i0 EVENING EDITION IMLY EVENING EDITION . . . . ,aBJgBJgJgenjgg . .."" i t EASTERN OREGOH WEATHr.K. . i ! (rfnin the only Sola BeiWsa Lirf S5m I 'mnlHUrountf people. i ml lull k riiw Friday In- rMin i"liU'ilne. 1 - MARK l ma wwj eeeeeeeeeeeea VOL14- PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OHBHON, Till KSPAY, Q( TOBElt 8tj 1H01. " NO. 4 The Place To buy Groceries is where yon can have a big ,tock to select from. Call and see me. My stock is iarfje hnth in fancy ami staple groceries. G. R. Demott The Boston Store. FIFTY CENTS on the DOLLAR. Buyers Festival will close Thursday, Oct. :ilst. 100 Pieces of Fancy DRESS GOODS One-Half All careful purchasers must attend this Sensational Sale. Every piece marked with a RED TICKET. Prices in plain figures. During this sale purchasers of Dress Goods may re ceive our exceptional values of Dress Linings at discount of 10 per cent. The big busy Store rederick Nop Santa Claus Headquarters Lamps Winter mines apace The lonu, nights are just ahead. Good '"' to think ol lamps. Their mel l0 Klow will brighten the home m save our eyes. We buy lamps 'n )Ke quantities and pay spot '-ash to the factory. Fine inckled plated reading lamp, worth 43 here on sale at ( do.en beau titiilniKht lamp in fancy decora tions, choice at Decorated ban cpaet lamps, cen tral draught, to inch Globe to match, $1.85 to Sti.SO I iiunense line of 4WjpgwW new styles to W" nJHBa mlrt from -attlP Cbimnnyn, burners, wicks IM mantels. Stationery Jjever was our line so compli u fall tints, in boxes with en Vt'Pes, or in bulk. Uets, pencils, office supplies, 11 'owest prices. special , J u'rumuier'a sample line of "'v:s, wortfi 35, 40 and 45 cents; Wult. they Us, at j5 teats. The Alexander Department Store. Fine Dress Goods. We have jufl reoeived a full stock of the choicest imported dress goods ' ever shown in PcndUton" direct from the manufacturer. We hae a full line of the new weave la.iuatine. Col ors resada. new rose, old rose, granftt, light griy, navv hlue and black, Prunella, whip cord, garnet cloths, whale cords, finish and mixed wool Venetians in all the shades, colors which you cannot find in any store you can procure from us as our stock of and colored dress u'oods is as complete as any litllH SIOCK. Our stock of rainy day skirtings including heavy waterpioofs. meltons, plain and pehhled cheviots anl plaid hack worsteds cannot he surpassed. Your inspection is solicited R. ALEXANDER Price CARPETS.. The largest stock in the city. If you want a carpet call and see the line. We will give you estimates sewed and laid. A Mammoth stock of Furniture. BAKER & FOLSOM Next door to AIR-TIGHT HEATERS I have a full line of the celebrated COLE'S AIR-TIGHT Wood aud coal stoves guaranteed to be absolutely air tight. None of the heat is wasted aud the stoves will save ONE HALF of your fuel bill. 1 also have a full liae of cast cook stoves and steel ranges. Prices are the lowest, quality considered. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. 741 Main street, Pendleton, Oregon satin latest other black Port- As l:eryone Knows fresh nes. m gn cries is )iist as MMllfill as 'l is 111 KH or ,ne niakinu f pU'hlniKs. pastry, etc, l.wtyone ought to know that 1 take a special pride m selling only Uroc cries that are fresh.. No stale stock in this stoic. The mackeral we sell at I24c a piece is fresh C. ROHRMAM. Postoffice. 1 GENERAL NEWS. The Italian newnpapern report that King Kriwarri will p.inn tin- winter a' San Homo. Andrew Oarnenle' offer of a $100. 000 puhllrlthrary tor Sian Jung haa been accepted John IV Rockefeller haa preueattd 40,000 niarkato the Anicrhan urch fund at Herlin. which HI ainounta to 100, niarka At CklflSMhJMMI McOHiiy. tin or iKlnator of K. Peter Dunne's "Doolev. ' dtednl an advanced aae M (larrv was lormerlv a saloon-keeper. The total I'liatoma revenue lor the NtN month enrleil.liily HI. 19nl. ai Philipplnepnrth. wan H,0tt,lll, an g e reuse over the name period of f00 of $1.1 14..!: ami over 199 of 11,469 M, At KaletKh, N. t. Unvci.or il.oek opened the nnro atate fair In an ail dNgfl in which he urged UM Iter men (O hllilcl Hp society i hemaelv Pt, founded on culture Intelligence and virtue The dinner when hy Preetden' i'ia in honor ol the xialtlna "leaat t- to the Pan American congress, wax one 01 the moat perfectly appointed , liter tiiinnunta ever given in the (" ol Meieo. The transport KlrkpBtl vH wM le emits eaauala and pgpeetlert, will sail lor Manila next K. ulay The twenty eighth regiment i luiiititry wlllsall Nov II! on the trnnnport Qrnnf tor Manila The Meade la scheduled to sail loi Manila Nov. HI lielieral Chaffee notified til. win de partment that the transport WnrtOg I. It Manila on the L'lith Inst, fOI Bug Francisco She will atop at !Sa ;;...n I. i to take on the nick from UM transport Sheridan waltliiK repairs at thai port He ala.i announced the atilval of tM Hancock at .Manila on the lltn PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS Tin Northern 1'aelfle Is saul jo have made a runt no t insurlhK pro,iert tgnlnat Bra to tko amoum of Itoooo 000, JOMpIl DuttOD iikoiI 10 at drop , pod dead with apoplaK) while plow lnt in n field neat Salem He 1 it a 1 w ile ami MVM children. A not hit mIiiicc liov riddier.. look placa on No below lowei niKi io'itv on llomltiiHIl Creek, aholil .'in IlllleM l loin Dawson The claim ik u hillside owned l. h'lt.HlmmoiiK at.n la ion The .out ml lei of tha currency ilchitHiatcd the First National Hi. Ilk of Ni York and the Slate National Hunk of St. Louts, as receive agnnta nl the I inte.l Statea National BmI oi PorUud A larae numher ol the maidenta and taxpayers ol Cimih county have pile tinned tor the tiarUou ei Domlnlel; Servi la who was reeehed at the penl tnaUnry in May. nail, to mrvt a three ears' seiiieuee tor assault with i dan Heroin- weapon. Captain N. I., .lohtison, of the at I m r Blglln. which reiurnei' Imui Nome litliiKH the news mat nil ol the Sllierlaii peninsula tltMMUajl into Helmut; Sea. and the Arctic, eeihrai' ItiK ulioiit lisniHi square miles, will '' thrown open to public miiilriK opera UoM next sprliiK. At a nicetlim ol tin no hoiiril ol diractori "i the Orsaoa t'aiitoinia Kuilmail ('ouiiany. the loliowliiK ! loin wcie ekOMOJ i'resident. K II Harrlmau v lee pn-sldenls Charles II Tweed and It Kindlier, xoi r.t, ii (ieoiKi II Andrews . aaalstant se.re tary Alexander Miller; treasiir. N T Smith News loiues l mm the fan oils Tread well mines, in Alaska, thai a work nan had BOM eauaht tty tiK 1,1 tM a liar ol Kohl mulct au"h ileum stances as to lead the inani vi . ol the proM-rty to think that ike 0OH pan has heen suffering putt) robbar ies at the hands of some o its work bjm u tot many year a Two men wen arteated t It. ... i.iiik hy Marshal Hlllard on acspu ion ot llUVitlK IMM 1 olilici led With till l.'i .'III hold up and roliliery of the Southern Pnolflc train. They Kavc ihcli nun. m an Jamie I'eltmoie and Jack Wllaou linili ui. KtruiiKi'i's at KoscImiik I'hev wen held on a chai'Kc ot Mfaal drunk and disorderly They delate ihat they came troin The Hallea and Heiip tier Always atcka to Oivl ..me evjirisMon for itU II mid won... 11 ifnrtitnds ' keep si.' ii. tin ll peuUt nanetlliiea I) Win .1" Hawaii write these test lime Jala to Uw valu of P Wcico'a Pavorini I'u 1 iptlonf I hr auawai ann ,ir j, nt in one aruvd, Uratitudt, WUM, f lii years of ajRMl woman I freed fioin pain, whi 11 tie weak KMI .01 is marie t roux .Old the sr k uoaian wt 11, tin- natural lav pul i kt to wl Ita a wool of nrati -l titan Ita tot the Mafic 1m w h 11' h raiita d tna curt. iJr I'ien r' l a vonte l'r. . 1 1 j i . 1. 11 cui.s diaaaaaa 3rs L'tiliai tn woiiii 11. blablialle ircuu lanty. aloiis weak rniii drain 1, hi uU Inflainuiati'n and ulceration and iUrai ! 1 in a 1 e Wiakliess. "Havinu um.I lir V t m r.. kt 1 . fie ru. . Ml, M..IIU. I...IIU lit l'l ..il v ri Co. I'u " 1 tan lriilhlul', :-. . ."in. id .lu-111r.il out. fur id! tt-iuul wwakueMwa 1 kavc iiM-d avvtral liuttlr .f I a..oi. Prcx ic.'i'.n ' arhtch J cuiisi.lt r h iical blr.iug ui .:u'k v.'iurii I wan mj uri von. ami dWair"ad liwit I haidly km a wli.il iu ilu Yum kiiid advlcir fur htaac Irrut111. nl i'l-lpeil uir wottderrudy Thaaka lu lii Picrc. Doctor I'iercc'a I'leasant I'ellet tture tiitiousiiev, ami kick headaclie The. ahoulil 1m- lined iii connection with "Favorite Pruapriptioo " wuannvaf t-Ue use ol a laxative is in 1.. .... .1 GioiiiidC REBUTTAL TESTIMONY HAS BEGUN o - Schley's Presentation of the Case Has Ended. o LKILT HAS WITNRSSKS TO INTRODUCE In Attempted Reierwl of the EHecl Prodnrfd by the DeleoM ol thf Knr Admiral. faahlncton. Oct 11, PrMwnuttlon ol Sehley'i alile of the cnae wi s eo n plated in the court of IiuiuIia thW nornlni Lnnlty than produced nn nrrm ot wlttwaaaa in rabuttnl Cnp t n in Pordan. Jr., nnrlna oScni mi tic MiooMyn dtllind the war. Wll the ml nlrnl'i last wltMna, Nothing. n dn" trdopad Irotn hla tiHllmoiiN .w tananl Oonmnndnt urant. 01 tin- Mnaa achtiaatta, the Rral arttnwa in rebut tal. wax naked to relate 1 icineran Hon he had with I .leiiteiiaul Ban fa Kn nor objected The 1 on rt luatnlnad the nbjartlou after .1 kM argument, ami Qrnnl n rtlanleeed t'aptaln Siashee w.ia then illod hv 1 .em 1 1 1 Rnynor objected to the call Ing ot Bigal ami the eonrl ndji urned before announcing a declalon While the argunenta eTere in pragreai Bigg lice hiiIiI he would like to mill,. .1 sun. in. ni inn Dewey refuged " hem him Mtei the reoegg the court decided Blggbet could tiHtitx lie ggjd he met the newgpnper bonl and Informed the forreapondenta they were in dancer it'oin torpedo honta at SnnHna" This wna on the L'Mh of May It war ioiut I out to Blggbea he had teettfJed he did not know the Bpgnlgrdi grore ai Bantlngo until May g. Bnglneer Clnxton, of the Tevna, who teetlfled the port gggring aww stopped ami reTemed gbonl the, time ot the Brooklyn'! loop, . the next eituneg, lull w hoKc teatlinoiiy waa eont I :ul l I ed tn ii gglneer in chnrcg of the en gine, who whh the next wltneea, mil ggjd he iniMht have heen gllatnkcn, hut thoilKllt he WHH iii III PRANCO-TUkKISH MATTER FRANCE SENDS SHIPS AGAINST THE TPKS. Division of the Mediterranean Squad ron Detached for a Special Mi. bion. I 'aria. Oct. 1 1, An --eta- .1! BOtl ll Sued today. Htateh that onh I are legged In detach a illvlMlon of the Msdltermnen'i attnidroo tor u gwelnl miaalou ll u- rtgted the unlet i nnve beeg damled to Admiral Oglllnrd who will command the dlvlalon. Tin gewi pnporg whi'h had ggewnd gfenrlong in lormation ri-KardinK Ibe movi ue tit. agnounned huh gMmlni H'ai the Kientlll warablia are to k to 'I'm l ey in enforce rVeneb ciaimr. ggnlnai iimi country it la believed Tnrke) win bnrdli h i the ggatlgfg reach au linn, i rltlcnl Hiaxe than they have, hut will Bottle the Kl'ench i lallllh hi lore I he aiimd ion a i rn i H In Turklah walera The liorte haa acknowledged the lalidit) oi the debta, hut France ragnrda 'he viai antei h ol bet I n it v in. ni aa in ufBclenl and hence the draHtn action whu h har. been taken. A ganmbnt oi tin i bamher ot riaiuillea deelar. .- tin' degannntmtang by the nugiliog ggsnunia to a de. laration of win An .din lal i tin lorelan 0MI1 n I'allianl hai. hi-en ordiued In t nk .1 demonntrnUon aKuinat Tnrhei SWLN(i PROM COURT HOUSI: ANOTHER MOB LYNCHES AN ALLEGED CRIMINAL. Kentucky Wmtct Hany a Neyro Fiom the Slap of tha Tempi of Justice. HoriKciikille K (let A nn di took Hllae Kaateia from the jail thla gaxifglni and i...i,,. i him 1 10111 the court holla.- atepa He waa aceum .1 ni u revolting crime The moll waa I. .1 hy the victim aud Hie latler'a father. Tin negro koi away from the mol. in 1 1. nit of the court house, hut waa rtu died with bulletg, theu taken hai k to tin Steps and hanaed AN ALGER COURT OF INQUIRY Two Correspondenta Threaten to 8u': the Ca-aacratary. New York, Oct 11. Klcliarri Haul In Oavih and ('saner Whitney liu.hi an to hin Qenecnl Alger for 11 in 1 on oil ol a statement lu hla hook I in s..n, mh American War," rettei t 1.. ' 11 tin 11 1 outage Alirel bi'vn 11, 4i ui lie Iiailli ill l4iS (iuasimsa lhe Hid at tin Hrsl tin- hoaidluK a trnnaiMU'l ami wntiiiK an imaginary nccounl of in. . iiKaK meut. Aa a matter 01 tm 1 ' ami Whltmy were in the thick ol Hie tray. 8TURGI8 Vb. BAKER. The Case Will Gat to tha Jury Thie Afternoon. 1 in ' gjg oil. lua H. Hturai I vs. Wll nam nuser was Iii-kuu tu Hi- cue court yeeterdnji aittuuoou n is for th. lolleciion of a uromlsorv not Which, is U alleged, the den udant KSVe ti the I'elidlelini Mt.reui.til pnnj ami afterwards passed Into the iiauua 01 Mrs Hturgls. The not i,, the Interest at ) oer cent liuu IBftS auiouula to i!26 60. inly three wit nesses were examined, two for the plaintiff and one for the de'eune Tbey were in order, G. A. Hartmon, C B Wade aud the defendant, William l(.. I .-, i 'u. u i I Haley appeared for tin Plaintiff and T. 0. Ilalley for the de ggflflgv THE NEW YORK MARKBT Reported b I. L. Ray A Co.. Pendle ton. Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock exchange Brokers I he main markets were very gtoad) todni with n rather atroi.aer under tone UVOrVOOl cloned MH Vork ,..en. .1 K Tri: anil eloaeil gl Chtengjg anineii ciiwii.R ; to "a Corn waa nanln the ttronl card and anlneri Se I'ork nnchnnaed BtOckl lower. Otoned rggtnrdnyi ifs. Opened toriny. Trt,'i Bnnge todny. "iMi7. t'loaltiK tixlay. 7ft4. Siiiint tlaVt. Steel. lf St rani. Iti!'. ITntnn Pnclto, ItBfA, Wheat In Chicago. ChlcngO, Oct :l Wheat. Wfg and ;o c antg per bnggtnt. Wheal in San Francisco. San Kninclaco. Oct III Wh.ui 'ft ' , .in. i gt par ceiitni BETTERS GAVE ODDS AGAINST TAMMANY Tlie Low Supporters Are Gaining Con fldroce aa Campaign Progresses New York. Oct :!! Seth Low In 11 en to nine favorite In Ihla morn Inn's ixtt nn Winter in Alaaka. I'orl Townaenil. Oct. 31. The Itog poke, the I net of the Nogae pnnnenget Meet, arrfred ftern today with ' ;nn ellKclH She ri'lHirlH Hull all lililccH In the ninth gOVU gJOBg 'nlo wlntei qunrterk, ami Hint crnfl ot nil klnni 111 Nome, St MIchaelH mid Ihitclilini hot are being luiiileil off for wiutet viioiii MNai people win wlntei .1' Nome. Govermnent Buying Bond. Wnahlngton. ct It, Bnerntnrj lege auonunceil thin afternoon Hint In would reeumetbe puri luiae m Iniiiilh loin holdi'lh .it the I.. II. 'im lllli'H Ml hIioiI Iwo'h. Hllee'K, foul's mid iiicm. ni an Intereel return of 1 7"s per cut and nil 1. .ui' tour'a ill l.gOg per Cllt Earl Russel Re-Marries Mollis. London. Oct. .11 Karl Ituanel, tin. 1 nlng re-mnrrted Moiiie Bummer le. whom lie nun 1 nil III Nevildll mid lot which he wna aetitenei ri 10 tine, uniiith h imprlaoiinieul lm h.u ami Turkey Repudiates tha Blame. Conntnntlnopkn, OoC Turkey In lal n. NiepN to renlnt the .l. tnands ii tin I ulled Htittea for repuyuient ol he illusion neceanary to aeciire Mis. Slone h release Turkey repiuHati nil reepoualblllty, Royal Periginators Return. Weymouth. Kiik Oi i II Tin llul.e mid liiiehena ol York uri- l In 1. 1 1 lin n win Id h toiii todlli LAUNCHING BRICK BLOCK. Bottle of Champatgne Broken Ovei the Tiret Foundation Slone in Li fontaine Building. The lauui IiIiik ol a hi ii I. Idoi I. in n i. .lm. iimi he unknown i,m neveilhe lees in Pendleton annh u HiIuk trnna piled, w hen thin llflel nooli. Ml l Hun l..ii mi Hue broke a hottle oi ehniii pllKIP' llVer Hie ItlHt folimlaHoll Mtlllle laid Ii) Hie maaoiiM for the flue new In Ii I linlldliiit Mi I ii t . in t ii I n i - In now reeling The ceremony occurred nl ithoui -' o'clock, and wan witueaaed hy a ...no ol piisoiih. at the aile i iin propoeed atrud Main street, es nidi lii'iwi'i'ii wi'Mi ami Alia V oi 1. on Hie lm Hit iiu In In he in In I ho ah lo have it louiplele hint an niHiu I gB poHhlhlc It will he nn. by one, hundred feel ground dimensions, mad w in in hulll according to piaici drawn ii) nn' wi'iiMiown Itrclillecl I f Ho w m d j Valuable Postage Stampa. Ill Hie leeenl edllloll ol the I'm. amrelcan two cent iioatuae atumpa n VBI I'liiml Hint Hie lllilhl I al loll Wan printed upni'le down ami aa only a lew ol lliem were hold hefoie MMII not lied Hie value ol III. in haa heen grentlj uuieaaeii Peonla who have no e Hand Hont.lt. IK HtollUlcIl Mil tars plnce a very hlah valualhui mi H an u family madli lm- It . lm weuk people Slid Hie Ino i d. -Hi all nloliiach 'an i. -l.tiii it It i.ntmen Ihe uppelll. and stlmiilatDk the digestive maaim thereby astmottng an the nntaitiva nl agBgnl from the mod It has a rnoord of fifty years of cures of ludlgeatlon, .)hpi ala conatlpatloii. and ghtulenc) lo Ita credit We urae you lo liy it I he K ' null' haa our I'nvale lite Stailii over the neck of the Five tiaiiipn at lulituiKht robbi I two other hohim mi tin- umth Umnd freiiiht ill H I Ihe lull, i were Iih. -IIiik- III Ihe refriKi'l ulin i UI Win ll the liuuv of Ave pounced on them, heut them owt the iiead with icvolvi is. robbi them of three walcliea me ol nonl and $17 In money. Our Car I.hmu of PIANOS! To oOM ("t us soon as M)n.iillo in ordor to make room tor another car in transit. PiaaOd are beint sulil at surprisingly low prices to some of (tie leading citizens of tins section Do not daisy getting a piano at once as you will get the bargain of your life it you buy this month Sold on Busy Almost Every High Urada Wakefield Court 0 trout, Lm Doer Blk. INSURGENTS IN CEBU ISLAND LAY DOWN ARMS ll Was in Answer to a Peace Demand. 630 MEN AND 158 PIECES GIVEN UP Conilliioas In Roholl Island Am Not Satisfac tory god (ienaial HuftbM Will Go There it Once. wneblngtm SI The lo iowina la rrom General Chaffee Manila. Odd :i General Mughea wires nie nn fol lows Insurgent forcea in CoBB Iglgnd hnvc roma In to lay down their n nis iii good i o it ii in obudtonog of demands oi the people for pence IM rlflee, elghl hrnas plccen, So officers. l7o nu n Affalrn Hie nut. yet iHtu-fac ton iii Bobol lalnnd I may Bherg ad tlltlonnl troops there for BettkfgMgK. This sillies lm the prenent. ntlennt, rilaturlM m en hitherto filleting in CJe- l.ii I shall ildilse llllKhen to WnSte no time bill move on llohol Inimedl lllel WILL AHHAIGN HEARST'S AMERICAN FOR LIBEL Judge Har.ccy. of Chicago, Appolnta Special Counael for that Purpose. t'hiciiKo.Oc t, .11 I'tnlRe lliineey to dm appointed u speclnl attorney for Ills court lo bring certnlg ptlhlh ntionn alleged ncnmhiloitn artlelen tN.fore hla it mid uncertain the names of the i 1 1 -s pt inn 1 1 de tor their :ipiciir mice iii Henrat's CbUmgo AgaononBi With the View ol tllkltlK nlepn to pull ish then lor rotitempt The m Helen. it is alleged, were nubllnht d for put pa 1 tlmlduie the llldne Into ren- di I IIIK ll del I noli UKUlilSt Hli' Klin trual iii the ipio wnimnto proceedlngjg inmi iiii.d on behnll ot Hie Amerlong A M.idnun in Paris. Pnrlg, oet ii a iii.ni ni. in onnnnd g see sat Ion m the Kiysee yeatenlny hp . i viio: I'm a heavenly messenger sen) io kin Waldeck Rouneenu " Ire ue in rested loadiil revolver wan found on hln peiHOII Around Ihe World. Pnrli Oct ;il Sun ton I himoi t con ii inpliiii H H iilina iiroiinii ihe v.urlil In hln minhlp A CHANOH IN OWNIiKSHIP M F KELLY HAS BOUGHT THE GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. Sold State Hotel at Walla Walla, Saye a Telegram From There. Wiilla W.illu Oct 31 Mra W. A. Kuonti proprletreng oi the I'alac Hotel vi i. 1. 1, iv n. i .nn. nwiii'i "i in.. I hi tilnliiiiKh mid llxluien nl the Hotel Still' vvlil.li in III. punl hie. heon . iiinln. I. d nn. I. i Ihe IlliiuaKelneul of M I Kl lie) Mi K. II' v linn leased ilu- lloldeu Rule lintel, ai PonBlntgB eaad win renmve to iiiut citv In the mini nt ui The terma nl ! ,.i -wei. noi made ptihllc 'I'lllh aellleH lor Hie preHelit. lit leaat, til in iH'.Ov in,. bttlldlBd which the hoi. i m situated in the property or George l.udwlga. Ni BERKELEY Wtntf BBYBftJ .ttn-k uiul Krmi Ian mm I'm Ku.il- tra btiyeni.i 1 Have you Either to Sell? Time HaymeaU. Fiauo Tade to Chooee From. & Failing Peiadlnton, Orogon.