Remnants. Worth 85c to $1.25 yd whil they last 59c yd our newest silk waist buttons in the back, the very latest $4.98 CASH STORE ;ieaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. hoSDAY. WOVEMBER 4. 1901. NsrERS or DIRT. Sales of Realty Made During Past Few Days. UnM nrr tii' reoenl tranatera jiNUI IHO'll- I" .! . -". quarter nl aectloil WW ratlin' "' M.ew, f rVriH'V tn U. M. Alcorn. 17J in tin- BortnwMt quanar t Lnshl I, tor $"" ft,. American .MnrtKtiK'- ".' ' " i ,,, v HiM'tti hi'i snutliwoKt (imhi ! iMrtlmi I". lOWMhlp I. for $-!. (nmi sann to HUM muitli nan ey-tlnn tOWMalp I. to 1400. r nil Mrs JaVBMM RoOMf tn J. Iharpntftti. II Inn In btooh It, anil H in Mock It, in riMwatM, lor I tlavlu nml uilr tn A. H. ("lien- ,inarter leci'tlnn III tlir HOIItllWCHt L imviisiiiii I, for 11(700, L tejrar nmi into to o. N v mi tn In Frwwnti't'. tor $rri. ii MthiM nmi elfa in a. w. pnptri) if rreaweter tor 11000. Reliable and Gentle. on want u which is rrtaln. rouicti ami gentle. heWltta 1-1 tie r. iii-" mi the mi: I in nut tore ln.-ist- tin' Iiuwi-Ik 'rullliuili .V ' lirm'k V Mct'unilia. ! Iiiik dtopoMd nl bin band Rt fair prlc I Mi tlmiiKh the Bale wan alow. Hi eepeeta tn ret urn boon xmn. VV. B. Hanks. Who liven M miles east nl I'klali. hml the misfortune' to ' KMC a valiiiilili niaie in h rather pa miliar manner Mi Hunks hail start eil tn town in his hack ami. whlli driving aloiiK In a alow trot, one horse begun HlaRjrerlnR anil Cell. Hy tin I line Mr Hanks got the harness off the animal was ileail What eauseil the ileal h is nut known. Camas Valley News. IK I'klali Sentinel nirnishi" the (in-Kimiuii ltd the following W Perry writes the Sentinel Sal. in that In will return to ('a l valley noon on business I! Clark .iii-l wife went to J'etl- oethl wi'k after tlu-lr winter's lev. Ir ami .Mrs. .lack Whulln nl Kit will move to lilllho Hhortlv to re- ennanently A'lioKaat was in town Tliurs- I Wlt'i a luail nl Inn:: which lie was i Pendleton lilt Boynlnii Iioiise near I'kiah I'll fin Molality from a detective- pl. A huMtlly forineil bucket I ma hail the MuineH cxtin- Nt t Klllioiirin n Willow Creek I nib inn, a banil ot lueses tn I Willamette vallev writes Hint be The Time 1 buy is now, right now Witch, HlaK. Jewelry, Silver- Mar. Solid Silver. Cut Ulaaa, or Clock k one from our well assorted Jtnl uptodate stoc k. The Place I Pendleton's largest and best jewelry store Wfctre everything we sell luaranUed as represented. fuis Hunziker Jeweler and Optician "a.AUiiar. Says he was Tortured. "I Buffered audi pain from corns I coulil hardly walk." writes ft, Hohln son. Hill in- ii His., "but Hurl, Ion's rnlea Halve completely cured them." Arts like maul'' on sprains. I i nines, euta. sores, scalds burns nl celH. Perfect healer of Hklli dlK'-nsev Mid plies Cure guaranteed bv Tall tiian A- Co Cris Simpaon Leases Track. Crla Simpson, the well known linrHeman oi I'eiidleinn. and II. H. Id another well known burse man and track mating! i nl San .lose. Cal.. hae leased the IrvlnRton track In Portland, says the Rural Spirit, lor a term of five years, and will give the Kami a general over hauling and put it in lirat in i condition lor hold I races aiul lliatiliee IlieetillKH. It is the Intention of these gentlemen to revive racing in Portland and they will undertake to do fhls hy giving race meetings that are up to date in every respect. As hooii as a circuit is arranged they will advertise some early closing stakes for their first meeting In I!t02. Portland is recog Ii I zed as the best racing point nn the circuit, and there should be no trou ble In holding u successful meeting here. The Children's Friend. For coughs, croup, bron. hills, grip, One Minute Cough Care never IhUr. C II (ieorge Wine best el K 'Our little girl was attacked with croup and so hoarse she could hardly tjcak. We gave her u dose nt One Minuti Cough Cure. It relieved her Imriedl ately. Next morning she had no signs of croup." Talluiau & Co and Brock A Mcl'omas. 8he Did it for "Lowe.." C nlted States Judge Uelllaer In t he federal court in Port land sen teiui'd Kiluu Imngan nl (ioul Hill Jackson county, to one day's imprls oiiment in the (utility Jail and tn puy a tine of $1 fur ualng the I'mteii States mail tn del rand wifesei-king suckers" out of their money mi a promise of inurnage He stated ilia altbougb tin laws were made to pro teet society he had but little syiupa thy lor a man who. sent moiiev to a strange woman on a promise ot nun riage The liuugan w oman s plan was to get into correspondence with bar victims unit ask them to sc. "I her monev to defray expenses on wedding dress, etc. A. Sagendorph nt Abei den. Wash and A. Kiiuihoii of New Wliiitcotn em ii parted with M, The woman tailed to show up la both eases. A Physician Testifies. "I have taken Kudo! Dytpopsta Cure and never used anything that d'..; nn the good that did." says ounty Phy siclan Oeo. W.Scroggs, Hall Couf.ty Of As a physician 1 have preacribed it with the best reeulu " Kodol Dys pepuia Cure digests what you eat Tall ma u A Co. and Brock A- McCmutts The transactions nl the lloston wool market for last week amounted to L'.Vouii.oou pounds. ew Furniture ' have just received a carload ol the latest and tnusi "P-to date styles in furniture ever shown in Pendle ,0n- II you want something new in the lurniture ime ca" m and inspect my new goods and the prices e always right Joe Basler, Main Street, Pendleton. The Celebrated Majestic Ranges f" Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves " i p J. CLARKE & CO. Opera House Block. IN PRACTICAL POLITICS QUESTION AS TO ASA THOMPSON'S CHANCES. There Seems to be a Conflict of In terests Between Him and E. W. Bartlett for the Land Office A La Grande View of the Governorship. Regarding Asa H Thnmpnons chances for the land office appoint ment at I.H C.rande the Hakei Htv . 'emoerat say: It was only today that Senator Mitchell's ultimatum reacheu town and since that time Moody Is a very Itnportanl peraonagt in Umm "ligii up places" in the Hlue momtalns. Mitchell has sent word that he has decided tn keep nut of the local post office contest, and thnt in the mtufe. or until the appointment is made. Congressman Moody is the real man to consult This information fnr, the big chief has been somewhat of a disappoint tnent to tin meal can didates and the applicants for the land office at Hums. In the upper dis trict. Mitchell, it is said, has made nne reservation in the eastern Oregon federal appointment and that Is the land office at La Cirandc Ha expect to reward a tried and true friend at Pendleton, and If the late u not changed between now ami I )c. ember hi friend Aa H Thompson will be appointed Bartlett the presi nt In ciimbelit of the office bus a loyal Mitchell follower, and up 'n the last lew nay was strong in tie race Hut politics makes strange "hfcdfel low" and a night will often bring many changes. Hartlett has labored long In the Mitchell eamn ami none has been a ninre enthusiastic f Mow er In eastern Oregon than he Mitch ell has not cverlonker his pasi si r vices to him and the chances aie that something ecpially a go,, will be his to command The l.a tirande Chronicle epiote a local politician: Senator Mitchell has abac -Intel nothing to say Hi- will, he says, re main in the state about three weeka longer and in that time will have lone nothing to advance the interests ol any gubernatorial candidate. Hi Is out of it. Phil Metcham. according to our In ' ' turn.; Is nut of ,i in I'm i si use ic cases now in the eniirts against Ii i in will make It Impnsible for Inm t become a candidate, lint in his stead Indgi Cake of Portland looms iargi upon the horizon If he stands im the nomination he will, it Is believed, carry the Multnomah delegatlm in his vest pocket He is what Is known as a .Mitchell . , in. I ben are three others, which may account lor ' in se nator s w illingness to v h t the light Horn alar. Of Kooth. ol south rn Oregon, the l.a (iramle ma,, bad Utile to say. Hut Furnish ad Us well are right In the lorefrotit .is tar as tin discussion has gone I well had a stmug following among both grand divisions until it began tn be kiinwu that (leer was tin Mmnti can didate and the Dnlpb itu lib i t was Iragged al Lowell's expense He still has good support in both lac lions but must look tor nis main as i urn trom the Mitchell men His hanc es are yet good, furnish will draw from both Simon and Mitchell men. as the lactinu an Known, without the handicap mulct which Lowell runs. Furnish ' M al ways been a friend of Mr. Cm belt without having atitagniii.icl the oth- i taction He now frankly ask- lot he support ol the Mitchell men. This he will receive to a large extent, ami without any opposition, indeed with sunn assistance. I mm tiie s iuou lores He will be a strong fact r lu tin convention if In- takes with him the support nl the I'matlUa deliga Ion. From this resume it will seen, that the Aim be ll liiii es an ilnide d winle hi' Hlnion forces are i e ntered on fleer which would Hppeai to give Q ft the advantage This advantage tl." La rauile jinlltie lau thinks, is mil. ap parent i his lukewarmuess may asll.V develnp into nppnsltlon Hi out lying sections It will probably therefore happen that tin- Mitihcll vote, although divided, will when cen eel upon nne mail a c ciiisuiiima (Inn not hard to uilain in the DOC Tea Ion easily elect him IN THE FOOTBALL FIELD MANAGER POND WAS NOT INFORMED OF IT. Whitman Coach, Allen Brought Ring er and Ayers Under Misapprehen sion that Pond Had Consented. lu telling the atory ol Friday s loot bull game in Pendleton between Pendleton Academy and Whitman Academy, the Walla Walla I'nioii say . Had Pendleton played a straight ucadeiny team there' is little doubt Win mun would have won with e-use Hut before the game began a question arobe as to the right ol the visitor to piuy Ringer, who was e laimed to be a 'varsity man if he played, the Pendleton management said they would put in outsiders. They did with the result that there- was uo score." The fact is thai Coach Allen hiui sell of Whitman makes no deuial that Kluxer and Ayers properly be ionx in Whitmans lirst team Mr Allen understood that Manager Pond of Pendleton had beeu iuloimed that Kluxer and Ayers were to play with U lni man and be made no secret ot the fact that uiuxer played with Whitman's varsity team at Seattle lu some manner. Mauager Fond was not iuformixt, aud the attar waa ad justed upon an equitable basis hy placing Coach Waddell and Anderson in Pendletou's Hue. It is probably true that "if Peudletou had played a straixht academy team. Whitman would have won " For, then it would have been a straixht academy team against one made up of academy aud college players. As it was. the teams VON made up eveuly. aud there was uo undue advautaxe on either side Coach Alleu said to the Kaat Orexon ian that his understaudiux was as is slated here. He was uot blaiued lu the leant for the mistake U. of O. Would Reinstate Men. The Kuxeue Guard says A pe tition has been circulated amonx the Btadanta of the Pulversty. anJ has beeu signed by over luu of them, ask iux the faculty to reinstate Htubliux aud si. u i nu the 'varsity football team, they having been disqualified by the ngni rule laid dowu by the faculty. The team will leave this week for the uortheru trip, duriux which games will be played with the university of Idaho, the Washington axricultural collexe. Whitmau eollexe aud Pi.'udleton academy. Heppner is Organized. The Heppuer Times says: A larxe crowd of foot hall enthusiasts met at the cuuuell chambers Tuesday it pas to trails .it The Peoplei VVarohguM, Our UMthod of Blank)! ami CzOmfortabtt spiling OaUSfN some criticism from other dealers. They think it unnecessary to show such a lafin assortment in I o town of this si.e and claim that our prices are alio J gather too low, j Blankets RanjinR from 4c to $15.00 Comfortables Blankets and a WELL, We will admit that we do ihoU more styles than most dealers do in a town live limes the sie of this Also that our prices arc exceptional. It is a way we have of leading in all departments Comfortables Ranging from 8c to $12. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. l s a ft a. ift is a ift a 8 e a a a a a 11 fi R a a aattjiA ia a a a tJUUI smsjui i 3 evening nml reorganized the Hipp tier liMitball flub, great Interest In the HJOVa being manlfi'Stecl by I'Very one present linn. F I. Frecland was chosen as chairman of the meeting and lb I" tv Wilson ns secrets! v ronti'1 was prepared ami about twal ty IliembeM'S .nlncl the clllh lit nine which antabor win ba increased by 2i Of M inure within the next few days. The club was permanently Of ganUeel by electing Percy Oairigues as mnuar.ei ami ex officio sec retai y and traaavrar, and Arthur Claike as captain. These are the tight lileli in the right places, nml their energy ami careful roaaatanmal win make foot ball In Heppner what it ought tn be The matte r ol selecting a com h was disc nsHeil and Managei (iarrigues was laatractad to witta Iwiiawlafalr to llliTelent parties Whose ii, mi' Were mentioned, and a suitable coach will no doubt iii 1 1 e lu i a a ithin the next ten days. Challenges have already been received Irellll the Pelldb'toll Si inning mill tat at and limn the Foi est OtOTa eleven, but fM c":ilol be conslclered until 111. local hoys get down to huslticK' Seventeen ol eon big. husky gliiiiis have alreaov ptom toad to go into tmiiuug lor tba mm in i. ik ."limes ami Captain '"linke be llaval that a urn h bette r te am i ?n be davalopad even now tba a 'id last year i,.i,.i in. its i m allt'oat eoi'.plc ted lor a - .me lib the .';' o 'Sic in. all '..:,( i UMBi lo ttjlMl tl at Heppner about Nov N an i also a :;aine vlth the Pi ndletoi ,,in -o take place- bare on Thanksgiving Pay Urease up four throats well and 01 ready for the- big doings Stags Llnet For Sals. The stage lines Irom Smnpler In wintiiev. Oanjroa City ( oranite. Ih baaj anil Alamo iiuluiling allstoik, vebiclete. equipment ami governincnt mail contract". Terms, f llKKf c ash , balance Will be taken Irom receipt frmie the govern ineiii contrac t as carn al. rare npportealty. lawpfac Trnpiii.rtati' n Co. . Snmpter, Oregon San.'t lu bulk Announcement. To accomoilaie those who are tan tlal to the use ot atuiuiers in apply ing lepi..i- ii i tin i.a .ii passug. . for catarrhal troubles the propria tors prepare Cream Italm in liquid form, whu h will be known as Klv . I.lnuid Cream Palm Pric e- Im ludin the spraying tube Is "5 cts. Iiruggists Of by mull. The liquid form e-mbod les the medic inal proiiertics ot tin solid preiaratlnn. Cream I In I in U quickly absorbed by the membrane uml iIin-b not dry up the see ret Ions bill e hauae-h llu in t" a natuial mid healthy diaractci Klv Hrothers, .rii Warren St N "Comely and Talented Actress. New fork Kvenlnv World Kept. S. I Hu "Minnie Tlttell Itrune, u come ly and talent "d young actress seen eel an unqualified hit last utgi.t ut the tirand Opera House, where at ' ap pea re 1 1 in "Theodora She has ''is tlnc tiou and lo i sir ing scones uie played witli .Ii redness and powaf, Shi was well suplMtl'teel ami Ii ap plause WUh most gelieiollS." At the fraatr oa tka avaalaji of Tnursday Nov 7. Seals al Frabu . BEST FOR THE BOWELS it y - u i bit la ' ' boat Ubt I al rrtfulsir. bratltty ihufenafit OfT IfeO I.- in i.r hi tr. a' 9 mr t i . n. tli. abftp bf U ' 1 1 I l. auiooiii ( tsuy of HcrfylUK tb bwvalC CANDY CATHARTIC At Martin's kraut, mince meat, honey squashes for plea and hnk ing. vermicelli unci macaroni, heal quality American and llmbergcr heese, spinach, green onions, let t n . . radishes ami celerv fresh verv day. aiOO Dollars Reward, aioo. Tlic rrctili'm nl lhl iMVpi-i Hill l ilfx''t lei le nrii Hml Hutu l at liiant nn.. .lies It'll .i, that aeieBee ii beea aata in our in all it U(e'. ami Uml i- e aiarrh llnU'. e'aiarrl, i Ii tin eelily MMitlvn i-ein lien klleiwli Ic the lu si frate'rnit) ninrrl, Ix'lns h i iiimll In IiiiiikI iIim.mi' r.'.pnri'n i iili.llliitloiil IreHt nu i.l, Haifa I'HlHrrli l ure' lie lakru liitcriiall) . i t Inn .11 r.-.-t I cm Ibe IiIcmmI hii.I iiiihhii. sttl la... .t Ihe y.ti-m, tlieTiUiy ili'tr) Ins llu feiiunlallini eil I lie ,ii'iuu' mil mi i rn; ill.' i.a tie-in trt'iiglli bjr l.ii 1 1.1 1 UK iii Hie iKMMtilllllon Hint uiiii iiHiurx III .lulus llu Wnrk llu proprtHleira lian- inen li uftli in u nuraUva miT Ileal llie'y ulte-rlHii' Hun. If . I Ihillar- lui alll cam. thai It lnil In .'lire. Se'll.l lr II. I ..I l.-.ti iiiiiiiIhIh. Ai.reaa, r J ii km i , rn . Toledo, Ohio. Heil.l by 1" TV. Hall's KhiiiiIv Pill, an, I he U'.l James A. Howard REAL KITATI BROKER. Court St. naar Fir.t Nat. Bank Has Ileal Estate tor Sale See Here. 160 acrea two miles from Pendle ton, 14S acres of which are A I wheat land, and 15 acrea are choice bottom fruit and garden land. Good dwelling, barn, gralnery, smoke houae, etc. Good young orchard bearing treea. Abundance of well water, alao never failing water for -igatlon. Must be sold at once. Prie $ i '.on. ibO acrea of wheat land south of Pendleton, $800. J5 acrea choice fruit and garden land near Milton. One-half of tract in bearing fruit trees, 7 acrea alfal fa. All under irrigation. Finely im proved. 120 acrea on McKay Creek, 20 acrea a1 botton land under irrigation, balance good wheat land, well im proved. 560 acres good wheat land, In a body, four miles from Pendleton; terms half caeh balance on time to suit purchaaer at 6'a per cent interest. TRANSFER, TRUC K I Nr., ST OR AG E, OVERCOAT ELEGANCE N( l nol lie IN l R( AT extra for no matter at what price you bit) a coat oi ua it will lr tiiait. up ,ii the lateit tyle Evrtv tletail is entrusted to com fatten I ami . arrdil workmen. The wa i i .- it put together has 0Bl as tint, h to In with the elefftnce Ol its aprx iranci ns the fabric nf whn Ii it i- composed That is whv Ottl OVERCOATS at what, vet mi . have i distinct ive air about them that ordinary eonts eln not Htsoai A good overcoat ai. $7.fi0 A better one .it nt. $MMX A still better one ;it $16.00 Ami the bet! m S6.00 We displat tin largest assortment, the most ,i . h 11 n .1 hit- fabrics and the ini-.t 1 1 1 l ' I it. .tv le in I'endle Ion The Peoples Warehouse. Mormon Bishop' P'j'a Cdi Lost Mnnh NlahfLOfSes, Sn-rre iti rrlios Curat r II. UUe. ,.l lh MufMMO I , MM ..l.mrf a 1 nt alV I. oat Manhood. Im a Insomnia, Pains 3nc, aiou Oir man, Vnrloooals. ehara. Stops Hn .i..i.4t b hlvj Hsadaoh,)Jnfllneaa tpMary, M'J or oJusilneTlon, AtiP, jQulehnaMl of Dia vous Twlfonins; Of ftnlld. 1 m mimjnt i.a. ,eh Uaaaae CSiMkM ft AaSrass, aiishop MemaUr 99 Ian rraneleoo. OaU i ii m n at HYTHil,'! ..' i n ' tin ih i i'Niu i r J . M Viium BYERS' BEST FLOUR I'd make gone) bread nan livers' H-at l l uir. It t.xik drat lireunuui at the ClIncaK" World's Kair over all conietl - UoBi aaa ilfea aaeelleat aatlefaetlon wharafaf aaaali Kverv aack ia i . r .- .. I Wn have the. ut Mnam Kollil llailxy, SohmI Rye ami Btefdlaai llarley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS w. s. BYERS, Proprietor. MARBLE Miotil?AHIT( MONUMEHIS. 1 . Jk BV v . e- ssaiju . v m Monterastelli Bros. Marble o Gtanite Works A" 'I ir ran work ami Kiiuran- lag tin' aiim at ie-i price. Kat ini.itnH I voit on all kimls uf e'lll HtniiH. Kail I HtiM'k on Ii it ml . It will .ay yitii t aee our wurk .in I Kt irici- beleire il i. ing voiir nriler . Main St. seal n h. Si s depot, Pettdlettn CROWNER & SON HEATING STOVES llelnn 1 1 1 1 i liasniK c .nol look over mjf Urge ami en plain Inn- of heatitiK stoves whn Ii we arc si llin .it a vi:r low liurr . HANSFORD & THOMPSON The Laadlnfj Hardware Men. ...POULTRYe..E(i(iS... International I'onltry Food makes them Heel Meal iver. them llavor. Clamshells make them solid. Mn a Kin aids digestion. Try a baiuple. Ce F. OOLE8WOH THY, May, 1 1 i.i m and leeti. im ami u) Beet Aita Mn. i Pendletoe. Oickou EM LIKE CANDY In. taU4J bu aillf 1 1 i.l I .at 'iuvm .i .i - lo X aud i- aatucle aatd oe ' all Kl'M' NK MAIN 4 ( 4 EAT IMvaaaiil lalalatl'l Ni'trr Ktrkui.. Wt-akt lrr bus Writ tur looaltli A04lM .IkaillM. iltlllil lOiriM KEEP YOUR 8L00D CLEAN Heartburn, Belching of i.t -, Pain in the Stomach, Bloating, Distress after Bating, etc. There are many remedies lor these troubles, but few cure. NAU'S DYSPEPSIA CURE will cure the worst cautea. t lyde M . Uuiuiuuuk, will, Klorakxliu Al 'n . I hlriui". Ili .aHya: "I lull' limm ncilttii-ur rroin -lUiiniu h troubii. tor lO .mars. It , iiliiilniUe.l lu ule oratlou in the aUuuueb laal March. Took Naii'n l) I HI Ill' I am ui. .1 " For aaua by Tallmaa Co , mad all first class druggist, or send to Frank Nau, Portland Motel Pharmacy, Port land, Oregon. Price $i a bottle or 6 bottles lor $5, express prepaid. r - ' . He is well pleased with Ins Inn 11 and you will be ii you take our laundry to Thfj Oomestio Laundry. They Know their Business Thoroughbred Bucks Best stock on the Coast Ad- Telephone fjonittotioB ,ai ranch. fJpMI Pilot HM;k or PendlaftOPi Ohas. Ounnlnghaim. I The laat Oregouian is Eastern Ore gon's re()reseulative (aper. It leads, and tne people appreciate it aud sbow U by hair liberal patronage. It ia the adver. isiua; oiedium uf tbi i oi uou For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink Polydore Moens, Proprietor 1 j