East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 31, 1901, Image 4

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    I'll! KSDA Y, OOTOBEU iT
Misses' and Children's
We are showing a very tTOOg
line of Misses' ami Children's
Shoes and have a lafga assortment
at all prices and our welts ami
turns are the hest to 1..- had, You
will lind it will he to yout itltei
irst to see us before buying your
children's shoes.
Cleaver Bros
.las. A. Howard. Farm loans
Ltest liookH. ncrinilicalH. Notfl
Fine pickle butter at HawlnyV at
50 cjnta per roll.
DHNHI and DavlB sewtnic ma
limes at Wlthee'e.
$1 ahlrt waists, now 49c. Cloavor
liros. Dry Oooda Co.
School handkerchiefs, lc each.
Cleaver Brothers Dry Goods Co.
Cranberries. Scotch oats, banan.is
all kinds o' muahes at Hawley's.
Beat school hose ever sold. 26c
pair. Cleaver Brother Dry Ooodl Co
Qo to the Empire meat market (or
tresh oysters anil clams In bulk ami
Concord, muscats, tokays and
Karmachan grape, fancy pack at
For nrat-class rigs or a cab at any
I'our. telephone Depot stables. Klvtn
Craig, prop.
Don't fail to we the big ggtM ln
lay between IVnillntmi academy and
Wliiltiinn academy.
A luly lost on the streets n Mil. I
inn sesliiH- pine I. literal rewanl im lt
return to this nnVc
It you have not tried u box m Tin
!':llni eatnlles at Koeppen 's Or ii. -i.m.
do so at once, they are the lead-!
Hue iiresslnK ami BMUalCurlliu by
Misses I'eel HIl'l Urnkc Boom - (iol
dan Mia Hotel, Full line of twltchea
and rolls.
Take your pictures to Sharp to
have them framed. Dealer In oils,
paints, wall paper and glass. 20G
Court street.
Lownoy's candy. dire t ti n the
uuimilaeturers shipped (In- Hal Of
October and arrived on the 2;ttli IVosli
ami delirious Brock & Mct'otnii (' i
Do not forget to attend tin Fire
men's Musiiieradi Mall on Hallo v 'eg
This danee Is m 1 1 lor tile bein'tit ol
I'roteetlou Hose Company, am! i- mi
ls the oldest i 'ddi pa n v in lie depart"
mont it should be aenerousl) tnaieii
lo. tin l itlens of I'emlletoti
School Books
All ready for
First Day of School
We have all our hooks lor both
Public Schools and academy and
will exchange new books for old
ones at half price. Compaman
boxes, rulers and blotters given
away with purchases.
Distributors for Umatilla County,
I. Hay A Co.,
Buy ami Mil
su.ckH, Boric lb
and Cjrain
tor cult or ou luarsluk
New York Stock bxchaogc.
Chicago Stock tixchaagc.
Cbicagu Board of Trade.
ur tlrmrnl
H.uill.iuu, Or,
We have a FINE assi-tiuni of new, soft leather.
in uj-to-(latc 5H0E5 carefully selected, with a
view of" the dBflUUldl for FALL trade; of splendid
tjuality and IMigfal, and will WEAR natiafactorily.
If your Boy if hard on his nhouh have him try a pair of our
Steel Shod School Shoes. They will ntand the rougher
kind of wear.
646 Main St. The Pomllotoii Shoe Co.
An up to date Kepeir Shop la ..onuccUun with our store.
(llrl Wanted to rtO general house
win I. Apply mi this olMrc.
Quirk deliver) Draaaatl poultry of
II ktnda ill t I Yottnger a) Son's.
Wanted Tibia hoarders nt 111 (lar
den street. $1 pat week Mrs. A.
Cob .
a profitable mornlai Mwapaper
mutt for mle nhenp. imiuin at this
oflli e
Quit u delivery, (live y. s younger
i Son your grocery orders. Clean
p. ,ini in -Hi the football gnine
Friday, between Pendleton Aendeniy
ami whitman Aendoniy,
School suits at discount of 10 per
cent during this week. Cleaver
Brothera Dry ooods Co.
QnlcU dollvorx. Tl-e largest ami
beat dreaaed chlekona in tin city at
f s Younger A: Son's. Clean store.
Three i raa of land, it-room bouaa,
brick cellar, ten minutes walk from
nostofllce, Dayton, Wash., li.i'.v B,
T Wade
Buggj ipongea at Brock McCobim
Co.' (ietntine Florida Rook lalnnd
sheep s wool ionges The vov beat
Prices are right.
Tills week Brock A: McCoti.as Co.
is making a speelalty ot sponges See
illsplay in window. Prices are rigHl
quallt) tin bet.
Mr Wllllatu Mouse has received his
'phone No TL'. at Ills office, room 10
in iiidii block, bis real dance 'phone
helm: at tin Motel PeOdUKOB
Dare of boraei or oottle or aluilar
Work wanted h reliable man part
tiim ilurliiN winter in city. Before
oaa ulveti. Inipilre at this office
Isn't It proVOhlngT If you do not
get your groceries delivered promptly
'live I s. Younger B Son a trial. The)
make a speeialty ot iiii I, delivery.
The fast aXpraaa, If you are In a
Inn r for yout iiroceries. gtVO your
ordat to K S Younger K So i.. where
rush orders are dollmied in tit toon
minutes, tpilrk delivery. Clean store
The revival meetings at tin ourt
house are ereatlng itintldetnlile inter
t Two additions wart made to the
hnrdi last night The amliem es are
growing. If you enjoy gospel songs
and plain preaching, attend these
servlees. B A Copple
County Superintendent Nowlin Re
ceives Encouraging Word From Bit
Various Districts in the County.
Where Meetings Will Be Held From
Month to Month.
.i f Nowlin, superintendent ot the
public schools ot I mat II hi counts "
. - word troni day to day regard
lug tin racanttl Inaugurated plan tor
local Institutes that encourages iiim
to think that the idea will hear roll
to tile heuetlt of tile count schools
i ha ill .at ion has BOOB effected PI
lot Book Milton, Pendleton, .: Lo,
Athena ami Weston and arrangenn nta
have lieen made already foi tin hold
lllg ol the local institutes at these
places to he attended by the tea' h
an dose in ami in those towns
Tin chairmen ol the organiailoi I
tin towns named are:
I'ilot Bock- Win Yallatuliuglinti .
ivmih ton k ii Conklln.
Milton - T C. Salt.
Athena l.ee Suydam.
Kcho I K Slaughter
Weston .1 D Hawes.
Pilot Boi i, ami Weston will hold
anothei loon institute each on gasf
Saturday ami for them excellent pro
uram- have been prepan d in each
Inatnnca the locui talent has lieen
drawn upon for coutrihiitions and this
enlists til' deeper interest oil the IUft
ot the teachers This plan, in the
opinion ot those who are esiieclally
Intonated m tin- school ayeteni of Ihi
county, In one ot the wisest sch Hies
tor tin advancement ot the causi of
education that has lieen wrought out
Experiment! with Nev.
Sheep Food.
II It Neil exhibited ill I'eildlnfOO a
sampje oi Australian salt bush which
In raiseii iin in-, ranch on tin- v ill
Mot Me Me has been oni uiniim:
with the luish to find if tin Australian
sheep tooil will grow in tnis country
I he experiment was successful for
the hush grew without irrigation on
BJknll laud Those who are aOtt'Olitli
on the suhject. say that tin pro1 I
tor the en i, feeding ot sheen ita
heeii solved .Mr. Nell will plan' tw
acres of the new hush next veai
Reliable and Gentle.
ion want a pill which is certain
thorough and gentle Me Witts Uttl
Karly Bisei - till the hill. Mo not tOtCt
hut assist.- the imwels Til 1 1 Ilia 0 Co
ami Itrocl, a Mi ( 'otnas
The Only Place you can gt
A Lunch in Pendleton
Imported Swiss and
Linibt:rner Cheese. ..
Imported double
Stout 1'orter, Bchlitt
Atlas Ueer
F Mfc MAZL;PPA 821 .Man.
From the Church of the Redeemer
There Were Many Beautiful riora;
Tributes Large Number of Friend")
Attended. Testifying Sincere Sor
row for the Departed.
A llrnl chili) upon ll MOtbtr'l Msalt,
After the iluy In iloti e, vrtili pisjr n .
Sll eVr the heriterlmnl el I'renm .
So thou, my Irli'inl. within lie trim 01 Destbi
iimii iiii iif' karaeas aawa smi iiropri
with no parronctor) enpraaaion 01
win row hut evincing sincere p.iiinrii
Ing, Mantfa InM to rent, toilny. tlrn
body 01 Miss iieii Bishop rile fnnernl
Wni at the Church oi the Iteileemer
Protection BptaOOpnli nt I o'c,n U this
afternoon tna Bav, wniinm B Pm
WlnOi roi tor ol the chiirch. rfndlBI
tin iervlce lor the hurlal of the iletol.
The choir. Mint Itnley nt the organ
anng the bnrlnl chant nni two by inns,
"Nearer, i Qndi to The..' ami
"Aalaap in Jaann." The pail bantnra
wen ; W. .1 Kurnish. B. P MiiMhall.
Mr f W Vincent fohfl T Vai, Qfl
iaii. C. m Cartar ami a m Btlllmati
Internenl was in Dine) cemeter)
Banntlfnl trlbntaa ol Homl offerings
were sent ly many friends, consplrtt
oils anions which were pieces etl'iie
malic ol the order ol the Women ni
Woodcraft, aanl b) Um grand gunrd'
Ian nml the tnetnhers of the ofllce
force and i the grand clerk, White
maai cnrnntlona and Bbryeaulhc
iniiins Bel off by a contrast with the
green ol tin anubui ami ami dan bnlt
fern, prevailed in the llornK ptevaa.
Attendanl at tna aamcaa were
u ii mis oi man) years Handing, o
well M those who have ItOOWn MIhh
Blahop iiuriiiK recent rears it was
a gntherltiK oi mourners as shuei " 11s
any Hint evei lollowiil a eorteac from
a house to it church ami them e to a
hurlal around. It was an expression
ol the deep respect in which .she was
Bald ami a trihttte to a bentttlful iuir
Union Pacific Will Inaugurate Fast
Service Between Oman and Ogden
Running a Train in Four Hourt kll
Time Tnan Now, Averaging Fifty
five Miles an Hour, Fastest in tnt
World, for Like Distance Slight Ah
teration in Arriving and Departing
in Pendleton.
on Novembat I a new time onrd Mil
Ko Into effed on the Union I'm on
ami with it win he iBnugnrntad a nal
train sarrtce batwaan Omaha am' Ore
uoti Indeed. (MM train will he guula
the fastest regular passetiKer irulti
service on an road In the world
Train No will he the last tP'lli.
ami It will ;, 1. 1. ni. ni an averaae ipeed
oi flfty-dve miles an hour exclusive
oi stops. The time ffom Omaha to
(xden will he twenty otic Hours, whicn
is tour hours taster than the time now
in. mi- io tin Dntan PnotftCi faireai
tram No. I will reach l iieyentie g V
o'clock in the mornlni
Train No. I the overland Umtted
will he made even more exclusive than
II Is at present hilt tile time Will i.Ot
he reduced III th' mar lutun tips
train will he lighted throughout srlth
elect itclt) and an ohservatlon car wdl
in attactnad
Changes in Pendleton Trains.
TBe new tram service vjll ueiessi
tan- thesi haiiKes here:
Train No t. from Bpokane, nrrleing
at p m, at present will arrive at
' M v m.
Train No. x. lo Spokain . tu at ppaa
eut. will depart at 1:11 a. ni.
The, branch trains will all run a. at
present excepting thut the Moscow
branch will connect at C'oltax i ;th
iram No 7 ami arrive ai Moscow at
IJ5n p. in. hiiiI leave Moscow ut
1:10 and counci l with No. 8
Train No 1. westhouud present
tune, ail I ran at i:0i a. napnrt .
I l.'i a. in.; new time arrive at I a
in depurt at x : In a. in
Train No J. aggtboundi prescni
time, arrive at 1:11 p Bki Angnrl at
B:tJ i. gki nov time, arrive at lilfi
P in . deiatrt at 3" p. in
Tram No. 6, westhouiut (It Is No.
under Hie present time card i pro
cut time, arrive at 10:U p in da
pari al I'1 to p. m.. new time arrive
at II. In p. ni.. depart ai 11:10 a in
Train No ti. easthoillid I Nil. 4 lllldel
present tune card i. present time, ai
rive at 1:01 a. ni.. depart at I: IS a
m. new time arrive at 1:40 a ui..
depart at B la a. ui
.Mrs. F. M. Klmberk. of Adams, Is a
guest at the Golden Rule Motel
II. II Nelson tie Weston lino . yard
man is at the Mold I'eiidieton
It K JoBnoon Ho w II Known pro
prlatol oi Kau view Kani is at the
flolden Huh Hotel
.1. 0. Mai luuuou. traveling agent
loi tin (Ileal Northern railway coin
pail) . is at the Motel I'eiidieton
Maker City llepilhllcaii St nator
William Smith accompanied liy his
daughtei Mary, left on the noon train
lor BOlaa where tln W9tt oalled b)
Hn sad intelligence received this
morning, oi the death ol Mrs. Smith's
mothei ai thai iiluce.
Dragon I a ii Hon, Levi nnkoni ami
wile, oi Walla Walla, arc in tip- city,
.noting then daughter. Miss Charity
Ankany, who was injured In tea ah
rator gcoldanl al s Helen s Mali on
Bnturdny, list evening Miss Ankeii)
and Miss Anderson were both resting
quite comfortably, ami uoth an- shoe
ing sigiiK oi improvement.
I A. Williams, who lives ten miles
iioith ol I'eiidieton is in town todav
Me staled hat htc late rain., have
given Hie laiuicrs opiiortiniity lo seeil
wheat fur next year's crop and Hiis
worl is now progressing, ami will he
ompleted by the end ol November, ii
good wi.itlnr continues Mon rain
is needed, but enough has fallen to
start Hie work.
Police Court Doings.
Two lmliuiib. Jack Wtttfixoot ami
rant) .Juckbon. wen lirungiit before
llldKc li. .111 HliH Ilioniinu .in line I
$" cudi for belna drunk. N thai
ohm m) iiib ui,). anii n,c a ore t'ik
11 Imck to Jail A woman calllnJ
lienw-lf Mary Him was aiitht'i. IumI
niaht for , anal.. .uii., Bba aajj Him
"Ii- came hir- from Montana ami wi
lioiiod for Ail,, 1, a wher- tar anil livun.
Hllfc wu allowcil lo go on tliU aivrii
iiiK'H train.
English Purchasers Have Taken Many
Animals From This Part of the
Countr During the Past Season.
Paying in the Neighborhood of $75
Per Head.
The problem ol chmnlni the rnngea
ol eastern Oregon ami Wnnhli.no u oi
the BUrplUa horses seems to hnve heetl
solved by the ennnerymen ami the
buyers for the Bttgllah cavalry. The
i nnncryinen lor several ranil looU
several thoiisaii I head aniiiuoh. ami
remorad a meat many oi the myusi
Hint were of no vnlne lor other uses,
god Hllll Were eatillK Hie KfllSS 'rotti
i atth ami sheep, the latter helnr i
grantpt mine. Now the cavalry ni;.,
ers and their local intents are ship
pfng main cnrtOBda oi horses tl. lor
use in Soiltli Africa, nml the hulk Ol
the purchases are being made In Hie
region cantering in Pendleton The
buncngmaa country has contribute.!
many train loads ot horses that woiihl
tlnd no other market, and these sales
have heen io the horee breeders some
thing like "flndfna mono) in tin
Good for Little Else.
Tin animals taken have tanged lion
I to I .no pounds In weight, ami
stand from ISH to 16 hands In height,
They are not good for ordinary f irm
use. and could not bring much h any
prollt to their owners were It no' :,u
the demand that has ipmni lip bj
ranaoa of the south Afrlcnn war In
this regard, the Boat cunfllci bai been
heneflclal to the ranchman ol thin
iiart ot the country The tnk.nu ol'
the boraaa from the ranges has heen
ot good to the breed en ol cattle ami
sheep, loi the hail In uilli to suffer lor
lack ol teed for their Mocks and herds
BVen now. the stockmen an1 troubled
to provide adequate food for tin
hands and at this time than arc more
animals on the range than can well
he accommodated i leemi to be
Ineritnble that tin stock on the rangaa
must no raduoad bj aalltng glthongh
the preaanl season has witnessed com
pnratlvely onall shipments to the
We wiil close our
dnors fur the evening
on November ;"ili b!
live iv If, Head
i !cutu Nortlicof of
i In- Moclei ii V ihhI
men will Inj here on
llml 'iiM-
Molher's Pride"
tin- time
Owl Tea House.
It is Surprising
t!ii urmer ill buy lie . lit a i. -rn Ihkui
inl back I" ii. isdillcd Ihioufb He countrjr.
iiim .I ol sis ii I guoila, lull)' warram, ,1. -,,lit b
home dsK'r, who Ira nlajr tu ttr Inuinl i
. S'xsl tie i- vuaranirri- our M.i. k of bus
iiai Sa. agncullsrsl luiplsiuania, ut . aru
up lo dale, ami a .lobar will o farlbsr with in
Ibau ai snf ulbvr tlsbllatnasut.
To and Irom Hie
Solid Truins
New quipiiivnt
Wide VcMtihukH
Kntiinrc tttfMiit ()
& N. Oo,, or
,, Coin'l. Autiiit.
1! II TKI'.MIll'l.l
141' Thinl bt.. I'ortlnn.l. Or.
Copyrights Ac
Anyone Btndlnjf ekHfh ni.it JavcrlPlioii tuny
quU'kiy i'jrinin nur (iiiih;i ttm wuetlivi avu
iiivfii(nfi in uriifjnMv rtteniarjl i iiinjunicn
tlufit lf telly l 'iifltif titlal HfeUiUbtMiB. till I'nlei.ls
But frtw ifuesi
Oliiesl net riii y loi nwuiiii! pnlviitn.
iBkkvn Ihrwuith Mumi A rH)elv
Ut. WKhoul cliaratu. Ill Llls
I'nu uin tnnt'ii thiwuafh Mumi A ( u rvoelre
Scientific American.
A hauideoruely lllunl mi wd Wexakly Ijirifttet cir
c I'atioii nt nriy ni-iiittd t'-urunl 'lVruin. S3 a
ynr : four luontue fl. HuliluyeJI ii4wKHtanuim.
moo m v ft., wuii
crlbt) for uiaaaxluoa or
uewiuaHr iu ibe 1 niu-.i
HlaUM or Kuropt), ramit
by uoalal uoto, obect 01
aaud to tbe KaJTUaauo
MiaM tbe ual uubliiben
prleo of no publlcatlou
you daaire, aod w will
bate II aeui m
you ami aaaume all nas 01 tba
uioiit- belUM
; loal lu Ibemuu. 1( will aave you
bulb trouble auil nak. If yuu are a aubacrlber
u. lb Hi OaiwuNiAN, lu reuillllug you can
daOuci leu per ceut Irom (be publlaberi' prlo
Addreaa Kami OUItUONlAN I'KU 1:0 , t'cuule
00. Orevou
Plaintiff Notified Attorneys to DIcon ,
tlnue the Case.
mis mornlni Mn. Annie vion
notified he, attorney to .its. tntlnue
. , tha miners lor wlllc.i i
T 111 III''" ' n . ' ' . ....
were Bled in the eowrl house yeater
av ii..,n,.,m Mrs Compton hie'
applied lor a dc re. of ilivor, from
he, huabnnd Mnrtln Compton, on tin
i. mal nml llllllllllllll II' at i
menl The) wan married not i
renn ago ami lived for wh
bi...... fin Thw moved Irom lb
t,, Bpohnne he,. compton nhandon
ad his wll. tin llhoila Hume, who h Ri
took to California, While fthaeni
in applied I'm a decree ol nlvoro
from Mn Compton Tin defendani
owns about $1". worth ol proper!
in Pendleton The plaintiff nsw ror
one third 0 the propert) and lull po-
eaaton of tin- home which they havi
occupied in Pendleton
Do vou Notice
t hat the liidy
who wi'iirs
Well Shoes
doesn't pick her way 0V6T
thff nfOBBillK? She don't
have to tor ghfl IcDOWhhtT
toft arc irot'ctcd, henOB
sin- walks right hIoii.
If you haven't i pair yn
Htiniild have
$4 00
per 1 tair.
e e
Where yon can t!t
what yon want ami
Kel it served riht
Private Bant
The Columbia
Lodging House
MKT A 11 A ft WKHHKl's
F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop.
WHY renl or interest p
Home Co-Operdlive ( oiiipoiiv
Will build you a home lor
...$5-50 oar Month...
W": """"I" Ui.
Iay off ,)Ur iiiuiiai- . buy a
Louie 111 any localily. au! give
jou Hi yaarx auil I uioulba to
ay ii bark al Hie rale of A U
pur uiiiiUi. Hitbout iutaruat in
oUNiotUMti, or total ii .i.lliiy
clear ilee.l will be fivau.
airienwt iuveatigation courlad.
I "cinlicii.il Ore.
i.o.mI Auciii- N .mi.-. I Kvi.riH'li.
Pendleton Savings Bank
OKUANl.KI. M M4i 1 1, lm.
Xrauaac-haUeuenil liaukluv HiiHluoar,
inurai aimnoi (Ju uuib dapoaiO.
uii munuiou given to aMlaaBaan
W.J. KlIUNIhH, r-realdaui
J. N. TEAL, Vloa-Fraaidrut
T- J. MOKKIM. Oaetaler.
The First National Bank
. fK.NIM.I lo.N
I Peoples Warehouse !
I Fectfitter.s.
Traneactt a geuwrul linking bu.lueioi
fc.aclnuig ami toUgraphlc trauafem .old
m aan rrauci.K'o, Nw York. ObioigO
ami prluciiml im.Iuu, Ml Uir t40rtliw-at
gstrrdwn "" t:u,uM- jmvu 'u",
MnJiojotloiu.uii reioubl lruia
Ut A.SKKNV, Hrnaltleul
' f "u"" VlcePreaiUeul.
0. n. W A1)K ilaaiilei,
H. I". OtlKHNHKV . M(.C"iial,,i.
We have iiRt received our third
BJ a rv "IOll
iew uj-iumaie uress Skirtc
Oui pretty styles and lw rtcc;s have KiVen
large sale of these fOOdfl this fall 18 an UQtitm
FOR ONE WEEK - A uBgh discount
on Iffdlen JaoketB, OtpBi and Fur,, 411 S Per n
You will Rnd Styles and Prioei Right an W
do at this itore, yu bb
I t al. 1 a. I f
Hememoar me lergaei siock oi (,'oius , t)e
frorn atnl prices nunranteed the lowest.
Furniture nnd Undertakl
t-vos on llic
ol the ran-
many nicic rnrnitiirc cnuitioiiH and u
Marrams Me is ottering.
Comer Mam ami VVolil 1 streets
1 ' D (
- a ' M 1 J 1H
8k. M i
A oomplnte line of
Stationery and hunks
School books and
Si.hniii supplies
Canes in all styles
(rv npi ivpdv n panTOR
r f 1; c. Cv-
ir. younger a sun
Have the lariiest assortment ol
urocerios in the city. When you see it
it's so. .
AI1IbV ir?i urwrr r CAM iTH(?
ycjiwix i 1 . 1 . 1 1 . rv 1 . vbuiv
'BBHBaH g g II I I I
" ' : raiiiliei 1
-mtMWmJSUr Room Kale
- aM
Just received sonu
Fine After Dinner
And many Fancy Delicaci,s
Standard Grocery
Onnonite (lolden Rule Hotel-
Tilt wliec l that in sky
high in quality
Prioea range from -
nv 60; tormi to uult-
9 I IIHt
"pmani this
ncie Htm "q. .
Ii. 1 . ., "
. M.r
'vaoer s h urmture Stort
Main and Wehb 9trwu
won, t 'rcfron.
Pil,,t; "Whygothe
Unoln Snm- at).
i oectnj
nas itic iinofli i,onf P
1 U
w M found in Kastprn
mill vcii ,ill .
; 1 to.uh)
nrock a Mclomas
la a a Al
S -v Itltl 1. 1, 1ST- ITNIII.ETON.
New line ol
etc. .e
designs is
inrwi nociet
f ' r
iiiitsrs. CifJ
f ,,, ll
l.inc nu mr
I ,.J
9 . J
oar m
mm . , n I ft
ntn V't fl