DAILY EVENING EDITION VVERTI5BRS I EASTERN iiREiiiiN WEATHER. flBi" '",. bMMM li l' rei !? :m'l",''"1I"TP'ople' wmM' MAKK I Ml FACT rnaiihi arret -f,i,Ujr (lr; wars r tonlchf PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OltKOON, F1J)AY, NOVEMBER 8, NO. 4U7i ULY EVENING EDITION ,.rn..r, minimi Jobossa Sams, 1 NtlMM. "rees-nii. 1 1 HI Ti:i H STEAM. LltlHTED BV ILECTfcMCTTY. MMrtW MM MM PA to I no a .lay EuropMD plu. Ts. Ml rt" lr ""' or "on,h Bwrieet all ruhis. Commercial i rauc .luiiuma. line sample- Rooms .ini-Mimi riven Cotmtrj Tnde The Alexander ..Department Store New goods coming in everyday THE BEST SELECTED STOCK of DRY GOODS EVER SHOWN IN PENDLETON. Our Grocery and Furnishing Goods Departments are complete in every respect. GENERAL NEWS The Boston Store. Very Latest... RlguUr and Hirer quarter lengths .COATS. for ladies just arrive! $7.50 to 123.00. RaGLAN STYLE AND 0THBB8 We are pleased to show them and you kill be pleated to Me ihem. A (.-all at our store just now will he la tienefit to anyone as we haw many I novelties of dress that show for them wives, hotter than newspaper talk. Wo;d blankets $3 50. Comforters $1 25. All kinds of flannelette night gownt. Pajamas are warm and comfortable. Buy furs while us in my. More overcoats lor men. The newt -t and most stylish eoat offered in years. Men's Black Dress Hat KNOX m Ljned $3.60 lUXedO Silk Sweat $;0 Men's linen and silk handkerchiefs, Suspenders, loee, so and underwear. New and stilish. Talking about underwear, you ought to see the values we received of the fac tory this year. Why, at 8.00, $2.00 and f.'t.OOa suit you cau he handsomely and warmly lad and the colors are selected for both the young him) the older men. Dress goods sale at half price still on. The big busy Store Erotic ( No Qwl (JjoUh idling Cheap. ys Dulls and lame-s Our IF aat ii on ol the laigaai shown in Ksstera Oregon, all i latodate goods. eit iust unpacked u laafa ' J'rcct trom ( i.-rinany. 8c to fi.oj, all styles :t price- "nooicas5, io 35c includ bHl band style at aoc. pari aMdketahiai boxes, clocks, tancy cup and ,s childre n lov elishes and m other things Dl "a, aw s iM..ifc''J As l:cryone know IraahaOM la groceries is just as esse ntial as it is in v.ns for the makiog t paddingTSi pastry etc, Kveryune- ought to know that 1 take a special pruh in se lling only groi tries that are fresh Nei stale stejt k 111 this store The mat keral we sell at u)4c s pesos is fresh. C. ROHRMAM. fflafiH Fuet 1 BssmssV foes and gold plated P' luli vvarranted 1 iust the Faas sift 3. Do T" :;; tjz 1. - -w RBBaavsas " v . rst sllet ramj, Atn l)0pUittr "ucc-d prices. CARPETS.. The largest stock m the city If you want a carpet call anl set the line. We will give you estimates seweel and laid. A Mammoth stock of Furniture. BAKER & F0LS0M Next door to Postoffice. AIRTIGHT HEATERS I have a full liutt of the celebrated COLE'S AIR-TIGHT Wood and coal stoves guaranteed to be absolutely air tight. None of the heat is wasted and the stoves will save ONE HALF of your fuel bill. I also have a full liae of cast cook stoves and steel ranges. Prices are the lowest, quality considered. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. 741 Main street, Pendleton, Oregon. There- has bee-n a niatkeel IBCTUUBS recently tn Vreneh orders fen Amerl e-an antlnm-lte e-oal The '.uili m Kail U will tflt It la lie-lle S i ll afte'l l the- e lit len e)f til iinelrtBkinBK nmviiM-il upein t hlnn pi the protocet. .ereu llHh alleetteil tel .laHII ti.'iel a e raa al diapokbo, ne-m MSMinpa i"i H e'e al se-ltle'llle llt. tel l"e' leiltet ll the- .lie -.in. -. The- lanl was roflMri) le sue l enit hv a Kiiaaian waraht Anelre-w t'arneisl' will tiHe- B 100,001 til llllilel Hllel e-qillp a tee hllle al oll.'k- ill HOIlthm Se eltlHIllI The- I I ' i ' preeliahU will lee' lixateMl at elala uhle'leN rOUMtiSS ef Reelnrrh ami Sr kirk. The. rMenti health eeffie e-r (tav! thai the- e llllialle e-ffeM-t M e-nileytK In 'tin PfelllpptMM la very inarkee1. an-l t lint the capacity for work ol atie h employe niminiahM rrom montn to noatk T l Hiiftinctoii prlne ipal e hlcl of the Cherokee nation. In hll annual ml dnst to the- National cOWMsM ot hi In!.. ii'i'iHiiinenile'il H"i eapita pay menl to the peoota em sccotrat ot the 'nihil.' nf i i ups thia year. ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 , lo Mis .1 1. ,,.,, , iuihIii iii .lam- Toppan. the- alli-wil prlSOSatl nl Mra Mary K (illilin of CstSUinet, Mas wi'Blthv ami Intliu-nl ml penMW will leiuililni- to lik-lit the i liatKe- ol IlllUle- the Bsraatable iiiirMi- i count nrantof whie ii hae prtaoaer m the jail The- whalint: Maaawt BelvsdSfe St arnvea trom the Amu sj nl Ko Nlaiiil. hriiiKliiK 4"on iMiuniln ol bone ' liaire lK oi oil ami M lo ekuifi. The receipt! of boM Unite in this lull amount to .M'.leMi puuiiils an.' ut nl ItN bsrreti bostdss Ties poundk oi ivocj ttlie-rllii M Carte l , raptatS Ot Ml SlBeerS in tin- fOgtllai army, ikim e-m. tine ii in the tedenU penitentiary a. I'oil UMTSaWOtth, hllH lie-e-n BOtllwl ' th- pwtlai nl a nll trial In the Halted Statee. .-in ult COMI III Chjcnso ill .untie i t inn uith Uir mi It i tint It in '. 1 there by the tovernment to take- in propsft Not Inclndlna Um costpsrsUTeli (on t net ae-alHkliiH wliii h win- brought dl rectly in San rianeisin the- tntai catch in the- ninth this ne-amm huh .'I I'.'T Tile- Ite'llllllti Se-a e-ate-h Its I ' 114, tin- Coppe-i I i .i 1 1 i e ate h MM an the appi'oxlniati- Imlian BStch 100 skills The- Meil lel x e ate h ten Mils s- n Kim is approximate l .'.I skins PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS .At Detroit Or., the- residence) owned b) Jobs Dale) ami occupied by Chai McRa was ill Htrnye.il by Hie- Memiln montlai A elreive- eil mine' than " heKM le'll tin t fin ol William Kylie-e seinthwisi an JoMpbine eoaaty, bsssi itaitsd oi a SMI drlVS to Happy ('amp ('al At I .a (iramle- .lae-k flahhSTdl Its tOtUlh S hei dlnturbed a Salvation Army RMotloa ,UH boss Matsaced to femr immtliH In the- i-oinity Jail lo JlMtkM Ciant Snlisi riptieins tn Le w i- ami ('la i. Centennial to data are- ii w. 0oi hett. $;iMMert ( 'eisse-t A I le- ers. f I r,(lll Woodard Clark a ce fi .leiim Vina e. Boa, $' K w Rov4 M Kite- ami water elatnaice-el the- atta i. nl I niliitt r al I ! Ilk K It'll" i Is, in M i,, .tn Front atre.'t, I'ortlatitl wliolvsale harelware ele-ale-n imm 5i.ihki t, $7n M0 The elamaae' is OOtVfOd Sf iiihih aiue At HarrlaleiirK. William Allnnl til i at ." O i ln I 'I'lle sila e-te-nltlK ill i e-ral delilllty. mkI H" years. Mr Al forel was a pmueei ami arrlveel in Ore' Knii In 1160, iiimniK iiiim ('haritnii COUnty Mlsseiiiri. John It'iss nl I ..i a i 1 1 i IK yea nli! was a' nil utally shet lu tli- arm while-nut liuntiiia the- hall freim tli llKe lie e-arrleil bhattere-el the hone "' his left arm mo haellv that il wan in i i ssar to amputate- the- Itmli he twe e n the albou ami kosktt A prophet nl Holm lieeneir in Tlllu iniMjk prad tested a K'e-at llelal wave ten lasi Bunds) The wave waa to sweep DVM the- Strip nl loV na I laml ami wash aiianiM tin- MOMBtSlSI It VOUld then reeesda h-avuiK ruin anil Ueaela tlOS). A DUBlbei 01 inhal'ttaiitie (imik tei the sMMtatalaa Saturday anei otkers BOt ready then waaons to Uepan at the- Inst hIkii eit an unusually high tnle- The- au ilnl net i nun ON FIRE. (tv An eaploding lu. the luthine in .1 lil.ue- . a j, udgiaph in the p' i 'e II iasj oi borriltk suaeHiuj from iumi Tl '. i-'iv in Ihls lorm lllkevra a man Uj leal j. lint lur VOSSM evhn arc daily In-line tun sum eel b) the taMaMwiaa 'ire ot tlkwnsi laeiw Is little in.ithy InAainnkatMSk with its lie ii r juriiiiix ; ult era- lluii saltan mto the- 1 1 as ue ; the Bel I'dell s aleui 'il MB) sbatleied ly bufir- lug , i beaa an- qiui part of the daily lujtuiisi borne by hi my a ununB Or. Sen ' l a units P intkai puis out tbs tut of hiflaiiiiualion! he-als u . 1 1 ration, ami rures female MakisMs. it Iran- quili. e the narvea, restore the apjieii'r, and (five refreshing - Ire p. " Favorite Pres. rn.ti.jii " ik the luoal ri liable ut up nrelie-iiir oUereel ai a curt lur dlkeseat peculiar to weaiea. U alunyt .elpi It ahnoit txlajuw ures. "Wlitu 1 fii.i cini i. iuc1 ii-iii Or l-iercc'. awttifiiir." write M e .rurur A Meueiy ol fleen rrjurt -'' Cu s -i w. nit. t Laa freMtl Irtnalr ii ukiirsj, a SSeaarrruliU il. iia brruiK tkewll pat a, weak aeief liet-.t le-rlmy all tbr liubc 1 (league -I aruuafl la thai ea) ka lee ycetrs nd I hesaaa lakinx vuue leinUciui Attn akieu SnM acMhi I la-jtau la Ire 1 bU i I I k fuur Ujttl, i oi i fierce fnvoiilf fre . up lion two ol i.olucii Ifesdit-al Uicievie oaf vial of ttir ' l-lraatal frllrt. etlao eua-,1 our bottle In aaB1 Caii 1 1, Ke-iiutl, Moa 1 fe - . like new urTnon I CM 11 I lliauk voll CeloUfli lul your kniel ail.li i Bud t let K"uei yea. I wrenciue It a eioue me " Dr Pierce's Coumiuii hen-i Mcilul Advisrr, uapri leouml. is M-n'. irrt ou reejeipt of il one i t ut .-.tamp.-, lo pay rapt ut- ot mailing . Adiln-u Lr. R. V. fierce, bufialo, N. V. FRANCE IS TO YIELD MYTILENE o When Ali Concessions Have Been Made by Turkey. .- ADMIRAL CMLLARD TO BE RECALLED THE NEW YORK MARKET Bul the rTfnrh Htfi is io Cruise In Those Waters PeDdlo Satlsfaclorjr Ad jiisinutni ol CWm, I'atla Sen s Haiti Bey, the' furl lab i bSTRc il affaltH here' called OS PorebfB Minste-i Deloasss this morn IKK ami dtwaadsd the- wltheliau-al 'I the r'ee-iie h flre't lieiin Ttirktah wate'i-. Ho Kimti as met itie'in Pin was rerelveu that the rattan luni pstllsd the- porta i Iter laloB adatlrsl Ciilllatil weuihl b recalled tron Mttyleas snswered th Kove-nitne nt bSfS Turkey Accepta. Ceiiistanttnople- Nov S The' porn ntl i lals have- aotlBed the TSi i cbaras d'aaairs, Banet, hy letter Turkey's actreptance of the Ki-eiu h el msnda, The- Turkish nlaiOtOf nl feu etas affairs Teuflli I'ltsha has ordei I all Turkish Btlaisteti to notify th govern nwn ti at shtcb they ate rep renentatltfea t Turkey's aetion France Will Let Go. OoaatsatiBopIo Moi I Calllard, conataadef oi tin lres)oh leeti sr!ll live up tin- hi yt Us Be penis so mob as tin- suiiaii saaoaacess sstUesseal h ' win crubM in that Beigkborkbood u i hi tin- i laiins actually have bees n tied. VMRIi PROM Hlikl TO MANILA COMMENlIal . CIFIC COMPANY INCRE-SLS. Capetal Stock From 9100.000 to ti.000. 000 Will Build to the Phihppi sM From the United States. Alhanv Neiv s The OoBiBterclal I'm nil Cable Cosspaaj recent!) Is corpomtod to conatrud a oaklo rtosn the United siatea tn tin- Pklllpplnea, has llle-il u i e i 1 1 III ate- iii im iirpni i-i with an Increase tit eapitai stock roni . 1 00,000 lei t '. mi 1,000 CHINESE MUSI VAM0U8G WALLA WALLA WILL MOVE THEM FROM CITV S CENTEf Biy Batch of Convicts Co to Feder.it Penitentiary. w e Wat' eii apeobsl, in the BMMtlaa ol Um ettj oouaetl iii-aiiii iitti.'i i; ajbaa recossssaaded that tin- 1 1 h in; l.iiiif UOWB as I'hiua town betsrees Mam ami Rosa streets' sad boaaded ) Third ami rourtk Htleeta Im i iliil.liili.it f'.i saultarv reaaeins The malle i waa le-ll in Bbe) Bans Sold Liquor to Indians. Walla Walkl Waah . Nov k Bpectal The Kiami jury laleked Its bsbofs in tin- DaMed state- droull leant teeelay. ami the- pi tit Jut) has hilt Utile- unite' business to alli'lnl lei The- aiaml Jury haa hroiiKhl In BbOUl Iwentl tun- Bills, ami a pe-e ullai h at lire- eit the wink IH that BBBfl) SVerj man ladlcted pleaded lailti whe n u fereel a chance Vi-aterda Bight me n were inuieteet lur ae-lllua llquol ami re trim h oato a reaervatkN New W. a C. R. R. Official Walla Walla Nov s Mpeelal II y Nli Imls who ten three years has been train mahti i ,i tka v Baklsaton a Columbia Rlvei iaiiwa. has re sinned ami will h-ave- foi Ne-w Voik heipiiiK lo remain in the e-aat Wll iiam lavini who has reoeatlj return ad from Alaska has taken the- plae e uiaele vae ant h Mr Nn hoi le nlana Hon ami has take-u his peial al Hunt k Junction Mi Taylor e mice from the While- I'ass A Yukon iallwa Death From Scarlat Fevejr Walla Walla. Nov k Kelwln RjfWS i.-'l ?k yeaih el It'll Willi the ne Hllel I' .ii late- thla afte-rmajn. Mi (-., hail been ill Oaly a fe w elaya ami his adjiea Seatk wan a khI hlo to hla many frieaukj Mi Hi waa the aem ol Mi ii ii aaabarn ami laaesa a wne ami two ehililn-n Snlitia Company Hart Captain. Walla evalla Nov S. Al the meet laj tm tin missnsllon of a aompsnj of Kuanls lor it. i. illy thirty liw ,.i e rans oi the Philippine "srrirs'gn vera preseal loaetfcei vltk man) preseai sseatbers ol nossaaay i T. D. H Han Ural In i, ie nam ol otMBpaai I. while in 'in- . Olllpplnce, was i tuao ii i ap lata ot iin nrorlaional organlaauoB win, David ' Roach ami Claude M Ki n . as in st ami seronf lieutenants It Is plauued to lorm a eeiuuauy Ofly StrOBf. H iioaailile Walla Walla Nov. s. 8it-i ial. I.aat uight iu a ape e-lal e ar, sisteen touvicta left this City lor McNelJI'e ibiami to lit kiii aervlua aeuleuct a foi sellini liquor to Indiana and other e rime oi which they either pleaded suilty or were fouud guilty In the united Stales distrU-t court, Judge llanloid presldlus The men left In uharge ol Marshal lille) and a uuui M i ol Kiiartla Those e-eiuiijoeluB the pany were J f Maple .) H Bailey. Mat-k Alexamlei'. John Uray. tVllllaiu Kvuue. John Moraan. Thomas Hrady. John liavidsou. John Maxwell, Uavlel DemSy, Frank Uillon and Kalpli 'ouiiK John 'i aompaon ami William laOWery were released by the grand jury Thompsou la the man who eat aped from the hospital a few weeks ago He has not been heard from bul the graud Jury failed to Indict him. Reported b I. L. Hay A Co., Pendle ton. Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock gachanoe Brokers . w York, Nev I,' The- wheal ntiir Ret was a, tiv.- today within BaitO limit- but the tnaS waa atreina l lv ernonl ope-niMl at .'e I" ami closed .'e I Ne w York eipene el lit SOe-, BSM illte t se lllna eIT to ft, BlIvSllciMl to The ctese was ftfac chie'ae e inHi-ii t-."i The- teadeacy eit ehe tnaike't is towarela a hlKher level Not w IthstatiilltiK our heavy exnrta the foreign daatssd ia lacraaalai The Miiile-in 1 1 1 it-1 has aeveial limes e oir iiie'iii.-ii upon the uttraoraiaary e-em 1 snmpllnii ! Ine-ail stuffs thia He-as.iii as lllllli ate el h the' ele'l-re'Sae on lit comparatively small laereaaes la n- Visible SMppllea, ami attual fee ta ntnl agarea ium bees submitted to prove tin i in li'i tlle-as of the' e elllrllialol.M arrived t Wowkers haa thia gre-at COnaumptlofl ami leiaa eif auiipllea bet II uuui remarkable Ikaa Is Um Shtrone an requirements ami rapattea Hers are- seune' Daurea thn' tllsatly prove BOS mm h areatei haa been the amount ol whi.it anil flour that haa gOBS OUl nl Bight this aeMtann than during severnl am i" aenlTa se-nsein. sine i- IN'.iT ami IS'id. whe n Kurope-'iii supplies ran BO low aa tei esclle .t I e inn m l upon exMirtlng e ntiatrteS up preceeb nte-il up tn that time Tbe BHMHJBl 'I Wheal ami Hlnn i ti pasHaKe- at its maximum thla BSBSO! was on sag 11 when the tntal allien i ten up. Halted KlBgdom ami the cna lineal aa 11,1 no hwshsls Blaco IheB eil till till Wl-e'ka e-mllng del Me. the' shipme nts b) the' prim Ipal espuft IBS i t milt I ta-M amnunteel to H2.IMM tin Inrgeet smounl put aiiemt darins that period since ivt Yet. with v- ' added tei the u .'no tion ihihIi t i nn oesas passage' tea nooks sgc tin smousl it tie mi deoreaeed II nun DuriBg laul year, for tile' sain.- Iierlod ''S "in were shlpae4 ano tin amount atieiat decreased leas th in I miei bushels In lift, lilt- ile i n asi- vias I MM! ,000 bUBhoISi with 71, atsi.IMM skipped, ami In Hi!?, wit.i shipments of BS.OOO.OOO, there waa an im ii Bsc ni ot er 10,100,000 Sine ks ate-aely Meiney. t per e-ent Cloned ye-aterelay. 7V. e Ipe-ne-et toda N Itangi tenia) 7HS, ' an Closed Inelav 7't7 Sugai 1114, Steel. :t tj si Paul l TI -. Uslon Pact go, Mlg. THE HAi CU V LINES 80LO SAN FRANC. SCO STREET RAILWAYS IN A COMBINE Market Street Railway Sella to a B el timore Syndicate, Which Will Own Ah Lines in the City. San fmne laco, Not H I'apers we i, signed tins BMralag by i k iiuuiiug ton ami i w Hellmaa, repreaeatlug tin i trick holders ol the- Market at reel rallwaj sad rapreesmkstlves nl a Bal llmon .einii.aii win ni, v tbe entire -in. i rallwaj ay Blent ut tin- fornu win in sold Uj tin' I ntt at fat tit ash Stockholders win be paid at pat i ash Tbe Baltimore dyadleaU prevlounlj has purrknned tin- gntiei street Batro ami Ins Mateo lines u et win eonaoliaata ami naerate Ihem ati as one aystem CONVICTS STEAL AND KOH AS THEV Ft EE FROM PURSUING GU A R lis They Escaped Laet Neynt From the Federal Penitentiary at Leavtn worth, Kiniii, After a Riot. Learesworthi Kan . Mat The e eii i pis who esoaped rrom las United state' prlaoa yaeterda situ are al laige- ihls BWrBlBM Th - wounded Is tin- scrimmage are reetls a-H. Indlcntloas potal Uj the fa i thai a ti vnii waa planned several BsnatkB agee Kent the- OOavlCt who was 1. 1 1 it-it was a civil priaoaei from Ryaa, i T laili i reairta show the Me e lug 'in n beaded ha soutkers Kauaaa Ttwi are raiillng kmaSSS a lin y go along securing moan) edibles e loihing bu i barses n waa reported at Rsatoii dial their i-apture la autli lualed Km i) pmareS from tka prlaoa tn- pi. suing l lie-in CHINA IS VERY UNEASY UNEASY BECAUSE OF EARL LI'S DEATH Rumor That Ruesia Strove to Havj the Chinese Statesman ttiyn the Manchunan Treaty Before Oyiny. I't-klu Nnv a lin n- ate no algua ni pubtu BaaaralBg tot Karl i.i itunu i hang but coaatderabli Mpuiar un aanlaess la Biaalfem The re' u an sal veiasl ieorl thai tin HiiHslaii iniiin le i endeavored to have- I.i aign tl Mam hurtau Heal) before In died MR. ROOSEVELT TO EXTEND THE CIVIL SERYICE President Makes Preparations to That End. FREE RURAL DELIVERY IS RUN lo Ihc lilmiii of ii, Political Woikm. This ikj itiirl imgiivi No Proposes io Stop. WaHhiiiKinii Nov h I'realeb-nt Rooai'vell is preimrlng to esteasl the neope ni ibe civil service through ml the govern tnefltal lepnrtmeats An goancemenl haa heen stags that the' ruin I free deliver) service, whirl mini the preaenl has beer run lu the' later nsta oi tin worsen at tin- poiia soon win in broughl under the -1 v 1 1 eervlts sommlaalofl ugmu SENATOR H ANN A WAS AT CABINET MEETING Called Willi John U Milhurn to Urge the Me Kmlpy Uunumrnt at Canton Coumelled Co opri ateon. SYnaklngton, Neiv Henetoi Haana site n. I .1 iihIiiv h i ahltiet meet lug It was Ins rst vial; to The W'lui i Hoium -Hie the- deatk ol Ms Klale) id railed in tin' latereata of a prope l Btoaameai in the- asnrtvred pmalrienl ami with Joha d Miiinin ot 1 1 1 n it 1 1 ,i ntembet ol tin- monument SHseM i.il inn dleruBBed tka matter nh the pie slip ni prim tn tin madtlan ol the n in in t iiii Mllbara retired, Haana urgetl the prealdeal sad hla sdvlaors in gel logctknr1 em ehe Veeet k ami .anl tin SasOClBtlOB Wen Kin foi ii 1 1 1 n iiiim. ni .ii i ' mi, 'ii ami t lit Organ! atlon laliiuiug im a meuieirial are h .it vVsaklngtofl are at rrona nm iHwei ii,. betleved iin') ibouM wo:' band in naad Attorne) Oenernl Knox ineik n in alien lei dnaj that Captain Carter hen bees grunted .1 sen utai. a 1 pan Stall) suppoeed The pro aedlags or dorad a in u 1 deride tin- tin' io nortsla propert) tka goveram ral haa sntaed IMPORTANT APP0IN rMBNT VUAN SHI KAI SUCCEEOS EARL LI HUNG CHANG. He la Governor of Hlean Tuny. Home of tier Boacr Upritiny la an lr n Hinil Ruler. VYiishinaiiiii Nm s MiniMiei Cm gei iiilni mn tin' stale' ih-pai tine'lil I, nil 1 tin 11 Shi Kin has be i n apieiiuti-el liv the t'hlaeat1 goverumenl to in- vie- CO) ni the- I'rovlnee Chi I 1 aiieeeiterl lug I.i deeeaaed Won Ukau wa .-1 poiated mi goveram ol 'hi- asms province rin 1111111111111111-111 i renat d nil a anilafm'tor) Vuan at prneea t gm Mini ni Shan TuBI B4MBMI Of ttn iioxii uprialnd and a luibnieni pro lliti' 1 un ha 1 uli-il wllh an lion naad ANOTHER SCAKI REPORT THE INSURGENTS CAPTURED TUMACO. Panama Cuuretry Has Another Sens., teunal Piea Herport VVaaliluKlnll. Neil The' nla'i 1 Bart menl reoestved a eitapate-n from ( niisiil (iiiilgi'i at I'auaina rnpiutl thai 1 hi Inaurgeal liberal ftirnns ang lured tin Iowa ni TumaoSi "" mi.. . anutb 1 1 nn Hanam.e taking Sun auld lera prlaonere, ami 1 tnntailag 1 saaua agtSSUallkm ami nui' eelil 1 . Arnenitin Cuntampt Case Heard. Chicago Nm il-uiing ni aigu BSSBl m the i.nil.iupt 1 aae of the e. loii- iii 'i. i Aiin-rle-aoi li Juelg. 11,11111) 1 Ium i luda) I he 1 nun looh tin malle i uuder SatVlse Bseal ludgi ltaanv will leudei a ileelmuu 1111 Tue-aelay h as at Miss Stones Ransom. . . . 1 1. . 1 1111 Nut. II ll... ut tin laiiauiu lul Mia Htuute haa In ' Il agrend spaa the tact has mt baas 1 i iiirii'ii 111 1 11.- 1, tl 11 Hi' pa 1 1 un- ,i There I lit, ili'Veliipiueut In it,, raes an fat a tin deaai I Basal kuowa Death l-rorn Lamp Eaplosion. Nn milk Conn. Nev h li) tin- as BSaslon nl a lamp Mra liny IViun Beers wile nf nn Italian lalioiei an l in 1 Hue-,' cgiidrea vera buraed lu 1 ut ai ii no 1 night Dakota Bank Robbed H I Cny, la. Nov I Tht Hank ui si, ,11,111, 1 Iguth Dakota waa blows opes i-i night ami trimm aacured Our Car Load of PIANOS! 'I'd clom out a 1001 a- poaaibli i' onltf to maku room for another car in transit Piajsag art bgiaf sold at surprisingly lw prii es to some oi the leading e ituciia ol tins section Ho not delay (jetting a piano at mm as em will Kt-t the ljaraui of your lift- if you liuy tins moiitli Suld on 1 v Time Heyments. Almost Every High tirade Claim rude to Choose From. Wakefield & Failing Court atremt, L Dow Blk. Pondlotoii. Oi-eyon.