East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 31, 1901, Image 3

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    We Want the bars...
of just i iq Pro
spective Buyers
V have that number of the celebrated
Downoline Comforters
Thev are the finest bed cover
ing made in the United States.
We arc Agents for Pendleton
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
-a ,
m'TOHF.R :u. 1901 .
umiai hum III PMvl I
DAN. Co Assures That lt En-
r Will Burn thr Oil at ruei.
Miking t Market.
fc.-iW Ofttll -Fo: works. POT
rrniuln-. th-'sc l lift BuniM
i iMtora On K'n. lMi l" t
(ll tin MlltlOU COtUiltliMM, llHVi
i .nrtil 'in 'I'"1 petrOlCMR In I'u V
Mallllai "slated in on- .Mainour
iin Tin1 lit repona rrom saw
C whii hove -'" I" tltM tktil Ml
r. ire nioiirMinn unii corroborate
, .d hII I Ik sailRHllie st ''"
a hati atn toM ol tlx liHHlh nnd,
lum stmics havi been mid or Mul
ir oil thai art' intnic bttl the truth
iimi fDouih MW1 for the pftMaOtCM
MtRi OWsfoe oil Oil exists, mul
afjMS now know It. Tin- que
(i mm arises wliat to do with It
r It l lOOBd. Fi ery body knows
II id l a good fttol ami In u good
11 II. ill ,n II :t . Willi I'l II 1111(11 Mill l I'
at the o U A N C(inituny umi
0&M lines with which he Ih 008
I. Ulll' IU' MMIUP. Will till! II 'Ml
me I Tliih mukcH ii in trket for
The Formation.
srest il"al lias I i i Mini unl writ
.lU.lf til. I I 1 I I . ' , I 111 till. I I I I I
mmi tin ii'i iiiinn'ii iii in n
Al Mallieiu Inisln Ah ii mutter
M all till- kiiiiiI rOOk which Ik t
i 1 ' i .' tin kuIi lift- ih t horizon
strum mil shows positively thul
r Ins been tin selHinlt oi (llHturli
i ol volcanic ' rti pt ion to llilitct'
' . i .iriiu: mini!
r.'i lands at iniule n ol henvv
is ii:iiiulili iiiloih ami sumistouc
I. iri iht- wry lirHt indications ol
liiti't hi nit gravity nil, The
i": a :' i in- , iii'iiiiist'i ii inn
I shelik. in fuel, u typical exhibit
rtiarv formal nm at itiuny point
tM lawis There ure erldonooa
M Mob -out r- anil i i uu 1 rurlioiih
luunii hi tin- sundstones unci
The Time
M buy is now, right now
watch Urn,. i....i.. en. ...
. ... "HI J , I 1
tr, Solid Silver. Cut illa.s.s,
or Cluck
ami uptodate stork.
The Place
MJ i- Pendleton's largest and
Ml jewelry store
Where everything we sell
" Kurintecj a repreaented.
Jeweler and Optician
Dau la b .i
- a. aiexauiler
j In other i elated minerals These fcat
, tm are always characteristic of pro
110 ItehlH where oil of n light specific
gravity k (I 'Veloped It is to lie hoped
; (lUtl wells located along the dip of
! thlf anticline will hi' BOM prollSe
vlelders ul petroh'iini.
Paraaitee Cauae All Hair Troubles.
Nlne-tcntlm of the dlfieHHeK of the
Hcalp and hair are raiiht d by pnraxltc
ernin The Importance id' thin dlx
nn itv by ProfeAHor 1'nna. ol the
Chanty HoHpltal. HamhurR, (iei'inan .
can not be overentlniated It exidains
. wb ordlBary hull- preparations, even
! ol the most expensive character, fall
to cure dandruff : because they do not.
and they canot kill the dandruff germ
Tin oalj halt preparation In the world
that positively destroys the dandruff
parasites that burrow up the sculp
into scnles called scurfl or dandruff.
Is Newbi-o's llerplcide. In addition to
Its destroying: the dandruff norm
Heipicldc is ulsu u deliKhtftil hair
drcHKltiK. mukliiK the hair kIoshv and
soft as silk
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
.1. I' llaydeti. I'ortlanu
i ' It (irant 1'ortlund
LelKhton. .Miiinentiolis
Mall. Cortland.
Nelson. Weston
Hodil. I!hi:i.
Ilutuiltoii in".
Dailoy, iiaHtitiKs
K 11. Averlll. Portland
K. Ilraydon. Portland
(icoricc McOlvery, Spokane
Oeot'Ke K. Mach. St. Joseph
s s oill. Spokane
A S lleuttleld Spokane
II B. Ueea.
J. I.. Smith. Athena
A SiiiHhelincr, I'ortluud
S. 0. ItOfft. St. Louis
l.ollis I'eltotl. CIllcUKO
S llexter. New York.
J. C. Macklunon. Q. N. Ky.
Nlg-hi Was Har Terror.
"1 would coiidi nearly all nielli
louse, writes Mrs. Chas. Applexatr,
ol Aleiandris, 1ml., "and could hard
ly vet anv sleep. 1 had consumption si
hail that if I walked a block I would
I'liiitfti Irifhtfnliv and spit blood, hut
when all other medicines failed, three
II. UU bottles o( Or. Kinus' New Pis
covery wholly cured me and I gaiued
M pounds." It's absolutely guaruii
tefl to core Coughs, Colda. I.a (iripiie
Hronchitis and all Throat aud Lung
Iroubles. I'rirc fs)i .4 .1 II. (XI. Trial
iKittles free at Talliuan .V Co's drug
Maaquerade Ball Tonight.
The Protection Hose Company will
Kiw a musquerude bull this evei.int;
at I .ii Dow Hall The '.unpany bus
MM ma king preparation for the
c cut during the past six weeks. The
business men should patronize the
Piotection lompuny. wnicli M tin Old
eat organixation conueeted wit) the
Pendleton lire department
The homlieat nian In Pendleton as
well as the handsomest, and others
are Invited to call on any druggist
uud got free a trial bottle of Kemp's
Halsam lor the tin oat and lungs, a
remedy that la guaranteed to cure
and relieve all chronic and acite
coughs, asthma, bronchitis and ( or
sunintion Price -'&' und 5u Km
sale by Tallman ft Co. Bole agents
J. A. Howaid baa for sale a lease
of 13U0 acres of land now plowed for
summer fallow, and also about 1000
acres in stubble to be plowi I " tin
spring, all adjoining, also all not es
uary borsea. Implements, etc.. to
Handle the land. Terms, half 0Mb,
balame after next harveat.
ew Fiirnifiirp
' ' 111 llliMI V
1 bave just received a carload of the latest and most
uP to -date styles in furniture ever shown in Pendle
'on 11 you want something new in the lurniture
"ne rai , an(j jnSpect ,llV llew j0uds and the prices
Ml always right.
Joe Basler.
Main Street, Pendleton.
The Celebrated
Majestic Ranges
W Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves
Opera House Block.
Sales 20.000 9ince Laat Saturday in
Pendleton High Point Then.
I'endleton. Oct 31 Milling wheat
here Is worth 43 V export 43. Th
market Is weaker today. I.ast Shi
Ill'daV It touched tl n'lali ....(.. I Baa
this ecason. when No I club broi.uht
in mo warehouse Since Saturdav
ju.ihmi mtsbels have been sold hen
Local Market Prices.
I lollowlng shows the prices
pa in on me local market:
Turntpa, 7ic per sack
Parsnips. 75c er sack.
Cabbage, ner cwt. 11 Kn
Oreen onions, per doz. bunches, 2Cc
t ncese. per lb., 2ic.
Onions. er cwt., $1.60.
Herts, per lb., ltyc.
Potatoes, per cwt., $1.76.
Sweet potatoes f ,,, r lh.
Sauei Kraut, 4( per gallon.
Apples, pc-r box. 75c.
Cucumbers, per do?... 10c.
Tomatoes, per lb.. 3c.
Chickens, hens, per lh. 2rj, to 3Vfc.
Koosters. per lb Zlfco.
Turkeys, per lh., 9r.
QlMli pet doz.. $10.
Spring chickens, per doz.. $2.76.
DnckS, per doz.. $4.
Pigeons, per doz.. $1.60.
Kggs. 3oc in trade
Mutter Kit pi i roll.
Choice bed cattle, etc.
Cows, per pound. 3.
Steers. 34c.
Hogs, live, 6c.
Hots, dressed, "r.
t'alves. dressed. 7 to 8c.
Portland Wheat Review.
Portland. Oct. II, --The Commore i
flclew says:
"Our market, while bnnllv ho baHvi
last Week as (llirilijs the preceding
toriiiigiit. was tuoilerately so. and a
great deal of wheat chanced IirihIs
g t OIll tinie there u-ilk u . I.i hnt.l.
etiing ot values, partly due to a larger
speculative movement east, effect' the
Which were reflected in a certain -le
gt'ec in Kurooe aiwl irlvinn some nrotn.
Ise ol a higher level of valui S. The
spei ulatiM- demand quickly subsided
nowever and options tell hack to old
figures tlfferlncs are tin itlv so Lh.
era! as lornierly front elthei the vul
ll v or Walla Walla ilistiiet tlioima
considerable wheat has been sold by
i ai mers, and reports are that over one
third ot tin- nop of Whitman county,
banner w heat county ol Washli gtoa
bus I ii sold A great manv lurniers
lirelei to meet the market as soon as
their grain Is warehoused, ami this Is
demonstrated by the lice selling
mOYMMOl recently. Itcports from the
interior state that If the farming clns.4
can secure 4T, cents for tin Ii grain ut
home they will let go quite freely anil
more wheat will be put on the mark.
than exporters could take care of."'
San Francisco Markets.
San Francisco. Oct. 31. Wool
Siting Nevada. lnffil2c. eastern O
cgon. luii 12c: Valley Oregon. 13
lie Kali Mountain lambs 7iisc:
San Joaquin plains. i.frHc Humholdt
ami MeiidocliKi. luji IT 1 ;-
Wheat Shipping No. 1. !" .
i ludce I's-V milling $i.ni ytdi i n;.
Eastern Livestock.
Chicago Oct 111 Cu'th Receipts
-1 .oiio ; market steady to w t user. g !
lo prime steers. H MOtitf: POOl to
medium. SJJ0 Ai l. ItociMfl umi lei !
ers $2i 4.3n : cow s and heifers. I1.M
ft 6; ( aimers $ 1 .26ft 2.2a : bulls, $2'
4.6u. calves. $3ftt;.2r,. western steers
$,: l.oft ,'i.ali
Hogs Receipts todux. ." I ' '
mortow leHtimutedl 27uim: left o , i
74nu: market fiftliic 'ower. mixed a .1
butchers, $ a 75ft II. 2.1: ximh) to choice
MftV MJMMJtVb; rough hea.v.
$r...'inft r. 7n: light. $:. 7ui 't5 hulk of
sales. $6.766 6.16.
Sheep Receipts. 22 00U. Iliarkel
steady ut loc lower giMid to choh e
wethci-h. SiM4Ji; tun lo choi
mixed. $2.!oi(i3.riii: western sheep. $:
ft'! i;6: western lambs. $3 ?604.S6
Boston Wool Steady.
UoMton, Oct 31. Tin wool murki t
continues Mcady. ami the geneiul
leatures are unchanged Manufactur
era ate using a large MMMBl of wi-ol.
umi an- buying when tliev get sborl.
but then is uu absence ot sM dilutive
teelillg lX'Ulel's are ot i be oplll.oll
thai tin murket will continue stcuOv
(luting the lemuillder ol lie- yar. Tor
ritorx wools continue to lead th list
in sales Fine wools ure quoted at
Ifc loi scoured tine me nuns iroin
4ue io 42c. while staph lots are sell
ing ut 4lic and 47c.
Territory, scoured basis Monlai.a
flue. I'ftliic: scoured. 4ic: flue ne
dlUBI, l.'.ft I7( scoured. 42(f43c.
stuple. 10ft 18c: ucoered. 4lift 4Ke.
I'tuh. Wyoming and Idaho fine. 134'
14c. scoured. 44'n 4se medium, 14itf
16c scoured 4ift43c: stuple. I '-1. '
ike inpurM. 4fft 4tic Australian
s( (Hired busis - Spot prices, comblr.j
supertlnt . 7u72( , auper, Muff 10 ,
average. i5ft U7c
A Plraman's Close Call.
"1 stuck to my engine, although
every joint ached and every nerve was
rackud with pain, writes C. W. Bel
lamy, a locomotive brew an, of Hurling
ion, luwa., "1 was weak ami pale,
without auy appetite and all run
down. As I was about to give up, I
got a bottle of Kloctric Bitters and
after taking it, I felt as well as 1 ever
did in my life." Weak, sickly, run
dowu people always gaiu uew lite,
strength and vigor Iroin their use. fiy
them. -at it-tart ion guaranteed by
Tallmau a Co. Price 60 cents.
New Fancy Work
Of all kinds now K adv in the t department, new cushion
6 tops in an endless variety, sipiare and oblOOfi Some partlv
worseo. outers t onipieieix .
Second Football Game of the Season
at the Lower Alta Street Grounus.
Tomorrow afternoon the PendLvion
uud Whitman Academit if will try tie Ji
toot ball strength on the loi al gridiion.
It is reported that the youugei eons
ol Marcuu are coming with a Btioug
team The academy here met with
defeat in their first game of thi fMV
sou last Saturday afteruoou, and they
are that much better prtpurud to win
tomoi io b game blusbe'. the scuu-
etny's heavy half back, who was hurt
in the laat contest, will not he in the
game tomorrow aud may not be uhle
to play for u week or more.
Cecil Wade Manager.
Cecil Wade, aon of 1C. V, Wau ol
this town, is Whitman's manager of
athletics. He will not come or ibis
trip. Coach AUeu being in charge of
tlie team. Wade was u .!. elected
president of the class of 'Ul, it being
the third time he has heeu glveu that
honor Mi Wade writes that i.
game hetweeu Whitmau aud Multn,
mah la off for the preaeut. hut ma
he played after Thauksgiving.
I Quality
0 and
1 Prioi
i Cartfulh
i Blended.
MM Topo irom jn. lo t: 00
IHlyllr" from N- to II H
iMJMftWI MUSfM ,,, tram ic io i-i
ikkmI Bmbrolilrrv hiKirw Ae
Brlier Kmhrnldcry Ihkiih M nrt III
MmMJ Map tram s to iv .loo-n
Fan. y Cnahon Ootitll rolton, wool
nd Ilk Irani 7c to -.XV
I "on NM ll large varieir ot rotor
from M to HV dot
Fan, ) S K I nngr in nil . nl.,rt
from Uli Ufi"
ALL silks FOR im
New Do) lies and cenict pieces in Mrachrd and unblMchld 3
linen stamped and tinted Also Hat tenhet i; patterns ot all
pM nptions. very simple work tor baginaeft,
See south window of
in your
Punt to i
Buy ihese
(roods "
Mere I
It !'" to travle at the People- WmvJmMI
Are you Mixed on the
Overcoat Question?
It s pu tts hard to know what to do if, when Vail
clothier in town hM "the btnf at the lowest prici and ail
'five satisfaction" and 'IflOne) bach ind ill beat the tailrr
to pieces, and "save yon half to a third and ill that It
(omes down to a question of faith in lomehod N then
in Pendleton that has been eonipiououl) faithful for twelve
yeais whether it sold von a OOllftf button, hat, Mill nl clothde
or xvhat evei it was' Is there
in I'endleton that usually docs more than n lays? g there
in Pendleton whose onatonteri want and demand the best1 is
in Pendleton that has made prices lower 1 I . then
in I'endleton that has huilt up standanls ill through business
When vim name the store yon have named (he Peoples Ware
house and on ( an yet our ov eiroatlicte foi fto to liS or
IB) price in between and lake no risk.
i BON COHBN, Proprtetoi
Grand Clerk Writes to Grand Guard
ian That the Order Haa in the Banks
of ortland $80,325.46 in Cash Bal
ances Showing Indicatea Rapid
Growth of the Order.
Mrs Cat lie p Van Orsdall. grand
Hoard Im ot the wmmi of Woodcraft
received a le'ier trom the grand elertl
i.ta'tig that in the banks ol the eiiv
oi Pott land tin order now has aituai
cash oalaticcs ot lMi.326.4ti. 'till
showing will astonish even those who
have watched closely the progres.t ol
im order that bus In hMej ways prov
ed to be on the upgrade. The on! '
has been in existence for (Oils 'hree
oi four years, umi ct ulrcadv w tic
biggest sei let order tor won n that is
doing business oil the l'B( r coast
The BMacea mi of this oreer reeM
with Mis Van ursdall. and at her of
flees in the F.ust Oregonlan building
she has a lone ol clerks at work ut
tending to tin- multitudinous details
that come up in the affairs ot such
un oreaaliauoo
It will occur to the majorlt) ol pi r
sous that he sin e ess tbut has been
attained is dm in chief to the otg'in
iationg ability ot Mrs. Van Orsdull.
who lead the secession 1 1 OIll tile ia
rent order at SI loiiis. unit who haa
had the main work in building up the
older to its present status
The statement ot the cash balance
Is as lollows.
Cash In Portland hanks
Oct. 3o
Ii MOfal fund I 7.74" '.7
Hetietlt I und 54.!ii.64
KqiiuU.atioii t und 17. 888.16
si.gn Llnai For Sale.
The stage line. Iroin Stiiupter to
Wbltnojr, Oaajroc City, Qraalto, l.sw-
tnn ami Alamo loolealBf all stock,
vehicles, i'ijiii pni.-nt and government
mail contracts. Terms, $tMl cash;
balance win bo taken from roooipti
from the goveriiiueiit contracts as earn
ed. A rare opport uu it v. simpler
Tronaportation Oo., Unnptor, OroeoRt
Iilw V nalltr, His iiri'nTleiioii nf a ( aliens rrnili el, --i. in, w , m "i k y ruts yon of all
i.. i , . .... . .r ,11.. . .1 i , .. a.ni,a .....I. u I . I a
2 sS I'.lm Sard s. i, i. riMVlai
I ' i i, -, - I" 1 1. 1 V or ,i Uh I. I'ri 'imiI unli'l, i mm, , .1 . I, I f in .1 a I., , I. , ,i
'in i- lo sni-rin ii i ,r rlx ih. anil all llin hnrriir el iinis,i.-," v, I 11 lit: 1 1: rlpamuw the
II v ir. II,. k 1. 1, ,i.v mii, I lltii iirlnurv urtiMiia nf Mil lit, i.i, , n i. . fl-l' 1-1 Ilk'..' .ni.,., l..u.
and rAinrr. nnis I wi-nk orsnim.
I'liarsMon tifTfri'm sr a rnrrtl by rorlonilrioeiiiiiir1. ri "l r- InsiMt-il wiiii rtMUIIII.
Ottl'lllKNK Hi iMiiy known ri-int-tly lu eura willmnt mi oitars kni MnUniiHiMla A wtltira
.,i-e.iiiii,ii (in . a sun mniii-v ti nifiii , if .,,, il,,,uol i Ihvl u tiuaiisnl arn. S1.UU a lMia4torU
a llaill. hi-li'l fur rilKir I I re 1 1 1 it f Mini tl-.l linilltlltlBt
A-I.lrsa. It SOB, StKIII ISK ., I-. O. UOZ M. Han F-UHkr Oak
ai00 Oollari Msward. 1100.
I la Irk-li It ul II. I Hilt In- ilt-a.i-.
Irani I tail lie i- I. l li-s.t ala lia llal ,1m-i
Ibat sli-lii c ha. ' ahltj n cure in all Ita
lam -, aud dial l ' ii r Ii Hall . ( atarrti urn
la the oul) (MMitlvr eurv now fcintwii ! iln
tuaillcal fran-ruit ( atarrh bruts a cita.ntii
lloual diaaaac raquiraa a eoualltutluual trua!
m, hi Hall'. ' atarrh I UK la lakaii luu-rually.
actlug dlreell)- ou tins blood ami aiaeou. .ur
tai of liia ayilaui, iberoby daatroylus ibt
foaudatiou ot lite dlacaae. and glvlus lac pa
titfDt atrvugili by buildiug up tlie (-(luatllullun
ami aaalatiua Sal lira lu dolus Its Work. The
pruprli-Utra uavi mi aiaib fall It In tu curative
powera Ibal (bay offer Oua Huudred Dollar, lor
auv i aw ibal H tall, lo cure Seiei lor llal nl
Ivallniolllal. AiMrvaa,
F J ( IIENKV A : , loledo, Obio
Solil by bruaglau. 7&c
llal a Family Fllla are the uaat
At Martin's
Saner kraul. inince meat, honey
in bulk, squushes for plea am' bak
Ing, vermicelli and macaroni, best
Quality Aim th an and limliergei
heesi . spinach, green onions, let
t ice. radishes and celerv fresh -vi r
dl .
James A. Howard
Court St. near Firot Nat. Bank
Mas Real Estate for Sale
See Herei
160 acres two miles from Pendle
ton, 146 acrss of which are A I wheat
land, and 15 acres are choice bottom
fruit and garden land. Good dwelling,
barn, grainery, smoke house, etc.
Good young orchard bearing trees.
Abundance of well water, also never
failing water for -igation. Must be
sold at once. Per 4,600.
160 acres of wheat land south of
Pendleton, $800.
if acres choice fruit and garden
land near Milton. One-half of tract
in bearing fruit trs, 7 acraa alfal
fa. All under irrigation. Finely im
proved. 120 acres on McKay Creak, 20
acres al botton land under irrigation,
balance good wheat land, well im
560 acre good wheat land, In a
body, four mllea from Pandleton;
term half caeh balance on time to
suit purchaser at 6'a par cant Interest.
wiiii ... i, ii i i i wi s a ft
i I FT IM . III Wiiii
In Make gissl brnail use livers' K-at h lour It took llrnl
proniatfl at the Chicago World's Fair over all compe'i
t ion, ami gi ves escel lent satisfaction wherever Modi
I', very Macs is guaranteed. Wo have tM boti StMm
Rolled llatlnv, Send Kye ami BOOfdloai Itarlm
W. S. BYI.KS. Proprivtoi .
S2T V MooterastellJ
UlfUPlL.ll I w
v ,.1 ULtik
k Blv f ii
Marble - ' (iraniteWorks
We ,1 r nun work ami guaran
tee the aame at lownat price,
i;-l i mule given on all kinila of
cut stone Kull Ntis'k on liaml.
It will pay you to mm our work
ami get prices before placing
vour order.
Main St, Deal . K. St N. depot, IVmllcton
You get
Good Beer.
In J Ita alagaa tl.ert
alioulil bv cleaiiane.a.
Klj's Cream lialn
(le4UIMia,aailtla--unit I !
die di.eayeil ii,( ' '
It cure.' aurrti sad i
tsiiy co,(l lu ii-( la .1
( iraui Halm bMbI Into .a Boatnla, apraail.
over i tie Uti'in m in, i ai,U la a'lMiritea. tU.er.a,n-
uieUiala and a ( -i.fi- Iniiiiik.. Ii la uot ilrjii, iira
not pnsluce ainwaiiiki. Large s,a, 60 aauu al tlrug-
gi.lii nr uy ina.i ; 1 1 .a. s. , iu ceuka uy mi..
LL V liKO 1 UKlliS. W alen ftuarl, Mew York.
Belchintr of Clares,
Pain in the Stomach,
Distress after Eating, etc.
There aic many remedlca fur then
trouble, but low cure.
v in cure the worst case.
( lull vi Duiuiuuuk, wltli l lor-.li. I in
a I'm ,1 bl(iU4o, III., attya: "1 luve Imhiu
iiilli ii i h t.uliUK'b trouble lor III
year., ll n I m Inula! lu uleuruttou or
tbn stannu. Ii lual Mu.r. li 'ltaik Nau
ly apupaiu I urn uud tain enrual "
For aalc by I all man A Co., and all
Hi al eta di ugglals or scud to Prank
Nau, Hurt laud Hotel 1'lmnm), fort
Uud, Oregon. Price $i a bottle or 6
bottle for Is, express prepaid.
Hit. 600 for PrriplloD
The largcat auui ever paid lor a pieacnpilou
ibansed n audi. iuSao Frauclaco, lu . ' JI
lb Irauafar Involved lu uelu aud alwck ll,
jUU.uu aud waa paid by a parly ol buaintuu wen
lor a apoclbc liar Unsbi'a biaeaae ami umaict,
bltburut In, urable dUuaae. .
I bey i ouilueneed tbe aarloua luveallsallou ol
ibe apocittv Kov . la, 1AM Tbey luiar viewed
avofeaol tbe cured aud tried ll oul ou lla iur
lla by pulliug ovar lUrea- dvaen i-aaat ou Ibe
ireatiueui uud Man Iniif Ibeui Tbey abvo gol
phy.u iai.au, uaiue i-bronn , im urabli- noiu,
and admliilaured ll wltb tbe pbyau iaua lor
ludgea Up to Aug In, eighty saveu per caut
ol tbe Ml ' "" were either ueil or prosrea
alug lvorbly
I io i- being but thirteen per leal ol (ailurea,
the partlea were aalisriad and i-loaed lb Iran.
aoUou. Tb proceediug. ol tbe iuveatlgtiU(
coiuuilite aud Ibe i lluical reprl. of Ibe teat
uuw were publiabasl and will be uailod Ir
mi apple allot.. Addisaa JoUK J Fi rms ( ou
red, 4J0 Mitlgoiuei Mi SVI 9 tauctato, ('!
Wliuii you drink
iiiarantHwil not to
uiis4i headui-liu or
AhU for it.
Schultz Brewing Co.
Hclorc BtinlMSifel I OHM and
look over OUT Luc,, and ( mn
piste line of heating ItOVi I
wliu h we are selling it a very
low li(ure
Tha Laading Nardwaro Men.
...POULTRY. ..H(a(iS...
IsternstiSHSl Poultry Food makes them.
Heel Meal ives tliein flavor.
Cldinsliells make llu in solid
Mu a Bril aids dkfMtiOB,
1 1 y sample.
May, drain and l:eed.
17 and 139 Bsel AltS Stn et
Pendletooi Oresos
He is well plejSSSfl with all linen
and you will lie if you take your
laundry to
They Know their Business
Beat stock on tho
Tultlioiut eonnsstiofl tiit rancli. , 1
tlrtiHH Pilot Kot'k or I'- 10 lii-inu
Chae. Ounnlngham.
For Health, Strength and fi
it.;..L II
ivaoui w 1 1 uirv
Polydore Moens. Proprietor.
1 i.