New Sweaters for Men, Boys and Children : : : : : w: K HAVE RECEI BD AN OTHER SHIPMEN I ol ill wool Sweaters in solid COlOH ami fancy Stripes; they arc without quel tion the best ever brought to tin cit) and our prices on these first class Roods are less than other slop's ask f:r inferior goods. BAERQ DALEY One V.v Clothier, Furiii-iltrr ami Hatlen. Pendleton, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IBM gonlen that he does not aspire i i i aovernoi 01 Or.'Koli. Mr Milton ia a I distinguished, eltlsen. sble ami repre ' tentative of the progreeelYs elements tie in i llples tile illllqile i ii .ill-" of RtHtullitK between tstorta ami Poll I . . ft . ll.l.tll. . .... lAILI, ne.f.Mil W SK.MI-WKKKI-Y 1,111,1 hi (Im.-im -.-h with tie hpart) sup poll ill eiieli. His views. I leiiient l expreased, upon the relation of thoet oRhi.oN. tw,i iiiwnt. .in rational ami wtntes man ami ii is tltn 1.1 1 r. to him . I". CO . . Illlll a hotter lielinu th enuemlerecl ol Bant Orefoniaii Pnbliahing Company, AT PKNULKTON, . . bmm arrt-r a a uan. rnvnlon attn 'inf . r Mil ima , -. . .inini. m mail . ' T" ark. '-V . auharn,tloa . . Mnf auMbara . . . Mi .seams scanair-li..-, m I . IH . i.(i on, year DM topi, s.a morttka . . . Trtal MimNM g.agla auaabera WHKI.V 'ruciimo UTIll Dm i epr on MM .... I '.a copy aia n.onthi , . ill) , puna , , - i "t" . . i l I... In kpvaaTmwn m. (Display A.l.rroaaraaaia.l . of Itsa. In Mini-Weakly par aannlh ri in. h t-r avail. . . I Ml I Mr taoath oft I'lrnninini nil, in 1 1 .1 1 I .aa In. h. or !-.. in W li,-i three la.hta. In Wti inn tlnsr i i. hat ii. I ma lat - ia... of s- ii.i sakl. .... rracai, hi Sann.Wr.kl,.' Waaklr 3 a-au.rf,t ioottiu... par in. i.. ai .... . aarn ...tar jurat M . . Ual ooakai. Ian (Ml, ua IIM, aan inaayttoa. kl,r n. h in. in ir a.i 1 -l .r , . tr t'nh ffi taualS a fS Hrakiv. par in ii pr an. .ntti , lai ' en the part of each towanl tin ot in i Oregon win mm time, per MPS III (he lliill IlltlUe llolllll' tilt iii llli. ui! suit ol Astoria, ami In so ilo Ina. "ill honor benelf, as conunoe wraiths always honor tl.einnt'lves when they iilui npun tin shniihlers n: wormy men tin mantle in ntitelal authority. CROKERISM AND VAN WYCK. Tammany was ilolVnteil In the haul inimhl fleet ion luutle over imiim: in New fork CltJT. Beth Low beeonies tin mayor hy a liberal nmjorlty -i .mi s Tammany h lftat Is due to two things frokorlam ami Van i I, .- i Dllllei lion With tile lei- ITIIMI Crokoi has virtually transferred Us Otlellee to I '. :i 1 .1 1 1 . i having an "stall ai Wantane ami llvlni; then nearly all ot his time Me thus alien .11. .1 the lrlnll vote, wllif'il l.M.'to. i lie has held meal nut all attaeks hy his inilltieal emonles Irishmen tin nut like Anieiieuilh Who (lloose KlIKliull lilt hi'tore that ol this repabllenti oiintry Then. too. AuriihIiin Van Wyck. Tammany's tandiilate for the -iipieim iiiiirt, was umloiihteilly ton lleetetl with the lee trust. The lie i nisi proitiiilKaleil a rule that lei would not lie ..i.i.i in small iiuaiitlii ihUH eUttlllK oft the poorer people ami ii'iiiieriiiK it impossihle for them in prot nr. let ilnriiiK tin- hot weather, or in case of alcknems. These two ail ,1 si- leineuts eliminateil. Tatiiinunv NronU have won the New Yorl. IgaU at least this appears to lie a rational tr law. There was no ilenim no or repull liianisni in the issue, any more than there is in i'hilailelphia. when it it, a question ov erthrowniK the rule of the (May riiiic. that is so corrupt that in i Dinparhaon. Tammany is a com pauy ol little white aiiKlu, with an an hanKel at the head Quay chain to he repilldlian ('roller ilenioeratii Ilm these municipal electiouti are not -iiui-i, ol the political drift. Tiny are local- lltiwevel. tlllollKhollt thecoUlltl) He . let tious ai'ar to bhow stronn renuMleni Kain. it u to he Mpeei ii (oUoertni as th- elections tiiil the assassination of the late president and tin voters thus un oust nuiol . InflUOMOi hj that terrihle wmii The assassin s bullet hurtled tluouKh many a demo, ram hope when It flew i nun Czoluoiaz' pistol lnt the body of tin popular chief executive. MARION COUNTY'S FINANCES. Anotlii'i lue-ioii eotllity selitlr out a ii'Ihiii ni koo.I iinam lerliiki - .Marion with hei alTairs in eomlltion sueh as warrants her officials to boast excel lent MnnceUMnti The Salem .lour nal claims thai Marion now leads tin- stai. ulth a i lean balance sheet ami law U in tin i ii-tiit oi the county gov ernnieiit. Gradually. (iickoii local govwnmeni la ohnndni tram the imp py-goluok) uiannei oi dolnn business to tin- course oi the modern nianaK' i oi a piivate imsiiiess concern, who watches Ills expeiltlltUI'es atld KUtlKcs them to be less than his revenue The Beef OregonlM bus pleasure in - oniineiiiliiu .-m il careful county uiaiutMciiifUl. and believes that Ala 'urn .- seam pis is such as to he worth) oi enuluttoo hj oActala all over tea Mnt) Proper eonoaptlon ot tea laenlUI Oi a nubile trust will make tin iiilii nil linn, carefnj in tiamlliiiK tin people.- minis than in handling Ills own. Orexoii is prosperous ciioiikIi tn enable count lew to gel out oi debt, ami to stay out of debt A DEMOCRATIC )i aeon LEADER democrats appear to look toward (iforae K Chambei lam ol 1'ortlauii as the one to lead the state ticket uext year, for th Koveruorslilp. li Chamberlain has a record of el lieieut diaeknrtn of i.-.- tn whainver OfJos le iias ilkd Hy attention to the interests of the people, he lias rallied their conndence. and the re suit has been that he hats friends a m ii UK the republic us almost as numerous as those of Ins own party He lias never been defeated in any candidacy, and this makes for I stronger post. ion nctorc the peopi. tn the cnuilUK ennpnisn The danm rati, party of Oregon will need no apology lor their candidate, in tin event they nomiii it- Mr Chamber lain, ami orators can sincerely grow SloejUenl as they descant upon the m.-riin oi the man wiion they an stnvuiK to assist. Oregon will bt Will serve it be be chosen to preside over the government, and it Is safe to predict that bis administration would be oue not less marked lor honestv ami crticieni if than am yet recorded in the states history. A TORRENT OF WORDS. Colonel Cat Donna attended a bun ipiet giv.-n by the New York I'r.-ss Club the otnei night ami then wrote this scresd to the lonmnllet" lint oi all the goibioi sakeiily stu pl.l tilings I ever saw or heard, or imagined tin- stupidest, by a million bobetudlnom moral kNUPtaS was that New York I'res- Club feed last Sal unlay night Rasllls It a OOnVOCntlon ol .Methodist or Itaptist parsons STOUld a. ne been a Jolly -dog' rally and a Sunday school picnic would have ln-cn a debauch oi merriment Compared with it. an annual BOOtlM Of the Nu tlonnl I n ' I ' 1 1 a k i 1 1 and ( edigg. i Aeeoeletlow trould have i n a reoh bssly gay ami i-m- jainborec, and a I'ortlaud. Oregon ( hniese Mineral STOUld have been the wildest rlolry of hilarity In all tin weary ami dreary three hours ot it that a naturally good constitution enabled m- to live lllliillgll. IIOI nil. eloMllelll pin. i.-. Ol sentlmanl broke Its all-pervading mo iiiitniiy ol sombre comiuoiipiacc, mil one tlash oi wit or gleam ot huiiioi its appalling gloom, an. Hot one ripple of genuine iailghle siirreti in. dismal solemnity of Its atmosphere The chronic tunmekei ol the orgaiiiation read his sadeyei i 1 1 . on manuscript ami the much heralded laudi'ville artists who wert to make the ratters ring with merri uient, played and sang dead marches dirges ami iiuses.-res No skull and crosshoues .Memento Mori' was need eil besul. th. bore s head on this fes tal board Th. two breaks in the In lint ion wen a line baritone solo by .Mr. t'eaisall. a member of the clul und a soprano aria l.y an exceedingly attractive young girl. .Miss Fluriette Blown, but both even of these wen heart-breaking wails of melody. "i bjmm Preeldeat vvuiiam Cullea Hi y am. in whose honor the obsequies w.-ie in-iii. Mi has what on.- of th. reatele slop gushers, who do Washing Ion society correspondence for tin greul Sunday journals woiibl descrlht ii pratt) gray hair ami lovely dark yes ami mustache. I referred to th. old Thauatopsis William Oullea Hry am w no. nv in. single piirasc. Wli.-r. rolls the Oregon, stamped Ins pnt-tn 1 1 a i It-m a rk lorevei on one ol the great est states ol tin ( i ii ion ami om- of the greatest nveis of the new world Th.- Preas Club praeldenl haetened i' Inform nie that there wns 'not even the most distant relationship between them Three minutes' ncipuiltitiincc rendered the information SUpsrflttOttB, s a "The tllniier wns koo.I. The club aaterer end enbi knew their butlnaeM. For three mortal hours I sat. reflect ing that deafness Is not itlnwy s w Ifl,- out its compensations, ami wondering what llu mighn shinies of Horei B Oreely. the tlrst lllllles Oorilou Heli- nett Henr) J .Reymond ami Charles A DUOS WOUld think. If they could look In upon such an aggregation of dullards l osing as representatives of ew Yuri Journalism. Then i turned in McLaughlin and said There Is n limit even to my endurance ami I have reached It. Let us arise ami go heme He exclaiiiieil. I'm wbl ye!' And We arose iiiiiI theilced- tpilcl. "In spite of some pleasant features and incidents, the whole affair In rot- inspection recalls Colonel IM.k Win tersralth's comment ni a performance of 'Hamlet In n Nashville theater As he Stumbled OUl lb search Of " nerve bracer at tin- end of the Bret act. some one met him ami asked 'Colonel Dick, how is the play' Huh' Huh' he chuckled. 'It Ik ho d- d execrably BtUpld. thill II really is exceedingly In tereatlng ami amusing, "it the eighty r a hundred gentle men I saw at that dinner are repiv s 'illative New York newspaper men. I can easily nn. let stand why 'your great metropolitan dallies are so widely circuleted, end so populnr, among laundries ami butcher simps nn wrapping paper, i further begin to Comprehend, as I never dill before. why ail that is apparently necessary to InaUrs the BUCCeSS Of any party cause move or measure In your city Is to sertire the united opposition of all your leading papers sit, while all my sympathies are with Low and against Croker ami Tern men) i am inclined to bet on Hhcpar.l because the whole press of MuttlMttUn, with one exception, seems to he hostile to him!" P, ion a.n INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS. Apropos discussion lllient llldepeild eul newspapers, the Kansas City Star su.vs Tin- (net thai so many great newspapers have become Independent. is not accidental. The evolution is the result ot a poptilni demand. It war- ih. plan ol tin- old party organ to suppress news unfavorable to its policies Its correspondents were given i in st an 1 1 to misrepresentation. A democratic procession in which 5uno m. -li look part would be reported in a 1 1 in. it rat 1 1 newspaper as a parade ol :,"i.iioii voters, while a republican organ would declare that possibly L'.'iuu 'bin lings' wert iii Inn Against such linn nalism" the American people re belled They wanted tin- pews Not llstorieil in counts. As Lincoln re marked "you can't lool all the pen oh all the time." Men began to turn tO tile illllepeuili'llt newspapers, be Suae the) knew thai there thev yvoiibl Hud tin truth about men and events so far us It is possible to get at tin i.i- i I he result has been that in lav many oi tin greatest newspapers in the t'uiteil States are avowedly in I. .pendent, ami n fair share ol the re mainder, while retaining the party mime an no longer min ium organs I'llc people llllve secured what they lie Miami. .1 Tin newspaper ol today and in the raturs must in. independent in practice li not In mini.- It is an Instance oi the survival ot the ilttest I rTksi U I fVHLnVH A Strong Woman Iowa City. Iowa, Aug. U, MM . My wifo was ick tor tlirnu yeara. Wo Irlort rvorrthlng without relief and ront. maM money Mv wife fried Wine of Cartful and four bottle, cured her. Hue took two more bptUM, knowing ah.) would have to work hard .luring tho hay harvoai She atUndad tOSll hM tWOSt hold dutiea and load ad anil uuloadi il all the hay. This medlrini' gave her atrengih. ro. merly ahe waa Wai and Ore.l and could harillv vet anon t. hut. alncc vhc haa hceu InkniK W me of Oardni ate- f- I hotter n'!.,""?"?;'J when Wyear i. .los. A I.IHkMlAl'KH The Place to Buy::: : In where VOU can get k-kmIh .nick ami cheap prices. Bet line ol Lumber, Lth, Hhinglet, Build Mr. ElMnhtrr had tried everything, during her threg yeart lrltnei and had ipent comld erable monev. She waj weak and rnuld hardly get about for three veari helorr hr took WINEo'CARDUI Now, IUr taking the Wine of Urdui. the can work with her huiband In the hay Meld. Thit Ii hard work, but It li not infurloin to a woman'! health 11 labor In torei, tactorlei and ollicei where thouiandi of glrliare tloaely ton- fined year after year, with the aid ol wine ot Cirdui a woman can do anv reasonable work and enoy ood health. The health that Wlneof Cardui brlngi makeia woman vhjorom In body and mind. Preed Irom thorn- terrible devaitatlng nalna a woman grow, well and itrong naturally. Wine of ( ardul rgaulgUi thg dliordered menitruation and euiti leucorrhnea, falling of the womb and periodical pains In the head and bark caused hv standing or sitting a long time In the tame position. Thedford's Black Draught put the bowels, stomach, liver, kldnevs and blood in proper shape, (ireatly (m reased strength and endurance is the natural result Most rases are cured quickly. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Urdui and 2. cent packages of Thedford's Black-Draught I Bf aitaloa an.l llanifnra. addraaa. (lylna SgSjaWMa, "Ta IaAI Aii.ltory IfparaaaaaL Thr Charunaota UtduSmt Companr. Ckananooja lann. ill inper, paper.iiimo ami cement, Picket Plaster, Brick, Sand, Moulding Screen 1 toon A WiiulDWH, Bash rt Doom, Tarn i lotta Pipe. Pendleton Hanlng Mill Lomber Ifard. and nKfAnr KOH Shout Um MuinPacibx Tlm otinn 'htl'Hgtl. I'orilaiul Spei'lul null .!. wo,ih"':,w'LK It 1-.' ? iai . ' P in "",Cki.,s. ng Hunt. aaat. p- Ingto.i. I tlntk' Kxpruaa il l' a. tn. vln Hunt- lllgtlMi -"ORSTFR. - Proprietor. W .af V Sk ' ..k .- A CARLOAD i) CARPET all oi the newest and Intent patterns, especially selected for our Autum trade, has arrived, sad the goodi arc now in our start ready tor the inspec tion of Fall buyei They oomprise the finest lint of w i I tons, tapestry. ingrain and brusseli svnt ihown ifl Pendleton. Cnrpntnt s( to Is yard Wsllpnper snd tnattiag si cost. Un- dsrtnking goods always Oil hand. JESSE FAILING. TO CUHH A COLD IN ON f. DAY lake l.nvatlv Hiein.. uniiiin.- Inklfla A 1 Iruggial- rviuii-l Ilia nullify If it (alia in un rv . ( a alginituri' la on each box : The Big ..Restaurant.. Where you can net what you want sad get it served riht Private Hoxe AMERICAN PLAN. .S.).(M per Day and Upwards Finegt Hotel In the Pacific Northwest. TH A NSFER TRUCK 1 ST DRAG E. CROWNER & SON. Tat.n" pnrsit ians. i)K. W. it. Ct.1,1'. DKKIUK IN JTJDD oullitliiH otfli'i- hour. ' lol. a m.: Itel (i m Tolephnuv 77 K. V. VlfUKM i. hi. !. UKFIOB ItKAit ot hist Natt'Mi. Hank omi a aehis to tell a. ia. : l u. a m. DPK10K 0V1B TtiK Hunk leiegheaeti, DU. o, J. SMITH I'eudluton Mavlug r.ialdcui't' t. .Ii'phoii. K. 8. t.AKIlKi.l' PATH It I'liyal'iaii an- .iiif.;i)ii ofU't In ludf Hulltllug li'lcphoiu' i;, hla.a 7:1 ; real doiii. . blai'k '24. UK WILLIAM rllirgeutl. Ottli room Main 7 lloUSK, I'll VSK.IAN AS H I, i.iiini in lu l l tan i ll 1 iite Kealdi n - Hotel I'eiitllt'tuii UK T M. IIKN'litvllMON. I'liVdli'lAN AND mfasea. IpaolSltiSSi Sfa. ear. none .mil lliroat ottli.i ii -iAiug- Haul. Inilliliiig I'D. ni. Mum v. i4m Wat, a ii. ISpokaas l.ioa. m, man, mi.....1j5,Ii'I "e.ehioago.'JJ," Ocean and River Schedule. 1 IU.. I.i KkTn I- l I'll aada " p. ni. HHlurtliij I" , in IliilU i-i Hunday a. in luaa Ihr- an. I Hat 1 "'"OM I'OKTUND ailing Sakli ill I tovhan""""'! Jor S,,, Kmnclwo . .rj iaayi. Columbia rtivtr l o Astoria and far 1.. ling ' lllamtTiniir- - , tnuintl. ' ' orvallli.nil War Landing. al!. Malt, ia H nth "am. I III1" llll and Mnt w"l'ntl.aan(IY.m. inn nivnri 'regoii Clly, Duj and Way Uiiding, Laaave j " KjpJs leaks snej "ally. I Klpatu to Uwliton Utia '30 1. 1 Ulllf THE PORTLAND f UtTI.ANP, OltSOON. Special kat-. to asiirrii OrKii. oeopln vlitltinK Cortland. tleadiuisrtera or tourists and M nejerelel travaUra. tl C. BOWBRB, Vianaxer. C. W. FULTON'S POSITION. Charleb VV. Knltoii. .stale genntOT irotn t'lataoji lounty. aauin tell the people that lie In not u eaudiilate for the reputili. an iioininuiion for the gov strtosnMp. He uutile tats nubll. an iiouuesinient aeverai wettkb aa. for the Iii at lime in the Kant Ureaonlan aud now haa told the Portlaud Oit)- SasejBZMY, ITUMiMA mmm J jFUain; 4N4 htfn Md fftM from tvery bit-Jiiieli ia itiv akin, acaJii, air MMMVIflL purilit ii, niul hem ii I i .'. i .1 Lty IOutk i u . itkur. fit brfvtali osum' of piuipiff a, f ) i .1. htii 1. 1 - rod. jO('.''i liande.dry, ii and ftaJJiiig bail . nuid ti i it Lit ii.i-li. , the cJoytftHj, ifiitutrd, iiit1auitd, ui aiug h und i t ion of tut 'I'll.' Nt I 11 I r ,, ,a laj b- . oujjured with it fur HMMt i nit!, purify tug, and Le iiiiyuu' tn- akin.acalu, beat , and iiauda. Nu uliiar sv i ia in iti cuinuarvd witb U fur mi in. pur- puaaa of thr u4Ut, but) , .ud lihiin'i) I pun U MHiebluao iii OAF tl ONI I .w a Puakiucly. '46 OKNTl tb aT fast it ud ouuipleiiuii NU, aiid Vitta tulitri auap, and uaaT 'baby auetp In liw wutaU. THE FRENCH U US LAPONTAJNf Vou jfet What you buy from us. Bid Stock of WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. ...We do... Trucking & Transferring. Laatz Bros. . . .THE. . . . Oregon Mortgage Co., LIMITED FARM LOANS On iiuproyed properly at loHfSal current rata. CilAS F, G. I'ATI ULLC), Ant. Walla Walla, Wash jWjn fill ifflflij i fl HlaillHfln m St. Gii IKO DAIVBAU, Prep. Blatantly Fumistied mm fmM hurupean Mian Block arid a half from depot. Sample Kooin In connection. J, L Mli.l-Kl: M. 1).. uaSPAIM BMMJK luala ami itiir.'.ta eye troulilea, i.earrliiil ni. Iii, .hi aim i.. i, -i iifAriiig. iiiak-a properly lilted lor rWraotlvo urrura UK. 1). J. M l- A I I. Ituo.M IV, AUHOt'IA Hun liloiik. Tviopiioiiu HI, r.alduut'f tulc piiOIK', black ill. OBTKOPATHIC I'll YHIiilANH, DHB, K.-yt' .m KfVfs oait i , on.' I. look we at ol U ton IMS UR. LYNN K. III.AK.KSI.KI'., iHKoMi and liervoiia iilaeaaea and illsoaaea m wimuii Opp Ilm, i i or Water and Main MU., l otldl.. ion, Ore. A i lOHNKYh. t;AKTKK A KAI.KY. ATTOUN K't A I L oajce in Havluga Bank building HKaN A LaOWKKl., ATTOHNKYH A I Ijivi Kimiui II AMui'latluu Hlot'k. t'.'ii.ll. Ion, orugun. i. UaVWYKR. orvioi IN i. i-i. i oulldliiK. I'uu.lit'iiin, oregou. N. IIKKKKL.K., A.TTUKNK. AT i.AW ottlt i' in Aaaot ialluu Hiook t- 1). HOY1), AT'l'i 'UN K Y AT I.AW. Court St. Ill L B. KKKDKU. ATTORNHY AT LAW, Pendleton, Orug.iu r. H AMaLKY, agent. hgeSa Take the... , Washington & Columbia River Railway Rw Catatonia, Bi Paul, Ht. LgA Ks OS 'it.v, Ht J,H', Oniaiia. and All Points East and South Portland and points on i he Sound TinS ' Ai.).. HKI'I KH.UK I, ll. Waal Boslnd latavi- Valla Wallai sa; tm dlatOU pin . iwkaiie 7 JO pia; Arrlfa lmi I . U am ; Hvatlie I am. hav Hound Leave -Seattle i:i:,pta. Tm. .i- pat . rnvi- Walla Walla Ian: fesatlatoi '..:n am . Spokane ;bi am. Km laforSWtloa regaollng raw. sail ate iiioilatloie. . all or address W. AUAMg,lnsi I'oa Jieuio. vneii H H. liALpKKIILAh, 0, f. A , Walla Walla. Walk JAMKr! A KICK, LA V. ajTVIUK IN JIIJI Sslstlse STiLLMAM a luaaua. atiounkys ai law Mr ,-iiilliuaii hag Ojuii ...iinue.l lo praolloa In mi. d - imm paium ottieua au.t ....... an. ,1 I'aleill LatW li.HllUa IU, II, an, I I.i Aaa,M'iali...i i.i.Mig. HANK:. AND UltuktKI Kiitim Kate Mc, 75c, SI. (Ml LUMBER mill other bolldiag material laslndtag Line, Cement, Plaster, Brick, and Sand. w have a Uie atenh of WOOD QUTTERt for iianiH anil ilwull ing. I 1. Ray ft Co., Buy aud sail Stocks, Hot ids and Oram for oaah or on margins. New York Stock Uxchanga. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Hoard of Trade. rati KAUMKUb HANK Of VVKBTON, Wtutuu, oreguu Oooa a geueral baiikoo i.i.iuuaa Kacoaug. uoiiaihl and sold Del lactlc-Uk prorapll) atleuiletl L.) AIan. u, uioa. oitelleui I'oinli.ion, au I to reporU'd .ipuu by in e'lllgalloin ouiuiille,' ol ruapoiialtil.'.'itisou oitliers: K Jaunwou. preaidoiu, tKo W ?""bt5 Tl ''' ersMiidiui ;C.U. I' teres . a.lilui J K Klligurv, aaaiaLaiit vaah : , director. '. a. tia.iiiiau. a Jl JUUUi, 1. J. Kmc, I.. V Iraia J K. ktlllgur... Sotwrt Ja .asSSO, S, W PmsssisI MUHl NATIONAL HAN KOI ATHiCNA Orogol. LapiUl, iJ,lu, kUtpl.ia au.l protll. au.wai. i.ueieat ou lliuj depoalu leln lu lori ign gun iluuleall. aZOakVUff I ollei Hour ..urn,,..? aimuueu 10 neurr V. Adania, pr.- - -. . 1 1 , i j nira, vie. prualduul; &, L. liar ":: ji.""' "" K' ' Srnil. aaalaiam s.eskaiua'-i . NORTHERN PACIFIC Waauri Mtravat, H.ndl.lo.i. Ort, Oregon Lumbef Yard Alta St , opp, Coart House. LOANS BERKELEY hkht national hank of punou. mju uapivai. I7U.UUU. aurim,., u,(Juu Traua aCU n geuoral bauklna U,.i... u. .......... anc . lugrapt.l.-transfer, sold ou Chleago. HkVu Nu" ,Yo. I'ouupail point in I. . Nmlnwesi lirafl Pram, ou CUiiU, Japan , -.-a- . u.iri uuai. ou reaaoualile Jatrau U Aiikcuy, prealdunt. W. F Mallo. s ...... i. ci. d. na.1. caatiler II : iienikey.aailsuut cashier 1TI ran HKNiJhicTON havtnuh hank laioLM . i..'"1'0" 1".""ihI March I. UnS, lawJS ..I. i' :"rP'u'' ". luloceal at. orrr..cMl,,., ' "UP',": T. J AHLHITSI.TS AMP aUILDKRS. T--!P..-u..!CA.Ki)' AtuiMiTaivr and bd- olavua 1.7. h,7. i . , , SSSJIM1U uud rollabl. koTJia iF.iMVMl? ht saaatrr "hiUMit Ir'V,l'K: W)NTltAt-roKH AN II i,.".. . """saioa luruiauc.t on khort no 1) A. builder a. . . ...... . K..i. ' , . kai:tou AND alatimALtea fllPlllfahaasi a. i - a a j... "sits, ntruuu waiU etc Or der. can h.. icli.t thu jjt oregouiau oSSoe WHY rent or interest J srnsH th k Home Co-Operdtive Company Will build you a home ior ...sf.6-50 our Wuiitli... SgJaV ill furiiiaii you the woae p. " pay off your u.urlgagi- ... tiny g liouie in ail) looaiTity, au.l give jrou in years aud a month, to pay it hack at the rate of I . fit) pur uioolu, lut.reat In caau of death or tulal dikabllUy a clear deed will he given. Strictest iuvcatigaliou courted K. A. BOILK, Pendleton, Ure. BOOd AgUU Wauled Kvery who.. . Tha ICaat Or.gouian ia Kaatarn Or.- Kon repraacnutivti paper. It leada, and aaav rf.. iprectic H alio stluw II by bair liberal palrouaga. It ia the advar. .il l madiunn ol Ho. on WHEAT LANDS At lowest rates J. K. DICKSON, tiast Oicgoulan Buildiag, Mondloton, Oregon I armers Custom Mill f rod W altera, Proprietor. Oepaclty. its. barrel a Uay. fiour aaaaeessal f" wheat. Hlour, Mill Vet.l i opped Psjed ole . always ... " a i -1 VVanth sfivtu'al st"'k and Fruit I'arius for EhaI- Brn buyati. 0SMTIST8. B. A. VADOHAN, DKNT1BT tiP'm. K tujudd Buiidiug. 1, wwun K. A. MANN, DKNTI8T fN ahhhiiu not Block, over. B. tLUJ, mVl A Mil. ION 11. MK'll.KK, DKNTtsT rings Bank Buildiag. lB1, BA- MlUKh,, PhLIS AND JUNK oiT,,:..yf 1 u iL BS m worth Ol ho treau,.! iu the aa.ul way" wT 5" hr ... "'V. "e "avu come a.n-i c.r-'i: u " . m be Have you Either to Selt NOTTCh ro I. a'ltJKIIOLUKB N.iT'lCt IS Ii ' I I j i ....... .ui ni ii v u l-...Ht Ul... purpoaa; ol electing oSi.-er. .... year. J I.. Oregon, for the . lllf'k.! U. AMI'KIN, ebureuVrv ""an w. CALL POH UOUfyTf WARRANTS. Hon" ?ui7:U H "uurlCiaaCn PcskTuf. S. K. Y AT'tta, I rwaaure. ul HukallUa Owuuiy RUNS Pulliuitn Sleeping Cars, 1. 1 .".:;i nt DiniiiKCan, Tourist Sleeping Can I HT. PAUL MINN KAPflLI." DULUTB KABU0 TO UBAND KoBK , ( KOOrWTOX ii-i vv'k'pn; I yy t is is m HKI.KNAauJ Hl'iTK THROUGH ncKirre ( Hit AOO WAKItlNUTON 1'H I I.ADKLPHIA NEW YOKK BOSTON and ull Miinus Kant aud Boutli TSlSasi lickela lo Japan akv! iaj t la. . .ma aud Nurlhtru ItnSI sssssswsg aud American line. TIBS SCHiOUU. Trains leave Heudletou dally siess aiaaa SkJ. kSS Kor further lulorasatlou, WS E and ticket., call ou or write jaw-j dleuiu, Oregon, or Jt. iSrtlasi Tklrd and Morriaou 8H. rn" You get Qood Beer a When you drink PILSNER BEER. Guaranteed not w cause headache or dizzineas Aak for it. Mm a . la ...nil LU, tw' a bav .mi uruisvii v -ka. i mm a a a m a a a t iim . 'v ...... - ,a nilUUuaa M "JSj of ueJ,.LiTiia III II MW " IS rm e mmSmmmM MMMWejel kr. i 1. 1 -H ASBBV ii. I w la.' V MMMST I aaj.1 ljena Oiaoiaat n.o JM aa i . i aaa il w ' uwl ut alrla.u'. Irra.a.v. , , THtEoasCataiacCc: .i , , Utf sslsl.. b. 'iTtaakii. si m, er 'JTZmw f .roalar 3 . -alal Holn orW" sVanteA C. F. Cook's EiflploJiW'jf' Ooruer Main and i'- fKNOl.KTt'N mm