East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 04, 1901, Image 4

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Misses' and Children's
We .ire ihowiQf a very strong
line ol UiMM' and Children s
BhoeB and hSVe .. large assortment
at all prices and our welts, ami
turns arc the bntl to he had. Yon
will tind it will he to your inter
est to MM us hefore Inlying your
children's shoes.
Cleaver Bros
Jan. A. Howard. Farm loans.
Hnrt I' & Howard. Are lnsuro.m -
Kmc ulekle butter at Hawley's at
."'i cents per roll.
I IpWtiC and Davis sewlnx ma
( Blnaa at Wltbee'a.
$1 shirt waist, now 49c. Cleaver
Itros. Dry Goods Co.
School handkerchief. lc each
Cleaver Brothers Dry Goods Co.
(.'ninoerrlcs, Scotch oats, bananas,
all kinds of mushes at Hawlcy's
Best school hose over sold. 26-
lalr. Cleaver Brothers Dry Goods 00
Wanted Table boarders at :1IL' 01
,, i, street . ft pI whK Mis A
Concord, muscats, tokays and
itarmachan grapes, fancy pack at
For first-class rigs or a cab at any
hour, telephone Depot stables, Elvln
Craig, prop.
A lady lost on the streets a cold
liois.-i.hoo pine. Liberal reward for it
D turn to this office.
it you want a real nice box of candy
then- U ouly one place In the clt
to get It. that la at Candy Dutton s.
You may never hnve heard of The
Palm chocolates, but you will never
torget them II once you try a box.
Sold only at Koeppen's drug store
J. A. Howaid hail for sale a lease
ot 1300 acres of land now plowed for
summer fallow, and also about 1000
acres in stubble to be plow. I In i
snrini: all adlolning. also all u -
sary horses. Implements, etc.. to
nandle the land. Terras, half cash,
balance after next harvest.
The homhest man In Pendleton m
well as the handsomest, and other.
are Invited to call on any drusn'
.in.: t;et ire.- a trial bottle of Kemps
Balsam for the throat and lun;--temedv
that Is guaranteed to run
and rellere all chronic and ar.it.
roughs asthma, bronchitis nnd oi
rumntion. Price f.- and 50c. For
School Books
AH ready for
First Day of School
St. illiu' silver novoltlcn at NOlf.
iror i. ni H?erooin house in w. - t
Pendleton, Inqulr m i Offtea,
Call UP Standard (lioeeiy." phone
Main M, rot dresse.l BttWRMM. gtese.
For rani Two i in uished rooms,
Mi Doable st three Mftftfi mm
Main st.
Wanted, sin for general hooaework
rjood salary. No . hlldien. Apply IM
POtt street.
ri... unn.Mf old ilailghtr of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fraler died last
week 111 Milton.
Iiitnes Slmonton has sold his QUgl
ter sr. MOD 01 land In township B to
Hie) Winn tor 1000.
S, hool salts at discount of 10 per
rent during this week. Cleaver
trrothen Dry Ooods Co.
Word was received today Mir Rl
gtneei Hit, tunned last week at Ben I
.11. ,1 :ii the hospital In Portland
Mis Cm Is. hi. tOMBOT of all kinds
ol needle work, has now cfcargs ol tne
Hrt department ol the peoples ware-
Three acres ol land. I t rooni lion.-
brick cellar, ton minutes walk Iron
poatoOlce, Dayton, wa?h.. 11,110. B.
T, Wadr
Take your pictures to Sharp to
have them framed. Dealer In oils,
paints, wall paper and glass. 206
Court street.
As turkrvs are going to be very
caroe, von bad better engage yours
now. at the Standard (Iror.iy.
phone Main N
i,.u. i.. thn rntina nu n ol I'rndlr
ton tonight ai the rourt house. Young
...... MiuiiMi. von. I Invite von
III. ... .,,. ,....-...r-
I,, this nervier. It. A. COIMM.K.
in.i r. i i veil at the "Standard
Qrocery" some choice New Tort
l.ii, kwheal Hour, eom inrnl. New
Knvlsnri hulk nianlr syrup and .-ran-
P, (). and Joe Dennett, white men
and Jim Badeard and - TllliiKiit'
mined before .Iii.Ik.
Beam this morning and assessed
each tor h. iiiK drunk and utsoroany
Thr li.in..er of the I'h. l!lr will hoi I
banquet and social at the l.a Do
Hall Wednesday evening. This Is
rT) strong order In this rlty. that
now being over 4"" names on tl
roll book.
The exercises at the court lions
ti.niorrov. evetlillK will rotlUlielirr
.,, ill , i 'In o'clock. Colli'
...ii K H "vnii want seat Invitations
Im ve hMII sent to the eailips as fill
aaal ai Baker City and as fat west us
i . i. i, I !,.i,. i'oiism' Nurt lu ll' t
will pleMe you.
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
John Allen Portland
Win MabOT, Portland.
C M Smith Portland
John Lathrop, city.
r A Parr) Boston.
F B Palmer omahu
IMwurd Cowper. Chicago.
Paul Pie per, Denver.
Inhii W Wright St Paul
a l Moore, san Prasetaco.
A S Waketleld, Spokane
c a Barrett Athena
(ieo Steams. Spokane.
Billy Krasslg. City
W Averv. Buighain Springs.
ii it Baxtei . Miami Raptde.
F Wlialey. St. Paul
L Phillips. St. Louis.
. Cornwell ami wife
D Dodd, l.a (Irandi
II KliU'ellliet . Spokane.
Mrs. Phillips Died in Idaho.
Werilon. Nov. 4. Special. 1
I'hillins wlio It-It Dry Creel.
areeka ago and went to Peck. Idaho
returned to Walla Walla yesterday to
remain with Ills son. Sam Phillips.
.ii Phillips recently leas.-.! his farm
n Dry Croak to Dr. Baal of Weston,
and witli Ills wll. inov d to Pr. k
There Mrs I'hillips was taken sud
denly alcll and die,, last Sunday. Mr
and .Mrs Phillips had Just settled
Hu ms. U.'s in a Ml home, und in
tended to remain there They are old
pioneer of the Dry Creek ooantry.
and an well known to all old set-tlon
Working 2-4 Hours a Day.
There Is no rest for those tireless
little srorker Dr. King's New Ufa
I IDj Millions are always busy.
iuk Torpid Liver Jaundlre. Bllloua
POT and Ague They banish
Sik lleadarhe. drive out Malaria
N. v. i gripe oi weaken Small las. l"
sora WOOder. Try them. 25c
,ii Tallman . Co.
nr.. I. ... 1 1 .iir lino ha for hoth
eee aavi a 1 1
II. .1.1 ... . 1 I . aril I arademv ami
Illlllie BVWWM l '
will exchange new hooks (or old
OMM tt half - price. Coiupanian
hoxes. rulers and hlotters given
iway witli purchases.
Distributors (or Umatilla County.
Furniture for Sale.
Having ilrri.lt'.l to go away iroin
Pendleton, I Wll l at private sal--
boueehold ami kitchen furniture at
m nous, mi Jackson street. Parties
wlahing all ot it or part of it are in
rlted t" rail. Offal Simpson. Pendle
ion Oregon
j The Only Pinaa you can get
A Lunch in Pendleton.
I. L. Kay & Co.,
Huy anil sell
StockH, Hondw
fcirici Grain
lor osa or ou msrglui
New York Mock hxehange
Chicago Stack bxebanxe.
Chicago Board ol Trade.
Imported Swiss anil
Litnbargtl Cheese. . .
Imported d o u h 1 e
Stout l'orter, Schlit
Atlas Ueer
W ii fJhamherlaln. count)
pen! Sunday In Athrnii.
fti r seven years' a' senee. Jatnefl
Hanrahan has retarrted to this i ity
Dave Caldwell, i proalnenl tarmflt1
Ironi BchO, was in '" 1
jo,, t. Hlakto ami son returned
Sunday evening from a day spent la
Mrs. D.-an Tntuni is to return this
evening front visit t Iter parent.
in Iowa.
w d Dodd, editor i the La Grand'
Chronicle, was al Ihi Hotel renai
ton on Sunday.
ii. i. Btlllman, Prod Walte nnd Jltn
B pence are oul in the Arlington noun
try goosr hunting.
Mrs. Sarah Pign Thompson is vis-
itiim frlenda in Pendleton from ner
I, inn, in Walla Walla.
v. B. Morae, advance agent tor the
ii.i Archer Company, la regiataren
in the st. ueorge Hotel.
honator ! w. Proahatel oama i v
troiu Portland on the BUnaa) eveniag
train and wrnt to Walla waiM tins
Polirenian Sheer was off duty Sat
urdiiv tin aCCOUn! ol rheumatism in
his knee and Policemen Pee was on
11 Ills plllee.
Miss Lhnde Owene, who has been
(topping with the family ol Dr. HC
Pall, returned to her home at a, nuns
Saturday evening.
s. i Oardenenr 01 the grocery firm
il Qardeneur A suns ol Walla Walla.
wa.- a guest of M. K. K'll at the QOltl
n Kill. Siimlay nigni.
c j, Preene, elrcuietlng manager
of the Spokesniiin-lteview siauoii'.i
ai Waiia Walla, was resfaitered at the
Hotel Pendleton Saturday night
Dr. w. G Cole wrnt t Walla Walla
tills morning to perform surgical
operation upon Mrs. W. P Kenned?
rat appeadlcitii at the Man walla
WalM Hospital.
Alger V ame home on the Sun
daj evening rain from Wnlla Walhi
where h. visited his brother, Cheat, i
K, , who is now in the New Wntlt
Walla Hospital.
in. a. 1, BeatUa ol Wanton was re
Kisiered at the (iobiep ituir Sunday
nlghi Hi was en rout- home from
Prlnevllle, where he assisted in e.nv
ducting i teacher'i institute.
lurk l.vrrtt. was out nnii Arlliik
ton Sunday and bagged Hi wild geea
.laii. says goeoe are re so thick thai
anyone oould hnve Killed them wheth
er he was a gisiil sliot or not
cris Simpson returned from Pon
inn, i tins Bwrnlng. nnd nnvlng let
td the Irviagton moa track in Port
land loi ID. years, lie will move with
iiis family to Portland to reside there.
s. hooi Superintendent .i P. Nowlln
and family and Mm. Patrick will L av
tomorrow to spend a week on thai'.'
homesteads and s tbOUt bit. 'dins:
oi houses on their lands in-ai Alba.
a. D, Leedy, now praetlcittg Inn h
anyon cif Omni oonnt Ii In Pen
dleton. his former home Ml. I.eedy
arrived hen on Saturday nli;ht an-i
came through n snow storm on Dixie
Head Consul NofthCUtl Of tin Mod
rrn WisMlnien of America, who Is
lieutenant governor i the iteta ..i II
llnoia, will be in the elty tomorrov.
ami will deliver a lecture at the 00011
house in the evening.
0 rover Hnpn, Pun Price gad Mr
Stuart 0i Athena passed .thfOUgtl
Pendleton today on th. li way to On
nuis Prarle. where Mr Stewart In
hoieaa on the rang, and which be
will drive to pasturage at Athena
ii Pim aertofa smith and mi tii
lie Orondenburi ol Pekio Illinois.
motlM i and cousin Of A. L. Smith
an in Pendleton rtojttng Mi Saaltb
They haw lieen In Ciillloriiin and
came this way on tlieir return bom.
w p. Matlock enane baaw from
Uunin and .liuieau this moriiltiu
Mr. Matlock w'us accompanied h) hi
son. W I Mallo.k. and the lati "
wll- who have I ii in Alaska fOI th(
past tour years. Than win remain
here tor the winter and ax peel bo
nun in tie aprUM
llairv Polsom is in lown. tile llrsl
nnii in several arQOkti ironi his liors
linn h Kiillth .1 Pendleton Mr. Pfi
som has a herd oi more than li head
ol tin. honea He likes the idea of a
market das m Pendleton nnd thinks
II Will Ill'Olr to be till excellent till 01
for all concerned ii tin- monthly galea
are kept up.
C, A. Ban ti Oi athOM ram. down
in Pendletm the s in. lay evening
train. H stales that :arii. .- a.
not Belli g mttCk wheat at AI lit nu.
only a fan lots thui wen piled up I i
Hi. gelda liaving iieim ,lisHsni ol
since the rarly selling Of the season
Partner! an- koldlni in the bope thai
pricea win Improve latnt
Mrs GOO. W. Pro. list. I oi WoatOg
ufiered aeother paralytic itroks on
Saturday, and was talien i t in- Nee
Ws.Ha Walla Hosniuil on Sunday, ac
compnnied by ner nog, Lonia Proeb
I tel. Shr wus i- stiug easily on Sui.
lay evening, ami it is hoped that the
hospital in . unit nl will brine gfl
througk into a battel oooditlon oj
L. Smitli la in Pendleton from
Wad. ranrh at Yoakum On thli
ranch lasi summer nine miles of four
wire, aheap proof fence were bull..
This is one of the best ranches in Hi"
Country, being highly improved and
specially arranged for ' the comfort
, are and breading of Hue sheep. At
pn mil 10,000 sheep are being eared
for there under the direction of
.lame.. Ha, keti. The abulia en I' was
excellent this year, the yield being
larger than usual and of gm uhID v
This crop insures plenty of feed tills
w inter.
a load Of lumber from Smith a
saw mill eleven miles from here. when
he was accldently simi in tha nip,
They had started for the mill In the
morning, tukini a double barrel ahot
Kim with them, In hopes of bugging :
stray grouse DT two. When neat home
the young man reached ror the gun.
, hawing it toward htm b) tne mm
i,. srhefl the hummer caught on
anmetnlng ami thi gun was dlschari
ed, the whole load entering the right
hip B little in the i.-nr Of and li. low
the joint, milking a terribly Incemted
and powder burned wound An old
fashioned shot bag thai Ihe young
man wore was all that Mved the leg
from the necessity ... amputation,
111 Best Of Weston dressed the wound
and this morning repolti Ihe young
n an doing very well,
The Most
Widclv Read
In America.
rinir has demonrtrnted
im... ..Wrrk World sll'inb
ii rinss. Other papns
ed lis form ''ill not in
In heriuisr It 'ells
.it,, nine am
Burlmnton Puts Its Fourth Mail Car
rltr on Omaha Chicago Line.
On Sunday, October ST. the Bnrllni
ton placed Iti fourth exclualve msi
mull train In service between Omnha
and Chicago, li haves the Council
Bluffs tranafer depot nl ' " n. m.
an eleven hour run
This gives the Bililinglon two ex
.1,1 ilv,, last null! trains each way
daily on the OflMba-Chlcega run, Mo
14, as the m w train is known, and No
v an the Mat bound trains. Thr hit
tar leaves tin truuefei depot al I p
in . driving in Chicago ai 1:10 a. m.
No. T and No. 16 are west bound
trains, the former leaving Chicago at
:i a. m. and arriving at the tiansln
depot at I '" p. m. No. i" leaven
Clil. ago al '.'..u P in ami unives i
tin tranafei depot at Ii IB a. m.
Km aeveral yean past the poatomce
department'a llgurea have mown tout
ol all the tniiis. oiilinrliiai man pas
sing through (iniaha 72 p'i nut has
Pen weatbound and only II per cent
east bound. In recent years this con
1 1 It ton Ol affairs has been gradually
changing, as a direct result ol the
... vi i great proeperlt) nnd the large
i. lacreaaed mails from lha orient.
si that these llaures are not correct
now. Tiie Increase ol eaatbound
mails is equnlialnB the volume oi tiie
cnrylng buelneee i such an extent
that ii baa becom aeceaaen to put on
adltlonal iasi mail train-- out ot Onuv
Hint the
alone In
have imitat-
Miiccess. I ins
..ii in, new all
" i.
tells II unpin... to
il. ., ... .ah
. i itiiii ii, ,i, .....
"c. in .... ilmoai a dally
mil afford to be Wltnwu
II. ...,, rill, llllil ileinoclllt
read Ihe Thnce-a Week
ahaolute confidence in
I.. ...Idltloll to II.WS
flrstclass serial
features suited to
"'nic run nWeek World a reguln.
subscription price is only fl '
. i I Ilia niivs Ol IS PHI" is
i- in.s unen, .ailed newspap.
and the weekly BUBt (.ego..l..n
ethei for 3 -1
lllke can
World with
It publishes
smiles and Oinei
he home nnd BW
Fire at the Columbia Saloon.
a eaenll Sre net urn d m the Nu
Bient oi the Ootumhla saloon at t'.W
Hits afternoon and was quickly pid
out. Damage will 111 . e'lll IllllUlie.l
dnllsrs Tin- origin oi the tire Is in t
known at this time,
Two Scholarships Given Away.
Th People. Wan house will glvt
a scholarship lor a gin at ine si
l.iseeh's ,n adenn ami one lor a box
ii ihe Pendleton A- ademy ror pat
tlculnra i all al their store.
st. joe store;
hae II11 iei.eiv.-u .-oi uiini iiiipiuetit this ,
i . ... ason Of
New up-to-aate uress Skirts
Our i-r.-ttv stvles and low price! have Kivcn tis an
li,r.geol thftge.goodn thin fill. an Unuully
FOR ONE WEEK - A tiiwh discount of a
i . . . i rx . .
nn ladies Jackets, Uapni and Htir. All
Yoo will And BfeyltM and PriMi Right
do nt thin Htore
Ramembet the largegt sttick ol oodi in the
Iroin gnd prieni guaranteed the lowest.
P6' cent
aK you alwavi
Furniture and Undertaking,
Pot ihhii for
yrtftf ot drew
a pfttenl
Uncle Bam: "Steer
We wiil rinse dill
doon for ii evening
. on November IHh n t
live T. M. Head
Consul Northootl of
the Modern Wood
men will be here on
Unit date.
You can buy
"Mother's Pride"
t-nllee tin- liuluiK'c nf
the time
()wl Tea House.
Coltskin Shoe
in Lace or Button I
combination or the finest
of mat. rial and work-
manship, They are very
luili.r'v l.'ii.,..;i,,-. q.
".Ill- .-MOTl. ,,..1
.1 ... . . , . "-.""SO
main ami
I ,' I
Wuhh strPetB d
(i leion, i regon.
gvei on the many nice
of the rare bargains he
Pilot: "Why go there'"
CJnolC Sam: "FWn,, I
has the flnesl line of Furnittw
l r i ana "
" oe rouna in Kafttn (W
ana sre an want to feu
furniture creations and secure
is offering."
Corner Main and WuMi Ktreeta,
Peoples Warehouse j
j Feetfitters.
: complete line of
Stationer, ,ni.l linok'
School booni gn I
SehOOl lliiie
Canes in all styles .
N.-w linr of
Cutlery, Rlvn
etc. Mew and ual
'lesuins in Ititkl
S0OU, pocket boiu
purses, can! cisst
Combs, Brubs I
FHti MAZKPPA 821 Main
tun lrl.
r stlalswi it
Wo have a FINE ass.H tnmnt of now, soft luatlu'r.
in uj-to-datc SHOES carefully selected, with a
view of the demands tor FALL trade; of splendid
quality and freight, and will WEAR satisfactorily.
If your lioy is hard on his shoes have him try a pair of our
Steel Shod School Shoes. They will stand the roughest
kind of wear.
646 Main St. Tin Pendtotos. ho 0.
Au up to date Repair Jitiop ia iuuuci lion witk aur stun.
Miss Rothrock Has a Broken Wrist
and Miss Burton a Sprained Ankle-
Wliile Hi' MlggM Carie Hiirtoii
Maude ilottifook tad -Maii.i Sbnah
w i. .iiiviiiK aoroaa tin- Ifgln atTMl
In-iiiui Sunaav alteriiuun in a Iiuh",
tlieir bona I., . uiii. frigbtanatl un.
turned miildeiily arouii.l. Uippini "
tiie gugf ami throwing oul Uw Kin
Ilia Rotbrooli foil on bar hand with
.-.m il tone an to break tier left wrist
Dr ( ol. relii. -..I tin fracture Mi.,
Hurt on rvveived u uprained ankle
inn Miss Hhwk is.-aiied unhurt 1 he
a.ildeiii attracted the attention ol
Mime men that were nour. wuo eaiiKni
the liors.- hefore he K't away and did
moi. damuK,.'
Weston Mountain Man buffers from
An Aecidental Shot.
Weston. Nov. 4. Snoclal. Jess
Irarguaun, youua man living on
Weston moiiutaln. aliotit live miles
from this place, met with a very sel
lout, and painful an l.lenl late on rial
ur.lay alteruoou. The youoK uiau wan
lu coiupauy with Uis fattier brliiKiiiK
haki ritlii I RBPAUUNQ
ii tiot in our Im.- dou'i . over crsckisi.,1
iswitti putty sinl oaint We Bs thliiil
niUt, ami lien woii Ifi.ve- our mhiu it i
iiiii.mhI !,,.. W.- taSt- uil.lv in dolus oul.
itoo.l work. Mini w- u- ver charst- uy ISO re
' .mm i. risiii.
Coru. r Court sad Johuoi SliocU,
ceudleniii, .'regou.
M. F. Kelly. Proprietor.
-" Hgg)gVks'',f
til a 1 1 I) BV STEAM.
gsjatlaag nu, aMai fsJS uuuoiy
Kuropeau plsu, AOv. 7oc', ll.UU
Spst-isl rsles by week or moolk
Hree Bus fleets all I rains.
Commercial trade Soiuiieu
Fins Sample Kooias
The Columbia
Lodging House
ItAlt IN '(iNM-:ci li'N
F. . SCHEMPP, Prop.
F. S. Younger & Son
I Live the larL'.-st a .iriiii.-nt ol lancy and staple I
grocoriea in tin- city. When you see it in our bot,
it's s 1 1
To and from tin-
Illinois Central Kairua d
SiiliJ Trains
New EqulpoMnl
Wide Vestibules
KiKjuire an.-ui (). K. A N. Co., or
11. II. TUI'MIIUI,!,, Cin'l. Aireut,
14J Third St., I..rtlan.l, Ur.
Notary and
M.fii) to $5 Delivered
Drtlvr of ns and save uronny.
Ortlers for ltubbur stamp
also sollcltftl.
Pendleton Savings Bank
lit-.. I. IUkr, l.fi- hi.. I Miisr, l. 11. Wclc-n. iaiol
(lii Nitrlit iil v-
60 rsoru ou
.mini; lo He- hoi paosji Amount oi ussjarj to bmi.i.t ud kssjttt o( ssgi
,'nrlsii. wil rltt- ,it 1 1. in brp
Prices: 50c, 75c, $1 00, i.5'
rtcrt 1-, on 1. nit Hi Krsivr'n U.iok Slor.
Ssjckl ittentlofl given Country Trade
llllud. !,. . HUM
ud llrklul 3ll. Il
ut.M.rba Hi,, lauiors. nl
hi, Itcblus at ouot.
itiui uoullTct. SJVSI
loMssi t.n.-r im Wii
Mil IN I'll.fc
il.wyMIIT la l.ru.
K rati only forHlltiiitl lu hiunol iUuprlvuitru
J7i i...; ,. ..,,.,,1.1 m.,1,1 1t ilrunnisu or wai
Wov sals by Tsilaasu Co.. v suuisiou
'I'mumwUHd, H .iiuiiu liiwlutw,
1 iUor.,, .,..,.! on uuiti ,lrt -Kiebsns
bougiit sud sold on sli prtucl
.Mil oolou.
Hoaclsl alUiulliiii vlvau tt l.tini.
W. I. KUHN1HU, Frwldeni
J. N. it. vi . Vlos-Frwndvut
T. I. atUHKlH. Uasblsr.
The First National Bank
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shafting and all
bearings ot machinery
of the mill or factory it
cannot be surpassed : : :
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or
Transact!, a l'.-h,th1 banklUK huluosn
Wuchang.- and tflenrsphh trsnsli rs sold
mi ban Krani'iaio. Nw York. Chlixiro
and prln, 1 pal polnU In the Northwest.
llllAK-imlrBwii on cliluu, Juiutu aud
MllUttntHllloc tloUnoll -MWtlUUl)lo faMPSJMI
LKVV ANKKNY, -..-...
W. V UATLoeK Vlt-i-.'IM.i,.ui.
C. li. WAIIK, aai.loi,
H. I.'. MllKKNHKl . vi.( ..ih.i
The wheel that is iky
high iu quality .."M
PriOSS range fifOW I
to $110; tunus tfi Witt.
.1. is
UAiA 1 aM I exclp.T-iir
I Ivy WW 1 Jt i y M J you n
he new store can never be
Know 11 uiilM It gdvertlaes