The Place to Buy::: : CUBA LEARNS FROM I S. Grand Exhibit ItT I where vou can et quick Hini cheap prices. Pest line of AAA Vf I - II in KEEP WELL HOI r BAER& DALEY Oiw Price Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter. Pendleton. THt K-DAV. OCTOBER 24. 19U1 kUI.i. Wr.RKIY XI SEMI-WKtKLT S THI- East Oregon tan Ptibltahiag Company, fESDLrTCW. Okfci.ON. v: ivH.kirrto utb MU n I 3 ................ Man .m tiu .i-sacsirTH'N mt. i . C i- f I - M tit tn. u .il(HW B 1 - I -r ' m.v ' a:aimo bats. OHnnwrar I .-It t . 15 t i. ' NjaSw -aa. ea m Mr uas. TUB TARIFF AKD TUB TRUSTS. The Portland Oregonian wimp-: that the protect iv tariff iia leas to do in fostering trusts than nurst pax pie think. This statement it in itaelf a confession that the protective tar:f! baa something to do with the toater. ing of thf trnata, whatever may be the degree of importance the tariff nut ear towards the truata. It is of valae to ascertain tbia fact, and few eoono miata in tbe eoantry deny that it ia a fact. If tbe problem be attacked solely from tbe standpoint oi the believer in a protective tariff, it it not difficult to arrive at the cooclaeou that tbe tariff has macb to do with maintaining tbe induetrial corporations that have RRRR poularly danomioated truata in latter dav diacuaalont. The protective tariff uaa baan apol. -giaad for of late years upon tbit grout d - it bested t tbe working man This baa been tbe plea of tbe cam paigner wbo aupportexi tbe tariff policy. "The fall dinner pail' wat tbe shibboleth of tbe republican partv in lata), ImM aud 1000. Grant, for tbe sake aa argument, that tbe working man's dinner pail was once kept tulier of food and h.s back covered witt. better clotbing by reason ol tbe pr tective tariff. and we come to this proposition- does it fill tbe dinner pai! with better and mure food now in tbe industries that are under the con trol of tbe truata L'uder the system of competition, wben i merest were diverse in a given industry, tbe condition were vaativ different frum those uow obtaining. But, now. in tbe steel industry, for in stance, tbe ateel trust baa virtual coi. trol of the entire business of prodn. ion. It can dictate term to the coun try ,ae to price and amount of atuff that shall be put forth. Tbe old law ol aup p and demand baa lawen abrogated And furtnermore, the fact ia obviour mat tbe I nited tit lee steel corpora tion, tbe trust, can go into tbe world' markets and undersell all foreign com petition Thus, we have practically nt cooipelitiou in so far us concern u own country aud our own cutum-r-tbe wbiie our national etael truat or is la ita foreign competitors in tbe world's market. Certainly, m one can truthfull deny tbat these are fact. Our ai. people art- compelled to buy in a pro tected market from a concern that own almost a., tiie iron and steel am; tin plants, that can dictate price wbicb il will sell, while the work un man niuet aell bia labor in a market absolutely coutrulld and irom which tbe element oi competition baa been eliminated. Would not tbe leesenmg or entire takiug away of all portactive tariff upon trust-made article tend to de crease the strengtn of t.'.e trust in tbl countr " Certain), the logieal answer i yea, and one pruol u' im. i ttie lact tnat the trust manager are the .uudest in their denunciation of am cnange in the tariff schedules, barely, no one will claim tbat all their solicitude if for the dear people. KXPLAN ATlOh Of THE "LOOP." Tbe testimony before the ncnley court oi inquiry already lias establish ed tbat bear-Admiral achley was not a coward, or a palttouu or a caitiff. Tbe witneaaes have sworn, on the contrary, tbat be was sell possesssuil , cool and resourceful, aud that during tbe battle of bautiago tie ttiougul ot hi meu his stokers aud eugiuawrs and tbat be mul wiuui word trout tin to time aa The newest brightest and iest in Suits. QvfCOatt, Hats an d Furnishings for men and boy's are shown in our assortment (or Fall and Winter tgot a. Our extensive variety embraces so many different patterns and kinds, that evorvhody's taste can PI satisfied Our prices are the lowest and the same to ail. and everything is Guaranteed. to how he fiaht " itning Perhat the ni'Mt signiticent incident, however, wa thi 'leath and diopoeition of tbe h .Iv r vminmn Kll. When the under officer, in the heat of battle, gave order M thrnw overboard the dead body of the valiant sailot, Schley said: N". lie died like a brave man. Let btm have decent burial rave the body." Cowards, frightened f. r their nan afe'y. do flat, op n rgfa for the dead Ixulies of nine' men And at lat the reel RrsaniRg and asjfsjaai fne fan. on "iiHoi" made by tbe K"ok 'yn are egplaird hy Lleot. Wells, fchlae! Hag iieutenar.t. It ap-t--4r ttia? tin Braaglya mi-nmini e-a?ard nearly opposite the Santiagr. haroor. her b- turns I a f degree inland Nvaa a line parall; with tbe ; N Tii- Spanish fleet came oRt IrwfJ the harks at a rtfteer. mile clip, -.-n-i tnes'l siie westward. The K vi i-ned With tier port left ban.! tatte.- then. gaRiriag again to engage tiie Brri ib eTftk hag star- Sehla maiuler o! :'ie t,.i gave the order to put ttie helm a-Uriard. That would nave swung the ship around toward the Spauisb tieet and turned the ship to tbe left, or on the port tack, as the sailors say. At the instant tbe "star board tbe helm'' order eas given, it was apparent there wa danger ( the -panun ships or one ol them ram ming tbe Brooklyn, and also it wa seen or nelieved the Teza wa in dan ger of colliding with tbe Brooklyn. Hence tbe order wa given to put tbe balm bard aport. to throw tbe ship to the rignt, swing clear of tbe Texas and -1 net into action tbe starlioard bat teries. This brought tne Brooklyn par. aliel with the course of tbe paniih fleet, and permitted her to continue fighting. The explanation clears up the wbole loop controversy and leaves prac tically nothing of tbe case to be de cided. MOTHERHOOD Tsa night throbs on kej sn me prey i-ar Lord' C'liish off bis naun a moment front 'ii mouth T thee iu eye Mould turn hut they go hack. Back to my am. iK-snles m- wner to lay So little. Lord, so little and ao warm' I an not think that thou badst need of btm' He so little. Ird he can not .nn " He i an not praise UkRfl all bis life had learti ''a to hold 1i.t my kieaes in the night (live him to in. he U not happy there ' He had not felt his life his lovely eves Just knew me ir ni mother, and 'it died. Hast thou an angel there n RkarasM him I u he love in- (Hal if be forgets. Ii thou allow it that my child forgets And run tag on- tc meet me when I com- Wo.! ar- m i-urieH in thee Thou hadt heard Tin mree of Abct'l mother and ...: l threat. - at To threat .m: pra. it. h that that. hold them mill In n.-ni ' of ii 8o thou teLU him well. Thou (lod of all the motlitia' If he M One of his kiaae Ah r..y heart, my heart. Ik. angels kiss in beavec Give him kgggd me Lord hut am sick with grief. Face Humors Pimples, blackhead, simple rashes, red, rough haodh, falling hair, and baby blemishes prevented by Cun cura Soap, a sure preventive of in flammation and clogging of the Fores. wuij grief. I I.WN &Ekj& I harperX teWatei KENTUCKY WV.aeW WHISKEY) I safof. f n i U."S Ows Cwi . xaoat. ' ' Cutn.-'s v .ntt tlrwrt f tin Rati -otrt to mm lotting Thou art wlw I kit Rt, an I t'-nlet nyt and gnntl I'hou hast im rhllil and IM ll at in thv And I belle h God. tn AIM : hat' wo Orp; an'it imoni 'he mu"ls' All alone. j littU' anl alont ' Hfl 'MM Ml thH ;! i nlv know hi nithr- KM htm lark i wiihim IkIk' ?wt If. the November Serlbner'r UNGUARDED C'.TrS x.'iii. oi-n ami uneu kj iu:ii', our gate. .'med of the four wigtl -Nor.h. Kjut. Smith ami West: ' rial that lea'! m tin en.-hai te ; 0! ttle torem Hot M ( living KOllt VrM prairies lnrdl uninilts toi. -n- I ltr nov RjSwtk rtvers Vgwfggsj proudly gsVal The Aru!' date palm and th- No--.'- man pine A realm wherein are i nut of evor 'one. Airs of all climes, for ki througti the year The ret! rose blossom Kmewher a rich land. A later lag plained in th. wilds With not an Inch ot earth within it.- bound But If a lave' fixit presses It et him free' Here it I written. Toil shall have it wage. And Holm, honor ami (': Imtnblest man Stand level with the highest in the la Of such a land have Rasa m dot ge,in dreamed And with the vision hrlgwIiWlgg n their eye ( o ie -ni luiK to the fagot and tbe .word Wide ojM'n and unguarde st.ind on. gates. And through them pre.' a wild and nioMy thr-uig-V '. r.m: -he Volga am I" Ta-':" tel'. Feuir-les rtgure oi ISM Hoang-Ho Malayan Scythian Teuton K. ami Slav riving the old world s poverty an I itrn: Th"e bringing with them UBfcaWRlR gol ami rites Those, tiger passion hRIR t irtc their dVM In street and alley what strange tonsue an -ti Accent of menace foreign to our air. Cote a that once the Towwt Rf Be .,Ii-v 0 Literty. White Oodilese is It well To lanes the aate unguarded" Or 111 nr'at Fold Sorrow children oothe the hurt of fate. Lift the down trodden, hut with UtS hand of steel Stay those who to thy Mtsrai por tal come To waste the gift of freedom Have a care I.est from thy brow the clustered stu- to-t. And trampled In the dust for .... of old The thronging loth and VggfUtl trampled Rom And where the tempi1 of 'be Caesars stood The lean wolf unmolested ninde t lair Thoma Ballev Aldrb-h N. BERKELEY Has the (oliowing barKain 320 Acres Wheat Beet Stock and Hairy Ranch in Cama Prarie. Cheap Good House, 8 Lota. $120'. Very IesiraMe RtiduDOi Very "heap Aiso a big list of town and countv property cheap. LOANS on WHEAT LANDS At lowest rates J.R.DICKSON, East Oregonian Building, feadletoa, Oregon SOUl bj JOUH SCHMIDT The Louvre Saloon uurroa okru Farmers Custom Mill Prasl W attars. Krwwsriatar. l.apacllj . us IMUSSIS a da Vhsai , MTU swad. u a rd au aiarat Anericafl Health Methods- -Enormoos DemiiHl for Pained Celery Compound .i .. Whatever rJri lia- BRRI RB bRrUbssRw in Cuba, the health of the Ulaml bar lieeu oiuler'ully m, proved In Havana the change ua 'eei inagi Bali -t reels have hRRD a-plialled. sewer, nuilt, biiiblingo wbltewasbetl aud drugstore supplietl with ;ii-t-cUte. le ieiitit) - preparation. fits demand ;for I'Hine'- i-elerv on, pound ha- grown to BUOfUMMM Pf ipuf ilous. The following i:a'eiiio.- fnui. V. .1 Molina of th-Hav sua Cuatocn H-u uliow the staudlng I'aine - iia- already ei'urel amolik' .the miMt pltlgTewsi v.. eiiergeti' mople of Ha ana: Havana. "uiis, Pwb. I, latl Well a Kieharili..ii n Iear"ir-I take great paRRRtM bj Hiatiug that I hRss BMRgl voir i'ax oeiery uniniud. Im'.li "while In the l ulled States as well as in this ''Ity. and ttnd it t Is- of wonderful restora tive power, eepei'lally in tbl- -nerva-tive I'limate. Verv trti'v voiir- y!.j. MOLINA. Hotel Pendleton L'nder New A Strictly Ptrst-Ciass txcfliieoi Cuisine hver lodflrc Conyemencr Bar and Billiard Mjj The best Hot Van Dran Bros., Props GOLDEN KILE HOTEL, Cor. Court and Johnson Sts PENDLETON OREGON Sieam baa I Klacirir Ufbla Amntwii fiaa. rsMa ' tot. adsy uropsao plan iev. Tic, ..ub apscisl rata, bj i or aaouia Frae Bsm ."Wats all Trains Cuassaarciaf Trade Solicited Fine Sample koocn. &paclal Attention Olvaa to Country Trads CONKAI) KOIILEK PKOP Subscribers to Magazines ir YOl WART TO aCB wnbs lor ausjaslus. or aswaaaai in the rnitsd Slatss or Rurope. rtait b; postal aots, cbauk oi Htid to in. fcasr Oaaso a I AS lb. list publuber. pries of tbe publication sou Rsslrs. and ws wlU Utic it nut to ih. auil aaaumc all risk ol IBs stone bsliu lost lb tba atalU it will ssvs fou bulb trouble aad risk 11 rou are a subscriber to in. Rast OsaausiiAJi. la r lining run i asauct law par usui trou ibe an par cam Iroui ibe pubiuuer. prlus RART URROOM1AK fl'R CO faudta a. Otsv P. ar.i. fW , jsbbW-5' awftBssaw. asB IB aflK 1HH bm wmm mmm 9 HL rr Srri ErRs BP asagajtJfessBB C ?7ibbwsbbT AUJ . ; ' .. Mo'.iua i but one of mauy prominent Culaii!- who have putdii'ly advised 'he :i' ' PrIdc csasn oosRpoautd, basing their NROasaRROdal MBJ "i the tienetlt they theniselve- bae derived fmiu its RM , Not only among n isiiie men. law eafa eltsrawmefi isli valebant but among all thoughtful, intelligent -- pie. I'ailie eelerj OOmOOOnd I tbe Olie reliable remedy for biindiiig up the yi tein w hen it ' In run down. II hi the greater- and nrwii. iuvigorator the world ha ever kuowu. If your wife, daughter or wier. i pale. languid. heada l.y and irrita d. peruade her to try I'aiue .-elery BOM ouud If your huiatid. son or one ther nanim ea.. sieej. or work, and i itRWRJ . djrBpRptti and de-pondeiit. indU'-e bin. to Ml I'ain- I tmttf I'Oin- pound. It restorer a won. ami weak ner 9RR -V'tein to healthy vigor. Ther can I no milistitute forl'aiue e .-eierv rollipoUlHl. Tanaije-nent A. Gtf Os a Trul. Rate: $2 OC a da Special Rates Dy feet or rteadquarters for Traveling Met. In Eastern Oregon. Successors to J. E. Moore transfer. TRUC K ING, STOK A; E. CR0WNER & SON. TKLKPHONk MAIM . V 'assUbsVltSitSSrl b: ln nloralull u7 TV'B f"uJ"'u"' m aui tiil ' -" "uica Ibe yaar arouud To uol .iiiuasm "fSTTk" and J Jgy.y '". MM Isi loriaa lis. aoiu. ss good a. borne mad, but tb.r are uol. JOSEPH ELL, Leading Harness aad Saddlery. Help or Situation Wanted. C R look s Eisployiiieut Agency Uoruor Main aud Alu tiuaat PWDLBTOJI iikkiiiisi Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Build ing paper. Tar papt r.liime and ivniont. Tickete n titer, Brick. Sand. Mouldin Screen Poor? Windows. Sash J DoOfl, Terrf I otta Pipe WAm Planing Kill Lumber fird. and R. FORSTER. - Proprietor WholtMslt dealer in . Ice, Wood and Schist! Milwaukee Beer. Henry kopittke rMYU IAMS. . i. .. , . ofKick in jron omldins i" i Uiti. m.; I te ; Ok. Taii'lilioiie T .-. w. v.v- tN r. .u i. orrius kkau n( Firi Naliooa. Kara. 'Jtrne Bar.ra 10 it a av . i u I p m i K. C. J ."8MITH. OK 1 1 1 K OVER TH B ( eu i.i'S L -v.uh-. Hauk Telwpbour 'II . roaidcucv telspboua ... H. B. (..AKKIKU). M. 1 . HOaf K l Alrl Ic Pbyncisu an: ni:rtn tBn-e n Judd itu..jiu li-.epnoor ogles, black N . reai dsacs. black M J. L. MILUU M. .. DMPAIM WUOUfci, imal SB arffs aj SfS irouuiea. ea'.arruai eoudlliou. an ! laiaairsd near. lit .ilaaaea preset i) IM lor rolrsi -.ivs srrurs UK. 1. J. at At U KOOM IT. ASSOC I A .lou ii.ix a leiepaour i; rmnleui.'.' leie pboac b.acc it. aTltOPATttlC PHYSICIANS. l)K:C key a krr uOUw, eae block wssl o( R. Mb siort .1. ..VNS kl. BLAslB.LKI. CHRONIC .uo jiiiims auU dissaass ol woasn ipp HatSl SSI e aiar aud Maiu SU.. feu lob one ATTOBNBVS. lAKTKK A BALKY. ATToBNBYS AT 4. i 'flic lb asTib(. Bsut BuiMiug BKaM A LOWKLL ATTOBNBVS AT Lsw. Room U Aisoctauob Mioa'k. Pendir uiu oragob r.'.. ha:..i.v i.awvkk. okmcb in Judd gundiag headiviob. Orsgoa N iiBBBBLK Y ATTOBNBY AT uAVY. ofllcv lb ASMKisUou Biock 7v. BOYD. ATT'BNKY AT LAW. UX Al loLNKY AT LAW. JAMrA KBK LAW OKK1CB IN J VDU rUrbrj man a pi LB' L si .as Ml llUUsaa Uu b prai Ui it '. kites iii p uiakc .pscialir ol 1'atoui Lo . .. AMoi'.alHlU Uim.'I ATToBNBYS l!U - llUltlu 1 lo .-u" ultlca. ami Kuuau lu. 1.. 1HL ABMBU e BANK OK WBSTJN. Miuib ur(uL ism. a (euata. baakiut titiiiDM. Kii..isbsv bousbi aad wid Co. v."..ou uruuii1..) alurUiinl im Affair .u moa' row. aad mi mm a la. ol r ipuu l . . .1. I.r uaicsrs a Jami-aou crsaidaui . neo W rrotibsia. i ,. i .ireaiilau. ( M hem i aabiar J k aa.isuri aaaiaiau'. caabler , director. t A Uarimai. a U Jobba. 1 J. fries. U. 1 uras j r fUsSSW koour. Jamasou. U. W psssRsjibi riBtIT NATIONAL BAN B Or ATMBNA. Oraso:. UJ .uru.u. aud piobu, fc.HA. lummai ob urn. dapuaiia. Iiaali lb lorii(L au d iluHMiu axcbsusc Collwuou. (iromp..; aiwuaad u U.urr f Adams, pras Kirs I L Rat an k I Baru.ll SMiilsui asaassr. r'IBRT NATIONAL bANB OK fKNOLB spiu, P,i luru.u. to,UUb. Irsba " ("bvra. Uauklb( buaiuea. Rzcbaust auc le.ocraDriii ir.uifcn u.i ou Cblcsao, Sac rrancisoo. N.w Yort an-1 ormcipa. poluta m as .Soribwaai Uraiu Drawn on Cbiua Japan kuropc Uska. ai.iv'.iuui ou roasouabit rnu Lst; Aukaur prwiil.ui a V Mkllock '.'. Iireanlcu ' B Wad. caablar U. C m-ruaj aaanisu caanisf thr rwmurfoi bavinob banb, l-.uJ.eiou ureaou Urgauisad Rarut I, law. Sx ,.. ISu.ju, lutaraat al- - on Ubm dcpoaiu Czcbsugc Uiu(Ut " "' ' a po.u'j Bpscia a. labiiob fivoo 10 , o.ikiUou W. J Purnisb ''' ;-!-'- ' s iss rlus-prsa'dsnl i J aomt i.a.01rr ARCHITRtTS AMD RUIL0RR8. T. f. HOWABU. AKCMITBCT ABO 81' pcnuieudoui, mass, complete and reilau.c PiAut lor bunding, in tat city oi couum koom 17 JuddbuiTdlnk wuairj HUBBK A OLB. UONTKil I OB8 AND buiidari tatiiuata. lurniabad on abort ao tics. Jol SOfk a .pwlaliv r-roiaui Hbop on B.uS .lr..uir kfata mZi ,"lc' U A- MAY, OONTKAI'TuB AND buadar kstlmsls. lurui.ueJ uL al! tina. ol ?.T'Z J"mrU! Sft 5 ! or- 1st, cab be .alt at tbe kaai Orewowian oatos. RRRTIRTR. Ki1udi UltNT1'r OKKICK it. A. at ANN UBNTIHT IN AKHi ' ' I a not. Block, ova, r B Utopias oos atILTO 'aBlZI.Kli UBNTIbt'Ta lags bam RttUaiai 1 HIDRS. PRLTS ARB JURR. i a.s OK Hit UIOMB8T atAB. .ilTuus". ourl""1- and .11 kind, or juuk. ucli M rubber, brae, cuuar lead i5 U"U? lruu fi k nlu a oe lreats.1 in the aauie war We ban, coats here to .lay oi. uaa Sail ,ua ,"u will U "ti.tie.1 L Suank A (Jo . ui.e in" aare N" tu MBBB1NAKTBB ..T-CrtU? k", SSS been la (an up br tba hUi"Tr,i " '"e expiril ou ul leu daya lor uau ,1 expeuMa On. gray u,ate weigni about wuu oonuiU bated i ' lobar il laul. ' RTRATHMAR. Oil, Mb. The Bast Otagooiaa is Baatarn Ors goo s rspisasotauva papat it Uada, sod tLc psepla appiaciate it aad abosr ii by asui liberal paltooags. Ii is the advei. Rang eiadiura ol iki asjcUuu Sho L'IONRiQk. rkl,. a.. . .... . I ska vlf.V 2ittf inirioi Allanti,. if "l" "orili o T.!.'1 B IS a. m Ma Hum nainii ' M" DJ Salt - SI. Paul W.iu . Biat, u,-.TT 5W. I'uluiTmiLrU k0tean and River SchtM i ii. sUsstsHajs n Iaily aM -llUUliT a. ui Saluruay . I li. Columbia T(r l" Atiotlaand Ja I nan ' wuiaaisutllvaT A Jte" Cltf. Stala. is J 1 1 si 1 1, n halo U. Ubdy Sam i a m 1ue Tbr win! Sai 'orrailuaajw,, m J B I . a m : I b ri ali i SSI hill 'XyW aa i1" I., k -. MNU aihl ' -iJ Snaks Blrsr -1 Uwtba ' tjf h uana i di r Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway PorOhaRafR, Ik Paul. St mm U av ' t, 81 Joe. Ob All Points East md Sort Portland sad on the : .WE ' Al.ii IkiTtMSU weai nouu'. .evi nau. siai k uivion im .wua -n ym, umt - i am . ealllsv am. Mail Bnubil Ust. -Malta 1 31 at; .i' piu , Arm. waiia naua . iv ::. -, in- :ii aa. For luliirmaliua rassidiat rasa tsl 4DAM. iB. H B. CALIigkllCAD 0 P.A.. la alia. Wait MnW KINS Pullman McepinjiUni Elektunt Dining Can. Tourist Sloping Cap HT. fAll Dt'LlTH KAHU0 Til (, BA.M1 i KOOKWK WIN 1 1 1 " HELPAas BITTL THKol (ill TlCLtto i Hi AUO WA.-HINtiTO-V I'H 1 LADELFHlA 1 oBK BOHTON aud all iut East sad riaRs rurouL nckeu S JPc Tacouia aud .Nurtnwn rei aud Amen ai Hue rial sTribbu. I rain, iaave f.bdi.UB dalll Bl DW V U. --- For lurti.e- I raaRsa bss .... enu a aa TRir- aad RsrriaavSSL Waa- a 41 i u i iiiniir w si a a a is ibs a WOOD VfSgtL For Danii Clisaper mas us. Lumber, Lath. ShltSdlBi' Tar faper. Lime and Umeat Mi.uldul5- Pickett. PlRSltf t I Jk UaMll aa. a - c s i....- ai if aaRassa i. . . ii v,ni4 lXkS IcrracA- Borie & Li ... . rw Ba AltR St.. rr ... THE. Oregon Mortgf LIMITED. FARM i Ou tup -..n ill Walla Walla, Hu