p ..SHOES.. Shoes for Men. Shoes for Bovs. WE HAVE RECEl I P 0 R FIRS I SHIPM liNT OF MENs .ND BOY'S SHOES SEE Of R LINE iu! PRICES BAER$ DALEY 'hw Pric Clothiers, Fnmiah' anl Hatten, Pendleton, n esday, novkmber is, nwi DtULY. WBKL1 ASH HBR-WEHl ST TNI- But OrtfOBlu Pnbtlahinc Company, PfNDLT.T K. oat" -.on - $ . . . . , . I . a k . I n y. . . . . aj Urn sata ! . e :a - -. . : a Oae k. ee I a IK 1MB, at ta J - I lt . ! UV. 1 V-! (irlint la: D in issasia Bai.el aM w ai. Weekly GOVERNOR ODELL DID IT. Governor OdOTI mail It Hnail. t the l.ow fusion ticket in Se I '.irk it cam in th mann r in th' optaion oi th East Uregonian In previous years, under an OJQW DM nt we; r.nowr. to have Iteen ei loon KeVuhlicnn Tom Piatt took the .-ntro! ot the Nw York state olitf - oad Doonooatti DotS Ooooiot took the ontrol of New York city pollth s these two working together. At th last republican national OOOrvaotitv I'latt OMOaoaSoi m nominating Himm I tlui. king to ahelve the latter i mum ntlj Piatt then nominated ll. i lamiu Odell for the New York gover j OOOOSSSb and he was ooOOSol OSo'l had for years liven the visible head h Piatt machine as state chairman OSsJI had managed the practical aoaCRaj end of the Plattroker MM bdoo io the state politico. He was a 11. ant manipulator rfe was las moat admit practical politician in tim I state. It was tht theory that Odell would .iiit:nue t do Piatt s will But OfOO OSotl taking tht govet oor's Ua.r at VP any ue at one oove it out that) M iiiinn-lt was to im- the governot Rt ...ml.! listen to Mr PMIIa 0ilM h u also he would lister, to any m . oH l. s ad ice H. .a t. I. 1.' i"t.--mj man's tool. Furthermore he i gj MO that he Knew all the ooothodO whereby men worked New Yi.r,. i -islat ire and pllfarml the atate b u urr H- oro posed t" lalk '-lies games, and balk thorn he did. He is IhO greaist governor New Yort has Hut Odel! UeinK mo in ' n; ll 'i taithiul to th. people of th. stat was I OlllOMlOd 10 shear Plait 0 ...wer Piatt was m- longe, ." aut in the state or city h-i. I.. MOoM not aaaist Croker ev-a it hi would and it is to be ioubtei! that desired to do at inasmuch ns Piar was pra- ttcally '! pOOst -del' deprived Plaf of his fo'in power. fdll broke the Phm-Cr. kei in. bine r reduced it n n.itt. W tha t was ineffectual and boovo It hi ' ia Mel! n.fc'le It pOS-ilbll to OHM law fusion tickc- GEER VERSUS HOAR. Even to suggest o comparisoi. tw n I T Geer and George r t; 4 ot Massachusetts u to oOMiUi 01 Mr Gter. although ths ooomporlaoii u. unfavorauli t- the latter. t ! nuite pertiuunt to pilot tbse twi neins taken iron. liaiiS'-s An Ohio pai say "Gove Gr of Oregon wu tie fttst sp aai au.i dwelt on tto- lOOaaV erity o ileuixrats." Senator liotti Of Mil luiaett.- ... addrvssing the tepublican of thai state said "Yoi and I ar- repi.nl. ans You and I 0J0 men or the north Most if us are Protestants in rel gion Wt ar men of uativ birth Yet ii eer republican were today t tali in his ina. as William M Kin lima fallen I ooJftOfg 000 OOWOtM'MM of the other imny. in- spii.- Q s ha' we deem their esrors would take tb repubiii and beai on the flat; f Hie erty and glory' ' ieli-. . -,t r ever) Protestant w.-re ti be .st-i. ki r down by a lightning stroke Ihol oi.i brethren of the (.'atholn faitl. awtUd still carry on the republic in u M fH of a true and loving re. Ion. i has iev. if aoooy man of natix.- birth witbin our borders were to die the men of foreign birth who hat. cu ller e to seek homes and libert uudei ISO shadow ot the republn would car rj oi. the republic m dud s appoiiil'"'. way 1 belies e if every nuiu of 104 ban. ice, aimo- 1ATH tup ne j awli . ev tav b Mi vp- i , astM . . . tM ear. JmwJ""". tV9mCUtrm A1 lie c-p woataa . MMn wksxlt a scan io IITtl Ml"?' m mw iiiii MatoBT IPVUTISIMI. UTM . tit. Wea , ;fr ortt "t. to io ti' mjoj cSaM- .n-d OBBtS with UM virtue, it h" htrlood from the iiinnlni; 04 h' 1 t Mono mi'1 l'v oi state fn! los of rroodtaM wltt it courage ami it. i'..tan. OJMlM take the cottntrv and lear t SO la the atjOMTtMeOtti Of tt lofr d-stlr.s The anarcfcts- MOM Jla- 78 ' "" Ani'Ti an hOtOBO M OBB slay dM republic " lilt any newspaiHO ifM Sena t. v. Hoar an aisology (or ronrerting hi nan. with anvon. so imt'e.-irobl-below him In intellect ar.l OB .n I pressihly small." In mini1 anil mi in flnltels narrower in view ni our 9WO PENDLETON RF'5TE0 A mora' was.' tr id th BottOT atfftnoioi "! th. jam 1 MMM M lOO lii".t VlP i were baoichoil i'wo who had oStroooti d the nai tVpe com bit k 10 nc 0 eusv s'ages by the ian air line to MOM. hemselvoo htoko in that 1 and after many hard ed ODOO the "ngincr of umon' off oMp to all s coal tM the Areuiuu SoAh liems stratic Ul hi bis '.. lOOM a,"! a' I.- ancient as (toyPiir piac iii.inion had ttor World r to tbi bis true J Mirt.al t. His 1 nti to the as a stran hut wMl H the Pendleton mar. pto show bim around tat my petghhors have tor mrnallat from Earth "(' indinc hi. Is had BM 0000 ndellbly in iu OOOalfJ 1 : ailed to re. ognie tiie ni "hlidhooil." he eontlD Yoti! memory is reniar.abl You Oft iirorite.; M VOW profe-siou 11: 11 Ifetter U'urltl Did the OOOfdO 01 lath poos' ss met. on- IMbOhiOS er I'li.i . "i-Min-s .1, . Nt nt in votir re- aske.; the e :rom Venua WoU. met M my protesaion aa.l a k. ulty Which answ tec all COOaOKM 1 - . ... T:v - w ... n lm.it to its Item 1'. was '-ollei. imaiiinutior. ll.lt. n an notice i wa lours pas midnight ne.i latOOtl) foi MO not h ard a shriek w histl. Il fa. t. a nde; aioiu the lu-i-ir railroiid track s glided Ilk. spirits Thes ar- the sta'.utea of your he roes art Mies' aoajfiad ho Venu ll. al. M ISO MfOllao tnrnilitti the luai oolooo bitrk dockod with luwers and moaicol and nuhlic fountain Mar DM statutes stooit eseiswher I -s these ar tr-e hOoMtotittW ot their otto paMOsMOd tin PsooUM B man "This is a hen. u! the ISth -entury." he continued, laying bto land upon tin should- r of a collosa! rip r. whn-l 4ttMd a ISO BtOOOBhl be streets ..- 00 pOOl OMM BOaSSSOgSal as u gift to his king an-' his cooo tin lsrtb.s sol. "Ii- ssi a tiero of t.-ai e He is in.- man sic in" duced ihs siibjcet of m tM priukling to his Yo.i lot OOI i.arbarian fire- fathers were slow to take Up ttess ideal Tr.ey dung to th"ir oid 'vtya. am until the use and beauty of o '.rung were thoroughly atpMlPPd they - - iooMoMm of it " And this s ulime BOWS nere. o4tfe tin- ma.-.. n.ow and imperial chin it must be a statue of a pagan sod." mused the man from OHM This said tin- other . is a man who Hm liitaisol ul publt. r.-alth filled p and tSUg did OWO) 'i(h a veil .'UtaluiliK worms and ert.i irom tu h a whole neighiiorhoT'ii M na iirea th-i drioklO' wat'-r for -ars." "IsM us dine, said the Peudl'-'on nian "I am ferociiMtsiy hungry They :lre neai a polo fountain Mothers anc Children Bojotce in the eloan.iug. aarifj iug, aad b-auufying properties o C. ii 'a bnar aud Cl'tll L'KA OiUlUielll, pile - -l"' sweet at of auiolileul tkiu cuiea Iiii-aO geutie yes oflsctive skin pBftSsM and beBUlihefS have uu ale lleiuvai. i .i i. .ii" happy by eurmg torturing, diahguriol hiauuMS, nasties, slid itnUilion-. ol inlaix y anal chiklbuud, asaui mluavuig; paiei.U oi ,rtl P .nti In (, s.'o sU. StiSSMl tWdaJ aSSaM. la OA- which bubbled i.vit its hi im The : Pendleton man look a sins vial rrom a recess in hi robe, ami swallowing, a capsuli o( condensed tood washed It ilown with a draught of Wflttyf Hint was satisfied HI companion did like-! Wtso Then they directed their st os ; to th MbaaMBl of .Atitiquitlw a t'-i i-lotia hall linMl (rMn MMir to r.'.lint , with an li'nt rurli of arth I hNit altniwi mrs 'tt, n this Muiont ami uiih.rwal Impl.mrnt of rtath said h- Pmll'ton man lavinc hi hnml Bntl iimii an ll MOB Mow My fort-fathor COfBfMlKHl tlicii MfMI In-ml ov.-r IMM olil f'lr iiace for at I. a; oitfourth of their lives In -o;kli) ami iriariiiu fooil for th't! lord Ufi was short'n'l. MfMjwtnvM won stukllinrMl ami i health wax wri'vki'tl In th itast h ;hi ilotilwa Of faith takinit food Into ttV'lr Ktomai'li sui:iik ami KM'niuinK MoMtfOBa iot. iwns nl v.-l of various dOOCIIUtlOft, WOTf pfctCOtl HpOfl tlot- h-atMl fnrn an! fmnl or evorjf kind waH Oflad in thon: ti: with T.iat Iron siMmrn. am! fUoko 00. on itr at tahlt at which tt" "I1' harliarinn ntl tOOMOOPITM I plained tin- son of earth "All vi'-y strnng.' said th othor liiii MOOT am'-ion mlnlstir to th' ptayoleol want atom .' h- eoottoood Hid they tak- do spiritual fivnf" ' Oh wri vr much th ain -ion' 'k ronfotoatl WOOO day of tw. nty (our hour OOClk and for 0M hour tOCt vk.'.-k out o! th- IM hour 'omprisinit ihc w.'k thcs- 40VOOI 0M0 ami 000000 took a IrOfJ showr Itath. a tt won oi spiritual Ortah Their mm istcr av thm lectipn's on the iiaoulj of dolna rloht ami th horror oi rtoinK wrona ." proudly roptlod th' anishfd Journalist Did they not know noush lc do riRht without lining told' aaked th .tstonisli.il OOVtOOtnodJOOJl from VoOOO "Oh you kno men often OOOOtd a little piirsuation and moral stimulus in mativ of th ulain duties of life (mototois . 000 Pendleton h0 Tin two . ompuni. went MSoroat OMjn Tlv Petldle'on journs e.iiatn."i th' separated ami otish th- city was surprised IO rind th baseball purs a total wreck rbon was a F0OC4 around it and it WNM exhibit-.! to strangers as a sad rein of the feroeltv of the sports of the naat Th' senile iwipulacc poao of It. as If they were standina I M too doot M a dOOdMOO MOM which I the Hons sprain; OOMi tht CStiOtiOOO in th Reman frum txmely an. I (n MdlOOO the OOOSIffOl went int.' tn offl. . d.-wr tow n and wrato to the hea I olfl'-inls 01 th Ml line for f m out ot the city Its -hansej were ItObMUTObki His gotlf would not has. Iwer sn IHHSOOMl hnn I t sent 10 Mods' - BBki rirPFMAN TO BBSS A COLD IN ONE DAY Tsk IssatlT- Iromo quinine Tb!- I 'ir'is.'ti raiuu.i Uss avooaj K vf 'iroTS'i ostiattirr ; .1: r. t ..' LUMBER ami OtMS OOlhllOd material inclmling Line. Cement. Plaster. Brick. and Sand. Ve hav.- a large tH'k oi v.. . : QiriTERS (or OOMH and .Ue mm. Oregon LumDer Yard Alto St., opp Court Hon- LOANS on WHEAT LANDS At i owes! tates J. K. DICKSON, bast OregonMn Building, Pendleton, On egon. I BERK Wants iMSMBlJ fcOOl and Fruit farms; fog Eaat- sra buyers. HoVeyoutiilienii Sell? WiYpa "nt ur '"tcrcstv Ut THk hud it Co-Operdtive Cumpdnv WUi build you a home tor ...S 6Q oor Slo-ttk... w irulab you the nioosy lo bay off your uiurtgaO' u tuy a borne la soy loiaLiy. aad gi you it yawn and f nioolba lu pay It back si Ibe .sic of I par mouth without luiereet 1b ease of lips lb ar total disability a clear dead will ta gl.aa Strictest lueeaiigsiioa cuurtad B. A, DoIt H POiuUs, Ore. tauod Agauu Wautaal K.erywkerr. h. aurd It will and bWsads of otfwr OOO 01 sad nil S1.00 hoHkt o' win. oi .arau, Tor wmaa, Csrf bottle. ? (a- wine sad oos iw. of Thadf.'nJ la u.. kaSIi m, I bsrr .isrts.1 to u It I willc b. witSout tt m th " 11 j, nnrir TtuaOe who did nnt tsiaiajis.i ss s .-uti. bs w .11 ywar of acv and nothing l balpsd h.r I was in - ' l bsforc 1 ud onr mlietna. but I found rail.. " ,nr h..h 1 uid fl bk- a new woman and do all mr ai'nsswtjrjsnd "'. uumrtoo r no-, d. tWoe, I took rtaa ot Cards! I wonld 0 ' t - 1WTll a? MOOOl sod m htr how I OOBMO bsfor. I ud . u, B:10LaK roradTraaduoiBi r.. a.Us. fwoanoMSt.' Tiw CSsaaasaas QL kK DE IVERY. F. S. Younger & Son JT : QUICK DEI I VERY. CLEAN STORED AMEKICW PUN S.UH per l)a ami I pw aros THE PORTLAND PDHTLAM), OREGON Special Kates to SOOtOOO Orogon people visiting Portland, rleadquarter nr tourist and coon n ll travelers. rl H"Vt-ks Annagrr ' id' - i ' r .... '? tmm Ba "" a AV aP" Jajj!jaaai3 plfc- t aooBaHSJaonflHS loooocai - ou get Good Beer.. U hen you drink PILSNER BEER. I uti d not to cuune hoadaclit? ui dizzinenH Ark for il. Schultz Brewing Co TRA XSFKK, TH U C K NG, 8TO H A i 3 IC m CkOWNLk & SON. laXOeMONg MAIN t Seek Relief! Tht Ml or-0Kl.o c wt ptfom Th. met el thm (a oaj 2 Mtaola th.ir Mttu m. no-i door urn lv.n, hv will KiidoiHi w-or tow rvnr'won mi mm n Mriodof mntmt,on m woman ll P" tptibW to cold and ohr.xt.rtu. MlMMW and it I. .l.o Hit mo,t lOVOtOMl .k,fm.nl of h.dd.n ."'J" know, that daWOmd m,n.trat.nn. Wla M the vomh tad latJOWTfcOOl M-.hl.nt in almort vtr horn. So worn" M M hlf . n.m.nt aftf 0 ' 'nd'CJ."0;' of .mal MnafH MOOOl .".unt rlwf in hv thr u o' CARDVI nltsvt vou ltM In yMJwOiOMI: rssHy mi M todav M dtuMuta srrtn irawci aadiata Oaoii mm Tr .adiw' AdTtsarf uMBjasi ktaaassgi iw CLEAN STORE. ,'OU ao am a FlnoM Hotel In the Pacific Noliweit. ACAVL()I) OF LAkPET ail of the newest and latest patterns, egpeciauy selected tor our Aut urn trade, has arrived, and the goods are now in our store re.ui ior the inspec tion of Fall buyer They comprise Pendleton Carp t 50c to i yar-! Wallpaper and ma of cost. I'n dertoking goods hi on hand. JESSE FAILING. m a tap ueo oahveal ssss, HioiUBiiy FurDbued oiBaini hcdiec hurupean Plan Wuck anJ a half Irunr 1 depot Sa npie kuom in conriectlon . koom k'atc 50c. 7.x. UM I U. Ray ik Co., ttu? ns s.. Stocks, Hoik!-, rind (Lira i 1 1 I or ou msra-iua New York btock hscnangc Chicago Stock f schsnge Chicago Board of Trade -a-cif-l Blraal c.ndl.tua ' Jr as. Laurels aaaaau a Tke raria tUeoaitios I.VV. HARPER KENTUCKY W-HISKEY ctlaSr Sold by iUM SCUMIPI The Louvre 3sloon g p. si" . oRBuoa -krsf OaSot rt 0awHaS The Place to Buy i t I where 00 can ifet ifoisls qoick am! . I eap price. !' line of Lumber, Lath, ShinflMi Huild inp p!tir. Tar pr.per,LiBM ami oentvot, Piokvti Plaster, Brick, ranfi. Moulding Sefssn 1 K it A Windows, Sat;!: A 00TS, ToSTS i uttrt Pips. cndletoii Lining icr lfari L P c0PSTER. - Proprietor. YSftlAaS. iK W. t. ''' 'I K HKK1PK : I 1'P O'llldint OtBre hoars. 1C to 12 a. t to t p tn l.cnhi"11 B a V. ' 'i KN r. M. l. OKrlCB SJKAS 0, pint Napoas Kanh OMm boars 10 MM a. at . . to it. IM . . . .MiTM. OKI'H'K OVKit TUK Kenilltt.'U SaTing Bonk nMShOOO u sattdaaM WiupBons i H - UAJUrXSU) M. 1 . MOJIK' PATH ic PbT' cisti ao i snrgwoa fC"- In Jk I Rn.i.lm rlDb.i:U' 'iflire. blat Ml real PR NS.U.IAM .-t- "ll '!'' 11 I Main :. PR T M III.' urn.'"ti oM ' '.br.ial ebons Ms.ti '. , it PHTMCIAO AM) .1 ju.l.l tiuililms. Real.lcn.t ilotri Psndltlon. DBKOON I'HYMt 1AV ASP litkM sfs. est. twat sad o BaOt Lull. ling J L.MIU.KK M. P.. DSSPAIM HLOOK. 'irssu and .-orrecu ay. troubles, osmrrhsl mdlllnnj aad ;uipair' l ii".-iu. o.ssae. propvro Ottfd tor rlti'tiv error. PR bTT M r.V".. K-'M IT, .".S.JPlA uon blocs lulophoti" Ml rosidsacw lei phous black lil. i.tsih 'I'Alh, Piiv fli'UNS. PRU. keyes A ki y. Offl. . o.ii- block wast ul bo WD Stotv iK. LYSli K. Bi.AKBSi.BE. GHBUN1C a;, att (oss stid dJasass m wuoen tnt. .1.'. " aateraii.t Ma.n Cetidur ATTORSaYj AKTfcK A i.LY. ATTctRNKYB Al L . Oft" !D :. bsufc H ... ! ..t.N .V lA'vCfcl.l.. ATTOUNKYd AT Law kuuS' ll AwclaiiOB Uiotk t't'Udie wu. Oregon. T.G.HAII.fcY l.AWYKR. UPaTICB IN ludd Huii't'tu Pvudit'luu. Ufvgou. BBUBLBT Al r.'KNEY AT UW 001 II A"" a.ltlli BiOCk i, 0 BOTH ATT'UiTaVY AT LAW 111 KU. Al'MK.NKY Al LAW, irsguu. eu. IAMBI A. 1 EE LAW OffTIOl IN IX OH it'., bug. ST1LA.MAM A PIEU' E AT roBNBYB .uiau uaa Ueeti aduillte.1 In id ntaiv palou' ottlcaa an'i I l'ai.:u. ioiw Roooi. 10, I.. maa-'. ii.: i. .) U aad j Assoc! ASKS AM. btOKIBi. 1UE 1 AKUCK'n BANE OK WBSTON, ss -.-atou rv-.u im a (uuvra. baull.i. i uiiuea. gxcitsttgv Bough' and aold Om promr-li; sllvn leJfi Affair, is tun. I el e.iu' 'I1.I...0L an.' .. r.purte.1 jimh n las eitlgsiioL .ummittae oi rsspoattbit clussn. Offi-cn K lameauu prv.idaDt. Ouv o Kroebt-.u. etce prasi'tta: ; t. 3 IVani cssklt" .' R ki.irore untum csaolsr; direo'.-r - A Usriiasu .it a Jobua. T. J. Price O. 1 ' r kli.tor- Rotair-. Jam saou d ss pwooaOtl HUeT NATK Na:. hANkOls ATHENA Df OguL spita. o. ll i.-nua and p.-oOU t.siX. lutarssi ot liar deposits Dial, to oroigB ate' loiaesti. etcbsnac OoUoi -.Ion. promptly v.umded ,o Ueurr C. Adtsjas pres IdsOl T J liirt rr . president ; g L. oar . all- g nameti assi.tsut KIKdT NATION A.. PAN B OK PBNPLB lei. Capita. ri..0Ub .urpiua lau.uuu I rau a M teuera. bautiut uuaiu at gxensus tad nlsgtaahu '..-antler, so.d ob Cbicago. Bsc :.. e.u Nes York aud nriuclBSl tHnnls lu S raw n ou CC.ua .'spa-i tod ki. ui afate. oillectioo. ou rsastousb.r wrni Le: Aiiteur prealdent W r Matlwl i presideut; C B Wad., ussaisr H. C eaeruss; t-ai.Usni ctsshtat I'Ht HKNPLBTON bAYlNUb UANB Hendietou orxrgon lirgaulsod Marco 1. 1SBV; -apita. g-tj.gu.' aurpiu. taMaj lateras'. si- ': n t'.oi. luBOSill Ksobauge bought ami anid on all iinneipai puinw Special al toatiuh iet. u. u..i tioaa W. J. gurultb. president J g I. a. vicvprst'doDt ; T. J Mi.r-.i Lathis' ABChlTgCTs ASP U IL DgRS . HOWAKU, ARCHITBCT ANP BU Bl ..atndeut. anaso. complete and reliao.. ...a: lor b'lKdlag. in Us city or uountry ' .'i. i ' bulldiug -.HttK i GOlaB, OOMTBACTOBS AMI) bulidon gttimoio. lurui.bod on abort ao ii .irt a .pac taltv Prompt service '...op uti B.uff .-.rw-t nasr afaia airaat U A. MAY, OUNTBAiTOR AND "VoMurtb. bull let fcatimata. luroisbed uti all SlO'lt ol ,i UOBStt oaaunr; csmsat salsa, aloue waila, olc. Or- dieioi r v e-nli a . SSBTtSTS. B. A. VAfUHAN UBNTIUT. OKKK'g In Judd Rul.diug B. A. MANN DENTIST. IN AOHOOIA uoi Biuca o.er I. U. C'loplou a MILTON b. MBTSLBB, OBS'TIST. BA .tag. Baut Building HI PES, PgLIb AND JUNK. VOIJ CAN OBI rMB M10MBST MAK- tet price lor your nidaa. p-lU ,u,i u giuds ul luuk. sui.'b at mbuer, bra, copper, lead. uu uoioea irou oi all aiuda s ptcialty Y'ou cao bring lu ti i.onls worth of I ""1 of abip lu fcut worth ol lodas aud will , la.- treated lb llie aaiue Way We have come uerelo.ksr i.lnw. Call aud you will be aan.nel. L ribaok m Co , omo aud wane bouot next u, Raatern Hole. Pnudleloa, 're I ciepbouc Red 11 I'KHOLbgHat NOTlCg U at there will be so annual tbolder. uf ti,' kaat Oraao iiapauy on ss . .luesilsy. Da O ''lu.:k L. Di mI tri..m.... nt ..... I, lAJ. ald ooatpaiiy. u Peii.llstou, Oregon, for tbe purpo oi electing Offlcaitt lor the eli.ulug lv?.ut,Kj'lCli"' "-''"bt. BROP w :. AStCKl.v Scretary. Bw7nO .NOTi QB NOT1CI U HI. til. BS given tost ob tbe jrl day of bc-c . . i isi. IB Ibe Clll Of Heud.clO.. I BaUiUa COUUtf, ('re gou. anelecliun will he h.ld fsr ouy oMeet. uainc .nc mayor .uc couaciluisu irom eav:b aard lu aarse for lour yaara oue treaa fi which tktotto will M aold at k o'clock "tt li .. outioue Until & IU tut -alicbMib of aaid day baled tni. stb d'. Ol. November. Ij.. J g BKAM. RecoMei koTICg UK fcl..:i ipiKBS I K.M'LKlUN KIKt l'-;bar'....n, .-...... .. bersb gi.ut, thai an nectlol, will Or nel'l l,y lb. I'eudTetou fire i a 'ftaent lor the folloalug uauied offK er of beccmocr. Haul, in the eel the boura ol T ovemSer. I A) I BtAU. Kecordef. Peudletou. oragoo. bated thi li b day a J Oil The East Orooonian io eastern Ore son s reproaontativo paper. It lead? and the people appreciate it and ahow t by their liberal patronage It io tbe aovertisinu medium of tins stvctiom. run Chu-ago rartlaad Spwia! ri1) t. m via Hum Salt Uk " it. lUStoi, Atlantic ntic 4alt La, IMi W orth i w.Tth. ao Oho. SI f.u. W,na Wai. Uww Fa.t Hall p..UnW...T,5 I i.ia. m .is Spekaus an. M.nsZST.' t $oMmm, I k(kesn and River ScfcjT" I l'"KTUiI, - "p m aUMWjSqP PM Daily I'llHli- 9 dajr Columbia. Ii..r suni I) IU 1 wto,i tad allj. lan.Ha . WiiiaoMtinLriw -( Saturn It tt. Oaib ex. Htm. lav ... -j . . . I'. a. m wi.ni. limn T Isadia ""sss 1 a 11, Tue. and UndlB gJ Ok iliamotio sai tto I..,-. !i,r- -rot. .'Itj.U.jtoc SAM and Sat . . w , r..a.iT ' W' a. t L'avs Kiparia 101 a m llSllT Snak. ii.tr It UaaW lk p. r AMsUY.Aj-a Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway foCarieoso, st Haul. He Loo 1 ii. ItT, Mi. Jog, Oniaiaiat K Piiints East and Sooil I'ortUod aad porno on thr Sound K!TgBIIt t . .. Laar. Walla Skin M I last ' M pa; am. Tsail i am at'.i. an. . K ll. mil 1 las. telUt I nips ttaal r- . ... alu aa Mas v .1 am : -.untune :il aa. iiiun refaidusj MS M sbm r ulilrtM S, Alia k aas. A K AkpthHtAl) a.r.A Wall Sails. Seat KINS Hull man Slecpian Can 1 I .uit Dining (sn. 1 mrM sleeping Con r pail MINNlUWtll Ul'LlTH KAhtHi ni okaKD POJ i HoOKlfeJS WIXNEfW HELENA ai BlTTt TflUstXIGB TICKET I HH AGO WASHINGTON PHlLADKLfHlA NKVN VORK BOMTOJ am) all MoSM EssttMSoS . e-a u Jatst sM OjtJ t ..h .... . ...a N'ortaoia BIS ! aad Am. Mean lis TlOk SCgL i.auaaa StllT ttaO in;ui." '-"" nia ?Tla " All? alorru r Too Only 1'lsce yoo tss I A Lunch m Imported Soitt LunUergcr Cbe' Imported doub Stout Porter, Sek Alias TME MAZBPPA rmm rrmt rtttA0 5 belt" M SS Vm&2 1 i PormPrS Cltft i-sclty.la- rkMir asiik.ngsd W j gloar. OU" ssd. SMtOM baa ,0 mm mtW nimrin grB u i - ao M 00af Uaaraaua. SawgS c.aa.1 ' -SSSS LooVv Jm