East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 04, 1901, Image 1

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Iv probably
NO. 4872
L m i mmm
" .i
The Place
To buy Groceries
is where yon can liavc a big
stock to select from. Call
and see me. My stock is
ar(rr hotli in fancy and staple
Q. R. Demott
The Alexander Department Store.
Fine Dress Goods.
We have just received a full itook of the choiottt
imported drOM gOOdi -ever shown in lVn.lleton"
(iin-ct from the manufacturer.
We have a full line of the new weave la.iuatine. Col
ors resac a new rose, old rose, Kraiiat. light grav. navv
bme and black.
Prunella, whip oord, garnet cloths, whale cords, satin
finish and mixed wool Venetians in all the latent
shades, colors which you cannot find in anv other
store you can procure from us as our stock of Mack
and colored dress goods is as complete as anv Port
land stock.
Our stock of rainy day skirtings including heavy
waterproofs. meltonu, plain and pebbled cheviots and
plaid hack worsteds cannot he surpassed.
Your inspection is solicited.
Boston Store.
Commencing Monday morning
wi will otiei until sold from comer window a
int nf lancj silks at a doting out price
These in ol all lengths, colors and range in
drier from fi.00 to 1 . 75.
A new ihipment ol faathet lioas, puffs, soft
crush sun ks. novelties 111 ladies' neckwear, etc.
Popular prices usual. See those at
We have them in all the new shades, iist
Sale of Dress Goods
AT HALF PRICE Mill continues until sold.
Theoe are unsurpassed values and we want u
to see them.
A Corset Special
Warner brothers' new straight front 1 orsets,
colors drab and black.
$1 ui regulai price, will sell for ooc
x.aj " sci
ll.S " " 93c
51.50 " " Si . 1 3
J2.00 " " " $1.42
Full dress suits. Tuxedo suits froc k suits, full
dress hats, Tuxedo dats, silk hats, 25c neck
wear, 50c ne kwcar, 75c neckwear. See our
special value underwear at fa. 75 a suit The
newest B W collar is here
Today or tomorrow we expect another ship
ment of overcoats.
The big busy Store
rederick Nor
Wood Qaadj 5elll cheap.
Tot 11, ,11 1 ....
aim .1 1 1 1 -JUt
Nulav line IS line ..I lit.. I .-..,.. .1
per shown in l.uti.rn 1 ir.. ,,11
I P upti late foodi
have ui unpacked 1 large
"direct from (.ermany.
Mirrors Kr in t. ... n
fM lowest prices
KVJ mtitiu-
Wtm bnu band style at toe.
wove and handkerchief hoxes,
Pm clocks, fancy c.p and
"ucefs, children', toy dishes and
1Unious other things
r'fet Soaps
Jm in 1
1 oaps at
lc up.
, e can save you
I Per r.,.
. - 1 1 1 1 111
p''t soaps.
gilt and cold ulated
'fully warranted) iu.i the
P a fine gift.
As Every oai knows
freshness in groceries is just as
essential as it is in egs for the
making ol puddings, paMry, UtC,
Everyone ought to know that I
take a special pride 111 selling only
gro cries that are fresh No stale
stoi k in tWl store. J he mac keial
we sell at I2Cj. a piei e is fresh.
A T n AAFf a
w fx I'll, 1
K Umps
Ui. .
'r nave r,i- 1
F li "Wipmi lamps 391
r e assortment to select from.
tst sheet music anif popular
l 'educed prices.
The largest stock in the city If you want a carpet call and sec the
line. We will give you :stimates sewed and laid.
A Mammoth stock of Furniture.
Next door to Postoffice.
1 have a full Hue of the celebrated
Wood aud coal stoves guaranteed to
be absolutely air tight. None of the
heat is wasted aud the stoves will
save ONE HALF of your fuel bill.
I also have a full line of cast cook stoves and steel ranges.
Prices are the lowest, quality considered.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
741 Main street, Pendleton, Oregon.
1.1 .ItHIK CIlRllK. tile Chinese tntes
man. Is mi his death boil.
The iteatli list in St. I.outs atlrllmt
ed n htokjan av the remit ol the
Mmtnletratton of diphtheria nnti
toxin, nheej.il i the ii ch.mtat,
n" nuahofi li,
H. (' Tex. i lly marshal Ot PWOOtt,
Aiinna. was shut ami Instanth Km
eil hy CharlOi Levy, enloreil Oi
had tried to arrest Levy on 11 tihal
charn. Leej eeeaeoe.
Tin- maniresto of (ieneral llaite
lenie Masse. In which he ile.'.nrcil
hlmsell a candidate for the presiilen
i y of Culm, has eauseil a stir 111 poll
Ileal elreles In that Islaml
Yonng Pvtw Jaeheen" knocked out
Hairy Pepp.1'1 of Caii.orula hi the
fourth round of a M round hunt in
Baltimore, Batardajr niKht. The Rght
:i ail in Jaeheon'i favor
Tin hank of .1 C Curler Sons at
saiix. Iowa, as entered bj burglar.
Inst night ami the vault Mown open.
it is repotted 1000 was tahen, a
poem i- in pursuit of tin- rohhoti
s. k retary Hay ami Prueld.nl .1 .1
Hill ot the (1 real Northern rnllroail
dined with PreaMeat hoe, ot til on
tin Orel instani ami remained iih
him until after 1 1 O clock al I I
Report, from the Wiaaeht la
Han reservation In Nehraeka t
the effect that Ml out of the li""1 In
iiiiins on the agent ) have died from
the small po ephlenile raKlnu there
John Patrick Cahltl, former baeeball
player, familiarly Known as While
witiL-s ' anil the original "Oaaey" in
Casey at tin- Bat," is iieaii at Pleaeaa
1011. On). His death was gne to eon
aumptlon. The estimates for the expenditures
oi the interior iii pnrtmenl i the
tiseai year beginning nest Ju'j nt
aregltte l,ii.iiiiiiiiiiii. of whieh $11
Hi1.7'" is asKeil for pi'iislons mel tin
adminiatratire work.
i.oni Kitchener Saturday night re
ported to the iiritisii war oflo i i i
sastei to the llrltlsh near Hetnel. east
en TrnnsvaaM, la arhlch two guni
were lost. Mveral omcera killed, M
men wen killed ami 190 WOUHdud.
I In- iiioutlih statement ot th pud
lie ili lit. just llllllle pulille hIiiiW .-. that
lit tin eloke ol liuslness. uelohi r 31
I'.'IM. llle llelll less rush III llli Hells
ury. amounted to l,0U,oS,9&7, t do
reuse from last month of 9,iiU,40l
Tin- monthlj renorl ol tk aap
executeil ut tin. I uiti-ii states 'Ints
shows that lot the month ol Oetohel
Itoi, the lotui ootnaaa was l,7j,iil
us folows: Colli. ar,740. iilti i
$i.7!H Itli minor i olns. II 17,130
Began, Hanna for
Corrcftlon ol
of the
IvMMM Was Hit1
Day, and Then Came
I he Speeches
Tile Dleuotl Itepulllleall plllillsheil
at Baker City lius passeil Into the sol
pohsessiiiu ol Iih eilitor hMwaril
Kverett I OU8J
Mrs. Melissa (iweiis tiled at her
home in Walla Walla Satinlay
Bright', ilisi-ust was the oaUB. Mrs
)w ens w as I I i-ui s old,
Buxciie Uwpei, Known us 'The
iiUMian engine, was nireeted at
wana wiiiia lm insunlly i was
acqulteil on tin same charm two
areeki ago
Pur. Pood Comnussiom-i Mi iionaiii
at Heattl. cauMd tie- unest m llatT)
POMOD, loi'lll UUi'llt ol the .iil.luinl
Ten tt Coffei ( otiipan Ki iilay loi
violation ol tin pun IimhI law
Salt. .si tin Mi yenr old chlel ol
tin Ooenr d'Alene ludiuus, i noted
i haiui lei and friend ot the whiles,
huri In i ii htrit Ken lilind. He was. tuiv
en to Bpohane lm treatment
The Ornnd Ronde Lumber Compaaj
g Porn now has inn men in lis mm
ploy, at the mill mid In the timber
This manna daily expeadltur. of
llMMi lm wages and .- . i ; 1 1 .-
Bj tin nam ountable esploaloe ol i
plumber'a stove ui Wallu Walla Uwi
lei Chedliek and Onear Ciles un- at
the hospital aufferlng from painful
lajurlee, while Hal I'liaUin k 'mil Ills
wife wonder hon any oi the part)
eseaped death outright
In Two
Thin will Ijc gBOllNe eaj lint tin- in.ni
Can't wait, Hei lui- the cai uud Mingn
on, pmitlng aatd hot hut wtialtcU. iu-
keeps this gait up all duy . lie WOfk tliul
way, he lunchcn that way. Hi- COUtill
ues this until nil Hmmirli " l.n . rtou n"
an I nature 00tUp.l. bim 10 "go to '
Bueinem men orbs ha v. Impaired iinir
digestion ly hasty eutiuu will luul in
In PU-rce'k (jolden Medical liusover)
a tun- lor 'lynjM-psi i and ull.i i dikCaiM
ot the utMUach and orgatib ol digmiioM
uud nutrition, it dom not give mme
teuiKjrary reliel. hut it effects . i uliial
euro, it mrongtben. the tumuu b, uour
ibhes the nerves aud purithM the Ulwod.
"Fornix luug yt-Mfn I Miltrrt-tl will, m v livrr
kidueyi mill wall iadigealioa wblcli i .11I..1
tlu- lirM ilucturk lu our oaiolr) " nnir, I-; L
MbhtII Km . of Woolw Priacr Wiiliaui Co
V. " I siilTrrrtl with my sioiuucli sad U, k km
a loll; Unit- Mild aftt-r lu'. inn u curt-Uakd ol
mriiu'inc from liinr doctor I arw bu Unl I
coulil haidly k h day work Would have
death ttLc paint in 1 he Mlile. Hllil bliad ielU.
ku'I taouahl lite wan hardly arurlh living. I
btgan taalua I" fierce Ooldra Mrdkal In
oovt ry and ' l'lruaiit PdjcU,' as advued a
fort 1 had taken half Of tin atcuad l,.iil, I
taegau to Kel tellrvfd t gat ix buttti ami
axed tl.i-ui ami am liapm to say I owi lu) life
U; Ut Purree auJ hi uutaiciacii
lt. Pierce I'elleU cure lulioiisuctf.
Washlnttton. Not I This was the
Inst day on Which teotlmouj was mh
mltted in the Schley court oi Inejulr;
large thick of young women w. ,.
in COUH this morning when CuptalU
llgabe. was nUled to corred in t -ttmony.
Anaweting a gneatlon b
limit, he said he had not megaphl
ed th. correspondents on the dl.tnl I
bonl Pi emler on Mnj M th i' tkt
Bpnnlah Iteel was not at San.line
Prank Rlcharde, a ooreepondenl wbu
bad charge ol the Premier dnrlna tin
war. was celled to rebut! Blgahee'a
testlmonv hut th. COUrl ruled COttltl
not Uthe his testimony Si hlet th I
took the stand U) correct his testt
tnony He had a sever.' cold am; wa
tery hoarse.
He detoted Ithotlt all ! ll ill I to en:'
reeling his tesllmoiiy He made m
cnangea oi importanoe. when be h.ei
(unshed tttornej Huuna who had
lici n assisting l.cmlt. begun his trg
nu nl Schley denied thai he loi I
Bigebe. on May N thai the I'ylt .
anundroi would return to Key tVeai
He also .unci ted his lestlimuii
gardlng Hfty shells passing over tin
Meet during the reconnotaanctj on dm
:il to read "Several sheila."
Farmers Custom Mill
Pred Walter., Proprietor.
Japatilty, ISO oairali a da;,
flour aauaaugad tor waaal.
flour Mill rood, Cuons1 aUW oUl lw,a
Robert Lainy Returna from the Ea t
Satisfied with thit Climate and the
Conditions Here.
Robert Lnlai nl Pendlntoa cnm
iioiiic mi ii 1 1 it i ii a train noin a
two month, itnj la the east Ha
left Pendleton on the second of Bep
tember, and via tod many polnta ot
Intereet, aotablj the Bulnlo aapoal
lion which was much enjoyed He
was in Niagara Palla nl the time thai
tin lute Pretidenl McKlnley was there
on tin- day ol llu ussussinat ion ami
saw the chief executive two hours be
fore the lutal shot was tired, .hi. i
Mi ii Klnlo) returned to ButTalu
Mr, lining took a ioat for Toronto,
I annda ami arrived there two boura
alli'l the news CUM ol Hie BhOOtlOC.
'Tin- exoltemenl was intense oval
there mi Hie Cuiiadiaii side, sac1 Mi
lanlni and one would have though)
he was on American soil, instead ot
being under tin- dominion ol the
tars and bars."
B peeking or the return to Oregon'.
Ilium. .aing paid this tribute
to tin stall and the .im.lil Ions hcic
I hate seen all Kinds ol eltmetoa
ami all sorts ol OOOdltiOtU aia-lal am)
oomnwrelnli during m atnj in the
east, and during funnel years I have
beea la mrioua foreign oonatrtee i
an say in all sincerity that I have
nevei seen a climate that eipml t
everything laKen into account And
us In ol In I lliulti IS. We ot Oieeon
an congratulate musi-lto that ar.
liv. where we Wee, I am mort sat
laded ihuu aval before to claim east
in Oregon aa my place or ahodi
Old Man, Ex Convict, Arretted Here
and Taken to La Grande.
Chlel oi Polio. John Heaihmun wan
ailed up Satin duy by Mai whal Child
M ol 1 4t Claud.- and asked to Keep
i look QUI for a man who broke into
i drug .tor, in that city Prldnj nlghl
elieving the till ol . Ill Caiiadlan
mwna) Pandlaton. chlel ol police
Headman learned thai a man answei
HiK llu- detail Ipl Ion given by the I at
Crurule inaishul had been in the l.asl
ihnnco" .ii with IS. In t'anad
iun mono) which In- had tried to m il
for American money Al about 1:80
the chlel i i bin loan on the Hide
wulK near the police station well load
d Willi DOOM and whin unealed be,
hud only 'JO centa ot llu- Canadian
uiolii) and '1'iU In Ainiii.an num..
He was very iiullaiiaul ut - ai
anted, but. as bo a. know lodged to
beiiiK au cx convict and olherwiae
aiinweied the deacriiiiion ot the mun
vanted at i Qmnda, in- was locked
up and Maiahal Chlldeis not ill. ,i c,
BOm. dow n and get hi in The mar
rthul arrived on the 10:40 train and
uieiititled bis man by a button which
he dropped in the alore which tul
Ilea wiin tin button, on the old mans
oat in- is a man ol about oil yeaia
of agi smooth shaven and weighs
returned with him on the &:4fi train
ibis morning
Pana Expoaition Tonight and Other
Moving nicturca for tonight at the
cinematograph Theater will take you
up the Kin i Heine at the Fails expo
altlfltt. Tbia moving picture la !wtf
feet long, paaaiiig beneath six bridge
showing you all the flue expoaltioi.
biiildiuga facing on the rlvei paaain ;
through the Streela or all Natloiib
also allowing the statute ri Oanerul
l.alay. tte preaented by the it ho., I
children ot the United Slate to ttw
Pr.ncb republic. Other aceues on
ii. is programme are the torpedo bo i
Moirls diaeharging a Whitehead tor
pedo. circular panoramic view if Ni
agaia Kalla. whirlpool rapida below
the lulls, iaui Kruger, etc. AdoiU
alou ICicta; children lOcta. 1)...,. ,
open at ti o'clock. Tomorrow, Buf
falo Kxpoattiou, btreeta of Venue
aud other..
Beperted b I. L. R.y a Co.. P.ndle
ton, Chicago Board of Tr.da and
New York Stock Exchange Brok.re
Nef York: Nov i The whei t
nun lo t WW VWrj strong today ami tltO
close ihOWt a gain of . full c ut
Liverpool closed V higher.'. IK
New fork opened at ft?J tO 77'i
December ami after leHni up to HI
closed at 77 Chicago opened 71
ami closed 71 , to 71V The vlalln.
BUppI) shows an Im reaae of :isg,i"i.
mnktng a total of ll,lti,00l onrnpntnil
with 611,011,000 at .thla date Inst vei'i
Corn whs up same aa wheat n full
- in. . losing hfi for I icecntber.
sio. ks toady.
Money. I pet dMM
Clone Saturday,
Open today, i7h to 7"M.
Bang, today. 77 S to 78V
'Line today. 77
StocKs Sugar. I IK: ateel. I-. V
P io I M st haul, tiuv..
Wheat In San Franct.co.
San PmnctBOOs Nov. I V'he:tt
Iun i,,
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago ov i wheat.. Dnet mh
77', to 77
The Sultan Demand. Protection
Against the Attack of France.
Vienna. Nov t a Conetnntlnonle
retorl published lu re today stale.
that the Porte has demanded ot iln-.u
Britain that she tulllll the terms ol
Hie London convention of IBfl aim
protect i he sultans possessions from
Lien, h nttnek.
Dr. J. P. Haya. a Member. Sued by
Henry Ruat and 400 Otheri. Claima
the Herald.
linker City, Nov I The Herald
Certain condition, in the municipal
in ni. thai lot a long time have
can ltd the hw payer, or the otty in
1 grentl) rtlaaatlated with thee.
cond reached a climax when a
suit wie. Had bj Henry itust and tun
other cltlaena against Dr. .) r. Hnyee
a in. nil. ei ol the i lly council uud a
practicing phyalctun, alleging thai at
various times, which an- BMntloned
in the complaint, in Hnyee has
wrongfully ami Illegally taken from
th. ciiv treaeur) sums wblcb Ig lb.
agregnte an nl to 4M
it is staii d author! ttvetj thai other
ill "i a similar aaturo agnlnnl nth
. i nu tiiin is ot the i R) council will ml
low in quick succession Among
thee, i ic against I.. Crnblll, a mem
in i oi the council, who has lor so
ti been tubing from the olti trena
ui the sum ol f Ion pei month undei
the guise ol being a SUperlnleliilelll
ol th natruetlon oi th. ayetem of
wan i woiks Ml oi which is said to
H it In mi i o 1 1 ir of law .
-O -
Big Wagers Are at No Odds
in New York.
Id the OM Dominion llttl How m Matter
Stands in Virions LociIIIIrs Over
the Country.
Hi Vork Nov I netting tHa
mornlna on Ihe mayoralty election i
even fot large wagers On small be hi
Low is a slight favorite
Democrat! to Win In Kentucky.
Louisville Nov L Success for
the demo, i it i, ticket Is Indlcatt I ll.
toluol low municipal uud county nana
Hons, hut It is apparent this morning
thnl lie met all I" .loser than w-ua
Republicans Sure in Iowa.
ies Monies in n.iv i The dam
o. i al lodaj ot le u general vl'-
tot v lm tin i . niil. In huh tomorrow
but 1 1 1 -1 t th. v will capture ueveril
hitherto republican legislative d.
lib ts
Nebraska it Uncertain.
ilm.ilui Nov Moth sides claim vl
lolV ill louiol'ow 's elei Moll. Tile tllie
will be . lose ac. ordlng to eleet'on
prophets who sav the luslonls's are
not working with their usual vlgoi ,
ami thai this mav caiise datent for t
llelll,. , mis
Eant.M i m Virginia.
Norfalk. Va., Nov. t. -The moat ex
cilinn . ii iii .a I l: ii lu Virginia since I c
IcioiihIi in I Ii in i lose. tonight All
Igna point to election ol till- .'Utile
emocmtlc ticket Rooeevelt'a dm
nu with llooKet Washington wn..
niadc an issue
I 'Hill I . t.l V I S $10,001)
Portland Banker bubacribca
Tenth the Stock Lewis and
Coi poration.
ii v cm ben ubacrlbed Uo.uoo
loWllllls tin- Hi oi I, ol the I., nl, ui.il
lark eentennlal He made this uu
muni, i mcni at llu m,r t,,,
member, ol tin committal nppolutatl
io the Portland chamtiei ol com
merco iioai.i oi trade and Dtnuufm
luiers iihso. latioii. io eo-ope rati
with Ihe suhserlpllon 101111111111-. ,,1
in. Im'orpomtora, m which Mr Cor
In n is . hull man It was the uuain
minis ..pinion 01 the bualnoea men
preaeni thai ..tiHinuu , oui.i tic ralaid
lo make the Lewis and ClmK c- lebru
lion a sin 1 ess. ami furthm thai the
generoua suiisci lutioa oi Mr i'i.ii,.n
lm much in aaaure the raining ot th.
imounl and tin ulllniule atlcceaa ..1
Un- cxihihIIioii piolecl
Mi t'orbett'a siiiihii mi ion ih
Farmera Buay With the. Pall
Work of Seeding.
U Itoa "V I Special, Since
Hie lulu ol lasi week Hie runners In
in 1 . 1 11 1 1 v have been busy pulling
In Hu n 1. ill a In nl 1 nip The acreage
Hills sow 11 bids Iun lo I'xced that of
1 11, 1 fear
I lie people oil the III. n I II 1 11 1 II H east
ami KMlth oi slim are ruahlng
then uoo.l down while the Hue weath
'i Iii unl th.- loads me still gisnl
The Iun shipment , from this plaru
have touched high water mark dm
lug Hie pust week or teli ilaya, moot
oi ii golna io Manilla
in in i completed his sou hum
lilsl week The hull. ling la Hie heal of
lis kind lu the rictult
via su I'hllllps bus Ihe lumbi.r on
ih ground lm nen house, to be built
on llu cornel oi Mum ami Washing
toll si Is 'Allen Mulshed II will he
in i upled b) blmaall ami launly aa a
The nerabeiH ..i in. n.uiual ... hool
Li. rar) la-lelj gave what they all.-il
ii llalbl. v. s. ii nil ,it the I Niriiiitory.
Ill Prld.) veiling Hill Ihe glli'Hla
rhriatenod the .nalr a ghost party
i in ghu ll) apponrnnce waa oauead
hv ll.. member, ol th. sisletv being
dressed Iii aheet. and pillow easea.
and whil. tbl. eosl nine caused a some
What nic aunt fooling for a lime, it
in i m.i dial i at i from a gen. ...i giant
1 1 iii. whn h wan unjoyed hv a very oa.
li III ll ol the
ii pin iii I. m
ollll .in i ol
is lo laaue
slis-k Ihe
Preaidenl Mohler Uaya No.
I'icsi.l. nl Mohlei oi ihe u It
N Co appeals to lie Hie vliioii
lailioad uiali hinakei s Scun.lv
Wish pusses hut aollie place is uiadi
loi Mi Mohlei in the cust 'I'bes.
Ule made Without even lolisilll llor
Mi Mohlei who Mi'ins lo la vciv a. II
siillslicd with the ll ll a N l o The
laical plai llig ol Ml Mohlei i nines in
iispuich from Norfolk, Va which
liiaiks him lor plealdeiil of the Sea
l.ounl All Lin. , lo nin i I lohli Skel
ion Williams Mi Mohlei uvs tbeie
in unl u woiil ol t it li in the reiatwt.
Modern Surgery Surpaa.ad.
While suBi-rlng fjiaan plica," aiiys
i Carter. Atlanta, Oa . "I got Da
W ill s Win It Hazel Salve and w-.ir en
lira If cured." Cuts, bursa, Uruiaea
luiekiy cured Bower, ol eountei
fella i. .nu. .n. a Co aid Hi oik j
VVuntH sevwral
Stin k iiiitl Krnii
ftrmi foi Kiint
orii buyert,
Have you Either
m Sell?
Our Car Load of
To oioti OUt uh soon as pfnjithli U) urdor to inakti niom
for another rar in l lansit
PiantM r- baiai laid at aurpriaingly low pricaa
to lOaM il I hi leading cilicn-, ol tbia Miction
Uo not delay getting a piano at once as you will
Ket Iha liargain of your life it you buy this month
Sold on i a, Time Hay meat..
Almokt I vary High Urade Piano n.da to Chooae From.
Wakefield & Failing
Court atrewt, La Dow Blk.
Pondlotoii, Orouon.