
it Began
,r Case of Toe MOOn
at a Dance.
Arthur Hicks l.cs links Bd ttOtt
and Parry Beotl wen taken before
circuit Judge Eihs yesterday morning
and em u pleaded guilty to the charge
against hint, nnd in the afternoon they
,' i Tht i barge
.i Mloka hovs and Peters
.k.i aimvins uruoert) they b
l ll... men who fried tc
ol the . It (all ll couple
i. 'iiieuint' through th.
mchi wn Bobteneed
thi tt:!!. penitential
nml Pi Ici s w ri c cm Ii
rhtch th'-y
perry s.ott
burglai i itiS
oi ahleh h.
j -nt. reed ti
He claimed i
break out
,n w 81 s ago
wall Arthur
0 oil' vent III
and l..s Hicks
Hives i tine i"'
will lav 0W1 m tail
w ho wn- ' hargeil w un
a itonst tiesi Bicno, om
took Bonn elothlng, wag
th, -tut. icforni school
Ollft (l"lll''
tor a room
The assess.
and tin- i
t : Htm sr.;
-111. 'tits
boa s
Another Free Gift Sale
.very Rents suit or overcoat we .
i I . it n ni-in, 1 tifi t,-l. . k . Rl'f !ra
ill ! Ct a;-i',i n M I M, (I 111 SfT I'l.l ' "C-fhsa I
Twenty per
I .ailics Furs
I . III .1 ...... s . .
...ii. iniiiniii on a iirL
You rani leat out stvU. j '. P"
ilisi mint
'! ndpricf
K. iiicmt'ci largest stoi k of goods in th
lect triMii and prices giiarantee.l th, iow.- ""Ito.
Vf1"-s to please,
A Physician Teatines.
"1 have taken Kodol Iyspcpaia 1 on
and never used anything fiat d'. mi:
the good that did." sayB ounty Phy
sleiau Qoo W Scropcs Hall County
fia. "As a physician I have prescribed
it with the liest results." Kodo'. Dys
pepsia Cure digests what you ent
Tallman Co. and Hrock & MeCoroas.
Traveling Company Will EnOeavc
Find Him Tonignt at the frtr.
HuntitiK lot Hawkins' is the nil:
at th- Placet toniKht It is a tares
tasted said to hi uriKht aud snappy
livelx anc mil or dash tunny am!
' lean and all of the things that (arc.
coni.-dl.- should I..- to please lastidi
oas taste.- m ma' lip., ot thsatrical
rial tot prt-
lleell Iiach
re left this
On tn.
llll come- 1. MV1
UIKlel (lie muliaKemetlf ol
Charles ii Yah . who claims IB ha.
Um sa sgoaintloM of thin old dfaaa
BW 01 seen l, r tt West He Will Kl'.
it just as many ot the ipootai "la'
featores as th. -tatn gora win ii
mit and nroaaiasa to mak. it an sveal
in lixai theater history Naturally
I,, wants a Ins houseful ut peonh lo
witnai, him do it
W 4
Tbe ( rials
Ii'n aud 1
Tbe EUaruaJ Oltj
itiiflit of W a
Ueluiet of Navarre
I'lii Puipl rowu
Like Aiiotllfl Helen .
TrieUUi uf KWn'
Iii.lt. r
Kben Hidden
t. I.ouKiilli, and I 1 1 1 1 'IrKon
All or (1(1 Uicennei. I lioUipnol,
. 4WWd'V
I rui'i8te. Main Strbttt.
Hall an .
( iiliiert Parke: u
PMgin JffSi,
Hunk:, tuti
liaoUratl Bortoi
Metal! lOBOl
Haclielh i r;
Kva live coadil
The November "American
h Vmericai Uoj nn n'oiciuIm-i
npraaue Huhlishinic Co.. Itetrolt
Itch is an attraotivs otsaiboi Th
tOtisS ar. lii. pear Ki.luap-rs 0)
row i'.-a. A lo, Hem nc
Nod s Btrgtogem.' gad Th. iwitoh
I Mini Hun.
Among me . un. :u. articles are
lag My Way Around th.
Iforld h) Ham Steel. Morrison
v travelei K,in and I'roht in
rapping "True Amen, ans" and
Th. Oli Put Honga The magazine
ntain -.everal oth.-i departments of
Its real and -this month's issue con
i k h v illustratioag.
.snuol o (.ursd
i- lil" gssasBJ rv.:(. lb
i ID
(MtJ a ma
ul lu
J W, KtBibrel! was g
! terday doini! some surva
' ate parlies
Ha. ffadoall who has
itiK the football tean ha
morning (or Portland
M 1. Dutlei and tamily bags n
Iron Mescham to Pet.dn-toi
make thoh home han
Mrs Hulx-rt Saraenj g unit,
altfa t) p hold tt-M I al the honie
Mrs Welch in this city.
C. C Kert nnneipal oi 'he Kchu
school Ik iii th its Hp. hihool has
baag Osgood on aooasgK t dlphtherfg
Mat MoagTOei was down from Mil
tog today and sold a lot on West Allu
street to .M .liMrhead. who will build
I mi it soon.
Homes the Id-yoar'Ojd on oi i.
miei ot bUttte Montana is lg th.-
itv itoppfng with hi unci. Dr. J. 1.
gad gttoadina Uh acadeniy
Ii-piitv 1 nn.-.! States Matshal .oh
srh if m PagdJatoa BuogsBBsavlag wit?
ness.-s till till- case ol . o I'm SB
( olumbla QoorgB winch comes ofl tb'
I lot
Williau liotorth and William Coats-
worth two lorniei Hendletoi, boys,
passed throiiKb mis sjagatag trom
CaleHrell Idaho on then srar to Ma
nila Quran) Majn of th- rraaoi ip.-ia
HOUgt left tor Portland on last Bight s
trail He wili .trraiiM loi BOOM BOMB
sooner? lot tht Opera Hons, while
JudK. W H Kllis .Indue S A. Lo
well and Colonel J H. Raley baft bis
moralai for Milton whar they ar.-
oohfag ovei th.- Kround involved ill
.i water riuht 'an. before the court
entitled Humnsnm - Da Marrn
L H Reed, of the Nortii Yakima
Valle and who is locomotive egginnor
ior the ttravel tram of th.- H a N
through this city will l.-av. in a lew
nay.- fot his horn ii.- has recent) i
returaod (rom old Htghta. where h
apaal the nast vaar.
krrfrala from Dawaog by the steam
: lAtj ot Beattb say that phMS is
praetlcalta tteaerted ami that not .-v
HI "" 1 le are now there.
That gBmhai lll he decreased a
many more will leave as soon as the
, lOTUM 00 tn.- river sufficiently
' ii ior travel I .ast year In.uiai ,eo-
, w ihtereil at Haw not,
A lot 't Weimar ( hiua
that is mQcjuiitto. TUfi i
soiiietliiii' ,nit tt tht ortliiiary
imotlliug we KM proud to
show i A l-o a hue i n.
oi vusi's atid maiiU'l ilet-ora-
ruins-, if only t" hak.
'vi Tea House.
9hoM i inpi litwd
with oil ilk. gokn satu
rtted with a 4inp pruol
oomptMiitioo, iiiakiii!:
tlii'tn impatrvioui t.
moitturfJ and ahsoiiitfly
$2.75 a f air
Hy getting on of oar new ntyle dining room net.
...... . .t' ,.li,i-..u il.tlirtl .1 tl, 1 ilTiul. ,1 , I ! - 1.....1..
ui. 1 1 ' " -1 ' n " ' ' 1 ' 1 1 "" ii aur aim ijg qj
i pricfl lower t han ever hftore Tor such superior
Jusi lo ik at mem, iney are- www it, even if you don't i
t.-iol tmrchasine. ' ur mnv shitmifnts include nm
UM get a FJ
srede noveiuei i one in am.mw
CJHANCK on the 50.00 pirmiuni.
for large hoys
with until feet
Peoples Warehouse
i orner
Main ant
i W't'l.h stivt't.
I A i otnplfte line of
Stationary ami books
St hool books and
School supplies
Canes in all styles
New line
etc. Ncwudl
'iesigtu 10
Roods, pocket I
purses, card ;
Com lis. Bra
Frazer Opera House.
I l.ktr, I.,
' and Mii,igi't. Jt a a-ii, ii, i-i gasaai
( Mie Ni;lit I Milv
Friday, November 16th.
Fir-t Tune Here of Tins rggsaal'l irMStei lauiliing Hsteai
"Hunting for Hawkins'
A merry unifies! Corjieiii )'reentd bv
John L Kearncx
H. a KINv
'A "trsi.u.-r
l.sst Beaton
Shs York."
n - ."ire
Palmist anJ
Dozens of Specialties and they're Greii
I'KlfKH : ,25, .aa,-, 7fte
itiK st F raster 'THioli Hlcire.
nnd UI --et Bgla "iwaf. Tbsraa.' aatrl
Me is I atsi at tbe Coiiiujlim
Hote w here he i-an I e coiisult-
un all mailers a human ag.
Life Reading. 50c.
To unit iron, the
NOTICE: Keturtik of tha letlrieo uiel Kublin Dfbt sill
l"ltllLellienta haulnu I-,.... '. ..ulrl, I'sMB StOSg
m ..""p i nui' n mi i , i -'
HsBBJ n" sight now the ring side.
TU .
or sad tssai
of meua.ti-ua.tiun " They are "LIFE 8AVEB J
uiuuhuutl, Hiiiiuar development of orfBBB I
1 liny
or SOU
Kf IHII n iU.,IV f..r D,m,an u.iiiIk tllUUL
Wuuiii a, -' at imi ii ir UOX
hy drucgriala. MuT'l B I hi. Mi- Ai.00.,0
tk.lg ll , 1 VI. ..MAN (JO.. huUU,',, l'iMI.Knii
lAklMtill 1 KhMAIttllNO
. wii ii, our Uue
deicsu win. uiiii)
lgl.t, al,,1 wuii
in g... 1 tliavr
Sou.! Hurl, sa4
lull I. lif ill
e liuo''. owr crkesssn.:
nd ssiui v. at Iblsai
iou i.-v- our a,m it i.
ukc p'IU lu itoluj on. .
St sseSI :usv all) lie
llin oisl'entralKairoad
Solid TnUpi
Wide Vtstihulet.
r j
bunt ti)' all (1
Hair taiuiir
sir watt lor circur. I rue
CHKXKV CO . Tuldo, O.
ruggou 7
eiTl. are Itw UmI
only 15
a week.
by Carrier,
Don't Have Cold Feet
When you can prevent it hy wearing a pair ot our
Warm Lined Shoes.
We also have a lute absurttnent oi Felt aud Knitted Slipperb
in ail colors ior iadiea and childien
646 Main bt.
Thai Pendletoa Shoe Co.
Aa up tu date Kupalr Aliuu ia wsbshIvh with uur sturc
From tne Wsston Leader.
'1 lie I.eUliel Kayo (ieorKe Kertitlauil
line ll). 'foil. f.-Iilllelol, Mlllolu to
an. nn thi funeral of his gramlinot i,.,!
th.- late Mia. IsagidiaM
K J .ioui. u ...). Pendietooiai)
ieiresentiag ih. cikIuIin i'aekiuK Co
ol ChicasTo, Interviewed vt'estun gro-
! Haturaan
Km iiuraKin(! reiKirm are r.-eeived as
to the euinjition of .Mrs i w ProaB
rile! Who ih uiliierKiilUK treat lli'-nt a'
tin Nag Wallu v. ana laoaailal Hei
ultimate icover is bopeil tor
Ainoiig tiaturilay a wheat tranaa
',0111- mss a bale oi :iuo" biiHlielb mailt
hy W' A Karnes to Aueni .Jameisuu
ot tbe Hacitit Duaat Klevaioi Couipa
ny at iUVj euntb The market is off
li.tl.J- loi-Sl UUUtatlOllb I. el,' 11
Ke liarmon V Hi Clsir an able
Olll,' . ., , e . MIUI. V..-I , I,,'.' I ' eh
tun where he was reetur several ara
ago 01 All saints ebitreb i,.. i.t- i,
eslled troni New York Oill to ui, nn
liortani ministerial 'liars, al St
on i.grth
Old Jas. E. Pepper
Old Henry Clay
Haw I,, 111 the Standard since
Bt I
r.u.oiire agt
B H. Tk
..... it 1. a h 1
I All. I LL, t" Auhii
141 Tnird It., i-o.aHd. Or.
60 YE. ARB
Especially adapted ior fam
ily and medicinal purposes.
Every bottle guaranteed.
705 Main it
The Off iom
I He
Thaoc Marks
k'l!. r'.l io.'i',Sn. ?.iWM?i'l"y?L '"""'"'"'a
Tt... ... . V. ' au.iuiai iiji, M I'm ...
1 ,
tb Mum.
uss Mum, 1 .
o. i .r- - -
SOam flsKrican.
A MMMlMil lllliatralssrl Ms
Ml '-ir
ll, alt I a . ., . .WIT
mtiJ fx iHlllini U.uet.sil
four ni.,inha ; .
I iCO.asibra.,,
The East Oreaonian Is ei...
uon's representative paper. It eadr
f.nK X foPJe pPrci-t 't and .ho'
.. ...... nucrai patronage, it is Hit.
advsrtislna medium of this section. !
f 1
I TheOnlv Fine you St!
Vr. A Lunch in
I he Columbia
Lodging House imported
Liniuergtf Claaa
NKWi.Y ri KMMii'.i, loiportad doiJ
Pli IN UOKNBCTIOH Stout Portsf,
lSJ E S 1 K " LOCK ,
BET. AI1A a WEBB AtlgS b
0,1 rWrrC"'
riour. am sso. 0"
H.p ar Mf
J.R.DICKSON, "nt'1
Last Uregoatan Buiidiug, '
(Joruer Main s.aU'
Hcudlotou, UregM. j fOLMlOU