r s. 1 I KIUY. NOVIMUKK 1SJW and Children's We are showing a very strong line of Missi s- and Children s Siicics and have a large assortment at all prices and our welts and turns are the best to he had. You will tind it will he to your inter est to see us hetore huving your children's shoes. Cleaver Bros!; BREVITIES. las. A. Howard. Farm loan. H.'iiitl & Howard, fire Inaurum-e liuataeas la txionitiia at the St. Jje more. RetaBSS' lulk mustard, the finest cm Um market, at Domott's. Salt flan of ull kinds lust reo d ut I minse: & Son's. Prt'i . nun.-, meat. read ( . (nmllN use. Try It. Domott'r. Crauberrks. Scotch oats. bananas, all kinds mushes at Hawley's Fur Karments at redured prices at 1'ieuvvi Ilros Dry Goods Cash St, .re D ' mad poultry of all kinds ut F. s Youuk I' Son s. Nleest it. the . ' I' Sun, lay niitht Boer wj.r srenes. ("in em 'toKrapli Theater C'ciurt Street New Spanish' bull Merit tonight Oiu "tnatiiKruph Theater I'L"! Court street Special prices on furs at OtMvei Hros.s Df) Hoods Company's Cash more. Twenty pet cent, discount on ek eta. capes anil Indies furs. St JOe store. Wanted a woman to do K'in' ., housework. Apply at H. T. JOUWOD -residence. Jackson street, north hi Of rlrcr. Jus: received al the "Stauduv.. Grocery" some choice New Yon buckwheat (lour, corn meal. Ne Knglaml bulk maple syrup and crar lerTlea. if ou are in a hurry for your groceries, order of K. 8. Younger v Sun who will deliver purchases within IS minutes. When you see It In then ad. it la ao. Kural Spirit. 1'ortlaud: Simpson a Hellnmn least ui the Irvlnnuui ra- traik. In this city, have c.nu out with tie- announcement that Mini! rent will be tree Irom tin.- iIun .. lu I, ISSI In dolni: thl they are in hopes oi bnng.ug quite a numb stable here lo le trained this wtnti-t Heppner Gaette June f- Hurt Iih purchased the Interest of II J. Mat lock in the gfOCOTy business lormerl." ouilueteil under the firm MUM "' du'liMl. a Matt Mr Matlock tutl soM an interea to Hut., lllake. The in-v firm will known a Hart A lllake. The social at Lalk Hall Weiln -.-uay evening by the Pioneers of the I'acitic was a vert nu uffan Th- indulged in dancing and plays besiji naviug a spread. Only the EMM ban participated hut next Friday eeuin:; the 15th they are to give a grand Dull iii the same hall to which ever) midy are Invited At bedtime I take a pleasant herb mnk, the next morning I feel brlsht and my complexion la hotter. My doctor says It acts gently on the stomach liver and Kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. It la made from herbs, and is prepared as eaaily as tea. It la called Lane's Medicine Lane's Family Medicine mores the nowels each day Price 25c and For sale by Tallman & Co.. sole agents. Stove oilcloth ntgK nt Unlet k T of 0. vs IVndletnn. Nov. 13. Acconleottfl nnd concertinas. Nolf s t'unstniit ly reielvlnn new goods al the St JOC store QtiUl delivery and clean groceries ;s Wbefl f S, V mi tiger Son shine Tl" pfOMr stllfT The I'Um 'hoe lat' I at Koeprsn BrOI ' drug store . Bpai lal in)' tight tonight Oln rymatcgrnph Theater '.'13 court street Sutiiliiv night. Boat war scenes. Cln emetosrapli Theater. Ill Court street The Kiist Orcuuulan will pay cash roj risen . often ragl delivered at fh office A great lll Ivrrel of fresh siiue, kraut, lust received at F. S. Younget A- POI I Coneoi l nuiK'-ats. tokayf ami mirniachan grapes, fancy pack at Hawley's ll is ili. talk of the town how quiets- l r B Youngei & Son deliver their grc tics . old rubbish to show you. rnih lug but gea UftOHlatg stuff, at tie St. Joe store. For sale, WO tacki f potit.es nt 11 pet hundred lbs. S mm.'' fieefgi Hotel eastern. (;' ,i tr,-. chaaci on the IfO.oo iru nt Radar's turnlturt store. In th Mas. mi. building. Sharp has re. ,ie.i u fan. v un. m picture mouluiag ami mat bord is Call and see them. It vie, v. ant tin Pest goods ami tateet styles foi tin least money, truth nt the St 4ea store. F. T Wiuli has a resilience propert; in rVadletOB for sale. This Is a sie. Inl narifain set htm. Tin limigla.- shoes and the tie-. (real- lasts for ladled All leathev ami 3.5n. Boston Store. Mori HMO s overcoats lor nu li lu small sizes. Tin- new thing Bette get oti at the Boston Store. Warm underwear, direct from th' tuitoiN. ion will have to tin-- am: get w ur m at the Boston Store Athenu Tress A T llrewer. of - lain lias ptirchasi il to ill a . a re frail tnrni nenr Freewater. Foi the latest style and loves; pil. i's In fur goods see (.'lever Bros lrj dooils ( oinpan s Cash Store. It you want a real nice box of candy UMTS ;s only one place In the city t get it. that Is at Candy Button's hun the I'l-yeui-ohl son of Mr and Mrs Jack Webb, died at their honn at Bcho. at T 16 last venlns of dlph therlu . aheap man bring illilfti n sheep from ui- (0 the feed vnnl of vi goltm lo be vcr n.'tter engage yon-s Standard QfOCery La. Our Story Books We keep our liMk in the gallery in our stote, and desire that all patrons Is- ut llbertv to DOOM and take their time iii looking at the liuiuiredn of volume we keep in siis-k Our st.s k lui just liwi. reiii'or.ed by the following titles, listed accord ing u their popwarttyi The rials I'ri and 1 The Kterual City Bight of Way lileuiierliaMM'tt Helmet of Navarre I'lie l'upel ( row li Idke Another Helen Tristsui if Hieir 'l'rutli liexter Ifben Holden tcl.oughliii and old itrgou All of Mil Yilicemm Churetiil Baohtllri Hul Oaiue (Bllierl Barker Pidgin Bunk,. Muci truth Hon,,; Uo IftsCaJ i - fc'vu lyi riiouip-"! . s) s S) S S) S S) S v TALLMAN & GO. J migpsta, .Wain tieet. E Boeftehe li i head tin mountain ro toduy. As turkeys c an I you had now. at the pheax Main 99. , llerfiiii Atk.usoti Iiu.- nun has.. I ant hah oi lots I and !'. In him-k I Arnold ami Baley s addition from I ieh. mp. nr lli'iin. Tin Gun Club of La Grande an pi parmi; is. give a live liirt! shoo- on Tiiant sgtvuiK Some ot I'endletonV sportstueti w I' ,i lend. Ileoanal Qaaetta laist week J. H. McHalev sold lo l.eei Bain, oi Ham I hoe UM head oi exceptionally line ewes at i ". per head Mrs. In Miller has nought two h.t. in I.lvernion addition to the City ot Pendleton, ami will build oa them. Tin price pun! was $loe each RierylWag you need to make you. iiuii.e un a o: finest ipiallty Oram: peeling, citron, seeded raisins an 1 weal apple cMer, at 4emott's ! r. lielte- ( hurles Stanton is 'In tltb of an action tiled with tin i-ountv clerk t int. niorniiig toi tin col let not. of $! on a promissorv note Ptaejeen el PaeMe win give u mam! ball Frulav Nov 15th In 1-aliow UBflli Hul! Klrkman s on-hestra verybottv nvlteil Tn-keis 7" cents Beppaer flaielle it I wnght lust weel sold to Mi (leer Son ST.. lambs at lJd per head I M Chapmai. sold to the same patty 11"" In-ad at the same price. Madam Fry. clairvoyant urn! card reader, specializes in love affairs mur riaaet ami divorce. Tells how to he uceeggful it business affairs Boom io. Strahon's Bespain block "Read ilig .'e rents S S Hamlll ami daughter. Miss Mintiii HaaUlli win iiu.' un avaatai o. poetl. mill SllUheSpeureUll impel loaatkiw at tin ' lesbyterian cburob Monday evening November Uth. K.-miin.- i..-gii a' " .. lo. s Adnus slon cents W.-stor I ggtdei Tin- new Ron al School i. Biding wa sin . .-ssfuilv h.-at- d througho'it vesterday tin hciig started in the boiler tor the tirst time l ather.- plasterers, and paiutern are a' worn ami the building in hasten., v tow Hiti - onplotioa. .lames Curtis the mun win, has ueea on tn streets ioi the past wean bedecked with budges and who car ried I guitar most of the UBS under I his arm was anested in a bawdy havee la-.' areata! (et raising a rUa I un bun. ami ordere.! to make u OjNtal I exM from town. Vreeaaa Ueadei in Best run. i . purehaaad from Ouj MeBrooai, of I'eiidlHton. a superb young stallion . tal black in . .hoi umi strong and shupeh in build Moreover, ne Is as ptntk am! pluytul as u kitten. He 1 tine . .i. Innn c ny those who have seen i, in. a; his stall iii Bhillips' barn The horse is an Kngllshshlre on In., -.ears old -et welghiug nearly IfdU pounds M,-.- Saral. Ann Kuggiei, wa.- Uim-ii irom in.- overland paaaauer tram this uiottiiug in u . ondition oi niTMtus proetratioe aad is ut the Hotel Pea lie ton uadei tin cure .n In William lou. Mi.-..- liuggl. .- a.- ei. route ion, I'ortlaiul to a home to elderly uiani.-n ludn-- u, oolisix ket Mass.. and was taken 111 on the train Sic Is i) Bits ngaiisil with Peadleton and . Ogftaaplatea remaining here and not going on to tin east. This afternoon ut a late hour she was resting quit eaaily. Wrench ' which Hum Halt, n of wretu h of the eels alt others can be adjusted was patented by wu :rant i ,mnt This "monhaj " family. In practical use It to no si " nut In n i loec pla.-e with one hand. Is powerful direct and Mild as an iron ' at It rail bC released from position on tin nut with ease end Is free frrtre all it tlefectl and shortcomlnas f the ordl nary monkey wrench PERSONAL MENTION hotel last lawyer ot Hotel Ben (jt-ortii hwuHgurt of ileppuei wuo is 111 lowu is . III. in Pel of the firm nt Item & Co ot Waukesha Wis mun ufai'tiiiers of the celebrated Clutch failles Winti rs of Walla Walla Is in the city c I Qay lead, of Walla Wain wjm at the St George Inst niKht I f Rhea, a plumber ot Bortlaiul - registered at the St George hotel W I Bond, ol Athene was regis tared at the Golden Bub- night R I Co) i prominent be Grande, is registered al dtetoa. BeKe Mat new - has been tin apaeitat ad the past week from an attack ot miliaria. v Wilson and ..obert lackson art registered at tin St Georae from orth Yakima Wcslev Matlock begins the con structlon ot a residence in West Ben .lleton MX! Monday Head Consul Fulkeubui c ot the WoodOWB of the World, will be in this city the 27th 'nst William iioldman was down irom V.lanis yesterday ami disposed oi h mi. ol I -i.nnn sacks ol wheat Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Schmidt aim dauchter, Blanche ot Bumpter were a- the Golden Hub- last night T F toward the urcl lteii Is In Heppnet looklag after the oomtme" UOB ol the Odd Fellows DMlMIl which In drew the plans. Athene Preee Mrs. L L Mob tague. of I'etulletou is visiting at tin home of her parents Mr and Mrs S C Stunton. near town i N Roblnsoo on Monday will etan the Bein lleton Business Colleue Mis assistant is John S I'arkins Tin ollegi will he In tin l.nBow building Jack McCarten, who has been at tin hospital In I'ortlaiul with n broker, arm Is back at his old position as switchman In the O It A- N yards in this city Mr W G Colt will bOild a bricl bnlldlni on the lot recently purehaa ad oi K I' Marshal on Main and at-1 st i oppoolto tht Hotel Pes lletol. l Heum Is iii tin- city from Stage Gulch He says that our local sports tin i. can find plenty ol (0000 In that neiL'hliorhois! In n short time S.- era! bands ha' already been seen hen Miss Pearl Smith stopped In town reetenlay evening on het wu 'mm Pin Dalles Where shi has been leurtl itik. the milliner trade to Helix, when MM will visit her parents. Mr. it ltd Mrs L 1 1 8mlth Heppnet Gaette Mis K. F ti Villi in coat pa ay with her brother g. B lajebee, oi Florida who has beea vis itlug hen lor Minn- time started Fri ,u morning for Florid:'. Mrs. Hy.ul will stav it; tin south .luring the win ter. Mish Turn Short was ejected irom th 0 It A- N. train this morning DWlni Ut an altercation vegaidlug her right to take a cat Into tin I'ulliiini sleepei Mies Short will reetahl here. haviuu abaiulotied her plan t I go to aicago Baker City Herald Fred It. Mellls who had charge of the Oregon mineral xhlblt ut the Bun Amen, un Kxposi tlon at Buffalo returned home this moratni well pteaeed with tin egpoal tmn and particularly so with the Showing made b Oregon Athena Bress Rev. G W. Rlghy a up from I'endletoii yestenhiy Mr Bighy Is known lo be one of 'he most Burner, republicans it iae count) ad doee nm bsellali to pratrialBi thut ll Would like to Vote lot Stepln I Low !! ioi governor Of OiegOB Alfred Winters. n! !y Valll i num ountv wus in Peadktin y. terttaj Mr Winter,- hi., lust -oV stoel ranch in the ."alley cnnsltlng of a section and a half tor Shnnu r left hi the evening for lat Gran At arnen in- nu a bnmi of cattle to win ler. Conductor W H Kelaa) who has l.i-i'i iiinmng between hen and lluiii ingion leaves tonight for an extendi ri ttir-.ugi; Kun.ne. am! .vlll viilt his old honn in Seu.-u He will In gom about three mouths F I. f'nj seintali will tain Mr Ui-ih- n i run until In returns (iur- Waiters, win. liut I u lay operator tor the o k it N compan in this .lt. left yestentuv ioi Nortl: row in-, wnere n takes tin- place as igent .1 W Keliey loruierl nigh' operatoi tukt his place and !' V lesse lornierlv ol the Illinois Cell irul takes the piuce ot night op.-rutoi Mrs Wult.-r accompanied him i. then new home T C Ben! propnetoi ol the ''.in Hernial Hotel in Adams, was in Pen dleton yesterda) Mr Henl says thai Aiiums i, enjoying a healthful grow'h than belllg several Hew dwelling! under course ot construction besidt several new bueiaeoo enterprises Starting and there is a much giea'et ileniumi for hous.- than can be sup idled I Huuill! a wulel) known tench r: iii .-in, uiion ami ins iiuu.Tnier .viiss Mirtale lamill oi ( hnago uavt- been in Pendleton for a week They are mai.ing a loin oi the . ountr) Mr in umi bus hud pupils bo guim-d ua IkNMl lam. from his instructions am. un: them William J Bryan who ,o- Pendleton people know is a muster of tin- an oi publn speaking Mr riamiii ami nis iiuiignter will give un evening of pocti. rei-iiutiotis -inn Shakespearian unp.-i SOMtkMS ut ths Preebyteriag church nail Moo da) . w-ning a Bakei City. Is In the cltv Mr Hen dry 1ms Just returned from Walhi WhIIb. when- he placed his father. N llendrvy. who has been living on a farm in Columbia count) . and has been 111 for the past year. In the New Walla Walla hospital Mrs Hendiyx who has been visiting with his sis taf, Mrs James - Howard, will ac i ompany her husband home this even lag. W G Swaggurt. a Heppnet business man. is lu the city visiting his brother inlaw William Matlock Mr Swag gart savs thnt Heppner Is ii lively town and several new business booaei are going up. nmong then flu Odd ('.'Hows' hall, and Huberts a Keener'! business building which arc both K inn built ol brick Hi savs that Hepp DOT now has very close to '.'nun poptl latlon CLOSE FOR FOOTBALL (UMfc BUSINESS MEN ENCOURAGE U. OF O. -ACADEMY GA M t Allow E-r-Etrugcl' a"1 Co So' On the 13th. Thev Will ployes to Wltns ss tbe the Gridiron. The following btelaeee bnuej have signed an agreement to . Ins tli lr hooeee on the 18th, Wednieday, that employes ma attend tie foot bill! guttle between the 0 of O ane I'cll.'lc ton Aeadegi) Tin Boston Stove The Beoples WarelioilP. C R Button i. Baastkei it Alexander Hawlej Bros U Martin II J Stlllmnn. Ralph C Ward William Krassi I Pendleton Bhoe Hnet - Haley Huk.'t .v- Folson. !' S Younger - Cleaver Bros Golden Rule St. m The Fntr Ston H H Wessel Prederlob Noir w w. Batton. I .! Murphj Charles c Shar, wiliinm Ooedeoks W .1 Clarke a Co OWl Tea House Carl Weisert W K Withe. Maple Bros Wukelield ti Failing Parr Rouaer, A 1 1 Thomson. Stundurd Qf 000! I Co i A Smith Lyons Mer.untlii ci I W Brlvett. Cleaver Bros Dr Goods I. G Frazler. i.in,..- Crawford Chris Knnlev Frunk Ikiwnev S.-hwarz ti Greulich T. C. Taylor. W I I Feehtel V, Stroble H I. Hasbroucl Oliver A- Co Cc FAKE HAIR PREPARATIONS Do Hi da. llec USI tanti naklng llfeleea ti ubli . as- as it No Good. But Often Caus It to Fall Out. hair preparation an- "fake' they un merelv scalti Irrl- rin-v oft! i. cause u dryness. the hair brittle and. finally Iiaudruff Is the cause ot all with hait It is a germ uis Tin- germ makes cuticle settles digs tn the root of the hair, when- sfroys the hair's vitality, causing the ttiUr to fall ott To cure dandruff the g'rni musi be killed. "Destroy tl cause you remove the effect." Kewbro'i HarpleMe is the oni hair lureparaUoa that kills tin daminiff gi rn tnerehj leaving the hair to grow lu viir.untly. Don't Have Cold Feet Wlieii you can prevent it lv wearing a pair of our Warm Lined Shoes. We also have a line assortment ut Fall and Knitted Slippers in all colors ior ladies and children 646 Main St. The, P.. die, ton Bh Co. Am lip to date Repair Shop in coaosvOon wtta our aUMW. People Here for a Day. I'lesident .Marshal llouaer of Bori laud and guperinteadeal J F Batcl. elder .secretary of the Portland Btrwi I Railway company are in the oM tc utteinl tin uiiiiuul meeting of tie Standard Qold & Copper Mining con nan vhjaa i to be ut the law oJkw Ol Secretarv L B Heeder. at 2 o'clook this uficrnoon The object of th" meeting is to did uiti urs and trun. act other busln,:ss thai may conic un Itertaiiiiug to th inter. . - of the . on. patU whlel is -omitoai J mostly ot 1 al men Phe propert) of tnis ton. pany Is located in th? 'gv'e Creek country, Grant .ount-. , ml sl ows rarj piomiNiug returns for those later sated Secretary Boeder says there out. uiicmH been IKil worth ol ip vulopiueul work doae and that several veins have tieeu lapped ieuving an eatimate of something like $100,000 worth ol ore in sight Thev expect lo have a smeller in operation on the property it, two weeks A lot of Weimar 'hina that in e.uiaite. This iu something out of the ordinary MMMkhing we are proud to show vou. Also a tine line of vanes and mantel deeora- kioni. Come, if only lb look. Owl Tea House I Ray & Co., Uuy sod sail Stock:, Horidea and Grain lor ossb ur siu suttgiu Now York 5tock bxchange Chicago Stock Hxchange. Chicago Board ol Trade. THE NEW The Most YORK WORLD Widely Read Nrwspspr In America. kaa .niliollMtriltcil that alon 1i ill . i Itteaaa. Wilflil I tat 11 Hi , " m. Other paper, have Imltat ,., nS lorn, hut not Its hucc.-is I DM - It ,..1Im nil t ie lie III! IH iieciiiin. i, . ,,allv tcll II lllll'li' -.- lie political 01 inn met almost um wekl) mm you " be without It. !, .i. niocriit alikt . . . VccK Worm won absolute confidence m hi addition to news i. Pbllahea llrs. class serin! Stories "; "' ; teaturee suited to the home and tire- The rhrlee-aWeeg World s reffttlar subacriptles mice is ay W per am! thh pays tor i ei" .- Dtrwapwpvi gonlan lo the time nnd u bethel tlml neWS ci-wise It is 111 nt the price ol I not afford to Itepiiuiiclltl renil the Till n e ear We offei th.s unequaiien ami tin- weekly Baal On gather for I" --. m rs in tioii i nt that istiiiK between Want I uivorce. Loe lee F. Ipeai ei has tii".i bh with cierk ChamhertalB pray th. lotiils ol mainmonj hereell end ( banes n, Spencer be dissolve.! iisid nun " givon tin rhatod) ol thelt one-yearold box sin- alleges m her romplalnl thai her husband has failed to proVldi Wl her BUppOrl foi the his' six or elglll months and that in addition 10 this ha incleis to spend Ills tinn and mono) with fast women in plac milium tint: Slid BtBSflilg Will hi'l' wi n mai rli , in this olt) Jannar? I mi Petal Weal is attorney plaintiff Heppner ftaaette 1 P weir, Uayvllh nm . based Hon hem! lambs from aittl Patterson for per head .latues Stevenson boll Sri" head oi 084 and two-venr wethers rotn F M Filter for an avet urn ot I." per Mend .lames rnmeroti has sold sev to 1 1 Henn "l0t thtt GOLD OUST f rna sfoTyoZi b s.iii kftrr I I GOLD DUST maKe tne pans ann kouiss cisan ana nnght It dati thi wwlr I better than soar and in much loss tunc "wasa gs You save half your labor when y-u: use GOLD DUST. It i th u I foi s-i best cleanser. It cleans overvthmg and injure? nothing. OroMribs s I H "Send tor our FREE booklet "Goldn Rule t.v Houwork I THE N K t A1HBANK COMF AN',. ciuco. Si. Uuu, Yort I o lihalBMHBSBBBSiBaBBgiaBSllgalHgVB ual hundred head of OWl sjsgtgtgtgeeaeseaagsa) gegaageapaaaaga i OnenedJ Bless tlK' Babies too Then- li nothing o.u.M to them -" we hu the lest and pretUfltl blmes we can nell them chea find We though and have them in prioo from $1 BO down to 86o a pair. BoHM very at tractive blue and pad tuiec. Peoples Warehouse Feetfitter.s. SMsnasasMMMWwy ST. JOE STORE. We bave just received our tliinl ihipment tin I season of New up-to-date Dress Skirts Out pretty st ios i net low pticel have i;oo, U this fall Riven us an 'inn- n , large s.iic ol these FOB ONE WEEK A cash discount of no per m DO ladies Jackets. I lap !i and Fur New tioodi 'nu will tind Styles Mid 1'riccs Right hp vou aiwav- do at thii itore, Retnembet the iari;"si stuck tn ki.k1s in Irom ami prices muirauteeii the lowest. th e county to selec: LYONS MERCANTILE CO, Prepare for Thanks giving By netting iie i' our new style diniii; rofim st-t. Theal arc of ohoioe dtlign and finish, solidly matle and arr oflwaj at a prios lower than ever before forsuob sujienor goos. Just Loos at them, they are worth it. even if vou don t tend nnrohtsinc. Our new shinmenti include MM i LTade ikivhI I it's . nne in in v hoar niul net a rntll CHANCE on the $50.00 premium. Corner Maui and Wehh streets HflfiEi's M. A. RADEB, The Columbia Lodging House KBWLl H KMSHKU HAK IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OF BLOCK BKT Al.lAaWKllHKl'H F. X. SCHEMPP. Prop. A complete line ol Stationery and hooks School hooks and School supplies Canes in all styles . FRAZIER THE STATIONERY MAN Nee line ol ral Cutlery. R" etc. Newaadlf" flcsiens ID itlUt goods, pocket basal purses, cart cn Combs, btwl 'art Blr mi. LOANS on WHEAT LANDS rwucetMiFT khpAistiNu l io. in our aas, W.- itiin'i . .irtr ersckssud dmecu Willi duu ii pAiut Dx IhlDn nsui, mmi hn watfon luav. our .i,.,p Hi iiilijod ti,. a , ,i " ,. than . rlgi. " T, Our Car Load of PIANOS! oioss out as 1000 as possible in order to make woo for another ear in trannit 1'ianus are being sold at surprisingls low P"ces to suint- ol the leading cituens of this ectioa Do not delay Retting a piano at once as you net the l.arga.n of y our life if you bu tins montc Sold on tiasy Time Payments. Almost fcvery Hivh tirade Piano tade to Choos rrea Wakefield & Failing & . . ,. . .it.. tuii. Oref Court Street, La Dow blk. Pendleton. Mil) NEABLE BROS. THE At lowest rales H T Hwurtryx a onniDK man of J. K. DICKSON, Bast Oregeedaa BMitding, ecudielou, OroKMU French Restaurant cosy noons Well Lighted and sun, Heaixl. Best 25 cent Meals In the City. W M Y v ret at inurst p V H(M THS Hoine ( ii i ii.i-i .i iv rnmAM Vou vet Will build you a home tor W ll 'A t VOU I,u' I ae l ...BS.50 oar Month EXTRAS Frog Leg Ijiern anil Oyaumj. l.viupiu W Ki'iiuti yuu Hi mm un fsmi lusirlCKtfr mini: iu any ! lu , Un) I r bur .si,. i Kiv f, " auu s muullia k m it Uiik til lb rate o(ft So wr in.tiitli niuiout uiiareat lu c ol UMlli or illublllly cli ftMl will be KlVBU nlri-ie! i!ivMtliloa courlod i Atfuiil R. A. UOltK, HtMidietoa, Ore. vvuiiwm! KvurywUurv. OPEN DAY and NIGHT QUO. LA FONT A IN, Pros Help or Situation Wanted. C F. Cook's Employment Agency Ooruar Maiu and jAltaJJtnmt. PKMiLKTON OKKOOH from us. in i 5teek el COAL WOOD, SAND & BVa as.- I I MH"" Laati