East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 29, 1901, Image 3

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    . T . B
Ve Want the bars...
of just 1 1 q Pro
spective Buyers
W. have that number of the celebrated
Downoline Comforters
Thev an t lie finest bed enver
ing niale in tht inited States.
Wc arc Agents for Pendleton
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
. i.i t i n
Think it Good for
I mi i ntnms u-uevcr in me
' . ... II, P ii . i. i tndhv .
k tram. " ' ..
1 relieve tluil "iuiii natm
miKtai l 1 1 BWJ uuiai "li1
. ill- "a'1 h,'r'v Pro
L-U ...i. Ii'tlfl
i. ...... friii'Ti'il III lllii u.'
list HMfa lot "lummy imi
Baa BB 1 UlWCt participate
ili rif nn'i ii- '"'" "" "
till it. tnr IK'M n ' -
j- Kr.i-r scouts Mi. taut) mom
mt. pttph of Wallu Walla that
. :. .... ' -- K ' luirse
m n t mi hall mile tracks
'. ..!.. 111. til. Till I. Ill
.-I I I.. ...... tli. lOltl'll H Will
thf rpputiilil'' this to make
1 ll! tll' I'l'Kt kltlll."
in rat ovei 1 1 recov AS ot
on 2ti Eamt-vi tracks. "" said Mr.
iirr ami Of the entire lot only
van a Im c!khts cnurae. while
malontv mm lia'i miles As a
iwer of tli' tnr1 for years. 1 have
a track sialism- mid always
bill nil- luo- BOOM a ;k. pular j
for tlM came although at the laat
minute Whitman College iscoad team
IMky .onto Inatoail of the Academy.
nvhov. there will he a BOOd game
Bchedoled to bocta at 3 o'clock an
that the vlaitors can catch the even) III
train inn k to Walla Walla
Night Wai Her Terror.
I would cough nearly all aitfbl
lODg, writes lrs. t:iia. Applegats,
of Altiamlria. bid., "anil rould hard
ly net any min I had consumption
nait mat n I walked a Mock I nil
rmitrh frightfully and spit Mood, hut,
a hen all ollirv 'ntsl ic ines failed, three
II. IK) hot ties of Or. Kings' Nea bi
covery a holly cured me and I gained
in pound. " lt absolutely guaran
teed to cure Coughs, Colds, I. a irippe,
Bronchitis and all Throat and I. ting
I runlileK. t'rice uli and $1.00. Trial
Unities free ut Tallman ,; Co's drug
Arrival Hotel Pendleton.
S HoniT
A II lanihetaon Portland.
O. P. Coyne. Portland
f p Mutter st I nii
Clayton KoBed
W Phllhrlck.
Mahel HwiKht
Mattle Kootlcy
Warn, i
T f
Port laud
1100 Doliar Keward. SI00.
iilnil tti' iwi wili be pIvaMd to
tat! Hun-1 al Ivaat one dta liui diei
KiUT ti- ka Hbic u ou't- in all Ita
tad Uia: ll atnrru tiall't aurrli Cure
' Ml; pwitivc i-ure iiuw known te the
t : Iriaieruit 1 atarrb bolag a ooaaUlu-j
iiaafttv Mtuirt a coaatltutioaal treat.
Hall Qattrrli i ure i takvn luu-rualh .
I Ufa ll ii blood mb i imii'oua wr
it uk tytloui. tiierub) ilvatroylag the
itioa of tli.- nlaea and (Wtai tuu
tiMuiiL b bulldlag ii. -.lie roimtltutfou
iitiuK aaiai la ioiu it Wura. Tht
lo liat'v to mu 'li lailli in It- i uraclw
uui io) iid.T ' iuv lliiiiilnil Dollar (or
aw that it tan- to i-urtr Hnuil fur ll at of I
aaltii tililrcta '
. lll.N i. .vi 11 I ol.-lu 1 Hi in
iraml:i Pill" nr.- (In-
itirir Actdemy Will Meet Pendle
ton Acautmy Here.
Im Frida u:t iihmiii the Pendleion
tilni) will emieavor to atone for
I MM ui lust Sbt'irdu Whit-
ir. Aii.-h! I., here Mllliagel
" iin- urraiiKeiiifittr
The Time
to buy is now, riyht now
HI . I Lflllo MU,u .1' wal. ...
Wtr. Solid silver. Cut aiaaa.
or Clock
wiy one from our well assorted
ami uptu late slock.
The Place
'"I I'll lelun s art'i-st anil
best jewelry store
Where every thlnt; we aell
"fuirantccd tj repreaented.
" a vt i a md a uv m
Jeweler and Optioiau
(' I iHiWIIet Slllikalle
darn K Itaer and wile, Spokane
fi. W. Hunt. Portland
i i S Y -uui man Portlund
K II (oman Portland
.1 H Klo.-iknei
.1 K Snow Ilavvllle
E. M. Hradley.
C. It. (Jeordge, Dayvllle
l.mil ('hum im). Canyon flty.
T Preylakl. I .a (J ramie
N. Bw Iter (irand Island Ne
L ' DeBedlcti st .loe Mo.
iieorgi 1 Fltgihlion Portlund
K. Q, Kli!iger.
A Flrenian'i Cloi Call.
"1 atuck to my engine, although
every jiiut ached and every nerve war
racked with pain," writec C. W. liel
iattiy.a locomotive fireman, of Burling
ton, luwa., "1 aac weak and pale,
witiiout any appetite and all run
down. A I wah ahout to give up. I
got a liottle of Klectrir Bitter and
after taking it, I felt a well a 1 ever
did im .my life." Weak, lickly, run
down eople alaay gain new lite,
ftrtiugth and via-ir from their uae. 1'iy
them. .r a i i guaranttMMl hy
Tallman A Co. Price 50 cent.
At Martin'a
Saner kraut mince meat, honey
:u hulk, aquublieb for plea ut. ' bak
Ian, vertuicelll and macaroui. beat
quaMy AinerU-an and llmbert;ei
i-hoeae. apinach, green onions, let
t'ji-e. radihheh and x-lery freah -vi r
The homlieat man in Pendleton a
well as the hantlaouiert. and othera
are invited to call on any druiuiai
and et free a trial bottle of Kemps
Balaam for the throat and lung-- a
remedy that Is guaranteed to cure
and relieve all chronic and acite
coughs, asthma, bronchitis and OOtV
nimption Price 25c and 50c. For
auh by Tallman Co sole agents
Stage Coach for Sale.
For Sale Two six-horse Concord
stage coaches practically new. Car
ry 16 people For aale at a bargain
Apply to A. J. Mc-;abe 306 Fidelity
Uidg , Tacouia. Wash.
C. 8. Titus the i 'ham pio i amateur
sculler of Anierua. since lie tu t.
meiit of Ten Ky k. is to go to Henley
to ompete tor the diamoiiu I ullx as
(lit repreaelllatne "I the ' i1'
Tmrr a tin m a KifrC
Now is the time and here ib the place to get
bargains iu air tight heaters aud steel ranges. I
Mil seven varieties of air tights which I am offer
"ag lieauer than ever before. Give uae a trial aud
t convinced.
1 also have a new and complete assortment of
library and hanging lumps ut greatly reduced prices.
Joe Baslor,
Main Street, Pendleton.
The Celebrated
Majestic Ranges
FH Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves
Opera lioue Block.
1000 He?d Being Prepared for Pat
Beef Market Hay i Plentiful, but
None for Sale Will Market About
0, K. Thompson a loimer sheriff
i lbs nmitjr, and a proaptroua cat
tle ralaer of the Butter Creek coun
try here today. Mr. Thompsoi:
states that the Butter Creek stot k
nu n have now i head of cattle on
their ranches and that all are fov.llne
for the Winter matket He himself
began feeding on the t'.th of October,
ai d Others about the aanie time The
(000 (attle that are on feed are nc.it
teivd rrolB the mouth of the reck to
the lorks.
' Hav is plentiful. ' remarked Mr.
Th OtH peon, and yet none Is for sale
All the stoi Kmeii wish to ke p it for
feeding as then are enough cattle
10 consum th hay in tht event the
winter should be somewhat severe
Ol the toon cattle that an beiaf
fed in our part of the county at least
two-thirds of them are right now fit
lot tht fat i.eef market But we will
not sell before about Christmas time
"There is no hay market aetBttUth'
od. n lew sales having been made at
$5 a ton. but r.ine ol consequence.
The "attle inr" i try of the Butter
Creek count i v Is la fine i on. I it Ion.
and we have nothing Of which to
complain "
Butter Creek Honey.
An article ihat should encourage
Hutlet fret I honey-raisers, appeared
in the Portland Or.gonltn l Mon
da . Od It;
"Ifotlclnjt a laige pile ol honey
comb and beeswax In front ol a seed
store on F.-ont street a ilav i r two
hko a seeker alter information BtOfr
ped laaldi to oucsUoe the teejet n
regard to these ailli les He found that
a verv eonsidi-rable amount ol honi v
Is produced in this state, prlnclpallv
in the loothills of the coast range, and
along the I ower Columbia. Th.-r. Is
some honey produced in the Wllluni
.it. alley, hut. It I darker In color
thun the honey from the mountains
and coast, where the been ooUet t it
t r.un white clover and Art weed The
Bfeweed springs up OD land that has
been burned Over, and It supplies verv
goid BOaVe Some ol the whitest an '
best hon-y coming to this market is
tuad. .if! the altalla fields In Eastern
(regon and as irrigation bOCOBMI
tended ov.-r that vast region, more ami
more of this honey will be prodiu ed
The altalla Is cut several times in the
long Summer ol that s.-ctlon. and
ih.it is a Beooeeesoe of idooms to
ket p bees busy all the time.
"A large lot of the very finest of
the honey (MM from Cmatllla and
was produced along the ''matllla
Rivet This will astoiilsli pioneers
who saw I'matlHa many yea is ugo.
and at that time no one could have
la-en made to believe that such a
drearv looking section could ever be
eofie iiit.-d lor the honey roil need
lllere It, tail, oln such pioneei said
that when be first saw that region tr
IS.'C 'litre WBS Hot B white UIBtl Set
tied between The Dalits aud tht
Rock) Mountains, and that BOtthOI
he not ativ til his eoiniiHiiiotis hail
4I1.V Idea that there ever WOllI I be.'
Prof. Pernot of Corvalli. Investi
gated During tnr Year.
In the annual report o.' tl.e Oiegon
Agricultural College at Corvallls
Prot. I F Pernot. bacteriologist,
made Ins statement regaiditg slut;.
"A great deal of tlnu- aud labor
were speni iii ln.-si!t(ullii I'.ihi-iisi s
ot sheep which wei t auai-d -ippa tr
ly by pathogenic germs In all 'he
dead sheep which were invest'gate-i
and the sheep which were killed in
the last stages ol the disease, no Ids
ous weit' found which .-mid be re
sponsible lor the death ot the ani
mal. exi epiiug a bacillus somewhat
resembling anthrax, which was limnd
i.i . very case In the liver aud gall
ducts, (iiitnoa pigs inoculated with
pure cultures of these germs died
'v 'thin L'4 to 3'i hours and the germs
.it i vered principally from the
1...1 Kxperiments iu iuoeulating
sheep siibi utanooiialy, aud Inoculating
BBjd I Img rabbits with pure miKoroS
all saw- negative results. Whether
tlo loss ot sheep la primarily caused
by this germ or whether it Is a sec
ondary result Iu bheep which have
not been properly fed and eared t.n
has not yet been determined, but tht
wills ol investigation will continue
until definite onclusioiib are oh
"The investigation ot the effei jp
on wtMil by cross broediufj blict p wits
i iiiitmued duriug the yeai ttid a
gn-ai many saniples ol wool wen- ex
aunneil measured photographed
'unlet tht mit-roacoe ami lantern
slides made for the purpos- of 1 1 1 us.
Hated lec tures. Kxiieriniei ts were
also conducted In dipping Bheee with
dips ot different strengths lot he pur
ase ot studying the effect pri lueed
iimii the wool fibre."
Agricultural Expense Looked for
During Coming Yeai.
VVasbiuglou. Oct Z The OltiBJBU
tor tht depart -n- tit ol agn t'lUU'O "'
the next fiscal year aggregat. a t i'
540 This la against Mtl to.
the current Oscal year showing an in
rease ot almost u milliwa dollais for
uext yar This tncluiies 1O,OO0 lor
silk investigation, which is to Im- n
teteii uton for the first time. It is
to euable the department to egbOri
inelit, collect aud disseminate iulor
inatiou tt latiug to silk ulture Iu this
The total for the weather bureau
has been submitted by Chief Moore
aud lecluded iu socliou 7 iu hecrelary
W ilson s eatiuiate lor congress is 1,
Igg.oMl, an increast ol fliV.77o. fhers
is au iucreaae ol $ll3,H.aj iu aiari a
aud of fba.oou lor vegoiable patholo
glial work.
The total eatiiuatcb lor fo.tstiy are
IMH.ltO, au iucruaac- of ; i ' aud
tor soil invuatlgation $173,000 au in
crease of $82,000 I heat- increases
are to meet tht- expeudiug work alous
special hues.
Common Sinner" Company Cut the
levei t- and hia "A Coiuiuoii Uinuur "
omiauy appeared at the Fra.er on
Mouday uight The program was cut.
bevere tailiug to aiug his much ad vet
tised "laughing 8oug." aud tailing to
do anything but loll about the stage
aud look aud act as though he had
latt led too long over the black bot
tle ot the Kentucky pure Juice ot
the corn which he cat ried with him
tor the greater part ot that eVeiunr
Ml Devon would better exert himself
to avoid tht- apearaucea that eitau.
orrrerevyroTrrresssiK MsssTHTTTTnrTiT
Todny and titnioiTow we are ottering large intluce-
inent on all nir furs
Discount on all Furs..
NO RISK In your purchase here. Tlieiv's al
ways an assurance that vou're securing newest
and most fashionable Furs. We solicit careful
investigation and desire your trade upon basis of
Honetl Furt at Honest Prices. Ootne and see
for yourself.
a a ajLiui a Jift aa a Jt a Ait a jLft
Iv are against hint and which warr.-iut
tin susph loe that the samples too
irt-i'ly the liipior ol which he Is .
wtlolcieell salcsm.m In tht- makeup
nt the play Miss May im Taylor as
1 ii m Ottsher." also failed to slug "On
the Koad to Mandalay ." Kipling's
pretty poem that sounds well set to
ItlUSic and that was promised in ll"
advance notlceo as a special feature
lso she did not sing "Holy Cliv.
and there wen BOVOfBl other respects
In which the comoany tailed to BUtke
good the pledges ol the pl't-SS agent
Tin COOipaa) IB a g i m a 1 one. and
would have given more than sattslai
lion had they not cut the progran
untneii ilully Miss baisy King sang
well "Honeysuckle and the Bee" in.'.
she pleased the Blldienie Willi 'Haw
Jones LOckef Sturgeon and Phil
brick made a hit with "The Koitun.
Telling Man Kennedy was good itf
Scoop and Phllhrlck as a colored
comedian was anothet good feature
li Big Bill" Devere bopea t.. at
tract any more gisid houses In this
part of the country he would bOttOI
ktH-p his prondses and not gain tin
reputation ol slighting his pcrlorin
BOcot Me is capnhle ot bettel things
than wen seen ben- oh Monday Bight
Next an tint Ion "Theodora."' hy
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Brutie (Mill
nine Ttttell I OB Nov. 7.
Parasite Cause All Hair Troubles.
Nine tenths of the BjfOOeOOO ol the
scalp and halt are iniised hy parusltt
get ins I'hi important ' ot this .lis
covery bl Professor I'nna ol the
Chanty rffftptf I, llamhurg. flei IBBj.
an not be overestimated It eiplslM
w hy it ' 1 1 nit i hull preparai Ions, even
of tin most expensive c be rectal rail
to cure damlrun because Mu-v do not.
and tiny OBBOf kill the ilainliiift germ, i
Tin only hair preparation In the world I
that positively destroys the daiulinf! j
parasltt-h that burrow up the si alp
into ales i all. d st urfl or dandruff
is Newbfo'l ll. t in uli In addiiion to
Iti destioyiug tin- daiidruff germ
rierpfavldc It also a delightful hair
In-ssing msking the hair glossy and
soil as sill,
Mag Llnai For Sale.
The stage lines irom Snmpler lo
Whitiiev. Canyon ftlv, lirauile, I. an
ion Slid Alamo including all stock,
vehicles, equipment ami government
mail contracts. Terms, $1000 cash .
balance will be taken from receiptr
from the luvcrnmeni contracts as earn
etl. A rare . ptnirf nail v. Sumpter
Transportation Co., Sumpter, Oregon.
James A. Howard
Court si near first Nat. Bank
Has Real Estate toi Sale
See Here:
160 acres two miles from Pendle
ton, 145 acres of which are A 1 wheat
land, and 15 acre are choice bottom
fruit and garden land. Good dwelling,
barn, grainery, smoke house, etc
Good young orchard bearing trees.
Abundance of well water, also never
failing water for igation. Mut be
old at once. Pn.c $4,500.
160 acres of wheat land south of
Pendleton, $800.
35 acres choice fruit and garden
land near Milton. One-half of tract
in bearing fruit treei, 7 acres alfal
fa. An under Irrigation. Finely Im- .
120 acres on McKay Creek, 20
acre a1 botton land under irrigation,
balance good wheat land, well im
proved. 560 acre good wheat land, in a
body, four mile from Pendleton:
terms half caah balance on time to
suit purchaasr at tyt per cent In
You get
Good Beer..
lu J It. '.Si.-s Cm
atii.ulil la i I1S1...U1 .-
Kl)' Cream Ball
riHBssatSsaussaad 1
Hit diM-a-ril I
Itearsa.aian-hai. iu. a
iy s c."'i in lai ' 1
uuit k r
Qaasiii Halm I n.i 1 .!.!. iiuattia, (prasiti
OTer tin: im in iiai.s si ! la .naurbed. IU lafi. tue
iii.il 1 t- .. a i- ' -. P ta not dry in,'
Ui.t ir ..lii' 1 n w 1..'. La gt-s.a, 6UMut. l lirug-
tjH .., i,r ,.. 1 Tosi Bba , . " 1 1'Li. 6 buii.
tf unoiiitit- sTeeea --.i t, v....
l In 11 v: ut QaaWoS
Pain in the Stomach.
Distress after lifting, etc.
There arc many remedies fur these
trouble, but taw cure.
will cure the worst case
Clyde M buiumuok, with KlorsUelui
oV o , hleuifo. III , Mtya: "I have in mm
a sutn-rer from -t n 1. iron I.I. for 10
vtsati-s. ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .i 1 t In . 1. .11011 of
thm a1iraia"k Mttreh. juk Msvm's
I -1. .-.. 1 lire sjUil sun t-oraitl,"
t or sals by lailmao A Co., aud all
first class druggists, or send to Frank
Nau, Portland Hotel Pharmacy, Port
land, Oregon. Price ti a bottle or 6
bottles lor $5. express prepaid.
Bl 12,600 foe a Prescription
... . .i. ever pan! lor a pit-at npnuu
. baeeed uaud. in s,.u Krau. iu Aug ) 1411
iB.iiautii iBfivcd iu i.iu and aesk fUti
jLtjU'l waa paid b) a party uf buat usa. un i
lot s Bjeetti ariai' Oiaeaae ami Oialailc.,
ultLnrlu laeSMBBtt dlauaae.
ru)r uouiuit.-B. cd the Mtriuu. lutealtgstiuB ut
HS MSStd BO U, ivuu Tusjr luiivl i.ed
scores of Ibe SBSad aud lrle-1 11 oat 011 it. mar
IU by pultiug over ttnee tioen esse, on the
irealm.ui aad w.t. liiuf lli.iu I'liey alao got
pUjt.ici.ua Ui ssiua clirunn , nn ur.lile i .M,
slid sdailiu.iervd it wltlilUc uLy.i isu. lot
judge. Up lo Aug ii, elgUty-aeveu per coot
of IB. teal cases were either sell or piogitw-
iug f.vurstily
laer Using but IBirUMii per aaoi ol f.ilurea,
the parties were aslwlled anil closed lU. It.u.
sutluu. IB. pruteeiliug. of lue iuvc.ligst.u
nut. aud Uie ' luicsi rparla ol (lie leal
iter. pittili.Ued sad will be mailed Irs
ou appllcsltou. Address Jugs J l-ti ms CUB
raSV. UU aloiilgouiery St . Sau Krsucisco, CaJ-
U'hen yu drink
Clutrintshtd not to
cause In- 'dache or
Ask for it.
Schultz Brewing Co.
blanuard remed) lor GlMt
uouorrhw. and Runnuit
IN S HOURS. Curat gka
ney and blaotlvr 1 1 ptttrtOt
. 1
1 C
He is well pleased willi Ins linen
ami VOU will lie it you take yotll
IhtMdlf) t
They Know their Busineas
I i. i -
'la l to 0 eaii
mini i I
Ifll'tuU 'Bjat'Te
Use Sis W (or uulsIuis!
'lisvbsrges. luflsuiui ttuu.,
urllsllou. ui ukrlious
of aiu to ua iu. uibisuss
rsiuwas. u l i,,,! .trlt.
. . . .iuiess, SU1 Uot
tnilim OstaicaiCo "' " sii..i.i.u.
Lc.ini BJBBS Soia ur la.ussi
or srtit It. I.I....
I,. ..... . --1"7V
- ssgrs s.w, a 1 jyaVAtJ I,jf
ll ti ui J bottlaa, mit
( iiLuiai taut iAft liiiBjajfjg
It piytiM tr t Mm NopW WiihoM
An Adv. you can Trust
From a store you can Trust.
Suits and Overcoats
slot k that 1 1 unsurpassed Iff the I hoi( i if lelf i tiotlB, ami of
stic h tnannittiilr and of suclt variety f cm in-m styles that wr
deem It plfMUMN to ask a t all front tOU
I here are eik'lit points alumt it M l IS and
dVBRCOA I S. the sloth uightl) and last
iniX, tin- tit perfect; the label i cnarsnltM
the stvle new: the tailoring high gl itle; the
Irlmmitrg tastyi ItM ptotoction mono) back
it wanted, the prices
$10 to $25.
Out Men's flat and I'tirnishinu Departmenti are stocked with
a most toniplete array of fall and votttci ityles, DerbVS. Alpina
colored shirts, (nil drrss shirts. Klov . .. in.kvveat, all tn mw
stvies. Bconotnieally Prtcad.
I KON COHEN, Proprietot
PHNIL1 rON, i R I i it i .
Vitaht-r, tin
rrlltlltHI Ot (A f .tilt ii : , I I'M , i I . ' 1 1Mb k i y fill I VtMl tWJsafl
if III A in' I ia l laiilinesil. I it IM rs I ,
Bam ..VbBBT I "l.lin u lull
WmW BBBBBM I ''..I Mil liM'i hjf (la V or i IM Ii I. I t f 1 1
VjJpT I en.' to lo ii't maiorr hir-i ami all i Ii" I m rm - i I Iniiil
II v i r. i hr k blni ) e fjU'U Uib urinary urtii t f al luapuhll
Bhlltl rt(ortA Attlft 1 1 rtk fruilbt.
I livf iMMion BiidVrt-fB air ""I t'urail hy rAA'tnra e brpansi- -m n r n f faff IrofitilfMl tf h lraMAlllas
Ctrl' I m.N K tli only kiln ii rMii1v i t-nr Ithotil it it mi, ftut U t i n data. A wrlltftt
nariiiiin ajlTfti Biol mnm v ri-turiii d ( B .MtSrBfJtel BUuk I H l B 1 blMQl I of a. LiAl a luiljt tot
in ui i. ni'iiu ii r fiib " i i rt-tnnr aim 1'niiiiuiin i.
tea tin lit is An .ntn i I m i frlla. I .taplH
t ...a........,, Trail. lrsMitf VtlBiif
. 1 1 1 1 in 'l i n,.'. rx
I l'lll.SI-.i liis.ll.
I rii'ivi .it.iiiiii.is
Ail.ln- . Stflll INK O.. l'..ill,.J.lta(,.,,nl
.im i(a atf r i.i . a i . lK fa . ut n v .
i lOW --
lu i.iko immI hrnatl use ItyeM1 II si I I n r ll took llrst
peesalsa at Him t'liieago World's hair over all eosasati
tion, ami ki vtta saeolleal BBtlsfaetlos arherevef saasi
Kvttryaaca is giiaranttMsl. Wt lnvt tiie U-st Hlttiitii
Rolled ftailnv. Htttsf Kyn tnl BsartlleBI llsrlny.
W. s. HYI.US. Propritttoi
y-s Bf.Mil
MonterastelO Bros.
Marble Granite Works
A. I ir own work ami kim run .
i..t tint saiin. ut lowest irlt:t.
Kal i unites given in. all kill-Is of
i il .tone Kull sltM'k nil l.illlil.
b a iii nay voe to . oat work
ami gttl BVleee latlnra .laelllg
fUttf order
Main Si., m il 0. K. A N. depot, I'ciulli-loii
liefore pun liasiiij unit and
look over our laie ami ( out
plote im,: of heatiog Btovai
win. Ii we arc ht llinn ai a vi:t
low limine ....
The Loading Hardware (Ban.
International Poilltf) l oud makes them.
beef i,;ai sivaa iheu Savor
Clamshells make them solid.
Mica (rit ai l . dit .lion.
J l y a , ample.
May, lirain and Heed.
17 and i jij liasl Alia Sbci I I'emllcloii, Oregon
Beat stuck on the
Ttdeplioin- OOnnBOiion ,at ranch. A.I
flraM Pilol Rook or PandlBion,
Ghas. Ounningham.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor