East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 30, 1901, Image 3

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    We Want the Ears...
of just 1 1 q Pro
spective Buyers
We have that number of the celebrated
Downoline Comforters
They are the finest bod cover
ing made in the United States.
We are Agents for Pendleton
lAAVpr Bros. Drv (mods Co
VV V w- W
I I ' 1 ' -
L uio cniiND IT WAS A
M L "I i."w
n.n Much Improved
i the Work Done Raina Have
C ... I a 1 1 SPl H'l I ' .,',.', - . . . . . . .
L. aa Ul hc.it
,.'.,. on. M. fpooUh Itmw
Ik ' lllll Street Mill
ml II. li" -
..iniliii I til, II'! IS III'' ICSIOl II
lilt- minim. " V .
ori )a t D carefully watched
. m Mr noti'il i liiii the bcavy lent
puling over the crusbed rocks la
LE - ,i.,u'ti imil In n Hi- i
, the thormiRliiurc will nc in ipMr
.i.i. i .... .. I..-. ., In ul
irnillliini. ii i"iii'reii ii
the town council exercised gtsid
imeni in purchasing a rock
m bom taOBfl It wan an ex
ve piece ul niiicliinery The
.1.... .11. ..... ii '! Ill T 1(1 il
k with It. smith ul town, tin- road
now Mdk iii Rood -m(!itlon for
the Ury bpeli BroKen.
the driest fall scaHor.H Eastern
h. h.. U'i, ti.iuuanl 111 I1IBI11 I'llMI'M
n In it measure hroui.n by
li week Slid. Ill consequence
leat mlHi-i is wcariitK --i" '
mlli' Si'i-dmi! nt Miininii'i ml
mull ik now In prnicrt'SH. with
MHWCI that the seed will
i through the soil. ,
on several large contractK In J'eiuili
ton lately.
B. I.. Marnelt. cashier ul the First
National Hank of Athena. Is enjoying
a Udb'BMded rest. He Is visiting
relatives In the Willamette Vallev
Miss I'aasie tteaih. Miss Bffle Nel
soii and Kieil Kischer wllnessed the
performance of Haverley s MlBI trail
In Pendleton on Saturday night.
I:ccIIhIoi Temple Uathlione Sis
ters. (rave a social and entertained a
number oi Invited guests on Monda
ni.li! All excellent program was u ti
Hi fell
Hiram Henry, the son ol Professor
J. 8. Henry, is again confined to his
mom wit'i inflammatory riwumatlMn
Mrs W R, Hond is visiting Walla
Walla irlends this week
100 Dollars H.wara. f 100.
I tic n-ailcn. of tin. liapci m. i l.i- pleaBBd In
limrn that there Is t least nnr iliea Iful ill .case
that icleu c hai been able to cure In all It
mhki and i,t n talarrh Hall'i i;starrli Om
m tne only putve run- now known tc the
modlt al fraternity. Catarrh being a ctiu.tltu
liiuial iIlMiam- require, n totiitltutlnual treil
meat, Hall'i Catar'h Curt- In taken Internal! j ,
art l us iliri-i il mi tin- blisul and mui-oun iiur
i fare of the lyilem. thereby ilo.troylni the
iiuiiiiiaiiiio oi trie uiicaac ami iciviuk we p
tlcnl itretnth by uulldlng up the constitution
and aMlmltiK nature in doing lu Work. The
propfletOfl navu no much faith In lie curative
power. IIihi thry offer ( iiic lluiidrcd Unllam fur
any case that It falls to cure. Head for list of
lemlmoulalii Address.
P. J. CHINKY A en . Toledo. Ohio.
Hold by UrugRlnU. 7V-
I'm!! . riii.t kit' kill tfvmi
Nc Wheat Selling.
u. Oct :i" Special - Then
1 inactivity in the local wheui
Athena tiirmeo do not MOM
-d to Hell ill lit - lirHiiilt nrice
tbfir ucks. so in spenk. waiting
i.Ml.il I. .. .. ....... ....I...
UUI- llllllf. Ill I III l IU1' II II'I
mIIiuc i m tt i i i
Athena Peraonalc.
w Kosi-nwig was in Henilleton
I on day
A Keller, who for the past two
kM made Ma home In Atln-iiu
wii fcMMM a permanent resi
of Penilletim Mi Keller la ail
n ilaster i iimi ,u l -i i i-ngag. il
The Time
lo buy is now, rij;ht now
ch, King. Jewelry, Sllvar
" Solid .silver, Cut Oltu.
or Clock
iuy one from our well assorted
nd uptodate stock.
The Place
a) t Hendleton's largest and
best jewelry store
Where everything we Mil
U ftiaranl . .
--- - hp i cyi CBtTlllcU.
Ilk.- II.
I II I 1 I 1 V I
Jeweler and Optician
"If lo. Aieiaudur
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
Irving I. Deputy. St. Paul.
I). ('. AnderHou. St. I.ouls
IV W Campbell. Tekoa.
O. W. Harrla. Portland
Andtcvt Nylander. Portland.
Horace Kichardh. Portland
I.ouls (iarat. Keeker
H. Braak, Portland.
W. O Armstioug. Scuttle
Mrs. C H Walton. Portland
O. M. Pope. Potest Orove.
T. W JaekSOaV Wtfl and son. Port
J. .1. liurus. Portland
.1 .1. Fowler. Portland
W. H. btffaf, Spokane.
A. I. Ileiiiiird Portland
K II May. Portland
U. T Williams. Portland
E. 0 Waterman
F H Horrle Spokane
(ieorge Stevens.
Jack I Kil ls San Francisco
T. Doris San Francisco.
(ieorge .1 Goran. Detroit
Mrs .1 Van Wilson. Ontario
Mrs J. N Oulliford. Ontario.
Monte h. Qwinn. Bolae.
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night
lung," writes Mrs. Guaa. Applogate,
of Alexandria, Intl., "and could hard
ly get auy sleep I bad consumption ao
bad that if I walked a block J would
cougb frightfully and apit blood, but,
when all other medicines failed, three
$1.00 bottles of Dr. Kings' New Die
covery wholly cured uie and 1 gained
68 pouuda." It'a absolutely guaran
teed to cure Coughs, Colds, I. a drippe.
Bronchitis and all Throat and Long
Troubles. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial
bottlea free at Tall man & Co's drug
At Martin'a
Saner kraut, mince meat, honey
in bulk, squashes for pies and bak
log, vermicelli and macaroni, best
quality American and Umbergei
i -heese. spinach, green onions let
i 'in radishes and celery fresh verv
C. M. Phelps, Foreatdale, Vt., says
ins ohllfl was completely cured of a
iimi rase of eczema by the use of
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware
of al" counterfeits. It Instantly re
lieves piles. Tallman Co. and
Brock 4 McComas.
ew Furniture
I have jmi received a carload of the latest and most
up-to date styles in furniture ever shown in Pendle
ton. If you want something new in the lurniture
hoe tall in and inspect my new goods and the pru I
te always right ,
Joe Basler,
Main Street, Pendleton.
The Celebrated
Majestic Ranges
11 tine of Cooking and Heating Stoves
Opera house Block.
O. R. A
From Local Agents Regarding Man
ner in Which the Railroad May De
velop Pork Raising Along Its Lines.
Frank F Wamsley agent lor the 0.
R Company is lu receipt ot a
1 Hon. W Coman. assistant
general freight agent, .on.einlng the
industry of raising hogs along the
lines oi the r,.ad Similar letters have
gone to agents in other towns Mr
Cotnan desire Information regarding
the manner in which the company
can do something to encourage the
farmer to raise more hogs. It Is de
sired to know how many are now
turned off each year, when the largest
Dnmbtrr waa raised in past years, and
Mi Wamsley is asked to mak sug
gestlons based upon his Inquiries as
to what the company should do in
tin connection.
Question of Wheat Prices.
The Bast Orcgnnian has also caused
some Inquiry to be made, and finds
that the largcdt number of hogs were
raised in the years when the wheat
sold very low during the depression,
and also that many farmers fed wheat
to hogs in seasons when the rains
came early in the fall and damaged
grain so that it could not be sold.
During those seasons, a very large
quantity ot pork was pnxluced and
It was with profit to the Tanners S.
era! men who arc acquainted with
the industry, state that when wheat
Is less tliati "in cents a bushel, it can
be red profitably to hogs that will
lirlnc 4..'ii n hundred oil the In., it
This appears to be the concensus of
opinion Hog raisers arc fairly cer
tain to oiitain $4 Mi for their moilnct
and they regard It as a aissl nawtau
pmnoaltHm to raise them at that fig
ire when v heat is worth less than
half I dollar
A Business Man's Suqgestion.
Kngaging one ot the leading busi
nctts men ot Pendleton in a discussion
ol the miliiei t the F.imt Or, I'liiii'i-i
secured hum him a novel proposition
in in iglit arrangements, which Is
nothing l.-hh than that the railroad
company offer t,, Homeone that. If he
will build hen a packinghouse, the
company will give him a "naeklag
In transit rate, like that which Is
given to the millers and Is called a
"milling In transit'' rate By this rate
the flouring millers are enabled a
ship wheat from a distance mill It
at a given point and send on the
millstuffs to a coast destination as
though It were still wheat and It
had been shipped continuously irom
ttartlBfl isilnt to destination with. nit
stopping It Is probable such a rate
Is not granted to ackers at any point,
at any rate, none is known here Hut.
said the Pendleton business man.
surd a rate would serve tu establish
a panting house here in this town.
Athena Raises a Number of Hogs.
Up In Ihe Athena country perhaps.
Iv raised the greatest quantity of pork
ol all paits oi I'uiaiilla county From
that point are shipped many carloads
"i liogi i iii h yeai and the farmers
thci fallouts are giving more ami more
attention to the Industiy They usu
ally have a few good fat hogs to sell
each year, and reali.e quite n profit
Irom the vtnture. Buyers ship from
there t() I'ortlaud or to the Soiigd
and several representatives of buying
concerns make Athena regularly ilur
lug the season when pns ie ready
for market. Several ranchers neat
PwdkaUm have turned their attention
exclusively to hogs, having given up
WhaM raising entirely, and using their
bottom lauds for pasturing ami im
aa) raising and some buy the grain
which they leed to their iHirkcrs
A Fireman's Closs Call.
"I stock to my engine, although
every Joint ached and every nerve waa
racked with pain," writes C. W. Bel
lamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burling
tun, Iowa., "I was weak ami pale,
without auv appetite ami all run
down. Aa 1 was about to give up, I
gut a laittle of hlectrir Bitters
after taking it, I felt ss well as 1
mil in Jmy life." Weak, sickly,
down people always gain new
strength aud vigor from their use.
tin-in. at infant ion guaranteed
Tallman A Cu. Prioe 50 cents.
Had Been Sick for Three Montha
Mis Bishop Was a Native of Ore
gon Lived in Pendleton for Thirty
Years A Woman of Remarkable
Strength of Character.
Mihs Hell Bishop died this OTBlM
at 1:11 o'clock, at the noun of her
mother. Mrs. B. B Bishop, corner ol
Webb and Willow strict!- She bad
been sick during the past three
montlib. aud tor the last forty-eight
hours was unconscious Sic- rallied
Just before death came and recog
nu-d ht-i relatives and mend pi-ss
i ii- away In a peaceful manner. In
keeping with the high Christian char
grler she bore Her funeral will be
held from the Church ol the Kedei uiei
tomorrow at 2 o'clock Miss Bishop
being a communicaut of the 1'iotesiant
Kpiscopal charch.
A Native Oregonian.
Miss Bell Bishop was a daughter ot
Mrs. B. B. Biahop, who. with her hus
band the late Judge Bishop, was one
of the pioneers of Oregon. Mi
Bishop lived with her parents first at
The Dalies, aud for the past thirty
year wa a resident ol Pendleton
She was born In lkb3 During the
past two or three years she hai- been
private secretary of Mrs. Carrie c
Van Orsdall, the latter being grand
guardian ol the IfomM of Wood
craft, all of the details of manage
im ul falliug to Miss Biajiop lu Mrs
Van Orsdali's absence She was ot
tin quality of cnaracter that mases
Man impress upon a community
Possessed of a One mind, endowed
with intellectuality ot the highest or
ill i manifesting a disposition to en
dear her to all who came within tin
sphere ol her Influence. Miss Bishop
was one of the forces in this town.
Her death removes one who had mm !.
to do with the upbuilding of sociity.
and constitutes a loss that will be
felt by everyone. Her life has been
one that told of the beauty ot a Chris
tiau charai in St voted to the higher
ideals of living.
Her Literary Work.
Miss Bishop was one of the original
im mbers ol the Thursday Afternoon
Club, an organization that has had
much to do in Inculcating in Pandit
tor a love for study and iuind im
provement During the years lu which
in was active lu club work, sbe
contrtbuted many articles indicative
of the clarity of thought and cor
rectness of conception that wen- her
coiiapicuous traits. Few womeu have
lived lu this place whose death could
cause such universal soi rowing.
lWii 1 1 obtv a nniimiiiHHimmn WWIWsWflTQ
New Fancy Work
and Novelties
Of all kinds now rcadx in the Ait 1 epai tinent. new cushion
tops In an endless variety, quart and oMoBgi SotM partly
worked, others COMplatwly,
( 'artfully
OaaMaa Topi
HattiMibnrg Baatam
' mm i- to H 00
from V to II ".I
(rem 4c
(tood Imprnldery hoop Sr
Better Kmhroldcry hiHH'i . . I0r and IV
BaJMtajg Wni treat v to iv gaaa
Kani y t'u.hon I'nnli IB rotron, wool
and it Ik Irem m .ni
I'oa l'nn in large variety of l olatl
Irom lfc- to 0r ilor
Fanrv Bilk Fringe In all rolon
from W v to aV
1 1 h money
in your Z
PttltM tt o
Buv these I
(fOOlis a
Men- !
Nrw Poylics Bttd center pieces in hlcached anil unbleachad
linen stamped and tinted. Also BtttBllMrg p.ittt rns ol all JJ
pesi ripttons, very sunpie wcik inr in-ninncf.
See south window of
. BJI 8. ft tUl SLA. AAk A SJlB.il fl ft fl 9JI HA (l ltllllflJIAilAPJUlllAftllAllIJLiaAl 8
It pays to trade at the People WaitboMa,
An Adv. you can Trust
From a store you can Trust.
Suits and Overcoats
stoi k tliat is unsurpassed in the t ho ;. imm, and of
Mich magnitude and of such varietv ol i styles that we
.li cm it pleasure to ask I call from you
I here are eitfht points ahoul out SI I I S and
OVERCOATS) tlM cloth liglltl) irnl Li t
inR; the fit perfe. I. ihfl lahel a imi.ii mtcc
the style new; the tailoring high rade the
irinttniBi testy; tbt pfotaction num. . bach
il wanted, the prices
$10 to $26.
On Men's Hat and Furnishing Departments are Hoi ked with
a most coinplete array of fall and winti i ityli Derbya, Alpins
colored shuts, full dress shirts, k'vi neckwear, ill m new
styles. BcOnOnioalljf Priced
l I ON COHBN, Proprietoi
Farmers Can Safely Depend Upon
Marketing the Produce They Bring
to Pendleton on Tuesday. Nov. 12
Commercial Association Pledges
When Tuesday. Nov II DOBMI
around, and the farmers assemble In
Peiiillcton with produce and livestock
im suii at the second monthly mar
ket fall buyers will be here to take
everything at "going prices'' Is the
assurance given by prominent im in
bci ul the Commercial hhhi latlnti
It Is hoped that farmers and garden
ers and livestock people will not neg
Jet tu i .on. in . n The
arguments in lavor ol It apply with
equal lone to seller and buyer It
is ol advantage to have a set day upon
which they may conic together and
effect trades (o the profit ot each
These monthly market lairs have be
come established institutions In the
Kast and It is believed that they
may liecoinn valuable hereabouts, and
that thc will, if all who are interest
ed will cooperate to such an end.
Other Towns Follow Pendleton's Lead
Walla Walla is lollowinK Pendle
ton s lead, as also are l.;i (rautlc and
Maker City. It was thoiiKht tor a
time thai Maker City would abandon
the scheme Miit now it apiicara to
be iimi nt BpejB more lavorably by the
busitn-ss men ol that place Walla
Walla has a man out in tin- lountry
attending to the matter ol interview
iiiK farmers, and securing pledges of
bringing in produce and llvestis-k. and
the prospects are for a kimmI first
day over there lai firande will do I Insulin-
and also Maker City Colonel
Judsou. tin- llarrlman lines' industrial
agent, who has iboiiKbt out many a
plan lor the betterment ol. the coun
try tributary to the roads he re pre
scuts, is persistent In uikIiik that
the people take hold of these market
lavs and make them successful
Linai For Sale.
The stage lines Irom Hiimpler to
Whitney, Canyon City, firanite, Law
ton ami Alamo including all stock,
vehicles, equipment ami government
mail contracts. Terms, $10D0 cash;
balance will be taken frnm receipt
from the government rnutraets as earn
ed. A rare import unity. Sumpter
Transportation Co. , Sumpter, Oregon.
Mothers everywhere praise One
Minute Cough Cure for the Bufferings ;
It has relieved and the lives ol their!
little ones It has saved. Strikes at
the root ol the trouble and draws I
out the Inflammation. The child 1
ren'a tavorlta cough cure Tallman
Co and Mrock & Mediums
James A. Howard
Court St. near First Nat. Bank
Has Real Estate for Sale
See Here:
160 acrea two mllaa from Pendle
ton, 145 acrea of which are A 1 wheat
land, and 15 acrea are choice bottom
fruit and garden land. Good dwelling,
barn, grainery, smoke houaa, ate.
Good young orchard bearing trees.
Abundance of well water, alao never
falling water for -igation. Muat be
Bold at once. Pne $4,500.
160 acrea of wheat land south of
Pendleton, $800.
35 acrea choice fruit and garden
land near Milton. One-half of tract
in bearing fruit trees, 7 acres alfal
fa. Ail under irrigation. Finely Im
proved. 120 acrea on McKay Creek, 20
acres al botton land under irrigation,
balance good wheat land, well im
proved. 560 acrea good wheat land, In a
body, four miles from Pendleton;
terms half cash balance on time to
ault purchaaor at 6't per cant Interest.
i fa
Ifc 7 HE
Mormon Siehopcf HH '
h " iSkavt r fiilT.warT ram' '
if.it i v tiia lrlar ul h MtarfMa
' i ill gf r(tt: aBeita
r alaJM, UUlMiion, etc IM, or ugan-nr Mm- .i,. Curas LOfl MAnnOOS. 'f
OonailPBtl.in, wtiips ouu-sn... tu ... hill
.in. siiii.uiM.. ii. .nA ... .tui.. v. !. , i. I mm.! iiia f"Oi, mmm
ttmfim nuo. ns i.iin. lii.ui... im. Addrwaa. Bishop NsmsOr Co., Ban rmnoiioo, Owl.
"tit m i K II V T t.l.M A M ... llln'iHII. '
To make gissl bread nae livers' IWst Klmu. It tisik Ural
premium at the Chicago World's Fair over all couietl
tlon, ami gives eioellent satlsfad ion wherever iiswl.
Kvery aaek is guarantsml. We have the is. si Hteam
Ki!!od Bar'.cr, Hoed Ryo tad Baantieaa Harloy.
w. s. byeks, Proertstoff.
I Buffered Irom catarrh of the w rt
kind and never hoped for a cure, but
Ely's Cream Malm seems to do even
that. Oscars Otrom, 4n Warren Ave.,
Obicarfb, III.
I suffered from catarrh; it got ao bad
I could not work ; I used Klv's Cream
Balm and am entirely well. A '.
Clarke, :H -hawmut Ave., Huston,
I In- balm dues nut irritate or cauae
aneesing. sold by druggists at AO els,
Of mailed Ly hiy brothers, 5i Warren
-t. , New York.
THIS ( ,f A
That clusters around
...CA! SINO .
"Dcatrey Bw caaa. yeu rsnssvc
thl c fill i
cradksUj the Jtnn, proiuoUt th
trewth uf tf.e hair. Per ssk By ail
orugjuu ftiu $1 00
MoiKcrastelli Bros.
Marble Granite Works
We do OBf own work ami guaran
iee the same at lowest price.
Kill mates given mi all kinds of
nil stone. Kill I stiM-k mi BBM
It will pay yon to our work
ami get price" liefuro placing
vour order.
Main St.. Bear 0, K. & N. depot, Pendletoi
You gel
Qood Beer.
WliHti yon drink
(iuaranUttxl not In
catihe liuatJache or
A-k for it.
Schultz Brewing Co.
liefure puruliasinK onn and
look over our large and com
pletc Line ul lieutinc, -.tiivi"
which wa are aellmg at a ver
low ligurr
The Leading Hardsaro Man.
Intarnational t'oiillry l-ooil makes ilicin.
I. . el Meal gives them flavor.
1 'in -del!-, make them solid.
M i 4 Kilt aids dicsliDii.
I ry a sample.
Hay, drain and Heed.
127 and wty East Alia Sticct Pendleton, Oregon.
Belching of Oases,
Pain in the Stomach.
Distress after Eating, etc.
I here arc luailv icmcdlcs lor tliesa
troubles, but law cure.
will core the worst cases.
I'lyduBf. luiuiuuck. wllh I 1..1 -n. in,
a O . IlloALUO. 111.. iMVn: "I lluvi- l..,li
a utri-r froui ntuuuu li trouble ror IO
yuan,. It culuiluuted lu ulceration or
Ue .loumi li laut March. 'I'uok Nau'.
U)wjiaiaLurvauil a 111 tturwl."
Her aato By I allmaa A C . aud ell
first class druggists, or scad to Freak
ruui, Pwrtleud Motel Hltarouuy . fort
lasuj, Ofwgoa. Price Si a bottle or 6
butties tor$$, express prepaid.
.. . 1
He is well pleased with tub linen
and you will lie il you take your
laundry to
They Know their Business
Best stock on the
Tulu'iliout) ooiuiection ,.u ranch. A.l
drHu Pilot KiM-k or Pbiidlotun.
Ghao. Ounnlngham.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.