: iMltlKk' llll.ltr I I KSDAY, OCTOBER s. iwu. and Children's W .ire showing a very strong line of Misses' and Children's 8liocs ami have a large assortment at all prices and our welts and turns are the best to be had. You will Rod it will be to your inter est to see us before buying your children'! shoes. Cleaver Bros delicious, The only in Koep of 10 por Cloaver loans M. Cnni- Carriages. Cages, at for l. .e at ma BREVITIE8. Jas. A. Howard. Farm i-nr rent, him cottage tun. Toys. I 'oil Non. See the new line of glovvr itt Alexanders. Fine pickle butter at Hawley n 50 cents per roll. Domestic and Davis sewing limes at WMHM 1 ahlrt waists, now 49c Cleaver Ilroa. Dry Goods Co. Ijtilien' Manuel auil silk shirt waist. h tine line at Alexander'. The fam-tr wainting tUmii'l at Alex ander's are the lucent ever shown. School handkerchiefs. 1c each. Cleaver Brothers Dry Goods Co. Cranberries. Scotch oats, banan.tx all kinds o.' mushes at Hawley's. For 8ale All kinds of real iHtut. both town ami county. E. T. Wade. I.adieo' hath robe blanket are wel! ut the Alexander Department Stun- Best school hose ever sold. 25c pair. Cleaver Brothers Dry Goods Co. Go to the Empire meat market for lresh oyaters and dams in bulk and BgBv Concord, muscats, tokays and Karmachan grape, fancy pack at Hawley's I'lif new xliuile nl 'Iri-WN goml.- that are being shown at Alexander' ere iit swell. For first-clasa rigs or a cab at an bour, telephone Depot stables, Elvtn Craig, prop. Don't fail to see the big game Kri la iietween I'enil ieton academy ami Wh itinan academt . Take your pictures to Sharp have them framed. Dealer In oils palnta. wall paper and glass. :': Court street. Ladies who are interested in tine In-n- olittht In take notice of the tint liplu of dress fabrics that will bs in K Alexanders' show window Taet dav, WedueiKlav and Tiiursday. School Books All ready for First Day of School An mi.) lei varletv kirt st Alexsnder'. Always fresh and Palm choi'olatos. sold DM Brae. dniK storu. School suits at discount MM diirltiK this week. Brother! Dry Goods Co. K. N Hentlv. who has been visiting in Pendleton for the imnt two months. lef hint night for his home In Oaks dale COL Dutrrlege Ucenee lis been leaned from thi county clerk's oeTee in fnvor Of t-'reil I Plnkorton and Isabelle A. Oevlsoii. Until are from Weston Revival neetlnfi are in progress this week .it the court house, under the auspices ot the Chitstlan Church "ShiuKards" i the subject fOT hih e nlng. The .Marion I uuntv officers have de eideii to oppoee the propoeed expert lni ot the count) booke, end bgve en gsgwd eonneel to take the matter in tO the courts. The Council Reglater, owned b) a II. Harris, of Walla Walla, will mum commence public tioft, a new buildlni hnvlnc been erected and a utock oi prlntliiK material i ttlrad on hand W. .1 Furnish lias sold hi haiidutm team ot buck horse to t tarry i- Baer, of Spokane, for 11000. John M Kline J liaer's ciHtehuian a hen toilas ami will tetnrn iniught in charge of the team. Mr. Beet i In tented In the Ooonr d'Aleae thenl J. A. How aid has for sale a lease Of 1100 acre of land now plowed tor summer tallow . end also about HOC acre in stubble to be plow. I in t spring, all adjoining, also ull neee Mn horses, implements, etc.. to Handle the land Terms, half cash halam e after next harvest. A : ommiiniention eonn s rrom tin sti te iiisaie asylum Huyiug that .lim Washington Is grow lug O0TM even dav He thinks that everv one Is tr in, to kill him lb Imagined that th i Indians. Toy Toy and Columhl tieorge were tilti to Portland vvitl him on the train, to assist in his d "traction A suit bus been tiled in th. I'nlted states circuit eonn In c s Wheel rtgatnel the Columbia Hive: ,v Puge Si. lino Navigation Company, mr lie damages. It Is alleged that tin COntpOA) used two ot Mr Wheeler copyrighted photograph on 80,i" folders which they sent throughout .the eoantr) Outer a.- Rule bnv hern retained bv .Mr. Wheeler. SI Pr ESS'Nii INSUFIRECT.ON IN SAM A R PROVINCE Energetic Measures Taken to Effect Peaceful Condition. Manila et L'1 ihspatehes trom Bnmnr M) that strlnic-nt ami emu :''Im neeeurei an being taken t illtMHess tin limine, tioli in tlUU island (ieiieral Smith has notified al , tin ptesnlentes utid head men ol tie i pueblo mat they must siirreud.'i all a: in ami 'urn ovei th. persons tm ideated In tin Malaiigiga niassa. Iietoti Novemliei li, thi . . i.;n that otherwise the piesldente will be sent to the island ot (iuoni. the vlllaget de sttiiytd and the proHrtv eonlls -at' i ! Mnrlnee undei Major Waller govt i ii stationed at ilalanglga and Ha ey and I1 gunboat are vigilantly pa , trolling the Saniat .oast Most oi I tin town in t'c southern part of the island a'ld have been dostoryed Naval i'adet Hoveiuan Noa. com niamling tin gunnout Mattvele win bait gom- u.-ihore at Nipa Nipa. South Be mar to prevent Hiuuggling. was at tin iveil by the insurgents He lost Ills invnlwr aiul was shot and mil We have all our books for both Public Schools and academy and will exchange new books for old ones at half price. Companian boxes, rulers and blotters given away with purchases. CALLS EMPRESS DO'AAGER A BLOODTHIRSTY ONE A Returned Missionary Charqes Boxer Revolt to Her. I. iiu oln. Neb.. Oct Hi v A M Vuient at the Vine-street Congregu tloliul ( hlin-ll I eeoiruled the Siege ot Pekln during w hich he was ' a pi Is oner The Hoxer movement ifigiiiallv In leilevell Wilt liunilless. hUt US outlawry le-gan when the lead-rs n lllsed that they had the taeit approvnl ol tin empress ilowagei. whom be d serllit i us one ot tile wickedest ot women to eommii deed of liloodslien The enmity ot the empress dovaget towar.ls inihsionaries and foreign. i ii. gei.eral le iimiC admitted was perhaps natural Is-euuse they bad taken slues ot her territory Noth ing. however excused thi unnatural .vo mun for the murder of her own itnverunicut minister and innocent ua Uvee winch the minister said sh ' Ottntenonood and even demanded. Dt Anient said In would return to 'iiinu Do vou suffer ironi piles? If so do g0 turn to surgerv for reliel De Witts Witch Haxei Salve will act moil ipiickly surely and uaiuly. sav ing you the expense and danger ol un Bjemtlog Tallman a Co and Ilrock a McComas. TALLMAN & CO. Distributors for Umatilla County I. L. Ray & Co., Buy and Mil rStoelce, Bonds The Only Place you ceo get A Lunch in Pendleton and Cirain Imported Swiss and Liniberger Cheese. .. Imported double Stout r'orter, lehlitl Atlas Beer SHIHKKT CASfi OOKS T JURY DISPUTE BETWEEN THE TAILORS HAS ENDED. Schwartz Apeared to Be Excited When on the Stand. The tedious exillllill.lt ton ol wit noeene In the cmo of s A Mthlfflor VS John Selbert. ended this mot lllllg at 10:10 o'clock. Dining the tbrei dlivs ol the tlitil I We) VI Witnesses nave Met n on the stand foi the phtln lift and only two tor the detcnsi With tin atceptlon Of Schlfllei ami Behwerta, ell the teeUgeoni for the plelntlfl w-us intended to show that a partnership BXlBted between Sel belt and A Si hWgJTU tor about tlur teen months Shiftier said that he had nnlned the bookg t the Bra under the nem ot a. Bchwerte, and that they showed fonoluelvetr that the prOCOede ot the business hud been ill Ided Bchwnrti gppenred rtn the witn" stand for the tlrst time yesterday afternoon With hie eoltoble fUogO' sltioti umI broken Fngllsh. he creeted coneldernhle diversion tor the court and spectators alter tic monotonous proceeding Of the past two davs. bcbwertl had u mad desire to talk and it required the concerted atten tion ol the court ami all the attor goyi to koop him unlet while n q (Mo tion was being asked The court nd montehod htm eevornl times without avail He aid no attention to any one except counsel tot the defense and When tlu y conlerred in whispers Schwartz eyed them as II he thought tiny weic pleasing an Internal con spirnc) lor in deetructlon. The last witness was the dofegdnnt. John Bolhofl His teotlgion) 'a in UN form of n surprise to the iom.se! ioi tin plaintiff He told a straight mi ward story ot his relation with Schwartz ami contessed that the pro eeede oi the Bra Md boon divided wim bin.. He remained only a few minutes on the stand gnd vvas not cross examined at hist However, Mei belt was called to the witness statu! gggln this afternoon and III 1100 0 k 0 III ibid bttl hi testimony was un ehnngvd At :i o'clock the attorney's arguments bOfOlt the Juty hud not boon -ompb ted. The onoe win proh abl be given to tin Jury before time mi adjowrnnient. PERSONAL MENTION A .1 Beet, oi l.lnd Wash., lelt bOTt last evening lot St Unils Miss (ira.i Heugb- returned on till morning train from a visit to Port land Monde. Miss Oertrudc lino ken. of Welle Wiilln Is visiting Mrs K K Wanislev ut bei hon c on lta ..: set Mrs n Borholo end children have returned trom Portland and tm const, when they have spent tin suniniet W II lit man ot l.iml. W ash pass ed through Pendleton last night to Washington WhOte he will ilt until uh nit Feb. I. Dr .1 I. Miller has returned home trom Butte He was rolled there by pew ol tin Illness ot his mother then upon her deathbed. Mr Bd Hishop arrlveu op Monday veiling trom KoppnOI to attend got slater .Mis Bell Blohop whose in BOM Is so serious that 001 dOQth wus xi bed at any time Bnket City Herald Norvall .lone who tor several month ha beep con nected with the Herry Shoe company oi mi city, has reolpnod hi pooltlon to in eept u more luerntive one nt I .eWIStOll. in .1 A. Ileum. president Ol the BTeOtOO Nornini bus gone to Prinevilli 10 gttond a teachers Institute. Stat. Superintendent J, H Ackermuti will bo present the tw-i eduoUng thi institute T. C. Warner, an experience.! -mil skllltul Linotype operatot arrived in PondJetOO Mondhj iron. Portland and is u glleHt ut the Hotel Pendleton He may remain hen Mr Wat net In a ROtlvt oi Indiana but recently came to Oregon with the view ot reinalioiiL- Judge Hill and In C J Smith re turned home to Pendleton this morn ing with Mr Ellis. Judge tilt nephew who 1 teaching the school at Hurler Creek He was taken sick with i.-ver the other dav. and brought to Pendleton to lu.lgc Kill' inuin ioi treatment Kev (ieoige A McKuilav who has beep pu.stoi oi the iirMt Prehbvieriuti buret oi Woodburn for over a . ,r preached his farewell sermon Sunday He has a -i e I It el I u cull from the I'fl'S byterlan Chunii m Klorence Or His departliri I deeply regretted in Wood burn He will probably be sine led by BOV, Mr. Stcvvurt. from Pennsvl a tun HARRIS MOTION OVERRULED Case lor Air ur uu uarglu Nw York Stock hschaugc Chicago Stock hxchange. Chicago board of Trade THE MAZEPPA H21 Main urt tVr mm l ...I.., ... ie Ended That Has Cost Wan Walla County $10,000 (ilvmi'ia Wash Oct L'H TOO BU i.i.m. . onrl ot tin- stale ot vvuhiiiio on bus overruled the motion tor new f I IU I 11. tie ciihi- ol me MlUle Ol Washington v Heinludd llanis -on n ted ol steuluu . attic at Walla Wulbi Wulla Walla Oct T The an liouucemellt is believed ill tills city In put ail cud to the tunuius ib'i.-lis. which as li-en I'ondueted ill tin- liai is cube urn! tin convicted man is poi tad to be taken to the peuiten narv within the next lew duv feiui ing tin- decision of tin higher tribunal In- has been allowed lis freedom on rush bond of 12600. He has nevi i shown a desin to scape Tlnee tuner ba Heinhold Hani- leell helore the court lot the crHni lot which it is claimed tie must now do time in tin hiuii penitentiary for a period of loin vears Three time has be beep convicted Tne case ha . ost Wulla Walhi County more thai 110,000. The dUtCOHM ot tin hint Ileal ing was lii.it .luilgi llrents .iwaided tin priaonei a gee trial on Irregu Igrltiee hfter the lenogri conviction tin- second eonvletlon tin ngge was gppggjod to the Hllpreme court of 'In stute on application fm u m w heiti ing. which was granted The third COaViCtlOH was followed by a sIiiiIIhi aiieul Wilich bus been tut lied dow n V'e have a FINE fhltortBBMll of new, soft leatlii-rs in u.-to-'!atf 5M0ES carefiiUv selected, witli a view of the rjemftlidl for FALL trade: of splendid quality and flwigbt, and will WEAR satisfaetoril v WmlLA walla club to HAVE A NEW BUILDING Plans are Drawn for a Structure to Cost ,U00 on Site Now Occupied by St. Paul's Episcopal Church Club Wants 300 Members. Wain. Wullu Oct IB, The Walls W'ullu Clui. hns anointed a sim-i ia! a nair of our.',u"t"" ooojmlttee, of which rreof c. .i cl m .a. . . I nL r,M -ii ii i dent i.-vi AuK.-uv i e.-olhcio cban SLcei miou School Mioes I hey will stand t lit- roughest mun. ami frank Dement, rrank W kind f Wear I ''",' H"(l A " Hurloid are inember I il. in ll- l lUlllllllviei'Ulttll lb to be appoluted by Chairman Ankvny The building, uecordlug to Mr Oa terman s plans, will cost about $22, 000. Money will be raised by a sale If your boy in hard on hits shoes have him try id atoek on tiih It Is Mit. pUPMMMi or the committee n is gomfsofBewll) ennouneed, to gunrnnti e I per bob! interest. The first Hoot and base men! ot the new etrncture win be of concrete, the secon.l Moid beiuv ol wood It will probnht) he bUltf in an Snglleh cottage it yla It Is planned ic Incrense the club's membership by reducing tin costs of memberehlp whereas it now roots $ir. for initiation and I.-" u month to retain mombOrdhlp these lees are to he red nee ti to $.ri end ft ,IW reenee It vol Wont 100 Mrmbers. dub has imw BO gwmbers it plan to Increase thb In at b ust Tm Is the .bin. Thi ken) committee, headed bj Mi An win have ehnrm of the build Itlg plans and will c.uisldei Ince um tlon oi the iub tor bnltdlBg pnrpoeee, reporting m a futnn meeting ol the general committee. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere stlmuient to ttfed nntun It absolute rest by digesting the food yon eat. it don't have to diet but you can enjoy all the good toed vou want. Kodol DvgpgpOig Cut. m stoutly relieves that distressed feel Ing ariei eating, giving you new life and vigor i'allnian K Co ami Ilrock Si McComas. M.nl Box at 0. R 4 N Depot. Througb the efforts ol Buperlnten dent .1 P 0BHon, Of the 0. H N Co. there will soon be established at the Pendleton depot oi that company a mail bo iiom which th) postal clerks on the trains will take mail us they grrlVO gfld depart The mall bog win I., a crcat convenience to pernone who have letters or papers to mail just before the arrival ami de purtntc ot trains passing through Peg diet on going east or .vest Ll The (OHoWlni nihil on the local Cabbage, pet Oreen onlone, per Murks! Prtss, the prices show market cwi.. HOe, bundles Cheese per id., onions, pot cwi.. fl-f.O. Meets. POT II'.. l'V Potatoes, per cwt.. $1 .f iieans. per lb.. 7c. Pi ars. per box. 7!jc. iples. per box. "fm. Cucumbers, per doz . loc. Tomatoes, per lb.. He Poultry; llilokMa hens Per in Roue ten, per fb.. Hoc, Turkeve, per lb.. !('. Oeeee, i'i do.-... fit'. Spring chickens, per doz Ducks, per doe.. $4. ligcons. per doz. BMO. Choice bee, cattle. BtC. t ows, per pound, av Steers. BC. Ilogs. live. ii Hogs, dressed. 7H cuives dreeeed, 7 to sc. L to .1n 18.75. Our ureat nle Confin... vwiiunii We etill givo awg FREE. VPb A Nice Mlver Watch .Iiiini hiiih .ion su m vviiii every 1'rnl1. i .. . I irmii .iiul up ... .. J. . . aL a W 1 1 ft every nuns (mucin unrui or over Wc We ere eellini Cloaks, jgcltnta gnd Cgnea 1 neapi-si. v e uai- a hu.iuii 111 stock ol th low prices an moving tliriu Remember the larRt-st stock of goods m the ti.itii gnd prieeg gogrgnteed the lowest. si ol ciotk, cse 1 IIBIW .L Ktiods county bkj LYONS MERCANTILE Mothers every when praise one Minute Cough Cure for tin- sufferings It has relieved nnd the lives of their little OHM it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the inthtmrnntlon The child ren's fgVOrttl cough er.ro Tnllniati 4 Co. nnd Ilrock & McComas A RAT lewis Oehormgn, Ooehen, led ii. Witt's I.lttle Rnrly Hisero neVOI bend in. double Ilk. Other pills ""' do their work thoroughly and ninkt me feel like a hoy " Certain thot ough. gentle Tnlimu a.- Co one itrock k McComee. Do vou Notice CO, Furniture and I Inrloni - w..w.wa tuning, In tht oolltt I'iii not u plfjfMAnt thought, vsi when coffees ur' kcpl ofien in luilk who knoWB what dift'ereiif "things" oome olinbing ami Sotting In? Our coffees arc kept in tin canisters wli'ch insures clean liness, freslineM and delic ious tlavnr Owl Tea House. N'cs. that's us. that the lady win 1 wears Well Shoes doesn't pick the crossing ha e to t'r s In 1 way over ' siie don't he knows her feet are DfOtfJOted, hence she walks right ftlong. If you haven't a pair you Bhould have $2.5 $3.0 $4 00 in 1 pair. Peoples Warehouse Feetfitters. The Columbia Lodging House oWWW JLhtMddj 60 YEARS fl BgV EXPFRItNCE 9 rft - -iff f o6J- Undo Bim MpV. ... . 4 v.iui b rurnitiir . - "wit, nun and Webb dleton, ( )repon." "trwtf. Pilot: Uncle eves 1 hi t he many nict of the rare harirains he is offering "Wl,y RO there' ' sam: . 1-. .1 u me nnest line of Fun BO i.e round in Hasten; n ...I 11 u want to (em furniture creations nrui A. RADER. I oilier Main ami Wehl. streets, BUT THE Best Babbitt Metal IN 10 POUND BARS. For line shafting' and all bearings of machinerv of the mill or factory it cannot be surpassed : : Made from Type Metal. East Oregonian Office, fmtmk Anton Mmfilnn (Jttlettf 4riin our invention i prtitiKhiv tl.ihe et ruilf t ..uOdttiil Milt frej I Mlgt gufefli lUlfiil tAMefj thr u rBMfwi' ntuf. without cbargrv. in the Trade Marr Designs Copyrights 4c. h nnd 1rriti.tt niT ntua fn wlit mm i enti)li' f onifiiuin lliiIoNvkoti l'inu or e . uriugr pgniila Mui.i. g i u rri-gtle-g A OOmpltti line of SUtiOMTV and lo(ks School hooks and School supplier NKUU KlKNlriHED HAK IN i 'ON N K(TION I N CENTER OF BLOCK BEI Al.'l A A WKHHH l h . . SCHKMPP. Prop. I BERKELEY Mas the following bargains 320 Acres Wheat Land,$1500 Beet Stook nod luiry Rnneh in Camas Prarie, Cheap. ( ioocl House, 8 Lots, $120o. Very Desirahle Residence Very 'iieap. Also a big list of town and count property cheap. Scientific American. A hftfnlgi 01111 v Illueirniex1 wnIiIt I AreriHit rir 'I'gjiiiM. itf n imin hurni Tortus, $3 m ewr ; four ruoiittlg $1 (NjIO lrll tu-w ! re MUNN &Co. 'evA York SEALS! Notary and Corporation I8.S0 to $5 Dehverco OtJm of ut anil MTf ninui). Canes in all stvles FRAZIER THE STATIONERY MAN Nirw line Cutlery. ... v... ...i cil. lie. ilesicns in Hoods, pocket L.ltlUC f Ifll l Qfdtfl for Kubb Silo lollt ltm! Sf Maiupf CAST OWEGONIAN FI K. ( () - H Pendleton Savings Bank HUANl.fca Ma Hi 'II I, inn. t AI'ITAL kOll.OIMt i i .iliaMl UiU Umirul lUuklUK ltUHlu. lulrMi tkliimoil uu niur dapnalli- littQg Uiukmi anil .mil in a . r , HpMlai llauliui. tflvau U) uuliMtluii. W J.KUKN1HH. Predldaiu J. N. TK Al., Vlo Fri(tul T 1 Ml KIU- (,'iwul.r. rr i i ii n - Hi I gj m "ggggggg, ' i i ii ii i jBswanBSi fL,...i, . L.nKhii mhi fw-f-Tr- ,. a; iMiggggggMggw- u,vnB"j , Thi First National Bank UF PKNIH.KTON Capital Surplus $70,000 $60,000 646 Main St. The Pendleton Shoe Co. An Mg to ante Repair Shop in luuucttlon with uur store. It is SMrprislng U.ai lanuur. will buy ttii-uliMf txuiocu buggiut Slid liacks bvii.f pMOMd llirougb Hit- cuuuiry tu.toad of gixxl yoodn, fully warrant. .1 Mlrt b Souic tlaalor., wbo ar alwaya U b fouud lo niaka gooil Ibulr guaraulM. Our .lock of bun giat. bai'kt, agrieultaral liuplauiaoM, ale , ara ui ui dale, anil a uolutr will fo fartliar wltb u lliau al any otbor a.Uibll.buiaiil HCAtUE BROS. Transact s gtmtiral ttsnkiag buaiuesa Bxcaengs gnd teirgraiihii usustum sold u Igg FsggfllgOO, Nw York (.,'hiiK0 ggd rlm:lil poiuu lu Um North ,-nt. KuripT11 aruwu ou ul". .iMpMii mid MitktNiiiolluciluuBou ruaouttlit Uirina lcv) a n k k n , PrjeMges W'S bA;J. N"-o,""ii,il-iu C. B. WAHE, ( aaliler, H. C, UU KKNrtK Y . ui.Cmdu, Jii.t received home Fine After Dinner Cheese And man- Fancy Delicacies3' Standard Grocery ft Onnosit flnlr1on Lnlt Mule I Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line nf:w line To umI iroin tlm ....... real Of iS"" WHY V"J " -- UV 'SI al . l. .... .lllVt' nuiiH i "r1 Will build IS.50 oar rtMSton ft Carnev. Proa'. lave read U too everv isv at 7 o'clock ' SS-al Illinois Central Railroad W ' " ,ourUrU-L you It ys EH i ,i..ih or wuu T,, City ottic tt Tallumn store. 4 Co' drug Farmers Custom Mill Pn4 Walters, fraprlater. Solid Trtting New Equipuieut Wide Vcatihulcs. ...... i .tgeuUi Otptully, ISU bar rail a day. Flour aicbauged lor wbasi. flour, Mill Fosd, Cbopiiad Vaad jo baud. 0 '.Jiall una. i-. ol WTJ Old I Ul., aiwayt B II Enquire o. K. A N. Co.. or TKUMBULL. tisii'l. A..,n Old newspaia at i us vmm" hi 14 Third St., lJorttuiJ, Or. I ton. Uuu li T1.I..I Ua. MS 1 A