East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 08, 1901, Image 4

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    k stm. ,n.-ioth niu. t h T VV'AS PRETTY PARTY 1 ;'"""' ' m... vir s i wfirA i okimi.- i aw
1 I , .11 th. uiatt.-i Sal.l Mr (illlllati.l I Vg
t'1 lWvAw
and Children's
W.. ..... l : -
... sni'n ink a very strong
line ot Misses' ami Children
8H(i.-v .m.l have a larpe assortment
at all prices and our welts
uiruv ,ir. the iK-st to be had. You
will fad it will be to your inter
egt to gee us before buving
children's shoes.
Cleaver Bros
Jan. A. Howard. Farm loans
'(tnll A. Howard. fire Insurance
Hiisini'ss in booming at the St J .
tfataaea' luill, mustard, the finest Ol
tlx market at Itemott's.
Salt ilsh of all kind Just rmivnl
at V, S Yoimuer & Hon'a.
Prepared minee moat, ready r-n
tamlly ime. Try It. DetnottV
'iberrka. Scotch oau, banana
all kmdf .' mushr at ttawlcy s
lur uarmentK at reduced prlcch a:
' "leaver UroH liry (iooda Cash St,. re
im ed noultry ot all kinds ut f, s
Voungi r Hon'a. Nicest it the city.
(Juii 1 delivery and clean groceries
! where V. 8. Younger & Son shine.
Wanted Table hoarder at :lf-' Oat
den atreet : $4 per wNk. Mra. A.
Special price on fur at OttgAei
Hros.s lr Oood Company 'a!
Twenty per cent. dicount on -ek
eta, cape ancl ladle fur: St
.Mr. Hoac C'amphvll. the mllliiiei
will close out her stock of street hat
within the next ten days, post lv l
at cost.
Wunted. a woman to do geMra
housework. Apply ut H. T. lOUMOtl I
resilience, Jackson street, north si 1"
of river.
.lust received at the "Standiin!
Grocery" some choice New Yorl
Inn kwheat flour, corn meal. N'ev
KiiKland hulk maple syrup and cran
If you are in a hurry for your
groceries, order of F. 8. Younger ;
Mn Who will dellvei purchasi'i- wltlin
15 minutes. When you see It In tlMll
ad. It la so.
The homliest man in Pendleton M
well aa the handsomest, and others
are Invited to call on any drugghit
and get free a trial bottle of Kemp h
Hainan) tor the throat and lungr. a
remedy that is guaranteed to cup
and relieve all chronic and acute
oughs. asthma, bronchitis and Ml
umptlop Price 25c and 50c. Tor
sale by Tallman ft Co. sole agent
Stow oilcloth rug, at MHder'
Lamps. Ininps. lamp, at Nolf
r. ot o vs Paadtatosv Nov. il.
Pine alliums, toilet MM - Nolfs.
Constant!) recelvtgg new goo.i at
the St lot stoic.
The BmI OrtgonlaD will pay cah
for cleat) cotton rags ilelivered at the
A great all Ivrrcl ol fresh saner
taut, j'lst l'li'tved at F. S. Younger
ft Son's.
Concord. mucats. tokays and
garniachan grape, fancy pack at
It Is lli talk Of tin town how u.ui'k
l I s Younget Son deliver their
No old rabbltb to show you. itotn
Ing Inn new iiptiv-date stuff, at the
St ,loe store.
(iet a frei ham on the l.Vum prl.e
at RgdS
S liar
pi. tun
stoti . In th
i s turnltui'
i .i i i ' i ll ii fancy lm m
nmul i. nt ami mat honl is.
( an and sn tiieni
If yon wan' tie best good and
latent style.- lot the leat money, trade
at tin St .lo store.
K T. Wadi has a lesldence proert;
in Pendleton tot sale Thi Is a spec
lal bargain; see him.
The liouglus shoes and the ne'v
treak lasts lor ladle All leather
I'l and Huston Stare.
.Mon linns own oats ioi nun in
small sl.es. The new thing Battel
gel 0M at tin lloston Store
Warm underweai . direct ironi lie
(sVCtory. Yotl will have to hum ami
get warm at the Huston Store
For the latest style and lowest
prii i in tin goods, see Clever Uros
I uy ttoods Company Cash Store.
it you have not tried a box of The
Palm candies at Koeppen's ilruj. ston
to so at once, thev are the leaders.
It you want a real nice box of candy
there I only one place in the city
tc get It. that la at Candy Mutton's
A turkey ure going to be very
scan i you had bettor engage you's
now. at the "Standard (Iroccry.
pkOM Main N
(Everything yon need to ma I " you.
mlnci meat ot. flncHt ruallt. Oram:
iii elinj;, citron, seeded raislm an I
sweet appli elder, at Demntt
John M. Ha i. a larmei who UvM
eight miles northeast o: PendletOT
sold OVSI '."iii' Mill kr ill wheat Vini.'
day toi ISM i ents per Imsliel. In th'
Aisdaui I 'UlKMiyant am! aid
'.ii' spi I'lall.is in love affairs, mat
fill. aS and dlvureos. Tell how to In
, ii I'usin. . affait.- Uooin
M. Struhon i ' spalr. block.
C (oliuTt was arresii last iiIkii.
and brought lu ion Jmlio Heam tin
morniiik: tor Ih'Iiik drunk and dlsiv
derly The Judge impiwd a Die
-" on him in di fault of v hlch he w ill
sta in tin eitv Jail ten day.
Tie i in-goii Klsli ami (ianu Ak-
in'ioi imlds :- annual business nie. t
lug at Portland on Monday. Nov. 1
Mi. tlo husiiii'ss ot the asMoclat a
IS attended to there will he a mok'
.11. ' .om - '.' : i .i'l' eri-il
J. J. lav na-. old l)i aere ot
111- larm ot; M' K.-.y er-ek to Claries
Isaacs, and I' ucre.- to Chen v 'ii s
ha purchased the A. ' Cu'n :ionn
on lowi " Wehii H'reot :mii w'h uis
lanilly will move to tnv i -o Mtl
thi It home perninnently the close i
th pr- sent wi k
n ii' liiittiiian. deputy llsli ami
gauii warden was in t h- eit yistei
t.i and Hiirprisod out Ioi al butchen
by Infonsiai theni that he was coi
kMrttai fi ItawMM irom each deal
i in null In (In Htale of Oregon Tin
i th u new law and one that tin- dealei-
hen kiiow nothing about. Till
ense goon into tile fund for the prima
gatlon of salmon.
On Thursday Evening. LaDow Music
Hall Was the Scene of a Brilliant
Social Function. With Charrm-j
Hospitality by the Hostesses.
MaadaJBM I'harle .1 Smith B'ld
William II Kowler gnvi n brllllrnt so
clal event on Thursday evening. 10
add to the season's record ol success
nil entertainments It was attenib '
by about loo guest, ami was the oc
aslon tot the dtspto) Ot I'harntti
hospitality by the hostesses Tin
affair took place In I .a I low Mush Hull
which was prettily decorated with
palms ami presented an unusually at'
tractive atipearani e as the guests en
tared, and advanced to meet the ladi
w Iim were rei eivllig 111 line near the
ore nostra plntforn in the north etm,
Hi and Mrs Smith. Mr and Mrs. Kow
ler Mr nnd Mrs Van Wilson greeli d
'heir Kiiests The orcliestrn rafldjONti
t number ot seleitlons befon the
dancing hoKati
It was sharply at 1- o'clock the 1hh
i In in ended, of a program that h.i'l
boon ihorotighly enjoyed by every urn
iireseiit The entertainment va skill
nilly in l onipllshed. the plensine and
rant fori m ul being rarafwlty kwttod
after by the entertainers. The even
um will be recorded as MM of tlM
oieasailtest ever given In Peudletil.
soelety Besides thi Pendleton peopb
w ho attended wi re Miss Hayes o:
Portland MIsh Hracken ol Walls
Wnlla Ml Uosi oi (lakes ol Po
Our Story Books
I gallery Ul
YYe keep our Issiks ill the
our ston- Mini ih-Mrv tliu! all patroiir
lie at liberty to com and take their
'.line in h ikmg at tile liumlretis of
volimies we kei in stis'k
I ill r shM'.k Iimi just ImmIi reinforet;l
by the following titiea, listvd accord
no. d their popularity:
liokiNf i i ro thi ikoi M)
The ( rials
I)' ri aud I
The Eternal City
UiKiit of Way
Helmet of Navarrv
The Puppat Crown
Like Another Helen
Tristan of Blent
Truth iMtxter
ban Holdaii
vtcLouiihliii Hint Old Orgon
All e of Old Vinceline
Hull aim
QUbOfft Parker
Mac iratli
... Boston
Kva !
Dacidsd to Purchase Another Drill-
Are Nov. Finding Hig'i Grade P
troltum Manager Bu&knum Here
From Colorado.
Mauugei Frani. HiuKnum ol Clin
mo Colo ami J II ltolib.ni mayor oi
Busspter , On who wa um pioraot n
of the Navajo (al and Petroleun.
OH company hen met with tin- Pen
di ton nans ben ot the eofpotejttoi at
Carter si Uab-;. - ottlce en Thursda1
alteruoon when It wus d uled to pu
ekaaa ntlisi drill ami alavae it in
Operation at oiii on the lauds owned
In Colorado. They now hue three
drill in operation and DM well Ul
down Jiio leei ami ha v, flow ot ten
barrel- pet day Tile petroleum Horn
this well has been retaed and provei:
to pradliee a better grade of oil thati
the Callioruia oil held Several lo
ul men an- interested in the com
pany and iron, tin report .hey h.t
every reajop to leel flattered over th--Proapeetl
ut large returns in the near
future. Tie property oi the rosipaaj
i loeated iii t.'olorudu
IrujriBte. Main Street.
Modern Surgery Surpassed.
wiuie hiinering roaa pllej. ay
(. t I artei AtluUU. Oa "I got l)e
Witt s Win i. Hazel Salve and war ap
tlreiy cured." Cuts, burns, bruise,
quickly cured lieware of counter
feito Tallman Co. and Brock .:
M' ollltts
K L Coykendall ol Iji (iinmle
In town
W. H Savers Is in town fr n:
i. c Plckeral i. at the si Oeorpje
(fMB Athena.
Ira Krb ot Weston. Is n guest ot the
S' Oeoraji Hotel.
F. lingers oi Athens Is at the
Qotdea Rule hotel
J. J Holstoti Is registered at the
Oolden Hull trom Athena.
Judge Spark and wile " MBXWell
are in tin- ett) visiting frb-n ii
Thomas Kdward ol Willow
Springs was in town vestorday
Mrs Maud Itouml ami Miss Krunkn
CondOOi oi I mat 1 1 In ore p the city
Qaorge roeter, of Qootn Band
Wash is legisfe.e.l at Hotel Pen
N. !l Cottrell ot Pilot Rook n
mi" in. Ins tamlly into BIB on Watel
Prank Helth. one oi .North Vai una s
prominent stoekmen was In Pen Is
tnn yesterday on business
Charles iMirhlh the Alltelopi sine)
man who has he n in town a lew dr
leu this morning hW Portland
Oliver Walkei. who aas been visit
ing his brother it Walki ". .it this
city, left wertiieeilaj evenni for his
home iii Ohio
Louis Monteras"elli rann- lion yes
terday troni Klgn. when he ha been
inurrying stone lor the Old f inv.'s'
bil.hlllig at Hepptier
s II ( alderheail general passengei
agent oi the W ti c K.. at Wallu
Walla was in the city luat ovenlug
in the Interest of his road
A. II Woods and family. '1111' Mr.
Dudley, 01 Athena, passed th oi.gb
Pendleton yesterday ev. mug or their
way to Seattle to visit relative.
H (' Orogg e.-iloput revenue col
I' l t 1 Wulla Walla, was in the city
last night Mr (Srcgg is no.v truvellng
for Schilling k Co.. 01 Sai Fram isn.
Mlaa Ckrapalra Browi ot Kuiumu
soo, .Mich., is aipenteil in PeauUetoe
in 11 lew days to visit hot lornier
h oolite Mis Beta) Boobett sin
may remain paraaaasMtl) in PpaaJal
Miss Sarah J. Springaster arri'.ed
in (own last evening Horn Piscutuipiu
-Me Sin- conies to Introduce a in",
eleitrical appllaiu e which Is said to
be valuable In treatment of adiee
H. J. Taylor, who hvee northeast
ot this eity is in 'own toda nego'i
atiug with the local whent buyers for
the sale oi his wheat He has I
saeks and an he proiMisex to let loose
at tin- prevuiliiiK nrlces
W 11 Hurlburt loriuerly general
passengei agent 01 the O K ti S
now iiresnlent of the Portland Citv
tod Oregon Hallway oiupauv of
i'ortluml paMei through Pemlleiou
thi morning afl route east, where
lie gies to visit hi father. Colonel
1 1 ii-11. i' 01 Hoxburx . Conn
.Miss Violet Ann Huggles is to be
the guest next week Of MiS Jllllett
I ung en route iron, iunkake.
to hKamokawa Wash where she will
remain during the winter Cards an
ait annoiiiii'iiik hei betrothal to Piof
J I. Armstrong ot Skamokawa th
wedding lo occur there next March
lilllllaml. of ri tab took loi ular views
01 the matter Said Mr (iillllaml:
Paupers? Why. there Isn't a pa 1
pet In Cmatllla county. No one It v
lug here ever gets so noor that b
bus to go to the poor house We have
01 1 aslonally n person conic over the
Washlngtoii state line from Walla
Walk) county, and ask for aid from
the court here nnd. In mii h cases, we
. .am lino s assiitue an ntttitiide of lib
el nitty and help the applicant in some
mannei But umatltta eounxy pate
peral such a thing i.. Inpoaaibte.
nveryoue hereabouta is Mlf-aupport'
ins '
County Comiulssioiiei Walker re
marked something about tin cases of
smallpox that were lirouuht into the
Helix neighborhood last year. Mi
Walker bTmeelf coutraetmp tin di-
BPPI while earing tot tin others An
employe of the w a 0 Railroad com
pntiy broke out with BUMl'pox and VII
allowed to run about Walla Walla I
streets Ioi a time and lli n sent here
to be attended ami DUraed at eounly
expense. Mr Walkei ipittea thnt. op
the subject of "sjionglng ." Walls
Walla should be rnther reticent
New York Police on Parade.
Tonlgh- nt the Clin BWtOfrapil Tl" '
tor. til Court street, the New oi l.
police on parade, wi.' appeal, p.issmu
Fourteenth ami Broadway, kin w 1 ns
fh dead mnn's eiire. aim hue.-,
brotielios a game Mid ftgtit KMNlbaa
dtVtUP fnr money. anthli'K In t'al'l"
011 an 1 iedln the hlpponotPIBUt In
the Zimi at Central Pa-1 N'i w York,
tin battleship Oregon arrtTtna 1'
New York nft thi' battle 01 MUltl
ago and other scenes ol Interest Ad
mission II cent children l" cent
On Saturday algal the Spanish bull
fight will he presented
Gorman May Be Elected
BahlasOttl, Nov ,x There Is gq
doubt that Arthur Pugh (lorman can
return to the senate If he so desl'es.
An nuofllcial report show the demo
crats will hav n majority Ifteett
011 lolnt ballot
Steamers Collide.
DoVaf Nov K The steamer
dletOB ami Scntlan collided In
this morning Hoth wen et
1 MM
a 'oc
The i lty eleetloil
held Moiula Ilei
ot Aliinny will n
IbO.ioO Bushels Have Been Turned
wver During Past Two Days
Selling Movement Will Continue To
The wheat market is iignln on the
move The price has rem bed 18 rente
on 1111 average, ami "'" hBK ,"" "
Old tor as high as lVa, which Is t.
hluh water mark ol tin- season I Be
farmers are reeling Jtlbllaol over thc
raise ami man) ate taking ad van teg'
ami letting loos. 01 tbelr eropa, 1
wanting to trust to provldOBCe for g
higher raise whib soim an '
,ng elicited gad think thai it the) bold
tor a few days m weebe II "ill reach
a still higher mark I oeiil deal, is
estlnuite that JOtWeeB "'" 1
1 7a I bushels bus pass, d out ol tile
farmers' blind.- In l'tniiMlbi
during tin past tWI
say that much more
sold tomorrow
dava. ami th ij
will probably bt
Wa have Hist received our third shipment this
New up-todate Dress Skirts
Riven us an
seon o
Out pretty styles and low prices h.ive
lar(c Ulle nl these fOOQI this tall
.. ... .k't. in 1 'I i t 1 !
M'K UriBi v ik u in UMD aitOOUDt of
on Iftdief .livckcts. (.'aH and Finw. ji
YOU "ill fi"(l Styles Btld Trices Right as
do at this store
HP P. cent
Ne Good,
yu eliray,
Remembef the larLvst sttick of foodi lo
trom ami prices guaranteed the lowest.
'o leltct
Bless the Babies
A lot ot Weimar 'luua
is eiiiisite lilts
Ofnathing out of the ordinary
aotiH'thini: we are jroud to
hoWJOQ. ' Also a Um line
ot vases and mantel decora-
Come, if onlv In look .
Owl Tea House
Then is nothing ton
good tor them so we huv
the ho' and prettiest
shoes we can find, We
sell them cheap though
and have them in
from $
a pair,
i I down to :i5t
Some very al
Peoples Warehouse
1 4
By getting on of our new style dining room sets Th
ire of choice design and finish, sol idly made and are offrii
at a price lower than ever before for such superior roxii
.lust look at them, they are worth it, even if vou dont in
tend purchasing Our new shipments indN some hiri
i t it ' 1 e ium i ii ies. i nine 111 anvnnw and
CHANCE on the 100.00 premium.
Main am
pet a FRQ
I Webb stn ets
A complete line of
Stationery and hooks
School hooks and
School guppliflg
Canes in all styles
.New line of Poch!
etc. New ind latest
dsjgini m iutB)
Koods, pocket booa.
purses, card c
Combs, Brashti
I. L. Ray 6k Co.,
Bu; sad sli
Stookeg, Bondti
Mtid Orein
tor ossb or on msrslut
New Vorfc Atock hschangc
Chicago Stock lixcliange.
Chicago Board ot Trsdc.
in Sir!, r-..,ci,.i.,., ,.
The Columbia
Lodgint House
F. X. SCHKMPP, Prop.
f,i'r,y"irirV' r"r- "ii'ViVVVVvvvVVvvwij)Iamaul
Ui L. Hakar, l.'w itn l M u ." Jm, II. Wi.ieh, fasgjl
One Night Only
a baaalifal lava earyi assBMaiaad itii gg rsmti
tba lar schI.
!ili- .,' x .-nstiw
I'ltli I-.-. I irt ilurt 1 mwn, fl.U0; lait thte- mw, Vk; piUrj
rlvauii ulr nl hiiinr llouk Hlorv
French Hesiaiirain
Well k' 1 1 and Htfam Hci.-il
After the gsOal snccfssiul run 111 Iln
b la tor) tin- Oregon suai Coaapautjr'j
factor) .0 iji Qrajule win eloae gag)
latu da) avaalggT This la th- tai
lory .- tourtg yagr i opa ration. The
(actor) ha 1 mi contlauoualT toi .V'
dajra, the only Interruption betas
fivi hour .slop fur rcnair in a xah i-u
glaa which broke down Tin output
will ii' gboUl S6.00X sa' K. BfglCB ai
prorlmgtee 9,100,000 iouiuIb Th
wgiafcoMaa now ooaitgjga 10.000 sacks
ii igja .iraaiiM h product
Moid by JUUS mJUMlDl
The Louvre Saloon
PBNJII.rrn. , ,i(K'
Reliable and Gentle.
nii want a pill which Is ceitani
thiiroiiKh aud aoutlc i'. U'ic . I.i. tie
Kurh Kiscru till the hill lo not (ores
hut assists tbe bowels Tallman Co
ami Hrock A McC'oiuas
Don't Have Cold Feet
When you can prevent it by wearing a pair of our
Warm Lined Shoes.
We also have a fag assortment ol Felt and Knitted Slippers
in all colors for ladies god children
646 Matin St. The Pendleton Shoe Co.
Aa up to date Uepair Ahop ta cvsmOIuu wrtai uor stun.
Mrs. F. A. Campbell Talks Interestina
ly of a Visit Soutn from Here.
.Mrs h a ( ainpliell hai- returued
1 nun a visit tn the home ot lack Hal
la Our) .smith from IVmlletun in tin
in-.. 1. 1. Kion 111 HcaklilK ut her
sta there Mrs ( 'aiinihell sgM in tin
Kast OragsWaga:
I iiiiisi sax that I wan quite sur
iniseii in nun ho iieautitui a canyon
out there ami u many ointoi taliU
hoaiaa ami iim orchards I'ushihk tin
Newoa plan on Buttai ( reek hrouKht
vmut muuents 01 tin ioiik aKo when
so many 01 our hem men were slain
b) hostile Imliaiih On thai iilaee
were killed ('. I. Jewell ami old Mr
Nelson anil Lugs Bkally, ami furthei
up in tin- niouiitaius. Kruest Camp
hell ami John Crisp ami many Others
Now. one s.-et, n.-w larm gosjaas ''
say nothiiiK ot Iflaairl ami othei evi
danoea ol coggfoti ami rsSaogisgl in
tin bones No new coasai erould
think 01 thai hein;; the .reek wh. 1.
aa many horrible things wars r rus
listed hy the ggvajtea From Via
on g IBS valley it is h.autfful The
air is . mil airl inviicoratiuK. ami a
schiMil small inn .irovrrHssive is
taiiKhi b) Miss Ulam-hc llulllford."
Walla Wallans Mistaken Reuardinu
'laiiuiiny or roor C.ibBL
I in health ultlcur In ,V (i Alhan
saitl before the i lty council ol Walia
Walla, a tew eveuinas aK" thai Una
tills county's iMMir hail (jasn sent
across into Walla Walla . oiinty t..
sioaKe off that . It) ami comity. Judge
Hartiuan says this cham. is bao
lutely false, ami that not a single
case can he cited where UnuUilln
county has sent her pai.oers across
me nue io sponae off Ih
county of Walla Walla
Horace Walker, of Heh.i, aud T. F
KrK I-e
25 cent
In the City.
I .a-.te.rii anil
( rters
F. S. Younger & Son
Have tin largest assortment ol Uhm anil supif
KrOOSffigg in the cits. When vou sec it in out aih
it s sn
i Myggpjg
OPEN DAY and NIG 11 1
(it . LAKON TAIN, Prog
mmmmmt neoole tO KS0W IN
you nave to nasi r
he new store tan never be
known unless Ii advertises
Want several
Stock and Fruit
tamiH toi Eumi-einliuvTH.
Have vou liitfieriii Sell?
week Mi
Fur Display
n 1 1 HL I'l-Mil tiiiKi
. 0'
IK) III IV I lit.' 1 .I-..,.... ......:.. (K rrvl""
. 1 1111. I I I I s-" lI.lI. " - M.
J " "uKun, iciirt s. nt in.. nA ......Li- 1 1 . . ..... i 11 l ia
nil li.tw nn ..L..l .i .. - .
mi 1 1 1 1 u nnu, 1 .... . 1 ... ,.nk riv1
sr 1MU- Ul eit.'L'iint si-aklin ifar...uni, L.rs, anfl r.U'
rein fiiih rnieiei-:-: uuc imi.
...... 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 . 1
w r,
1 not 111 our line. SVc .l.ni'l .-,,v.r i-ru-.. ....1
ilelB.'U with pult .ml iMiut W OX Ihlllga
"Ki.l. iiu wli.n . w.uu luavs. our .liup It l
lu sood thai. . l.ku Drills In duim mil:
ouJ-work, , W(. ,lr,Br eh.rgs any mure
tb.u .. rlglii
Sealskin Jackets, Collarette, Etons, Novelty Fur Neckwear,
Boa, Etc., In all the stylish fur com prising Russian Sable, K1
Ermine, Mink, Persian lamb, Broadtail. Beaver. Otter. AstracWO-C
I.. 11... I. ii - i.'bl
...HK Ulll ,ur . 1 Mw-a A""'
a suecialtv I.- . 1 , "I"1-''' aiienuun i u nuilic UOIluuu "7"