1WLY EVENING EDITION :,pvERTi5eRs : ! .... r.-,'wrc-riintboBlv f j T" MAR ."I J DAILY EVENING EDITION EASTERN OREGON WEATHER linllil and lite .lnmr,"'l f ll'l,ler VOL. H- PENDLETON, I MAT1LLA 1XJVHTT, OBMORi SATURDAY, OCTOBER HH. 1901 NO. sj;r YaW L The Place To buy Groceries wberr you can have a big stock to select from. Call aad see "it. My stock' is Urge both in fancy and staple procrnes. G. R. Demott The Alexander Department Store. Has the most COBiplttC stork of l.adi.'s' Box Coats. Three Quarter length! and Ntwmtrimta evtt shown In Pendleton. Our line of Misses' and Children I Coats IN Mff, Ityliih and uptodate and at pliote that can stand comparison Visit our Dress Goods Department if you want t' ee the newest l'imxJs. COM, in all colors, at B6e a yard. U'st value on earth of Yenec ians. Storm Serges. naie is Ihe Whip Pebble Br a i - We have a tine line Cords. Prunellas. he lots. I ntinished Cheviots cloth and Granite Cloths The Flannel Waistings are exquisite. Call and see our goode, we take pleasure in showing them.. R. ALEXANDER GENERAL NEWS The Boston Store. FIFTY CENTS on the DOLLAR. A Kuvers Festival will close Thursday, Oct. rtlst. 100 Pieces of Fancy DRESS GOODS ..One-Half Price.. All careful purchasers must attend this Sensational Sale. Every piece marked with a RED TICKET. Prices in plain figures. During this sale purchasers of Dress Goods may re ceive our exceptional values of Dress Linings at discount of 10 per cent. the big busy Store Capta i n rillev i under Ofdtf I to prca-eed tn Pango riift. to appear he fore the naval court martial anil an swer the charge preferred again.! bun. Iir ctnr W K. Merriam estimated that the total population of the UllfBd State. including the new possessioni in lefO would he about l(n,0Ot,0M BOC pie. Jack Waile ii -alt Lake scored a victorv over "Poo" Flynn of San Franc i c. . the tight wa to have been lor -A) round, hut Wade knocked hit opponent out in the fifteenth. Rldet Byrea M- atatttli, n ol 1're.utent Smith, M the Mormon church MM chosen to rill the vscsucy in the quorum of twelve apotf M eaued try the el e vat ion tO the presi dencv of .loa. F . Smith. The Venetuelan government and the tierman legation have .at if act or 1 1 arranged the difficulty artaing (fon the affray hetween tierman sailor, and the police of Pnrtn Cahello, October I laat. Creceu hroke the world' record for a half mile track at Ksn.a. City Thorsdsy, going the diatance in 1:09, tod dipping a qoarssr neond off the tet previous record made by bim at Toledo, tw week sgo . Vt Oaenhiiro, llie Kentucky grand h.lge, Knight of Pythia. i in Baaa .ion. Supreme Chancellor Feather of .laneviile, Wit,, i present , and alo Major (Jeneral .lame A. Carnansn of the uniform rank of the order. San Joae, Cel., local packer eati male the BBKMBl of prune, of ,the crop of 1900 n. on Land hi HkM carload. The eM-mated crop ( Santa Clara County prune tfii year i a), 000, 000 pound, which, together with the el .t.-l JO.OOO.Ottt) pound of the Italian variety produced by Oregon, Wa.li inn ton and Idaho. contitnte the tock to be disposed of. The anarchut propaganda in favor of a general atrike pro v inn friiitlul in Spam. Leading anarchist aert that committee Ihrniigboot the world, rep reenting 8,000,000 worker, are only awaiting IM signal to inaugurate a nniveraal strike rropnaed hv tierman workmen, an.) approved of by the American and Kiiropaan committee. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS wa appointed ma M nta Claus Headquarters imps "atr comes apace. The long, 1 f re just ahead. Good loth.uk ol lamps. Their meJ S" wul brighten the home L We buy laaipi til et and pay spot ie factory. As l:eryone knows freshuesi. in groynes is just as .-.t. ntial as it is in eKUS for the making ol podl,ngs. pastr, -t Everyone ought to know that I I takf a special pride in selling only I gio eri sthat are fresh No -.tak stock in this store. The mackeral j we fcell at i ac a pie e is freah. C. ROHRMAM. W. iarlingl:ue I II. Kav, resigned. At Trineville the caae of the date of Oregon v. Andrew l Tylle. charged with murder in ihe tirt dn gre la on trial. Aleiander C. Vance, who shot and killed t, Franklin, at I'.atonville. wh , eepteabet 'i, wa ton ted of murder in the lirt dewrec. (ovcri.or deer ha been appointeJ an honorary meuilier of the boatd of iro-t of Ilia McKiuley National M in i rml u-fo, lation Tiie purpoae of the a.) lation la to erwet a fitting memorial t" I're.nieut McKinlev. At Albany the auit of A. W. Klack burn agaimt U. I.. Kce, brought receotly in the circuit court of Linn county, wherein the plaintifT aak. for flo.Otai ilainagef for the alienation ol the affection of hi w lie, resulting in aeparatiou an 1 divorce, aa com promised. The legal atatu of a acbool dittrict with only on pupil la the nubject of an opinion iut rendered by Attorney Ueueral Biackburu. The dwiaioe bold that Bath a diatrict la legally organise ), that ita director ell enter into contract with a teacher, and tbat the diatrict ia entitled to ita regular apport lunoieut of H ' W money. Mra. Karali F. -haw, who died at Helm, Freano county, Cal. , October VI, waa an Oregon pioneer of 1846, ami waa prominently ideutitiwd with lin early hiatory ol ih.- atale lira shaw, whoae maiden IHM sarah McNary, came to, Oregon from I., nun riba waa a daughter of Mr. ami Mra. Aieaaudei McNarv. who came to Oregon in lH4ft, und nettled in county. HolL 111- P cLuimeva. Fine mckled plated reading lamp, worth 3 here on sale at 6 dozen beau tiful eight lamp in iancy decora tions, choice at en Decorated ban ,ut t Uuip,cen tral draught, 10 inch Globe to match, W.OS lu Mi. Ml Imuueiise line ol riegi styles to select ii 'tu burners, wicks .CARPETS the t-i - 1 ;., Um ritv If vou want a caroet call and line. We will give you estimates sewed and laid A Mammoth stock of Furniture. BAKER d FOLSOM Next door to Postoff ice. It Makes Weak Women Strong. Hi 1 a ' I Mifl. n ,J 10,111 f luoiuli. " utile M N !' ,111.111 Co W V bt .li) -n kii loll hi (lid in' 1 I wtou to " K I' Fifrt. ' V I' to- ,n, ice a Inch I m . 1 wki 1 1 Tls Wll. II I lld SM 4 II" H aauutii mm hewlita ara avave iiutn lu- an iiiu U ' aid ivi as to 1- I 7 POLICY AS TO MESSAGES THE NEW YORK MARKKT Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pandle ton. Chicago Board of Trada and New York 9took txehanaa Brokara The wheal warkot aja lower today in the ruah, although biverpool waa 4 higher, 5 M. New York opened 1 . c,, and ffleeed ns to 71 ft-"- were 4,nti,Wk) He His Own Manner. , ...i 'a . II M . wo II..",-,, The eiport ahipnientf Will Handle the Themes in m"k.?1tlw crop mice July l9w,BBB,WWi Slock teady. Money llf. Wheat: OleM ye.lerday, 77 Open today, 77S. Range l.xlav. k H Clese toiiav, 7. . Btjoekti ugar, lie Mi etiel, H s. m. Paul, 170 :-H: V. P-. I"l '4- TRUST IN MONTANA. o LEAVING DETAILS TO DEPARTMENTS ARE MISS STONE . AND MME. TSILKA KILLED IN EAST? - o Report to That Effect Readies Vienna. - -o BUT THE STATE DEPARTMENT HERE o Tbc Prnlfkot Propose to Perform ibo AlODfl Som Onitloil Lines for tbc Next Coonress Work His Not Waahingti'ii, i let. BR. All BIIBlbm were prewnt at the nneting III the cabinet on Fridav. The preideul di.- oeSSwd the verlOBI feature of lii- lorlh neSllBJ inc. wage 10 congre. II I alo the ippolntaSMtl that are to be made Witbll a cliori time. The contill lation between the prem BMM and cabinet wa eapei-iallv lull. owing to tne iieterin mat ion wmcn Mr. POOBlflll ha reiicbed to wnti- ill hi own me.aage to cotia-rea and to do it on original line. Heretofore the ecrelarv of tate ha written that portion covering the lltetfJB relatim. and each other cab inet otbeer ha contributeil a ch.ipter on In. reieclive departnieiil. The pre.ideul ha determineil lo do awav witli tin detailed .talement of allair of each department. Me will BwVBtl hi me.uge OSlly lo Milch Ionic a. be choo.ea to lay particularly before the attention of congre, leaving Ihe re port ol the cabinet ortlcer lo acquaint congre with the detail of hi admin istration. SCHLKY AT VICTORY TIMS. Oanarou Toward HI Knaroy. l.orvara. Who Wa Vanqulihrd. Waalnngton, Dei, M. The Si M.- court ha adjourned over to Monday. I lie remainder of the teatimoiiy of the Friday aeaaion wa a follow Hear Admiral chley .aid : "At the time the Colon hauled down her color, we were about lour mile from her. A Capl. Cook went DVWf the aide for hi trip to the Colon, he H kl 1 1 'What are the terma of .iirremb i "' " ' I ncondit lonal , ' I aaid. "An hour later the New York came up. We made ignal. which he look half an hour in anawering. I .aid, 'It ia a glorioua day lor our country. After Cook returned, I hoarded the New York to make my report 'Ihe captaiu of the New York aaid: 'Your work i not yet over. A i-panieh battlebip wa. eeu on the coaat The admiral want to w you.' I went in and aw lum. lie told me to lake the iregon and go eactward, an order that pleaeed me greatly. IfeM OfeBM did not lolloa , ami I naturally a.miined that the admiral detaiuel her lor other work. I louud that the u-p,- led hpani.li veaael waa an Aua trial). 1 relurnei to Santiago al.ul inidnigbt and l.iarded the Iowa, when I met Cervera. I cautioned the men not to cheer, and placed my puim. and wardrulie to Cevera'a ifla.ikal. He auawered that be hal never Bawl h Milor who wa. not a gentleman." chley denied apaaifical ly that lie bad ueed the word "damn the I'eia. ." He ibeBfbl Wisapene'i rler to uncouple the ci Hie. a w MB one. He den led that he n i 'red to lawBBBBl aa captain, but alway caile.1 him BfBltfBl u.w.y Btia I Hlfe-n Waihington int. It, Adiu.rai I'ewey thl inoruing aulhori, - 1 a denial ol the report dial lie hail re rii,.. the presidency ol the Metro.d Itai oilb becaua iIib B)BB)BSfS ''in deed hit ruliuga aa lavormg aV bley. corraR N'i tad Word ifitt riifrMorc 1)0'n CNfJH ihf Rumor Tbil Came rrom Kiiropf. Manlpulallna Bovament leaaha Bine or That State. Bite, Montana, Oct. 2tt. The Vienna. Met. : la-t DeBtMBI number of uneinployeil ooppr mine Knuiivliaut, a newspaper, ha report amployaa waa I Released to ten thoBt- from Hofla that Miss --tone, the kid- anil today, when the mine and .inciter ri a 1 m io nurv, is t'ead. No con of the Montana company abut down laiarmatlon nl the report ha been re part of the ISfegfBBI to manipulate the otlved here I'lu morning the report OOppar market. Minora and citisen I g current also that MlBS ItOBl'S 0OtBa generally are tndiirnant over the com- .n , Mme. I'ulka, i dead. Stat I)irtmenl Ha No Sueh Word. Wiirlnnitloii, tlct. IM, )pati'heN pany act ion . aaiar COAST riLiei abs. Happanlna or th Day a They Coma rrom the Wlraa. In. .on, Olt -C. A. -taaforth, a woalthv mining mull ol UOS Angele., wa. Milted hv the grand jury here for aliened violation ol the Kdmund. act. -an I'ranciaco, tlct. tl. In tlie caae o the Jeifl Carr and and 1 ive.tm k OOmpaay v. the l uited -late, the ctrcu'l court ol appeal rendered a de ellkHI denying relief .might hv the plaintiff. Tucaoii, Arn., OH. a. -The Culled -tale weed Jury returned an mint nl today again. I SB Cueloina col let lor 1 1 1 h-v on three aeparate charge, in connection with the adnilltuiK ol Chi MSB into the Cnitiil -late. Oakland, Cal., net. M. IBBB .1. v a ent ine.nre.ldent of the Welli-Fargo eipreaa, i Iviug dangeroualy ill at In residence in eat Oakland. He la Mfforlll from acute heart trouble. silver City, OH, .. A. W. Wajft laud, accuaiHl by William Hagler with having lieen intereated with him in Ihe theft of bullion from Ibo Trade Hollar company, arrived in charge ol the l.eritl. having been arre.teil in lliiigham I uinty. Portland, ct. tli. -C. F. Cl.arlea, sapreaa aseislakjBf, who exhibited piieooliienal courage while In car wa heinir dviiauilted. I a native ol -an Frauciaco, here he wa DBfB 1 year auo He haa been in the eipre.. oie.aeuver nervice in year., most ol the lime running aoutb from -an FrauciM'o He ha been on hi preHeut run for two year. -alt hake City, Oct. 2. A e lal to the Herald from Mount Pica. ant aay that Mr. Aubrey -nowden, n id ol a prominent '.pliyaiciau of thai pliae, today placed the inutile ol a re volver lo the forehead of her two i,ur old daughter and eenl a bullet cradling through the child' head -In- then .hot lu raelf in the right temple, dviua nl in oat in.tanllv. The child lived an hour alter being allot. No eiplanalion i offereil lor the woman', act. Vancouver, li. C, Oct. 9ti. Cbarlae -ulo, a natural lied Japauoae. aeeiu to i- it a sfaa rased life Pbibi inne m aa many veara have alleuiita been made OB bll Dili The third iM'curreil yelerda when an unknown allaul. lylBg i" wait for -ulo at hi home, .prang SpOB the .lapaueae and cut hla ilirot Iron ear to ear. -uto' crv wa. heard and prompt medical alien lance will pfobably MVn hi life. II im .-rmimil encaiied. were rorOIVOd to.lav at the ilepartinein from both Conaul IMeklnaoit at Sofia led Charged1 Aitair. Rddy at Gon Stantlonpls regarding the caee ol Mi. stone, rbesa diapatabea, imwewr, throw nl. ilnlel v no light upon her sltoatloo, ami sayi nothing ngirdlBi the report of her death. So it ia afe lo say tiie Vienna illspatoh i istiBii Violliti or Phlladalphla Kir. Pblladelpbil, Out, .'u.-Search fur I Mas bod lea of yaetarday'a lire victim cunt mne. It wu known early in the day thai twenty met death in the tire. Twciittiwo injured were in the trtMpltall and everal death were i looked I l amona It i. The niveau- ' gallon a to II rigin ol the tire waa taken up today. straal i r sink In New Urlaana. New i Mean, Oct. 'Jri. Ihe four bundled in. tin men and conductor em ployed on live .treet car line here I .truck tin mnruiiiM. A number of car are belli operated On alterni.ui. The ciiu.e of Ihe Mtrike I Ihe colli- I panic reln.al lo rem. late a man dta- charged for llahting. Yata Approval Hooievalt. SI. I.oin, Oil IB, ObB I alea i( I II itii.it in an interview here tbia inoruiua' approved KoOOMVolt'l action in Inviting Hooker WaNihiigton lo dlflB Willi bin ami .aid he would lo the HSJIS thl If il Washington would visit Yale.' home city: rokar Biparl lo Win I'hiiiidelphia. Oct. '-'il The North American'. London correapondent wire, that Rlobard Orukar has cabled ! pcr.onal Irieml in LoBOOli " lain maiiv'. aucceaa la a climb." Th by one oi payimi-nta a ii 'n A New Fire Nat. m Hi e not i i i anil) udoptt'd iln- iui'troMilllan tin- do haa been BUCb a hu-ceaa aaver. thai it. unlveraul MAAMD-, r LBASAMT PBJ ALTY. Soldier l-Ut -..VII- 1 It l i .,n I j"- ws our line ao coiupieie. LPbkll tints in Imxes with en- hf in bulk Ms. non-ta Om. m .nnaliaa. i rar o, v,,.v.w , riest pnecs. uinmus baraple lini of worth ii .nil ac cents: , . " - TJ wuic they laat at 35 ceuU AIRTIGHT HEATERS I have a full line of the celebrated COLE'S AIR-TIGHT Wood and ooal stove guarantee! to Ijj abeolutely air tight. Noue of tlie heat ia wautaxl aud the nUivee will aave ONE HALF of yoor fuel bill. 1 also hive 1 fell Use ol caal coofc itoves and steel ranges. F rices are the lowest, quality considered T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. It Makes Sick W women Wall i a V A I Wo k .wto-i an ani.i- i""- - -Bad - ...viy a-.) lHil. t 1. l rtvi.' ii..w u.. aaiwrd m 1 p d U I t-im I wuak cbrouU di- a-i 10 wni I BmflaW re av aaaaB BBBBBBl 111'. afSffBBSBSL iaa 1 Watliliiaion -ii.i Volunlr Hocorad by Uao. Cbalaa. Waalnugtoa, Oct. t. Llwut. ituel ilaaaifdi who waa eltl FiBBIBI when Aguinaldo wa. capluratl, recently burglariK.I an llMfBiel camp 111 the Philippine and atole ihe ABBOT laBI deaerter. A puuiahuietil, lie ha bntoi i - oniiii-iidal by Oen. ChaHee for a cougreaaloual uovla' lioiior. LISBt. liaaiard waa a Cbebali, Waafa 1 volunteer, who went lo the Philippine, in litkB. Hla brother waa with him, ami, when laat year, (SSB, Fre.i I 11 1, riao of Kausa orgauiaaid the Igpadltlou to apture Aguinaldo, Ha sad want with him. lie waa aignally bosored, and the Hasaarda' parent were to have beeO v Kited at CliehallB by Preandeut McKiuley whan he ma le 1, rib Pacini tour that wa. 1 an ml lad at -an Frauciaco. 1 AVI FATIIItl." uov. Hair's counsel to in Seutn arri aao Basllaa. I . termaritiburg, Natal, Oct. "0. (ov Miiner of the Orange Klvwr Colony and l'ranavaal in a spaovb here today urged his bearers lo bave pa Hence .0 weiliua tor the war lo come Ii a siesii lies. aaudaB Arrlvsa. Port iowuaeud, Waah.. Oct. 'M General Kanuaii and etan arrived ou tbe transport Howard from Ht Michael, euroule to Vaucoover wash., where he lakes owuiuiaiid of tbe newly created depart men l of tho 1 olninloa He left two com pan lea in Alaska. adoption In pioilhti-il III the In-ill III tars Rvori on nhn speolil in tin-' 111 1111) Invention that will av" or prolixin llli- Tli 1m la the i. uHin III lllll II pi'llple llll Vi- hei'll pI'WtalnK Hoetettei . sioimo h Itinera d'i ing Iln 1 tit ' lllty .mi Thla iM-t-ileaa no iti Ibo baa bobs Mors to promote hoBlth ai d long life tail any niaef in i-xialenie It will run- dyapipalu. InillBMiatlm. belcblni, Betuloney, luauninia iiervuiiBiicBS, und ma luHa. di- 1 ami BBBO Man) prXBBl 1 ilnaliialiH 1 eciimtuitnil II lie tone to givi 11 a 1 1 lal Tbe genuine mini Ion our Private lu. .-bum,, 1 the neck ol I he hutlle DON T USE COD LIVER OIL Thai is two or thrti tin old- ranciil ami tliaann ahlf to tukf We lia' an iropoi led I mi 1,1 1 tie Oil wliiih wit FMtlVMl lirt-fl from thi- Imporitfe Thie oil 1 aiiuol lul Inii olt ,i.-f In atiriu its tliii yeiar's oil and hvvcoI as a mil nil in ami RJUaJuitie if K0EPPEN S PHARMACY, THI: POPUUR PRICED DMUU STOUt: OM COURT STREET. 74 1 Maiu street, Ct-udleluu, OiCjjou CALL FBI COUNTY WAIIAITt Ail CiuaUlla uouulf worrouu rt(Uici4 iu July aad auguai, istt, will U paid at aay Bc at IS ouuri Souac upuu prewuia Ueo I real hum ou dale el puLhcaliuu reudleloa. Oreauu ntuU i tt ivul a a YA iaa. 1 im.ui.1 ul UasailUa Uoaal order. US Of fur Snail. r Waahiugtou, Oct. M Cioc Wade, uouiuiaudiug tbe dwparUueut of aoutb ero I.vsou, has issued orders forbid diujc tbe uae lu olbcial oouiujumcatiou ol Spanish words that bsve Kngllab equivalent. ii.. Caroaala Are Ceaalag. noutbauiplon , Del. au -Audrew Caruegie aailed for Aiuarioo today. I o Our Car Load of PIANOS! (dosu out aj soon as nosttihlu in order to nuiku loom 01 Hiiother car in transit Piaeoa an beini told at lurprtaMBBly luw puces to sunn ul 1 In leading citizens ul this section Do not delay ffMliag a piano at once as you will Ket the berg am of your life il you huy this uiuiith. boil on l ti Tlmo May moots. Almost t very High Orado Ptsuo riaBo to Choose From. Wakefield & Failing Urcywii.